Ekaterina Khonineva | European University at St. Petersburg (original) (raw)

Books by Ekaterina Khonineva

Research paper thumbnail of Современные исследования гендера и сексуальности: теоретические разработки и эмпирические изыскания (Спецномер Журнала социологии и социальной антропологии №5/2017)

Бороздина Е.А., Кондаков А.А., Шторн Е.М. Современные исследования гендера и сексуальности: теоре... more Бороздина Е.А., Кондаков А.А., Шторн Е.М.
Современные исследования гендера и сексуальности: теоретические разработки и эмпирические изыскания

Теоретические и методологические подходы к анализу гендера и сексуальности
Темкина А.А., Здравомыслова Е.А.
Интерсекциональный поворот в гендерных исследованиях
Дорогов Д.А.
По ту сторону антагонизма: Гибрид как модель постколониальной квир-субъектности
Воронцов Д.В.
Сексуальность как этничность: культурный ресурс гендерезированной сексуальности

Фемининности и маскулинности
Жайворонок Д.В.
«Что не так с проституцией?»: дискурс печатных СМИ эпохи Перестройки
Хонинева Е.А.
Гендер и дисплей: коммуникативные жанры и способы категоризации во взаимодействии с голосовыми ассистентами
Галиндабаева В.В.
«Головары» или «истинные буряты»? Репрезентации сельской маскулинности в Бурятии
Иванова Е.А.
«Я себя не отношу к хорошим папам, в лучшем случае, к нормальным»: как российские мужчины конструируют образ «хорошего отца» после развода
Тюхтяев А.Е.
Проигрывание гендерных идентичностей в среде нью-эйдж (на примере паломничества к археологическим памятникам в Краснодарском крае)

Шорыгин Е.А.
Гендерные режимы в школах
Кондаков А.А.
Конфигурации права: как действует закон о «пропаганде» в школах
Шторн Е.М.
Эссе о «субличности»: двукратная попытка поговорить о насилии

Papers by Ekaterina Khonineva

Research paper thumbnail of Исцеление внутреннего ребенка: психотерапевтический троп и антропология эмоциональной религиозности

Статья посвящена антропологическому исследованию логики адаптации психотерапевтического дискурса ... more Статья посвящена антропологическому исследованию логики адаптации психотерапевтического дискурса религиозными специалистами в рамках католической практики духовных упражнений. Основываясь на характерном для терапевтической культуры представлении о глубокой укорененности личности в истории семейных связей и опыте взросления, автор ставит вопрос о том, как в ходе освоения психотерапевтических техник религиозными группами может проявлять себя проблематика семейных отношений и на каких
образах детства подобные «синкретические» проекты могут основываться. Рассмотрение католической практики духовных упражнений позволяет обратиться к историческим корням концепции «личных отношений с Богом», которые можно обнаружить в духовных движениях позднего Средневековья и раннего Нового времени, делающих акцент на эмоциональной религиозности, практиках медитации и воображения. В исследуемом контексте интерпретация отношений с Богом и другими агентами сверхчеловеческой природы в психотерапевтических терминах основывается на сочетании традиционной иезуитской практики духовного сопровождения с идеями из области психодинамической терапии, имевшем место в американских руководствах по духовному сопровождению 1970–1990-х гг. В такой перспективе образ Бога трактуется как проекция усвоенных в детстве образов авторитетного взрослого, а трудности в «отношениях с Богом» — как следствие неразрешенных проблем в значимых межличностных отношениях. Используя в качестве основы для практики медитации один из важнейших терапевтических тропов «внутреннего ребенка», духовные руководители предлагают участникам посредством воображения разыграть сцену обретения детской версией их личности безусловной любви. Однако в отличие от терапевтической редакции практики работы с «внутренним ребенком», в католической парадигме человек не может и не должен становиться ни агентом собственного исцеления, ни самому себе родителем. Логика персональной ответственности и «родительства» как его метафоры сменяется на логику смирения и вверения себя божественной воле, т.е. истинного детства. Статья демонстрирует необходимость более внимательного изучения техник воображения, используемых как в религиозных культурах, так и в психотерапевтических контекстах, и поднимает вопрос об общности их эпистемологической позиции в отношении природы и функции воображения.

