Enforcing Mask Slavery and Succumbing to the COVID Psy Op: Hostility & Ignorance at Wollaston Post Office Followed by EMS/Police Stalking in Quincy (original) (raw)

Report & Op-ed | Ramola D | Feb 25, 2021

Two days ago, I stopped in at the Wollaston Quincy Post-Office on Beale Street to mail off copies of my Affidavit and Notification mailing to local public officials notifying them of my disapproval of the massive state-sponsored crime in Quincy, reported here earlier, this time to the named Secretary of State Antony Blinken and the local Norfolk County Sheriff, Patrick McDermott.

The postal clerk behind the counter, the same warm lady who had exchanged cordial conversation with me earlier as reported here looked worried today as she greeted me and said “You really have to wear a mask in here.” I said, “No I don’t, and you really should not be asking me to wear one.”

“Do you need a mask,” she asked next, reaching for one.

“No,” I said, “and I have something for you on that subject.” Armed with my Courtesy Notice to Businesses, Massachusetts I handed a copy to her.

She looked at it cursorily and handed it over to her Postmaster who later returned to hover nearby as he read the Notice over, while the clerk readied my mailing.

There’s a President and His Name is Mask Mandate

This man then handed the Notice back to me and said brusquely that he didn’t need it, and that “President Biden has issued an Executive Order and that’s what we follow, everyone needs to wear a mask, that’s the law in America!”

Clearly this Postmaster had not kept up with Peggy Hall’s elucidating videos, particularly this one, where she explains no 100 days Mask Mandates can be made by any party, titled or not, under “Health Emergency” requirements when there was clearly No Health Emergency Whatsoever going on, also that a Mandate is not a law–and also that no President or Governor can make a law.

BIDEN 100 DAYS OF MASKING, MASK MANDATE? Jan 20, 2021 — Peggy Hall – 1/20/21

Now my immediate reaction to this focus on a (seated-by-election-fraud) President and yet another Executive Order when I had listed a few of the State and Federal laws which outlaw discrimination, including the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Civil Rights Act of 1964 as well as the US and Massachusetts Constitutions, was to point to these laws and say all Americans are protected by these laws against discrimination, and that I had every right to not wear a mask as also did every other American.

These are the listings on the Notice:

  1. Massachusetts Constitution (https://malegislature.gov/Laws/Constitution)
  2. US Constitution (1st and 4th Amendments)
  3. Federal Civil Rights Law (Title 11, Section 2000, 42 U.S.C. §2000a, Civil Rights Act of 1964 )
  4. Americans with Disabilities Act (Title III)
  5. Massachusetts Civil Rights Public Accommodation Law (General Law – Part IV, Title I, Chapter 272, Section 92A)

I had not actually come prepared for active resistance to the Courtesy Notice, since I had thought the listing of these laws was surely irrefutable. Silly me, considering that No Laws are currently being followed in Quincy or in Massachusetts, and unlawful Stasi harassment and Spectrum assault and battery is being carried out with impunity all over this town and state, while being hidden under covers of “Surveillance” and “Peacekeeping” and “Quelling Domestic Terrorism,” as reported to President Trump a few times, including here: Once Again, A Memo to President Trump: Massive Surveillance State Abuses | Treason on the Ground, in the USA: Public-Private Partners in Targeted Killing of Americans

I should also mention the Postmaster was issuing his statements in a pretty loud voice, which led to me raising my voice too. Note that a big old flap of filthy clear plastic masquerading as a cellophane shield and not hygienic, sanitary, or Publicly Healthful in the least parked between the clerk behind the counter and the hapless customer–myself–also stood between me and the two masked bandits at the Post Office.

My mention of all Americans being free and their having no business asking anyone in America to wear a mask fell on deaf ears. The Postmaster called once more on his soul-brother Biden, saying “President Biden Issued an Executive Order and that’s the law!” “No it’s not,” I said, “and please feel free to check out my articles at everydayconcerned.net on this very subject, that kind of Executive Order is null and void and not the law!”

We had both gotten pretty heated by this point, as he clung to Biden and I reverted to the ADA and Civil Rights. He then said “No-one is denying you service, I’m telling you that’s the law!” To which I replied, “No, and nor should you — you should not be denying me service, that’s the law!”

So this was Round One, interrupted by the lady asking me to check the addresses on my envelopes, which I did.

