Judit Vidiella | ERAM CrossMedia College. / Universitat de Girona (original) (raw)
Papers by Judit Vidiella
Este proyecto gira alrededor de la construccion teorica y practica de una teoria sobre la perform... more Este proyecto gira alrededor de la construccion teorica y practica de una teoria sobre la performance en educacion, en concreto en la Educacion Superior: educacion sobre la performance, performance de la educacion, la educa©cion como performance, Estudios de Performance, pedagogias y politicas de contacto-Pretende presentar una discusion alrededor de la formacion del poder-saber en las practicas academicas y de los mecanismos de legitimacion de un campo disciplinar, al tiempo que reflexiona sobre las aportaciones teoricas y pedagogicas creativas del mismo: las politicas identitarias y postidentitarias; las practicas de corporizacion y experimentacion; las esteticas de representacion, etc. La relevancia cada vez mas creciente que la conceptualizacion sobre el poder 'performativo' en el lenguaje y las representaciones visuales esta teniendo, como dispositivos reguladores en la formacion de la subjetividad, ha llevado a las politicas culturales hacia un creciente interes por la...
Creando redes, estableciendo sinergias: la contribución de la investigación a la educación : I Simposio internacional REUNI+D, 2013, págs. 242-252, 2013
Maestros al vaivén: aprender la profesión docente en el mundo actual, 2014, ISBN 978-84-9921-583-9, págs. 147-168, 2014
Resumen: Este artículo explora la reconstrucción del proceso de aprendizaje de la(s) masculinidad... more Resumen: Este artículo explora la reconstrucción del proceso de aprendizaje de la(s) masculinidad(es) de un grupo de chicos jóvenes, focalizando en el papel que el deporte y la actividad física tienen en la constitución-regulación de sus cuerpos. Las experiencias de los 18 jóvenes entrevistados en esta investigac ión aportan una mirada s obre las múltiples contradicciones, complejidades y negociaciones de las identidades masculinas en relación con los discursos sobre el género y la sexualidad dominantes que acompañan el deporte. Palabras clave: Masculinidad. Deportes. Identidad de género. Sexualidad. 1 INTRODUCCIÓN Junto a las aportaciones feministas sobre la construcción del género y el sexo, están emergiendo en los últimos años diversas investigaciones interdisciplinares sobre la formación de las
Cuadernos De Pedagogia, 2004
International Journal of Education through Art, 2006
... Judit Vidiella and Fernando Hernández: 'Beyond Lucian Freud: …' Figure 3: Camilla&#... more ... Judit Vidiella and Fernando Hernández: 'Beyond Lucian Freud: …' Figure 3: Camilla's third image. Page 8. with breasts kissing a boy (a Michelangelo painting of Cupid and Venus, looking like a man). Then Mercè men-tioned the Lucian Freud exhibi-tion they were going to visit ...
Visual Participatory Arts Based Research in the City, 2022
espanolEste articulo busca reflexionar sobre el lugar y la funcion que el proyecto artistico Xoxo... more espanolEste articulo busca reflexionar sobre el lugar y la funcion que el proyecto artistico Xoxo Clown Show ha tenido en el marco de la investigacion «Payasas: historias, cuerpos y formas de representar la comicidad desde una perspectiva de genero». Para esto, hago una breve presentacion de dicha investigacion, explicando sus marcos metodologico-epistemologicos: investigacion feminista, investigacion artistica e investigacion basada en las artes (IBA). En seguida, son presentados la sinopsis, los objetivos y otros puntos relevantes del proyecto Xoxo Clown Show. Las reflexiones sobre este apuntan hacia una indagacion artistica que se desarrolla dentro de un marco mas amplio de investigacion feminista e investigacion social basada en las artes. Proyecto artistico y proyecto academico se nutren mutuamente, en un rico proceso de intercambio entre ejercicio critico, sistematizacion teorica y practica artistica de puesta en escena del espectaculo. catalaAquest article vol reflexionar sob...
