Büşra Yiğitol | Necmettin Erbakan University (original) (raw)
Papers by Büşra Yiğitol
Journal of transportation and logistics, Jan 17, 2024
Opus uluslararası toplum araştırmaları dergisi, Apr 30, 2021
pandemic. In this period, flexible working systems have been adopted in many sectors, then some w... more pandemic. In this period, flexible working systems have been adopted in many sectors, then some workplaces have started to work actively with the normalization period, where some others have adopted hybrid working systems. Despite the risk of transmission during the pandemic, employees working in specific sectors had to continue to work even harder. The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on workplaces is not only limited with changing work hours and ways of doing business. It also has impact on employees' attitude towards their jobs. In this regard, the purpose of this study is to determine the effect of fear caused by Covid-19 on employees' job performance and turnover intention, by considering their personality traits. Then the data collected online was analyzed by structural equation modeling via Amos 21 software. The results of the study reveal that, the employees' fear of Covid-19 affects their turnover intention but not their job performance. It can be stated that neurotic and responsible personality traits of employees increase the fear of Covid-19. The current study reveals important results for employees and managers to cope with changing working conditions due to
Advances in Business Strategy and Competitive Advantage, 2019
In this chapter, three fundamental paradigm changes related to strategic management are discussed... more In this chapter, three fundamental paradigm changes related to strategic management are discussed and analyzed. Firstly, change of the long-term concept is emphasized. Reasons such as the emergence of global enterprises, increasing number of tools using on prediction of future, as well as the increasing complexity in business world shows that time-based mentality of planning that used by public strategy is no longer valid. The second discussion is the strategic consciousness that is not included in the strategic management process and is ignored in most of the strategy literature. The level of strategic consciousness refers to the ability of organizations to be aware of environmental changes. Therefore, strategic consciousness should be included in the entire strategic management process. The third discussion is that strategic management is not valid for SMEs. Because of characteristics, it is not possible for SMEs to have a strategic point of view.
Pamukkale University Journal of Social Sciences Institute, 2020
Bu çalışmada Endüstri 4.0 teknolojilerinin Covid-19 krizi ile mücadeledeki kullanım alanları ile ... more Bu çalışmada Endüstri 4.0 teknolojilerinin Covid-19 krizi ile mücadeledeki kullanım alanları ile Covid-19 salgınının dijital dönüşüm sürecine etkileri araştırılmıştır. Bu kapsamda nesnelerin interneti, otonom robotlar gibi yeni teknolojilerin, dünya üzerinde salgınla mücadelede ne şekilde yardımcı olduğu, örneklerle açıklanmıştır. Çalışmanın sonuçlarına göre, Endüstri 4.0 teknolojileri salgının yayılma hızının belirlenmesinden, sağlık ürünlerinin üretilmesine kadar pek çok alanda birebir mücadele desteği verirken, imalatta robotik teknolojiden yararlanılmasından, uzaktan çalışma ve uzaktan eğitim gibi iş ve gündelik yaşamın yeniden düzenlenmesine kadar birçok alanda da dolaylı destek sunmaktadır. Endüstri 4.0 teknolojilerinin mevcut global pandemi krizinde bulduğu uygulama alanlarını gösteren bu çalışmanın bu teknolojilerin yaygınlaşmasına katkıda bulunması ve konu ile ilgili gelecek akademik çalışmalara temel oluşturması hedeflenmektedir.
Advances in Production Engineering & Management, 2020
The concept Industry 4.0 (I4.0) represents intelligent production processes combining cyber and p... more The concept Industry 4.0 (I4.0) represents intelligent production processes combining cyber and physical systems through a set of technologies such as internet of things, big data and cloud computing. Transition to Industry 4.0 is expected to cause formidable structural changes, productivity increments and competitiveness in manufacturing industry in all over the world. This study aimed to investigate the general approach to the concept of Industry 4.0 and levels of adoption of the basic Industry 4.0 technologies in manufacturing firms across Turkey. For this purpose, a survey was conducted with 427 firms with various sizes (micro, small, medium and large) operating in six subsectors (automotive; electronic; machinery; chemical; food; and textile) of Turkish manufacturing. The paper examined nine I4.0 technologies: autonomous robots, big data applications, cloud computing, cyber security, simulation approaches, additive manufacturing, system integration, internet of things, and augmented reality. The results revealed that, there is a significant correlation between the degrees of importance and implementation of the basic Industry 4.0 technologies. Moreover, I4.0 implementation degree increases as the firm size increases. The top three industries in Turkish manufacturing that use the most basic Industry 4.0 technologies are automotive industry, electrical and electronics, and machinery, respectively. The analyses are aimed to achieve a better understanding of the concept Industry 4.0 by comparing different groups of manufacturers.
