Peter Mascini | Erasmus University Rotterdam (original) (raw)

Papers by Peter Mascini

Research paper thumbnail of Engineering Vengeful Effervescence: Lynching Rituals and Religious–Political Power in Pakistan

The British Journal of Criminology

Based on case studies of seven (attempted) lynchings in Pakistan, we argue that they can be consi... more Based on case studies of seven (attempted) lynchings in Pakistan, we argue that they can be considered lynching rituals, which are instrumental in a context of political strife. ‘Shrpsnd anasr’ (agitators) play an important role as ritual engineers; they assemble crowds by spreading rumours and vocalizing accusations, use rhythmic chanting and slogan repetition to generate a shared vengeful mood and focus the crowd’s attention on the (fabricated) encroachment of a moral imperative (notably blasphemy). We conclude that the vengeful effervescence generated in lynching rituals strengthens the clientelistic interdependency networks of religious–political leaders. The contribution of our study lies in demonstrating the importance of bodily practices in lynching rituals and their instrumental political value for both masses and political leaders.

Research paper thumbnail of 8. From Welfare to Workfare

The Transformation of Solidarity, 2012

Research paper thumbnail of En plein public : Praktijk en jurisprudentie bij openlijke geweldpleging tegen functionarissen met een publieke taak

Research paper thumbnail of Vis ruikt nou eenmaal zo

Research paper thumbnail of Victa vincit veritas? : Evaluatie Wet hervorming herziening ten voordele

Met de op 1 oktober 2012 in werking getreden Wet hervorming herziening ten voordele, werd de rege... more Met de op 1 oktober 2012 in werking getreden Wet hervorming herziening ten voordele, werd de regeling van herziening in strafzaken ten voordele van de gewezen verdachte ten dele opnieuw vormgegeven en van enkele uitbreidingen en aanpassingen voorzien. De wet bevatte de bepaling dat zij vijf jaar na de inwerkingtreding zou worden geevalueerd op haar doeltreffendheid en op de effecten van de wet in de praktijk. De onderhavige uitgave bevat het verslag van dit evaluatieonderzoek. In het algemeen was het doel van de wet om de mogelijkheden voor herziening te verruimen, zonder afbreuk te doen aan het uitzonderlijke karakter van dit buitengewone rechtsmiddel. In het evaluatieonderzoek zijn daarbij in het bijzonder de twee belangrijkste wijzigingen in de wettelijke regeling onderzocht. De eerste betrof de invoering van de mogelijkheid voor de gewezen verdachte om, door zijn raadsman, in (zwaardere) afgesloten strafzaken aan de procureur-generaal bij de Hoge Raad te doen verzoeken een nader...

Research paper thumbnail of Common-pool resources, property rights and public and private regulation

Research paper thumbnail of Evaluating social investment in disability policy

Social Policy & Administration, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Neoliberalism and Work-Related Risk: Individual or Collective Responsibilization?

Social Science Research Network, Jun 26, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of 21 Newsletter of the Norbert Elias Foundation EDITORS ’ NOTES

• This issue marks the tenth anniversary of Figurations. The first was produced to coincide with ... more • This issue marks the tenth anniversary of Figurations. The first was produced to coincide with the ISA World Congress of Sociology in Bielefeld in 1994. Stephen Mennell has edited Figurations since its inception, and Aoife Rickard has been the Assistant Editor since issue number 7 in 1997, the year of the Elias centenary. • Some things do change, however. The first twenty issues of Figurations were published for the Norbert Elias Foundation by SISWO, the Netherlands Universities Institute for Co-ordination of Research in the Social Sciences. As mentioned in the last issue, SISWO is now withdrawing from all its publishing activities, and the present issue is the first to be published by the Foundation itself. Annette van de Sluis, who undertook the layout and design at SISWO, will continue to perform that task on a freelance basis, but Saskia Visser, Secretary to the Foundation, will now handle distribution. • In January, Ton Zwaan gave evidence for the prosecution at the trial of Slobodan Milosovic at the Yugoslav War Crimes Tribunal in The Hague. Ton’s book Civilisering en decivilisering: Studies over staatsvorming en geweld, nationalisme en vervolging (Amsterdam: Boom, 2001 – see Figurations 16) was based substantially on a study of the conflict in Yugloslavia, and Ton was the only Dutch expert to be called. He was cross-questioned for two hours by the accused. It is not very common for sociologists to be recognised as expert witnesses in such a highprofile international trial as this, and we may take some pride that Ton’s use of the figurational concepts of civilising

Research paper thumbnail of Beyond the Domestification of Nature? Restructuring the Relationship between Nature and Technology in Car Commercials

Research paper thumbnail of CROCUS Survey on Worldviews in the Netherlands III: Religion, Politics, and Anti-Institutionalism

Research paper thumbnail of Burundese asielzoekers in Nederland: een strategische casestudy naar transnationalisme