Research paper thumbnail of Традиция как игра? Ортодоксия, эстетика и ирония в католическом традиционализме

This article examines the daily life of one Catholic traditionalist community in St. Petersburg, ... more This article examines the daily life of one Catholic traditionalist community in St. Petersburg, the followers of the Society of St. Pius X. As the Catholic Church has undergone a revision of traditional Catholic aesthetics since the Second Vatican Council (primarily in the liturgical context), traditionalists have sought to restore an orthodox vision of aesthetics. This goal is realized in the autonomous organization of the Tridentine Mass and the reflections on the decline of liturgical piety. The traditionalists' search for connections between orthodoxy and the realm of beauty also extends to the areas of everyday life, where they meticulously construct an aesthetically verified traditional image. This scrupulousness often gives grounds for observers to compare traditionalism with a play, which is reflected by the Society's followers in the ironic modality. Drawing on the work of anthropologists Simon Coleman, John Elsner, and Tanya Luhrmann, the author shows the epistemological entanglements between seriousness and irony, orthodoxy and creativity in the contemporary Catholic Traditionalist movement.

Research paper thumbnail of Ритуал как предмет религиозной рефлексии в британской антропологии и католическом традиционализме

This article discusses how the Second Vatican Council (1962–1965) and the liturgical reform in th... more This article discusses how the Second Vatican Council (1962–1965) and the liturgical reform in the Catholic Church enhanced critical reflexivity on ritual semiotics and the boundaries of ritualism and anti-ritualism in British social anthropology (namely, in the works of Victor Turner and Mary Douglas) and in the protest movement of Catholic Traditionalism, and furnished the conditions for their discursive convergence. Since Turner and Douglas were Catholics, the similarities in the logic and rhetoric of academic and “folk” anthropology of ritual inevitably raise questions commonly labeled as the problem of belief, focusing on the risks and benefits of the anthropologist's religious commitments for ethnographic work. A close analysis of statements on liturgical reform by British anthropologists and Traditionalist Catholics shows that they share a common, Durkheimian view of ritual and social order; at the same time, intellectual and spiritual biographies of Turner and Douglas demonstrate that sometimes anthropology can influence anthropologists' belief as much as their belief influences their anthropology. These observations provide grounds for a revision of the problem of belief with a Protestant bias. The association of belief with the inner life and creeds is one of the many ways of conceptualizing the mediation of religious experience. In some cultures, such as traditional Catholicism, no lesser emphasis is placed on ritual performance. Thus, an exploration of the proximity of anthropological and Traditionalist “languages” of ritual description opens up prospects for a discussion of the place of attitudes toward ritual in anthropological epistemology and its historical roots.

Research paper thumbnail of "Vocation in the Flesh": Gender and Embodiment in the Religious Anthropology of Modern Catholicism

In the early and medieval Christian tradition, the gendered body was understood as an obstacle to... more In the early and medieval Christian tradition, the gendered body was understood as an obstacle to the cultivation of virtues on the one hand, and as a potential medium for transgressions on the other. Contemporary Catholic anthropology has another view of the subject' s body and its senses and desires. This article is concerned with the pastoral project of increasing vocations and the way it is realized within Russian Catholic parishes. It also focuses on its rhetoric, placing significant emphasis on gendered embodiment. Based on participant observation materials and interviews with Catholics who have been "called," the author analyzes the strategies for making a calling to celibacy genuine and persuasive. By including gender and sexuality within the concept of vocation, such rhetoric not only makes it possible to show consecrated life as something attractive, intelligible, and real, but also to raise awareness of true masculinity and femininity. Even though church discipline prescribes solitude, in this rhetoric, celibacy does not require one to become a disembodied and asexual angel. Conversely, by applying gendered embodiment, religious specialists aim to emphasize its utmost importance for vocation, which presupposes celibacy, thereby confronting both the early Christian perspective on the sinful body and secular views on constructed gender.

Research paper thumbnail of «Семиотические идеологии», медиальность и современная антропология религии

This is an introduction to the current special issue that follows up a seminar addressing one of ... more This is an introduction to the current special issue that follows up a seminar addressing one of the popular concepts in today’s anthropology of religion — Webb Keane’s concept of “semiotic ideologies.” This approach, in contrast to traditional semiotics, problematizes not the process of denotation and deciphering as such but rather the explicit representations implied with this process. Keane’s concept also suggests that the semiotic activity possesses certain social and historical specificities, and the task of an anthropologist is to discern and study local semiotic models. The authors introduce the papers applying this approach to various religious cultures of Russia’s recent past and present.

