Dragana Antonijevic | Filozofski fakultet Beograd (original) (raw)
Books by Dragana Antonijevic
Knjiga "Karađorđe i Miloš: Između istorije i folklora" dr Dragane Antonijević predstavlja izuzeta... more Knjiga "Karađorđe i Miloš: Između istorije i folklora" dr Dragane Antonijević predstavlja izuzetan doprinos proučavanju i razumevanju mitopolitičkog konstruisanja važnih istorijskih događaja, kao i načina na koji istorijski sadržaji podležu narativizaciji i folklorizaciji, odnosno, kako se preoblikuju u mitska kazivanja u usmenoj narodnoj tradiciji. Načinivši detaljan uvid u "scenu" srpskog društva u prvoj polovini 19. veka, kroz analizu istoriografskih, ekonomskih, demografskih i sociopsiholoških karakteristika, autorka prelazi na razmatranje folklorizovanih biografija Karađorđa i kneza Miloša, praveći jasnu semantičku razliku između ova dva nacionalna junaka. Autorka je pokazala veliko razumevanje društvenih, kulturnih i istorijskih procesa koji su se dešavali u Srbiji, pokazala je da izuzetno vlada analitičkim metodama i antropološkim, književnim i folklorističkim teorijskim postavkama u interpretaciji materijala koji je doprineo mitizaciji nacionalnih heroja i Srpske revolucije kao istorijskih činjenica. Autorka je dala značajan doprinos razumevanju složenih procesa koji istorijske fakte pretvaraju u folklorne narative, u delotvorne i snažne mitske konstrukte koji daju pečat političkim zbivanjima i narodnom shvatanju sopstvene istorije.
Autorka analizira diskurse o Karađorđu i knezu Milošu kao istorijske, folklorne, političke i ideo... more Autorka analizira diskurse o Karađorđu i knezu Milošu kao istorijske, folklorne, političke i ideološke konstrukte. Složena priroda ovih diskursa upućuje na zaključak o postojanju dva politička simbola u srpskoj tradiciji koji se nalaze u međusobno suprotstavljenom odnosu: Karađorđe kao heroj, revolucionar i ratnik, i knez Miloš kao diplomata, lukav i vešt državnik. Takva podvojena paradigma ispoljila se kao bazični strukturalni obrazac političkog ponašanja srpskog naroda, proizvodeći raskole i onemogućavajući da se formira konstruktivan i jedinstven stav koji bi vodio srpski narod u kritičnim istorijskim trenucima. U knjizi "Karađorđe i Miloš: Mit i politika", autorka, postavljajući osnovno pitanje o odnosu mita i istorije, analizira strukturu i značenje mitopolitičkih paradigmi o Karađorđu i knezu Milošu, a zatim, prvi put u istorijskoj i antropološkoj nauci, analizira i predlaže semantičku strukturu i značenje Srpske revolucije kao političkog mita. Autorka analizira poslednju deceniju 20. veka, kada su mitopolitičke paradigme o Karađorđu i knezu Milošu aktualizovane kao modeli koji su trebali da daju doprinos osmišljavanju nacionalnog identiteta u vreme raspada bivše SFRJ i stoga bile predmet instrumentalizacije u dnevnopolitičke svrhe.
Metodološki ogledi, kako je autorka ove knjige nazvala teorijsko-metodološke folklorističke anali... more Metodološki ogledi, kako je autorka ove knjige nazvala teorijsko-metodološke folklorističke analize koje je u knjizi predstavljala i kritički razmatrala, odabrani su prema ličnom afinitetu autorke, a dolaze iz različitih naučnih disciplina iz kojih je folkloristika crpla svoje teorijske koncepte: antropologije i strukturalne antropologije, semiotike, narativnih teorija i sociologije. Zajednička nit ovih metodoloških eksperimenata jeste folklorni tekst kao glavni predmet istraživanja odnosno krajnji proizvod složene folklorne komunikacije. Druga objedinjujuća crta jeste njihova inovativnost kao eksperimenata u odnosu na vreme, mesto i stanje folkloristike u trenutku kada su nastali, odnosno same metode i interpretativnog postupka koji je primenjen. Dragana Antonijević je na stručan, inspirativan i instruktivan način razmotrila ove analitičke radove i njihovu metodološku osnovu, od kojih su neki potpuno ili slabo poznati srpskoj naučnoj javnosti.
Prvo poglavlje predstavlja kritičko razmatranje zaokruženog teorijsko-metodološkog koncepta američkog folkloriste-sociologa Gerija Alana Fajna. Drugo, treće i četvrto poglavlje su međusobno bliski po osnovnoj metodologiji koja ih povezuje – strukturalizmu, mada primenjenog na različite načine i inspirisanog od različitih strukturalističkih autora, a koje su ponudile srpska folkloristkinja-filolog Nada Milošević-Đorđević, američka folkloristkinja-psiholog Beverli Krejn, i još jedna srpska folkloristkinja-antropolog – autorka ove knjige.
