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Research Spotlights

New Details About a Very Old Eruption and Flood

Research Spotlights

Fifteen Years Later, Scientists Locate a Lunar Impact Site


Finding the Frequency of a Fjord


Underwater Bridge Suggests a Surprising Date for First Migration to Mallorca


Earthquakes May Lace Quartz Veins with Gold


Putting Accessibility on the Map


The Florida Current May Be Slowing Down, but Not by Much


Iron-Rich Volcanoes Hold Hidden Rare Earth Element Reserves


Marine Heat Waves Make Tropical Storm Intensification More Likely


Lab to Legislature






The words “2024 Election Updates” appears in white over sky blue at the left of the image. To the right, the Capitol dome appears along with some of the building below the dome.

Land of the Long White Cloud

AGU News

Earth’s Eighth Continent

Science Updates

The Moana Project Braids Tradition and Science for a More Sustainable Ocean


New Zealand Has a Unique Fossil Record Named FRED


Sedimentary Basins Tell Zealandia’s Ancient Story

“If we raise the level of the lake, we reduce the dust exposure for everyone … It’s definitely a win-win.”
Sara Grineski
A Fuller Great Salt Lake Would Likely Narrow an Environmental Health Gap

Let the Scientists Tell It

Science Updates

Simulating Arctic Carbon Emissions in a Warming World

Not all climate models include carbon from thawing permafrost, and those that do often disagree. Scientists are working to better inform models and assess how these crucial materials are simulated.

by Jeralyn Poe, Jon Wells, Christina Schädel, Deborah N. Huntzinger and William J. Riley

Science Updates

Volcanic Anatomy, Mapped as It Erupts

by Vittorio Zanon and Luca D’Auria


Data to Decisions: Changing Priorities for Earth Observations

by Molly E. Brown, Aimee Neeley and Thomas Neumann


Sensing Remote Realms of the Deep Ocean on Earth—and Beyond

by Anastasia G. Yanchilina, Laura E. Rodriguez, Roy Price, Laura M. Barge and Pablo Sobron

Science Updates

An Unprecedented Experiment to Map Kīlauea’s Summit Magma System

by Roger Denlinger, Daniel R. H. O’Connell, Guoqing Lin, Steve Roecker and Ninfa Bennington


How to Get Elected Officials to Support Your Science

by Elizabeth Jensen and Deborah Jensen

Cultivating Trust in AI for Disaster Management

by Monique M. Kuglitsch, Ivanka Pelivan, Chinnawat Danakkaew, Jesper Dramsch and Reza Arghandeh

A More Sustainable Way to Attend Distant Science Conferences

by Felix Jäger, Luna Bloin-Wibe, Donghe Zhu and Heini Wernli

Democratizing Science in the Cloud

by Wilson Sauthoff, Tasha Snow, Joanna D. Millstein, James Colliander and Matthew R. Siegfried

Current Print Magazine

Cover of the October 2024 issue of Eos

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Encuentran contaminación por cobre de 5,000 años de antigüedad cerca de las pirámides

Research Spotlights

GeoTraductores Democratizan la Ciencia, Una Traducción a la Vez

Research Spotlights

En una rara oportunidad, investigadores observan la formación de los valles islandeses


Circones de 4,000 millones de años podrían contener nuestras evidencias más antiguas de la existencia de agua dulce

Features from AGU Publications

Research Spotlights

The Moon’s Tides Hint at a Melty Lunar Layer

30 September 202430 September 2024

Editors' Highlights

Seismotectonic Update of the Philippines-Taiwan Region

4 October 20243 October 2024

Editors' Vox

In Appreciation of AGU’s Outstanding Reviewers of 2023

3 October 20243 October 2024