Research paper thumbnail of Семиотическая бдительность и культивация искренности в католической практике распознавания призвания

In contemporary Catholicism, the reflection of faithful on the way of life or vocation implies th... more In contemporary Catholicism, the reflection of faithful on the way of life or vocation implies the acquisition of interpretative skills that allow to define God’s will with a degree of certainty. The process of vocational discernment constitutes a hermeneutic work of a Catholic with his or her inner states — consciousness, emotions — and various outer shreds of evidence indicating that this specific life project is precisely what God is calling for. Observation of the signs of God’s presence and care does not necessarily mean that these signs will be recognized correctly. Within local semiotic ideologies, God’s signs decipherment is considered as an inherently subjective act. In this regard, the main peril for a Catholic who discerns vocation is an interpretation of signs in such a way that their meaning coincides with the one’s own view of vocation. The Church authority offers a solution for this problem by the cultivation of ethical self-reflectiveness and sincerity. The metaphor of sincerity as personal transparency that is common in Russian Catholic milieu serves for reinforcement of faithful’s moral commitments of accountability towards the Church.

Research paper thumbnail of «Призвание во плоти»: гендер и телесность в религиозной антропологии современного католицизма

Хонинева Е. «Призвание во плоти»: гендер и телесность в религиозной антропологии современной католицизма // Государство, религия, церковь в России и за рубежом. 2018. №2. С. 105-130.

In the early and medieval Christian tradition, the gendered body was understood as both an obstac... more In the early and medieval Christian tradition, the gendered body was understood as both an obstacle to the cultivation of virtues and a potential medium of transgression. The contemporary Catholic anthropology has another view of the subject's body and its senses and desires. This article is concerned with the pastoral project of encouraging priestly and monastic callings in the Russian Catholic parishes. It also specifically looks at its rhetoric, placing significant emphasis on gendered embodiment. Based on participant observation materials and interviews with Catholics, who are " called " , the author analyzes the strategies of making a calling to celibacy genuine and persuasive. By including gender and sexuality within the concept of vocation, such rhetoric allows not only to show the consecrated life as something attractive, more intelligible and real but also to raise awareness of what true masculinity and femininity are. Despite the fact that Church discipline prescribes solitude, in this new rhetoric celibacy does not require one to become a disembodied and asexual angel. Conversely, by applying gendered embodiment religious specialists emphasize its utmost importance for the vocation, which presupposes celibacy, thereby confronting both early Christian perspective on the sinful body and secular views on the constructed gender.

Research paper thumbnail of Гендер и дисплей: коммуникативные жанры и способы категоризации во взаимодействии с голосовыми ассистентами

This article focuses on the ways in which orientation towards the category of gender is displayed... more This article focuses on the ways in which orientation towards the category of gender is displayed by interactions with the voice assistant Siri, supported on the products of Apple, Inc. Using analytical instruments of conversation analysis, the author explores the practices through which a person makes the program as feminine and heterosexual. Gender categorization, that is of paramount importance for successful communication, is not limited to particular words, indexing male or female gender of the artificial interlocutor. The two basic genres of interaction with voice assistants — functional interaction and small talk — are contrasted with each other not only by the communicative aims of the users, but by the ways the users make the gender of technology relevant in the dialogue. In the case of functional interaction, particularly when the voice assistant accomplishes its functions in insufficient way, the gender category proves to be naturally related to the software and becomes an explanatory model for obscure errors in the program’s work. The genre of small talk is characterized by use of various forms of flirtation, sexual harassment, specific ‘female’ topics selection, in other words, by female gender stereotype performing. These practices turn out to be widespread and solicited by the audience in consequence of distinction between the inhuman nature of addressee and that personality with female gender that voice assistant imitates. As far as the gender is the only personal characteristic of the program a user knows about, for keeping longstanding dialogue he or she uses a set of gender-oriented practices and thus forms a stereotypical image of a woman per se.
gender categorization, conversation analysis, intelligent technologies

Book Reviews by Ekaterina Khonineva


The book under review is the first systematic study of subjectivation practices in contemporary R... more The book under review is the first systematic study of subjectivation practices in contemporary Russian Orthodox monasteries based on long-term participant observation. The monograph questions the idealized, timeless image of monastic convents and their inhabitants, as if elevated above earthly life with its socially unsightly aspects—the labour exploitation, everyday violence, and the orientation toward material gain. Monasteries thus appear in the book as derived from certain configurations of power and economic relations rooted in the secular past. The monograph is also distinguished by its theoretical innovations and bold anthropological interpretation. The proposal of a new, communicative, model for the study of charismatic authority—as well as the introduction of a new variable, temporality—in the study of agency and resistance in religious contexts should be recognized as important analytical findings; these can and should be applied in studies of other religious and spiritual practices. A cautious critique of the review focuses mainly on the chosen model of ethnographic representation and the misuse of the economic metaphor, often reducing the spiritual life of the convent inhabitants to rational choice, reciprocal exchange, and the search for economic benefits, albeit understood in spiritual terms.