Knjiga Antropološko istraživanje kulturnog identiteta gastarbajtera ispunjava značajnu prazninu u... more Knjiga Antropološko istraživanje kulturnog identiteta gastarbajtera ispunjava značajnu prazninu unutar dosadašnjih antropoloških istraživanja u Srbiji. Ona se bavi pitanjima i problemima koji proističu iz pola veka dugog odlaska građana Srbije na privremeni rad u zemlje zapadne Evrope. Pored nesumnjivo jasne vrednosti istraživanja ovog, do sada uglavnom zanemarenog antropološkog polja rada, posebnu vrednost ovog rukopisa čini primena različitih aktuelnih antropoloških teorija, koje autorka koristi u skladu sa potrebama građe i postavljenim istraživačkim pitanjima, omogućavajući tako razumevanje ponašanja i mišljenja različitih generacija gastarbajtera, njihovih porodica i sunarodnika. Nije pretenciozno reći da knjiga zasniva celovitu antropologiju migracija i to upravo zbog multimetodološkog pristupa. Autorka kreativno primenjuje postojeće pristupe, kombinuje ih i gradi sopstvene postupke koji, sasvim očigledno, daju kvalitetne interpretacije i tumačenja sakupljenog etnografskog materijala.
Papers by Dragana Antonijevic
Etnoantropološki problemi / Issues in Ethnology and Anthropology
This paper starts with Levi-Strauss’s semantic concept that consists of oblivion, misunderstandin... more This paper starts with Levi-Strauss’s semantic concept that consists of oblivion, misunderstanding, indiscretion and nostalgia. Through his analysis of North American and Greek myths, Levi-Strauss concluded that “semantic filed of oblivion” has an important meaning especially in the construction of particular rules and rituals; or, in other words, it has an important part in the introduction of culture to the nature of cognitive and social processes. After the introduction of concept Structure of disturbed communication and some corrections to the Levi-Strauss’s concept, I start with the proposition that the period of transition represents unstable and ‘slippery’ time in which society negotiates different meanings. That is the time when different styles of thoughts, represented by different and powerful groups that have an impact on current social, political and ideological processes, compete with each other fighting for supremacy. Their field of communication can be seen as a fiel...
Bulletin de l'Institut etnographique, 2018
Apstrakt: U ovom radu autori nastoje da preciziraju pojmovni aparat proučavanja no-stalgije s nam... more Apstrakt: U ovom radu autori nastoje da preciziraju pojmovni aparat proučavanja no-stalgije s namerom da se, nakon određivanja metodološkog postupka, izgradi celovita teorijsko-metodološka platforma na osnovu koje će se vršiti istraživanja. Projekat je zamišljen kao interdisciplinarni postupak u kome će učestvovati antropolog folklora (folklorista), psiholog i antropolog koji će pratiti tri vrste nostalgičnih narativa: život-nu priču kao folklornu formu, lična sećanja kao proizvod pamćenja i usmenu istoriju kao najklasičniju nostalgičnu formu. Poređenjem te tri vrste narativa nameravamo da utvdimo da li između ovih diskursa postoje veze i kakva je priroda tih veza. Ključne reči: nostalgija, jugonostalgija, pamćenje, autobiografsko sećanje, lične pri-če, istorijska nostalgija, Srbija, Jugoslavija Uvod Pojava nostalgičnih narativa u bivšim socijalističkim zemljama proizvela je lavinu teorijskih i istraživačkih radova o ostalgiji (oestalgia) u Nemačkoj ili ju-gonostalgiji u zemljama bi...
Apstrakt: "Mape stereotipa" poslednjih nekoliko godina postale su izuzetno popula-ran s... more Apstrakt: "Mape stereotipa" poslednjih nekoliko godina postale su izuzetno popula-ran sadržaj u internet prostoru, prosleđivane elektronskom poštom i sa milionskim po-setama na veb stranicama. Njihova nameravana duhovitost ima i svoju agresivnu stra-nu: u formi šaljive političke nekorektnosti nude se i komercijalizuju folklorizovane predrasude o narodima i državama. S aspekta multikulturalnosti i potrebe za pregova-ranjem o identitetima-različitim i promenljivim, mape stereotipa se iskazuju kao potpuna suprotnost tom konceptu koristeći se vešto konstruisanim predstavama: ka-rakteristike naroda i država iz nekog određenog istorijskog i političkog trenutka se esencijalizuju i petrifikuju, postajući mogući snažan činilac u imagološkim stereotip-nim predstavama ogromnog internet auditorijuma. U ovom radu ćemo se pozabaviti fenomenom mapa stereotipa i pripisanim predstavama o Srbiji u okviru političko-geo-grafskog prostora bivše SFRJ i Balkana. Ključne reči: mape stereotipa, et...
spore hrane" (slow food movement) koji se zasniva na prehrambenim namirnicama koje se lokaln... more spore hrane" (slow food movement) koji se zasniva na prehrambenim namirnicama koje se lokalno proizvode/gaje i na tradicionalnim tehnikama pripreme hrane. Rad je rezultat teren-skih istraživanja salaša u Bačkoj i Banatu, koji su revitalizovani za potrebe turizma i ugostiteljstva, kao i analize sadržaja medijskih predstavljanja salašarskog turizma. Ključne reči: salaši, turizam, tradicija, etno kuhinja, slow food, gastronomija, kul-turni identitet, Vojvodina * Članak je rezultat rada na projektu "Antropološko proučavanje Srbije-od kul-turnog nasleđa do modernog društva" (ev. br. 177035) koji finansira Ministarstvo pro-svete, nauke i tehnološkog razvoja Republike Srbije. Prethodno je saopšten na među-narodnom naučnom skupu Les traditions en Europe: modification, invention et instru-mentalisation des traditions-27ème Colloque du Réseau de coopération scientifique en ethnologie et historiographie européennes, Eurethno (Beograd-Sirogojno, 6-7. IX 2013).
