Ramola D | Parallel Construction To Project #FBILies About Stand-Out Americans in Order to Target Them for Life-Takedown & Deadly Anti-Personnel NLW/Neurotech Assaults (original) (raw)

Ramola D | Report | Original Post: Medium, July 21, 2019 |July 23, 2020

Ramola D

Ramola D . Jul 21, 2019 · 44 min read

This is Part One of a Close Look at the nasty, illegal, unlawful tactics of the corrupt and criminal well-padded-with-Paperclip-Nazis and Mafia-from-many-groups FBI which has succeeded in taking over the entire USA and world, along with their Paperclip-Nazi-infested CIA buddies, in their quest to subjugate, suppress, oppress, repress anyone with Integrity, Spine, Conscience, Truth-telling Power, and Change-the-World Consciousness.

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The FBI is Requested and Advised to Take My Name Off All their Lists, Investigative & NonInvestigative, Delink me from all Non-Consensual Field Weapons Test Directed-Energy Bio-Behavioral Research projects and other “Classified to Conceal Crime” research projects currently run by any of the ABC agencies or military branches or private contractors they have casually, it appears, from all evidence, handed me into, particularly the CIA and the US Air Force, without consent, without cause, and purely for reason of private profit, based on lies, false or falsified records, and fabrications, and Welcome to let me know Immediately that they have done so. Current lunacy on my street and assaults on my person with “Anti-Personnel Non-Lethal Weapons” suggests they haven’t, yet.

This is a personal story but it involves a public organization, within the context of the Fusion Center graft and criminality which is closely linked to the US Military enterprise of subjugating Americans in post 9/11 America— both rooted in the rot of multinational Defense & Security contractors who seek Permanent War, inside and outside the US, and have embarked on a New Stealth War using Stealth Assault Weapons AKA Remote Access, Remote Assault Weapons coyly — and wrongfully — termed “Non Lethal Weapons” to silently, remotely subjugate any Americans who dare to oppose the Eternal War and Death Industry, in what they openly flaunt as “Damage Control” or “Damage Prevention” intentions.

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First Step: Target for Parallel Construction

Pretty much everyone in the US/UK/world targeted today by #FusionCenter criminals has reported being the victim of a Smear Campaign, with the most outlandish Smears passed around in neighborhoods about them.

All of a sudden they hear from neighbors they are being characterized as Prostitutes, Pedophiles, Porn Mongers, and Terrorists. Other favorites are Troublemaker, Extremist, Threat to the Community, and Mentally Unstable.

These are people who have spent large portions of their lives, as I have, actively engaged in community service, focused careers, or seeking to enjoy their retirement. Let’s call them People of Integrity, which they are. Most have spoken out against corruption, crime, exploitation of some kind. Many have had outstanding careers — as I have.

Neighbors actively monitor them with cell phones in COPs programs. (That’s Community Oriented Policing — and there are many, run variously by the FBI, National Sheriff’s Association, DHS. COPs itself, pulls in millions every year.)

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Excerpt, COPs Budget Request, 2018

Neighbors accept bribes to secretly link their PCs into an Unidentified Hidden Network so they can monitor their Internet browsing. Strangers in dog parks call them terrorists.

(Yes, I’ve been called a Terrorist in dog parks, by proxies and minions of the dirty Boston FBI.)

Minions in the neighborhood leap out of their homes — often in the dead of night, in deep snow, in cold, initiated by demanding, monitoring, punitive AI on their little Neighborhood Watch Network Alerts on their phones from “Next-Door” and “Aware” and “Guardian” and other misleadingly-named snitch-and-smear network apps no doubt, to instantly noise-harass, overt-monitor their neighbor’s arrival and exit to/from her home, pretend to be scraping snow off the sidewalk or blowing leaves or moving trash cans when she steps out for whatever reason, at precisely that moment, timed to coincide, in a multiplicity of orchestrated coincidences based on that CIA/FBI/NSA Immovable Rock of Plausible Deniability, but noticeably orchestrated nevertheless — and remarkably obvious, often malicious in its hostility, extreme in its intensity, always absurd, always insane, but astonishing in its revelation of how quickly the neighbors can turn from normal and friendly to nasty, hostile, harassive, sly, sneaky, deceptive, compliant-with-those-who-ask-them-to-harm-others, literally overnight. All based on #FBILies.

Second Step: Have FBI Informants in the Neighborhood Jumping to Conclusions Primarily to Call People of Integrity Pedos

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David Mok at Linked In

David Mok, for instance, spoke out loud in the summer of 2014 on my PC speaker when he saw me browsing over to Google to research the term “Paedosadism” which 2 British activists had used on Twitter, and which I, as an activist & writer, had just encountered and wished to use myself since it seemed more pointed and accurate than “Pedophilia.” Note that I was actively engaging in Solutions Journalism at my website The Everyday Concerned Citizen at the time, in addition to everything else I was doing (writing, teaching, painting, mothering, etc.), a venture which sought openly to highlight and promote the work of other activists and non-profits online working hard to inform people of injustice, harm to the environment, animals, humans, to point people to petitions, public comment and other actions they could take, and help change the world for the better.

Directly into my laptop speaker, David Mok (this guy’s a neighbor, a particularly obnoxious one), said — suggesting he was speaking to his covert #FBI Parallel Constructor (in a breathless, eager voice, like Amateur Detective reporting to Veteran Detective in a Cops and Robbers cartoon) — “Hey Neil? I think I found something. I think we have something here.”

Sound like Parallel Construction, anyone? Sound like an over-zealous predatory paid-to-snoop Stasi Snitch working with the FBI to monitor my computer doings from right next-door like the sickening skunk he is?

Why was David Mok watching me browsing on my laptop in the privacy of my home in Summer 2014? Why was his voice coming out of the speaker on my laptop? Why was he saying he had “found something”? Why was he keen to call his #FBI Porn-Rumor-Spreading buddy and report his “findings”?

Perhaps because the Porn-Obsessed FBI seeks to either name people Porn Mongers or stick Porn on their computers in attempts to name them Porn Mongers they can then frame, blackmail, arrest?

Why would the FBI be involved in involving a spineless, clueless, brainless doormat of a neighbor in monitoring a writer and art teacher’s laptop for signs of Porn Browsing?

Could it be anyone else?

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Small reminder of a very large and very nasty takedown program run in America since the Dark Ages of Hoover, COINTELPRO, and the deterioration of corrupt cops into common criminals

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Sample FMJ Order, Author, FBI Whistleblower Geral Sosbee: | Excerpt, Murderous Corruption of FBI and Federal Magistrate Court Judges

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Excerpt, Notice of Crimes Against Humanity/Patriot Act Crimes

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Geral’s quite historic first podcast with me, audio-sabotaged by the FBI, recovered, transcribed by Jeff Godwin: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x6vQq27s3hM

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Geral Sosbee’s second historic podcast on the FBI and their flagrant practice of crime, with special mention of Parallel Construction replete with its bevy of unlawful provocations, entrapments, harassments: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W8O4cPVXEvE

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Geral Sosbee’s third profoundly important podcast, reporting how extremely he has been persecuted his entire life for speaking out, the unlawful subjection by FBI retaliation to extreme poverty, social ostracism, blacklisting, employment sabotage, COINTELPRO persecution, as well as surveillance abuse with EMF/Neurotech weaponry: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Th8kTtDS7BA

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The one historic podcast with both Geral Sosbee, FBI whistleblower and Barbara Hartwell, CIA whistleblower, which FBI and CIA both reacted to with massive retaliatory scalar/radar/microwave attacks for days on yours truly, which Marc Delantre, author of The Gladio Code recorded as a double Gladio spike on his oracular server: https://everydayconcerned.net/2019/01/06/ramola-d-reports-report-106-cia-and-fbi-whistleblowers-barbara-hartwell-and-geral-sosbee-discuss-the-truth-about-surveillance-abuses/

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My post on Twitter re. Marc’s Gladio Code Double Spike following that extreme scalar attack when I had to cower on couch with shielding over me, much like I was obliged to after sending the Memorandum to Trump on Domestic US Torture Programs Running Under Cover of Surveillance in January 2017, yet was pummelled for days and nights with continuous, malicious, vindictive, outrageous scalar radar attacks — imagine a continuous, invasive flickering of nerves, skin cells, skull with prickles, pulses, shots, relentless, unremitting, attacking every organ — which can penetrate any shielding and assault at the level of skin, in addition to outright pulse shots at head from all directions around my home — from parked satellites/drones, and neighbors’ houses, parked cars. Driving my daughter to school, the Covert Comms placed around me (as is the wont of these Stealth Agents) included a jeep with a spare wheel cover on back which proclaimed, “Papa’s Ride.” No idea why the Pope would worry about Report #106. But a lot of someones out there in Stealth Terrain were seriously freaked after the publication of this podcast. Do spy agencies have a right to attack a journalist? No, and they know it, hence the Dirt Ops attack in Stealth Mode with Stealth Assault Weapons — which their planted Alt-Media and Mainstream Media both work assiduously to ignore, thereby giving the public the impression those reporting these crimes are “paranoid and delusional.” #MediaTreason on a terrifying scale. And note, calling these weapons “Non Lethal” is a deadly joke: they are profoundly inhumane, degrading, intrusive, invasive, unethical, and Should-Be-Banned.