Research paper thumbnail of de Abreu, Maria José. 2021. The Charismatic gymnasium: breath, media, and religious revivalism in contemporary Brazil. Durham, NC: Duke University Press. 256 pp. Hb.: US$ 99.95. ISBN: 978-1-4780-0971-9 // Social Anthropology / Anthropologie Sociale. 2022. Vol. 30. No. 3. P. 161–163. ​​​​

Research paper thumbnail of ‘MATERIAL RELIGION’ AS SUBJECT AND MANIFESTO IN SOCIAL STUDIES ON CHRISTIANITY: A Review of MINNA OPAS, ANNA HAAPALAINEN (EDS.), CHRISTIANITY AND THE LIMITS OF MATERIALITY. New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2017, XV+274 pp. (Bloomsbury Studies in Material Religion, 1)

The reviewed collection of articles constitutes a continuation of an academic discussion of mater... more The reviewed collection of articles constitutes a continuation of an academic discussion of material religion. On the basis of research in different cultures, the authors try to show the way Christians conceptualise, negotiate, contest and challenge questions of material aspects of religious life. They interpret materiality not merely and solely in a narrow sense, i.e. as specific ritual objects (candles, icons, altars, statues, and so on), but as a set of historically and culturally specific relationships between material and immaterial / spiritual in a certain religious tradition. The criticism of the review mainly focuses on the disbalance between 'theory' and 'practice' in the material religion studies presented in this collection. In some articles, the ethnographic component often appears to be in the shadow of ambitious and recurring methodological manifests.

Research paper thumbnail of Рец. на кн.: MATT TOMLINSON, JULIAN MILLIE (eds.). THE MONOLOGIC IMAGINATION. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017. X+272 p.

Due to the influence of Mikhail Bakhtin on the Western anthropology of the last decades, research... more Due to the influence of Mikhail Bakhtin on the Western anthropology of the last decades, researchers focused their attention on polyphony and the dialogic bases of social life that resulted in a neglect of monologic speech forms and practices. Meanwhile, in many political and religious cultures, monologic genres attribute to some value; the authors of the reviewed collection of articles suggest not to ignore this fact. In the outlined studies based on observations in various ethnographic contexts, the monologue is seen as a special language ideology, a category of social imagination, a speech genre, and a metaphor. The book also aims to recall, once again, the dialogic dimension of monologic practices and connect them to other relevant anthropological concepts and theories. This project should be recognized as successful and unique in its design, but it seems that the authors are inspired by Bakhtin’s language and see in it a significant opportunity to reflect on the usual anthropological problems of social control, resistance, community formations in new terms rather than continuing Bakhtin’s work and fitting into his analytical program.


Рецензируемый сборник статей представляет собой очередную реплику в академической дискуссии о рел... more Рецензируемый сборник статей представляет собой очередную реплику в академической дискуссии о религиозной материальности. На основании исследований в различных культурах авторы показывают, каким образом христиане осмысляют, обсуждают, оспаривают и ставят под сомнение вопросы, связанные с материальными аспектами религиозной жизни. Материальность понимается авторами не только и не столько в узком смысле — как специфические ритуальные объекты (свечи, иконы, алтари, статуи и т.п.), но и как совокупность историчных и культурно специфичных отношений между материальным и духовным в конкретной традиции. В рецензии рассматриваются проблемы дисбаланса «теории» и «практики» в исследованиях религиозной материальности, где этнографическая составляющая зачастую оказывается в тени амбициозных и многократно повторяемых методологических манифестов.

Research paper thumbnail of Рец. на кн.: AGNIESZKA PASIEKA. HIERARCHY AND PLURALISM: LIVING RELIGIOUS DIFFERENCE IN CATHOLIC POLAND. N.Y.: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015. 284 p. (Contemporary Anthropology of Religion Series)

This monograph presents the results of research of a border region characterized by ethnic and re... more This monograph presents the results of research of a border region characterized by ethnic and religious diversity in the otherwise homogenous, Catholic Poland. The author introduces the term hierarchical pluralism to describe the configuration of hierarchical and horizontal social relations, reproduced in everyday interaction and social imagery. The review discusses the particular aspects of the work with multiconfessional community and also those analytical limitations and difficulties that the anthropologist can encounter in an effort to keep up with the intersections and blurring of social boundaries.

