The Original Rainbow Squad (original) (raw)
12:30 pm
Proposition 2 in Texas For those of you that aren't aware, this election day, Texas will be voting on Proposition 2, a proposed amendment to the Texas constitution. This amendment, of course, will make gay marriage unconstitutional in Texas. Not only does it deny rights to the LGBT community, but it also interferes with common law marriages [marriages which happen after cohabitating with someone for many years, and then you're (well, as long as you're in a heterosexual relationship) considered married by the state].
The bill reads as follows:
SECTION 1. Article I, Texas Constitution, is amended by adding Section 32 to read as follows:
Sec. 32. (a) Marriage in this state shall consist only of the union of one man and one woman.
(b) This state or a political subdivision of this state may not create or recognize any legal status identical or similar to marriage.
Now, if I'm reading correctly, that seems to say that all marriages are unrecognizable by the state. Oops.
9:26 pm
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