Unafraid to name the FBI conducting such outrageously criminal programs on the populace as violent psychopaths, Geral offers rare elucidation of the true nature of this agency which purports to be engaged in the public good but in actuality targets for the sake of targeting, criminally defames and maligns targets, and works openly to provoke and frame targets. — Ramola D/Report #59; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W8O4cPVXEvE

I am reminded that my research of what the US Army and US Military also permits itself, also in over-reaching zealotry — not different from harlotry — is to name its victims of non-consensual experimentation paranoid, schizoid, and delusional, as a matter of course, and to avidly and openly in its counterintelligence manuals claim the right to destroy the reputation of its victims. Eileen Welsom has reported on this in her book detailing the Plutonium Radiation experiments of the 1950s, The Plutonium Files.

However, in the current-day scenario I am apparently immersed in, post Patriot-Act, post 9/11, post and during the Never-Ending War on Terror, the first step to deliver anyone over to the US Military enterprise for casual Body Assault, Brain Assault, Psyche Assault under Directed Energy Bio Behavioral Research Microwave and Millimeter Wave Weapon Testing contracts, is to first put them under Surveillance, “open an Investigation,” and float rumors of their being a Potential Terrorist“Known or Suspected Terrorist” in FBI terms — or Potential Extremist, and other such. (US Military Code of NonExistentEthics: “Anyone under Surveillance can be experimented on.”)

Or, name them “Non-Investigative Subjects” but tell the neighbors, tell the families, tell the employers, tell local businessses, tell everyone they are “under investigation for a potential crime.” Character Assassination at a single stroke. All based on #FBILies.

Third Step: Name Every Woman You Want Hit With Military EMF Weapons a Prostitute (FBI Directive Numero Uno)

That I was the subject of intensely persecutory “monitoring” and “surveillance” that summer — as still — is spelled out in early reports and open letters online on my website, at this 2016 report sponsored and prefaced by historian and teacher Carl Herman at Washington’s Blog, and this rather unique and comprehensive interview (video below) in February 2017 with the irreplaceable psychologist, journalist, Consciousness researcher and human rights advocate late Dr. Paul Marko of World Beyond Belief and PineConeUtopia— conducted at a time when I was still recovering from the 2-month long extreme physical retaliation of US Government/Massachusetts Fusion Center assaultclearly CIA/USAF/FBI/DHS were involved, given use of drones, celltowers, satellites, planes, helicoptersall with stealth microwave weapons, plasma weapons, scalar weapons, non-consensual-implant-activation pulse-shot weapons, shot down from constant and obviously OVERT drones, planes, satellites, helicopters over my home and yard when I, along with input from NSA Whistleblower Karen Stewart and Dr. Katherine Horton, (a past colleague who has since established to me, in the course of and succeeding the close of our show Techno Crime Fighters Forum she was also most probably an FBI/MI5/MI6/CIA/DOD/GCHQ/Other Intel plant and Agent Provocateur), authored, sent, and published the historic and quite revealing Memorandum to President Donald J. Trump on Domestic US Torture Programs Running Under Cover of Surveillance, which hundreds of other assaulted Americans, Europeans, and citizens worldwide also signed:

Shameless Torture in the Age of Electronic Warfare — World Beyond Belief/PineConeUtopia Interview

Pine Cone Utopia Interview with Ramola D, February 2017

Note that the incredibly inflamed face and damaged voice I sport in this interview are evidence of massive RF pulse shots to my face and extreme bronchial attack (for several weeks) which I endured after sending out that Memo to Trump; I was still recovering when I spoke to Dr. Marko, but honestly I was hit for weeks and weeks with really extreme high-power microwave weapon pulses (which were audible on a metallic-cookie-sheet-plus-Reflectix-plus-foamsheet shield I held up), on my face in particular and on my teeth, but also on my back, on my vagus nerve on back, and on my head; I was also subjected to alternating hot and cold pulses of energy attacking my entire body while biowarfare in the form of virus-heavy aerosols ensured a persistent flu: in other words, for over two months, Extreme Assault and Battery with Microwave Weapons & other Stealth Assault Weapons. In the United States of America, on American soil, in February 2017.

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The historic Memo to Trump, signed by people inside USA and out: https://everydayconcerned.net/2017/01/26/memorandum-to-president-donald-j-trump-on-domestic-us-torture-programs-running-under-cover-of-surveillance/

The only way the FBI, the DHS, the CIA, the DIA, the NSA, NASA, NRO, NGA, the US Air Force, DOD and the Justice Department is getting away with this kind of in-broad-daylight, quite-well-advertised-with-noisy-drones-planes-and-helis-& also-zooming-cars, vans, trucks attack on me and others being similarly assaulted is: they’ve bound everyone using these weapons to secrecy, they’ve corralled Establishment Media into publishing Extreme-Lies, they’ve commandeered their own Masonic Police into Pushing Extreme Lies, and they’ve set up a little LEO (Law Enforcement Officer) program of Involuntary 5150/302 Holds or running a Capture-and-Psych-Commit sequence by rote on anyone daring to speak, report, complain of the use of Microwave Weapons or any other kind of Stealth Assault Weapon on their person. Reporting victims are plagued with ambulances crossing their path deliberately (as I have been, too), in silent intimidation and intimation of just this Catch-22 Masonic ZioNazi Mental Health Fraud threat impending, if they dare speak out — and all, uniformly, are indeed actually subject to such a punitive Fraud, without exception, if they do speak out, as I have been documenting and reporting lately in my ongoing focus on Authoritarian Psychiatry at Ramola D Reports. (Please visit Newsbreaks & the RT Pods, especially.)

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Non-Lethal Weapons Testing Mental Illness Program: Please click for the full flyer

By this means, the FBI-CIA-DHS-DOD/LEO-aided Executive Producers of this Supreme Farce dupe the general public into accepting that the reporting victim of their Extreme-Assault-with-Microwave/Other Stealth-Weapons is “delusional and paranoid” while they come off as snowy-white with solicitous concern for “Public Safety” and oh so virtuously protecting the tender public from the “psychotic” targets they thence need to shoot up with deadly neuroleptics and effectively toxin-lobotomize (in addition to secret-pulverizing with DEWs) in order to “protect the public” from the threatening paranoia of these dangerous psychotics. To drive the irony home, they activate the mind-fogged-with-special-frequencies family around the target to blather on about mental health and wellness, cognitive behavioral therapy and other choice modalities, urge their being-murdered-in-plain-sight relative to get some “treatment” and return to their earlier productive, positive lives again — failing to notice the target is being subjected to rampant physical health-damaging assault which needs addressing and not suddenly developing a spurious mental illness in the prime of their lives. Nor realizing or accepting the target is continuous victim of a Life-Takedown Smear Campaign, courtesy #FBILies.

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Deceitful ZioNazi Ruse-and-Stratagem-now-Official-Policy at the Masonic Dept of Injustice and Masonic/Satanic Dept of Offense, all ABCs included, and primary means of protecting from discovery as Pure Crime the deadly and unlawful, illegal, illegitimate, inhumane, unethical, savage and barbaric Stealth Weapon attacks on citizens by Fusion Center/DOD contractors in concert with the entrenching public-private Electronic Grid Infrastructure built by an Interlinked Industry of Deceit whose funding needs to be fully yanked.

