evil_sts - Profile (original) (raw)
on 30 July 2003 (#1219067)
The Evil Storytellers Community
It is a place for storyteller to sit around the proverbial campfire and rant about players, plots and game systems; plot new instruments of torture; advise other STs; and share in the joys and hells of the Storytelling experience.
We will discuss:
Vampire: the Masquerade
Werewolf: the Apocalypse
Mage: the Ascension
Wraith: the Oblivion
Changeling: the Dreaming
Hunter: the Reckoning
And just about any other roleplaying game...
Your community Mod is childofchaos
If you want to join you can emailchildofchaos at: childofchaos@livejournal.com
akashic brotherhood, ananasi, anarchs, ascension, assamite, autarkis, bastet, black furies, black spiral dancers, boggans, bone gnawers, brujah, camarilla, caul, celestial chorus, changeling, changeling the dreaming, changeling: the dreaming, children of gaia, corax, cult of ecstasy, death, deathlords, demon, demon the fallen, demon: the fallen, domem, dreamspeakers, elder, eshu, euthanatos, exalted, fallen angels, ferrymen, fianna, followers of set, gangrel, gaunt, gauntlet, get of fenris, giovanni, glass walkers, gnosis, gurahl, haunt, heretics, hierarchy, hollow ones, hunter, hunter the reckoning, hunter: the reckoning, inconnu, iteration x, justicar, kindred of the east, lasombra, lemure, mage, mage the ascension, mage the sorcerers crusade, mage: the ascension, mage: the sorcerer's crusade, mage: the sorcerers crusade, malkavian, marauders, mokole, mummy, mummy the resurrection, mummy: the resurrection, nagah, nephandi, new world order, nockers, nosferatu, nuwisha, oblivion, order of hermes, pooka, primogen, prince, ratkin, ravnos, red talons, redcaps, renegades, rokea, roleplaying, roleplaying games, rpgs, sabbat, satyrs, shadow lords, sidhe, silent striders, silver fangs, slaugh, sons of ether, spectres, stargazers, storytelling, stygia, technocracy, the labryinth, the legions, the progenitors, the shadow, the sorcerer's crusade, the syndicate, the tempest, the void seekers, thrall, toreador, traditions, transcendence, tremere, tribes, trolls, tzimisce, ukenta, umbra, vampire, vampire the dark ages, vampire the masquerade, vampire: the dark ages, vampire: the masquerade, ventrue, verbena, virtual adepts, void engineers, weaver, wendigo, werewolf, werewolf the apocalypse, werewolf the wild west, werewolf: the apocalypse, werewolf: the wild west, white wolf, wod, world of darkness, wraith, wraith the great war, wraith the oblivion, wraith: the great war, wraith: the oblivion, wyld, wyrm