Research paper thumbnail of Editorial: The Privatization of Work-Related Risk Control

Zeitschrift für Sozialreform

This introduction starts by linking the privatization of work-related risk control to a political... more This introduction starts by linking the privatization of work-related risk control to a political context in which social investment policies are prominent. Subsequently, a short overview of different forms of privatization is given. Finally, the different contributions to this special issue are introduced by either relating them to the governance or the consequences of privatization. Based on the contributions to the special issue, it is concluded first that the governance of privatized risk control poses difficult challenges of finding the right balance between public objectives and the involvement of private interests. Secondly, it is concluded that, by excluding or marginalizing the most vulnerable group, the privatization of risk control does not always achieve the equality of opportunities that social investment policies aim for. These risks of exclusion and marginalization seem to be particularly salient when the privatization of social investment policies is embedded in a co...

Research paper thumbnail of Annoteren van assumpties als lokmiddel voor juristen

Recht der Werkelijkheid, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Law and Behavioral Sciences: Why We Need Less Purity Rather than More

In his inaugural lecture, Peter Mascini takes issue with the goal of scientific purity in the beh... more In his inaugural lecture, Peter Mascini takes issue with the goal of scientific purity in the behavioral study of the law, conceived as the deliberate choice to postulate a limited number of universally applicable behavioral principles. The guiding principle of behavioral sociology is that law behaves in correspondence to social space, while the guiding principle of law and economics is that individuals behave rationally.Peter Mascini defends a two-fold thesis: first, that the purification of sociology proposed by behavioral sociology is a blind alley that can only be exited by allowing impurity. Second, that the behavioral economics movement has offered law and economics an opportunity to reinvigorate by embracing impurity. He continues by arguing that we need even less purity in the behavioral study of the law than is offered by behavioral economics. He proposes a more modest empirical approach that no longer searches for universally applicable predictions and that allots an impor...

Research paper thumbnail of Is the Judge or the Clerk Making the Decision? Measuring the Influence of Judicial Assistants via an Experimental Survey among Dutch District Court Judges

International Journal for Court Administration, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Explaining Judicial Assistants’ Influence on Adjudication with Principal-Agent Theory and Contextual Factors

International Journal for Court Administration, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of The responsibilization of entrepreneurs in legalized local prostitution in the Netherlands

Regulation & Governance, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Judge-made risk regulation and tort law: an introduction

European Journal of Risk Regulation, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Comparing Assumptions Underlying Regulatory Inspection Strategies

Oxford Handbooks Online, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Engineering Vengeful Effervescence: Lynching Rituals and Religious–Political Power in Pakistan

The British Journal of Criminology

Based on case studies of seven (attempted) lynchings in Pakistan, we argue that they can be consi... more Based on case studies of seven (attempted) lynchings in Pakistan, we argue that they can be considered lynching rituals, which are instrumental in a context of political strife. ‘Shrpsnd anasr’ (agitators) play an important role as ritual engineers; they assemble crowds by spreading rumours and vocalizing accusations, use rhythmic chanting and slogan repetition to generate a shared vengeful mood and focus the crowd’s attention on the (fabricated) encroachment of a moral imperative (notably blasphemy). We conclude that the vengeful effervescence generated in lynching rituals strengthens the clientelistic interdependency networks of religious–political leaders. The contribution of our study lies in demonstrating the importance of bodily practices in lynching rituals and their instrumental political value for both masses and political leaders.

Research paper thumbnail of 8. From Welfare to Workfare

The Transformation of Solidarity, 2012

Research paper thumbnail of En plein public : Praktijk en jurisprudentie bij openlijke geweldpleging tegen functionarissen met een publieke taak

Research paper thumbnail of Vis ruikt nou eenmaal zo

Research paper thumbnail of Victa vincit veritas? : Evaluatie Wet hervorming herziening ten voordele

Met de op 1 oktober 2012 in werking getreden Wet hervorming herziening ten voordele, werd de rege... more Met de op 1 oktober 2012 in werking getreden Wet hervorming herziening ten voordele, werd de regeling van herziening in strafzaken ten voordele van de gewezen verdachte ten dele opnieuw vormgegeven en van enkele uitbreidingen en aanpassingen voorzien. De wet bevatte de bepaling dat zij vijf jaar na de inwerkingtreding zou worden geevalueerd op haar doeltreffendheid en op de effecten van de wet in de praktijk. De onderhavige uitgave bevat het verslag van dit evaluatieonderzoek. In het algemeen was het doel van de wet om de mogelijkheden voor herziening te verruimen, zonder afbreuk te doen aan het uitzonderlijke karakter van dit buitengewone rechtsmiddel. In het evaluatieonderzoek zijn daarbij in het bijzonder de twee belangrijkste wijzigingen in de wettelijke regeling onderzocht. De eerste betrof de invoering van de mogelijkheid voor de gewezen verdachte om, door zijn raadsman, in (zwaardere) afgesloten strafzaken aan de procureur-generaal bij de Hoge Raad te doen verzoeken een nader...

