Memorandum to President Donald J. Trump on Domestic US Torture Programs Running Under Cover of Surveillance (original) (raw)

“We will seek friendship and goodwill with the nations of the world, but we do so with the understanding that it is the right of all nations to put their own interests first.

We do not seek to impose our way of life on anyone, but rather to let it shine as an example.

We will shine for everyone to follow.”

–President Donald J. Trump, Inauguration Day Address, 1/20/2017


Memorandum on Domestic US Torture Programs

Running Under Cover of Surveillance

Covert US Military/Intel/Justice Physical Mutilation of the Population

EMF Weapons, Neuro-Weapons, Bio-Terrorism, & Organized Stalking

Date: 25 January 2017

To President Donald J. Trump

Dear Mr. President,

We unite in asking you to act to terminate immediately the ongoing covert programs of Electronic Warfare and COINTELPRO-based domestic terrorism that are currently being run by the US Intelligence agencies, US Military, US Homeland Security, and their contractors in the name of Electronic “Surveillance” and National Security against the American population.

As you enter this office for the first week, it is possible the Deep State and unelected shadow government that apparently hovers behind all those elected to the government of the United States will present these covert programs to you as normative Intelligence and surveillance activity necessary for the preservation of National Security.

As Intelligence analysts, human rights activists, advocates, whistleblowers, writers, scientists, victims, and highly productive and accomplished members of society with varied science, arts, and humanities backgrounds in critical thinking, systems analysis, engineering, education, healthcare, law, and Intelligence, we are here to inform you otherwise: These are NOT normative Intelligence and Surveillance activities. Using the deadly weapons of Electronic Warfare, these are organized Terror programs, committing the most horrific crimes and human rights violations, causing grievous bodily harm to countless numbers of innocent citizens.

Surveiling and assaulting neither terrorists nor spies but the best and brightest, most productive, and most accomplished Americans, as well as whistle-blowers and activists, these programs seriously destabilize our civil society, are at risk of irreversibly degenerating the economic output of our country, and have already become our most shameful export abroad.

Situation On the Ground in Continental USA

Thanks to the trillions of dollars poured annually into Covert Operations funding, the carte blanche given to Intelligence and Military agencies, both pre- and post-911, and the convenience of classification and concealment of all manner of dubious activities as necessary for National Security, fraud, waste, and corruption at the highest levels of Government is now endemic. Corrupt factions in Intelligence agencies and in Military departments are now openly committing war crimes and crimes against humanity in acts of direct enmity against the American people.

  1. In the name of the War on Terror, a superior trafficking operation has been unleashed by the US Military, Department of Homeland Security, and the CIA on American citizens:

Current military and Intelligence directives (5240.1R, the NDAA, EO 12333, and the CIA’s AR 2-2) together permit the US military to detain citizens indefinitely, and to use those Americans “under surveillance” for experimentation purposes. This is used for an outright, public enslavement and torture of a large fraction of the US population.

The creation of Joint Targeting operations, Fusion Centers, Regional Information and Sharing Systems (RISS) programs with privatized Intelligence centers, as well as “Community Policing” and “Neighborhood Watch” initiatives have permitted a network of immoral and depraved operatives from Law Enforcement, the Intelligence agencies, and the military, using the guise of “national security” to conduct financially rewarding no-holds-barred human testing for the pharma, surveillance, and weapons industries, as well as to live out their personal sadism and depravity. It is a telling characteristic that the victims of these crimes are 70-80% women. The sex ratio is indicative of sexual violence and war crimes.

Meanwhile, an ever increasing army of civilian, quasi “Law Enforcement” personnel, sometimes taken from the dregs of society, is being trained, round the clock and used in set-up 24/7 operations, on those innocent Americans being targeted.

