Financing Natura 2000 (original) (raw)


The Natura 2000 network provides many environmental, social and economic benefits.

It also requires substantial investment to protect, restore and manage the sites. This is estimated at €10.2 billion euro a year. Multiple funding sources are necessary to meet the funding needs of the network and deliver the benefits. The EU funds play a particularly important role in this process.

Prioritised Action Frameworks

The Habitats Directive makes a clear link between the necessary conservation measures and the EU co-financing. To facilitate the process, the EU Member States adopt prioritised action frameworks (PAFs) defining the funding needs and priorities for Natura 2000 at a national or regional level and potential sources of EU contribution.

An updated format (available in all EU languages) for prioritised action frameworks was developed in 2018 and has been used by the Member States to prepare their PAFs for current multiannual financial framework (2021-2027).

Based on the national action frameworks, the Commission has produced one at the EU level. This document follows up on the commitment made in the Biodiversity Strategy for 2030 to update the estimate of the financing needs of the Natura 2000 network.

According to the latest estimates, the costs are

EU funds for Natura 2000

LIFE Programme

The EU LIFE Programme has been supporting nature conservation projects across the EU since 1992. To date, LIFE has co-financed over 1800 projects to help restore habitats and species across the EU. Over 5400 Natura 2000 sites have benefited from LIFE funding during this period.

A 2018 study shows that LIFE has had a direct impact on the conservation status of numerous species and habitats such as the bearded vulture, the Iberian lynx and the Saimaa ringed seal.

Socio-economic benefits of Natura 2000

Reports and studies