Kristinka Ovesni | Filozofski fakultet Beograd (original) (raw)

Papers by Kristinka Ovesni

Research paper thumbnail of Savremena tehnologija kao podrška realizaciji koncepta doživotnog obrazovanja i učenja u organizaciji

Obrazovanje odraslih/Adult Education

Possibilities for realization the lifelong education and learning concept in changing environment... more Possibilities for realization the lifelong education and learning concept in changing environment with the modern technology as a backbone are being discussed in this paper. This also implies redirection of the focal point of theoretical interests from prescriptive paradigms to highly contextualized and specified activities of education and learning. Practical realization of the lifelong education and learning concept at the level of modern company today is mainly based on designing the appropriate context and structural changes (changing information relationships, opening and widening the communication lines, etc.) including modern technology as a curriculum component, as a delivery mechanism as a complement to instruction and an instructional tool. This practical realization is also based on activities of human resource development considering as the key preconditions and pre-suppositions of continuing lifelong education and learning at work. In the light of these assumptions, res...

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Research paper thumbnail of Information and communication technologies in the professional development of vocational school teachers

Inovacije u nastavi, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of The contribution of pedagogical studies to the development of pedagogues' professional competencies: Practitioners' assessments

Andragoške studije, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Continuing professional development of teachers: Interplay of the school management, school climate, motivation and incentives

Nastava i Vaspitanje, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Organisational Climate and the Work-related Learning of Employees

AS: Andragoška Spoznanja, Oct 23, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Interaction of quantitative and qualitative methodology in mixed methods research: integration and/or combination

International Journal of Social Research Methodology, Aug 11, 2021

The interaction of quantitative and qualitative methodology in the mixed methods research (MMR) i... more The interaction of quantitative and qualitative methodology in the mixed methods research (MMR) is analysed in a context of distinctions of the meanings between the terms typically used for descrip...

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Research paper thumbnail of Human Resource Development – the Intersection of Disciplines?

Društvene i humanističke studije (Online)

This paper considers how, as a relatively young academic discipline, human resource development (... more This paper considers how, as a relatively young academic discipline, human resource development (HRD) has undergone significant changes in terms of research approaches that constitute a relevant sum of scientific knowledge, the influence of related scientific disciplines, and the main research topics since the second decade of the twenty-first century. The results of the analysis of selected texts from five academic journals were presented and discussed in finding answers to three research questions: (1) How is the academic disciplinary framework of human resource development considered in the analyzed texts? (2) Which academic disciplines are considered necessary for building a human resources knowledge base? (3) What research topics are highlighted in the analyzed texts?

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Research paper thumbnail of Interplay Between the Human Resource Development Activities and Organizational Commitment

European Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, Jun 10, 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of Human Resource Development -- the Intersection of Disciplines?

Social Sciences and Humanities Studies, 2023

This paper considers how, as a relatively young academic discipline, human resource development (... more This paper considers how, as a relatively young academic discipline, human resource development (HRD) has undergone significant changes in terms of research approaches that constitute a relevant sum of scientific knowledge, the influence of related scientific disciplines, and the main research topics since the second decade of the twenty-first century. The results of the analysis of selected texts from five academic journals were presented and discussed on finding answers to three research questions: (1) How is the academic disciplinary framework of human resource development considered in the analyzed texts? (2) Which academic disciplines are considered necessary for building a human resources knowledge base? (3) What research topics are highlighted in the analyzed texts?

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Research paper thumbnail of How much are the teachers dedicated to their profession and the school in which they work

Nastava i Vaspitanje, 2014

The paper presents the results of a research of the dedication of teachers to their profession an... more The paper presents the results of a research of the dedication of teachers to their profession and the institution/school in which they are employed. Dedication is defined as connectedness of the teacher with their own profession and the institution in which they are employed and it shows through normative, affective and continuation forms. The research focused on a scientifically under-researched phenomenon of the teacher's dedication in order to help identifying the problem from the perspective of belonging to a certain institution and profession. The research included 1162 teachers in 92 elementary schools in Serbia. The quantitative, non-experimental research method was applied and two tasks were fulfilled: (1) identification of basic indicators and components of the teachers' dedication and (2) examination of the influence of professionally-educational and performance of the teachers regarding each component of dedication. Statistically significant relations with each e...