  1. In the name of the War on Terror, and masquerading as necessary Electronic Surveillance, condoned and orchestrated by US Homeland Security and the US Department of Justice, the most deadly weapons of Electronic Warfare are being routinely used on civilians under so-called surveillance inside their own homesincluding:

These are military weapons of war, designed to incapacitate, degrade, and destroy human organs, nerves, bodies, and brains; they are further being used inhumanely, in non-stop, 24/7 scenarios of attack.

In addition, CIA/DIA/DARPA/NSA agents also run covert interrogation exercises, mind control operations, and behavior modification programs (extensions of MK ULTRA and the original Nazi death-camp experiments) on their brains.

A vast apparatus of sophisticated stealth Electronic Warfare and Signals Intelligence equipment carried on planes, drones, helicopters, satellites, cell towers, ground-vehicles—and involving the complicity of all Intelligence agencies, such as the NRO, NGSA, and Federal agencies such as the FAA and NASA is being used for this purpose.

Those being hit with Electronic Warfare weapons are also being subjected daily to COINTELPRO actions or “Zersetzung”—organized stalking, crowding, mobbing, obstructing, brighting, flashing, noise harassment carried out by the FBI’s Infragard, as well as US Neighborhood Watch groups.

These are joint US Military and Intelligence programs of domestic torture, hidden under cover of biometric surveillance, physical surveillance, and electronic surveillance by a cynical and corrupt Homeland Security/Department of Justice mechanism, which has permitted the use of cover-story labels to conceal the use of violence on American citizens.

  1. In the name of the War on Terror, in 2017, American neighborhoods and communities have been transformed from calm, peaceful, and neighborly communities into predator vs. prey, i.e. divided holdouts of covert spying, snitching, Electronic Warfare, smear campaigns, and studied COINTELPRO attacks on neighbors, planned and coordinated through federal government-sponsored intelligence, information and command centers at the national and local levels, such as the Regional Information Sharing System (RISS), the U.S. Department of Justice, and the network of Fusion Centers.

At core of these attacks are the innocent Americans being wrongfully targeted and defamed as extremists, terrorists, spies, enemy combatants: often the most upright in communities, people of conscience and community spirit, integrity and accomplishment, entrepreneurship and creativity, innocence and impeccable character, people targeted not for their potential for criminality but for their innate power as attractors and disseminators of positive community influence.

The coterie of criminals from inside the FBI/DHS/CIA/NSA and local Law Enforcement and RISS centers involved in these programs openly lie in neighborhoods to name these innocents terrorists or spies, open investigations on innocents, start slander and defamation campaigns on innocents, and then corral whole communities into helping them surveil, spy, sabotage, and slander them, under threat of high fines and jail time.

By these means, whole lives are destroyed: employment is sabotaged, lies are circulated, and families are torn apart.

Neighbors become collaborators and complicit when they let Electronic Weapons operators freely enter their neighborhoods and homes, using their driveways and properties to install antennas and conduct tracking operations.

Collaborators are paid handsomely and bribed with home renovations, new cars, and tickets to luxury holidays and ball games. They are also trained in the operation of certain equipment, including cell phones to direct pulsed radiation attacks, which they now turn on their innocent neighbor.

This rewards and entrenches corrupt behavior in a manner that will utterly splinter and disintegrate our society for decades to come. Worst of all, this system of routine horrific abuses has developed a life of its own whereby ever more vindictive acts are committed and the perpetrators on the ground take free licence to do whatever they like at the expense of economically productive members in our society. Their excesses include electronic rape.

  1. Psychiatry has been roped in as political tool to subjugate those reporting these programs by naming them delusional, a verdict that Law Enforcement and CIA-controlled media then run with.

It must be stressed that the national silence on this issue as well as the distortions of reportage we see in mainstream-media mention of “Targeted Individuals” who report abusive surveillance programs is directly related to the vampiric control of major media that the CIA exerts, and their deliberate promotion of deception in coverage, in order to keep these violent, mutilatory programs of Electronic Weapon use on citizens clandestine and concealed.

Corruption at the levels of Law Enforcement and the Department of Justice, and the use of weaponized psychiatry combined with indiscriminate smears and slander of the victims has prevented the situation from being remedied.