Challenges and Opportunities for SMEs in Industry 4.0, 2020
It is envisioned that the fourth industrial revolution contains many concepts such as modern auto... more It is envisioned that the fourth industrial revolution contains many concepts such as modern automation and production systems, data collection, data processing, analysis, and data transfer and consists of intelligent factory applications such as augmented reality, the internet of things, cyber physical, and cyber security systems. It reveals the fact that a new era awaits enterprises in the relationship between technology and production due to these predictions for future changes. SMEs are one of the important segments that these triggers, which are the precursors of structural change, will affect. So how will SMEs experience the Industry 4.0 process? What do unmanned factories mean for SMEs? Which countries/SMEs will have the Industry 4.0 technology and Industry 4.0 infrastructure which require high capital, Which of them will create opportunities? In this chapter, the problems that SMEs will face in the digital transformation process and the political and strategic approaches tha...
Advances in Production Engineering & Management, 2020
The concept Industry 4.0 (I4.0) represents intelligent production processes combining cyber and p... more The concept Industry 4.0 (I4.0) represents intelligent production processes combining cyber and physical systems through a set of technologies such as internet of things, big data and cloud computing. Transition to Industry 4.0 is expected to cause formidable structural changes, productivity increments and competitiveness in manufacturing industry in all over the world. This study aimed to investigate the general approach to the concept of Industry 4.0 and levels of adoption of the basic Industry 4.0 technologies in manufacturing firms across Turkey. For this purpose, a survey was conducted with 427 firms with various sizes (micro, small, medium and large) operating in six sub-sectors (automotive; electronic; machinery; chemical; food; and textile) of Turkish manufacturing. The paper examined nine I4.0 technologies: autono-mous robots, big data applications, cloud computing, cyber security, simula-tion approaches, additive manufacturing, system integration, internet of things, and augmented reality. The results revealed that, there is a significant correlation between the degrees of importance and implementation of the basic Industry 4.0 technologies. Moreover, I4.0 implementation degree in-creases as the firm size increases. The top three industries in Turkish manu-facturing that use the most basic Industry 4.0 technologies are automotive industry, electrical and electronics, and machinery, respectively. The analyses are aimed to achieve a better understanding of the concept Industry 4.0 by comparing different groups of manufacturers.
International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Pure Sciences, 2020
Öz İçinde bulunduğumuz çağda, deneyimlediğimiz dijitalleşme süreci, ülkelerin ekonomik sürdürüleb... more Öz İçinde bulunduğumuz çağda, deneyimlediğimiz dijitalleşme süreci, ülkelerin ekonomik sürdürülebilirliklerinin temel unsurlarından biri haline gelmiştir. Bu çerçevede Endüstri 4.0 teknolojilerine uyum, günümüz ve gelecekte işletmelerin sürdürülebilirliklerini belirleyecek kritik faktörlerden biri olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Yeni teknolojilere uyum sağlamada karşılaşılan zorluklar, büyük ölçekli işletmelerin yanı sıra belki de en fazla küçük ölçekli işletmeler için tehdit oluşturmaktadır. Çünkü küçük ve orta ölçekli işletmeler (KOBİ'ler) dijitalleşme altyapısı için gerek duyulan bilgi ve beceri, insan kaynağı, yatırım finansmanı gibi kaynaklara erişmekte daha dezavantajlı konumdadır. Dolayısıyla Türkiye gibi ülke ekonomisinin ve istihdamının büyük çoğunluğunun KOBİ'lere dayandığı gelişmekte olan ülkelerde bu geçiş sürecinin nasıl sağlanacağı önemli bir sorundur. Bu açıdan KOBİ'lerin teknoloji seviyelerinin belirlenmesi, bu yönde ekonomik ve politik yaklaşımların geliştirilmesi açısından önemlidir. Bu çalışmada Konya ili imalat sanayiinde faaliyet gösteren KOBİ'lerin geleneksel bilişim ve imalat teknolojileri ile yeni tanıtılan Endüstri 4.0 teknolojilerini uygulama düzeylerinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bu kapsamda Konya merkezinde faaliyet gösteren 185 imalatçı KOBİ ile yapılan görüşmeler sonucunda elde edilen veriler istatistiki açıdan değerlendirilmiştir. Çalışma sonuçlarına göre bölgedeki işletmelerin bilişim ve imalat teknoloji kullanım düzeyleri göreceli olarak olumlu bir düzeyde seyir ederken, aynı işletmelerin Endüstri 4.0 teknolojileri açısından düşük bir uygulama düzeyine sahip oldukları