Fallen Hero Ch. 1 pg 1 by Esther667 on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

It's Here!

Finally pg 1 arrived! :D Hope you like it! Sorry if I was late to submit this but urgh life got harder for me. :/
Anyways,lately, I'm feeling really tired from all the work and planning from school. So... I would post the next few pages every Monday SORRY! I just can't keep up with drawing cause like I said, I'm hella busy of school. I really


need some rest right now and today, I just felt...empty. I don't know what's wrong with me but I can guess that I'm feeling really stress and anxious about everything. :/ I've been taking medicine for horrible headaches. But! I'll try to give you previews of the next page ^-^;

If you still haven't see the prologue read Here
Fallen Hero Master post


Fallen Hero Cover ch. 1

Pg 1
Pg 2:Pg 2
Pg 3:25 July
Pg 4:1 Aug
Pg 5:8 Aug
Pg 6:15 Aug
Pg 7:22 Aug
Pg 8:29 Aug
Pg 9:
Pg 10:
Pg 11:
Pg 12:
Pg 13:
Pg 14: