ExRx.net : ExRx.net Featured Testimonies (original) (raw)
Certifying Organization
ExRx.net has been a recommended internet resource by the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM).
ACSM's Resource Manual for Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription (5th Edition, pgs 224, 349; 6th Edition, pg 32; 7th Edition, pgs 31, 372).
We are an Australian government accredited fitness school in Sydney. We are big fans of the site and always tell our students about this site and recommend they use the site as research tool.
Matthew, Director, Australian College of Sport & Fitness (Australia)
I have been referred to your site by a student of ours. We run exercise teachers training courses in South Africa and are always looking for creative and valuable resources for our students. Your site is going to go on the top of the list. Well done.
Linda Halliday, Managing Director, Exercise Teachers Academy, Sports Science Institute of South Africa (Cape Town, South Africa)
We consider your site to be a great resource in the industry, and personally speaking, I have been a user/follower of your site since my undergrad days.
Jamie Guined, Operations Manager and Exercise Scientist, MovNat
First of all, let me say that exrx.net is one of my favourite sites, and one of the most useful on the web. ...your site is a great resource that myself and my team have turned to time and time again. I direct my clients and readers to it every day. Keep up the great work...
John Berardi, PhD, CSCS, Precision Nutrition
Higher Education
I want to share my appreciation for the work that everyone at ExRx.net has put into making it the great resource that it is. My colleagues and I have been pointing students in the direction of your website for many years. With the recent addition of the paywall (which I am impressed you were able to avoid implementing until November), I am hopeful you can help me find an affordable path forward for my department.
Ryan Grenberg, MS, CSCS, Assistant Professor & Laboratory Director, Department of Exercise Physiology, College of St. Scholastica
(Duluth, MN)
It is a regular occurrence that we refer our students to your site for self-learning. Thank you for the quality material.
Trent Elkin, Teacher Health & Recreation, TAFE NSW (Sydney, Australia)
I would like to thank you, James and your peers, for putting together THE best web site on exercise, lifting, and nutrition on the Internet. I am thoroughly impressed and absolutely love your website. I teach Physical Education for health and fitness in So Cal, both lecture and group exercises courses, and I recommend your web site to my students every single semester. I feel your web site offers not only factual information, but a philosophy of training I certainly live and teach by. I especially like that peer reviewed references are used as support for all the information offered. I value any kind of source that uses science to support their information, and offer information not only about advanced training, but also on general health without making sensationalized anecdotal claims about progress. Your web site is to notch! Thank you for taking a leadership role in our field of study, and spreading the word of good health to all on the Internet.
Henry L Perry, Instructor Physical Education & Health, West Los Angeles College
We refer to your website quite a bit in several of our classes. Thanks for keeping the website simple and easy to use, yet factual (and not gimmicky!).
Matthew Stults-Kolehmainen, Ph.D., ACSM EP-C, Applied Physiology Program, Teachers College - Columbia University (New York, NY)
I am a Clinical Exercise Physiologist and am a regular visitor of your website. I think it's fantastic! I currently teach an anatomy and kinesiology course at Purdue University Calumet and it is a great compliment and resource for my students.
Tina Schmidt-McNulty MS, CES, Clinical Exercise Specialist, Purdue University Calumet Fitness Center (West Lafayette, IN)
Thanks for your site that I use as a resource for my undergraduates. The presentation is simple yet complete.
Lorrie Brilla, Ph.D., Western Washington University (Bellingham, WA)
I have been around long enough that I have been visiting and referring students to your site for decades and you do truly have the best information out there!
Tiffany M Reiss, PhD, Clinical Associate Professor, Washington State University (Pullman, WA)
Love your site. I use it in my exercise testing the Rx class at Chico State. Keep up the good work!
Scott Roberts, Ph.D., FACSM, Associate Professor of Exercise Physiology, CSU (Chico, CA)
...I am using some of your terrific stuff from your site for educational purposes for my health education and weight training classes...I will be using the photos and exercises for example as a reference tool for my weight training class. I personally lift and have gained 18 pounds in the past year alone from upper body weight training and increasing my caloric intake...is your site paid for or do you accept donations?