This Extreme Barbarism and Savagery of Stealth Assault concomitant with fraudulent use of Authoritarian Psychiatry and an obvious Conspiracy of Secrecy — which apparently does owe its brutality to #MengeleMen straight from the depths of Project Paperclip Hell and Lucifer’s savage embrace — can then continue unseen, unchecked, untrammelled by normal boundaries of moralities, ethics, and social consciousness: it all starts with #FBILies.

That I could possibly be victim of an #FBILies Smear Campaign as a Pedo or Porno was confirmed by David Mok, speaking out of my own laptop speaker.

David Mok in fact provided confirmation of much else. A young woman guest at a party at his pool looked across at me on my backdeck that summer and said, to her bevy of friends, also all looking across at me, as if none had lives of their own: “They say she is a Nightwalker.” #FBI Prostitution-Rumor-Spreading buddy of David Mok’s.

I had not actually encountered the term Nightwalker earlier, but it became clear in that instant from the big-eyed stares and looks of horror it must refer to Prostitute. An incredible — and incredibly stupid — label to pin on someone who had spent years with her nose in books, studying, teaching college youth, adults, kids, writing, painting, volunteering, reading for the blind, working at homeless shelters in Washington, DC and Arlington, VA, running workshops for the homeless, campaigning against cruelty to animals, running a cable news show in Arlington highlighting the work of national and local animal protection and environmental groups, interviewing award-winning writers, running literary journals. But #FBILies fuel Powerful Smears.

#FBILies to Protect Unlawful Assault with Stealth EMF Weapons by Defense & Fusion Center Contractors

That David Mok knew very well he was himself being used in a deliberate FBI/Fusion Center Smear Campaign being run in our neighborhood on me was made very clear to me the day he stood on his deck, about 8–10 feet away from me, with what looked like a fat cell phone in his hand, of the old iPhone variety, pointed directly at me as I stood in the hallway behind our side-door, such that I could see him perfectly clearly through the half-glass door as he stood there, with his Defense/Fusion Center contractor buddy behind him, saying, in marveling tones: “_You’re right, man! She’s right there!_”

Was Mok holding an RFID detector/scanner/reader or a cell phone with remote sensor detection capability built in or a Brain/Bio-Resonance reader able to harvest and identify unique Brain/Bio Resonance signatures or a thermal imaging reader able to identify unique thermal images — I don’t know, and I can speculate. But he was certainly holding a device which permitted him to identify that I and no-one else was standing behind that door, “right there.”

Did I mention I have been multiply, violatively, non-consensually implanted, including, putatively, with a classic Verichip, an RFID chip intramuscularly speared into my left arm by a sharpshooter on a Cape Cod beach? (More on that pleasant scenario shortly.)

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Still in my left arm. Radiologists and surgeons reading this are welcome to contact me and help prove and remove this outrage. This is a sign of Trafficking. Obviously Non-Consensual: no-one consents to be sharpshot with a microchip on a public beach.

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Nausset, Cape Cod. Gets crowded and was, the day I was hit, with witnesses — friends of our family also vacationing with us — to notice the livid laceration.

So yes, I am filled up with RF identifying micro and nano devices, in addition to, like everyone else, emanating my unique Brain/Bio Resonance signatures all over the place — which our Black Ops Military — as the John St. Clair Akwei Lawsuit proves — now apparently can detect, harvest, and use to identify and track humans. SQUIDs detect subtle magnetic fields in living beings and are used in magnetoencephalography to track neural activity in human brains; ELF antennas can pick up those low-frequency ELF waves our brains emit.

By whatever means, and using whatever EMF signal, David Mok was very clearly picking up an identifier EMF signal uniquely advertising my presence, in that spot, 8–10 feet away from him.

He was also advertising his closeness with the Roving Crime Cartel contractors who had by then established their Homeland NonExistentSecurity operations in Quincy, Massachusetts (more on #DHSLies later, which are not helping My homeland or yours either) by noisily zooming up and down our street at high speed and high volume, then parking in people’s driveways to send tracking and assault signals at a diagonal, into my person. (They are still doing this, as I write, and have been doing this for 5 years, as I’ve noted elsewhere; merits an article on its own, really.)

Of course, that closeness David Mok’s enjoyed for five and a half years with the Roving Crime Cartel Mafia which includes DHS, FBI, CIA, NSA, DIA, contractors for same, US Air Force, General Dynamics, local Masonic LEOs, utilities, service contractors, EMS, had already been advertised by the constant flow of SUVs, minivans, utility vans, pick-up trucks, jeeps, cars zooming into the neighborhood to park variously in front of his house or pull into his driveway, with a stream of occupants emerging to swarm his house and yard, making fake-social conversation with his wife and himself as they scurried about with their detectors and scanners and trackers in the backyard, striving to get a “read” on my precise location. Add to that the sudden spurt of extremely high-noise home, yard, pool refurbishing and maintenance and fixing-up he began to indulge in — which includes his frequent use of Masonic/Cartel contractors from whose equipment and vans I have recorded EMF hits on my person — and part of the picture re. how neighbors are roped in to assault targets, all in Stealth-&-Plausible- Deniability mode emerges.

So there is no doubt — merely from these overt and visible activities (there is much else that has been covert and recorded by directional EMF; I would not be surprised if he has spent a large portion of his time next door sitting in his basement and directing EMF/scalar/radar/infra-red hits my way — I have certainly recorded such pulse-shots and hits on my shielding emanating from the direction of his basement) — that David Mok has been actively involved as compliant, complicit accomplice in the deliberate stealth assault on my person with EMF weapons-of-various-kinds-from-various-platforms for five and a half years which these contractors have been and are still executing.

Whatever #FBILies he himself has been told about me to induce his active collusion — as indeed every other neighbor on this street, each of whose involvement and participation I will dissect in this series, step by step — the fact remains that he has indicated to me by his actions and words that:

  1. he has been and is fully aware I am personally being tracked, scanned, detected, literally hunted down inside my home, over and over and over, hour upon hour upon hour, day upon day upon day by the covey of ground vehicles, drones, planes, helicopters frequently, no, incessantly, continuously, permanently active here in this neighborhood;
  2. he has been and is fully aware stealth EMF weapons have been and are still, non-consensually, being used in putative training and testing operations by the US Air Force/DIA/CIA/NSA/FBI on my person, given this constant activity;
  3. he gladly and foolishly lent himself to an FBI Porn Hunt by parking himself on my computer like Super Sleuth on a Meaningful Mission either as a contractor himself or as an FBI informant, with full intent to closely monitor my browsing activities on my laptop in the privacy of my home for possible evidence of pornographic or pedo activities;
  4. he openly assisted in spreading stories and #FBILies about me as a nightwalker or prostitute to his own friends and family;
  5. he assisted the FBI/Fusion Center in this Dirt Ops Smear Campaign on me in my neighborhood while permitting, participating, and endorsing the unlawful stealth EMF detection and assault testing and training operations on me in my neighborhood — for five and a half years.

Was David Mok told the Boston FBI had his back? Is he a paid FBI informant? Is he pulling in thousands of dollars from the FBI in order to spy on my Internet browsing and read every word I write on my computer? Or is he just a helpful “Neighborhood Watch Block Captain” assisting in the spread of #FBILies on a Stand-Out American the corrupt and criminal FBI wants to erase out of sight? When did it become okay for the FBI to go after writers and art teachers working on their own writing and art and teaching in the privacy of their own homes? Or conscript moronic neighbors like David Mok into watching what I do on my own computer — as well as his wife Eman Mok into watching what I do whenever I walk outside? (There is much I haven’t reported yet about their actions against me, but I will. Is there any reason I should hold back, when they have worked hard to assist a Criminal Thug Operation clearly endorsed by the local Quincy government and the local Commonwealth and Boston Fusion Centers involving Stealth Weapons and Smear Weapons and profoundly destructive #FBILies launched against my name, my body, my brain, my career, and my very life — for five and a half years, during which time I have sustained the most egregious assaults to my body, name, career, family, and life, have been subjected to uncountable stealth-assassination attempts, including from drivers of trucks parked in their driveway and working on their swimming-pool? I don’t think there is.)