Metodološki okvir proučavanja nostalgije i životnih priča * Apstrakt: Nostalgični narativi se jav... more Metodološki okvir proučavanja nostalgije i životnih priča * Apstrakt: Nostalgični narativi se javljaju u dva dominantna oblika-kao istorijske nostalgije i kao personalne nostalgije. Personalni sadržaji i istorijske priče se mogu re-gistrovati u slobodnoj formi životnih priča, žanra dobro poznatog u folkloristici, kao i u narativima koji se dobijaju kroz dve forme intervjua. Prva forma intervjua se generi-še iz antropološke tradicije tj. etnografskog prikupljanja podataka i odnosi se na opis društvenih, ekonomskih i svih drugih elemenata prošlosti, dok se druga forma inter-vjua, generisana iz psihologije, slična dubinskom intervjuu, odnosi na lične doživljaje iz ranijeg vremena. Kada se dođe do nostalgičnih narativa u ove tri forme moguće je sprovesti: a) analizu svake ponaosob i b) porediti ih u cilju utvrđivanja razlika i slič-nosti. Na osnovu takvog postupka moguće je otkriti gde i kako se stvaraju opisi proš-losti koji ne odgovaraju ličnom iskustvu, što je karakteristika kako jug...
Etnoantropološki problemi / Issues in Ethnology and Anthropology, 2021
This review paper provides an overview of the ten-year long anthropological research on the cultu... more This review paper provides an overview of the ten-year long anthropological research on the cultural identity of guest workers and their descendants as part of the projects implemented by the associates of the Department of Ethnology and Anthropology of the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade and the SASA Institute of Ethnography. The projects were supported by the Serbian Ethnological and Anthropological Society and the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade. The phenomenon of “temporary workers abroad”, or the so-called guest workers (Gastarbeiter), which emerged in the early 1960s and continued in the decades to come, has long remained beyond the interest of Serbian anthropological and ethnological science. This is why, after having noticed a scientific research gap related to this phenomenon, in 2010 we initiated the anthropological research of the cultural identity of guest workers. Our intention was to take into account different factors of guest-worker identity construct...
Etnoantropološki problemi / Issues in Ethnology and Anthropology, 2020
This paper analyzes the novel Twilight in the Viennese Hallway 2 (Old Boska) (2013) by Darko Mark... more This paper analyzes the novel Twilight in the Viennese Hallway 2 (Old Boska) (2013) by Darko Markov, a migrant-writer from Vienna. The novel describes the way of life and culturological characteristics of Serbian immigrants in Austria through two generations – the gastarbeiter as the older immigrant stratum of migrant workers in the 1970s and 1980s, and the younger, well-educated people who immigrated in the 1990s, fleeing the wars in the former Yugoslavia and the dire economic situation in Serbia due to inflation and international sanctions. Through the seemingly simple storyline about the marital and romantic problems of the protagonist – a young intellectual from Belgrade who arrived in Vienna in the 1990s, the author constructs a dense narrative network of the main character's various experiences, describing the difficulties of adjusting and coping in a foreign country. The protagonist simultaneously comes up against two worlds with different value systems – on the one hand...
Issues in Ethnology and Anthropology, 2018
Specific populations with fluid identities are subject to external construction of their particul... more Specific populations with fluid identities are subject to external construction of their particularity and rarely expose their own commitments in public arena. Their identity-related feelings and loyalties are built up in correlation of personal intimacy, cultural intimacy and various inputs stemming from the sphere of identity. Varieties of storytelling play significant role in displaying identity-related intimacy and are used in elaboration of identity-inputs that are externally served to such populations. Based on superficial, genristic storytelling, interplay of various flaws of consciousness enables for the playful mixture of emotional precepts. Two types of storytelling on particularity of guest workers (gastarbeiter) are examined, in order to explore their formative potential and transformation through time. Literary narrative, as represented in the novel by Darko Markov Twilight in Viennese Hallway (Sumrak u Bečkom haustoru), and publicist narrative, as represented in The Wo...
Etnoantropološki problemi / Issues in Ethnology and Anthropology, 2016
Fantasies about clones, cyborgs and androids have become part and parcel of the mythology of mode... more Fantasies about clones, cyborgs and androids have become part and parcel of the mythology of modern times – the mythologies of the biotechnological era in which the achievements of genetic engineering have inflamed fears of possible abuse of scientific knowledge and the consequences of such abuse. The paper considers the phenomenon of reproductive cloning of human beings as it is represented in popular culture, especially film as it is one of the most important sources of representations and constructions of ideas about clones. After the introductory consideration of this phenomenon in scientific, ethical and media debates which are imbued with rejection of reproductive cloning, I have analyzed the different uses of the clone motif in selected movies. I have examined the structure and content of the genre formula of “social melodrama” which is present in films about clones, and have analyzed the mythical patterns pertaining to the topic of cloning, such as the myth of immortality, t...
Etnoantropološki problemi / Issues in Ethnology and Anthropology, 2006
This paper attempts to offer a critical overview of the theoretical and methodological contributi... more This paper attempts to offer a critical overview of the theoretical and methodological contribution of micro-sociologist and social psychologist Gary Alan Fine to folklore studies. It begins with a discussion of both the major and most questioned points of his methodology, continues with a consideration of the wider folkloristical framework of his interpretation, and ends with a suggestion for innovation and improvement of Fine's analytical framework for the interpretation of folk narratives. Gary Alan Fine's most significant contribution to folklore studies was research of rumours and urban legends, including their meaning, function, and influence on individual behavior. In a series of papers, apart from offering an interpretation of various urban and corporate legends, he also demonstrated methods and means of connecting social and cultural factors with narrative content, in the context of social and economic structures and relations in post-industrial and late-capitalis...