Research paper thumbnail of Современные исследования гендера и сексуальности: теоретические разработки и эмпирические изыскания (Спецномер Журнала социологии и социальной антропологии №5/2017)

Бороздина Е.А., Кондаков А.А., Шторн Е.М. Современные исследования гендера и сексуальности: теоре... more Бороздина Е.А., Кондаков А.А., Шторн Е.М.
Современные исследования гендера и сексуальности: теоретические разработки и эмпирические изыскания

Теоретические и методологические подходы к анализу гендера и сексуальности
Темкина А.А., Здравомыслова Е.А.
Интерсекциональный поворот в гендерных исследованиях
Дорогов Д.А.
По ту сторону антагонизма: Гибрид как модель постколониальной квир-субъектности
Воронцов Д.В.
Сексуальность как этничность: культурный ресурс гендерезированной сексуальности

Фемининности и маскулинности
Жайворонок Д.В.
«Что не так с проституцией?»: дискурс печатных СМИ эпохи Перестройки
Хонинева Е.А.
Гендер и дисплей: коммуникативные жанры и способы категоризации во взаимодействии с голосовыми ассистентами
Галиндабаева В.В.
«Головары» или «истинные буряты»? Репрезентации сельской маскулинности в Бурятии
Иванова Е.А.
«Я себя не отношу к хорошим папам, в лучшем случае, к нормальным»: как российские мужчины конструируют образ «хорошего отца» после развода
Тюхтяев А.Е.
Проигрывание гендерных идентичностей в среде нью-эйдж (на примере паломничества к археологическим памятникам в Краснодарском крае)

Шорыгин Е.А.
Гендерные режимы в школах
Кондаков А.А.
Конфигурации права: как действует закон о «пропаганде» в школах
Шторн Е.М.
Эссе о «субличности»: двукратная попытка поговорить о насилии

Research paper thumbnail of Исцеление внутреннего ребенка: психотерапевтический троп и антропология эмоциональной религиозности

Статья посвящена антропологическому исследованию логики адаптации психотерапевтического дискурса ... more Статья посвящена антропологическому исследованию логики адаптации психотерапевтического дискурса религиозными специалистами в рамках католической практики духовных упражнений. Основываясь на характерном для терапевтической культуры представлении о глубокой укорененности личности в истории семейных связей и опыте взросления, автор ставит вопрос о том, как в ходе освоения психотерапевтических техник религиозными группами может проявлять себя проблематика семейных отношений и на каких
образах детства подобные «синкретические» проекты могут основываться. Рассмотрение католической практики духовных упражнений позволяет обратиться к историческим корням концепции «личных отношений с Богом», которые можно обнаружить в духовных движениях позднего Средневековья и раннего Нового времени, делающих акцент на эмоциональной религиозности, практиках медитации и воображения. В исследуемом контексте интерпретация отношений с Богом и другими агентами сверхчеловеческой природы в психотерапевтических терминах основывается на сочетании традиционной иезуитской практики духовного сопровождения с идеями из области психодинамической терапии, имевшем место в американских руководствах по духовному сопровождению 1970–1990-х гг. В такой перспективе образ Бога трактуется как проекция усвоенных в детстве образов авторитетного взрослого, а трудности в «отношениях с Богом» — как следствие неразрешенных проблем в значимых межличностных отношениях. Используя в качестве основы для практики медитации один из важнейших терапевтических тропов «внутреннего ребенка», духовные руководители предлагают участникам посредством воображения разыграть сцену обретения детской версией их личности безусловной любви. Однако в отличие от терапевтической редакции практики работы с «внутренним ребенком», в католической парадигме человек не может и не должен становиться ни агентом собственного исцеления, ни самому себе родителем. Логика персональной ответственности и «родительства» как его метафоры сменяется на логику смирения и вверения себя божественной воле, т.е. истинного детства. Статья демонстрирует необходимость более внимательного изучения техник воображения, используемых как в религиозных культурах, так и в психотерапевтических контекстах, и поднимает вопрос об общности их эпистемологической позиции в отношении природы и функции воображения.