The very fact that the FBI — along with the DHS — has been permitted today to operate in our society with such flagrant powers of conscripting every neighbor and pushing Psych-Commit operations on anyone exposing the general Thuggery abroad utilizing Stealth Weaponry is a commentary on how pathetically placid, passive, pliant and meekly submissive everyone has become in #BananaRepublicUSA. The “Patriot Act” Pliancy-Creation mission has certainly pulled off a Massive Heist here.

Every one of us who is not in any way a criminal, who has never posed a “Threat to Public Safety,” who has been completely focused on the privacy of our own lives, who has apparently been targeted for the power of our voice, our effectiveness in working as civic-minded citizens to change the world for the better in whatever way, has the right to ask: How Dare the FBI invade my life?!

Crazy Crazy Crazy! The Mental Health Fraud

David Mok has also been well-schooled in the Mental Illness Program run by local police in concert with FBI and DOD directives-to-destroy-the-target. Openly confronted by his own cell-phone-GPS triangulating actions on his deck one hot sunny day a few years ago, possibly in 2015, a little while before his first child was born— and informed (by yours truly) that he was assisting in/or being an assassin by helping with tracking and hitting his hapless neighbor, and wasn’t he ashamed of himself being a prospective father, David Mok ran to his kitchen window like a child and called to his wife, “I think the neighbor has gone crazy, she’s gone mad or something, she’s really acting crazy!”

“Crazy” being a favorite targeting word with the undercover cabal and its proxies, “crazy” rescuing the day when their culpability is writ large on the sky for all to see and they have no escape route, nowhere to hide, nothing to cover themselves with but shout Crazy Crazy Crazy!

I kid you not, but this morning at the dog park at Pageant Field, a most curious undercover (I surmise, reading his face) elderly man shouted to his dog — as if it was her name — Crazy, Come on, Crazy, Come here, Crazy! (I listened hard, thinking it must be Maisie or Lacey at first — but nah, he was shouting Crazy.) It probably Wasn’t her name. Would account for why she wasn’t paying any attention to him and was doing her best to get away and stay away from this Crazy-calling loon.

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Mantra of the FBI, local LEOs, DOD, CIA, and all their informants and proxies in the neighborhood schooled to shout Crazy! while using High-Powered Microwave Pulse Weapons, Sonic Weapons, Skin-Crawling Scalar Weapons, Subdural-Heat Producing Plasma and Nanoweapons, Remote Seat-Vibrating Sexual-Assault-Through-Vibrations ELF weapons et al on Americans

Today, on the 14th of June, 2019, a couple weeks past Memorial Day weekend when it appears David and Eman Mok beat a hasty exit with their kids and cars from the neighborhood after putting up their house for sale and hosting an Open House weekend a little while earlier — while this draft sat online, waiting for me to finish and publish — while I continue to be hit with pulse weapons, sonic weapons, scalar weapons, and Smear weapons, as my experience just now at my daughter’s school for her 8th-grade graduation-day events affirms (oh I Will be writing about that in detail too, never fear, Mayor Koch of Quincy — Public Safety is not served by permitting stealth weapons on the residents, let me assure you, although you do seem to be permanently deluded about this matter), I do wonder if David Mok will suddenly become Victor Chen and Eman Mok Virulina Chen as they start over again in new neighborhoods in Canton or Newton or Winchester or wherever they have run off to, propped up by a friendly FBI assassin-protection packet for so fully enacting their parts as neighborhood stealth assassins with Stealth Assault Weapons on their neighbor all fueled by #FBILies.

The mythology that the FBI is an upright organization intent on American “national security” was not really even given a glancing thought by me until I was excruciatingly targeted with EMF neuroweaponry myself, in late 2013, and learned quickly that “National Security Surveillance” “Monitoring” “Patriot Act Crimes” “FISA Crimes” “NSL Crimes” and “Mafia Attacks on Human Bodies with RF Weapons” were synonyms.

Let’s Find Out Who’s Been Running the Boston FBI, Shall We? Then Check His Ties With a Mega Defense Contractor Testing Anti-Personnel EMF Weapons in the Boston Area

Who was running the Boston FBI when I was first hit with EMF weapons in October 2013? A man called Vincent Lisi.

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Let’s switch focus briefly to General Dynamics, a mega Defense contractor, which historically built battleships and destroyers at Fore River Shipyards in Quincy and Weymouth on the South Shore until the mid-’80s, has a main office in Quincy, and now builds submarines and bombers, avionics and antennas, aiding all US military departments including the Air Force and NASA, including with IT and AI, and keeps expanding its Electronic Warfare and Cyberwarfare and ISR (Intelligence Surveillance Reconnaisance) capabilities, as this latest mega contract in March 2019 notes: General Dynamics Mission Systems Awarded $980 Million Contract from the U.S. Army for Electronic and Cyber Warfare Capabilities

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Fore River Shipyards in Quincy, MA

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General Dynamics Closed its Quincy Shipyard in 1985 but Retained Quincy Ties: From Ship-Building in 1885 to Sitting-Duck Millimeter Wave Weapon Testing on Americans in 2013-present

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Excerpt/ https://www.upi.com/Archives/1985/07/25/General-Dynamics-announces-closing-of-its-Quincy-shipyard/8327491112000/

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Why did General Dynamics even cross my field of awareness in 2013? Because one of the earliest discoveries I made as I researched US Air Force contracts right after I was first hit with EMF weapons in October 2013 and planes, drones, and helicopters decided to take up permanent airspace over my home and backyard, while I regularly noted the synchronized war-dance of EMF signals on various parts of my anatomy and timed radar flicks on various nerves on my face and limbs and loud acoustic radar hits on the side of the house with their often loud, droning overflights was notice of an Air Force contract to do Directed Energy research on humans, including, non-consensually, non-participantly, yours truly.

Who obtained this $49 million contract from the US Air Force to do Directed Energy Bio Behavioral Research in September 2013? General Dynamics.

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Who was already running contracts for the US Air Force in their Distributed Common Ground System Intel-Surveil-Recon efforts from 2010? General Dynamics.

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Who abruptly left the cushy Boston FBI position as head he was enjoying, at the non-retiring-age of 51 to become a Director of Security at General Dynamics in 2015? Vincent Lisi.

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Lisi at Linked In

Let’s also recall what Lisi’s September 2013 arrival at the Boston FBI was preceded by: The False-Flag Boston Marathon bombing in April 2013, Insane Militarized Police Shutdown & Shootout in Watertown, Killing of One Patsy Tsarnaev & Capturing of Another, and the previous FBI head, Richard DesLauriers swearing to clamp down on “Terror.”

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Richard DesLauriers was Special Agent in Charge in Boston in April 2013, at the time of the Boston Bombing.

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Robert Mueller was Directer of the FBI at the time of the Boston Bombing. Taking up his post Sep 4, 2001, 5 days before 9/11, he departed Sep 4, 2013, 5 months after the Boston Bombing. “In 1989 he served in the United States Department of Justice as an assistant to Attorney General Richard L. Thornburgh.” https://www.fbi.gov/history/directors/robert-s-mueller-iii

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Photo from Christopher Bollyn’s video on 9/11: Solving 9/11

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Was this the planned background to set up Non-Lethal Weapons Field Tests for US Air Force/General Dynamics in this area?

Yes, I am looking at the timeline here, and the steady build-up over the decades behind 2013 of Anti-Personnel Non Lethal Weapons development in the USA. Exactly 10 years before the Boston Bombing in April 2013, a Non Lethal Weapons conference where Dual-Use Technologies for both Military and Law Enforcement were discussed, was held at John Hopkins’ Applied Physics Lab in November 1993. Shortly after, in 1994, Janet Reno, Attorney-General and John Deutch, Secretary of Defense, signed a Memorandum of Understanding promoting the joint development of NLWs through testing and evaluation of technologies in Law Enforcement and Military Operations Other Than War.

Covered briefly here, and to be further covered shortly at my website, it appears that years of developing electromagnetic and acoustic weapons by the military and researching “psycho-corrective” or RF/sonic psyche and brain altering neuroweapons by the military — Army, Navy, Air Force, DIA — and CIA, inclusive of studying Russian psychotronic weapons, were culminating openly in the early ’90s in a planned roll-out of anti-personnel weapons operations on the American populace through weapons-testing operations by both Military and Law Enforcement.