Etnoantropološki problemi / Issues in Ethnology and Anthropology, 2007
Legends and rumors of organ theft became a global phenomenon in the beginning of the 80s, with th... more Legends and rumors of organ theft became a global phenomenon in the beginning of the 80s, with the information originating from the “third world” countries. Victims where poor and powerless, typically children. The rumor engaged a series of actions from anthropologists, NGO’s and media trying to ascertain their validity. Before long, the world was divided into two camps: on the one hand where those who believed the rumors, condemning the West for its exploitation of the underdeveloped and the poor that lead to organ theft from healthy individuals to satisfy the needs of the rich white patients: and the other faction that, through the data, tried to negate these assertions as unfounded and illogical. At the beginning of the nineties, similar reports surfaced in the highly developed societies of Europe and the US. Unlike the rumors, these where developed, structured narratives with specific content-legends of kidney theft, whose victims were left alive. Internet has brought about the ...
Etnoantropološki problemi / Issues in Ethnology and Anthropology, 2008
By applying the semiological analysis, this paper considers planned and unplanned readings of a p... more By applying the semiological analysis, this paper considers planned and unplanned readings of a provocative domestic commercial, which, in order to convey its message, transposed the Little Red Riding Hood’s character in accordance with the advertised product – Durex condoms. This commercial caused furious reactions of parents who took legal action for breaching the Law on public advertising and, especially, „harming children’s sensibility and integrity“. Provocative billboards also caused numerous comments in the daily newspapers, in the Internet chat rooms, with some considering the commercial vulgar and offensive and others having no problem with it, adding that the ones who took offence belonged to those puritan and conservative layers of the society. In order to discover the reasons to this kind of reactions, I started with researching how the commercial was made and what kind of message it offered. Next, I reconsidered the meaning of the very fairy tale „The Red Riding Hood“. ...
Etnoantropološki problemi / Issues in Ethnology and Anthropology, 2010
This paper looks at the structural analyses of the composition of several oral literary genres in... more This paper looks at the structural analyses of the composition of several oral literary genres in Serbian literature performed by Prof. Nada Milošević-Đorđević. By analyzing romantic tales, religious tales, tales of fate and sagas, Milošević-Đorđević, a renowned Serbian folklore scholar, has made original contributions to narrative semiotics and syntagmatic analysis. Taking as her starting point the morphology of Vladimir Propp but also of some other semioticians, she revised his narrative scheme, adapting it to the specific characteristics of these literary genres and also proposing an entirely original scheme for religious tales and tales of fate, thus becoming one of the first literary folklorists in Serbia to apply structural analysis.
Knjiga "Karađorđe i Miloš: Između istorije i folklora" dr Dragane Antonijević predstavlja izuzeta... more Knjiga "Karađorđe i Miloš: Između istorije i folklora" dr Dragane Antonijević predstavlja izuzetan doprinos proučavanju i razumevanju mitopolitičkog konstruisanja važnih istorijskih događaja, kao i načina na koji istorijski sadržaji podležu narativizaciji i folklorizaciji, odnosno, kako se preoblikuju u mitska kazivanja u usmenoj narodnoj tradiciji. Načinivši detaljan uvid u "scenu" srpskog društva u prvoj polovini 19. veka, kroz analizu istoriografskih, ekonomskih, demografskih i sociopsiholoških karakteristika, autorka prelazi na razmatranje folklorizovanih biografija Karađorđa i kneza Miloša, praveći jasnu semantičku razliku između ova dva nacionalna junaka. Autorka je pokazala veliko razumevanje društvenih, kulturnih i istorijskih procesa koji su se dešavali u Srbiji, pokazala je da izuzetno vlada analitičkim metodama i antropološkim, književnim i folklorističkim teorijskim postavkama u interpretaciji materijala koji je doprineo mitizaciji nacionalnih heroja i Srpske revolucije kao istorijskih činjenica. Autorka je dala značajan doprinos razumevanju složenih procesa koji istorijske fakte pretvaraju u folklorne narative, u delotvorne i snažne mitske konstrukte koji daju pečat političkim zbivanjima i narodnom shvatanju sopstvene istorije.
Autorka analizira diskurse o Karađorđu i knezu Milošu kao istorijske, folklorne, političke i ideo... more Autorka analizira diskurse o Karađorđu i knezu Milošu kao istorijske, folklorne, političke i ideološke konstrukte. Složena priroda ovih diskursa upućuje na zaključak o postojanju dva politička simbola u srpskoj tradiciji koji se nalaze u međusobno suprotstavljenom odnosu: Karađorđe kao heroj, revolucionar i ratnik, i knez Miloš kao diplomata, lukav i vešt državnik. Takva podvojena paradigma ispoljila se kao bazični strukturalni obrazac političkog ponašanja srpskog naroda, proizvodeći raskole i onemogućavajući da se formira konstruktivan i jedinstven stav koji bi vodio srpski narod u kritičnim istorijskim trenucima. U knjizi "Karađorđe i Miloš: Mit i politika", autorka, postavljajući osnovno pitanje o odnosu mita i istorije, analizira strukturu i značenje mitopolitičkih paradigmi o Karađorđu i knezu Milošu, a zatim, prvi put u istorijskoj i antropološkoj nauci, analizira i predlaže semantičku strukturu i značenje Srpske revolucije kao političkog mita. Autorka analizira poslednju deceniju 20. veka, kada su mitopolitičke paradigme o Karađorđu i knezu Milošu aktualizovane kao modeli koji su trebali da daju doprinos osmišljavanju nacionalnog identiteta u vreme raspada bivše SFRJ i stoga bile predmet instrumentalizacije u dnevnopolitičke svrhe.