Research paper thumbnail of Традиция как игра? Ортодоксия, эстетика и ирония в католическом традиционализме

This article examines the daily life of one Catholic traditionalist community in St. Petersburg, ... more This article examines the daily life of one Catholic traditionalist community in St. Petersburg, the followers of the Society of St. Pius X. As the Catholic Church has undergone a revision of traditional Catholic aesthetics since the Second Vatican Council (primarily in the liturgical context), traditionalists have sought to restore an orthodox vision of aesthetics. This goal is realized in the autonomous organization of the Tridentine Mass and the reflections on the decline of liturgical piety. The traditionalists' search for connections between orthodoxy and the realm of beauty also extends to the areas of everyday life, where they meticulously construct an aesthetically verified traditional image. This scrupulousness often gives grounds for observers to compare traditionalism with a play, which is reflected by the Society's followers in the ironic modality. Drawing on the work of anthropologists Simon Coleman, John Elsner, and Tanya Luhrmann, the author shows the epistemological entanglements between seriousness and irony, orthodoxy and creativity in the contemporary Catholic Traditionalist movement.

Research paper thumbnail of Ритуал как предмет религиозной рефлексии в британской антропологии и католическом традиционализме

This article discusses how the Second Vatican Council (1962–1965) and the liturgical reform in th... more This article discusses how the Second Vatican Council (1962–1965) and the liturgical reform in the Catholic Church enhanced critical reflexivity on ritual semiotics and the boundaries of ritualism and anti-ritualism in British social anthropology (namely, in the works of Victor Turner and Mary Douglas) and in the protest movement of Catholic Traditionalism, and furnished the conditions for their discursive convergence. Since Turner and Douglas were Catholics, the similarities in the logic and rhetoric of academic and “folk” anthropology of ritual inevitably raise questions commonly labeled as the problem of belief, focusing on the risks and benefits of the anthropologist's religious commitments for ethnographic work. A close analysis of statements on liturgical reform by British anthropologists and Traditionalist Catholics shows that they share a common, Durkheimian view of ritual and social order; at the same time, intellectual and spiritual biographies of Turner and Douglas demonstrate that sometimes anthropology can influence anthropologists' belief as much as their belief influences their anthropology. These observations provide grounds for a revision of the problem of belief with a Protestant bias. The association of belief with the inner life and creeds is one of the many ways of conceptualizing the mediation of religious experience. In some cultures, such as traditional Catholicism, no lesser emphasis is placed on ritual performance. Thus, an exploration of the proximity of anthropological and Traditionalist “languages” of ritual description opens up prospects for a discussion of the place of attitudes toward ritual in anthropological epistemology and its historical roots.

Research paper thumbnail of "Vocation in the Flesh": Gender and Embodiment in the Religious Anthropology of Modern Catholicism

In the early and medieval Christian tradition, the gendered body was understood as an obstacle to... more In the early and medieval Christian tradition, the gendered body was understood as an obstacle to the cultivation of virtues on the one hand, and as a potential medium for transgressions on the other. Contemporary Catholic anthropology has another view of the subject' s body and its senses and desires. This article is concerned with the pastoral project of increasing vocations and the way it is realized within Russian Catholic parishes. It also focuses on its rhetoric, placing significant emphasis on gendered embodiment. Based on participant observation materials and interviews with Catholics who have been "called," the author analyzes the strategies for making a calling to celibacy genuine and persuasive. By including gender and sexuality within the concept of vocation, such rhetoric not only makes it possible to show consecrated life as something attractive, intelligible, and real, but also to raise awareness of true masculinity and femininity. Even though church discipline prescribes solitude, in this rhetoric, celibacy does not require one to become a disembodied and asexual angel. Conversely, by applying gendered embodiment, religious specialists aim to emphasize its utmost importance for vocation, which presupposes celibacy, thereby confronting both the early Christian perspective on the sinful body and secular views on constructed gender.

Research paper thumbnail of «Семиотические идеологии», медиальность и современная антропология религии

This is an introduction to the current special issue that follows up a seminar addressing one of ... more This is an introduction to the current special issue that follows up a seminar addressing one of the popular concepts in today’s anthropology of religion — Webb Keane’s concept of “semiotic ideologies.” This approach, in contrast to traditional semiotics, problematizes not the process of denotation and deciphering as such but rather the explicit representations implied with this process. Keane’s concept also suggests that the semiotic activity possesses certain social and historical specificities, and the task of an anthropologist is to discern and study local semiotic models. The authors introduce the papers applying this approach to various religious cultures of Russia’s recent past and present.