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Research paper thumbnail of The competence-based development of teachers in vocational education

Educational Challenges and Future Prospects: Conference Proceedings, 2022

Didactic education and/or in-service training of teachers in higher education institutions based ... more Didactic education and/or in-service training of teachers in higher education institutions based on the (self)assessment of their own competencies and educational needs are or should be the basis for their professional development. According to such assumption, founded on the current didactic approaches, and rooted in the constructive alignment and andragogical participatory planning, we researched the opinion of teachers and associates of higher vocational studies to find out how they assess their pedagogical-didactic ability, to address on that basis induced dilemmas, and if possible, to offer certain solutions for teachers’ professional development in the domains of pedagogy and didactic. The research was conducted on a proper sample of teachers and associates employed in vocational high schools in Novi Sad and Belgrade (N=124). Data were collected by an instrument that combined survey-type questions and three-level descriptive assessment scales. Significant differences in the assessment of individual competencies of teachers and associates according to the length of teacher’s service, working position and according to the owned pedagogical and didactic education were found, while most of the teachers and associates (88.7%) stated that they do not have special pedagogical and didactic education. Based on these results, we concluded that professional development of teachers and associates in vocational education should be participatory and competency-based planned, implemented, and evaluated, while plans and programs for their professional development should be based on specific educational needs and competencies assessment, gained differences, and grounded on constructive alignment with implementation and evaluation.

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Research paper thumbnail of Strategije profesionalnog usavršavanja nastavnika u periodu nesigurnosti i krize

Obrazovanje u vreme krize i kako dalje, 2022

U radu se raspravlja o primenjenosti strategija profesionalnog usavršavanja nastavnika osnovnih š... more U radu se raspravlja o primenjenosti strategija profesionalnog usavršavanja nastavnika osnovnih škola za suočavanje sa promenama nastalim u periodu nesigurnosti i krize izazvanih pandemijom COVID-19. Sprovedeno je kvalitativno istraživanje u kome je učestvovalo 36 nastavnika osnovnih škola sa teritorije Republike Srbije, čiji su narativi prikupljeni strukturisanim intervjuom fokusiranim na strategije profesionalnog usavršavanja nastavnika za suočavanje sa promenama nastalim u periodu pandemije COVID-19. Prikupljeni podaci posmatrani su kroz prizmu devet prethodno identifikovanih strategija usavršavanja zaposlenih za suočavanje sa promenama nastalim u periodu nesigurnosti i krize. Nalazi reflektuju zastupljenost četiri strategije: strategije umrežavanja znanja, strategije kojom se redukuje razvoj zaposlenih, strategije modularizacije i virtualizacije rada i strategije postizanja digitalne kompetencije, što ukazuje na neophodnost pravovremenog, brižljivijeg osmišljavanja i realizacije programa profesionalnog usavršavanja nastavnika za suočavanje sa promenama, kao i na potrebu kompleksnijeg izučavanja strategija profesionalnog usavršavanja nastavnika za suočavanje sa promenama.

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Research paper thumbnail of The problems of teacher’s professional development in ict context: an andragogical view

The theoretical rationale for the paper entitled The problems of teacher’s professional developme... more The theoretical rationale for the paper entitled The problems of teacher’s professional development in ICT context: an andragogical view, by Kristinka Ovesni and Vera Radović, found in reflections of conceptions that view teachers’ professional development (TPD) in information communication technology context as an alternative to the traditional process of TPD. A shift from traditional to ICT contexts opens many issues in design, organization, performance, and evaluation of the process of TPD. Accordingly, the aim of this research is to explore some features and to identify potential issues in teacher’s usage of and participation in different professional development activities in ICT context. For this purpose, the authors adopted quantitative descriptive methodology. The research was performed online, from August to October 2020, on the population of teachers employed in primary schools in Republic of Serbia. From data collected from purposeful sample (N=354), using canonical corre...

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Research paper thumbnail of Interaction of quantitative and qualitative methodology in mixed methods research: integration and/or combination

International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 2021

The interaction of quantitative and qualitative methodology in the mixed methods research (MMR) i... more The interaction of quantitative and qualitative methodology in the mixed methods research (MMR) is analysed in a context of distinctions of the meanings between the terms typically used for descrip...

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Research paper thumbnail of Interplay Between the Human Resource Development Activities and Organizational Commitment

European Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies

This mixed methods research was aimed to explore relationship between the human resource developm... more This mixed methods research was aimed to explore relationship between the human resource development activities and the commitment of employees. In the research, we applied explanatory sequential design using nested samples for the quantitative and qualitative components of the study to foster deeper understandings of these relationships. In the quantitative component, data were obtained with scales, and analyzed from 609 employees in different companies in Serbia, while for qualitative component semi-structured interviews were conducted with 29 respondents from the same sample. The collected data were subjected (in the first component) to a few common (frequencies, std. deviation, means, etc.) and more complex statistical proceedings (canonical correlation analysis), and in the second component were subjected to the qualitative content analysis. The quantitative results indicate complex interaction of affective, continuance, and normative components of organizational commitment wit...

