Massachusetts Department of Health Reports “No Responsive Documents” to FOIA Request for Information on Purified Isolate of Professed SARS-COV-2/COVID-19 Virus & Delta Variant Forming Basis for all State COVID Restrictions (original) (raw)

Report & Op-ed | Ramola D | August 30, 2021

Stating “The Department has no responsive records to your request,” the Massachusetts Department of Public Health responded to a FOIA request under Massachusetts Public Records Law made on August 7, 2021 by this reporter requesting information on all scientific white papers and studies related to the isolation of the “SARS-COV-2 Virus/COVID-19 Virus” and the “Delta Variant” in human beings, essentially admitting it has no information on the much-propagandized virus on the basis of which the Commonwealth of Massachusetts has held the state hostage since last spring, issuing a number of COVID restrictions and absurd mandates and guidances which curtail the Constitutionally-protected freedoms and rights of all Americans living in Massachusetts-and which still do so, especially targeting public-transportation users, retail-workers, healthcare-workers, college students, and schoolchildren.

Signed by Gillian Haney, MPH, Director of Office of Integrated Surveillance and Informatics Services (ISIS)
Bureau of Infectious Disease and Laboratory Sciences, Massachusetts Department of Public Health, the full response as well as request made can be viewed at, here.

Prior to this, the Office of the Governor of Massachusetts also reported to this FOIA requester that “no records that fall within the scope of (the) request” could be found on their premises, and referenced the Mass. Dept. of Public Health instead as the place to further query. That 8/11/2021 response–to a request identical in wording to this one–from the Governor’s office can be found at Muckrock here.

Screenshot, Letter from Office of Governor, Massachusetts in response to FOI request for information on virus isolate, available at Muckrock here

Additionally, the CDC has now returned a final response (dated 8/11/2021) to this reporter, conceding they have no information related to the purified isolate of the SARS-COV-2 virus on Koch’s postulates. The correspondence with the CDC was more detailed, since program staff sought to convince this FOIA requester that viruses could only be identified from growth in cell culture–a deviation from the classic microbiology (and commonsense) requirements for virus isolation–to which this writer responded with a confirmatory letter, all of which will be reported in a separate article, but can be read anytime in full at Muckrock here. It can be stated here that the CDC, by this August 11, 2021 response, is also unable to provide any information on a purified isolate of the SARS-COV-2/COVID-19 virus or Delta Variant and is now directing queries misleadingly to posts of inadequate genome-sequencing information online. Please note, what is being termed a genome-sequencing of SARS-COV-2 online by many is not an actual genome-sequencing from an actual purified isolate of SARS-COV-2, which has not been purified in isolate at all, as these Health departments acknowledge. Previously also, the CDC had been queried by Christine Massey and returned a response on June 7, 2021 stating there was no information on a purified isolate of the professed SARS-COV-2/COVID-19 virus.


Mass. Dept. of Public Health Affirms (with other Public Health Depts and CDC) They Cannot Confirm SARS-COV-2/COVID-19 Exists

This is a most significant confirmation of the fact that no scientific confirmation of the fact of existence of this professed and massively disruptive but apparently ultimately imaginary virus has been proffered by any department of Health queried worldwide.

SARS-COV-2/COVID-19: This is an Imaginary Virus which has NEVER been isolated by the classic microbiology “Gold Standard” requirements of Koch’s and Rivers’ Postulates

Dr. Robert Young’s article CDC NOW Admits NO ‘Gold Standard’ for the Isolation for ANY Virus! describes how exactly the CDC and other groups are characterizing the professed SARS-COV-2 virus/COVID-19 virus behind this entire Pandemic-narrative, in the complete absence of isolation of this mythical and elusive virus, where they rely on a RT-PCR study which states up-front “We aimed to develop and deploy robust diagnostic methodology for use in public health laboratory settings without having virus material available.”

Dr. Wu Zunyou, head of Chinese CDC admits to NBC “They didn’t isolate the virus, that’s the issue.”

