Gh0sT w0rLd (original) (raw)

hi [29 Jul 2007|07:18am]
[name/nickname] lincolnimp[location] somewhere in time and space..[personal website (if applicable)] don't have one..only my lj...[favourite GW character] seymour[favourite GW quote] "i think only stupid people have good relationships" - "that's the spirit"
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[11 Dec 2006|11:42am]
[name/nickname] Malynda/I tend to go by Mynde, Porgy, or Mimette :)[location] Tennessee[personal website (if applicable)] (this is my community journal :) )[favourite GW character] seymour and enid's dad [favourite GW quote] way too many to choose"I know, I liked her better when she was an alcoholic crack addict! She gets in one car wreck and all of a sudden she's Little Miss Perfect and everybody loves her." and..."And you haven't heard the miracle of masturbation?"
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Newby [19 Sep 2006|01:45pm]
[ **mood** | cranky ] [name/nickname] Claudia, Claudy, Claud... names rotating around Claudia, really[location] Birmingham/Cardiff, UK[personal website (if applicable)] livejournal[favourite GW character] Enid[favourite GW quote] Rebecca: Oh, face it, you just hate every single guy on the face of the earth. Enid: That's not true. I just hate all these extroverted, obnoxious, pseudo-bohemian losers.Which is exactly what I do! I have a mild obsession with Enid, and for a number of years previous, as well as a number of years to come, she is my role model! Hello!
1 obnoxious, extroverted, pseudo-bohemian loser| make a sketch
[06 Jun 2006|11:46pm]
So what do we do here? Just praise the film?! Coz that's ok with me ;)
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a tampon in a teacup [23 May 2006|11:04pm]
[name/nickname] Praila[location] London wooooooooo![personal website (if applicable)] just my livejournal[favourite GW character] Enid[favourite GW quote] "F*** you!" "You wish! You have to buy me dinner first!"
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Terry Zwigoff interview [10 May 2006|12:58am]
I've uploaded my interview with Terry Zwigoff that was broadcast on my radio show last week.We talked about his latest film, Art School Confidential, as well as Ghost World. Drinks with Tony.This Saturday my guest is Daniel Clowes. :)
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<3. [16 Apr 2006|10:35pm]
[ **mood** | annoyed ] [name/nickname]: Lexi.[location]: Cheltenham, England.[personal website (if applicable)]: Myspazz count? [favourite GW character]: Enid, of course. [favourite GW quote]: There's a million! However, one of my favourites is: "Hey, and gimme six of these beef jerkys too - I'm hungry enough to chew the crotch out of a rag doll!"Doug = god.
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Comics [06 Apr 2006|11:46pm]
I know Ghost World is based off of a comic book, and right around the time I saw Ghost World for the first time I saw American Splendor. (Again, based off a comic book.)Are there any more films you can think of like this? (Not including Spiderman, Bat Man, all the ones everybody and their goldfish knows about...)
4 obnoxious, extroverted, pseudo-bohemian losers| make a sketch
[12 Mar 2006|02:13pm]
Let's play some type of game, for example, pick a song you think reprosents a charecter in ghost worldEnid/Becca-Without you I'm nothing
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new mwahaha [12 Mar 2006|02:07pm]
[name/nickname]Jack, or was once called thomas for 4 days by my delerious mother[location]Australia[personal website (if applicable)]n/a[favourite GW character]Roberta (the art teacher)[favourite GW quote]"I always show that work to new classes as i htink it shows alot about me and who i am)
2 obnoxious, extroverted, pseudo-bohemian losers| make a sketch
[02 Mar 2006|09:11pm]
those of you who have an imdb account, please go here: vote for ghost world. (preferably a ten, but hey, it's up to you!)it was higher than 7 a while ago, and it deserves to be way further only takes about ten seconds of your time.
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....nnyeah. [23 Feb 2006|10:10pm]
Yeah uh, hi I guess.I love Ghost World, because the story reminds me so much of my own life it's almost PAINFUL.[name/nickname] Hilde is my real name... nickname is..umm..."loser"?? I dunno.[location] Norway (sadly)[favourite GW character] Wheelchair Guy FTW!![favourite GW quote] "God, what a bunch of retards..."
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