A Public Scandal Of International Proportions

This has now become a proliferating and self-perpetuating industry of premeditated, systematic mutilation of some of the most productive members of our society.

By getting rid of people of conscience and integrity, whistleblowers, and activists in communities—through these extreme means of public torture and humiliation—it appears that the covert operators in Intelligence and military agencies running these programs seek more and more to create docile, deceitful, and pliable populations, people who will believe the official lie, people who will turn on their own friends and neighbors, people who will assist in stoning the innocent to death.

The extent and sadism of these deliberate bodily and brain assaults—which essentially involve the use of military weapons of war on peaceful, non-combatant, unarmed civilians, peacefully residing in their own country–amount to crimes against humanity being perpetrated against the American people.

And sadly, these Nazi death-camp programs of torture have become USA’s most prominent export along with our bombs, missiles, and drones.

To the disgrace of all Law-Enforcement, victims have been pleading for support publicly on social media for years. By now, the situation has gone beyond a disgrace and has become a public scandal of international proportions that is threatening the stability of our societies. Without a doubt, this problem is destroying the best and brightest in our nation and will inevitably affect the economic and creative capabilities of the US. This already sets us back in the race with other nations and seriously exposes the US to the danger of a hostile takeover.

Silent Holocaust Taking Place Inside the US

Please see attached here:

  1. The Executive Summary: Neuropsychological and Electronic No-Touch Torture Report (Based on “The Torture Memos” and the Senate Intelligence Committee’s Declassified “Torture Report”) By Robert Duncan, A.B., S.M., M.B.A., Ph.D.

  2. NSA whistleblower Karen Stewart’s succinct summation of what has happened to America today:

Under former President Bush and now continued under President Obama, what apparently started decades ago as illegal and clandestine programs of experiments on human subjects, such as the CIA’s MK ULTRA, has resulted in the proliferation of Defense Contractors such as Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, General Dynamics, and others, making secret agreements with Federal agencies such as DOD, DIA, NSA, DHS, etc., to allow them and related laboratories and universities to expand inhumane experimentation programs such as illegal experiments for Directed Energy Weapons on unwitting and non-consenting American citizens.

The scam goes like this, random people, or people who are dissidents or whistleblowers are purposely mislabeled as “terrorists” and put on an Enemies List, which is then turned over to Defense Contractors to target under perverted interpretations of NDAA and PAA.

This allows them to engage the Military and Law Enforcement in either the active harassment and torture of individuals illegally targeted for fraudulent cause, or it gives the Defense Contractors carte blanche to commit criminal assault upon innocent citizens while demanding (unconstitutionally) that Police stand down and do nothing to help their victims.

Please read the full statement here.

Please Act Now To Stop These Crimes Against Humanity in the USA and Worldwide

To stop these crimes against humanity we, the undersigned, request that you immediately:

These crimes against humanity need to be stopped if the United States of America wants to retain its national resilience and keep the goodwill of its partners worldwide.

You have an opportunity today to set right many historic wrongs. Much is made of America’s history of slavery. Yet this reality on the ground today shows us, that with the stealth weapons of Electronic Warfare and Neurowarfare, slavery has entered a new phase.

You have said:

There should be no fear — we are protected, and we will always be protected.

We will be protected by the great men and women of our military and law enforcement and, most importantly, we are protected by God.

…We will make America safe again.”

–President Donald J. Trump, Inauguration Day Address, 1/20/2017

But there are NO laws on the books today in the USA—land of the free and home of the brave—to prevent non-consensual experimentation on humans. Americans today are enslaved and are exporting this medieval travesty into every corner of the world.

Your children and grandchildren are just as much at risk as ours.

Please act today to put an end to these horrific, shameful crimes against humanity which are tearing apart our society.


Ramola D, USA
Author, Journalist, Activist

Karen Melton Stewart, USA
NSA Intelligence Analyst, Ret.