Dr. Andrew Kaufman has addressed this Gold Standard of microbiology (Koch’s & Rivers’ Postulates) in the isolation, detection, and identification of a virus in several podcasts online including these at Ramola D Reports: Newsbreak 128 | Fraudulent PCR Test, Graphene in Vaccine Point to Nefarious Brain/AI/5G Agenda | July 30, 2021 | Posted at Bitchute | Posted at Brighteon; Report #194: Dr. Andy Kaufman on COVID-19: The Virus, Test, Vaccine: What People Shd Really Know.

Dr. Thomas Cowan has also addressed this Gold Standard of microbiology and virology in several podcasts including this brief podcast online, describing standard isolation methodology and revealing no isolation of the professed SARS-COV-2/COVID-19 virus exists.

Dr. Robert Young has also addressed this Gold Standard of microbiology (Koch’s & Rivers’ Postulates) in the isolation, detection, and identification of a virus in several articles and podcasts including these at Ramola D Reports: Newsbreak 133: Team of Scientists Confirm Presence of Toxins Graphene, Aluminium, Cadmium Selenide, Stainless Steel, LNP-GO Capsids, Parasites, Other Toxins Variously in 4 COVID Vaccines: Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, Johnson & Johnson and Report 255 | Dr. Robert Young: All Disease is Outfection, not Infection | The Vaccine’s Lipid Nanoparticles with Graphene Plus Radiation is the Bioweapon–No COVID Virus Exists!

Investigative journalist Frances Leader has published her correspondence with the MHRA, UK who admitted they have no real virus in the COVID mRNA vaccines but a substance synthesized from computer-generated DNA codes for a spike-protein theorized to be part of the never-isolated virus.

Frances Leader has also described her correspondence and findings in a Newsbreak at this writer’s channel, here: NewsBreak 105 | Jan 15, 2021 | Frances Leader on UK MHRA Info: COVID Vaccine Uses Computer-Generated Codes, No Virus.

Biostatistician Christine Massey has published her and others’ ground-breaking correspondence and responses from several Departments of Health and universities worldwide here, and discussed her findings with Professor Michel Chossudovsky in a podcast reported here. Also see: 90 Health/Science Institutions Globally All Failed to Cite Even 1 Record of “SARS-COV-2” Purification, by Anyone, Anywhere, Ever | Fluoride Free Peel, August 04, 2021

Journalist and public educator Gemma O’ Doherty has also published notice of her correspondence with UK and Irish Public Health on lack of isolation of this elusive virus and Dr. Bartolomeo Lucas has published his correspondence with the UK (link to be located).

Patrick King, a ticketed unmasked protester at a Canadian rally, was informed by the Chief Medical Officer in Alberta, Canada they had “no material evidence” to prove the basis of the Alberta Health Act which issued a number of COVID restrictions being used against him, after he asked them in a lawsuit for proof of isolate of the COVID-19 virus.

Dr. Andrew Kaufman, Sally Fallon Morell, RN, and Dr. Thomas Cowan have detailed in their Statement of Virus Isolation that no SARS-COV-2/COVID-19 virus exists, based on Koch’s Postulates, the “‘gold standard” in microbiology for the isolation of a virus.

Dr. Robert Young has also stated that no virus has been isolated by both Koch’s and River’s postulates. This article by Dr. Young carries links to several articles where Dr. Young discusses Virus Theory and the fallacies behind viruses and viral disease as embodied by such organizations, pharmaceutically and billionaire-backed, as the CDC: How Scientists Find Viruses!

Professor Michel Chossudovsky of Global Research has published a careful review of the evidence, clarifying no virus isolate has been found anywhere in the world, and posting CDC documents acknowledging no-virus-isolate: Does the Virus Exist? SARS-CoV-2 Has Not Been Isolated? “Biggest Fraud in Medical History” — A Review

Mass Dept. of Public Health Affirms There is No Basis for Any of the Restrictive COVID-19 Guidances and Orders from Mass. Governor, CDC, DHHS Citing a Pandemic and Public Health Emergency

It is critical to note that in this writer’s request for information, was specifically cited interest in information on the purified isolate and infectious disease-transfer which formed “the basis for all ill-advised restrictions and advisories–particularly regarding public transport, masking and vaccines in schools and colleges–previously made, being made, or planned by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health, the Massachusetts Governor, the CDC, and the US Dept of Health and Human Services citing the Existence of a Virus, a Variant, a Pandemic, and a Public Health Emergency.”