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1994 MOU, DOD and DOJ, Stealth Weapon Rollout

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Note that the FBI has teamed up with Defense to use military weapons on Americans, calling it Law Enforcement — but will not say what kind of weapons these are; “advanced technology” and “technology required for law enforcement” doesn’t cut it. Required according to who? How many journalists reported on these weapons? How many media outlets discussed publicly the pros and cons of “non-lethals” to attack human organs remotely and in particular psychotronic weapons using radio frequencies, ELFs, sonics to induce rage, fear, sleep, insomnia, aphasia, ataxia, dementia or anything else in humans? How many Americans know the Department of Justice is studying and using neurosurveillance technologies to scan and image brains, influence and modify brains? (Watch Dr. James Giordiano’s video lectures on Youtube — a few published here: Public Disclosure on Neuro Weapons and Neuro Technologies In Use Today)

While 9/11 brought the War on Terror home — in addition to pounding Iraq, Afghanistan and multiple other countries to rubble and infinite suffering — by permitting the creation at home of the Homeland Eagle Hide-Out of the DHS, JTTF, and Fusion Centers, it is entirely possible the set-up of 9/11 was part of a whole necklace of set-ups, including the Boston Bombing, to permit the roll-out of anti-personnel stealth-assault weapons operations on the public with specific intent to subjugate, suppress, oppress and repress the American population as first phase, demonstrative of the supreme power of a Surveillance-Centric Militarized Police State designed to rule by Terror, in the race to effect the much-touted-by-the-military “Transformation” of American and — through extended NATO, global FBI, global CIA, global NSA, and Five Eyes operations worldwide —the transformaton really of all human reality from semblance of democracy to full-on NWO totalitarian and transhumanized/cyborgized/neuro-enslaved/robotized fascism, in interests of permanent, centralized, militarized, remote-tracked hold over Planet Earth and all its inhabitants — stealth eugenics, torture, and genocide also now flagrantly permitted.

While also simply permitting a whole bunch of corrupt war corporations and corrupt FBI and CIA and USGOV top dogs to make a lot of money for their private yachts, villas, jetsetting, and Riviera-hopping on the broken, beaten-down backs of the American people.

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James Comey took over from Bob Mueller as Director FBI in September 2013. This is June 2013 when Obama nominated him. “Comey served as deputy attorney general under the George W. Bush administration from December 2003 until August 2005, running the day-to-day operations of the Department of Justice.” Note that while the AG is supposedly above the Director, FBI, both Mueller and Comey served as DAGs first — setting in place relationships and power-brokerings to ease their tenure and hold later as Director, FBI? “The Director has answered directly to the attorney general since the 1920s and by law is appointed by the president and confirmed by the Senate.” https://www.fbi.gov/news/stories/new-fbi-director-president-nominates-james-b-comey-at-white-house-ceremony Of course, also interesting is the fact that Comey stepped away from the DOJ after his stint as DAG and went to work for Lockheed Martin, major Defense contractor for several years before returning as Director, FBI. Was he just oiling that revolving door so benefit flowed both ways? And it turns out, he was: https://www.breitbart.com/radio/2018/08/21/robert-mueller-seamus-bruner-contracts-flowed-fbi-james-comey-lockheed-martin/

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Screenshot from Seamus Bruner’s Compromised: How Money and Politcs Drive FBI Corruption. After 9/11, did 100s of 1000s get sic’d with secret FISA warrants and FBI Investigations and Non-Investigations (but massive Neighborhood Smearing, Co-Opting, Community Policing, Blacklisting, Life-Sabotaging, Career-Sabotaging) in preparation for the High-Kickback DOJ/DOD DEW Non Lethal Weapons Testing operations nationwide coming down the pike?

Well before they actually rolled out the lucrative and Fed-Govt-Monies-Handed-to-Common-Criminals Anti Personnel Non Lethal Weapons Operations inside CONUS, someone had to announce Stealth Assault Weapons were going to be used on the American public, and Michael Win-Win Wynne, Air Force Secretary, was selected, in 2006.

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The Boston Bombing occurred in April 2013, 12 years after 9/11. That year, the sleepy South Shore town of Quincy, historic hometown and residence of famed American founders John Adams and John Quincy Adams and Abigail Adams, 8 miles south of Boston, changed overnight, in ways I described around that time on my website in Why I Started This Blog.

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The Mafia had landed.

Boston FBI Tactic Post Boston Marathon Bombing: Manic Focus on Terror and Terrorists, and start calling anyone you want DISAPPEARED from public discourse a Terrorist.

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FBI Web Site Blather promoting and inflating their unlawful information collection on people who are in no way, shape, or form terrorists. But suggesting to all that their JTTF assessments and counterterrorism databases are desperately important in “threat trend analyses” for America.

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JTTFs, note, are separate and apart from Fusion Centers: each of these megalith coalitions has been involved in “threat assessment” and targeting of innocent Americans for 2 decades now, since 9/11. In 2013, the Boston FBI rationalized the need for threat assessments and acquiring foreign intelligence and sharing information freely across agencies in the absence of local intelligence. In other words, reserving the right to target pretty much anyone, for no reason whatsoever, and grab all their emails, medical records, phone records, private data from the NSA at will — for use, as they pleased, since they felt (and state above “assessment may be carried out…when the information… does not rise to a level that would allow the opening of a predicated investigation”) they could threat-assess anyone for NO REASON, on NO INTELLIGENCE.https://archives.fbi.gov/archives/boston/press-releases/2013/statement-by-special-agent-in-charge-richard-deslauriers-regarding-information-sharing

That year, 2013, the FBI in Boston — along with Massachusetts State Police, a primary component of the Massachusetts Fusion Centers — were clearly riding high.

The Boston Bombing — like 9/11 — both false flags, as many of us know definitively now, gave them their Calling Card for pretty much any kind of gross oppressive “surveillance” or “Threat Assessment” they wished to engage in.

Fear, Repression, Oppression, Suppression, Threat, Intimidation, Show of Force, Belligerence, Aggression were what they were practicing in our once-quiet and peaceful Boston, South Shore, North Shore, Back Bay neighborhoods — currently transformed to nests of viperous neighbors like David and Eman Mok schooled to act maliciously hostile, monitoring, and mocking, resounding with noise-harassment from over-loud trimmers, mowers, blowers, washers, powersaws, hammers, all whipped out at will on command from the local AI-run, DHS-known, FBI-known Stasi Harassment Center — in concert with the hellish drone/plane/heli action from such mavens as General Dynamics, and who else but the FBI and DHS and local fusion center. (Stay tuned for my exposes of the unruly helicopter action from Commonwealth Fusion Center Leaders in Harassment, Massachusetts State Police, over my backyard, reported earlier on Twitter, which I will publish shortly.)

And if anyone thinks they’ve stopped: we were woken this morning (June 14) by ridiculously, insanely loud power trimming from 2 houses up the street run by “Ryan” the local Masonic landscape artist with the red pick-up who has been haunting all the houses in this neighborhood with his ultra-loud power blowing, mowing, trimming, timed to disturb my podcasts, or issue disapproval post publication of anything which sets the local Masons on edge (that would be, pretty much anything I publish at ECC exposing crime and corruption). And yes, I’ll write more about Red Pick-up Ryan shortly, and his scalar weapons concealed in plain sight in his garden trimmers.

But let’s Look at Who the Boston FBI, Headed by Vincent Lisi, Called a “Terrorist” and Opened Threat Assessments and Investigations On, Shall We

In Summer and Fall 2013, as I had been earlier that year, I was running art and creative writing workshops for kids out of my home. I was incredibly excited about these workshops — which were a smash hit with students and parents both. My dream was to find a place in Quincy, maybe close to the beach, and open a Creativity Center for children, youth, adults; run it as a Co-Op with other MFAs, to teach art and creative writing and natural science classes. I could go on about the lovely classes I had and the dreams I had but here is a glimpse of those workshops in Summer and Fall 2013:

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Yes, the Boston FBI and Vincent Lisi heading it, opened Threat Assessments and Terrorist Investigations on a writer, artist, and former college faculty member with 20 years of college teaching experience then running Art and Poetry and Natural Science/Astronomy workshops for kids.