Metodološki ogledi, kako je autorka ove knjige nazvala teorijsko-metodološke folklorističke anali... more Metodološki ogledi, kako je autorka ove knjige nazvala teorijsko-metodološke folklorističke analize koje je u knjizi predstavljala i kritički razmatrala, odabrani su prema ličnom afinitetu autorke, a dolaze iz različitih naučnih disciplina iz kojih je folkloristika crpla svoje teorijske koncepte: antropologije i strukturalne antropologije, semiotike, narativnih teorija i sociologije. Zajednička nit ovih metodoloških eksperimenata jeste folklorni tekst kao glavni predmet istraživanja odnosno krajnji proizvod složene folklorne komunikacije. Druga objedinjujuća crta jeste njihova inovativnost kao eksperimenata u odnosu na vreme, mesto i stanje folkloristike u trenutku kada su nastali, odnosno same metode i interpretativnog postupka koji je primenjen. Dragana Antonijević je na stručan, inspirativan i instruktivan način razmotrila ove analitičke radove i njihovu metodološku osnovu, od kojih su neki potpuno ili slabo poznati srpskoj naučnoj javnosti.
Prvo poglavlje predstavlja kritičko razmatranje zaokruženog teorijsko-metodološkog koncepta američkog folkloriste-sociologa Gerija Alana Fajna. Drugo, treće i četvrto poglavlje su međusobno bliski po osnovnoj metodologiji koja ih povezuje – strukturalizmu, mada primenjenog na različite načine i inspirisanog od različitih strukturalističkih autora, a koje su ponudile srpska folkloristkinja-filolog Nada Milošević-Đorđević, američka folkloristkinja-psiholog Beverli Krejn, i još jedna srpska folkloristkinja-antropolog – autorka ove knjige.
Knjiga Antropološko istraživanje kulturnog identiteta gastarbajtera ispunjava značajnu prazninu u... more Knjiga Antropološko istraživanje kulturnog identiteta gastarbajtera ispunjava značajnu prazninu unutar dosadašnjih antropoloških istraživanja u Srbiji. Ona se bavi pitanjima i problemima koji proističu iz pola veka dugog odlaska građana Srbije na privremeni rad u zemlje zapadne Evrope. Pored nesumnjivo jasne vrednosti istraživanja ovog, do sada uglavnom zanemarenog antropološkog polja rada, posebnu vrednost ovog rukopisa čini primena različitih aktuelnih antropoloških teorija, koje autorka koristi u skladu sa potrebama građe i postavljenim istraživačkim pitanjima, omogućavajući tako razumevanje ponašanja i mišljenja različitih generacija gastarbajtera, njihovih porodica i sunarodnika. Nije pretenciozno reći da knjiga zasniva celovitu antropologiju migracija i to upravo zbog multimetodološkog pristupa. Autorka kreativno primenjuje postojeće pristupe, kombinuje ih i gradi sopstvene postupke koji, sasvim očigledno, daju kvalitetne interpretacije i tumačenja sakupljenog etnografskog materijala.
Etnoantropološki problemi / Issues in Ethnology and Anthropology
This paper starts with Levi-Strauss’s semantic concept that consists of oblivion, misunderstandin... more This paper starts with Levi-Strauss’s semantic concept that consists of oblivion, misunderstanding, indiscretion and nostalgia. Through his analysis of North American and Greek myths, Levi-Strauss concluded that “semantic filed of oblivion” has an important meaning especially in the construction of particular rules and rituals; or, in other words, it has an important part in the introduction of culture to the nature of cognitive and social processes. After the introduction of concept Structure of disturbed communication and some corrections to the Levi-Strauss’s concept, I start with the proposition that the period of transition represents unstable and ‘slippery’ time in which society negotiates different meanings. That is the time when different styles of thoughts, represented by different and powerful groups that have an impact on current social, political and ideological processes, compete with each other fighting for supremacy. Their field of communication can be seen as a fiel...
Bulletin de l'Institut etnographique, 2018
Apstrakt: U ovom radu autori nastoje da preciziraju pojmovni aparat proučavanja no-stalgije s nam... more Apstrakt: U ovom radu autori nastoje da preciziraju pojmovni aparat proučavanja no-stalgije s namerom da se, nakon određivanja metodološkog postupka, izgradi celovita teorijsko-metodološka platforma na osnovu koje će se vršiti istraživanja. Projekat je zamišljen kao interdisciplinarni postupak u kome će učestvovati antropolog folklora (folklorista), psiholog i antropolog koji će pratiti tri vrste nostalgičnih narativa: život-nu priču kao folklornu formu, lična sećanja kao proizvod pamćenja i usmenu istoriju kao najklasičniju nostalgičnu formu. Poređenjem te tri vrste narativa nameravamo da utvdimo da li između ovih diskursa postoje veze i kakva je priroda tih veza. Ključne reči: nostalgija, jugonostalgija, pamćenje, autobiografsko sećanje, lične pri-če, istorijska nostalgija, Srbija, Jugoslavija Uvod Pojava nostalgičnih narativa u bivšim socijalističkim zemljama proizvela je lavinu teorijskih i istraživačkih radova o ostalgiji (oestalgia) u Nemačkoj ili ju-gonostalgiji u zemljama bi...