Research paper thumbnail of Семиотическая бдительность и культивация искренности в католической практике распознавания призвания

In contemporary Catholicism, the reflection of faithful on the way of life or vocation implies th... more In contemporary Catholicism, the reflection of faithful on the way of life or vocation implies the acquisition of interpretative skills that allow to define God’s will with a degree of certainty. The process of vocational discernment constitutes a hermeneutic work of a Catholic with his or her inner states — consciousness, emotions — and various outer shreds of evidence indicating that this specific life project is precisely what God is calling for. Observation of the signs of God’s presence and care does not necessarily mean that these signs will be recognized correctly. Within local semiotic ideologies, God’s signs decipherment is considered as an inherently subjective act. In this regard, the main peril for a Catholic who discerns vocation is an interpretation of signs in such a way that their meaning coincides with the one’s own view of vocation. The Church authority offers a solution for this problem by the cultivation of ethical self-reflectiveness and sincerity. The metaphor of sincerity as personal transparency that is common in Russian Catholic milieu serves for reinforcement of faithful’s moral commitments of accountability towards the Church.

Research paper thumbnail of «Призвание во плоти»: гендер и телесность в религиозной антропологии современного католицизма

Хонинева Е. «Призвание во плоти»: гендер и телесность в религиозной антропологии современной католицизма // Государство, религия, церковь в России и за рубежом. 2018. №2. С. 105-130.

In the early and medieval Christian tradition, the gendered body was understood as both an obstac... more In the early and medieval Christian tradition, the gendered body was understood as both an obstacle to the cultivation of virtues and a potential medium of transgression. The contemporary Catholic anthropology has another view of the subject's body and its senses and desires. This article is concerned with the pastoral project of encouraging priestly and monastic callings in the Russian Catholic parishes. It also specifically looks at its rhetoric, placing significant emphasis on gendered embodiment. Based on participant observation materials and interviews with Catholics, who are " called " , the author analyzes the strategies of making a calling to celibacy genuine and persuasive. By including gender and sexuality within the concept of vocation, such rhetoric allows not only to show the consecrated life as something attractive, more intelligible and real but also to raise awareness of what true masculinity and femininity are. Despite the fact that Church discipline prescribes solitude, in this new rhetoric celibacy does not require one to become a disembodied and asexual angel. Conversely, by applying gendered embodiment religious specialists emphasize its utmost importance for the vocation, which presupposes celibacy, thereby confronting both early Christian perspective on the sinful body and secular views on the constructed gender.

Research paper thumbnail of Гендер и дисплей: коммуникативные жанры и способы категоризации во взаимодействии с голосовыми ассистентами

This article focuses on the ways in which orientation towards the category of gender is displayed... more This article focuses on the ways in which orientation towards the category of gender is displayed by interactions with the voice assistant Siri, supported on the products of Apple, Inc. Using analytical instruments of conversation analysis, the author explores the practices through which a person makes the program as feminine and heterosexual. Gender categorization, that is of paramount importance for successful communication, is not limited to particular words, indexing male or female gender of the artificial interlocutor. The two basic genres of interaction with voice assistants — functional interaction and small talk — are contrasted with each other not only by the communicative aims of the users, but by the ways the users make the gender of technology relevant in the dialogue. In the case of functional interaction, particularly when the voice assistant accomplishes its functions in insufficient way, the gender category proves to be naturally related to the software and becomes an explanatory model for obscure errors in the program’s work. The genre of small talk is characterized by use of various forms of flirtation, sexual harassment, specific ‘female’ topics selection, in other words, by female gender stereotype performing. These practices turn out to be widespread and solicited by the audience in consequence of distinction between the inhuman nature of addressee and that personality with female gender that voice assistant imitates. As far as the gender is the only personal characteristic of the program a user knows about, for keeping longstanding dialogue he or she uses a set of gender-oriented practices and thus forms a stereotypical image of a woman per se.
gender categorization, conversation analysis, intelligent technologies


The book under review is the first systematic study of subjectivation practices in contemporary R... more The book under review is the first systematic study of subjectivation practices in contemporary Russian Orthodox monasteries based on long-term participant observation. The monograph questions the idealized, timeless image of monastic convents and their inhabitants, as if elevated above earthly life with its socially unsightly aspects—the labour exploitation, everyday violence, and the orientation toward material gain. Monasteries thus appear in the book as derived from certain configurations of power and economic relations rooted in the secular past. The monograph is also distinguished by its theoretical innovations and bold anthropological interpretation. The proposal of a new, communicative, model for the study of charismatic authority—as well as the introduction of a new variable, temporality—in the study of agency and resistance in religious contexts should be recognized as important analytical findings; these can and should be applied in studies of other religious and spiritual practices. A cautious critique of the review focuses mainly on the chosen model of ethnographic representation and the misuse of the economic metaphor, often reducing the spiritual life of the convent inhabitants to rational choice, reciprocal exchange, and the search for economic benefits, albeit understood in spiritual terms.