In this paper we share some of the results of a research project conducted last year in four scho... more In this paper we share some of the results of a research project conducted last year in four schools and a cultural center of Barcelona and its metropolitan area. In this research we analyzed and interpreted the school successful careers of a group of young women immigrants from South Asian countries (mainly from Pakistan and India) who lived and were schooled –totally or partially– in Catalonia. Therefore, the relation between education, immigration and gender was considered. In this research context, the taken cases will allow us to show the complexity of reconstructing a visual narrative that tells the paths of school life among this group of young women and at the same time the emerging tensions in the research process. This text links to our participation 2nd Meeting “RESEARCH WITH YOUNG PEOPLE: What do we know of young people as producers of visual vulture”, held this year in Pamplona, with our own research; it addresses the issue of young people as producers of visual culture...
This chapter reconstructs a collaborative educational project conducted by the Educational Depart... more This chapter reconstructs a collaborative educational project conducted by the Educational Department of a contemporary art centre (FórumEugénio de Almeida, Évora, Portugal) and a group of Teacher Education students in primary education, in the subject “Education and Expression of Visual Arts” at University of Évora, Portugal. Among the main goals we mention: a) to rethink the locations that limit the possibility for a new thinking and practice of teacher subjectivities; b) to question the passive role of body in education; c) reterritorialize materiality in Artistic Education; d) to work with collective biographies to rethink museums/art centers as contingent spaces for mediation, participation and experimentation; e) to stimulate the combination between teaching activity and contemporary artistic practices. Through the Methodology of Situations (Jagodzinski and Wallis, 2013), the Anecdotal Theory (Gallop, 2002) and the Collective Biography (Bronwin and Gannon, 2006), the project b...
This study explores the learning of different forms of masculinity by young people from fifteen t... more This study explores the learning of different forms of masculinity by young people from fifteen to twenty years old. The evidence was obtained from in-depth interviews with eighteen young people who represented, from diverse sexual, cultural, family, and corporal situations, different ways of experiencing and moving through masculinity. Through narrative methodology and topical analysis, we addressed one of the interviews’ emerging themes: the role of school and relationships among equals in constructing masculinity. Although its importance is recognized, school is simply one context more where individuals, according to their genetics and previous and parallel experiences, establish a type of relation and meaning to allow this construction.
No presente capitulo apresenta-se um projeto colaborativo desenvolvido entre o Servico Educativo ... more No presente capitulo apresenta-se um projeto colaborativo desenvolvido entre o Servico Educativo do Forum Eugenio de Almeida (Evora, Portugal) e um grupo de estudantes de formacao de professores de ensino basico da unidade curricular de Educacao e Expressao Visual e Plastica da Universidade de Evora (Portugal). Entre os principais objetivos do projeto estavam: a) repensar as espacialidades que limitam a possibilidade de um novo pensamento e pratica para as subjetividades docentes; b) questionar o papel passivo do corpo na educacao; c) re-territorializar a materialidade na Educacao Artistica; d) trabalhar com as biografias coletivas para repensar os museus/centros de arte como espacos de mediacao, participacao e experimentacao; e) Estimular o cruzamento entre a atividade docente e as praticas artisticas contemporâneas. A partir da metodologia de situacoes (Jagodzinski e Wallis, 2013), e da teoria anedotica (Gallop, 2002) e da biografia coletiva (Bronwin e Gannon, 2006), aproveitamos ...
Movimento, 2010
Resumen es: Este articulo explora la reconstruccion del proceso de aprendizaje de la(s) masculini... more Resumen es: Este articulo explora la reconstruccion del proceso de aprendizaje de la(s) masculinidad(es) de un grupo de chicos jovenes, focalizando en el papel que e...
This article attempts to contribute to the debate on teacher identity as a professional category,... more This article attempts to contribute to the debate on teacher identity as a professional category, based on conceptualizations that consider the global economy and current transformations at work. In this framework, the constitution of teacher identity is paradoxical: It implies a tension between teachers' interest in their own training and serving others, and their subjugation to conditions no longer limited to initial work (instability, exploitation, etc.). With a group of novice elementary teachers who participated in a study financed by Spain's Ministry of the Economy and Competitiveness, we explored some of these transformations, which affect their working conditions and are reconfiguring today's notions of being a professional and working as a teacher.