Apstrakt: "Mape stereotipa" poslednjih nekoliko godina postale su izuzetno popula-ran s... more Apstrakt: "Mape stereotipa" poslednjih nekoliko godina postale su izuzetno popula-ran sadržaj u internet prostoru, prosleđivane elektronskom poštom i sa milionskim po-setama na veb stranicama. Njihova nameravana duhovitost ima i svoju agresivnu stra-nu: u formi šaljive političke nekorektnosti nude se i komercijalizuju folklorizovane predrasude o narodima i državama. S aspekta multikulturalnosti i potrebe za pregova-ranjem o identitetima-različitim i promenljivim, mape stereotipa se iskazuju kao potpuna suprotnost tom konceptu koristeći se vešto konstruisanim predstavama: ka-rakteristike naroda i država iz nekog određenog istorijskog i političkog trenutka se esencijalizuju i petrifikuju, postajući mogući snažan činilac u imagološkim stereotip-nim predstavama ogromnog internet auditorijuma. U ovom radu ćemo se pozabaviti fenomenom mapa stereotipa i pripisanim predstavama o Srbiji u okviru političko-geo-grafskog prostora bivše SFRJ i Balkana. Ključne reči: mape stereotipa, et...
spore hrane" (slow food movement) koji se zasniva na prehrambenim namirnicama koje se lokaln... more spore hrane" (slow food movement) koji se zasniva na prehrambenim namirnicama koje se lokalno proizvode/gaje i na tradicionalnim tehnikama pripreme hrane. Rad je rezultat teren-skih istraživanja salaša u Bačkoj i Banatu, koji su revitalizovani za potrebe turizma i ugostiteljstva, kao i analize sadržaja medijskih predstavljanja salašarskog turizma. Ključne reči: salaši, turizam, tradicija, etno kuhinja, slow food, gastronomija, kul-turni identitet, Vojvodina * Članak je rezultat rada na projektu "Antropološko proučavanje Srbije-od kul-turnog nasleđa do modernog društva" (ev. br. 177035) koji finansira Ministarstvo pro-svete, nauke i tehnološkog razvoja Republike Srbije. Prethodno je saopšten na među-narodnom naučnom skupu Les traditions en Europe: modification, invention et instru-mentalisation des traditions-27ème Colloque du Réseau de coopération scientifique en ethnologie et historiographie européennes, Eurethno (Beograd-Sirogojno, 6-7. IX 2013).
Metodološki okvir proučavanja nostalgije i životnih priča * Apstrakt: Nostalgični narativi se jav... more Metodološki okvir proučavanja nostalgije i životnih priča * Apstrakt: Nostalgični narativi se javljaju u dva dominantna oblika-kao istorijske nostalgije i kao personalne nostalgije. Personalni sadržaji i istorijske priče se mogu re-gistrovati u slobodnoj formi životnih priča, žanra dobro poznatog u folkloristici, kao i u narativima koji se dobijaju kroz dve forme intervjua. Prva forma intervjua se generi-še iz antropološke tradicije tj. etnografskog prikupljanja podataka i odnosi se na opis društvenih, ekonomskih i svih drugih elemenata prošlosti, dok se druga forma inter-vjua, generisana iz psihologije, slična dubinskom intervjuu, odnosi na lične doživljaje iz ranijeg vremena. Kada se dođe do nostalgičnih narativa u ove tri forme moguće je sprovesti: a) analizu svake ponaosob i b) porediti ih u cilju utvrđivanja razlika i slič-nosti. Na osnovu takvog postupka moguće je otkriti gde i kako se stvaraju opisi proš-losti koji ne odgovaraju ličnom iskustvu, što je karakteristika kako jug...
Etnoantropološki problemi / Issues in Ethnology and Anthropology, 2021
This review paper provides an overview of the ten-year long anthropological research on the cultu... more This review paper provides an overview of the ten-year long anthropological research on the cultural identity of guest workers and their descendants as part of the projects implemented by the associates of the Department of Ethnology and Anthropology of the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade and the SASA Institute of Ethnography. The projects were supported by the Serbian Ethnological and Anthropological Society and the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade. The phenomenon of “temporary workers abroad”, or the so-called guest workers (Gastarbeiter), which emerged in the early 1960s and continued in the decades to come, has long remained beyond the interest of Serbian anthropological and ethnological science. This is why, after having noticed a scientific research gap related to this phenomenon, in 2010 we initiated the anthropological research of the cultural identity of guest workers. Our intention was to take into account different factors of guest-worker identity construct...
Etnoantropološki problemi / Issues in Ethnology and Anthropology, 2020
This paper analyzes the novel Twilight in the Viennese Hallway 2 (Old Boska) (2013) by Darko Mark... more This paper analyzes the novel Twilight in the Viennese Hallway 2 (Old Boska) (2013) by Darko Markov, a migrant-writer from Vienna. The novel describes the way of life and culturological characteristics of Serbian immigrants in Austria through two generations – the gastarbeiter as the older immigrant stratum of migrant workers in the 1970s and 1980s, and the younger, well-educated people who immigrated in the 1990s, fleeing the wars in the former Yugoslavia and the dire economic situation in Serbia due to inflation and international sanctions. Through the seemingly simple storyline about the marital and romantic problems of the protagonist – a young intellectual from Belgrade who arrived in Vienna in the 1990s, the author constructs a dense narrative network of the main character's various experiences, describing the difficulties of adjusting and coping in a foreign country. The protagonist simultaneously comes up against two worlds with different value systems – on the one hand...
Issues in Ethnology and Anthropology, 2018
Specific populations with fluid identities are subject to external construction of their particul... more Specific populations with fluid identities are subject to external construction of their particularity and rarely expose their own commitments in public arena. Their identity-related feelings and loyalties are built up in correlation of personal intimacy, cultural intimacy and various inputs stemming from the sphere of identity. Varieties of storytelling play significant role in displaying identity-related intimacy and are used in elaboration of identity-inputs that are externally served to such populations. Based on superficial, genristic storytelling, interplay of various flaws of consciousness enables for the playful mixture of emotional precepts. Two types of storytelling on particularity of guest workers (gastarbeiter) are examined, in order to explore their formative potential and transformation through time. Literary narrative, as represented in the novel by Darko Markov Twilight in Viennese Hallway (Sumrak u Bečkom haustoru), and publicist narrative, as represented in The Wo...
Etnoantropološki problemi / Issues in Ethnology and Anthropology, 2016
Fantasies about clones, cyborgs and androids have become part and parcel of the mythology of mode... more Fantasies about clones, cyborgs and androids have become part and parcel of the mythology of modern times – the mythologies of the biotechnological era in which the achievements of genetic engineering have inflamed fears of possible abuse of scientific knowledge and the consequences of such abuse. The paper considers the phenomenon of reproductive cloning of human beings as it is represented in popular culture, especially film as it is one of the most important sources of representations and constructions of ideas about clones. After the introductory consideration of this phenomenon in scientific, ethical and media debates which are imbued with rejection of reproductive cloning, I have analyzed the different uses of the clone motif in selected movies. I have examined the structure and content of the genre formula of “social melodrama” which is present in films about clones, and have analyzed the mythical patterns pertaining to the topic of cloning, such as the myth of immortality, t...
Etnoantropološki problemi / Issues in Ethnology and Anthropology, 2006
This paper attempts to offer a critical overview of the theoretical and methodological contributi... more This paper attempts to offer a critical overview of the theoretical and methodological contribution of micro-sociologist and social psychologist Gary Alan Fine to folklore studies. It begins with a discussion of both the major and most questioned points of his methodology, continues with a consideration of the wider folkloristical framework of his interpretation, and ends with a suggestion for innovation and improvement of Fine's analytical framework for the interpretation of folk narratives. Gary Alan Fine's most significant contribution to folklore studies was research of rumours and urban legends, including their meaning, function, and influence on individual behavior. In a series of papers, apart from offering an interpretation of various urban and corporate legends, he also demonstrated methods and means of connecting social and cultural factors with narrative content, in the context of social and economic structures and relations in post-industrial and late-capitalis...
Etnoantropološki problemi / Issues in Ethnology and Anthropology, 2007
Legends and rumors of organ theft became a global phenomenon in the beginning of the 80s, with th... more Legends and rumors of organ theft became a global phenomenon in the beginning of the 80s, with the information originating from the “third world” countries. Victims where poor and powerless, typically children. The rumor engaged a series of actions from anthropologists, NGO’s and media trying to ascertain their validity. Before long, the world was divided into two camps: on the one hand where those who believed the rumors, condemning the West for its exploitation of the underdeveloped and the poor that lead to organ theft from healthy individuals to satisfy the needs of the rich white patients: and the other faction that, through the data, tried to negate these assertions as unfounded and illogical. At the beginning of the nineties, similar reports surfaced in the highly developed societies of Europe and the US. Unlike the rumors, these where developed, structured narratives with specific content-legends of kidney theft, whose victims were left alive. Internet has brought about the ...
Etnoantropološki problemi / Issues in Ethnology and Anthropology, 2008
By applying the semiological analysis, this paper considers planned and unplanned readings of a p... more By applying the semiological analysis, this paper considers planned and unplanned readings of a provocative domestic commercial, which, in order to convey its message, transposed the Little Red Riding Hood’s character in accordance with the advertised product – Durex condoms. This commercial caused furious reactions of parents who took legal action for breaching the Law on public advertising and, especially, „harming children’s sensibility and integrity“. Provocative billboards also caused numerous comments in the daily newspapers, in the Internet chat rooms, with some considering the commercial vulgar and offensive and others having no problem with it, adding that the ones who took offence belonged to those puritan and conservative layers of the society. In order to discover the reasons to this kind of reactions, I started with researching how the commercial was made and what kind of message it offered. Next, I reconsidered the meaning of the very fairy tale „The Red Riding Hood“. ...
Etnoantropološki problemi / Issues in Ethnology and Anthropology, 2010
This paper looks at the structural analyses of the composition of several oral literary genres in... more This paper looks at the structural analyses of the composition of several oral literary genres in Serbian literature performed by Prof. Nada Milošević-Đorđević. By analyzing romantic tales, religious tales, tales of fate and sagas, Milošević-Đorđević, a renowned Serbian folklore scholar, has made original contributions to narrative semiotics and syntagmatic analysis. Taking as her starting point the morphology of Vladimir Propp but also of some other semioticians, she revised his narrative scheme, adapting it to the specific characteristics of these literary genres and also proposing an entirely original scheme for religious tales and tales of fate, thus becoming one of the first literary folklorists in Serbia to apply structural analysis.