Mike Hootner, Associate Head Men's Basketball Coach, Assistant Men's Tennis Coach, Health Education and Physical Education Instructor (San Diego Mesa College, San Diego, CA)
I am writing to notify you that your website has been identified by Lecturers and Library staff as a key learning resource to support students studying on the National Diploma in Sports course. As such we have bookmarked your site within our internet gateway (or within teaching materials) in order that the students can readily access your site.
Wiltshire College (England, United Kingdom)
Congratulations on an outstanding site. I was teaching my year 12 Physical Education class Kinesiology and came across your site and couldn't believe my good luck.
Patrick Leane, Faculty Head of Health & Physical Education, Xavier College (Melbourne, Australia)
I recommend this site to my students all the time and use it as a tool to my lectures all the time .
Jeremy Taunton B.S., M.Ed., Director of Health & Physical Education, Southern Union State Community College (Alabama)
A student gave me your link, great information and a wonderful site!
Laura A. Richardson, Exercise Physiologist, The University of Akron
Love your sight. Lots of great info. I especially like the Fitness Calculators.
LT Jake Barton, Assist. Prof. Naval Science, Northwestern University (Evanston, IL)
...I would like to say the same as many others, WOW! And I’ve only seen a portion of the site! I look forward to viewing more of the site and will definitely be passing it on to my students. Keep up the good work!
Jessica Wheeler, Program Coordinator, Health and Human Performance, University of Houston
I just wanted to compliment you on the website. It's one of the few that I've found that gives good, sound advice on fitness and nutrition. I'll be sending lots of people your way! Keep it up!
Kim Knudson, M Ed, CHES; University of Missouri, Wellness Resource Center (Columbia, MO)
I recommend this site to my students all the time and use it as a tool to my lectures all the time.
Jeremy Taunton B.S., M.Ed., Director of Health & Physical Education, Southern Union State Community College (Alabama)
I really like your site BTW. It’s a great resource.
Grant Sisk, PhD, Senior Manager, Special Academic Programming, Dallas College (Dallas TX)
I am an adjunct instructor at one of the community colleges in San Diego. I am teaching an introduction weight lifting and muscular fitness class this semester. I was checking some good information on the internet and I noticed that you guys have some useful information.
Metin Meral (San Diego, CA)
...your site is very useful and I refer to it in the Personal Health class I teach at Ithaca College.
Nikki Bonanni, Lecturer, Health Promotion & Physical Education, Ithaca College (Ithaca, NY)
I just want to congratulate you and your collaborators for the magnificent and superb homepage exrx. It is for sure the best on the entire www.
Jose Gonzales, DDS, MDS, University of Giessen
I am a Human Anatomy professor in South Carolina and I teach predominantly pre-med and nursing students. I really enjoy your website. It contains some of the most accurate and interesting information on the skeletal muscles and their actions. Your links between the pictures of the muscle locations and their actions is extremely helpful. I use it in my class to demonstrate not only where the muscles are located but to show them the videos of these muscles in use. The students love it and it helps them understand class material much better. Plus they see how these muscles are used in everyday activities.
Tamatha Barbeau, Ph.D., Department of Biology, Francis Marion University (South Carolina)
Your weight training website is really great. I like that the anatomy charts are linked to the animated clips, and will be sure to refer it to my students. I really do like your Exchange List form, since I haven't seen anything like it on the web.
Kathy K. Grunewald, Ph.D., Professor of Foods & Nutrition, Kansas State University
Your website is a big help to my sports medicine patients when seeking rehab exercises and proper form of exercises.
Uziel Sauceda, MD, Family Medicine, CAQ Sports Medicine (Riverside, CA)
What a terrific website! Easy to navigate, and full of competent information. Thank you so much to all involved. I have been directing patients and class attendees to the site for a couple of years now.
Rick Bennett, RD CNSD, Department of Health Education, Kaiser Permanente Medical Center (Oakland, CA)
Our physical therapy department uses your calculators and they like them very much. Thanks for providing these valuable calculators and hope you have a prosperous new year.
Steve Barkley, CGH Medical Center (Sterling, IL)
Thanks a million. I have told a lot of my medical colleagues about your site which is extremely good.
Dr Mushtaq Shafi
Just want to send you a message saying thanks for the content you have provided within exrx. As an exercise physiologist and physical therapist, I greatly appreciate the work you and your colleagues have put into this site.