görülmektedir. Ayrıca, örnekleme dâhil edilen işletmeler bazı teknolojilerin kullanımı konusunda kendilerini olduklarından daha yetkin görmektedir. Çalışmanın diğer önemli sonuçlarından biri ise, Endüstri 4.0 teknolojilerini uygulama düzeyleri düşük olmasına rağmen işletmelerin bu teknolojileri sektörün ve işletmelerin geleceği açısından önemli yönde atfetmeleridir. Anahtar kelimeler: Endüstri 4.0, İmalat Sanayi, KOBİ, Teknoloji düzeyi Abstract In this era of digitalization, technological developments we have experienced has become one of the basic elements of the economic sustainability of countries. In this context, compliance with Industry 4.0 technologies is one of the critical factors that will determine the sustainability of companies in the present and the future. Challenges in adapting to new technologies has threaten small-sized companies the most. This is because small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are more disadvantageous in accessing resources such as knowledge and skills, human resources and financial investment needed for the digitalization infrastructure. Thus, in developing countries such as Turkey where the economy and employment is mainly depend on small and medium-sized enterprises, how to ensure this transition successfully is a major problem. In this respect, determining technology levels of SMEs is important for establishing economic and political policies. In this study, it is aimed to determine the application level of traditional information and manufacturing technologies; and state of the art Industry 4.0 technologies of SMEs operating in Konya manufacturing industry. In this context the impact of the transition from Industry 3.0 technologies to Industry 4.0 on SMEs have been analyzed. The data was obtained from 185 SMEs with face-to-face interviews were analyzed statistically. According to the results of the study, while traditional IT and manufacturing technology usage levels of the companies re relatively positive, the firms have a low level of application in terms of Industry 4.0 technologies. In addition, the sample companies overestimated themselves in using certain technologies. Another important result of the study is that, although the mean application levels of Industry 4.0 technologies are quite low, firms attribute these technologies as very important for their sector and for themselves.
ÖZET Marka ve marka bileşenleri pazarlama açısından önemli değerlerdir. Rekabet açısından marka, ... more ÖZET Marka ve marka bileşenleri pazarlama açısından önemli değerlerdir. Rekabet açısından marka, işletmelere farklılık, farkındalık ve imaj sağlamakta ve işletmeleri rakiplerinden bu yönleri ile ayrıştırmaktadır. Dolayısıyla gerek rekabet açısından gerekse tüketiciler açısından marka, farkındalık sağlayan, iletişimi kolaylaştıran ve duygusal ilişkiyi güçlendiren bir araçtır. Marka hikâyeleri de markanın bir bileşeni olarak tüketiciler ile iletişim sağlamada önemli bir argümandır. Firmalar marka hikâyeleri ile tüketicilerin zihninde farklı bir yer edinebilirler. Bu açıdan bu çalışmanın amacı marka hikâyelerinin tüketicilerde oluşturabileceği etkilerin belirlenmesidir. Bu amaca yönelik olarak iki ayrı örneklem grubunda anket çalışması uygulanmıştır. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre tüketiciler açısından marka hikâyeleri anlatı aktarımı, daha az eleştirel düşünce ve daha yüksek ağızdan ağıza aktarım niyeti taşımaktadır. ABSTRACT Brand and brand components are important asset in terms of marketing. Brands provide differentiation, awareness and image to businesses and they help them to differ from their competitors by these aspects. Therefore, in terms of 1
Books by Büşra Yiğitol
In this chapter, three fundamental paradigm changes related to strategic management are discussed... more In this chapter, three fundamental paradigm changes related to strategic management are discussed and analyzed. Firstly, change of the long-term concept is emphasized. Reasons such as the emergence of global enterprises, increasing number of tools using on prediction of future, as well as the increasing complexity in business world shows that time-based mentality of planning that used by public strategy is no longer valid. The second discussion is the strategic consciousness that is not included in the strategic management process and is ignored in most of the strategy literature. The level of strategic consciousness refers to the ability of organizations to be aware of environmental changes. Therefore, strategic consciousness should be included in the entire strategic management process. The third discussion is that strategic management is not valid for SMEs. Because of characteristics, it is not possible for SMEs to have a strategic point of view.