Research paper thumbnail of de Abreu, Maria José. 2021. The Charismatic gymnasium: breath, media, and religious revivalism in contemporary Brazil. Durham, NC: Duke University Press. 256 pp. Hb.: US$ 99.95. ISBN: 978-1-4780-0971-9 // Social Anthropology / Anthropologie Sociale. 2022. Vol. 30. No. 3. P. 161–163. ​​​​

Research paper thumbnail of ‘MATERIAL RELIGION’ AS SUBJECT AND MANIFESTO IN SOCIAL STUDIES ON CHRISTIANITY: A Review of MINNA OPAS, ANNA HAAPALAINEN (EDS.), CHRISTIANITY AND THE LIMITS OF MATERIALITY. New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2017, XV+274 pp. (Bloomsbury Studies in Material Religion, 1)

The reviewed collection of articles constitutes a continuation of an academic discussion of mater... more The reviewed collection of articles constitutes a continuation of an academic discussion of material religion. On the basis of research in different cultures, the authors try to show the way Christians conceptualise, negotiate, contest and challenge questions of material aspects of religious life. They interpret materiality not merely and solely in a narrow sense, i.e. as specific ritual objects (candles, icons, altars, statues, and so on), but as a set of historically and culturally specific relationships between material and immaterial / spiritual in a certain religious tradition. The criticism of the review mainly focuses on the disbalance between 'theory' and 'practice' in the material religion studies presented in this collection. In some articles, the ethnographic component often appears to be in the shadow of ambitious and recurring methodological manifests.

Research paper thumbnail of Рец. на кн.: MATT TOMLINSON, JULIAN MILLIE (eds.). THE MONOLOGIC IMAGINATION. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017. X+272 p.

Due to the influence of Mikhail Bakhtin on the Western anthropology of the last decades, research... more Due to the influence of Mikhail Bakhtin on the Western anthropology of the last decades, researchers focused their attention on polyphony and the dialogic bases of social life that resulted in a neglect of monologic speech forms and practices. Meanwhile, in many political and religious cultures, monologic genres attribute to some value; the authors of the reviewed collection of articles suggest not to ignore this fact. In the outlined studies based on observations in various ethnographic contexts, the monologue is seen as a special language ideology, a category of social imagination, a speech genre, and a metaphor. The book also aims to recall, once again, the dialogic dimension of monologic practices and connect them to other relevant anthropological concepts and theories. This project should be recognized as successful and unique in its design, but it seems that the authors are inspired by Bakhtin’s language and see in it a significant opportunity to reflect on the usual anthropological problems of social control, resistance, community formations in new terms rather than continuing Bakhtin’s work and fitting into his analytical program.


Рецензируемый сборник статей представляет собой очередную реплику в академической дискуссии о рел... more Рецензируемый сборник статей представляет собой очередную реплику в академической дискуссии о религиозной материальности. На основании исследований в различных культурах авторы показывают, каким образом христиане осмысляют, обсуждают, оспаривают и ставят под сомнение вопросы, связанные с материальными аспектами религиозной жизни. Материальность понимается авторами не только и не столько в узком смысле — как специфические ритуальные объекты (свечи, иконы, алтари, статуи и т.п.), но и как совокупность историчных и культурно специфичных отношений между материальным и духовным в конкретной традиции. В рецензии рассматриваются проблемы дисбаланса «теории» и «практики» в исследованиях религиозной материальности, где этнографическая составляющая зачастую оказывается в тени амбициозных и многократно повторяемых методологических манифестов.

Research paper thumbnail of Рец. на кн.: AGNIESZKA PASIEKA. HIERARCHY AND PLURALISM: LIVING RELIGIOUS DIFFERENCE IN CATHOLIC POLAND. N.Y.: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015. 284 p. (Contemporary Anthropology of Religion Series)

This monograph presents the results of research of a border region characterized by ethnic and re... more This monograph presents the results of research of a border region characterized by ethnic and religious diversity in the otherwise homogenous, Catholic Poland. The author introduces the term hierarchical pluralism to describe the configuration of hierarchical and horizontal social relations, reproduced in everyday interaction and social imagery. The review discusses the particular aspects of the work with multiconfessional community and also those analytical limitations and difficulties that the anthropologist can encounter in an effort to keep up with the intersections and blurring of social boundaries.