Veli Ilhan | Erzincan üniversitesi (original) (raw)

Papers by Veli Ilhan

Research paper thumbnail of Sulama Suyunun Bazı Sebzelerde Ağır Metal ve Mineral Elementlerin Birikimine Etkisi

Bu calisma ile sulama suyunun sebzeler uzerinde ki etkileri arastirilmaya calisilmistir. Normal a... more Bu calisma ile sulama suyunun sebzeler uzerinde ki etkileri arastirilmaya calisilmistir. Normal arazi ve nehir kenar topraklarindan olmak uzere uc farkli ornek alan hazirlanmistir. Bu alanlarda normal sebeke suyu ile nehir suyu kullanilarak, biber ( Capsicum annuum L.), domates ( Solanum lycopersicum L.) ve patlican ( Solanum melongena L.) yetistirilmistir. Toplanan ornekler, laboratuvarda on islemden gecirildikten sonra ICP-MS te element analizi yapilmistir. Elde edilen sonuclar dogrultusunda SPSS 19 Istatistik Paket Programi ile istatistiksel degerlendirmeler yapilarak, uc farkli alandan toplanan orneklerin metal icerigi bakimindan toprak, kok ve meyveler arasinda farkliliklar tespit edilmistir. Ayrica metal acisindan toprak ile sebzelerin kokleri arasindaki korelasyon ile toprak-kok arasindaki iliski de belirlenmistir. Sulama suyunun, sebzelerde onemli etkisinin oldugu aciktir

Research paper thumbnail of Erzincan ve Çevresinde Yayılış Gösteren Doğal Gül ( Rosa L.) Taksonları

Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 2013

Roses (Rosa L. ) is known as the genus of fragrant, nice-looking plants of Rosaceae family. Rosa ... more Roses (Rosa L. ) is known as the genus of fragrant, nice-looking plants of Rosaceae family. Rosa which has a history older than the history of humanity, due to the alluring beauty and nice- smell were cultivated and used throughout the ages

Research paper thumbnail of Scrophularia fatmae (Scrophulariaceae): Doğu Anadolu Bölgesi’nden sıra dışı yeni bir Sıracaotu (Scrophularia L.) türü

Scrophularia fatmae Kandemir & I lhan (Scrophulariaceae) is described as a new species and its mo... more Scrophularia fatmae Kandemir & I lhan (Scrophulariaceae) is described as a new species and its morphological characters are illusturated. The leaves and stems are covered with dense glandular hairs, the stem is hollow and fragile, the corolla is spectacular pink colored, the corolla tube is swollen like sack, the ovary surface ± wrinkled and sparsely glandularin S. fatmae . New species is quite different from other species of the genus with a combination of these characters.

Research paper thumbnail of Habitat properties of some Gypsophila L. (Caryophyllaceae) taxa of Turkey