Considering that I was steaming at this point as a direct consequence of this man yelling at me, while he then subsided into standing opposite and glaring at me, I said–because I am not one to hold anything back just for purposes of nicety when still being subjected to hostility: “Just because you are a man with a deep voice does not mean you have the right to raise your voice and intimidate me!” The clerk said hastily, “He’s not that kind of man!” (This had rapidly devolved to farce.) “Well maybe not,” I said, “but he was shouting at me!” “No I wasn’t,” said the masked postmaster, “I wasn’t sure you could hear me with that plastic.” “Which doesn’t need to be here either,” I said, “since there really is No virus, no pandemic and only a massive Psychological Operation going on!”

Further, I said, “You know there are some people who like to be informed and learn what is going on, but it seems there are some people who don’t want to know the facts at all!”

“Your Droplets versus My Droplets”

Round Two began at this point with the clerk suddenly dropping her own voice three decibels down (this was definitely a Farce in Three Voices) and saying reasonably to me, “That’s a matter of opinion–we would disagree with you!”

“Sure,” I said, being at this point thoroughly incensed, “You can disagree all you like but you wouldn’t be right! If you did a spot of research on this subject you would find out what the truth is–and I do happen to be a writer and science researcher and I can tell you there is no virus!”

Having dropped her voice and being engaged in virtue-signalling, the clerk said, “Now why are you speaking to me in a raised voice?” Silenced by the very peculiarity of this–since I had certainly Not been speaking to her in a raised voice, but rather in more level and regular tone (well, maybe not that one last exchange, but yes, this is all about Voice, the right to use your Voice, and the easy quelling actions of those who wish to subdue your Voice, more on this below), I paused.

I also noted to her that I understood she had to model mask-wearing because she was an employee at this company (USPS is not a federal government division as many imagine but a private service company and corporation–as they all are really–something confided in me by one of the postal clerks as well.) However she disputed this. “I’m not doing this because I work here.”

The clerk then said, still two steps above a whisper, “Let me tell you why I wear a mask–it’s so that you won’t get my droplets. I wear a mask because I want to be safe to live to take care of my grandchildren, I care about my grandchildren, I don’t want to get COVID–and the reason we want you to wear a mask is so that we won’t get Your droplets.”

“I want to be safe to live to see my grandchildren” (so I asphyxiate daily with a mask)

Having understood now what I was dealing with (entrenched indoctrination, via television sets) I said–and yes at this point I think I did raise my voice fractionally: “Well, that seems to be because you have bought the whole mythology which Fauci and the CDC are running for the pharmaceutical industry–there really is no deadly virus, and nobody needs to wear a mask!”

Mask Slavery and Voice Suppression

“Haven’t you finished your business here yet,” demanded the postmaster, irate at the talkiness, it seemed.

“Yes I have and I’m leaving,” I said, “but you really should not be asking anyone to wear a mask!”

I forget exactly what the response was but I think the lady said something to the effect again that masks were needed and she was taking care of her health. I have to say the entire attitude that both these lauders of the mask and pushers of mask-slavery were projecting had put me on edge, and I certainly Did raise my voice as I left saying, “I wish you a good day and good health, but you know masks are dangerous–they’re not just useless, they’re dangerous, but hey if you want to wear a mask, go ahead, suffocate yourself!”

A young woman customer at the next window (who had rushed in suddenly–the lobby had been empty for long) turned to stare at me (probably with her mouth open but you would never know, she was masked!) as I left, completely annoyed at this entire, pointless exchange.

EXCEPT: and I think, this is the point, it was not pointless at all. It definitely brought home to me that the people who are acquiescing to wearing the mask–a gag across the mouth and nose, a dangerous, hazardous inhibition of normal breathing, an aid to the inhalation of one’s own excreted exhalations, a suppresser of the respiratory system and thence the immune system–are not all of them merely wearing it because they have been told to wear it, they have bought the storyline lock stock and barrel and think they are going to die without this hastener-of-death and mark-of-slavery they have made their own.

On a positive note, the entire exchange also underlined a very American aspect of public interaction: there was no hint on either side of us meeting as anything other than equals, we were each speaking our minds in perfect candor — the negative note of course was the confrontational and hostile aspect of this exchange: it was not a moment conducive to learning or openmindedness. It was in fact rather like an unseasonal argument with family members–on a subject of controversy which nominally would not be raised in public with strangers. It was also a consequence of the current Giant Fishbowl life we are living: when people are informed by the stick figures on television what to do and how to breathe and how to sluice down their fingernails, while cameras watch our every move, the interfacing with those like me who refuse to be subjugated and prefer to think and research critically while at the same time maintaining (in some cases, possibly misplaced) a keen desire to inform and help educate others, friction is bound to result.