Este proyecto gira alrededor de la construccion teorica y practica de una teoria sobre la perform... more Este proyecto gira alrededor de la construccion teorica y practica de una teoria sobre la performance en educacion, en concreto en la Educacion Superior: educacion sobre la performance, performance de la educacion, la educa©cion como performance, Estudios de Performance, pedagogias y politicas de contacto-Pretende presentar una discusion alrededor de la formacion del poder-saber en las practicas academicas y de los mecanismos de legitimacion de un campo disciplinar, al tiempo que reflexiona sobre las aportaciones teoricas y pedagogicas creativas del mismo: las politicas identitarias y postidentitarias; las practicas de corporizacion y experimentacion; las esteticas de representacion, etc. La relevancia cada vez mas creciente que la conceptualizacion sobre el poder 'performativo' en el lenguaje y las representaciones visuales esta teniendo, como dispositivos reguladores en la formacion de la subjetividad, ha llevado a las politicas culturales hacia un creciente interes por la...
Creando redes, estableciendo sinergias: la contribución de la investigación a la educación : I Simposio internacional REUNI+D, 2013, págs. 242-252, 2013
Maestros al vaivén: aprender la profesión docente en el mundo actual, 2014, ISBN 978-84-9921-583-9, págs. 147-168, 2014
Resumen: Este artículo explora la reconstrucción del proceso de aprendizaje de la(s) masculinidad... more Resumen: Este artículo explora la reconstrucción del proceso de aprendizaje de la(s) masculinidad(es) de un grupo de chicos jóvenes, focalizando en el papel que el deporte y la actividad física tienen en la constitución-regulación de sus cuerpos. Las experiencias de los 18 jóvenes entrevistados en esta investigac ión aportan una mirada s obre las múltiples contradicciones, complejidades y negociaciones de las identidades masculinas en relación con los discursos sobre el género y la sexualidad dominantes que acompañan el deporte. Palabras clave: Masculinidad. Deportes. Identidad de género. Sexualidad. 1 INTRODUCCIÓN Junto a las aportaciones feministas sobre la construcción del género y el sexo, están emergiendo en los últimos años diversas investigaciones interdisciplinares sobre la formación de las
Cuadernos De Pedagogia, 2004
International Journal of Education through Art, 2006
... Judit Vidiella and Fernando Hernández: 'Beyond Lucian Freud: …' Figure 3: Camilla&#... more ... Judit Vidiella and Fernando Hernández: 'Beyond Lucian Freud: …' Figure 3: Camilla's third image. Page 8. with breasts kissing a boy (a Michelangelo painting of Cupid and Venus, looking like a man). Then Mercè men-tioned the Lucian Freud exhibi-tion they were going to visit ...
Visual Participatory Arts Based Research in the City, 2022
espanolEste articulo busca reflexionar sobre el lugar y la funcion que el proyecto artistico Xoxo... more espanolEste articulo busca reflexionar sobre el lugar y la funcion que el proyecto artistico Xoxo Clown Show ha tenido en el marco de la investigacion «Payasas: historias, cuerpos y formas de representar la comicidad desde una perspectiva de genero». Para esto, hago una breve presentacion de dicha investigacion, explicando sus marcos metodologico-epistemologicos: investigacion feminista, investigacion artistica e investigacion basada en las artes (IBA). En seguida, son presentados la sinopsis, los objetivos y otros puntos relevantes del proyecto Xoxo Clown Show. Las reflexiones sobre este apuntan hacia una indagacion artistica que se desarrolla dentro de un marco mas amplio de investigacion feminista e investigacion social basada en las artes. Proyecto artistico y proyecto academico se nutren mutuamente, en un rico proceso de intercambio entre ejercicio critico, sistematizacion teorica y practica artistica de puesta en escena del espectaculo. catalaAquest article vol reflexionar sob...