Dr Jedd Wellenkotter, PT, DPT
I love your site, what a great treasurehouse of information!
RJ Oenbrinkm, DO, AOBFP, ABAM
...love the site!
Mark A. Patterson, M.Ed., Registered Clinical Exercise Physiologist, Cardiovascular Services / Department of Vascular Therapy, Kaiser Permanente (Colorado)
I have been utilizing your site for years now and I thought a thank you was long overdue. I have been extremely pleased with the graphics, quantity of information and accuracy of the information you share. You have been a tremendous source of fitness information. Please continue your work as it is valued by every patient, athlete and consumer of fitness.
Daniel S. Shook, Ph.D., Exercise Physiologist, Cardiac Rehabilitation Program, Westar Medical Center (Westerville, Ohio )
I love your site and always have. All of my fitness testing calculations are done on exrx.net. I don't know what I would do if you didn't offer it anymore. I can't remember how I got by without it... Thanks again!
Moreland Charles, Wellness/Fitness Associate, Federal Occupational Health (Fort Worth, TX)
I am a physician and long-time fitness buff who ran into your website while trying to find references for exercise prescription to assist my patients with their weight loss goals. In a word your site is --TOTALLY AWESOME! The calculators are great! I was able to find 2 reference books on OA and DM exercise prescription that I can't wait to receive. You have done a remarkable job in organizing all the information available. I am so happy to have found it and I look forward to visiting again in the future.
Phylecya Cheatham, MD
I wanted to send along my compliments to your well done web site. I stumbled on it by accident while looking to refresh my memory of some training techniques for my own fitness. I'm a 1993 exercise science grad from UMKC who has moved on to a different career with the American Academy of Family Physicians in Leawood, KS shortly after graduation. Although I'm not active in the field, I really appreciate when I see people who really bring "professional" to exercise science and wellness. So many of us move on to other things due to limited opportunities or pay. Way to hang in there and create such a user friendly resource. I'm also glad to learn of your close affinity to a family physician. I've passed along your link to the Wellness subcommittee chair in our office. Take care!
Jay Fetter, Student Interest Manager, American Academy of Family Physicians (Overland Park, KS)
I have a small medical practice in Southern California. I am putting together a resource packet for patients who would like to become more active and those interested in losing weight. I would like to put together a handout that has some of the effective resources that have helped me over the years. Having said that I wanted to include a QR code to your website and if you allow I would like to use your logo and place it adjacent to the QR code on my hand out.
Dr. Shan Dhillon, DO, Exordium Medical Group, Inc (Redlands, CA)
Armed Forces
James, you have a great site. Great, reliable information. I refer many members to your site via our local fitness training manual.
John Mikula, MA, CTRS, CSCS, HFS, TRX; US Department of Defense, Exercise Physiologist, 94 FSS/FSVR (Dobbins ARB, GA)
I am a retired Marine Corps officer and I have been directly involved in training Marines, coaching, personal training for over 40 years. I am currently a professor for an international fitness organization. I recently discovered your web site while using a search engine. All I can say is WOW!! What a magnificent resource for the fitness professional searching for information based on science, I will strongly encourage all my students to take advantage of your well organized, informative, honest and practical web site. Thanks to all your contributors for a superb "Job Well Done"
JK Taylor, LtCol, USMC (Ret)
Hi James, I don't know if you remember me, but I am also a graduate of KSU from back in 1993. I was finishing up my MS and was a GTA in the human performance lab under the direction of the infamous Karl Rinehardt. We didn't cross paths too much, but I do remember you. I am glad to see you have done so well for yourself and have developed such an awesome website. It will be very useful for the work we do here at the Army War College. Keep up the good work!
Melanie T. Richardson, MS, HFI, Exercise Physiologist, The Army Physical Fitness Research Institute, US Army War College
Your web site is awesome. I got on the web a few minutes ago to search for a site to help me learn more about "body workouts." Did I tell you a FEW minutes ago? That's right, your web site is all I needed to see. I know that the information you have provided will help me begin my task in learning how to maintain my body. I have even sent this to myself at work, just so I can forward this to my coworkers.
MP RIOS, US Marine of 20 years
I recently started taking exercising and eating seriously. Your site is the best I have found for explaining everything. Please keep up the great work.