Research paper thumbnail of Common-pool resources, property rights and public and private regulation

Research paper thumbnail of Evaluating social investment in disability policy

Social Policy & Administration, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Neoliberalism and Work-Related Risk: Individual or Collective Responsibilization?

Social Science Research Network, Jun 26, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of 21 Newsletter of the Norbert Elias Foundation EDITORS ’ NOTES

• This issue marks the tenth anniversary of Figurations. The first was produced to coincide with ... more • This issue marks the tenth anniversary of Figurations. The first was produced to coincide with the ISA World Congress of Sociology in Bielefeld in 1994. Stephen Mennell has edited Figurations since its inception, and Aoife Rickard has been the Assistant Editor since issue number 7 in 1997, the year of the Elias centenary. • Some things do change, however. The first twenty issues of Figurations were published for the Norbert Elias Foundation by SISWO, the Netherlands Universities Institute for Co-ordination of Research in the Social Sciences. As mentioned in the last issue, SISWO is now withdrawing from all its publishing activities, and the present issue is the first to be published by the Foundation itself. Annette van de Sluis, who undertook the layout and design at SISWO, will continue to perform that task on a freelance basis, but Saskia Visser, Secretary to the Foundation, will now handle distribution. • In January, Ton Zwaan gave evidence for the prosecution at the trial of Slobodan Milosovic at the Yugoslav War Crimes Tribunal in The Hague. Ton’s book Civilisering en decivilisering: Studies over staatsvorming en geweld, nationalisme en vervolging (Amsterdam: Boom, 2001 – see Figurations 16) was based substantially on a study of the conflict in Yugloslavia, and Ton was the only Dutch expert to be called. He was cross-questioned for two hours by the accused. It is not very common for sociologists to be recognised as expert witnesses in such a highprofile international trial as this, and we may take some pride that Ton’s use of the figurational concepts of civilising

Research paper thumbnail of Beyond the Domestification of Nature? Restructuring the Relationship between Nature and Technology in Car Commercials

Research paper thumbnail of CROCUS Survey on Worldviews in the Netherlands III: Religion, Politics, and Anti-Institutionalism

Research paper thumbnail of Burundese asielzoekers in Nederland: een strategische casestudy naar transnationalisme

Research paper thumbnail of Editorial: The Privatization of Work-Related Risk Control

Zeitschrift für Sozialreform

This introduction starts by linking the privatization of work-related risk control to a political... more This introduction starts by linking the privatization of work-related risk control to a political context in which social investment policies are prominent. Subsequently, a short overview of different forms of privatization is given. Finally, the different contributions to this special issue are introduced by either relating them to the governance or the consequences of privatization. Based on the contributions to the special issue, it is concluded first that the governance of privatized risk control poses difficult challenges of finding the right balance between public objectives and the involvement of private interests. Secondly, it is concluded that, by excluding or marginalizing the most vulnerable group, the privatization of risk control does not always achieve the equality of opportunities that social investment policies aim for. These risks of exclusion and marginalization seem to be particularly salient when the privatization of social investment policies is embedded in a co...

Research paper thumbnail of Annoteren van assumpties als lokmiddel voor juristen

Recht der Werkelijkheid, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Law and Behavioral Sciences: Why We Need Less Purity Rather than More

In his inaugural lecture, Peter Mascini takes issue with the goal of scientific purity in the beh... more In his inaugural lecture, Peter Mascini takes issue with the goal of scientific purity in the behavioral study of the law, conceived as the deliberate choice to postulate a limited number of universally applicable behavioral principles. The guiding principle of behavioral sociology is that law behaves in correspondence to social space, while the guiding principle of law and economics is that individuals behave rationally.Peter Mascini defends a two-fold thesis: first, that the purification of sociology proposed by behavioral sociology is a blind alley that can only be exited by allowing impurity. Second, that the behavioral economics movement has offered law and economics an opportunity to reinvigorate by embracing impurity. He continues by arguing that we need even less purity in the behavioral study of the law than is offered by behavioral economics. He proposes a more modest empirical approach that no longer searches for universally applicable predictions and that allots an impor...

Research paper thumbnail of Is the Judge or the Clerk Making the Decision? Measuring the Influence of Judicial Assistants via an Experimental Survey among Dutch District Court Judges

International Journal for Court Administration, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Explaining Judicial Assistants’ Influence on Adjudication with Principal-Agent Theory and Contextual Factors

International Journal for Court Administration, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of The responsibilization of entrepreneurs in legalized local prostitution in the Netherlands

Regulation & Governance, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Judge-made risk regulation and tort law: an introduction

European Journal of Risk Regulation, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Comparing Assumptions Underlying Regulatory Inspection Strategies

Oxford Handbooks Online, 2016