David John Sorensen & Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, MD | The Vaccine Death Report: Evidence of Millions of Deaths and Serious Adverse Events Resulting from the Experimental COVID-19 Injections (original) (raw)

Re-post, from post by Stop World Control/Reports, with preface | Ramola D | October 12, 2021

David Sorensen, journalist and documentary filmmaker, who co-authored this report, writes that the Report

“has been shared by the World Doctors Alliance, America’s Frontline Doctors, Right Side Broadcasting, and countless more influential organizations – in many different countries.

I was contacted yesterday by the Associated Press, one of the largest news media organizations in the world. They are terrified of the report and are desperately seeking ways to discredit it. I will share my communication with them later on.

When these kinds of big boys enter a game, you know they are afraid – very afraid of something.”

cover vaccine death report

The Sorensen/Zelenko Vaccine Death Report documents what many of us have been following with increasing concern and true horror, the fact that millions have died from the vaccine and millions have suffered horrific disabling vaccine injuries.

“Breakthrough Covid” may well be the disease load and body breakdown after the vaccine–after the clutch of toxins and parasites in the vaccines have ravaged people’s bodies, after the spike protein coagulates in organs, after the graphene destroys the blood and mucous membranes, as many doctors have variously suggested–not really “Covid” for which no virus has been proved to exist in isolate, admitted by many institutions including by the CDC, but graphene, nanometallics, and parasite poisoning, as both the La Quinta Columna scientists and Dr. Robert Young have suggested.

While many, David Sorensen notes, are reticent to suggest that millions have died, Dr. Young also points out in his August 17, 2021 article Forget Everything Else! Look at THE VAER’s NUMBERS on Injuries and Deaths! that what is recorded in the VAERS databases at CDC and EudraVigilance and MHRA UK (and the WHO’s VigiAccess) only comprise 1% of the true occurrences, as shared by statistical analysts in the Harvard Pilgrim Study and as widely known by physicians: adverse vaccine reactions are simply not recorded, acknowledged, reported by many hospitals, clinics, and doctors because the political hold of vaccines (ensured by Big Pharma via lobbying and propaganda) is still entrenched, and because doctors don’t wish to accept liability for harm. All of which means that millions must have died already, worldwide, and millions more injured.

Suggesting that we may be witnessing the “greatest organized mass murder in the history of our world,” the Vaccine Death Report notes “The purpose of this report is to document how all over the world millions of people have died, and hundreds of millions of serious adverse events have occurred, after injections with the experimental mRNA gene therapy. We also reveal the real risk of an unprecedented genocide.”

Filled with evidence, social media reports, and facts scrubbed from mainstream media and tech platforms like Youtube and Twitter and Facebook, this is a report to share with all those (friends, family, colleagues) being criminally misinformed by mainstream media about the (lack of) safety and efficacy of these vaccines–and those who (listening to ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, NPR and reading the New York Times and Washington Post) have no idea people are dying from the vaccines, people are being maimed, disfigured, paralyzed, neurologically destroyed by these toxic vaccines now found also to be filled with parasites.

As David Sorensen requests, please download and share the PDF widely.

“The Vaccine Death Report is unique in the entire world. There is nothing that comes even remotely close to it, when it comes to the completeness and clarity of the massive amount of evidence presented.

We can shake the world wide awake with this.

So what can you do?

Send the report to anyone you know in the military, law enforcement, local or national government, people in health care or education.

All of us are part of a community. We all have a doctor. We all have family. We all know people around us. We all have people we can give it to. And we can all go online and find many email addresses of those in our community who have any kind of influence.

We. Just. Have. To. Do. It.

You sending this report – printed or as PDF – to one law officer can ignite the next wave of awakening in a local community of law enforcement.

Why is 30% of all law enforcement in California resisting the vaccines? Because somebody informed somebody and this warning started spreading.

Why are thousands of airline pilots refusing the jab? Same reason. Somebody spoke to somebody and got them thinking.

Next thing you know thousands are protecting their lives.

Because truth sets free and protects.

You can print the report in hundreds, thousands or tens of thousands of copies through online printing services. Just look online: ‘print brochure’ and off you go.”

–David Sorensen, Stop World Control, Email Newsletter

The Report is posted in PDF below. Please share this post on social media and in emails and ask all to pass it on, for wider reach and to save lives.

These “vaccines” which are really Death & Disability Injections-With-Toxins-and-Parasites need to be halted, and anything any of us can do to quicken this goal will save thousands of lives.



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