Dr. Katherine Horton, Germany
Particle Physicist, Systems Analyst

Ricardo Camilo López, USA
Theoretical Physicist, Math & Science Teacher, Semiotician

Paul Baird, BEc. LLB, Australia
Human Rights Advocate

Eyerly Felder, USA
Human Rights Activist, Foster Parent, Podcast Host and Journalist

Rosanne Marie Schneider, USA
Author of “Surveillance, Torture and Control in the Modern World”
Former Artist, Animal Rescuer, and International Business Owner | Now Victim

Regis Burke, MSW, USA

Leo E. Garcia, USA

Teresa Bender, R.N., ASN, Harrisburg, PA, USA
Graduated Magna Cum Laude. Phi Theta Kappa member.
Service connected disabled veteran of USAF, 1989-1993.
Honorably discharged. Served during First Gulf War.
Interviewed by news media in West Virginia. Video on YouTube link: “Adult Bullying, West Virginians speak out”. Also participated in Targeted Individual awareness video titled “Targeted Individuals, A Plea for Help”, filmed in NJ in 2014.

Robert I. Walker, USA
Human Rights Activist, Vietnam Veteran, Christian

Seth Farber, Ph.D., USA
Author, Psychologist

Gregory A Mann, USA
Former Marine, Retired Dept. Of Defense
Combined service 27 years.Whistleblower.

Margaret Zawodniak, RN, BSN, USA

Amy L, USA
Licensed Massage Therapist

Joseph Quevedo, B.S. International Business, USA
Certified Logistics Technician

Mariana Maritato M.S., CCC-SLP, C-PESL, HC, Poland

Herman Winston, USA
US Army Veteran, Ex-Police Officer, Mechanic

Dr. Millicent Black, MACM, MMFT, USA
Refuge From the Storm Church, Columbia, TN
Pastor, Activist, Researcher

Tracy A. Wellons, USA
Biomedical Research Scientist

Kenneth Peartree, USA
Senior Master Sergeant, US Air Force (Ret.)

Virginia Sealey, USA
Louisiana State University graduate, Health and Physical Education.
Commercial Real Estate Broker (Ret.)

Captain Gary W. Kassbaum M.M., Canada
Senior Regional Investigator – Marine, Transportation Safety Board

Alec Devere Rafter, NYU Graduate, B.F.A., USA
Actor, Writer, Musician

Ben Colodzin Ph.D., California, USA
H-SCADA profiler (Human-Supervisory Control and Data
Acquisition Systems) for targeted victims

Paul Grigun, USA

Thomas A. Dickey, USA
U.S. Army, Retired

Mr. Robert Vincent Leaf, USA
HVAC Technician, App.

Mike Patrick, USA

Mandi (Deedee) Durrence, USA
Self-Employed, Construction, Farming

Barbara Hyseni, USA
Sergeant in the US Air Force
Christian Ordained Minister

Geri Kemp, BS in Business/Finance, MPA, USA
Certified Business Official, Educational Facilities Planning,
School Business Management (Ret.)
National Youth Equestrian Program Organizer

Denise S. Pompl, USA

Donna Stanley, USA
Mother, daughter, grandmother, friend, American, Retired Corrections Officer

Lori Tolbert-Carroll, USA

Charmaine Thomas, USA

Guy Potter, USA
35-year victim

Ms. Maura Sheehan, RN, BSN

Rochelle Jones, USA
Ordained Minister, CA

Juanita Hardnett, GA, USA

Sherri M Guarnieri, USA

Edith Diane Schutza, TX, USA

Michele Kimbrough, USA
Retired, Department of Corrections

Kola Boof
Award-Winning Novelist and Television Writer

Bonnie Hunt, USA
Retired Comm. College Instructor, College Lecturer,
and HS Teacher, MBA, MS, CPA (Inactive)

Jeaneine M. Heaney, USA

Arlene Johnson BA, MLS, USA
Publisher/Author |

Cathy L. Wright, M.S., CCC-SLP, USA B.A. in English, B.S. in Communication Sciences and Disorders,
M.S. in Communication Disorders.
Speech-Language Pathologist. Whistleblower.

