Phillips Exeter Academy Talkboard (original) (raw)

Could I get into Exeter [27 Oct 2009|06:25am]
I'm interested in Exeter because I want a challenging education and I want to become independent. In 8th grade I got all A's. My reading scores are off the chasart, rest of my scores are average or above average. In 8th grade I was a part of the National Juniors Honor Society, I also got English student of the year award. Now in the 9th grade I get A's and B+'s. I'm taking Chinese. I'm learning the guitar, I sing and I used to play percussion. I'm a part of two Gay/Straight Aliances (one in my school and one in my city). Does Exeter have a GSA? How is the arts at Exeter? Do I have a chance of getting in? I haven't taken or studied for the SSAT. Should I study? Thanks for all the help
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[01 Jul 2009|11:59pm]
Hello, (whatever contingent of) Exeter (still remains here)! It's been years since we've seen any activity here. Those of you who still happen to be lurking around or watching the comm, let us know you're still here! Practically everyone who was active during the first couple years of the comm are now alums -- where are you now, and what are you doing with your lives? If there are any current Exonians about, how are you spending your summers? Incoming students, if you have any questions, ask away! Let's try to make this community the resource it was back in 2005 and 2006.
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[12 Jun 2006|11:55pm]
First, congratulations to all the new alumni!Second, does anyone know when grades are posted? Right now I'm assuming next Monday, the 19th (because for the past two terms, grades came out on Monday after a week), but I'd like to know for sure. They previously sent us emails telling us when grades would be posted, but they never did for spring.Thanks.
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You guys on high ground? [19 May 2006|05:25pm]
Well, living on the banks of the Merrimack, I've been dealing with flooded out roads all week. How did the Academy fare? I know that Newmarket (just down the road) was flooded pretty badly, but they used to flood all the time when I was at UNH. Did the Scumsquat overflow its banks? I'm guessing that Swasey Parkway was probably underwater, and maybe the playing fields too? Hope folks made it through the deluge OK.JulieClass of 1984
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[10 Mar 2006|01:00pm]
They did it again. Next year, we have Saturday classes during Winter Thaw.(The new calender is on the website--which is also new, as of yesterday).
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Greetings from an alum [22 Feb 2006|10:53pm]
[ **mood** | nostalgic ] Just found this community (thanks to greatsword) and wanted to introduce myself. I suspect that I probably qualify as one of the "old farts" in the group since I graduated in 1984. I was a four year girl, and lived in Amen Hall all four years (and had the balcony room the last two, whoot!). I played Ice Hockey and rowed Crew, but wasn't active in too many other activities. Too busy trying to keep caught up with my homework. =P I'm originally from Lexington, KY, but now live in Lowell, MA. So I'm close enough to get to Exeter once in a while.
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[29 Dec 2005|01:33am]
Question: Any Exonians applying to University of Pennsylvania and using the online application, how did you input your Winter term classes? They only give you space for Fall and Spring.
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[20 Dec 2005|06:01pm]
yayy getting rid of college crapis there a place for day studs to dump such things?err dorms have communal bookshelves right?or if anybody on here wants ap chem/calc, satII chem/math, or some general college advice books, let me know
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Video about Townley Chisholm [22 Nov 2005|12:13am]
Check out this blog post with a video about Townley Chisholm from Cloud Starchaser's weblog:Blog Post about Chisholm with video.In case you don't know, Townley Chisholm is one of the dormheads from William House and a science teacher. He's also one of the most anal, uptight faculty members of Phillips Exeter.Here is the original blog post from which this e-mail was from:First post about Chisholm being defeated by Google search indexer.Please help support Cloud Starchaser's efforts to defeat Chisholm by google bombing these blog entries. Also by building up Heroic Destiny Squad site traffic you will increase H.D.S. ad revenue which we use to stop the persecution of Falun Gong. So you will be saving innocent Chinese people, defending freedom of religion, and putting Chisholm in his place all at the same time.Thank you and good night.
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[14 Oct 2005|10:50pm]
[ **mood** | hopeful ] Indaba. Fridays at 9 PM. In the Church. It's an amazing experience and I think everyone should experience it at least once before they die. Alumni, if you're on campus, come. Students, definitely come (you CAN check out!) Bring your stories, hopes, dreams, favorite poems, songs, BUT: don't bring a date. Ever. Bring your friends, but don't expect to smooch with someone in the back row. That is not the point. So come! Please. It's a special experience and you actually interact with some of the amazing people you only glimpse in passing.Indaba. Fridays. 9PM. Church. It's the place to be.
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[13 Oct 2005|02:41pm]
This is mostly a message for alumns who were in orchestra or who had a close relationship with Rohan Smith:I just heard from a current student that Mr. Smith's father passed away and his wife has been diagnosed with cancer. Mr. Kushner confirmed, saying that Mr. Smith will be returning from Australia in two weeks and that, if we want to contact him, to use his school e-mail or address. I won't post them here for privacy, but if anyone isn't sure how to contact him, just comment and I'll e-mail you.
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[01 Oct 2005|03:36pm]
Hello Exonians!The weather's been lovely lately, hasn't it? Even the rain is nice. I hope everyone's been having a great school year thus far, new students and old alike. As it's Alumni weekend, I'm curious: has anyone met any interesting alumni or alumnae? Seniors probably had the best chance, but I'm curious in general. What are your stories, recent and past, of meeting alums?Conversely, have any of the community's alumni come back on campus and found themselves meeting new students or having some new revelation at their return? Once again, recent or old stories. (Granted, most of the alumni and alumnae in this community are only a few years free.)I'm interested! Comment, please.As always, non sibi.-Gaby
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Auditing [07 Sep 2005|08:38am]
Can you get dicked for a course you are auditing? I'm considering auditing an A format class (Chinese 110), one of the principal reasons being to avoid 4 dickeys from sleeping in. (The other is that I want to learn Chinese.)Thanks.
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[07 Sep 2005|01:05pm]
Alright so schedules are out !Oh yes, and Hi, I'm Sarah, '08 (returning lower!) Anyway, I just got my schedule today, and I've been really concerned about physics which I'm starting this fall. I'm mathematiclally challenged and convinced I need an excellent physics teacher to survive the course. Nobody seems to have heard of my teacher: Mr. Gulick? Anyone know anyone about him & can tell me about him? How good is he at explaining things, how are his tests, how he is for extra help? And anything else that might be useful as I take on physics? only has one rating on him... *sigh*. everyone should use that site more?Thank you so much in advance.And welcome back everyone and especially welcome to new students!
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[07 Sep 2005|07:05am]
Good luck to everyone going back to school!Also, very important plug: if you have ever had any inclination towards singing, try out for the concert choir. Due to some massive senior graduation and people going SYA, only thirteen members are returning to this forty-person choir. Try out even if you think you have no chance; my prep year, I was convinced there was no way in hell I was ever going to be accepted, but to my great surprise I was and it became one of the most amazing experiences of my Exeter life. This plug is for returning students as well as you new guys. The director is a wonderful guy, both as a conductor and a person. You'll sing fun stuff, get to know fabulous people, and have a good time. Doooo it.
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[06 Sep 2005|08:46pm]
Ok, I don't know if I'm allowed to say a teacher's name here.....but does anyone know where I could find the Head of the Athletics department? (umm...last name begins w/ the letter H) Muy Importante, I need to track this guy down.
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