Etnoantropološki problemi / Issues in Ethnology and Anthropology, 2011
Based on life stories of Serbian migrant workers gathered through fieldwork, we shall attempt to ... more Based on life stories of Serbian migrant workers gathered through fieldwork, we shall attempt to problematize the issue of their cultural identity which is characterized by a feeling of liminality – of not fully belonging in either environment – the country of origin nor the host country. Keeping in mind that the opposition that determines the value systems, status and worldview of migrant workers is the opposition between here and there, we will apply analysis to the cognitive cultural shema and the typical rhetorical statements, which, with certain variations, appear again and again in the narratives of migrant workers. These statements form a sort of backbone to their narratives, contributing to the creation of a cultural cognitive scheme of shared experiences among migrant workers. We shall point out and interpret several other key oppositions through which the life experience and sense of identity of our migrant workers is refracted, while noting the problems and consequences o...
Etnoantropološki problemi / Issues in Ethnology and Anthropology, 2011
Based on fieldwork conducted in Eastern Serbia (Knjaževac and Kučevo with surrounding regions), t... more Based on fieldwork conducted in Eastern Serbia (Knjaževac and Kučevo with surrounding regions), this paper analyzes the life stories of migrant workers as material crucial for anthropological and folkloristic research into experiences, values and attitudes of the members of a certain culture. The term “guest worker” (ser. gastarbajter, i.e. ger.gastarbeit) was used to designate temporary migrants who served as labor at the time of the reconstruction of Western Europe after World War II. A large number of migrant workers decided to stay in the host countries, and work migrations are still a common occurrence today. Based on the life stories of guest workers, in this paper we will attempt to map out the specific characteristics of different waves of migration. While all the waves of migration had a common cause – the desire for a better life and material stability – there were certain additional motives which depended on the political and socio-economic conditions in the home country...
Etnoantropološki problemi / Issues in Ethnology and Anthropology, 2016
The paper considers the manifestation “Jevremova Street – Street of Meetings” as a new custom ins... more The paper considers the manifestation “Jevremova Street – Street of Meetings” as a new custom instated by the Belgrade municipality of Stari Grad (Old Town), as a means to promote the spirit of neighborly relations and tolerance, as well as evoke the collective memory of the multiethnic and multiconfessional makeup of the inhabitants of the oldest part of the city – Dorćol. The obvious intent to keep up with the global trend of multicultural policies initiated not only this manifestation, but also a specific kind of “branding” of Dorćol through a series of different activities and publications dedicated to emphasizing the cultural specificity of this part of the city which is characterized by a unique topography, the great age of the city center, and a multicultural past. The attempts made by administrative governments and cultural organizations to promote Dorćol and revitalize its significance as a “place of memory” and an attractive tourist, cultural, educational and commercial lo...
Etnoantropološki problemi / Issues in Ethnology and Anthropology, 2017
The paper analyzes the film American Gangster (2007), directed by Ridley Scott. The film tells th... more The paper analyzes the film American Gangster (2007), directed by Ridley Scott. The film tells the story of the life of the black gangster Frank Lucas, an extraordinary, intelligent and capable man. At the beginning of the paper I give a comment on the reasons for choosing this particular film, after that I give a diegesis of the film which includes a brief biography of Frank Lucas which represents one of the contexts for the analysis and the basic synopsis of the film. After this, a generic analysis is applied – it gives the most important elements of the gangster film genre and their brief history, in order to convey which of these are present in the analyzed film. Within the confines of the genre, two specific issues are considered in detail: historical reconstruction and the mythologization of the gangster through the folklorization and popularization of the character. The contextual analysis is dedicated to the relationship between criminal activity, competition, aggression, an...
Etnoantropološki problemi / Issues in Ethnology and Anthropology, 2016
Issue of foreign labour migrants in Serbia does not occupy very prominent place in Serbian govern... more Issue of foreign labour migrants in Serbia does not occupy very prominent place in Serbian governmental policies. These policies are mainly focused towards Serbian Diaspora and Serbian labour migrants working abroad. Conversely, national policies on foreigners in Serbia are mostly concentrated on suppression of illegal immigrants and inclusion and readmission of Serbian refugees. The development of Serbian migratory policies represents part of national Euro-integration strategy. Therefore we find relevant to draw attentions to this topic. In this paper we outline basic national legislation procedures, laws and migratory strategies and give review of basic national and other bodies. Furthermore, we focus on gaps in processing problems of labour migrants in Serbia.
Etnoantropološki problemi / Issues in Ethnology and Anthropology, 2016
The paper considers the relationship between tradition and tourism as exemplified by the cuisin... more The paper considers the relationship between tradition and tourism as exemplified by the cuisine on offer in so called “salaš tourism”. Over the course of the last decade, farms in Vojvodina have become popular tourist destination and an attraction as a form of rural and cultural tourism. Farms which have been revitalized to meet the needs of tourism are represented as “places of returning to tradition” in brochures and the media, thus creating a romanticized and idealized image of the past of Vojvodina peasants. The paper examines the ways in which elements of traditional culture are incorporated into the tourist offer. The gastronomic policies of salaš- restaurants is associated with the global “slow food” movement which is based on localy grown and produced food and traditional preparation techniques. The paper is the result of fieldwork conducted in salaš-farms in Bačka and Banat, which have been revitalized as catering businesses and tourist attractions, as well as on the ana...
Etnoantropološki problemi, 2020
Vlado Kotnik, Small Places, Operatic Issues. Opera and Its Peripheral Worlds. Cambridge Scholars ... more Vlado Kotnik, Small Places, Operatic Issues. Opera and Its Peripheral Worlds. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2019, pp. 281.