Angela Farrell, USA
BS, Psychology, BSW from West Virginia University.
National Sales Award 2005, 2008. Pharmaceutical representative.
Currently: Yoga , aerobic and Silver Sneaker instructor YMCA.
Health and wellness instructor.

Mrs. Sherri A. Marquis, AA Business, BA Legal Studies, MS Mgmt, RI, USA
U.S. Navy Journalist – 12.5 years, honorably discharged with service-connected disability.
Dept.of Defense (Navy, Army, Marine Corps) Contract Specialist/Contracting Officer, GS-13, 8 years, WHISTLEBLOWER
Lockheed Martin Enterprise Information Systems (Orlando) and Missiles and Fire Control (Orlando) Intellectual Property Paralegal and Contracting Officer
Currently: unemployed, blacklisted, isolated, tortured and psychologically injured

Leila M S Gutowski, RN BS, BSN, VA, USA

Cheryl Weinrich, VA, USA
Former employee of SAIC, Inc., Employed from 2000 to 2010.
Contracted out 2009-’10 as a Document Control Specialist and Courier with the Missile Defense Agency.
Former student at Northern Virginia Community College, Annandale and Alexandria, VA, 1982 to 2000: Travel and Tourism, Psychology and Information Technology.

Lorenzetta Whitfield, USA
Lillian Whitfield, USA
Tanya Whitfield, USA
(Sisters targeted since May 2013)

John Thomas Christiana, USA
BS Degree CSULB; MS Degree, Kaplan Univ, 4.0; Law Student, 2L
Everest Summiter | Human Rights Advocate
Targeted Individual Victim | Federal Lawsuit Plaintiff

John Leon Anderson, CT, USA
13-year victim

Nina Elhawary Duvall, USA
Drug Alcohol Tech | Working with Ms. Massie Munroe on her campaign and book.

Mark Mandigo, USA

Muguet Burgos, CCNY, USA

Innocentia Merchant, UK

Jessica Charpentier, MA, USA

Charles Pak, USA
Disabled Iraq Veteran 2004-2008
Tortured victim of remote technology 2007-current

Dominic Friscia, USA

Alicia Ogburn, and children, PA, USA

Amy Anderson, CA
Human Rights Activist

Constance Hannah Rose, Pacifica, CA
Artist, Author (The Joy Thieves)
Creative Director and Entrepreneur

Edward L. Spencer, MD
Neurology Retired, Researcher, Author

Dianne Renee Chandler
B.B.A. Business Administration
M.S.S. Strategic Studies, U.S. Army War College
M.S. Acquisition and Contract Management
LTC , USAR retired Veteran 28 years Service tortured victim since 2012 after filing an EEO complaint Dianne Chandler vs. Secretary of the Army John M. McHugh

Kathleen Haston, BA Psychology, USA

William Brock, Boston, MA, USA

Patrick Cleary, USA
B.S. Communication Arts from Cornell University, 1991.
Disabled teacher, social worker, and activist.

Harold Hubbard, disabled, USA

Marina Ragsdale, USA
Crew member at McDonald’s | Victim

Jeannette Eileen Fess, USA
Former Realtor | Victim

Takele Erko, Ethiopia
BSc. Chemistry | TI for 6 years

Dr. Helen Tsigounis, Australia
Author of “The Red Back Web”:
Targeted 20 years.

Caroline Coon, Tiburon, CA
Owner of store “Little Black Dress”

Marina Abramycheva, NY, USA

Agnieszka Kubicka, USA
26 years old | Student, Restaurant Worker

Tiffany Fusini, BA in Sociology and Gender Studies
Neuro-Behavioral Specialist

Mečislav Chorzempa, Computer Programmer, Czech Republic

Judith Greschus, Detmold-Germany
Acknowledged politically persecuted person of the GDR regime(certificate “C”)

Elke Malone, Germany
55 years, Educator

Thomas Steinke, USA
Independent Contractor
OTR Truck Driver

Andrew Furey, PA, USA

Terrance Bass, USA
Retired Musician and Marketing Professional

Geoffrey Beattie, N.I., UK

Ricki Leggett, USA
Victim for 15 years.