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All this is just a smattering of the literary publishing, journalism, interviews, writing, and reading I had been doing prior to and during the time that I was also running Wishing Well art/writing/science workshops for kids. Wishing Well is now titled Art Create Write and can be visited here; my last efforts to run online workshops were in Fall 2018 — but at this point, since 2014 in fact, I have been also running The Everyday Concerned Citizen and Ramola D Reports — while continuously and to-date being hit with Anti-Personnel Weapons by (putatively) the FBI/CIA/DHS/DARPA/US Airforce/AFRL/General Dynamics/Various Unknown Researchers/Various Unknown Assassins/Local Freemasons and Minions/Satanists/Nazis/Zionists/Mossad/Other Loons 24/7.

All of this begun and run on #FBILies.

Anyone else think this is a national scandal? Or an international scandal, showing up the ineptitude and idiocy of the Boston FBI and Commonwealth Fusion Center (DHS) to the entire world? I do.

At the time, I was running those workshops, writing poetry, writing fiction, working on a second novel, working on children’s books, working on YA novels, working on Delphi Quarterly.

Art, poetry, fiction, and literary quarterlies: How high do these figure on a Threat Assessment I wonder, over at the Boston FBI? You would THINK they had absolutely nothing to do with Terror of any kind. If you had some base intelligence that is, and some rudimentary powers of observation or investigation.

In the Fall of 2013, however, Boston FBI Head Vincent Lisi and FBI Director James Comey, with their years and years of working in Investigation, were so extremely threatened by my Fibonacci art and Arc of Narrative workshops for kids that they sent their Masonic coveys and hordes and attack convoys of stalkers, surveillers, pursuers, all equipped with Remote Microwave Pencil Vibrators, Heat Pulse Guns and a variety of other curious remote energy and remote neurotechnology devices to discreetly but definitively assault me — and keep on assaulting me, all of which I will describe in excruciating detail shortly.

This occurred directly after I spoke to a woman at Adams Montessori School who was then the Treasurer of the School Board: Sinead Walsh, about the pointlessness of extra fees for babysitting during Parent-Teacher Conferences, who seemed to have conveyed my conversation to the President of the School Board, Alexander Steffan, whose guilt was writ large on his face shortly after, at the school play: was one or both of them the local FBI informant/s who “opened an investigation” on me?; and after writing to Senators Ed Markey, Elizabeth Warren, local Mass State Rep Tackey Chan and others about tree damage I had witnessed on my Nature Walks with the kids in my classes, and chem trails, which I had just witnessed that fall and learned about. (More on this entire set of preceding incidents, covered briefly in my posted interviews online, in later posts.)

FISA Abuse, FMJ Abuse, Patriot Act Criminality

Covert Comms placed around me, then and recently, particularly in car license plates (they do like to advertise what they are doing, although in ridiculous, coded ways) have suggested FISA Abuse. Section 702, FISA. Section 215, Patriot Act. Honestly, it should be fairly obvious to anyone reading this there was Extreme FISA Abuse.

Geral Sosbee, FBI whistleblower, has also educated us however on FMJ abuse: how a domestic Federal Magistrate Court judge could be persuaded to issue Orders to investigate just about anyone by the FBI. Geral has also assured us it would have to be a powerful organization like the FBI who is able to commandeer the kind of wholesale monitoring and surveillance operations on people who has to be at the starting-point of the Targeting Process for anyone to be targeted for subjugation by the Fusion Centers.

The CIA has domestic spying operations as well we know now, and may well be close in bed with the FBI but — for surface purposes at any rate —it is predominantly the FBI that advertises that it runs domestic operations, so, as per Geral’s analyses, the FBI runs the show, in terms of Starting the Targeting and Unlawful Surveillance Process.

Further, as per the ACLU’s Trapped in a Black Box: Growing Terrorism Watchlisting in Everyday Policing report, FBI Field Offices, and the Terrorist Screening Center at the FBI are intimately involved in nominating people to watchlists, along with local law enforcement:

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Annotated image (text mine, taken from the Background section) from Trapped in a Black Box: Growing Terrorism Watchlisting in Everyday Policing, April 2016 report by ACLU

So I will assume the FBI are the ones who “opened an Investigation” (on someone whose CV, background, life, is massively online and certainly does not require a FBI badge to check) on me that Fall.

And that is not the only thing they did.

They human-trafficked this Creativity-focused and Community-focused writer and teacher into a Field Weapons Testing program run by the US Air Force in the Boston and Quincy Area, and into darker Black Ops MK Ultra DARPA/NSA/CIA Brain Experimentation programs. (More on the CIA and DARPA and NSA in later posts.)

Planes, Drones, Helicopters Over Art Classes, Astronomy Classes, Fibonacci Science & Math and Creative Writing Classes

So while I worked on drawing birds and painting leaves and naming the constellations and graphing Fibonacci spirals in pine cones and sunflowers and reading Christina Rossetti and Robert Frost with the kids in my workshops…

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…constant planes, drones, helicopters started to visit our street and drone by overhead. The Air Force’s DCGS apparently uses spy planes and drones and ground vehicles; well, cars and trucks were pounding up and down our street too (and still are).https://cdn.embedly.com/widgets/media.html?type=text%2Fhtml&key=a19fcc184b9711e1b4764040d3dc5c07&schema=twitter&url=https%3A//twitter.com/ecceveryday/status/1120227357451870208&image=https%3A//i.embed.ly/1/image%3Furl%3Dhttps%253A%252F%252Fpbs.twimg.com%252Fmedia%252FD4vXOToWwAAS_7k.png%253Alarge%26key%3Da19fcc184b9711e1b4764040d3dc5c07

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AFRL Blather, while casually implanting Americans non-consensually and tracking them and radar-flicking them with spy planes, predator drones, ground vehicles, and nutcases next door with tracking devices

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Joseph DeLappe’s art: Cowardly Predator Drone/ http://www.delappe.net/imaging/mq1-predator-drone—cowardly/

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An all-white, quite small quadcopter drone of this style buzzed low with a loud mosquito buzz and lifted off from my yard in Quincy, Mass. last summer, too quick for a photo, particularly when I was sitting outside with a book, not a camera or cell phone. I get the feeling the thugs playing games with high tech are simply using targets like toys, for random target practice with every gruesome weapon they have invented. DARPA documents that drones are being developed/used to deliver drugs and nanotech — was that what that drone was doing?

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Joseph DeLappe’s art: Cowardly Global Hawk Drone. Note that the bulging head of this drone is filled with a massive SATCOM antenna.

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AFRL’s Distributed Common Ground System apparently uses this spy plane, heard freely in the skies above Quincy along with drones and small planes, all part of Full Spectrum Dominance: ISR is being used inside America, on Americans, and it involves the use of Radar Weapons on American bodies (I am the reporting source for this information, as American body being radar-flicked-probed-assaulted). Top Secret/No FORN and other interdicting labels become fully meaningless when such weapons are used non-consensually, treasonously on Americans inside America — while also pointing up the horror of these weapons, which should be banned for all humanity: Is this “Leaking Classified Info”? Hold the US Air Force Secretary Heather Wilson responsible for that. How DARE the US Air Force use “Non Lethal Weapons” on Americans? More disclosure forthcoming, and some here: https://twitter.com/EccEveryday/status/1114347466667769856

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The Air Force Research Lab uses Drones, Satellites, and Spy Planes to communicate with ground vehicles in its quest to pinpoint with accuracy and send Pencil Radar Hits to specific body parts and specific radio implants and sensors buried in the bodies of its non-consensual test subjects AKA stand-out, accomplished Americans whom the fraudulent FBI/DHS/Nomination of Domestic Terrorists mechanism hands over for pulverizing, persecution, and extermination disguised as “Surveillance Tracking.”

Because it was obvious to me drones and planes were being used in the remote radiation assault I was experiencing, I began to research open contracts involving the US Air Force.

I communicated with the stalling, dragging-their-feet, equivocating, eluding, refusing-to-comply US Air Force, Air Force Materiel Command, OHRP — Office of Human Research Protections, various AF bases for a year before I received on FOIA request the Federal Wide Assurance of Informed Consent on the 2013 $49 million General Dynamics DEBR project, a document which publishes an open lie, and the Statement of Work for that contract, which redacted Field Test info. (More on General Dynamics and this Contract in later posts.)