The issue of Voice also does not escape me. When men raise their voices–and they frequently do–it is with intent to intimidate, cow, establish their word. When women raise their voices in response,they are told to “tone it down.”

There is a great freedom in using your voice, in permitting yourself and being permitted to use your voice–and there is a great recognition and communal connection in being heard.

I distinctly felt however, that by the end, although I had raised my voice, I was definitely not being heard–and was not going to be heard.

But I was also told to not use my voice at all — that is the message when you are hushed to lower your voice and no-one is listening to you anyway — which is exactly the message of the Mask: Gag yourself.

Boston EMS, “Security,” Section 215, Brewster Ambulance & Quincy Police Cars

This story is not complete because it appears I am well known in Quincy by the local criminal element– that is, local law enforcement, local EMS, and the local “gangstalking” contingent employed by the local fusion centers, who like to engage in street theatre and obvious stalking.

No I do not say any of this lightly. What I have been reporting for eight years, in various forums, is well known to local governments–since they have permitted and manufactured this monstrosity–while being well-suppressed by local media and national media.

Had media done their job and properly reported on the plunge into terrorizing activity by governments and local law enforcement, ever since the Patriot Act made its Communist appearance in our midst, everyone would be perfectly aware of these crimes, and steps would have been taken to hold all crime-running officials to book.

As it stands, state-run terrorism is the flavor of the season and it’s not a Peppermint Cocktail.

As FBI Whistleblower Geral Sosbee eloquently describes here:

“Today, the massive State apparatus (for bringing charges of offenses against the community) is a monstrosity out of control. The State even expands their power to accuse people by a fbi sponsored “New, Unheralded, Illegal Quasi Criminal Justice System Forged By fbi” (Academia. Edu). This fbi program is an abomination that allows fbi et al. to torture, maim and murder/assassinate our people. See my reports on how the entire federal judiciary is now a party to and principal in the fbi’s unconscionable crime spree which is unprecedented in human affairs: https://www.academia.edu/35972925/crimes_by_fbi_and_federal_judges.docx

Geral Sosbee, from the posting by Barbara Hartwell, Anatomy of a Conspiracy

In 2017, shortly after President Trump’s inauguration, I, along with various other human rights activists (and COINTELPRO operatives then working with me on Techno Crime Fighters Forum and playing human rights advocate) sent this first Memorandum to him, an event which nearly occasioned my assassination as I was pulverized with microwave pulse weapon assault–and various exotic weapon assault–for over two weeks directly after, and the “Covert Comms” of “Papa’s Ride” was placed in my path on the spare tyre cover on the back of a jeep to let me know who exactly I had most offended (the Pope, no less, and probably the Grey Pope at that–since I understand this species comes in all colors now and employs various methods of concealment): Memorandum to President Donald J. Trump on Domestic US Torture Programs Running Under Cover of Surveillance

Fusion Center Focus

Being aware therefore of the extreme overreach, abuse, and 360 Degree Camera Surveillance of all and sundry in modern day America, I had wondered silently to myself at the post office (thoughts picked up by the Mind Monitoring police no doubt over at the NSA, DIA, FBI, CIA) if everyone at the local Commonwealth Fusion Center (to whose head, the Lt. Col. Christopher Mason I had also recently mailed my Cease and Desist) was sitting around watching the entire encounter on their monitors and gearing up to come after me yet again with more stealth weapons and community harassment. (For daring to use my voice and oh, daring to raise my voice in public as well.)

Entirely possible, and the stream of cars on Newton shortly after — a common swarming ploy deployed by the Fusion Center brigade — seemed to suggest it.

