Emmanuèle Cunningham Sabot | École Normale Supérieure (original) (raw)
Smart Shrinkage Solutions (3S RECIPE) by Emmanuèle Cunningham Sabot
UK Data Service, 2021
The 3S RECIPE data collection provides the research and policy audience with clear, tried, and te... more The 3S RECIPE data collection provides the research and policy audience with clear, tried, and tested city examples of how to 1) tackle the key socio-economic causes of urban shrinkage, 2) future-proof sustainability actions in urban redevelopment and regeneration, and 3) enhance the role of long-term strategic planning. The core data collection is comprised of 22 original research outputs in the form of policy briefs, revealing a series of smart shrinkage solutions implemented during the period 2000-2020 in 7 cities across Europe, including Le Havre (France), Maastricht (Netherlands), Łódź (Poland), Porto (Portugal), Stoke-on-Trent (UK), Timișoara (Romania), and Zonguldak (Turkey). Research findings are presented in the form of textual narrative with maps, photographs, figures, charts, and tables in PDF format. In addition, this data collection contains the project's key background materials, detailed workshop notes, work package reports, and links to the original creative artwork produced to make the research outputs publically accessible in the form of short video films, hosted by YouTube as well as the 3S RECIPE project's website.
Smart Shrinkage Solutions - Fostering Resilient Cities in Inner Peripheries of Europe (3S RECIPE) offers the best practice and most feasible solutions to the problem of urban shrinkage - a continuous population decline affecting more than 1,500 cities all over Europe. By learning from the experience of the cities that once were on the edge of an abyss but have bounced back to life, by sharing the key ingredients of their success across Europe and beyond, this project enables as many shrinking cities as possible to adapt, transform, and thrive in the face of continuously and often dramatically changing circumstances.
Papers by Emmanuèle Cunningham Sabot
Annales De La Recherche Urbaine, 2003
La restructuration des friches industrielles a sensiblement modifie l'espace des villes europ... more La restructuration des friches industrielles a sensiblement modifie l'espace des villes europeennes. Issy-les-Moulineaux et North Lanarkshire sont des banlieues qui ont perdu leur substance industrielle depuis pres d'un demi-siecle et qui ont diversement retrouve depuis peu de nouvelles activites orientees vers l'economie tertiaire et les nouvelles technologies. Entreprises internationales et institutions locales sont les moteurs de ce nouveau cours qui devalorise les autres territoires
Espace géographique, 2007
L’article traite la question du polycentrisme suppose, recent ou historique, a l’echelle de la Ce... more L’article traite la question du polycentrisme suppose, recent ou historique, a l’echelle de la Central Belt. Le polycentrisme a l’echelon metropolitain etait un fait historique dans la region de Glasgow, il n’a en revanche guere existe a Edimbourg ni dans la Central Belt. L’histoire des deux villes montre un peuplement et un parcours s’opposant sur tous les plans, fondant une « tradition » de competition entre les deux villes. Les redefinitions des territoires qui se sont succede ont redessine le paysage institutionnel ecossais, avivant cette competition deja existante entre les deux villes, et denouant les liens historiques de ces dernieres avec leurs villes proches.
L'Information géographique, 2008
Distribution électronique Cairn.info pour Armand Colin. © Armand Colin. Tous droits réservés pour... more Distribution électronique Cairn.info pour Armand Colin. © Armand Colin. Tous droits réservés pour tous pays. La reproduction ou représentation de cet article, notamment par photocopie, n'est autorisée que dans les limites des conditions générales d'utilisation du site ou, le cas échéant, des conditions générales de la licence souscrite par votre établissement. Toute autre reproduction ou représentation, en tout ou partie, sous quelque forme et de quelque manière que ce soit, est interdite sauf accord préalable et écrit de l'éditeur, en dehors des cas prévus par la législation en vigueur en France. Il est précisé que son stockage dans une base de données est également interdit.
Cybergeo, 2013
ABSTRACT While Shrinking Cities are the object of a growing interest in Europe and in the United ... more ABSTRACT While Shrinking Cities are the object of a growing interest in Europe and in the United States, they remain understudied in France. Indeed, few research works have been dedicated to the topic and urban policies, at least at the national level, do not deal with this question. This situation could find an explanation in the fact that the process of urban shrinkage, in France, has not reached the point where it could get academic and politic attention. In order to verify this hypothesis, this article aims at measuring the extent of the phenomenon of urban shrinkage in France. It will try to assess whether this process, although internationally recognized, is in France as marginal as the lack of interest it creates suggests or whether its evolution could lead to a better recognition by national policies.
