Ozgur Demirtas | Erciyes University (original) (raw)
Papers by Ozgur Demirtas
Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2021
The facilities that energy delivers to social life and economic activities render it indispensabl... more The facilities that energy delivers to social life and economic activities render it indispensable. Hence, it is equally critical that the energy cycle must have a sustainable structure. Therefore, it is an indisputable fact that developing and performing correct and consistent energy policies is vitally necessary. Energy consumption planning includes a continuous process to reassess existing and potential alternative energy approaches and strategies. The public and private decision-makers in charge of planning and managing energy consumption policies must adapt their strategies to novel and superior alternative resources according to sustainability and efficiency criteria. In this paper, the fuzzy EDAS method is used to address the best renewable energy consumption by taking political, economic, social, technological, legal, and environmental (PESTLE) dimensions into account. The analysis of the paper indicates the most efficient renewable energy consumption is sourced by geothermal, solar, wind, hydroelectricity, and biomass, respectively. By further investigation, it is concluded that the most optimum renewable energy consumption alternatives based on PESTLE dimensions are geothermal and solar energies.
Etik kavramının daha da ön plana çıktığı günümüzde pro-sosyal davranışlar arasında nitelendirilen... more Etik kavramının daha da ön plana çıktığı günümüzde pro-sosyal davranışlar arasında nitelendirilen işyerlerinde olumsuz durumları ifşa etme (whistleblowing) mekanizması, yönetim ve örgütsel davranış alanında daha da önemli bir kavram haline gelmiştir. Özellikle, son yıllarda ortaya çıkan etik skandallar, küresel krizler, yolsuzluklar ve ihmaller nedeniyle organizasyonlar, yasalar çerçevesinde etik kararlar verebilmek ve yasa dışı faaliyetlerin önüne geçebilmek için yeni mekanizmalara ve organlara ihtiyaç duymaktadır. İşletmeler açısından etik dışı veya yasalara aykırı olan eylemler ile organizasyonlara zararı olacak davranışları ortaya çıkaran ve çeşitli konularda da düzeltici önlemler alınmasına imkân sağlayan mekanizmalardan biri de olumsuz durumları ifşa etme mekanizmasıdır. Bugüne kadar birçok çalışmada olumsuz durumları ifşa etme konusunda çeşitli araştırmalar yapılmıştır. Ancak, konunun ülkemizde sınırlı sayıda araştırmaya konu olduğunu ifade etmek mümkündür. Özellikle Türkiye ...
Organizations need a leader who has the required characteristics and skills to sustain their exis... more Organizations need a leader who has the required characteristics and skills to sustain their existence, to grow and develop and to achieve their goals. Leadership is the process of facilitating individual and collective efforts and influencing others to achieve common goals. Leadership represents a process, while the leader refers to an individual. A leader can be defined as an individual who changes the paradigms of people, creates a vision, motivates followers with internal resources, engrains the idea that everyone has something to contribute to the shared goal, leads them and directly affects the flow of events and results. When the literature is examined, many studies on leaders and leadership exist, and the common purpose of these studies is to reveal facts and models about effective leaders and leadership. Many models have been developed on a theoretical basis to find an answer to the question of what makes leadership effective. In this section, within this scope, the nature,...
This study examined a mediated model of leader-member exchange (LMX) on meaningful work, organiza... more This study examined a mediated model of leader-member exchange (LMX) on meaningful work, organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) and turnover intention. First, we investigated the relationships between both leader-member exchange and turnover intention/OCB. Second, we also investigated the mediating role of meaningful work on these relationships. For the aim of this study, we made a survey that included 440 participants from a manufacturing firm. The results partially supported the given hypotheses that there are positive relationships between both LMX and meaninful work, and LMX and OCB. We also found that meaningful work partially mediates the relationship between LMX and OCB.
Akademik girisimcilik kapsaminda literaturde artan sayida teorik calismalarin yapildigi gozlemse ... more Akademik girisimcilik kapsaminda literaturde artan sayida teorik calismalarin yapildigi gozlemse de, bu tarz bir girisimciligin bireysel ve sosyal faktorlerin etkisiyle nasil sekillendigine yonelik deneysel calismalarin henuz istenen seviyelerde olmadigi gozlenmistir. Bu kapsamda, mevcut calismada cesitli universitelere ait 422 akademisyenle anket yapilarak, onlarin firsatlari arama ve gecmis girisimcilik tecrubeleri kapsamindaki girisimcilik kapasitelerinin akademik girisimcilikteki etkileri arastirilmistir. Ilave olarak, organizasyonel destek kapsaminda bir sosyal cevre degiskeni olan universitelerde bulunan tekno parklarin/bilim merkezlerinin akademik girisimcilikteki rolu de incelenmistir. Sonuclar, bireysel duzeydeki ozelliklerin ve tecrubenin akademik girisimcilikte onemli faktorler oldugunu ortaya koymustur. Ayrica, sosyal cevrenin de bireysel duzey kadar olmasa da etkide bulundugu ve tekno parklarin/bilim merkezlerinin yeni bir akademik girisim baslatmada rolu oldugu tespit ...
Anadolu Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 2020
Öz Dile getirme davranışı son yıllarda birçok araştırma modelinin odaklandığı bir konu haline gel... more Öz Dile getirme davranışı son yıllarda birçok araştırma modelinin odaklandığı bir konu haline gelmiştir. Özellikle örgütsel davranış alanında liderlik, motivasyon, bağlılık, aidiyet gibi çeşitli konular ile daha çok gündeme gelen bu kavrama yönelik henüz Türkçe literatürde kullanımı mevcut bir Türkçe 'ye uyarlanmış ölçeğe rastlanılmamıştır. Bu kapsamda mevcut çalışmada, dile getirme davranışı ölçeğinin, Türkçe'ye uyarlanması ve geçerlik-güvenirliğinin test edilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Türkçe literatürde önemli bir boşluğu dolduracağı değerlendirilen çalışmanın örneklemi İstanbul ilinde, çalışmaya katılmayı kabul eden 4 özel hastaneden, yöneticiler, birim sorumluları ve ekip liderleri ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. Türkçe'ye çevrilen ölçeğin, kapsam ve yapı geçerliliği ile güvenirliği test edilmiştir. Analizler sonucunda ölçeğin uygun, geçerli ve güvenilir sonuçlar verdiği gözlenmiştir.
Epiphany, 2019
Many businesses have come to realize that environmentally-aware applications have gained a compet... more Many businesses have come to realize that environmentally-aware applications have gained a competitive edge, even at increased competition environments. These businesses can make several investments to protect the environment. Contrary to our expectations, regarding environmental protection, there is no need for huge investments on issues such as waste recycling, reduction of emissions, and energy conservation. Businesses can become environmentally friendly by lean approach applications that are becoming widespread gradually. The idea of reducing any waste, the basis of the lean approach, can contribute to the protection of the environment by providing a safer use of scarce resources in the environment and by leaving a minimal amount of waste to the environment. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to examine the usefulness and effects of lean multi-dimensional applications for managing environmentally sensitive businesses. This paper employs an analysis of the literature that examines the relationship between lean thinking and green management. A thorough analysis has indicated that businesses that combine lean approaches and green practices have a better chance to reach positive outcomes, and attain sustainable strategic competitive advantage in their organizational environment.
International Journal of Social Science Studies, 2019
Employee behaviors can be classified into two basic groups as positive and negative organizationa... more Employee behaviors can be classified into two basic groups as positive and negative organizational behaviors. One of the negative organizational behaviors is counterproductive work behaviours. It is aimed to reveal the effects of perceived overqualification on counterproductive work behaviours and moderating role of distributive justice through an empirical study. In this respect, the data obtained from 398 employees in hospitality enterprises was analyzed by means of structural equation modelling (SEM). It is found that there is a positive relationship between perceived overqualification and counterproductive work behaviours, and perceived distributive justice moderates the relationship between perceived overqualification and counterproductive work behaviours towards colleagues. Some theoretical and managerial implications are offered about the variables. Distributive justice is effective in reducing counterproductive work behaviours which emerged from perceived overqualification. ...
İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 2014
Bu çalışmanın amacı, örgütsel politik algılamalar aracı (mediating) role sahipken etik liderlik d... more Bu çalışmanın amacı, örgütsel politik algılamalar aracı (mediating) role sahipken etik liderlik davranışlarının etik iklim algısı üzerindeki etkisini incelemektir. Araştırmanın örneklemini, savunma sanayii'nde havacılık alanında faaliyet gösteren kamuya ait üç adet lojistik destek merkezindeki 547 kişi oluşturmaktadır. Araştırmada, yöneticilerin bulunduğu organizasyonlarda birer rol model oldukları, özellikle de etik liderlik davranışları ile örgütsel politik algılara yön verecekleri ve sonuçta da etik iklim algısını pozitif yönde etkileyecekleri öngörülmüştür. Araştırma bulguları, etik liderlik davranışlarının, bağımsızlık etik iklim boyutu hariç, etik iklim alt boyutlarını doğrudan ve dolaylı olarak etkilediğini ortaya koymuştur. Ayrıca, etik liderlik davranışlarının dolaylı etkisinde, örgütsel politik algılamaların aracı bir rol oynadığı tespit edilmiştir.