Silent Messages from the EMS & Fusion Center contingent: Stop n Shop

I did not have long to wait either before further “Covert Comms” started to stream my way. I had driven to the local Stop n Shop to pick up birdseed (despite the horrific assault on my God-given rights and freedoms in January, as described here, since I was now armed with my Courtesy Notice and had every intention of educating the next store employee who lectured me on the “need to wear masks” during the COVID Psy Op Non-Pandemic currrently still ongoing) and having passed the kind old ladies at the front of the store offering to wipe down my cart with toxic chemical and probably nanotech-laden sanitizer gel who had also started sounding alarms about masks (which I ignored), I then was accosted — in the peculiar Deliberate Accost way of a woman wheeling her cart directly in front of me and then swinging around to U-turn so I had to move swiftly to avoid collision: this woman wore a royal blue sweatshirt with the hard to miss loud signage of “Boston EMS” on her back. Now in her turn around–which narrowly missed whacking my cart–she also projected a sizzling look of censure at me (when really I should have been sizzling censure at Her), as if her being there with her Boston EMS sweatshirt meant something profound, which I was supposed to take in and be censured by.

Yes I am aware of the part played by EMS personnel in the Mental-Health-Fraud. The fact is, all those reporting assault and Stasi community harassment all over the USA today report EMS stalking, intervention, and harassment, as my many interviews with people being wrongfully targeted and assaulted by local Fusion Center Gestapo attest: this is part of the Mental-Illness-Fraud being used by local governments and fusion centers to conceal their criminal assault with electromagnetic weapons and neuroweapons–weapons run by Military and Intelligence divisions no doubt, but permitted by local governments and part of local fusion center protocols today, legitimized by unconscionable assent-to-torture-with-stealth-weapons which all Mayors, Governors, State Attorney Generals, State Secretaries have clearly signed off on: without naming reporting victims Mentally Ill, Unstable, Violent, Unpredictable, Schizoid, Paranoid, none of these parties could have gotten away with the complete Communist control of neighborhoods they have now achieved, and the rampant programs of non-consensual human experimentation and weapons-testing which is now underway.

When EMS personnel start stalking targets today, it is a distinct “Silent Message” of threat and intimidation therefore of possible sectioning, possible “Community Mental Health Intervention” to arrest and transport the target to a local Psychiatry Ward and subject them to forced-medication with brain-retarding neurotoxins if they so wish, a Communist action familiar to reporters from Communist Russia, and now being reported steadily by numbers of Americans and people worldwide, including government whistleblowers, and modeled deceptively for community repression by COINTELPRO operatives such as this one, whose story I reported on with concern and in sincerity at the time (Ex-NSA Karen Melton-Stewart has since distinguished herself as an agent-provocateur, liar, and Fusion Center operative, apparently set in place to destroy my name and work and discredit me as a journalist: Public Notice Re. Ex-NSA Karen Melton Stewart, Dec 28, 2020).

Indeed, in all the many stories of repressive Psychiatry and Mental Health Intervention I have reported on, always staying open-minded as I helped report the many encounters with Mental Health mavens from local councils, often accompanied by Police, it has seemed to me several were set-ups contrived to project a message of fortressed impermeability to targets, and that message is: Stay silent about being hit in your home with invisible stealth weapons of the microwave, milliwave, scalar, sonic, neurotech persuasion or we will Baker-Act/Section/72-hour Psychiatry Hold you and name you a Paranoid Schizophrenic (and therefore legally Mentally Incompetent) for life.

(The exact protocol by the way which Eileen Welsome has reported in The Plutonium Files: victims of military experimentation with ionizing radiation were named paranoid schizophrenics and delusional when they attempted to report their symptoms to their own doctors: see her interview with Amy Goodman here on this subject.)

The placing of EMS signage or personnel in my path therefore is obviously Not a coincidence.

Whether it was occasioned by the local fusion center–in intimidation–by my mailing letters of notification and requests to them and to other local public officials or by the recent Postmaster-and-Mask yelling spree I’d been a part of, daring to use my raised-voice to rebut what a USPS Postmaster used his raised-voice to say, I have no idea. (I should note that on the day of the first mailing I made to Koch, Baker, and co. a man with a black shirt on and “BOSTON Police” suggestively emblazoned across the back stood ahead of me at the post-office window.) A combination of both? Entirely possible. This is their Modus Operandi as many targets have learned: Silent Threats–and judging by who is behind it all, from further covert comms, we can assume it is the overarching Roman & Masonic power structure behind it all.

Succeeding the lady from EMS, still at Stop n Shop, a very large and clearly obese and unhealthy man stepped out and did the same Cart-stalling, turn-around-and-collide move in front of me, sporting a neon green sweatshirt with the word SECURITY on it, and getting in fact directly in front of me and stopping a few times as if to get his (quite-visible) message across. Also, not unusual encounter and threat reported by hundreds of people being targeted by fusion centers in the US and worldwide.