Recherche, 2010
Villes et régions européennes en décroissance : maintenir la cohésion territoriale (Traité IGAT, ... more Villes et régions européennes en décroissance : maintenir la cohésion territoriale (Traité IGAT, série aménagement et gestion du territoire) BARON Myriam, CUNNINGHAM-SABOT Emmanuèle, GRASLAND Claude, RIVIÈRE Dominique, VAN HAMME Gilles.
This policy brief showcases a solution to improve liveability for inhabitants and tourists throug... more This policy brief showcases a solution to improve liveability for inhabitants and tourists through commercial policies in the city centre. The aim is to <strong>regenerate liveability thanks to a programme of maintaining or even creating commerce in the city centre</strong>. This has been implemented since 2017 in Le Havre – a medium-size industrial port city in French west coast, coping with economic restructuring, demographic decline and an ageing population. Based on local experience and interviews, this brief demonstrates how to maintain or even re-develop a solid commercial offer that has beneficial effects for the whole city. The key lesson learnt is that to build a resilient liveability, accessible rents are necessary, as well as a concentration and diversity of activities. They are essential and possible thanks to the implementation of new laws. The brief offers several policy recommendations to enable this process.
This article looks at polycentrism, recent or historical, on the scale of the Central Belt. Polyc... more This article looks at polycentrism, recent or historical, on the scale of the Central Belt. Polycentrism on the metropolitan scale can be proven historically in the Glasgow region, but it has never really existed in either Edinburgh or the Central Belt area that separates it from Glasgow. The historical background of the two cities reveals a population expansion that differs in every way - political, cultural and economic - and that has given rise to a tradition of competition between the two cities. Successive boundary changes have redrawn the Scottish institutional landscape, intensifying this competition, while at the same time untying the historical links that had formed between the two cities and their neighbouring towns.
Anales de Geografía de la Universidad Complutense
Resumen. A lo largo de la historia, las ciudades han experimentado crisis más o menos duraderas q... more Resumen. A lo largo de la historia, las ciudades han experimentado crisis más o menos duraderas que han dado lugar a importantes disminuciones de población y de actividad económica e incluso a su destrucción. Sin embargo, las dinámicas contemporáneas han dado lugar a fuertes disparidades a escala global, nacional y metropolitana y concentran el decrecimiento en determinadas áreas y ciudades. En un contexto de competencia creciente, éstas quedan cada vez más apartadas de la carrera global por la obtención de recursos, capital y poder. De este modo, el objetivo de este artículo es plantear una reflexión sobre la irrupción de estas cuestiones en España y Francia, comprender su inscripción en el debate internacional y, proponiendo una denominación, contribuir a la afirmación de esta línea de investigación en ambos países. Palabras claves: declive; decrecimiento urbano; construcción; ciudad.
Town Planning Review, 2017
Natures Sciences Sociétés, 2016
-Ville en décroissance à la réunification, Berlin est aujourd'hui une capitale dont l'attractivit... more -Ville en décroissance à la réunification, Berlin est aujourd'hui une capitale dont l'attractivité modifie les modalités d'accès au sol. Le temps de décroissance a provoqué une réflexion sur les usages des espaces vacants ; au milieu des années 2000, les autorités publiques reprennent les recherches portant sur les Zwischennutzungen (ZN), ou usages intermédiaires, et cherchent à les formaliser en tant qu'outil d'aménagement. L'ancien aéroport de Tempelhof devait en être la traduction novatrice, entre coconstruction et expérimentation. Mais la réduction des ZN à de simples occupations temporaires participe à une volonté de contrôle du sol défini comme une réserve de foncier à bâtir, tandis que des ZN, par la mise en place d'un espace public au sens de lieu de débat sur la ville, cherchent à sauvegarder des espaces libres (Freiräume) et à préserver le sol comme bien commun (Allmende).
UK Data Service, 2021
The 3S RECIPE data collection provides the research and policy audience with clear, tried, and te... more The 3S RECIPE data collection provides the research and policy audience with clear, tried, and tested city examples of how to 1) tackle the key socio-economic causes of urban shrinkage, 2) future-proof sustainability actions in urban redevelopment and regeneration, and 3) enhance the role of long-term strategic planning. The core data collection is comprised of 22 original research outputs in the form of policy briefs, revealing a series of smart shrinkage solutions implemented during the period 2000-2020 in 7 cities across Europe, including Le Havre (France), Maastricht (Netherlands), Łódź (Poland), Porto (Portugal), Stoke-on-Trent (UK), Timișoara (Romania), and Zonguldak (Turkey). Research findings are presented in the form of textual narrative with maps, photographs, figures, charts, and tables in PDF format. In addition, this data collection contains the project's key background materials, detailed workshop notes, work package reports, and links to the original creative artwork produced to make the research outputs publically accessible in the form of short video films, hosted by YouTube as well as the 3S RECIPE project's website.