It goes without saying that it is indeed on the basis of this supposed virus that this international scare, pandemic, and health emergency has been unleashed on the world.

Now it is turning out that the very cornerstone of this tyranny-unleashing “pandemic” is missing from the equation.

The Massachusetts Department of Public Health is therefore, in full cognizance, admitting there is no purified isolate–no proof of virus, no proof of disease-transfer–and no scientific and legal basis therefore behind the misappropriation of powers by the Massachusetts Government, CDC, and US Government.

That fact needs to be emphasized, that lack of proof of virus in isolate from anyone establishes there is no scientific and legal basis for any guidance, order, mandate whatsoever including those demanding masks, lockdowns, social distancing, or vaccines citing Public Health need for same.

DOES COVID-19 EVEN EXIST? Let it also be noted here that the existence of a disease being termed COVID-19 or a flu attributable to the never-isolated SARS-COV-2 is controversial and has been addressed with different hypotheses by different molecular/micro-biologists and physicians. A few have stated this is nothing but a mild flu similar to previously labeled flus; a few have stated this is radiation poisoning attributable to the switching-on of 5G, which is very high frequency Gigahertz pulsed millimeter-wave radiation. The La Quinta Columna scientists have stated this is Graphene Oxide poisoning from previous flu vaccines in tandem with 5G. Dr. Young has discussed the “symptomology” of COVID-19 as expressive of chemical and radiation poisoning in Newsbreak 133. Dr. Young’s important article A Cry for Humanity describes clearly his and others’ scientific analysis on how so-called infectious diseases are nothing but chemical and radiation poisoning and provides a risk assessment for the cluster of symptoms being named COVID-19.

FOIA Request Sought Clarity on Virus as Basis for Repressive Mandates and Vaccine-Pushes when Millions are Reporting COVID Vaccine Injury and Thousands Reported Dead from Vaccine

Given that the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (MDPH) is still avidly pushing the COVID vaccine on all and sundry and is completely ignoring all notice and reportage of massive death and injury post-vaccine at the CDC/Eudravigilance, Yellow Card databases, the purpose of this FOIA request was to find out more definitively if MDPH could substantiate its stance with information on the isolation of this virus and on its infectious-disease-profile via inducement of disease in another using the virus.

Not merely is MDPH unable to do so, there can be no substantiation of stance when millions are being killed or seriously harmed by the COVID vaccines, now found to be astoundingly toxic.

The wording of the FOIA request was as below:

“Request for all Scientific White Papers, Reports, Studies Related to

  1. the Isolation of SARS-COV-2 Virus/COVID-19 Virus in human beings and
  2. the Isolation of SARS-COV-2 Virus/COVID-19 Virus, “Delta Variant” in human beings
    directly from a sample taken from a labeled COVID-Diseased or COVID-Dead Patient (diseased or dead only due to SARS-COV-2 Virus/COVID-19 Virus or Delta Variant of SARS-COV-2 Virus/COVID-19 Virus), where the sample was not first combined in any way with any other genetic material, and where the Patient did not have any other disease such as Pneumonia, Influenza, etc;
  3. the Inducement of the COVID-19 disease in a healthy person using this Isolate of the SARS-COV-2 Virus/COVID-19 Virus proving Koch’s postulates of Disease Transmission;
  4. the Inducement of the COVID-19 disease in a healthy person using this Isolate of the “Delta Variant” of the SARS-COV-2 Virus/COVID-19 Virus proving Koch’s postulates of Disease Transmission;

and forming the basis for all ill-advised restrictions and advisories–particularly regarding public transport, masking and vaccines in schools and colleges–previously made, being made, or planned by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health, the Massachusetts Governor, the CDC, and the US Dept of Health and Human Services citing the Existence of a Virus, a Variant, a Pandemic, and a Public Health Emergency.