ABSTRACT Abstract "Gypsophila" is a name of a plants group which is adapted to ... more ABSTRACT Abstract "Gypsophila" is a name of a plants group which is adapted to the gypsum environments. It is the third largest genus of Caryophyllaceae family in Turkey. 60 taxa belonging to 56 species grow naturally in Turkey and 35 of them are endemic (respectively endemism rate of about 60%) In our country, the members of the genus is commonly known as "Coven". Because of Turkey is gene center of Gypsophila which is indicator of gypsium areas and is economically very valuable, the introduction of the biological characteristics of Gypsophila taxa is very necessery. In this study, physical and chemical properties of the soil samples taken from the natural habitats of Gypsophila L. genus growing in Turkey were determined. After that the results obtained from the analyses are interpreted. In addition some field properties and ecological characteristics of the taxa were given. Soil samples of the species are rough textured, alkali, saltless and limed in very high and medium level. The amounts of sodium, magnesium, phosphorus and zinc are low. Iron and cupper amounts are low and medium, the levels of organic matter and potassium are medium and rich, calcium are high. Gypsophila taxa have distribution between 100 and 2800 m altitudes in Turkey. Most of the studied soil samples are gypseous. This type of fields are poor in terms of higher plants and susceptible to erosion. Because of their well developed root structure, they prevent erosion. Özet "Gypsophila" adı jipsli ortamlara adapte olan bir bitki grubuna verilmiştir. Bu cins Türkiye'de Caryophyllaceae familyasının üçüncü büyük cinsidir. Ülkemizde 56 doğal türe bağlı 60 taksonu yetişmektedir. Endemik tür sayısı 35 (endemizm oranı yaklaşık % 60)'dir. Ülkemizde bu cinsin üyeleri genel olarak "Çöven" adıyla bilinmektedir. Jipsli alanların indikatörü olan bu cinsin gen merkezinin Türkiye olması ve ekonomik açıdan çok değerli olması Gypsophila taksonlarının biyolojik özelliklerinin tanıtılmasını zorunlu kılmaktadır. Bu araştırmada, Türkiye'de yetişen Gypsophila L. cinsine ait bazı taksonların doğal habitatlarından alınan toprak örneklerinin analizleri yapılarak fiziksel ve kimyasal özellikleri belirlenmiştir. Daha sonra elde edilen sonuçlar yorumlanmıştır. Ayrıca taksonların bazı arazi bilgileri ve ekolojik özellikleri verilmiştir. Çalışılan Gypsophila toprakları genellikle kaba bünyeli, alkali, tuzsuz, çok yüksek ve orta seviyede kireçlidir. Toprakların sodyum, magnezyum, fosfor ve çinko miktarları düşüktür. Demir ve bakır miktarları düşük ve orta seviyede, organik madde ve potasyum miktarları orta ve zengin, kalsiyum miktarları ise yüksektir. Gypsophila taksonları Türkiye'de 100-2800 m rakımlar arasında yayılış göstermektedir. Araştırılan toprak örneklerinin önemli bir bölümü jipslidir. Bu tip alanlar yüksek yapılı bitkiler bakımından fakirdir ve erozyona açıktır. Özellikle çok yıllık çövenlerin kök yapıları kuvvetli olduğu için erozyon önleyicidirler.

Research paper thumbnail of Glycyrrhiza iconica Hub.-Mor. (Fabaceae) Üzerine Anatomik, Morfolojik ve Ekolojik Bir Çalışma

Glycyrrhiza iconica ulkemize ait endemik turlerden biridir. Bu ture ait kok, govde ve yaprak anat... more Glycyrrhiza iconica ulkemize ait endemik turlerden biridir. Bu ture ait kok, govde ve yaprak anatomileri, morfolojileri ve bitki-toprak iliskileri belirlenmistir. Ulkemizde yetisen Glycyrrhiza turlerinden G. iconica haric diger turlerin gerek anatomik gerekse morfolojik ozellikleri daha once ortaya konmustur. G. iconica’nin ozellikle anatomik sonuclari daha once yapilan bu calisma sonuclari ile karsilastirilmistir. Morfolojik olarak kok, govde ve rizom boyutlari bakimindan diger Glycyrrhiza taksonlarindan oldukca kucuk yapida oldugu tespit edilmistir.

Research paper thumbnail of Nepeta meyeri Esansiyel Yağları İçerisindeki Allelopatik Potansiyelli Kimyasallar ile Bu Bitkinin Allelopatik Baskısıyla İnhibisyona Uğramış Bitkilerin Belirlenmesi

Research paper thumbnail of Scrophularia fatmae (Scrophulariaceae): Doğu Anadolu Bölgesi’nden sıra dışı yeni bir Sıracaotu (Scrophularia L.) türü

Bagbahce Bilim Dergisi, Feb 27, 2014

Scrophularia fatmae Kandemir & I lhan (Scrophulariaceae) is described as a new species and it... more Scrophularia fatmae Kandemir & I lhan (Scrophulariaceae) is described as a new species and its morphological characters are illusturated. The leaves and stems are covered with dense glandular hairs, the stem is hollow and fragile, the corolla is spectacular pink colored, the corolla tube is swollen like sack, the ovary surface ± wrinkled and sparsely glandularin S. fatmae . New species is quite different from other species of the genus with a combination of these characters.