Brian Leach, US Air Force (Ramstein AB GE)
I just wanted to thank you all for a wonderful web site. I have been using your guides and tips for the past 2 years and it has honestly changed my life. Your site is incredibly detailed and there are no catches to it. Thanks again and keep up the good work.
Abdulkadir Sahin, Coast Guard Recruiting Command (Arlington, VA)
I am a Soldier currently serving my second deployment in Iraq. I have been doing weight training and running on my own with tidbits of advice here and there, but have been in need of further instruction. Your site provided what I need and then some. I have recently suggested your site to other soldiers. Again, thanks.
SSG Jason Sperling, Kansas Army National Guard
I am extremely impressed with your website. The detail to the exercises and the completeness of the whole package as a guide that can be cross referenced so quickly is outstanding. I can truly use the information contained on these pages to train myself as well as the soldiers in my command. Thank you for your outstanding efforts. It also helps that most of you are "Wildcats!"
James Mahurin, SGT, US Army, Infantry
Sports Conditioning
Just wanted to take this opportunity to say thanks for creating such a great resource for health and fitness professionals. I have used your website and referred it to so many people over the years. I am currently the head strength and conditioning coach for Idaho State University Athletics. I work with 14 division 1 teams that consist of over 300 athletes. I have been coaching and personal training for over 25 years. I also have 10 national certifications, but have never come across better information than ExRx.net. I love telling athletes and coaches about your site and using it as a credible resource.
Mark Campbell CSCS, ACE, AFAA, ACSM, YMCAFS, Head Strength and Conditioning Coach for Idaho State University Athletics
Hi, have loved your site for many years....noticed that you had used me as one of the references for the 1RM calculator. Thanks and keep up the great work!
Robert dos Remedios, Head Strength and Conditioning Coach, College of the Canyons, 2007 NSCA Collegiate Strength Coach of the Year (Santa Clarita, CA)
Great job putting together a comprehensive site full of all the ingredients needed to educate the strength/fitness professional and help everyone design and implement strength programs. I have been in the field of strength and conditioning for 13 years and am pleased to see someone presenting the basics (in detail) without bias for any one training system. Well done. Excellent detail in all areas ..structural kinesiology, nutrition, exercises, classifications, etc. There are thousands PhD's and more theorists and researchers out there to draw information from; but the game of figuring out what's true science vs what's practical, prudent, effective, and efficient leaves much to be desired. You're efforts and approach is appreciated. A great teaching tool for students and professionals alike.
Al Jean, Head Strength & Conditioning Coach, Coastal Carolina University
I have been going over you web site and think that it is great.
Robert Stelma, A.T.,C., C.S.C.S., Supervisor- Athletic Training Services, Geisigner Wyoming Valley-Human Motion Institute (Wilkes-Barre, PA)
Incredible Site: I must say that as a professional athlete who tries to stay as informed possible, this site is simply unmatched in the quality and scope of content. A personal trainer is incredible, but no one knows your body like yourself and this site has such a vast array of knowledge from instruction, to myth, to helping one understand what is going physiologically during training, it has helped me modify and adjust to reach an optimal level of preparation and performance. Thanks.
Austin Coose, Baseball Pitcher for the Tampa Bay Devil Rays (Tampa, Florida)
I just had to thank you for the time and effort you have put into your website. It is truly the best. I have been using it for my athletes to refer to for clarification on different exercises, anatomy and nutrition. Keep up the good work and I look forward to your updates.
Bruce Marshall CAT(C), Head Athletic Therapist, Carleton University (Ottawa, Canada)
I have found your web site to be an amazing tool and great guidance for my team in efforts to improve their fitness and level of competition.
Jim Gaine, Head Coach & Team Manager, Clemson University Rugby
Congratulations on your superb website. The quality and quantity of information is truly remarkable. Thank you for exhibiting one of my books and we would be pleased to link it to our YMCA website. Thanks again for your excellent work.
Dr. Wayne Westcott, Ph.D., Fitness Research Director, South Shore YMCA
First off, your site is a terrific resource for any exercise professional. I was first introduced to its existence while studying Exercise Science at Southern Illinois University Carbondale. I have since taken a job where I oversee our YMCA programs, wellness center, and personal trainers. I love the site and use it constantly. I refer all of my trainers to this site to add variety to their workouts and to stay on top of the always evolving field of exercise science. Thanks and keep up the good work.
Chris Turner, BS, CPT, Program Director, Danville Family YMCA (Danville, IL)
Hi. My name is Micah Barcalow, and I am an Assistant Program Director at the Jorgensen Family YMCA in Fort Wayne, IN. I am responsible for the day-to-day operations of our fitness center, including staffing. While I hold a degree in exercise and am certified as a personal trainer, I often receive very specific exercise-related questions that require some research on my part. I can always count on your site to provide excellent, unbiased information. I regularly refer staff and clients to your site. I check your site for updates on a regular basis as well, since it helps me keep up to date and enables me to maintain variety in my own personal workouts. Thanks for building a great site.
Micah Barcalow, Assistant Program Director, Jorgensen Family YMCA (Fort Wayne, IN)
I just wanted to say thank you for making such a wealth of valuable information so easily accessible. For health professionals such as myself, it is a valuable tool to use and to recommend to our members.
Dave Ray, Healthy Lifestyles Director, East Valley Family YMCA (N. Hollywood, CA )
Other Testimonies for ExRx.net
Exrx.net is little changed since the days of Yahoo GeoCities and dial-up and saying “www” aloud. Yet beneath its barebones interface is a deep physiological compendium. Admittedly, in my many years using the site I’ve trawled through only a fraction of what exrx.net has to offer. My infatuation with it began and remains centered upon its holy grail: the exercise directory.
Lauren Michele Jackson (March 3, 2023). The Internet's Richest Fitness Resource is a Site from 1999. The New Yorker.
Hey, fabulous site! You've really done and excellent job; I'll be pleased to send people over! Dave Drapers review of ExRx: Here's a link to keep handy, like, forever. Next time you don't know how to do an exercise or can't figure out what muscle you're working, drop on by ExRx for a painless answer.
Laree & Dave Draper, Mr. America, Mr. Universe, Mr. World
I want to thank you for such a functional (and free site). I am working with my 60 year old uncle and I was going to use the NSCA materials - but I found your site to be much more user friendly and convenient. I am going to get him started on free weights and with good instruction I think he will enjoy it and stick with it. I am a sales rep with StairMaster (11years) in Florida. I have a BS in Ex phys from Wis. -Madison and MS from UAB - but most of my emphasis has been on CV rehab and aerobic training. Please let me know if you recommend any other materials for strength training beginning seniors. I know Wayne Wescott and am familiar with his materials. Anything else you recommend or do you have any instructional videos? Thanks again for such an impressive and generous site. Please let me know if I can ever be of any assistance to you in return.
Jerry Napp, MS, BS, StairMaster (Florida)
What a great and informative site!
David Ponsonby, Former Nautilus Researcher
Great job; looks like a great site... I am also doing a symposium in November that you might be interested in. Eric Serrano is one of 34 presenters coming... If you want to come as a guest of mine to the symposium, let me know. It would be great to meet you. Take care.
Dr. Ken Kinakin, DC, CSCS, Founder of Society of Weight-Training Injury Specialists - SWIS (Mississauga, Ontario)
After twenty years in the fitness industry national director for coaching bodybuilding and fitness here in new zealand and currently upskilling at ucol here in new zealand i was blown away excited and veryyyyyyyyy impressed with the detail of your site it blew my mind to have information such as yours to cross reference what i am doing also will try to send on this site to our members here in new zealand thats approx 3000 as it will be endorsed at national level for research purposes .
Mark Pitt, Director of Coaching, Bodybuilding and Fitness (New Zealand)
My name is Al Gerard and I invented and patented the Trap Bar. Your site with the shrugs and deadlifts being performed with the Trap Bar are great! If I can be of any service to you, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Al Gerard, Inventor of the Trap Bar
...I am a Astronaut Strength / Conditioning and Rehab Specialist in Houston, Texas. I am writing because I really think that your website is one of the best that I have come across, and one other reason. We are currently up grading our Astronaut Fitness Manual and I would like to use some of the pictures in your website. ...Its main purpose will be education for the astronauts....
Corey Twine, Wyle Laboratories (Contracted by NASA)