International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, Aug 31, 2013
Energy is one of the main factors that must be considered in the discussions of sustainable devel... more Energy is one of the main factors that must be considered in the discussions of sustainable development. The basic dimensions of sustainability of energy production are environmentally, technically, economically and socially sustainable supply of energy resources that, in the long term, is reliable, adequate and affordable. Renewable, clean and cost effective energy sources are preferred but unfortunately no one of the alternative energy sources can meet these demands solely. So, the problem of determining the sustainable energy planning is a strategic tool for the development. In this dissertation, the aim of this study is to determine the best renewable energy technology for sustainable energy planning. For this aim, we used AHP methodology, which is a multi-criteria decision making (MDCM) method. In the proposed method, the weights of the selection criteria are determined by pairwise comparison matrices of the AHP. Results indicate that wind energy is the most appropriate renewable energy option in this study. Future researches could be conducted based on different multi-criteria decision-making techniques such as ANP, fuzzy ELECTRE or fuzzy TOPSIS for comparative purposes.
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2007
In this paper, we assess the effects of CEO stock options on three key corporate policies for ban... more In this paper, we assess the effects of CEO stock options on three key corporate policies for banks: investment choice, amount of borrowing, and level of capital. Using a sample of 549 bank-years for publicly traded banks from 1992 to 2002, we find that stock option grants lead CEOs to undertake riskier investments. In particular, higher levels of option grants are associated with higher levels of equity and asset volatility. Consistent with the role of options as a nondebt tax shield, we also show that option grants reduce the banks' incentive to borrow as evidenced by lower levels of interest expense and federal funds borrowing. Furthermore, we demonstrate that increases in CEO and employee stock option grants result in increased bank capital levels, perhaps because option grants create a contingent liability for the firm that needs to be funded in advance.
Journal of Public Management Research, 2015
In this study, we examined a relationship between social capital and ethics. For this aim, a ques... more In this study, we examined a relationship between social capital and ethics. For this aim, a questionnaire form, which consists of 35-item, was used out of some demographic variables. The survey was gathered from 339 hospital employees' who are working at governmental and private hospitals. The results indicated that there was a significant positive relationship between social capital and ethics. In addition we found that nurses reported more scores on ethics, and employees working at private sector reported more ethical scores than government employees. Further, several significant differences have been identified according to some demographic variables.
M.U. Iktisadi ve Idari Bilimler Dergisi, 2013
Literatürde stratejik insan kaynakları uygulamalarının örgütsel düzeyde önemli bazı çıktılara etk... more Literatürde stratejik insan kaynakları uygulamalarının örgütsel düzeyde önemli bazı çıktılara etkisine yönelik birçok çalışma olmasına rağmen, bilgi yönetimi ve inovasyon performansına olan etkisini araştıran çok az sayıda çalışma mevcuttur. Bu nedenle, mevcut çalışmada organizasyonlardaki bilgi yönetimi kapasitesinin stratejik insan kaynakları yönetimi uygulamaları ve inovasyon performansı arasındaki ilişkideki rolü incelenmiştir. Kurulan hipotezlerin testleri regresyon analizleri ile 116 firma üzerinde gerçekleştirilmiştir. Sonuçlar, stratejik insan kaynakları uygulamalarının bilgi yönetimi kapasitesi ile pozitif yönlü ilişkili olduğunu ve nihai olarak da inovasyon performansı üzerinde direkt bir etkiye sahip olduğunu ortaya koymuştur. Analizler sonucu, bilgi yönetimi kapasitesinin, stratejik insan kaynakları yönetimi uygulamaları ile inovasyon performansı arasında aracı (mediating) rolünü destekler nitelikte bulgular elde edilmiştir.
Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 2015
Bu çalışmada stratejik insan kaynakları yönetiminin, örgüt ve birey düzeyinde etkileri değerlendi... more Bu çalışmada stratejik insan kaynakları yönetiminin, örgüt ve birey düzeyinde etkileri değerlendirilmiştir. Bu çerçevede, stratejik insan kaynakları uygulamalarının; örgütsel bağlılık ve iş tatmini ile bireysel ve örgütsel düzeyde performansa olan etkisi, insan kaynakları uzmanları üzerinde araştırılmıştır. Bir organizasyonda stratejik insan kaynakları yönetiminin varlığı, insan kaynaklarının örgütün görev ve hedefleri ile dikey olarak uyumlu olduğu ve diğer örgüt fonksiyonları ile de yatay seviyede uyumun gerçekleştirildiği durumlarda ortaya çıkmaktadır. Bu çalışmada büyük imalatçı firmalarda görev yapan 374 insan kaynakları uzmanından oluşan bir örnek grubundan elde edilen verilerle yapısal eşitlik modeli kullanılarak analizler yapılmıştır. Sonuçlar, hipotezlerle öne sürüldüğü üzere, stratejik insan kaynakları uygulamalarının birey ve örgüt performansına direk etkisinin anlamlı bir düzeyde pozitif yönde olduğunu göstermektedir. Ayrıca, stratejik insan kaynakları yönetimi uygulamalarının, örgütsel bağlılığı ve iş tatminini de direk ve pozitif yönde etkilediği tespit edilmiştir.
Journal of Global Strategic Management, 2015
Decision-making have been discussed within the psychology and management literature for decades. ... more Decision-making have been discussed within the psychology and management literature for decades. However literature on stress and decision making relationship is limited. Moreover, existing studies and the findings remain poorly organized, and the quantitative studies are not enough. In addition, the strategic management field mostly deals with stress and uncertainty concepts. Thus, the aim of this study is to select the optimal strategy model to minimize decision failures under stress. For this aim, we developed the basic theoretical models to explain decision-making behaviour under stress, and we used AHP methodology, which is more of a selection tool and is appropriate in decision making situations, where both quantitative and qualitative criteria have to be considered, to select the best alternatives among given strategy models. The literature review reveals that stress can impact each stage of the decision-making process. The results showed that vigilance approach, which belongs to conflict theory, is the most appropriate to minimize decision failures under stress.
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2013
There are a lot of studies on outsourcing and its strategic influence to sustainable growth in th... more There are a lot of studies on outsourcing and its strategic influence to sustainable growth in the organizations, but little is known about how the subjective thoughts for strategic outsourcing decisions transformed to objective criteria. This study examines a model that evaluates the core capabilities for strategic outsourcing decision. The aim of this study is to evaluate the core competencies of the aviation maintenance centers for strategic outsourcing. AHP method, which is more of a selection tool and is appropriate in decision making situations, where both quantitative and qualitative criteria have to be considered, is used while evaluating the core capabilities. The criteria, such as flight operation effectiveness, flight safety, technological feature, cost effectiveness, usage quantity, procuring sufficiency and work force, are included in the model. The research data were collected from three aviation maintenance centers which are the primary logistics and maintenance centers for aviation industry. The results indicate that at technological level, machining and composite technologies; at product group level, structural parts on aero planes and brake system parts are core competence logistics parts for these aviation maintenance centers.
Business and Management Studies, 2014
The perspective of competition in the high technology industry has changed impressively over the ... more The perspective of competition in the high technology industry has changed impressively over the last two decades and the indicators which can be defined as the traditional indicators of business performance are insufficient today. So we have identified a new set of financial and non-financial performance indicators that can be used by firms and then, we developed a business performance measurement model. There may be relations and dependencies among the dimensions of performance. For this reason, performance evaluation should be conducted in a holistic manner. In this study, a hybrid method, Equated Priority Values (EPV), has been used to reflect the outcomes of the most commonly used approaches, including the modified Fuzzy Logarithmic Least Squares Method (modified fuzzy LLSM), Chang's Extent Analysis Method and Mikhailov's Fuzzy Prioritization Approach. A real world application is carried out to illustrate how the model can be utilized. The application could be interpreted as demonstrating the effectiveness and feasibility of the proposed model.
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2014
ABSTRACT The dynamics of faster development in production and service areas set new expectation s... more ABSTRACT The dynamics of faster development in production and service areas set new expectation standards and traditional managerial attributes in supply chain management processes are being revised to improve firm's competitiveness in this changing market environment. Also, companies are now looking to develop new methods in areas such as manufacturing, flexibility, transportation and information technologies in order to have a strategic superiority in their supply chain. Managers are key factors in the organizational performance and the success of the supply chains. So, it is proposed that supply chain strategies have to be considered in the overall strategy and also the contributions of supply chain management can not be realized unless it is supported by the managerial board. Accordingly, the purpose of this study is to investigate the role of managerial attributes and its effects on the supply chain performance. The data in this study are collected from the supply chain managers of large manufacturing firms (employee>50) in Kayseri. The results indicate that managerial attributes have impact on supply chain performance.
Handbook of Combinatorial Optimization, 2013
Journal of Business Ethics, 2013
ABSTRACT While a number of studies are being done on ethical leadership, little is known about th... more ABSTRACT While a number of studies are being done on ethical leadership, little is known about the role of ethical ideology and organizational justice in the relation of the ethical leadership behavior and individual behaviors such as work engagement and organizational misbehavior has tended to be neglected in ethics literature. This study examines the mediating effects of organizational justice on the relations of ethical leadership, work engagement and organizational misbehavior. Also, it investigates the moderating effect of ethical ideology on the relationships among these variables. It proposes that managers’ ethical values and organizational members’ ethical perspectives such as absolutism, exceptionism, situationism, and subjectivism have the potential to be agents of virtue within the organizations. Employee attributions and emotional reactions to the unethical behavior of their leaders are important factors on individual behavior outcomes. So, in this study it is hypothesized that ethical leadership behavior affects organizational justice perception and this, respectively, affects organizational members’ work engagement and organizational misbehavior. It is also hypothesized that ethical ideology would moderate the relationship between the ethical leadership and organizational justice. Results indicate that ethical leadership has both direct and indirect influence on work engagement and organizational misbehavior. Finally, practical implications are discussed, and suggestions for the future research are made.
Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2021
The facilities that energy delivers to social life and economic activities render it indispensabl... more The facilities that energy delivers to social life and economic activities render it indispensable. Hence, it is equally critical that the energy cycle must have a sustainable structure. Therefore, it is an indisputable fact that developing and performing correct and consistent energy policies is vitally necessary. Energy consumption planning includes a continuous process to reassess existing and potential alternative energy approaches and strategies. The public and private decision-makers in charge of planning and managing energy consumption policies must adapt their strategies to novel and superior alternative resources according to sustainability and efficiency criteria. In this paper, the fuzzy EDAS method is used to address the best renewable energy consumption by taking political, economic, social, technological, legal, and environmental (PESTLE) dimensions into account. The analysis of the paper indicates the most efficient renewable energy consumption is sourced by geothermal, solar, wind, hydroelectricity, and biomass, respectively. By further investigation, it is concluded that the most optimum renewable energy consumption alternatives based on PESTLE dimensions are geothermal and solar energies.
Etik kavramının daha da ön plana çıktığı günümüzde pro-sosyal davranışlar arasında nitelendirilen... more Etik kavramının daha da ön plana çıktığı günümüzde pro-sosyal davranışlar arasında nitelendirilen işyerlerinde olumsuz durumları ifşa etme (whistleblowing) mekanizması, yönetim ve örgütsel davranış alanında daha da önemli bir kavram haline gelmiştir. Özellikle, son yıllarda ortaya çıkan etik skandallar, küresel krizler, yolsuzluklar ve ihmaller nedeniyle organizasyonlar, yasalar çerçevesinde etik kararlar verebilmek ve yasa dışı faaliyetlerin önüne geçebilmek için yeni mekanizmalara ve organlara ihtiyaç duymaktadır. İşletmeler açısından etik dışı veya yasalara aykırı olan eylemler ile organizasyonlara zararı olacak davranışları ortaya çıkaran ve çeşitli konularda da düzeltici önlemler alınmasına imkân sağlayan mekanizmalardan biri de olumsuz durumları ifşa etme mekanizmasıdır. Bugüne kadar birçok çalışmada olumsuz durumları ifşa etme konusunda çeşitli araştırmalar yapılmıştır. Ancak, konunun ülkemizde sınırlı sayıda araştırmaya konu olduğunu ifade etmek mümkündür. Özellikle Türkiye ...
Organizations need a leader who has the required characteristics and skills to sustain their exis... more Organizations need a leader who has the required characteristics and skills to sustain their existence, to grow and develop and to achieve their goals. Leadership is the process of facilitating individual and collective efforts and influencing others to achieve common goals. Leadership represents a process, while the leader refers to an individual. A leader can be defined as an individual who changes the paradigms of people, creates a vision, motivates followers with internal resources, engrains the idea that everyone has something to contribute to the shared goal, leads them and directly affects the flow of events and results. When the literature is examined, many studies on leaders and leadership exist, and the common purpose of these studies is to reveal facts and models about effective leaders and leadership. Many models have been developed on a theoretical basis to find an answer to the question of what makes leadership effective. In this section, within this scope, the nature,...
This study examined a mediated model of leader-member exchange (LMX) on meaningful work, organiza... more This study examined a mediated model of leader-member exchange (LMX) on meaningful work, organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) and turnover intention. First, we investigated the relationships between both leader-member exchange and turnover intention/OCB. Second, we also investigated the mediating role of meaningful work on these relationships. For the aim of this study, we made a survey that included 440 participants from a manufacturing firm. The results partially supported the given hypotheses that there are positive relationships between both LMX and meaninful work, and LMX and OCB. We also found that meaningful work partially mediates the relationship between LMX and OCB.
Akademik girisimcilik kapsaminda literaturde artan sayida teorik calismalarin yapildigi gozlemse ... more Akademik girisimcilik kapsaminda literaturde artan sayida teorik calismalarin yapildigi gozlemse de, bu tarz bir girisimciligin bireysel ve sosyal faktorlerin etkisiyle nasil sekillendigine yonelik deneysel calismalarin henuz istenen seviyelerde olmadigi gozlenmistir. Bu kapsamda, mevcut calismada cesitli universitelere ait 422 akademisyenle anket yapilarak, onlarin firsatlari arama ve gecmis girisimcilik tecrubeleri kapsamindaki girisimcilik kapasitelerinin akademik girisimcilikteki etkileri arastirilmistir. Ilave olarak, organizasyonel destek kapsaminda bir sosyal cevre degiskeni olan universitelerde bulunan tekno parklarin/bilim merkezlerinin akademik girisimcilikteki rolu de incelenmistir. Sonuclar, bireysel duzeydeki ozelliklerin ve tecrubenin akademik girisimcilikte onemli faktorler oldugunu ortaya koymustur. Ayrica, sosyal cevrenin de bireysel duzey kadar olmasa da etkide bulundugu ve tekno parklarin/bilim merkezlerinin yeni bir akademik girisim baslatmada rolu oldugu tespit ...
Anadolu Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 2020
Öz Dile getirme davranışı son yıllarda birçok araştırma modelinin odaklandığı bir konu haline gel... more Öz Dile getirme davranışı son yıllarda birçok araştırma modelinin odaklandığı bir konu haline gelmiştir. Özellikle örgütsel davranış alanında liderlik, motivasyon, bağlılık, aidiyet gibi çeşitli konular ile daha çok gündeme gelen bu kavrama yönelik henüz Türkçe literatürde kullanımı mevcut bir Türkçe 'ye uyarlanmış ölçeğe rastlanılmamıştır. Bu kapsamda mevcut çalışmada, dile getirme davranışı ölçeğinin, Türkçe'ye uyarlanması ve geçerlik-güvenirliğinin test edilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Türkçe literatürde önemli bir boşluğu dolduracağı değerlendirilen çalışmanın örneklemi İstanbul ilinde, çalışmaya katılmayı kabul eden 4 özel hastaneden, yöneticiler, birim sorumluları ve ekip liderleri ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. Türkçe'ye çevrilen ölçeğin, kapsam ve yapı geçerliliği ile güvenirliği test edilmiştir. Analizler sonucunda ölçeğin uygun, geçerli ve güvenilir sonuçlar verdiği gözlenmiştir.
Epiphany, 2019
Many businesses have come to realize that environmentally-aware applications have gained a compet... more Many businesses have come to realize that environmentally-aware applications have gained a competitive edge, even at increased competition environments. These businesses can make several investments to protect the environment. Contrary to our expectations, regarding environmental protection, there is no need for huge investments on issues such as waste recycling, reduction of emissions, and energy conservation. Businesses can become environmentally friendly by lean approach applications that are becoming widespread gradually. The idea of reducing any waste, the basis of the lean approach, can contribute to the protection of the environment by providing a safer use of scarce resources in the environment and by leaving a minimal amount of waste to the environment. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to examine the usefulness and effects of lean multi-dimensional applications for managing environmentally sensitive businesses. This paper employs an analysis of the literature that examines the relationship between lean thinking and green management. A thorough analysis has indicated that businesses that combine lean approaches and green practices have a better chance to reach positive outcomes, and attain sustainable strategic competitive advantage in their organizational environment.
International Journal of Social Science Studies, 2019
Employee behaviors can be classified into two basic groups as positive and negative organizationa... more Employee behaviors can be classified into two basic groups as positive and negative organizational behaviors. One of the negative organizational behaviors is counterproductive work behaviours. It is aimed to reveal the effects of perceived overqualification on counterproductive work behaviours and moderating role of distributive justice through an empirical study. In this respect, the data obtained from 398 employees in hospitality enterprises was analyzed by means of structural equation modelling (SEM). It is found that there is a positive relationship between perceived overqualification and counterproductive work behaviours, and perceived distributive justice moderates the relationship between perceived overqualification and counterproductive work behaviours towards colleagues. Some theoretical and managerial implications are offered about the variables. Distributive justice is effective in reducing counterproductive work behaviours which emerged from perceived overqualification. ...
İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 2014
Bu çalışmanın amacı, örgütsel politik algılamalar aracı (mediating) role sahipken etik liderlik d... more Bu çalışmanın amacı, örgütsel politik algılamalar aracı (mediating) role sahipken etik liderlik davranışlarının etik iklim algısı üzerindeki etkisini incelemektir. Araştırmanın örneklemini, savunma sanayii'nde havacılık alanında faaliyet gösteren kamuya ait üç adet lojistik destek merkezindeki 547 kişi oluşturmaktadır. Araştırmada, yöneticilerin bulunduğu organizasyonlarda birer rol model oldukları, özellikle de etik liderlik davranışları ile örgütsel politik algılara yön verecekleri ve sonuçta da etik iklim algısını pozitif yönde etkileyecekleri öngörülmüştür. Araştırma bulguları, etik liderlik davranışlarının, bağımsızlık etik iklim boyutu hariç, etik iklim alt boyutlarını doğrudan ve dolaylı olarak etkilediğini ortaya koymuştur. Ayrıca, etik liderlik davranışlarının dolaylı etkisinde, örgütsel politik algılamaların aracı bir rol oynadığı tespit edilmiştir.
International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, Aug 31, 2013
Energy is one of the main factors that must be considered in the discussions of sustainable devel... more Energy is one of the main factors that must be considered in the discussions of sustainable development. The basic dimensions of sustainability of energy production are environmentally, technically, economically and socially sustainable supply of energy resources that, in the long term, is reliable, adequate and affordable. Renewable, clean and cost effective energy sources are preferred but unfortunately no one of the alternative energy sources can meet these demands solely. So, the problem of determining the sustainable energy planning is a strategic tool for the development. In this dissertation, the aim of this study is to determine the best renewable energy technology for sustainable energy planning. For this aim, we used AHP methodology, which is a multi-criteria decision making (MDCM) method. In the proposed method, the weights of the selection criteria are determined by pairwise comparison matrices of the AHP. Results indicate that wind energy is the most appropriate renewable energy option in this study. Future researches could be conducted based on different multi-criteria decision-making techniques such as ANP, fuzzy ELECTRE or fuzzy TOPSIS for comparative purposes.
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2007
In this paper, we assess the effects of CEO stock options on three key corporate policies for ban... more In this paper, we assess the effects of CEO stock options on three key corporate policies for banks: investment choice, amount of borrowing, and level of capital. Using a sample of 549 bank-years for publicly traded banks from 1992 to 2002, we find that stock option grants lead CEOs to undertake riskier investments. In particular, higher levels of option grants are associated with higher levels of equity and asset volatility. Consistent with the role of options as a nondebt tax shield, we also show that option grants reduce the banks' incentive to borrow as evidenced by lower levels of interest expense and federal funds borrowing. Furthermore, we demonstrate that increases in CEO and employee stock option grants result in increased bank capital levels, perhaps because option grants create a contingent liability for the firm that needs to be funded in advance.
Journal of Public Management Research, 2015
In this study, we examined a relationship between social capital and ethics. For this aim, a ques... more In this study, we examined a relationship between social capital and ethics. For this aim, a questionnaire form, which consists of 35-item, was used out of some demographic variables. The survey was gathered from 339 hospital employees' who are working at governmental and private hospitals. The results indicated that there was a significant positive relationship between social capital and ethics. In addition we found that nurses reported more scores on ethics, and employees working at private sector reported more ethical scores than government employees. Further, several significant differences have been identified according to some demographic variables.
M.U. Iktisadi ve Idari Bilimler Dergisi, 2013
Literatürde stratejik insan kaynakları uygulamalarının örgütsel düzeyde önemli bazı çıktılara etk... more Literatürde stratejik insan kaynakları uygulamalarının örgütsel düzeyde önemli bazı çıktılara etkisine yönelik birçok çalışma olmasına rağmen, bilgi yönetimi ve inovasyon performansına olan etkisini araştıran çok az sayıda çalışma mevcuttur. Bu nedenle, mevcut çalışmada organizasyonlardaki bilgi yönetimi kapasitesinin stratejik insan kaynakları yönetimi uygulamaları ve inovasyon performansı arasındaki ilişkideki rolü incelenmiştir. Kurulan hipotezlerin testleri regresyon analizleri ile 116 firma üzerinde gerçekleştirilmiştir. Sonuçlar, stratejik insan kaynakları uygulamalarının bilgi yönetimi kapasitesi ile pozitif yönlü ilişkili olduğunu ve nihai olarak da inovasyon performansı üzerinde direkt bir etkiye sahip olduğunu ortaya koymuştur. Analizler sonucu, bilgi yönetimi kapasitesinin, stratejik insan kaynakları yönetimi uygulamaları ile inovasyon performansı arasında aracı (mediating) rolünü destekler nitelikte bulgular elde edilmiştir.
Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 2015
Bu çalışmada stratejik insan kaynakları yönetiminin, örgüt ve birey düzeyinde etkileri değerlendi... more Bu çalışmada stratejik insan kaynakları yönetiminin, örgüt ve birey düzeyinde etkileri değerlendirilmiştir. Bu çerçevede, stratejik insan kaynakları uygulamalarının; örgütsel bağlılık ve iş tatmini ile bireysel ve örgütsel düzeyde performansa olan etkisi, insan kaynakları uzmanları üzerinde araştırılmıştır. Bir organizasyonda stratejik insan kaynakları yönetiminin varlığı, insan kaynaklarının örgütün görev ve hedefleri ile dikey olarak uyumlu olduğu ve diğer örgüt fonksiyonları ile de yatay seviyede uyumun gerçekleştirildiği durumlarda ortaya çıkmaktadır. Bu çalışmada büyük imalatçı firmalarda görev yapan 374 insan kaynakları uzmanından oluşan bir örnek grubundan elde edilen verilerle yapısal eşitlik modeli kullanılarak analizler yapılmıştır. Sonuçlar, hipotezlerle öne sürüldüğü üzere, stratejik insan kaynakları uygulamalarının birey ve örgüt performansına direk etkisinin anlamlı bir düzeyde pozitif yönde olduğunu göstermektedir. Ayrıca, stratejik insan kaynakları yönetimi uygulamalarının, örgütsel bağlılığı ve iş tatminini de direk ve pozitif yönde etkilediği tespit edilmiştir.