Research paper thumbnail of Effect of Irrigation Water on Accumulation of Heavy Metal and Mineral Element in Some Vegetables

Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Elementos de topología

Research paper thumbnail of Scrophularia fatmae (Scrophulariaceae): An anomalous new Scrophularia L. species from Eastern Anatolia, Turkey-Scrophularia fatmae (Scrophulariaceae): Doğu Anadolu Bölgesi’nden sıra dışı yeni bir Sıracaotu (Scrophularia L.) türü

ABSTRACT Abstract: Scrophularia fatmae Kandemir & İlhan (Scrophulariaceae) is described a... more ABSTRACT Abstract: Scrophularia fatmae Kandemir & İlhan (Scrophulariaceae) is described as a new species and its morphological characters are illusturated. The leaves and stems are covered with dense glandular hairs, the stem is hollow and fragile, the corolla is spectacular pink colored, the corolla tube is swollen like sack, the ovary surface ± wrinkled and sparsely glandularin S. fatmae. New species is quite different from other species of the genus with a combination of these characters. Özet: Scrophularia fatmae Kandemir & İlhan (Scrophulariaceae) yeni bir Sıracaotu (Scrophularia L.) türü olarak betimlendi ve morfolojik özellikleri çizimle gösterildi. S. fatmae türünde; yapraklar ve gövde yoğun salgı tüylü, gövdenin içi boş ve gövde kırılgan, taçlar gösterişli pembe renkli, taç tüpü testi gibi şişkin, ovaryum yüzeyi az çok buruşuk ve dağınık salgı tüylüdür. Bu karakterlerin kombinsayonu ile yeni tür cinsin diğer türlerinden oldukça farklıdır.

Research paper thumbnail of Tanacetum erzincanense (Asteraceae), a new species from Erzincan, Turkey


Research paper thumbnail of Mistletoe ( Viscum album ) infestation in the Scots pine stimulates drought-dependent oxidative damage in summer

Research paper thumbnail of Mistletoe (Viscum album) reduces the growth of the Scots pine by accumulating essential nutrient elements in its structure as a trap

Trees, 2015

Key messageWe found mistletoe accumulates nutrient elements in its structure as a trap and causes... more Key messageWe found mistletoe accumulates nutrient elements in its structure as a trap and causes a severe drought stress in the Scots pine in dry summer seasons.AbstractThe mistletoe [Viscum album ssp. austriacum (Wiesbaur) Vollm.] is a hemiparasitic plant, and its infestation is known to play an important role on the mortality of Scots pines (Pinus sylvestris L.), but there is little knowledge about its action mechanism. This study, therefore, tried to gain a better understanding of the destructive effect of the mistletoe on the growth and water uptake mechanism of the Scots pine. Identical needles from neighboring plants (healthy and infested) were harvested in the middle of each month (from April to October 2013) and used as research material. Infestation success of the mistletoe was investigated by evaluating the contents of the endogenous nutrient elements such as potassium, phosphorus, calcium, sulfur, magnesium, iron, copper, zinc, manganese, boron, nickel, and sodium in both mistletoe leaves and the needles of healthy and infested Scots pine. Its effects were also evaluated by determining the content of water, chlorophyll, and dry matter, and the length of the newly formed needles of the healthy and infested trees. Mistletoe infestation led to a decrease in the availability of water and mineral nutrients, and caused a powerful inhibition on the growth parameters such as chlorophyll, dry matter, and the length of needles by accumulating the essential nutrient minerals in its structure. The findings of this study indicate that the mistletoe accumulates the nutrient elements in its structure as a trap and causes a severe drought stress in the Scots pine in dry summer seasons, thereby playing a potent role in the increasing mortality rate in the Scots pine.