Journal of transportation and logistics, Jan 17, 2024
Opus uluslararası toplum araştırmaları dergisi, Apr 30, 2021
pandemic. In this period, flexible working systems have been adopted in many sectors, then some w... more pandemic. In this period, flexible working systems have been adopted in many sectors, then some workplaces have started to work actively with the normalization period, where some others have adopted hybrid working systems. Despite the risk of transmission during the pandemic, employees working in specific sectors had to continue to work even harder. The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on workplaces is not only limited with changing work hours and ways of doing business. It also has impact on employees' attitude towards their jobs. In this regard, the purpose of this study is to determine the effect of fear caused by Covid-19 on employees' job performance and turnover intention, by considering their personality traits. Then the data collected online was analyzed by structural equation modeling via Amos 21 software. The results of the study reveal that, the employees' fear of Covid-19 affects their turnover intention but not their job performance. It can be stated that neurotic and responsible personality traits of employees increase the fear of Covid-19. The current study reveals important results for employees and managers to cope with changing working conditions due to
Advances in Business Strategy and Competitive Advantage, 2019
In this chapter, three fundamental paradigm changes related to strategic management are discussed... more In this chapter, three fundamental paradigm changes related to strategic management are discussed and analyzed. Firstly, change of the long-term concept is emphasized. Reasons such as the emergence of global enterprises, increasing number of tools using on prediction of future, as well as the increasing complexity in business world shows that time-based mentality of planning that used by public strategy is no longer valid. The second discussion is the strategic consciousness that is not included in the strategic management process and is ignored in most of the strategy literature. The level of strategic consciousness refers to the ability of organizations to be aware of environmental changes. Therefore, strategic consciousness should be included in the entire strategic management process. The third discussion is that strategic management is not valid for SMEs. Because of characteristics, it is not possible for SMEs to have a strategic point of view.
Pamukkale University Journal of Social Sciences Institute, 2020
Bu çalışmada Endüstri 4.0 teknolojilerinin Covid-19 krizi ile mücadeledeki kullanım alanları ile ... more Bu çalışmada Endüstri 4.0 teknolojilerinin Covid-19 krizi ile mücadeledeki kullanım alanları ile Covid-19 salgınının dijital dönüşüm sürecine etkileri araştırılmıştır. Bu kapsamda nesnelerin interneti, otonom robotlar gibi yeni teknolojilerin, dünya üzerinde salgınla mücadelede ne şekilde yardımcı olduğu, örneklerle açıklanmıştır. Çalışmanın sonuçlarına göre, Endüstri 4.0 teknolojileri salgının yayılma hızının belirlenmesinden, sağlık ürünlerinin üretilmesine kadar pek çok alanda birebir mücadele desteği verirken, imalatta robotik teknolojiden yararlanılmasından, uzaktan çalışma ve uzaktan eğitim gibi iş ve gündelik yaşamın yeniden düzenlenmesine kadar birçok alanda da dolaylı destek sunmaktadır. Endüstri 4.0 teknolojilerinin mevcut global pandemi krizinde bulduğu uygulama alanlarını gösteren bu çalışmanın bu teknolojilerin yaygınlaşmasına katkıda bulunması ve konu ile ilgili gelecek akademik çalışmalara temel oluşturması hedeflenmektedir.
Advances in Production Engineering & Management, 2020
The concept Industry 4.0 (I4.0) represents intelligent production processes combining cyber and p... more The concept Industry 4.0 (I4.0) represents intelligent production processes combining cyber and physical systems through a set of technologies such as internet of things, big data and cloud computing. Transition to Industry 4.0 is expected to cause formidable structural changes, productivity increments and competitiveness in manufacturing industry in all over the world. This study aimed to investigate the general approach to the concept of Industry 4.0 and levels of adoption of the basic Industry 4.0 technologies in manufacturing firms across Turkey. For this purpose, a survey was conducted with 427 firms with various sizes (micro, small, medium and large) operating in six subsectors (automotive; electronic; machinery; chemical; food; and textile) of Turkish manufacturing. The paper examined nine I4.0 technologies: autonomous robots, big data applications, cloud computing, cyber security, simulation approaches, additive manufacturing, system integration, internet of things, and augmented reality. The results revealed that, there is a significant correlation between the degrees of importance and implementation of the basic Industry 4.0 technologies. Moreover, I4.0 implementation degree increases as the firm size increases. The top three industries in Turkish manufacturing that use the most basic Industry 4.0 technologies are automotive industry, electrical and electronics, and machinery, respectively. The analyses are aimed to achieve a better understanding of the concept Industry 4.0 by comparing different groups of manufacturers.