Stanley Heavrin, Louisville, KY, USA

Debra Matheny, Hibbing, Minnesota, USA
Anti Public Corruption Activist, Investigative Blogger, 3 generations of targets. My daughter and granddaughter, murdered.

Mr. Adair Rutherford Buckner, I.

Edgard Rene Romero Cruz
Creative genius, Artist, Mind Slave.

Dagmar Palmerova, Prague, Czech Republic
Degree in Economics

Beth Ruegg, USA
Targeted victim for decades

Paul Lucas, BSBA, Finance and Accounting, USA
Senior Accountant/Analyst for International Corporation

Nathan Entrekin, USA
Graphics/Media Artist, LDS church member

Laura Entrekin, USA
CNA Manager, LDS church member

Mr. Tobin Dresser, Bend, Oregon, USA
Freelance Writer

Andrea McCoy, BA, USA

Patricia Angulo, USA
Intake Clinical Coordinator, Personal Trainer, Aunt, Case Manager

Gülay Daricili (female), Germany
Certified Interpreter and Lecturer

Lisa R. Becker, Milwaukee, WI
BS, Human Environment & Design, graduated with honors in 1989.
Under surveillance since college, tortured with electronic surveillance since 2007.

Toshiko Namiki, Japan

Dolly Guenthner, USA
Whistleblower on the City of Elizabethtown, KY municipality to the FBI reporting 50millionfraudontheKYRetirementSystem–whichturnedouttobemorethan50 million fraud on the KY Retirement System–which turned out to be more than 50millionfraudontheKYRetirementSystemwhichturnedouttobemorethan1 billion fraud which still continues.
Terminated employee from the City of Elizabethtown, after 20+ years

Alan J. Bellina, USA
Amy L. Bellina, USA

Mary Fehr, New Mexico, USA
Retired journeyman CNC machinist
TI 2 years +
Catapulted into surveillance program by Ohio Neighborhood Watch

Darleen Palmeira, Kapaa, Hawaii
Targeted since 2015

Helmut Michael, Germany
I support the memorandum.
As to our personal experience:

Stephen O Neill, Sligo, Ireland
Targeted since 2005

Susan C., USA
Associate Underwriter

Ursula J. Barboza, USA
Juris Doctor (1995), M.A. Library and Information Science (2008)

Heide Klebsattel, Gutach/Germany
TI since 2010

Benjamin Miller, Jersey City, New Jersey, USA

Robert Stephen Spicer, USA
1-year aware TI

Michael McKay
B.S./B.A. UC Davis International Relations/Japanese
M.S. SFSU Physics

Linda L. Jensen (Maiden name, Christopherson/first marriage, Vegoe)
Musician, poet, educator of young people, legal and medical secretary, missionary, mother, grandmother, gardener.
Also an author, and activist for the rights of individuals for justice, “life, liberty and pursuit of happiness” in accordance with the Declaration of Independence of the United States of America.

Oskar Svärd, Master’s in Political Science, Sweden

Gabriele Plank, Munich, Germany
65 years old, Teacher, German Gymnasium

Mr. Christian Pfeifer, Luckenwalde, Germany

James F. Lico, USA
BS, Computer Science, Associate’s Degrees in Biology, Electronic Engineering
Retired Software Support Specialist, Systems Administrator
Targeted since 2010

Donna Wilkinson, USA

Chloe V. Rose, USA
Service connected 90% disabled Gulf War veteran, USN.
Honorably discharged 1980-1991.