Finally, as I returned to my car–nothing of note occurring at the counter, with no-one demanding I wear a mask (no doubt informed by Fusion Center staff not to provoke the loud-voiced armed-with-notices-on-rights-and-freedoms target arriving from the Post Office), although I did notice a woman from the store standing behind and closely watching my exchange with the store clerk (Community Monitoring? More EMS action?), parked right next to my car, a man with a blue SUV and a blue sweatshirt with the word LOVE on it took care to catch my eye, while his partner loaded the back–license plate 215: a not-so-subtle reminder of the unlawful Section 215 of the unlawful Patriot Act permitting warrantless mass collection, “sensitive collection,” and “tangible things collection”–expired in March 2020 yet still in use clandestinely?

Entirely possible of course, as well, that these planted signs were merely part of the Gamifying, Echoing, Surveillance-based Echo-Stalking simulations and social engineering Psy Ops being played out multiply around everyone today, targets and non-targets both (which makes everyone a target really) and run on Project Minerva and other war-gaming and simulation scenarios funded by the DOD, CIA, and other agencies.

“Love” could be a marker of “Aotearoha, the Earth of Love” claimed by the Purple Thumb Community, with whom I have recorded my Live-Life-Claim, for the distinct purpose of removing myself from the pirate jurisdiction of the Crown/Vatican Corporation, the Roman Empire, the British Empire–as expressed through the United States Corporation (of which Biden’s been named CEO now apparently), the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Corporation, and the City of Quincy Corporation–none of whom have any jurisdiction over American state nationals and all declaring themselves alive, no longer birth-certificate frauded into the Corporate structure still being used deceptively against Americans. (See The Great American Adventure by Judge Dale, and The Restoration of the United States of America—Commander-in-Chief, Postmaster-General-of-the-World :Russell-Jay: Gould has the Title 4 Flag as well as BREAKING: The-Crown-of-the-Mauri-Nation Orders New Zealand Government Corporation “HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN IN RIGHT OF NEW ZEALAND” to Stand Down & Leave Immediately; Directs SEC to De-Register It for Enforcing Pretend Laws & Committing Treason, Genocide, & Crimes Against Humanity.)

Now I have some thoughts about Love and Kindness in context of standing up in your own Power and Voice for your God-given rights and freedoms, which are being violated extremely by over-reaching government structures, but I will write separately about these, shortly. No government agency has the right to mark all those speaking and acting for freedom of speech, freedom of expression, freedom of the Press, freedom to think critically, freedom to speak against cruelty to animals/humans and against war, freedom to exercise our God-given and natural rights to assemble, meet, teach, speak, write, learn, engage in cultural activity (I mean music, art, readings, concerts) or sporting activity (soccer games, playgrounds) or run broadcasts and interviews as “Domestic Terrorists” or “Mentally Unstable” needing Community Oriented Policing–but this is what has transpired, and it is Criminal; the Fortressing Factor here–not merely an irony–is it’s being accompanied also by a Police message of “Maintaining the Peace” and active signage re. people needing to focus on Love, Peace, Serenity, and Kindness–placed around the very targets who are being subjected to major assault and battery with stealth weapons, to shut their voices down–and in further attempt to mislead the populace into docility, submission, compliance, quietitude, while assisting in the public and stealth persecution and repression of those who speak out, as we are seeing all over currently with the COVID Psy-Op Non-Pandemic. (I will note here also that the day I spoke out against Mask-Slavery, with my God-given voice, at the UPS store on Willard Street, reported here earlier, as I drove home, a blue car with the word “SERENITY” got in front of me for a street, then turned left and drove away–in much the style that “Covert Comms” are being placed around all reporting victims of Fusion Center Crime–absolute hubris, because it seeks to “Behavior Modify” and subjugate and silence people from speaking out.)

When a crime is being committed, Love is Speaking Out, not being silent.

Pure Coincidence or Clear Threat: EMS and Police Stalking at Pageant Field, Quincy

Later that afternoon as I took our dog to a local park–at Pageant Field–perhaps it was pure coincidence that a Brewster Ambulance was parked suggestively in the parking lot, and that later, as I pulled out to leave, two Quincy Police sedans were also parked in the parking lot.

Perhaps some pressing matter of urgency had occasioned their presence there. I did not see any pressing matter or event when I arrived and when I left.