Research paper thumbnail of Distribution, Traditinal Use and Conservation of Geophyte Plants Growing Around Keşiş Mountain, Eastern Anatolia, Turkey

International Journal of Scientific Research in Knowledge, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of PB–248 Ergan Dağı'nın (Erzincan) Endemik Bitki Taksonları

Amaç: Bu çalışmada Erzincan sınırları içerisinde bulunan ve ülkemizin önemli bitki alanlarından o... more Amaç: Bu çalışmada Erzincan sınırları içerisinde bulunan ve ülkemizin önemli bitki alanlarından olan Munzur Dağları'nın kuzeydoğusunda bulunan Ergan Dağı'nın endemik bitkilerinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Endemik bitkiler bir ülkenin biyolojik zenginliklerinin başında gelmektedir. Bu bakımdan endemik bitkilerimizi iyi tanımak ve yok olma tehlikesi yüksek olanlar için koruma tebdirleri almak nesillerinin devamı için çok önemlidir. Gereçler ve Yöntemler: Bitki numuneleri, 2011 yılının Nisan-Ağustos ayları arasındaki vejetasyon dönemlerinde Ergan Dağı'ndan toplanmıştır. Dağın farklı lokalitelerine ait değişik habitatlardan toplanan bitki örnekleri herbaryum tekniklerine göre preslenerek kurutulmuştur. Daha sonra "Flora of Turkey''adlı eserlerden yararlanılarak örneklerin familya, cins ve tür adları teşhis edilmiştir. Ayrıca bu bitkilerin tamamı TÜBİVES (Türkiye bitkileri veri tabanı sistemi)'den kontrol edilmiştir. Herbaryum kartonlarına yapıştırılan ve e...

Research paper thumbnail of Habitat Properties of Some Gypsophila L. (Caryophyllaceae) Taxa of Turkey-Türkiye'nin Bazı Gypsophila L. (Caryophyllaceae) Taksonlarının Habitat Özellikleri

Abstract "Gypsophila" is a name of a plants group which is adapted to the gypsum enviro... more Abstract "Gypsophila" is a name of a plants group which is adapted to the gypsum environments. It is the third largest genus of Caryophyllaceae family in Turkey. 60 taxa belonging to 56 species grow naturally in Turkey and 35 of them are endemic (respectively endemism rate of about 60%) In our country, the members of the genus is commonly known as "Coven". Because of Turkey is gene center of Gypsophila which is indicator of gypsium areas and is economically very valuable, the introduction of the biological characteristics of Gypsophila taxa is very necessery. In this study, physical and chemical properties of the soil samples taken from the natural habitats of Gypsophila L. genus growing in Turkey were determined. After that the results obtained from the analyses are interpreted. In addition some field properties and ecological characteristics of the taxa were given. Soil samples of the species are rough textured, alkali, saltless and limed in very high and mediu...

Research paper thumbnail of Natural Rose (Rosa L.) Taxa Distributed in Erzincan and Its Environs-Erzincan ve Çevresinde Yayılış Gösteren Doğal Gül (Rosa L.) Taksonları

Abstract: Roses (Rosa L. ) is known as the genus of fragrant, nice-looking plants of Rosaceae fam... more Abstract: Roses (Rosa L. ) is known as the genus of fragrant, nice-looking plants of Rosaceae family. Rosa which has a history older than the history of humanity, due to the alluring beauty and nice- smell were cultivated and used throughout the ages. In this study, inventory of naturally distributed Rosa taxa in Erzincan and its environs were prepared. Erzincan is located at the crossroads of Eastern, North Eastern and Central Anatolia regions and in B7 square. It is a quite rich city floristic point of view. The scope of the study is determining the natural Rosa taxa grow naturally in the area. So, identifications of Rosa samples collected from the area were done. In addition, researchers collected natural rose samples in related area were determined from the literature. At the end of the studies 17 wild Rosa taxa, growing in the area, were determined. To date, natural rose samples were collected approximately from 94 different localities in Erzincan and its environs by 11 researc...



Research paper thumbnail of Köyceğiz yöresinde halk arasında yaygın olarak kullanılan bazı tıbbi ve aromatik bitkiler

Research paper thumbnail of Sulama Suyunun Bazı Sebzelerde Ağır Metal ve Mineral Elementlerin Birikimine Etkisi

Bu calisma ile sulama suyunun sebzeler uzerinde ki etkileri arastirilmaya calisilmistir. Normal a... more Bu calisma ile sulama suyunun sebzeler uzerinde ki etkileri arastirilmaya calisilmistir. Normal arazi ve nehir kenar topraklarindan olmak uzere uc farkli ornek alan hazirlanmistir. Bu alanlarda normal sebeke suyu ile nehir suyu kullanilarak, biber ( Capsicum annuum L.), domates ( Solanum lycopersicum L.) ve patlican ( Solanum melongena L.) yetistirilmistir. Toplanan ornekler, laboratuvarda on islemden gecirildikten sonra ICP-MS te element analizi yapilmistir. Elde edilen sonuclar dogrultusunda SPSS 19 Istatistik Paket Programi ile istatistiksel degerlendirmeler yapilarak, uc farkli alandan toplanan orneklerin metal icerigi bakimindan toprak, kok ve meyveler arasinda farkliliklar tespit edilmistir. Ayrica metal acisindan toprak ile sebzelerin kokleri arasindaki korelasyon ile toprak-kok arasindaki iliski de belirlenmistir. Sulama suyunun, sebzelerde onemli etkisinin oldugu aciktir

Research paper thumbnail of Erzincan ve Çevresinde Yayılış Gösteren Doğal Gül ( Rosa L.) Taksonları

Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 2013

Roses (Rosa L. ) is known as the genus of fragrant, nice-looking plants of Rosaceae family. Rosa ... more Roses (Rosa L. ) is known as the genus of fragrant, nice-looking plants of Rosaceae family. Rosa which has a history older than the history of humanity, due to the alluring beauty and nice- smell were cultivated and used throughout the ages

Research paper thumbnail of Scrophularia fatmae (Scrophulariaceae): Doğu Anadolu Bölgesi’nden sıra dışı yeni bir Sıracaotu (Scrophularia L.) türü

Scrophularia fatmae Kandemir & I lhan (Scrophulariaceae) is described as a new species and its mo... more Scrophularia fatmae Kandemir & I lhan (Scrophulariaceae) is described as a new species and its morphological characters are illusturated. The leaves and stems are covered with dense glandular hairs, the stem is hollow and fragile, the corolla is spectacular pink colored, the corolla tube is swollen like sack, the ovary surface ± wrinkled and sparsely glandularin S. fatmae . New species is quite different from other species of the genus with a combination of these characters.

Research paper thumbnail of Habitat properties of some Gypsophila L. (Caryophyllaceae) taxa of Turkey