To spell it out: The FAWA for Informed Consent is a formality which General Dynamics filled out; they redacted their Field Test information because they are conducting Field Tests all over the South Shore and Boston area, including over my backyard and home, on my person: note, we are speaking of Anti-Personnel Weapons, being tested on Americans. And absolutely NOT with Informed Consent.

Meanwhile planes, drones, helicopters, & zooming cars were a frequent visitor to my yard, house, street; ELF Precision-Pencil vibrations, Couch vibrations, Radar Flicks on Nerves, RF pulse shots at head, Remote Electro Shocks, Remote Electro Vibrations, Laser Burns, Nano Burns, Heat-Pulse Hits at night had become a fixture on my body — which is currently riddled with scars, non-consensually implanted with bio-MEMs, WBANs, BCI chips, nanotech thin-film pressure-heater sensors, and other such: medical professionals keen to help me prove and remove these are welcome to contact me.

FOIA Requests to the FBI Met With Refusal to Provide Information

Central also is the fact that when I sent off a FOIA Request to Vincent Lisi’s FBI for info on what the heck was going on and did the FBI have a file on me, in which case I’d like to see it, he (well, the FOIA office at FBI) claimed an exemption to say he couldn’t tell me anything, whether or not I was under Surveillance, and whether or not he had a file on me.

As a Senior Executive, Lisi must have been making about 200K at the time. 200K for #FBILies.

Is it possible the FBI did not know the US Air Force via General Dynamics was pulverizing the residents of Boston, Quincy, the South Shore & the North Shore with Microwave Weapons and Milliwave Weapons, courtesy General Dynamics?

Is it possible they missed the constant droning of the planes above?

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No, this is what they hid under the War on Terror. Secrecy A-OK, Deception A-OK, Lies and Bullshit A-OK, because, Mantra from the Morons: War on Terror.

The Boston Bombing was their calling card for skullduggery, remember.

We’re protecting the “Homeland”! Public Safety! National Security! We don’t have to tell you everything since we’re conducting Threat Assessments and running important national Surveillance Operations all for National Security. Never mind the constant drones, the planes, the helicopters over Quincy backyards.

If the best an entire JTTF could do, the same year of the Boston Bombing, but target people with no “nexus to terrorism” whatsoever, these were clearly Threat Assessments being conducted either by morons, or by Machiavellian Skull and Bonesters and ZioNazis nesting inside FBI and DHS with a very deep, dark agenda against the good people of America.

The FBI, the US Air Force, and the Practice of Deception

Active Deception and Active Secrecy permitted them to hide anything they wanted under “National Security” covers. #FBILies, they will say, are permitted.

They knew they didn’t have to explain anything to anyone because they were classifying all of it. Key to this treachery is the fact that these Air Force contracts are marked Top Secret/Sensitive Compartmented Intelligence -SCI/Special Access Program-SAP/Special Access Required-SAR — I’m going by the General Dynamics DEBR project, and you can see that classification here. Stands to reason that anyone they nastily enrolled in these stealth assault programs without their consent would need to be buried under SCI/SAP claptrap. Meaning: Stonewalled on FOIA Request, as I was.

I can tell you why these contracts are marked Top Secret. Because they’ve been cavorting their Top Secrets all over my body, like the American traitors they are — and that’s what Non-Lethal Weapons DO. They’re Body Assault Weapons. They’re Remote Access, Remote Assault Weapons. They’re invasive as all-get-out. They’re being used to burn from a distance, flicker nerves from a distance, penetrate and harm organs from a distance, pulse-shot skulls from a distance, pump ELFs into bodies, electro-shock and electro-vibrate from a distance. They’re using sensors, sensor tracking, and sensor stimulation. These sensors can be micro or nano. They can be sent bio-resonance frequencies to, from a distance. They can be activated thus to initiate a migraine, a concussion, blunt force trauma to an organ, an instant myocardial infarction, a sudden cancer to the pancreas, subdural heating of an extreme kind, electromagnetic rape, sodomy, orgasm. And those are just the Bio-Resonance Frequency Radar/Sensor Weapon Systems. Many other creative destroyers of the human body and brain are being tested by the FBI/US Airforce/US Marine Corps/US Navy/US Army on Americans. (For another post.)

Why these weapons are marked Top Secret are because they are Supremely Invasive Weapons of Human Degradation, Subjection, and Subjugation.

But I want to note here the craven Practice of Deception the FBI and the CIA conceal their skullduggery behind.

James Comey, Vincent Lisi, Harold Shaw: Skullduggery with a Smile

James Comey was Director of the FBI from 2013 to 2017. In fact, this Bush Deputy Attorney-General who was appointed by Obama got his free pass to Skullduggery with a Smile in September 2013, just as Vincent Lisi, Special Agent also did, here in Boston. They signed up at the same time, energized no doubt by the Boston Bombing — which many analysts suggest they manufactured themselves.

September 2013 also saw the start of that General Dynamics DEBR contract using milliwave weapons.

The whole story is recorded elsewhere and will be re-recorded in full in an affidavit. These Assaults and Battery with Spectrum Weapons have not stopped — which advertises the fact that Big Money is being made, and Air Force Contracts are ongoing.

Last April (2018), General Dynamics once more viscerally popped up when ex-Chair of the Quincy School Board Dave McCarthy stepped across my path one morning, right when a certain Other Horror Story was unfolding.

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This story is told in a few articles and letters at my site, starting with this one: JIT/Press Release: Quincy Central Middle School Principal Richard DeCristofaro, Jr. Makes Irresponsible & Malicious False Report of “Neglect” to Child Protective Services Against School Mother, a Journalist and Human Rights Advocate with Brilliant, Thriving, Contented, High-Performing Child and will be detailed in Technicolor shortly.

There are unconscionable Villains in this story, and they all apparently occupy cushy positions of “Security” in General Dynamics. Richard DeCristofaro Jr., Principal of Central Middle School in Quincy, first mentioned Dave M above to me as HIS “Director of Security.”

Perhaps he is, and perhaps Little Rick (son of Big Rick, who pulls in 250K as Superintendent of Schools in Quincy) seeks to migrate there one day as the Boston FBI Head & this Quincy School Board Head & City Councillor did. For guess who is also a Director of Security at General Dynamics? Dave McCarthy.

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While drones and weapon-wielders on Pine Street aimed anti-personnel “non-lethal” aka Body Torture Stealth Assault Weapons at me, odd references to “pizza” and “cheese pizza” in continuous, harassive, anchoring style by absolute strangers around me eventually led to my understanding, when the Comet Pizza revelations came out, that I was also being smeared across Quincy, unbelievably, to absolute strangers— by #FBILies — as a Pedo with an interest in little girls!!!

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Absolutely, incredibly shocking, especially since I had been running highly successful creativity workshops for children in art, creative writing, and natural science out of my home, workshops I started when I could not find local art workshops for my little seven-year-old girl.

The extreme malice, venality, and frankly beastliness of the FBI in spreading such utterly scurrilous rumors to this effect all around Quincy must be noted. Did they choose this particular unsavory story because I ran workshops for children and they thought they could get away with it? Or do they normally spread stories about highly-educated and accomplished moms who have the initiative to run creativity workshops as being pedophiles as a matter of course?

In the course of my investigations as a journalist the last few years, I have certainly found that a common Smear on people being targeted for Terror/Smear Campaigns/Life Takedown by the FBI/DHS/Military is precisely that, that they are Pedophiles — apparently they are doing this to women as much as men.

There is another lie that was put out — hard to tell which one is worse, Pedophile or Porn Monger/Watcher — but this latter they accomplished with falsifying records and false attributions, which I learned about only recently through experiencing the disdain of my family. (More in a future post.)

When the #FBILies campaign hit my neighborhood — atrocious Smears on the writer/artist mother of a little girl who taught lovely workshops in art, science, writing to other little girls and boys both— shortly after I was hit extremely with General Dynamics’ NLWs, with microwave weapons giving me sudden extreme migraines and body heating, with hair falling out, but striving and succeeding to continue running my workshops with my usual verve and optimism, parents of my students abruptly began to pull their kids out of my classes.