Clarification 1: This is a request for full disclosure of all scientific studies, reports, and white papers related to the isolation of the SARS-COV-2/COVID-19 virus and Delta Variant in human beings, which form the Proof of Virus, Proof of Pandemic, and Reason for Use/Basis used for all the questionable “Public Health” “mandates” “guidances” “advisories” and “requirements” issuing forth from the Massachusetts Dept of Public Health, the Governor’s office, and the CDC, for wearing hazardous health-destroying masks, feudally directing human behavior in distancing six feet, and coercing the taking of an experimental and deadly mRNA vaccine (Which has now been recorded, as of August 3, 2021 by the CDC, EudraVigilance, MHRA Yellow Card Scheme and other Vaccine Adverse Reactions Databases to have now jointly caused 35,227 DEATHS and 3,679,601 INJURIES ( as reported to CDC VAERS (USA) through to July 23, 2021, to EudraVigilance (which covers 27 countries only in the EU reporting to the EU EMA EudraVigilance) through to July 31, 2021, and to the Yellow Card System (U.K.) through to July 21, 2021.”–Sources:

CDC: 11,940 DEAD 618,648 Injuries and 1,175 Unborn Babies DEAD Following COVID-19 Shots/Health Impact News, August 1, 2021;

20,595 DEAD 1.9 Million Injured (50% SERIOUS) Reported in European Union’s Database of Adverse Drug Reactions for COVID-19 Shots/Health Impact News, August 3, 2021)

Clarification 2: Isolate means “to separate something from other things with which it is connected or mixed”–Cambridge Dictionary definition.

Clarification 3: This request is not for information on something procured by means of

  1. Culturing something,
  2. Nasally swabbing something from any randomly sick (with some other disease) or healthy person,
  3. Amplifying something via PCR Test (Which its inventor Dr. Kary Mullis has clearly stated is not to be used to diagnose any disease),
  4. the Sequencing of something,
  5. or the Computer-Generated Sequencing of something.

This is a media request–Information received will be published immediately at Ramola D Reports broadcast channels and at The Everyday Concerned CItizen, print media site and magazine–and so a waiver of any fee is requested.”

It is deplorable that the Massachusetts Department of Public Health is perpetrating mass deception on the people of Massachusetts and encouraging false-belief in a phantom virus they clearly cannot produce evidence of; it is time for this false-pandemic to be halted–along with the injurious vaccines–and people’s God-given rights and freedoms to be fully restored.

Mask mandates currently being rolled out in the Massachusetts Public Schools system, as well as elaborate systems of nonstop and daily policing of students with Visual Surveillance (for even one symptom of the so-called COVID-19–as revealed by Quincy Public Schools to parents last week including this reporter (to be further covered here)), contact tracing, checking of vaccination status, constant testing for COVID-19 with faulty antigen tests, RT-PCR tests, and “pooled testing” currently being publicized and rolled out need to be halted immediately.

Parents in Massachusetts have every basis now to challenge these wrongful moves by the Massachusetts Department of Health to convert schools–places of learning, community, and social interaction for children and teenagers–into hospital wards and police zones, where every child is to be subjected to massive physical and psychological harm with mask and testing mandates on a daily basis, forcing children to live in fear, terror, and compliance, afraid to cough, breathe, or sneeze–hardly conducive to childhood, normalcy, health, or education.

Masking and testing schoolchildren daily and weekly is not an act of Public Health but an act of unscientific tyranny which criminalizes and subjugates healthy schoolchildren and turns them into helpless subjugants ruled by school nurses and torture swabs. (And yes, these are torture swabs: any invasion of a child’s nasal cavity is a forced medical intervention, and the PCR test swabs invade and intrude all the way up to the child’s brain.)

Masks have been proven to be dangerous hothouses of bacteria and respiratory toxins including backflow of expelled carbon-dioxide and should not be worn by anyone for 8 hours a day, 5 days a week as Massachusetts schools are planning to make schoolchildren do this fall.

MDPH and Quincy Public Schools will be opening the doors to Physical Harm to schoolchildren with these misplaced mask mandates–which have nothing to do with Public Health but conversion of schools into Police Zones.

As horrifying, the Psychological Harm to children is going to be immeasurable–and no department professing to care about Public Health should be instrumental in this baseless tyranny.

Again, the MDPH Letter and FOI request can be viewed at Muckrock here and the Mass. Governor’s Letter and FOI request can be viewed at Muckrock here.

Please share and re-post this article widely, to inform all of the facts.


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