ABSTRACT Abstract "Gypsophila" is a name of a plants group which is adapted to ... more ABSTRACT Abstract "Gypsophila" is a name of a plants group which is adapted to the gypsum environments. It is the third largest genus of Caryophyllaceae family in Turkey. 60 taxa belonging to 56 species grow naturally in Turkey and 35 of them are endemic (respectively endemism rate of about 60%) In our country, the members of the genus is commonly known as "Coven". Because of Turkey is gene center of Gypsophila which is indicator of gypsium areas and is economically very valuable, the introduction of the biological characteristics of Gypsophila taxa is very necessery. In this study, physical and chemical properties of the soil samples taken from the natural habitats of Gypsophila L. genus growing in Turkey were determined. After that the results obtained from the analyses are interpreted. In addition some field properties and ecological characteristics of the taxa were given. Soil samples of the species are rough textured, alkali, saltless and limed in very high and medium level. The amounts of sodium, magnesium, phosphorus and zinc are low. Iron and cupper amounts are low and medium, the levels of organic matter and potassium are medium and rich, calcium are high. Gypsophila taxa have distribution between 100 and 2800 m altitudes in Turkey. Most of the studied soil samples are gypseous. This type of fields are poor in terms of higher plants and susceptible to erosion. Because of their well developed root structure, they prevent erosion. Özet "Gypsophila" adı jipsli ortamlara adapte olan bir bitki grubuna verilmiştir. Bu cins Türkiye'de Caryophyllaceae familyasının üçüncü büyük cinsidir. Ülkemizde 56 doğal türe bağlı 60 taksonu yetişmektedir. Endemik tür sayısı 35 (endemizm oranı yaklaşık % 60)'dir. Ülkemizde bu cinsin üyeleri genel olarak "Çöven" adıyla bilinmektedir. Jipsli alanların indikatörü olan bu cinsin gen merkezinin Türkiye olması ve ekonomik açıdan çok değerli olması Gypsophila taksonlarının biyolojik özelliklerinin tanıtılmasını zorunlu kılmaktadır. Bu araştırmada, Türkiye'de yetişen Gypsophila L. cinsine ait bazı taksonların doğal habitatlarından alınan toprak örneklerinin analizleri yapılarak fiziksel ve kimyasal özellikleri belirlenmiştir. Daha sonra elde edilen sonuçlar yorumlanmıştır. Ayrıca taksonların bazı arazi bilgileri ve ekolojik özellikleri verilmiştir. Çalışılan Gypsophila toprakları genellikle kaba bünyeli, alkali, tuzsuz, çok yüksek ve orta seviyede kireçlidir. Toprakların sodyum, magnezyum, fosfor ve çinko miktarları düşüktür. Demir ve bakır miktarları düşük ve orta seviyede, organik madde ve potasyum miktarları orta ve zengin, kalsiyum miktarları ise yüksektir. Gypsophila taksonları Türkiye'de 100-2800 m rakımlar arasında yayılış göstermektedir. Araştırılan toprak örneklerinin önemli bir bölümü jipslidir. Bu tip alanlar yüksek yapılı bitkiler bakımından fakirdir ve erozyona açıktır. Özellikle çok yıllık çövenlerin kök yapıları kuvvetli olduğu için erozyon önleyicidirler.

Research paper thumbnail of Glycyrrhiza iconica Hub.-Mor. (Fabaceae) Üzerine Anatomik, Morfolojik ve Ekolojik Bir Çalışma

Glycyrrhiza iconica ulkemize ait endemik turlerden biridir. Bu ture ait kok, govde ve yaprak anat... more Glycyrrhiza iconica ulkemize ait endemik turlerden biridir. Bu ture ait kok, govde ve yaprak anatomileri, morfolojileri ve bitki-toprak iliskileri belirlenmistir. Ulkemizde yetisen Glycyrrhiza turlerinden G. iconica haric diger turlerin gerek anatomik gerekse morfolojik ozellikleri daha once ortaya konmustur. G. iconica’nin ozellikle anatomik sonuclari daha once yapilan bu calisma sonuclari ile karsilastirilmistir. Morfolojik olarak kok, govde ve rizom boyutlari bakimindan diger Glycyrrhiza taksonlarindan oldukca kucuk yapida oldugu tespit edilmistir.

Research paper thumbnail of Nepeta meyeri Esansiyel Yağları İçerisindeki Allelopatik Potansiyelli Kimyasallar ile Bu Bitkinin Allelopatik Baskısıyla İnhibisyona Uğramış Bitkilerin Belirlenmesi

Research paper thumbnail of Scrophularia fatmae (Scrophulariaceae): Doğu Anadolu Bölgesi’nden sıra dışı yeni bir Sıracaotu (Scrophularia L.) türü

Bagbahce Bilim Dergisi, Feb 27, 2014

Scrophularia fatmae Kandemir & I lhan (Scrophulariaceae) is described as a new species and it... more Scrophularia fatmae Kandemir & I lhan (Scrophulariaceae) is described as a new species and its morphological characters are illusturated. The leaves and stems are covered with dense glandular hairs, the stem is hollow and fragile, the corolla is spectacular pink colored, the corolla tube is swollen like sack, the ovary surface ± wrinkled and sparsely glandularin S. fatmae . New species is quite different from other species of the genus with a combination of these characters.

Research paper thumbnail of Effect of Irrigation Water on Accumulation of Heavy Metal and Mineral Element in Some Vegetables

Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Elementos de topología

Research paper thumbnail of Scrophularia fatmae (Scrophulariaceae): An anomalous new Scrophularia L. species from Eastern Anatolia, Turkey-Scrophularia fatmae (Scrophulariaceae): Doğu Anadolu Bölgesi’nden sıra dışı yeni bir Sıracaotu (Scrophularia L.) türü

ABSTRACT Abstract: Scrophularia fatmae Kandemir & İlhan (Scrophulariaceae) is described a... more ABSTRACT Abstract: Scrophularia fatmae Kandemir & İlhan (Scrophulariaceae) is described as a new species and its morphological characters are illusturated. The leaves and stems are covered with dense glandular hairs, the stem is hollow and fragile, the corolla is spectacular pink colored, the corolla tube is swollen like sack, the ovary surface ± wrinkled and sparsely glandularin S. fatmae. New species is quite different from other species of the genus with a combination of these characters. Özet: Scrophularia fatmae Kandemir & İlhan (Scrophulariaceae) yeni bir Sıracaotu (Scrophularia L.) türü olarak betimlendi ve morfolojik özellikleri çizimle gösterildi. S. fatmae türünde; yapraklar ve gövde yoğun salgı tüylü, gövdenin içi boş ve gövde kırılgan, taçlar gösterişli pembe renkli, taç tüpü testi gibi şişkin, ovaryum yüzeyi az çok buruşuk ve dağınık salgı tüylüdür. Bu karakterlerin kombinsayonu ile yeni tür cinsin diğer türlerinden oldukça farklıdır.

Research paper thumbnail of Tanacetum erzincanense (Asteraceae), a new species from Erzincan, Turkey


Research paper thumbnail of Mistletoe ( Viscum album ) infestation in the Scots pine stimulates drought-dependent oxidative damage in summer

Research paper thumbnail of Mistletoe (Viscum album) reduces the growth of the Scots pine by accumulating essential nutrient elements in its structure as a trap

Trees, 2015

Key messageWe found mistletoe accumulates nutrient elements in its structure as a trap and causes... more Key messageWe found mistletoe accumulates nutrient elements in its structure as a trap and causes a severe drought stress in the Scots pine in dry summer seasons.AbstractThe mistletoe [Viscum album ssp. austriacum (Wiesbaur) Vollm.] is a hemiparasitic plant, and its infestation is known to play an important role on the mortality of Scots pines (Pinus sylvestris L.), but there is little knowledge about its action mechanism. This study, therefore, tried to gain a better understanding of the destructive effect of the mistletoe on the growth and water uptake mechanism of the Scots pine. Identical needles from neighboring plants (healthy and infested) were harvested in the middle of each month (from April to October 2013) and used as research material. Infestation success of the mistletoe was investigated by evaluating the contents of the endogenous nutrient elements such as potassium, phosphorus, calcium, sulfur, magnesium, iron, copper, zinc, manganese, boron, nickel, and sodium in both mistletoe leaves and the needles of healthy and infested Scots pine. Its effects were also evaluated by determining the content of water, chlorophyll, and dry matter, and the length of the newly formed needles of the healthy and infested trees. Mistletoe infestation led to a decrease in the availability of water and mineral nutrients, and caused a powerful inhibition on the growth parameters such as chlorophyll, dry matter, and the length of needles by accumulating the essential nutrient minerals in its structure. The findings of this study indicate that the mistletoe accumulates the nutrient elements in its structure as a trap and causes a severe drought stress in the Scots pine in dry summer seasons, thereby playing a potent role in the increasing mortality rate in the Scots pine.

