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Hi there, I was just reading an Orthodox discussion on the subject of Christ's declaration "My Kingdom is not of this world', and I was wondering if anyone could identify the source for a particular quote from St. Isaac the Syrian, paraphrased therein:

St. Isaac the Syrian says if our heart is in Christ we should become sensitive to the suffering of all creatures, not only our fellow human beings, but all life. He wrote of the "eleimon heart" which is a heart of mercy “…for human beings, birds, wild animals, demons, and every creature on earth. An extreme empathy towards the whole of Creation renders such a heart incapable of hearing of any hurt or even of a minor sorrow taking place within Creation. For this reason the Eleimon heart offers prayers for the beasts and for the birds of prey, for animals and demons, for serpents and for everything else within Creation, including the enemies of truth.” This does not sound like a gospel that rejects the impulse to alleviate the suffering of others.

Does anyone know where I could read the original? I'm not Orthodox, (more of a churchless Quaker), but I think I'd very much like to read this. Thanks =)

150 лѣтъ тому назадъ скончался выдающiйся русскiй мыслитель и общественный дѣятель (въ лучшемъ смыслѣ этаго слова) славянофилъ Алексѣй Степановичъ…

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