FISA Abuse, FISA Fraud, and An Excuse by Freemasons & Satanists in Power in FBI, CIA, NSA & Local Governments to Take Out Influential Americans Calling Them Troublemakers, Terrorists, Extremists

Is the FBI lacking in Intelligence? Are they Intelligence-Deprived? How exactly do they get to get away with surveilling and trafficking an art teacher and writer — whose background in teaching English and Creative Writing and writing and publishing as a fiction-writer, poet, and literary journalist and editor is an open book on the Net and requires no “investigation” whatsoever — under the War on Terror?

Answer: Only through Lies, FISA Abuse, NSL Abuse, Abuse of Power, and Willingness to Criminalize Americans, Torture Americans, Terrorize Americans, Deceive Americans, and Make Oodles of Money Off the Bodies of Those they Watchlist and Traffick to another corrupt Federal organization, the US Air Force.

Very obviously, there is only one way to “open an investigation” on someone with nothing to investigate — no criminal record, no criminal intent, no terrorist background, no terrorist intent, no interest in government, no interest in war, no interest in morons, no interest in weapons, no interest in anything but art, writing, poetry, fiction, science, consciousness, teaching, and speaking her mind: Make up a story about “potential terrorism” or “incipient extremism” or “troublemaking.” Talk about an “Anger” problem. In fact, push that Anger meme bigtime. (This subject, and Countering Violent Extremism Fraud being run by the FBI warrant its own separate post and many articles.)

Rinse and Repeat for 100s of 1000s of Americans, similarly smeared and life-destroyed, as Non Lethal Weapons (DOD) and Psycho Corrective Weapons (DOJ/CIA/DOD) contracts open all across the US, and the US Air Force, the US Marine Corps, the US Navy, the AFRL NIH, NSF, and the CIA, and many others look to the FBI for New Bodies to run Target Practice on.

The FBI complies, creating a steady stream by putting people Under Surveillance which the US Military eagerly welcomes, since they’re waiting with their trawl-net of opportunism they’ve enshrined in their bogus and clearly seditious, treasonous, unpatriotic, and unAmerican Military Directives, that people under Surveillance can be experimented on — with their deadly and dirty weapons of all kinds.

There’s money in #FBILies. Deception, Comey would have us all believe, is a virtue and a principle as dear to Americans as the Bill of Rights. So Pedophile, Porn Monger you Will become, just for that Folder of #FBILies.

Meanwhile, the Real Porn Mongers and Pedophiles are well supported by a Child Protection System in every state which trafficks children from good homes to Real Pedophiles. The cover for this is calling People of Integrity the pedos, and turning neighbors against them.

The cover for this is also using Private Companies for data collection and storage, to prevent scrutiny. That hundreds of thousands of innocents are being named pedos while Real Pedos escape scrutiny is being revealed, now in 2019: https://reason.com/2019/04/24/the-feds-are-dropping-child-porn-cases-instead-of-revealing-info-on-their-surveillance-systems/

“The Department of Justice has been dismissing child pornography cases in order to not reveal information about the software programs used as the basis for the charges.

An array of cases suggest serious problems with the tech tools used by federal authorities. But the private entities who developed these tools won’t submit them for independent inspection or hand over hardly any information about how they work, their error rates, or other critical information. As a result, potentially innocent people are being smeared as pedophiles and prosecuted as child porn collectors, while potentially guilty people are going free so these companies can protect “trade secrets.””

From all accounts by FBI whistleblowers, including and especially Geral Sosbee and Mark German, the FBI is most definitely at the heart of this massive Reputation Destruction campaign which seeks to create Targets in every neighborhood to corrall the neighbors around. Medieval stone-throwing is achieved today with RISSNET, COPS, Infragard, Next Door, Neighborhood texts and cellphones. All this is being sold to local communities as Legitimate Surveillance — but it clearly is not.

The fact that the incredible assaults on my person and the Smear Campaign I have endured in my neighborhood, thanks to willing minions like David Mok and others, continue — the Moks’ home is now occupied by a new Chinese family and scalar/radar attacks from that direction have resumed — suggest that the Boston FBI has not addressed its own corruption, and perhaps does not intend to.

I do not think it is acceptable for people’s names and reputations to be destroyed by others whose own names and reputations are then protected and shielded by large government bodies who engage in criminal acts of unlawful surveillance and unlawful trafficking into secretive and unethical weapons-testing and experimentation programs on their bodies. I do not think it is acceptable for my neighbors to assist in destroying my life and reputation while keeping their names and reputations intact.

I knew very little about the FBI before October 2013, when I suddenly became the subject of continuous assault. Or about Non Lethal Weapons. Skewing my focus as a writer on them now, as also on the CIA, and the US Air Force, and the DHS, they have invited close scrutiny of what is quite flagrantly evident now as their criminality.

Harold Shaw was Special Agent in Charge in Boston from 2015 to 2018. He had ample time to change this situation, rectify these crimes. But he didn’t.

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Press Release, Harold Shaw Named

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Harold Shaw

Statements made by Harold Shaw on Preventing Terrorism/A View from the CT Foxhole: Five Years After the Boston Marathon Bombing:

“The other takeaway is the importance of intelligence. Prior to 9/11, it’s not necessarily that the FBI didn’t use and push intelligence, but we didn’t do it well enough. In today’s threat environment, we’re really trying to stop something before it happens. The investigative side alone is not going to get you where you need to be. It’s the ability to not only develop, analyze, and share intelligence but also to integrate intelligence into all of our operations — and efficiently move this information to fusion centers and other departments.”

All of this is empty rhetoric when the FBI goes around targeting creative writers working on children’s books, poetry, and novels and teaching art and astronomy and poetry and naming them terrorists.

Are they likely to change now that a new guy heads the Boston FBI? Turns out this one has been in Boston all along as deputy and assistant prior so, while it remains to be seen, I am not impressed so far. Halting the wrongful FISA-Fraud targeting program and the wrongful trafficking/weapons-testing, operation, and experimentation programs should be the first priority for anyone in this position, but while the focus is on Deception, Counter-Intelligence, Counter Terrorism, and Top Secret Compartmented Special Access Sensitive Secrecy (read: reading brains and harming bodies remotely) and not human rights, Constitutional rights, protection of the populace from harm and stealth assault weapons, these Special Agents and Directors at the FBI are not going to make it happen. They appear to think these Stealth Assault Weapons are fabulous Law Enforcement inventions here to stay — and this has to be publicly challenged: everyone I have interviewed and I myself has/have experienced these weapons as extremely inhumane, unethical, invasive, intrusive weapons of bodily torture.

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Joseph Bonavolonta

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Fighting Terrorism by targeting innocent Americans: an FBI tradition I hope Joseph Bonavolonta will have the sense to break

There is much more to be said about the Life-Takedown and Reputation-Destruction and Parallel-Construction campaigns run by joint fusion-center action, inclusive of the FBI, and inclusive of neighbors, wrongfully on me, and I will continue this account. The Military Industrial Intelligence Complex appears to be a network of top-dogs in private-sector and Defense and Intelligence getting away with exploitative and assaultive actions against the populace, just so long as their personal names, careers, fortunes, and profits are secured.

What I am reporting is no different, in many ways, to what thousands in the US and worldwide are reporting (the FBI is global now) as Counter Terrorism has morphed into Totalitarianism; many of these stories I have been reporting on, they can be found at Youtube.com/RamolaDReports and at The Everyday Concerned Citizen. The most important witness and whistleblowing in the world today is being proferred by those targeted in various ways. I believe it is important to publish these stories and accounts, and I believe the only way forward is to reveal the extent of the crime. In this spirit, I will continue speaking out.

And, considering that I have literally been the target of multiple assassination attempts and continue to be bodily assaulted with “Non Lethal” and quite Non Humane Weapons by agencies and militaries who have no right to be doing what they are doing to either myself or any one of us similarly and lawlessly targeted, I see no reason to not-express myself fully on the subject.

Please visit everydayconcerned.net for the many articles I have written over the last five and a half years on these matters, and please read as well the second Memo I sent recently to President Trump:

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Once Again, A Memo to President Trump: Massive Surveillance State Abuses | Treason on the Ground, in the USA: Public-Private Partners in Targeted Killing of Americans

Ramola D

Written by

Ramola D

Writer/Journalist/Educator/Activist — runs the news/media/blog site The Everyday Concerned Citizen/everydayconcerned.net. Podcasts at Ramola D Reports/Youtube.

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