Challenges and Opportunities for SMEs in Industry 4.0, 2020
It is envisioned that the fourth industrial revolution contains many concepts such as modern auto... more It is envisioned that the fourth industrial revolution contains many concepts such as modern automation and production systems, data collection, data processing, analysis, and data transfer and consists of intelligent factory applications such as augmented reality, the internet of things, cyber physical, and cyber security systems. It reveals the fact that a new era awaits enterprises in the relationship between technology and production due to these predictions for future changes. SMEs are one of the important segments that these triggers, which are the precursors of structural change, will affect. So how will SMEs experience the Industry 4.0 process? What do unmanned factories mean for SMEs? Which countries/SMEs will have the Industry 4.0 technology and Industry 4.0 infrastructure which require high capital, Which of them will create opportunities? In this chapter, the problems that SMEs will face in the digital transformation process and the political and strategic approaches tha...
Advances in Production Engineering & Management, 2020
The concept Industry 4.0 (I4.0) represents intelligent production processes combining cyber and p... more The concept Industry 4.0 (I4.0) represents intelligent production processes combining cyber and physical systems through a set of technologies such as internet of things, big data and cloud computing. Transition to Industry 4.0 is expected to cause formidable structural changes, productivity increments and competitiveness in manufacturing industry in all over the world. This study aimed to investigate the general approach to the concept of Industry 4.0 and levels of adoption of the basic Industry 4.0 technologies in manufacturing firms across Turkey. For this purpose, a survey was conducted with 427 firms with various sizes (micro, small, medium and large) operating in six sub-sectors (automotive; electronic; machinery; chemical; food; and textile) of Turkish manufacturing. The paper examined nine I4.0 technologies: autono-mous robots, big data applications, cloud computing, cyber security, simula-tion approaches, additive manufacturing, system integration, internet of things, and augmented reality. The results revealed that, there is a significant correlation between the degrees of importance and implementation of the basic Industry 4.0 technologies. Moreover, I4.0 implementation degree in-creases as the firm size increases. The top three industries in Turkish manu-facturing that use the most basic Industry 4.0 technologies are automotive industry, electrical and electronics, and machinery, respectively. The analyses are aimed to achieve a better understanding of the concept Industry 4.0 by comparing different groups of manufacturers.
International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Pure Sciences, 2020
Öz İçinde bulunduğumuz çağda, deneyimlediğimiz dijitalleşme süreci, ülkelerin ekonomik sürdürüleb... more Öz İçinde bulunduğumuz çağda, deneyimlediğimiz dijitalleşme süreci, ülkelerin ekonomik sürdürülebilirliklerinin temel unsurlarından biri haline gelmiştir. Bu çerçevede Endüstri 4.0 teknolojilerine uyum, günümüz ve gelecekte işletmelerin sürdürülebilirliklerini belirleyecek kritik faktörlerden biri olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Yeni teknolojilere uyum sağlamada karşılaşılan zorluklar, büyük ölçekli işletmelerin yanı sıra belki de en fazla küçük ölçekli işletmeler için tehdit oluşturmaktadır. Çünkü küçük ve orta ölçekli işletmeler (KOBİ'ler) dijitalleşme altyapısı için gerek duyulan bilgi ve beceri, insan kaynağı, yatırım finansmanı gibi kaynaklara erişmekte daha dezavantajlı konumdadır. Dolayısıyla Türkiye gibi ülke ekonomisinin ve istihdamının büyük çoğunluğunun KOBİ'lere dayandığı gelişmekte olan ülkelerde bu geçiş sürecinin nasıl sağlanacağı önemli bir sorundur. Bu açıdan KOBİ'lerin teknoloji seviyelerinin belirlenmesi, bu yönde ekonomik ve politik yaklaşımların geliştirilmesi açısından önemlidir. Bu çalışmada Konya ili imalat sanayiinde faaliyet gösteren KOBİ'lerin geleneksel bilişim ve imalat teknolojileri ile yeni tanıtılan Endüstri 4.0 teknolojilerini uygulama düzeylerinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bu kapsamda Konya merkezinde faaliyet gösteren 185 imalatçı KOBİ ile yapılan görüşmeler sonucunda elde edilen veriler istatistiki açıdan değerlendirilmiştir. Çalışma sonuçlarına göre bölgedeki işletmelerin bilişim ve imalat teknoloji kullanım düzeyleri göreceli olarak olumlu bir düzeyde seyir ederken, aynı işletmelerin Endüstri 4.0 teknolojileri açısından düşük bir uygulama düzeyine sahip oldukları görülmektedir. Ayrıca, örnekleme dâhil edilen işletmeler bazı teknolojilerin kullanımı konusunda kendilerini olduklarından daha yetkin görmektedir. Çalışmanın diğer önemli sonuçlarından biri ise, Endüstri 4.0 teknolojilerini uygulama düzeyleri düşük olmasına rağmen işletmelerin bu teknolojileri sektörün ve işletmelerin geleceği açısından önemli yönde atfetmeleridir. Anahtar kelimeler: Endüstri 4.0, İmalat Sanayi, KOBİ, Teknoloji düzeyi Abstract In this era of digitalization, technological developments we have experienced has become one of the basic elements of the economic sustainability of countries. In this context, compliance with Industry 4.0 technologies is one of the critical factors that will determine the sustainability of companies in the present and the future. Challenges in adapting to new technologies has threaten small-sized companies the most. This is because small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are more disadvantageous in accessing resources such as knowledge and skills, human resources and financial investment needed for the digitalization infrastructure. Thus, in developing countries such as Turkey where the economy and employment is mainly depend on small and medium-sized enterprises, how to ensure this transition successfully is a major problem. In this respect, determining technology levels of SMEs is important for establishing economic and political policies. In this study, it is aimed to determine the application level of traditional information and manufacturing technologies; and state of the art Industry 4.0 technologies of SMEs operating in Konya manufacturing industry. In this context the impact of the transition from Industry 3.0 technologies to Industry 4.0 on SMEs have been analyzed. The data was obtained from 185 SMEs with face-to-face interviews were analyzed statistically. According to the results of the study, while traditional IT and manufacturing technology usage levels of the companies re relatively positive, the firms have a low level of application in terms of Industry 4.0 technologies. In addition, the sample companies overestimated themselves in using certain technologies. Another important result of the study is that, although the mean application levels of Industry 4.0 technologies are quite low, firms attribute these technologies as very important for their sector and for themselves.
ÖZET Marka ve marka bileşenleri pazarlama açısından önemli değerlerdir. Rekabet açısından marka, ... more ÖZET Marka ve marka bileşenleri pazarlama açısından önemli değerlerdir. Rekabet açısından marka, işletmelere farklılık, farkındalık ve imaj sağlamakta ve işletmeleri rakiplerinden bu yönleri ile ayrıştırmaktadır. Dolayısıyla gerek rekabet açısından gerekse tüketiciler açısından marka, farkındalık sağlayan, iletişimi kolaylaştıran ve duygusal ilişkiyi güçlendiren bir araçtır. Marka hikâyeleri de markanın bir bileşeni olarak tüketiciler ile iletişim sağlamada önemli bir argümandır. Firmalar marka hikâyeleri ile tüketicilerin zihninde farklı bir yer edinebilirler. Bu açıdan bu çalışmanın amacı marka hikâyelerinin tüketicilerde oluşturabileceği etkilerin belirlenmesidir. Bu amaca yönelik olarak iki ayrı örneklem grubunda anket çalışması uygulanmıştır. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre tüketiciler açısından marka hikâyeleri anlatı aktarımı, daha az eleştirel düşünce ve daha yüksek ağızdan ağıza aktarım niyeti taşımaktadır. ABSTRACT Brand and brand components are important asset in terms of marketing. Brands provide differentiation, awareness and image to businesses and they help them to differ from their competitors by these aspects. Therefore, in terms of 1
In this chapter, three fundamental paradigm changes related to strategic management are discussed... more In this chapter, three fundamental paradigm changes related to strategic management are discussed and analyzed. Firstly, change of the long-term concept is emphasized. Reasons such as the emergence of global enterprises, increasing number of tools using on prediction of future, as well as the increasing complexity in business world shows that time-based mentality of planning that used by public strategy is no longer valid. The second discussion is the strategic consciousness that is not included in the strategic management process and is ignored in most of the strategy literature. The level of strategic consciousness refers to the ability of organizations to be aware of environmental changes. Therefore, strategic consciousness should be included in the entire strategic management process. The third discussion is that strategic management is not valid for SMEs. Because of characteristics, it is not possible for SMEs to have a strategic point of view.