Kathryn Sorensen USA
Retired Financial Management
Recovery Agent

Martina Pearce, Sales Manager

Leonard Loch, Hamburg, Germany.
Merchant, Graduate in Business Administration.
Targeted since 2003.

Kimberly Buckner, USA
Researcher, Whistleblower, Human Rights Advocate

Connie Hicks, USA

Marcus George Hopkins, NM & MN, USA
Ba.Sc. Wildlife Science
Heavily targeted for 6 years by group of technologically advanced, vicious criminals, including a corrupt NSA, FBI and Private Investigator Employee(s)

Steve Granite, USA
General labor
30-year victim

Bennetta McKenzie, IL, USA
AUTISM MOM – Bachelors in Accounting, MBA, CPA
Targeted 14 years

J. McKenzie, IL, USA
Autistic college student, Mathematics major

Clint McLean, MS, Computer Science (distinction), South Africa

Marie-Luise von Neuberg, Karlsruhe,Germany

Detlef Müller, Minden, Germany
TI for more than 30 years

Paolo Fiora, London, United Kingdom
Director, LESAG, London End Stalking Action Group

Atsuko Miyata, Japan
Mother, wife, homemaker, landlord
Victim for 28+years

Dr. Cherie Larsson, Ph.D, MBA, BA, Florida, USA
Ph.D in industrial Organizational Psychology

Irina Wickholm, Russia
Victim, and Human Rights Activist

Tera Wills, Ph.D, College Professor, USA
Ph.D. in combination of Nuclear Engineering and Radiochemistry, University of Arkansas
(40 years in US/from Iran)
Targeted since 2012

Liuda Balcius, USA/Lithuania
Author, Blind Social Worker, Teacher of the Blind, Humanitarian and Adventurer
Blind victim of reprehensible directed energy weapons
and unconscionable chemical poisonings for more than 20 years.
Looking forward someday to a peaceful, private life without pain and torture.

Catherine (Kate) Ryan, R.N. Retired
Former Representative in Consumer Electronics
Activist/Whistleblower of an Extraordinary Rendition site in Italy, inappropriate planned disposal of PCBs through insert in bathroom tiles.
SOA Watch/Supporter, Runs Support Group for TIs in New England

Slawomir Wiktor, MA (Magister) Philosophy, Poland
TI for 7 years, Activist with Polish TI association, STOPZET

Zofia Filipiak, Poland
President, Polish TI Association STOPZET

Brandon Armstrong, USA
Truck Driver. Targeted American.

Danuta Gajewska,Poland

Gretta Fahey, Newbrook, Claremorris, Ireland
A Targeted Individual for fourteen years.

Mrs. Hadia Fehlauer, Leimen, Germany
62 years old, Housewife and former Translator

Mr. Frank Hennrich, Walldorf, Germany
54 years old, dipl.-Cosmology Physicist, IT-product Owner

Mrs. Angelika Nowatzki, Großaitingen, Germany
66 years old, Housewife

Mr. Stefan Prechtel, Crailsheim, Germany

Lori Budd, ME, USA
Targeted since 2005

Shelly Hoyle,WA,USA

Jane Kiesel, USA

Debra Poulsen, USA

Carmen de los Santos, USA
Information Technology Technician
Internal Revenue Service

Dr. Matthew Aaron, USA
Neurobiologist, Geneticist, Science Journalist

Debra Anda, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Generational victim of COINTELPRO
Mother Murdered 1970’s
Life of chaos, peace In Christ Jesus

(An updated version of this memo, on an ongoing basis, will be maintained on this page at The Everyday Concerned Citizen. Please send an email anytime to if you wish to sign this memo. Please share this information — which is being suppressed by corporate, mainstream, CIA-controlled media — widely. Stand up for America today, and for all of humanity worldwide, add your name, and inform others. These crimes Must be publicized the world over, and publicly addressed. )

Currently Updated: 3-24-2017

Pdf for Download: Memo to President Trump on Domestic US Torture Programs Running Under Cover of Surveillance–3-24-2017