Journal of Global Strategic Management, 2015
Decision-making have been discussed within the psychology and management literature for decades. ... more Decision-making have been discussed within the psychology and management literature for decades. However literature on stress and decision making relationship is limited. Moreover, existing studies and the findings remain poorly organized, and the quantitative studies are not enough. In addition, the strategic management field mostly deals with stress and uncertainty concepts. Thus, the aim of this study is to select the optimal strategy model to minimize decision failures under stress. For this aim, we developed the basic theoretical models to explain decision-making behaviour under stress, and we used AHP methodology, which is more of a selection tool and is appropriate in decision making situations, where both quantitative and qualitative criteria have to be considered, to select the best alternatives among given strategy models. The literature review reveals that stress can impact each stage of the decision-making process. The results showed that vigilance approach, which belongs to conflict theory, is the most appropriate to minimize decision failures under stress.
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2013
There are a lot of studies on outsourcing and its strategic influence to sustainable growth in th... more There are a lot of studies on outsourcing and its strategic influence to sustainable growth in the organizations, but little is known about how the subjective thoughts for strategic outsourcing decisions transformed to objective criteria. This study examines a model that evaluates the core capabilities for strategic outsourcing decision. The aim of this study is to evaluate the core competencies of the aviation maintenance centers for strategic outsourcing. AHP method, which is more of a selection tool and is appropriate in decision making situations, where both quantitative and qualitative criteria have to be considered, is used while evaluating the core capabilities. The criteria, such as flight operation effectiveness, flight safety, technological feature, cost effectiveness, usage quantity, procuring sufficiency and work force, are included in the model. The research data were collected from three aviation maintenance centers which are the primary logistics and maintenance centers for aviation industry. The results indicate that at technological level, machining and composite technologies; at product group level, structural parts on aero planes and brake system parts are core competence logistics parts for these aviation maintenance centers.
Business and Management Studies, 2014
The perspective of competition in the high technology industry has changed impressively over the ... more The perspective of competition in the high technology industry has changed impressively over the last two decades and the indicators which can be defined as the traditional indicators of business performance are insufficient today. So we have identified a new set of financial and non-financial performance indicators that can be used by firms and then, we developed a business performance measurement model. There may be relations and dependencies among the dimensions of performance. For this reason, performance evaluation should be conducted in a holistic manner. In this study, a hybrid method, Equated Priority Values (EPV), has been used to reflect the outcomes of the most commonly used approaches, including the modified Fuzzy Logarithmic Least Squares Method (modified fuzzy LLSM), Chang's Extent Analysis Method and Mikhailov's Fuzzy Prioritization Approach. A real world application is carried out to illustrate how the model can be utilized. The application could be interpreted as demonstrating the effectiveness and feasibility of the proposed model.
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2014
ABSTRACT The dynamics of faster development in production and service areas set new expectation s... more ABSTRACT The dynamics of faster development in production and service areas set new expectation standards and traditional managerial attributes in supply chain management processes are being revised to improve firm's competitiveness in this changing market environment. Also, companies are now looking to develop new methods in areas such as manufacturing, flexibility, transportation and information technologies in order to have a strategic superiority in their supply chain. Managers are key factors in the organizational performance and the success of the supply chains. So, it is proposed that supply chain strategies have to be considered in the overall strategy and also the contributions of supply chain management can not be realized unless it is supported by the managerial board. Accordingly, the purpose of this study is to investigate the role of managerial attributes and its effects on the supply chain performance. The data in this study are collected from the supply chain managers of large manufacturing firms (employee>50) in Kayseri. The results indicate that managerial attributes have impact on supply chain performance.
Handbook of Combinatorial Optimization, 2013
Journal of Business Ethics, 2013
ABSTRACT While a number of studies are being done on ethical leadership, little is known about th... more ABSTRACT While a number of studies are being done on ethical leadership, little is known about the role of ethical ideology and organizational justice in the relation of the ethical leadership behavior and individual behaviors such as work engagement and organizational misbehavior has tended to be neglected in ethics literature. This study examines the mediating effects of organizational justice on the relations of ethical leadership, work engagement and organizational misbehavior. Also, it investigates the moderating effect of ethical ideology on the relationships among these variables. It proposes that managers’ ethical values and organizational members’ ethical perspectives such as absolutism, exceptionism, situationism, and subjectivism have the potential to be agents of virtue within the organizations. Employee attributions and emotional reactions to the unethical behavior of their leaders are important factors on individual behavior outcomes. So, in this study it is hypothesized that ethical leadership behavior affects organizational justice perception and this, respectively, affects organizational members’ work engagement and organizational misbehavior. It is also hypothesized that ethical ideology would moderate the relationship between the ethical leadership and organizational justice. Results indicate that ethical leadership has both direct and indirect influence on work engagement and organizational misbehavior. Finally, practical implications are discussed, and suggestions for the future research are made.