Smart Shrinkage Solutions - Fostering Resilient Cities in Inner Peripheries of Europe (3S RECIPE) offers the best practice and most feasible solutions to the problem of urban shrinkage - a continuous population decline affecting more than 1,500 cities all over Europe. By learning from the experience of the cities that once were on the edge of an abyss but have bounced back to life, by sharing the key ingredients of their success across Europe and beyond, this project enables as many shrinking cities as possible to adapt, transform, and thrive in the face of continuously and often dramatically changing circumstances.
Annales De La Recherche Urbaine, 2003
La restructuration des friches industrielles a sensiblement modifie l'espace des villes europ... more La restructuration des friches industrielles a sensiblement modifie l'espace des villes europeennes. Issy-les-Moulineaux et North Lanarkshire sont des banlieues qui ont perdu leur substance industrielle depuis pres d'un demi-siecle et qui ont diversement retrouve depuis peu de nouvelles activites orientees vers l'economie tertiaire et les nouvelles technologies. Entreprises internationales et institutions locales sont les moteurs de ce nouveau cours qui devalorise les autres territoires
Espace géographique, 2007
L’article traite la question du polycentrisme suppose, recent ou historique, a l’echelle de la Ce... more L’article traite la question du polycentrisme suppose, recent ou historique, a l’echelle de la Central Belt. Le polycentrisme a l’echelon metropolitain etait un fait historique dans la region de Glasgow, il n’a en revanche guere existe a Edimbourg ni dans la Central Belt. L’histoire des deux villes montre un peuplement et un parcours s’opposant sur tous les plans, fondant une « tradition » de competition entre les deux villes. Les redefinitions des territoires qui se sont succede ont redessine le paysage institutionnel ecossais, avivant cette competition deja existante entre les deux villes, et denouant les liens historiques de ces dernieres avec leurs villes proches.
L'Information géographique, 2008
Distribution électronique Cairn.info pour Armand Colin. © Armand Colin. Tous droits réservés pour... more Distribution électronique Cairn.info pour Armand Colin. © Armand Colin. Tous droits réservés pour tous pays. La reproduction ou représentation de cet article, notamment par photocopie, n'est autorisée que dans les limites des conditions générales d'utilisation du site ou, le cas échéant, des conditions générales de la licence souscrite par votre établissement. Toute autre reproduction ou représentation, en tout ou partie, sous quelque forme et de quelque manière que ce soit, est interdite sauf accord préalable et écrit de l'éditeur, en dehors des cas prévus par la législation en vigueur en France. Il est précisé que son stockage dans une base de données est également interdit.
Cybergeo, 2013
ABSTRACT While Shrinking Cities are the object of a growing interest in Europe and in the United ... more ABSTRACT While Shrinking Cities are the object of a growing interest in Europe and in the United States, they remain understudied in France. Indeed, few research works have been dedicated to the topic and urban policies, at least at the national level, do not deal with this question. This situation could find an explanation in the fact that the process of urban shrinkage, in France, has not reached the point where it could get academic and politic attention. In order to verify this hypothesis, this article aims at measuring the extent of the phenomenon of urban shrinkage in France. It will try to assess whether this process, although internationally recognized, is in France as marginal as the lack of interest it creates suggests or whether its evolution could lead to a better recognition by national policies.
Recherche, 2010
Villes et régions européennes en décroissance : maintenir la cohésion territoriale (Traité IGAT, ... more Villes et régions européennes en décroissance : maintenir la cohésion territoriale (Traité IGAT, série aménagement et gestion du territoire) BARON Myriam, CUNNINGHAM-SABOT Emmanuèle, GRASLAND Claude, RIVIÈRE Dominique, VAN HAMME Gilles.
This policy brief showcases a solution to improve liveability for inhabitants and tourists throug... more This policy brief showcases a solution to improve liveability for inhabitants and tourists through commercial policies in the city centre. The aim is to <strong>regenerate liveability thanks to a programme of maintaining or even creating commerce in the city centre</strong>. This has been implemented since 2017 in Le Havre – a medium-size industrial port city in French west coast, coping with economic restructuring, demographic decline and an ageing population. Based on local experience and interviews, this brief demonstrates how to maintain or even re-develop a solid commercial offer that has beneficial effects for the whole city. The key lesson learnt is that to build a resilient liveability, accessible rents are necessary, as well as a concentration and diversity of activities. They are essential and possible thanks to the implementation of new laws. The brief offers several policy recommendations to enable this process.