I did see however a bevy of dogs lunge at our tiny Jack Russell-type terrier, with one of them engaging in some male-on-male assault I had to break up with some shouts (uh-oh, using my Voice again!)

The last time there was noticeable police helicopter action in my neighborhood–directly after informative tweets I had made on Twitter–the Quincy Police page at Facebook showed notes on some kind of burglary action a couple streets over–Plausible Deniability with capitals PD. I just checked and they have not made note of anything occurring at Pageant Field on Feb 24.

Calling their presence at a park I visited therefore “Stalking” is precisely the reaction they look for: actual stalking and harassment, plausible deniability to cover up actual stalking and harassment, actual covert threat and intimidation via silent messages of “presence of EMS’ and “presence of Police” all publicly and overtly marked as Paranoia, Paranoid Schizophrenia, Delusions of Grandeur, Mental Instability, Unpredictabiliy, all requiring More “Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS)” if reported as such.

I will also note that–as always on my visit to this park which also functions as a dog park where many dogs frequently romp–there were other “silent watchers” parked in SUVs by the water, and in the parking lot, engines running, just sitting, being good “COPs”. On previous occasions I have been assaulted with unmistakeable congestion frequencies from large pick-up trucks, HVAC Installation trucks, City of Quincy Public Department trucks parked in the parking-lots or driving up from the boating-dock: stories for another day.

My question would be: was I being subtly harassed with all of these placements of signs, symbols, people, vehicles because I am a well-known Target for Any Ole Kind of Harassment and Assault in Quincy or because of a Raised-Voice conversation at the Beale Street Post Office? Or both?

Crime Versus Policing

When a community creativity-workshop leader and writer is targeted for labeling and assault as a “Domestic Terrorist” and “Mentally Unstable” and “Prostitute” and “Pedophile” that is Crime.

When a practicing journalist, public educator, and activist for human rights, animal rights,humanity and the planet is targeted for labeling and assault as a “Domestic Terrorist” and “Mentally Unstable,” that is Crime.

The fact is, the entire construct of Fusion Centers, Law Enforcement, and Criminal Justice has abysmally failed today. It is no longer working for the populace, for public safety, public security, or public health–although it pays lip service to these concepts and virtue-signals Guardianship and Caretaking of the public.

There has been an Inversion of Truth in the arena of Domestic Terrorism, with top prize for deception and state-run terrorism going straight to the Fusion Centers.

Actual criminal assault with deadly Spectrum/Sonic/Scalar/Neuro/Nano/Bio/Chemical weaponry is being run on the populace–sanctioned by Fusion Centers, sanctioned by Law Enforcement–and that is Crime.

“Policing” becomes both Crime and Criminal when it begins, uses, and ends with Inversion of Truth, False Labeling, and Deception through and through.

As I write, the zoomers and honkers race up and down the street just behind me, while antennas and drones rain microwave pulses down on my head, heart, face, private parts: that is Crime.

It’s Time We ALL Used Our Voices, Both Level Tones and Raised Voice to Stop the Communist Takeover of America and the World

I can only hope that people in neighborhoods across this country start waking up and seeing the reality of what is actually going on, in order to stop the Full Spectrum subjugation of humanity that is currently being attempted and being run. Until then, I will keep writing. And speaking. WITH my voice, both at level tones and raised, as needed, as I deem fit, as granted me by my Creator.

I highly recommend that everyone else with vision and a conscience start doing the same, if they’re interested in turning America and the world around, as also Pamela Popper of Make Americans Free Again does, and Jim Harrison of Natural Family Foundation does, as reported in their conversation with me yesterday, posted here:

Report 234: Pamela Popper and Jim Harrison Report on Lawsuits to End All Aspects of the COVID Fraud | Feb 25, 2021.

And I thank FBI and CIA whistleblowers Geral Sosbee and Barbara Hartwell for their vibrant and powerful speaking-out, about the actual truth of what has happened to the Criminal Justice System in the USA, and what needs to be done to turn it all around, as recently published here:

ANATOMY OF A CONSPIRACY: A Tactical Analysis & To Correct the Inhumane CJS by Geral Sosbee & Barbara Hartwell | Feb 25, 2021

Many thanks also to Peggy Hall of The Healthy American who sent me the link to this video of hers on Masks at the Post Office, where she shares the USPS letter response to someone who wrote in to the Inspector General at USPS to question their stance on masks, when she heard about my contretemps at the local Post Office: