The Sexiest Man At The ABC Café's Journal (original) (raw)

Hello Fellow Les Miz and Enjolras fans! My Name is Sydney and I have loved Les Miz since I was a babe. So yesterday, my mom and I went to see Les Miserables together at the National Theatre. And it was even better then the first time. OK, all the details. I'm doing this in list form so get ready.

-When I saw it on the 7th, it was the very first show and it had the whole cast, no understudies. I fell in love with everyone except for Fantine, who just pissed me off, she wasn’t what I thought Fantine should be like, and I didn’t like that way she was singing. Everyone else was great the first time, but the ones who stood out were Javert, Eponine, The Thenardiers, Valjean, Gavroche, and of course Enjolras. He was the best, he WAS Enjolras, I thought no one could get better than Mike Migure (the very first and original Enjolras) but Victor Wallace (this Enjolras) was simple Amazing. I still can’t decide whose voice is better.

-Ok now on to this show. Fist of all, We got there like 25 min. before curtain, plenty of time for us to get to our seats right? No, the lines were ridiculous and they kept sending us to the wrong places. We had a box and there are two ways to get to our seats either go to the second floor and got thought this little passageway to the seats, or go to the third floor and go down the staircase to the seats. Well, we can’t go down the stairs cause my moms in a wheel chair, so that was out of the question. So finally, 20 min into the show (when Fantine gets into the fight with the other factory girl) we get into out seats. And they were the best seats I have EVER had to a show. We were like right on top of the stage. My mom and I started to cry when we got to our seats because we were so excited to be there. I was dying. We brought binoculars and were could see the sweat coming of the actors, it was amazing. I was on literally hanging over the rail. It was wonderful.

-Ok, characters. We had some understudies for this show, but you knew there had to be. I was really worried about some of the characters. Sadly Fantine was the same, but the second time is not as bad.

-Eponie was understudied, but I liked no loved her understudy, she was wonderful, In fact I think she fit the character a little bet better. We also had Javerts understudy, who usually plays Grantaire (the drunk who I am convinced is in love with Enjolras). HE was wonderful, as I watched him; I thought why is he the understudy? I liked his a little, but just a little bit more than the original Javert.

-And because he was playing Javert, we had the understudy for Grantaire, who I LOVE, and have always loved his character, I love him in the book, and in all the Movies and In the Musical, he always makes me laugh. I love that way that they pair him with Gavroche (the little boy) and all the crude sexual jokes he tells about Marius. But mostly I love the way that he interacts with Enjolras. They have this very love/hate relationship, cause Enjolras sort of hates him for being a lazy drunk and everything and Grantaire adores and worships Ejolras (if you read the book you get that) and At the end of the battle for the barricade, it isn’t until Enjolras is shot that Grantaire stands up and goes to the top of the barricade and dies trying to get to Enjolras. Grantaire's understudy is so so so hot, I was dying watching him and Enjolras together. They were easily the hottest men on stage for the WHOLE show. So HOT!!! I love them.

-We were lucky enough to get the real Valjean, who is so wonderful, I can’t even explain it. He is Valjean, and he was wonderful, I mean really wonderful. He has this voice that just knocks my purple socks off. (No, I was not warring purple socks to see Les Miz, I wore a skirt that can also be a strapless dress, with a nice little sweeter and, drum roll please.... high heels. And I wore it all to school, Yes Sydney Jordan Rosen wore a Dress and Heels to school, and it was a BITCH.) When mom and me stood at the stage door, he was out there and I was lucky enough (again) to get his autograph and have my picture taken with him.

- (Autographs part 2) My dad wasn’t going to be able to pick me and my mom up for like an hour after the show, so we just stood by the stage door, and Gavroche comes out and he was so cute. I asked him for his autograph and then we talked for like 15 min. about the show and everything and he was so nice and cute and oh I love Gavroche, and he is so small, he doesn’t seem that small on stage but he is so cute and short, and I asked his mom if I could take him home with me and she laughed as said only if I wanted to drag him to rehearsal. It was so cute. He was so so so cute.

-I never pay much attention to Cossette, she has always annoyed me, I like young Cossette but old Cossette had this whinny voice and a really bad wig. I still and forever want Marius and Eponine to get together.

-Marius was Great. I love him too. He and Enjolras were great together. Just great.

-Les Amis de le ABC, aka the barricade boys aka The Les Amis de le ABC de la Cafe Musiln and some people (myself included) just refer to them as the Really Hot Group of French Student Rebels (the RHGFSR) They were all WONDERFUL. I love them all. My favorite scene in the whole show is and forever will be the final Barricade scene, when the are all dying, and the barricade turns and you see them all and in the end you see Gavroche laying on the ground and Enjolras in the barricade on the red flag. Oh it’s wonderful and I cry every time (even when I saw it when I was 11). I can’t even listen to that song sometimes because I start to cry, it is so wonderful. (Do you know how hard it is to walk though the halls, listing mindlessly to Les Miz and suddenly "The Final Battle starts and I am trying not to cry because, somewhere an Enjolras is Dying? It’s a lot harder than you think. Ok Bitch?)

-And last but not least, Enjolras. HE WAS PERFECT. That’s all I can say. He made me laugh, cry and want to jump up, grab a gun and die on the Barricade with him. I was so worried that he wasn’t going to be played by Victor Wallace, but when he comes out, and he and Marius are just standing in the slums as they turn them around (Before the Barricade is built it is the slums and there is a bridge and all this shit piled up on stage and there is like a little hidden area where Maruis and Enjolras stand and when they rotate the slums around on stage you see them and they are just standing there and There was Victor Wallace and I was so happy) and you see them, I saw it was Victor Wallace and I died, I swear I started to cry right then and there. I had my binoculars and I spent most of the show, well not most but a lot, staring at him and his umm, really tight black paints. During "Bring him home." the song that Valjean sings about keeping Maruis safe, Enjolras is standing on the Barricades with his back three quarters out from the audience and He looked so noble standing there. He had his gun in his hands, with the butt of it resting on the floor and he had just a little light on him and you could see him and every once in a while he would look out over the Barricade and oh it was wonderful. It was so hard to watch Valjean and Marius cause I was much to busy staring at Enjolras (and his really tight pants...). I just, I cant even explain how wonderful he was. I died when he came on stage, I died every time he came on stage. I must have died like thirty times. I had to grab my mom's hand, and she was so worried that I was sick or something cause I was shaking so hard. I love him. He has always been MY character. I just loved him. Red and Black was orgasmic (I am actually listing to Red and Black -the ABC cafe right now). Enjolras was Orgasmic. Enjolras was Wonderful. Enjolras's really tight black pants were Wonderful. Enjolras blew my pitiful little brain away. Enjolras was Enjolras.

Les Miserables was Wonderful.