In this paper we share some of the results of a research project conducted last year in four scho... more In this paper we share some of the results of a research project conducted last year in four schools and a cultural center of Barcelona and its metropolitan area. In this research we analyzed and interpreted the school successful careers of a group of young women immigrants from South Asian countries (mainly from Pakistan and India) who lived and were schooled –totally or partially– in Catalonia. Therefore, the relation between education, immigration and gender was considered. In this research context, the taken cases will allow us to show the complexity of reconstructing a visual narrative that tells the paths of school life among this group of young women and at the same time the emerging tensions in the research process. This text links to our participation 2nd Meeting “RESEARCH WITH YOUNG PEOPLE: What do we know of young people as producers of visual vulture”, held this year in Pamplona, with our own research; it addresses the issue of young people as producers of visual culture...
This chapter reconstructs a collaborative educational project conducted by the Educational Depart... more This chapter reconstructs a collaborative educational project conducted by the Educational Department of a contemporary art centre (FórumEugénio de Almeida, Évora, Portugal) and a group of Teacher Education students in primary education, in the subject “Education and Expression of Visual Arts” at University of Évora, Portugal. Among the main goals we mention: a) to rethink the locations that limit the possibility for a new thinking and practice of teacher subjectivities; b) to question the passive role of body in education; c) reterritorialize materiality in Artistic Education; d) to work with collective biographies to rethink museums/art centers as contingent spaces for mediation, participation and experimentation; e) to stimulate the combination between teaching activity and contemporary artistic practices. Through the Methodology of Situations (Jagodzinski and Wallis, 2013), the Anecdotal Theory (Gallop, 2002) and the Collective Biography (Bronwin and Gannon, 2006), the project b...
This study explores the learning of different forms of masculinity by young people from fifteen t... more This study explores the learning of different forms of masculinity by young people from fifteen to twenty years old. The evidence was obtained from in-depth interviews with eighteen young people who represented, from diverse sexual, cultural, family, and corporal situations, different ways of experiencing and moving through masculinity. Through narrative methodology and topical analysis, we addressed one of the interviews’ emerging themes: the role of school and relationships among equals in constructing masculinity. Although its importance is recognized, school is simply one context more where individuals, according to their genetics and previous and parallel experiences, establish a type of relation and meaning to allow this construction.
No presente capitulo apresenta-se um projeto colaborativo desenvolvido entre o Servico Educativo ... more No presente capitulo apresenta-se um projeto colaborativo desenvolvido entre o Servico Educativo do Forum Eugenio de Almeida (Evora, Portugal) e um grupo de estudantes de formacao de professores de ensino basico da unidade curricular de Educacao e Expressao Visual e Plastica da Universidade de Evora (Portugal). Entre os principais objetivos do projeto estavam: a) repensar as espacialidades que limitam a possibilidade de um novo pensamento e pratica para as subjetividades docentes; b) questionar o papel passivo do corpo na educacao; c) re-territorializar a materialidade na Educacao Artistica; d) trabalhar com as biografias coletivas para repensar os museus/centros de arte como espacos de mediacao, participacao e experimentacao; e) Estimular o cruzamento entre a atividade docente e as praticas artisticas contemporâneas. A partir da metodologia de situacoes (Jagodzinski e Wallis, 2013), e da teoria anedotica (Gallop, 2002) e da biografia coletiva (Bronwin e Gannon, 2006), aproveitamos ...
Movimento, 2010
Resumen es: Este articulo explora la reconstruccion del proceso de aprendizaje de la(s) masculini... more Resumen es: Este articulo explora la reconstruccion del proceso de aprendizaje de la(s) masculinidad(es) de un grupo de chicos jovenes, focalizando en el papel que e...
This article attempts to contribute to the debate on teacher identity as a professional category,... more This article attempts to contribute to the debate on teacher identity as a professional category, based on conceptualizations that consider the global economy and current transformations at work. In this framework, the constitution of teacher identity is paradoxical: It implies a tension between teachers' interest in their own training and serving others, and their subjugation to conditions no longer limited to initial work (instability, exploitation, etc.). With a group of novice elementary teachers who participated in a study financed by Spain's Ministry of the Economy and Competitiveness, we explored some of these transformations, which affect their working conditions and are reconfiguring today's notions of being a professional and working as a teacher.