Research paper thumbnail of Distribution, Traditinal Use and Conservation of Geophyte Plants Growing Around Keşiş Mountain, Eastern Anatolia, Turkey

International Journal of Scientific Research in Knowledge, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of PB–248 Ergan Dağı'nın (Erzincan) Endemik Bitki Taksonları

Amaç: Bu çalışmada Erzincan sınırları içerisinde bulunan ve ülkemizin önemli bitki alanlarından o... more Amaç: Bu çalışmada Erzincan sınırları içerisinde bulunan ve ülkemizin önemli bitki alanlarından olan Munzur Dağları'nın kuzeydoğusunda bulunan Ergan Dağı'nın endemik bitkilerinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Endemik bitkiler bir ülkenin biyolojik zenginliklerinin başında gelmektedir. Bu bakımdan endemik bitkilerimizi iyi tanımak ve yok olma tehlikesi yüksek olanlar için koruma tebdirleri almak nesillerinin devamı için çok önemlidir. Gereçler ve Yöntemler: Bitki numuneleri, 2011 yılının Nisan-Ağustos ayları arasındaki vejetasyon dönemlerinde Ergan Dağı'ndan toplanmıştır. Dağın farklı lokalitelerine ait değişik habitatlardan toplanan bitki örnekleri herbaryum tekniklerine göre preslenerek kurutulmuştur. Daha sonra "Flora of Turkey''adlı eserlerden yararlanılarak örneklerin familya, cins ve tür adları teşhis edilmiştir. Ayrıca bu bitkilerin tamamı TÜBİVES (Türkiye bitkileri veri tabanı sistemi)'den kontrol edilmiştir. Herbaryum kartonlarına yapıştırılan ve e...

Research paper thumbnail of Habitat Properties of Some Gypsophila L. (Caryophyllaceae) Taxa of Turkey-Türkiye'nin Bazı Gypsophila L. (Caryophyllaceae) Taksonlarının Habitat Özellikleri

Abstract "Gypsophila" is a name of a plants group which is adapted to the gypsum enviro... more Abstract "Gypsophila" is a name of a plants group which is adapted to the gypsum environments. It is the third largest genus of Caryophyllaceae family in Turkey. 60 taxa belonging to 56 species grow naturally in Turkey and 35 of them are endemic (respectively endemism rate of about 60%) In our country, the members of the genus is commonly known as "Coven". Because of Turkey is gene center of Gypsophila which is indicator of gypsium areas and is economically very valuable, the introduction of the biological characteristics of Gypsophila taxa is very necessery. In this study, physical and chemical properties of the soil samples taken from the natural habitats of Gypsophila L. genus growing in Turkey were determined. After that the results obtained from the analyses are interpreted. In addition some field properties and ecological characteristics of the taxa were given. Soil samples of the species are rough textured, alkali, saltless and limed in very high and mediu...

Research paper thumbnail of Natural Rose (Rosa L.) Taxa Distributed in Erzincan and Its Environs-Erzincan ve Çevresinde Yayılış Gösteren Doğal Gül (Rosa L.) Taksonları

Abstract: Roses (Rosa L. ) is known as the genus of fragrant, nice-looking plants of Rosaceae fam... more Abstract: Roses (Rosa L. ) is known as the genus of fragrant, nice-looking plants of Rosaceae family. Rosa which has a history older than the history of humanity, due to the alluring beauty and nice- smell were cultivated and used throughout the ages. In this study, inventory of naturally distributed Rosa taxa in Erzincan and its environs were prepared. Erzincan is located at the crossroads of Eastern, North Eastern and Central Anatolia regions and in B7 square. It is a quite rich city floristic point of view. The scope of the study is determining the natural Rosa taxa grow naturally in the area. So, identifications of Rosa samples collected from the area were done. In addition, researchers collected natural rose samples in related area were determined from the literature. At the end of the studies 17 wild Rosa taxa, growing in the area, were determined. To date, natural rose samples were collected approximately from 94 different localities in Erzincan and its environs by 11 researc...



Research paper thumbnail of Köyceğiz yöresinde halk arasında yaygın olarak kullanılan bazı tıbbi ve aromatik bitkiler