This article looks at polycentrism, recent or historical, on the scale of the Central Belt. Polyc... more This article looks at polycentrism, recent or historical, on the scale of the Central Belt. Polycentrism on the metropolitan scale can be proven historically in the Glasgow region, but it has never really existed in either Edinburgh or the Central Belt area that separates it from Glasgow. The historical background of the two cities reveals a population expansion that differs in every way - political, cultural and economic - and that has given rise to a tradition of competition between the two cities. Successive boundary changes have redrawn the Scottish institutional landscape, intensifying this competition, while at the same time untying the historical links that had formed between the two cities and their neighbouring towns.
Anales de Geografía de la Universidad Complutense
Resumen. A lo largo de la historia, las ciudades han experimentado crisis más o menos duraderas q... more Resumen. A lo largo de la historia, las ciudades han experimentado crisis más o menos duraderas que han dado lugar a importantes disminuciones de población y de actividad económica e incluso a su destrucción. Sin embargo, las dinámicas contemporáneas han dado lugar a fuertes disparidades a escala global, nacional y metropolitana y concentran el decrecimiento en determinadas áreas y ciudades. En un contexto de competencia creciente, éstas quedan cada vez más apartadas de la carrera global por la obtención de recursos, capital y poder. De este modo, el objetivo de este artículo es plantear una reflexión sobre la irrupción de estas cuestiones en España y Francia, comprender su inscripción en el debate internacional y, proponiendo una denominación, contribuir a la afirmación de esta línea de investigación en ambos países. Palabras claves: declive; decrecimiento urbano; construcción; ciudad.
Town Planning Review, 2017
Natures Sciences Sociétés, 2016
-Ville en décroissance à la réunification, Berlin est aujourd'hui une capitale dont l'attractivit... more -Ville en décroissance à la réunification, Berlin est aujourd'hui une capitale dont l'attractivité modifie les modalités d'accès au sol. Le temps de décroissance a provoqué une réflexion sur les usages des espaces vacants ; au milieu des années 2000, les autorités publiques reprennent les recherches portant sur les Zwischennutzungen (ZN), ou usages intermédiaires, et cherchent à les formaliser en tant qu'outil d'aménagement. L'ancien aéroport de Tempelhof devait en être la traduction novatrice, entre coconstruction et expérimentation. Mais la réduction des ZN à de simples occupations temporaires participe à une volonté de contrôle du sol défini comme une réserve de foncier à bâtir, tandis que des ZN, par la mise en place d'un espace public au sens de lieu de débat sur la ville, cherchent à sauvegarder des espaces libres (Freiräume) et à préserver le sol comme bien commun (Allmende).
Outline: "Glasgow's Turnaround" is the first part of a two part research documentary. It studies ... more Outline: "Glasgow's Turnaround" is the first part of a two part research documentary. It studies the history of Glasgow's planning strategies following on from the city's industrial heyday of shipbuilding in the 1930s, its industrial decline, population shrinkage (some of which was actively encouraged by city and government policies), to today's current regeneration strategies and their outcomes. In the documentary local practitioners, politicians and academics discuss critically the different strategies put in place to reverse the decline. These strategies presented include economics and housing, culture, education, and migration. Local governance and public spending play a key role. The documentary concludes with the city's relative and fragile success (the fragility is underlined by the current economic crises) at the cost of social and physical polarisation. Duration of Part I: 19 minutes. (Part II of the video, which studies community involvement in the political decision-making process, and which looks in particular at Govan, a former riverside shipbuilding community within Glasgow, is currently being edited). Urban decline is not a recent phenomenon (Diamond 2004). The literature has long documented it and the socioeconomic issues resulting from population migration, leading in the worst cases in the eventual abandonment of vast areas of commercial and industrial buildings, and entire neighbourhoods of housing (Downs 1997; Beauregard 2003). However, if the phenomenon is not new, its occurrence is spreading out, predominantly in industrialized countries but also all over the world, and at an accelerated pace. Recording the variation of a population in a delimited urban area, according to the Urban Audit (2007) out of 220 large and medium-sized European cities, 57% of the cities and 54% of the larger urban zones lost population in the period from 1996 to 2001. This pervasive shrinking-city syndrome signs an "end of era" (Oswald, 2006). Although specific factors may be different for the developed and developing worlds, the multidimensional causes are deeply interrelated and anchored in the globalization process. This film and paper with the Glasgow's case, will detail the multidimensional and interrelated driving forces shaping this process and its multifaceted effects and sketch the diverse strategies implemented by the urban governance, trying to answer to this unwanted process.