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Research paper thumbnail of Andragoški značaj identifikacije zaposlenih sa organizacijom

Obrazovanje odraslih/Adult Education

In this paper we presented analysis of available relevant, conceptual and empirical literature re... more In this paper we presented analysis of available relevant, conceptual and empirical literature related to the problem of identification of employees with the organization. The rationale for our decision to present results of the theoretical analysis was our attempt to create acceptable theoretical base for the further researches of the problem of the andragogic importance of identification of employees with the organization. Detailed overview, analysis, and comparison of researches relevant for the problem were given with the purpose to underline similarities in different approaches, and to outline differences between the traditional and the innovative, ”extended” research model with focus on the andragogic dimensions and on the andragogic relevance of the identification of employees with the organization. Synthesis of the acquired results revealed the potential for their application in the domains of development of the strategic approach to the organizational practice, and open per...

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Research paper thumbnail of Organisational Climate and the Work-related Learning of Employees

Andragoška spoznanja

The aim of this mixed methods research was to distinguish and to examine models of organisational... more The aim of this mixed methods research was to distinguish and to examine models of organisational climate regarding the work-related learning of employees. The theoretical rationale is found in the reflections of the learning supportive organisational climate as the main prerequisite of the process of participatory planning in adult education and learning, and as one of the core pillars in the process of building a learning organisation. For the purposes of triangulation and of complementarity, we adopted quantitative and qualitative methodology. The research was performed online from May to December 2018 and included employees from different companies in the Republic of Serbia. By using an explanatory sequential mixed methods research design with nested samples for the quantitative (Nqn=687) and the qualitative components (Nql=85), three models of organisational climate regarding the work-related learning of employees have been distinguished: the organisational climate of the fear ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Information and communication technologies in the professional development of vocational school teachers

Inovacije u nastavi, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Adult Education: Key Factors and New Challenges in the Process of Professionalization

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Research paper thumbnail of Professionalisation in the Field of Adult Education and Learning in the Territory of Former Yugoslavia 1

In this paper we discuss the professionalisation of adult education and learning in the territory... more In this paper we discuss the professionalisation of adult education and learning in the territory of former Yugoslavia. The rationale behind the paper is based on the presumption that the process of professionalisation represents a reflection of social conditions, tradition, culture, development of higher education institutions, the scientific/knowledge base for a certain field on the main elements of the profession. Our aim is to critically discuss professionalisation in the field of adult education and learning with a threefold focus (on the profession, representing the sociological dimension, on professionalism, representing the philosophical/ethical dimension, and on professionalisation, representing the andragogical dimension). The findings indicate that in the territory of former Yugoslavia significant but insufficient progress has been made when it comes to shaping the field of professional practice and in the professional preparation of andragogues/adult educators at univers...

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Research paper thumbnail of Savremena tehnologija kao podrška realizaciji koncepta doživotnog obrazovanja i učenja u organizaciji

Obrazovanje odraslih/Adult Education

Possibilities for realization the lifelong education and learning concept in changing environment... more Possibilities for realization the lifelong education and learning concept in changing environment with the modern technology as a backbone are being discussed in this paper. This also implies redirection of the focal point of theoretical interests from prescriptive paradigms to highly contextualized and specified activities of education and learning. Practical realization of the lifelong education and learning concept at the level of modern company today is mainly based on designing the appropriate context and structural changes (changing information relationships, opening and widening the communication lines, etc.) including modern technology as a curriculum component, as a delivery mechanism as a complement to instruction and an instructional tool. This practical realization is also based on activities of human resource development considering as the key preconditions and pre-suppositions of continuing lifelong education and learning at work. In the light of these assumptions, res...

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Research paper thumbnail of Information and communication technologies in the professional development of vocational school teachers

Inovacije u nastavi, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of The contribution of pedagogical studies to the development of pedagogues' professional competencies: Practitioners' assessments

Andragoške studije, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Continuing professional development of teachers: Interplay of the school management, school climate, motivation and incentives

Nastava i Vaspitanje, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Organisational Climate and the Work-related Learning of Employees

AS: Andragoška Spoznanja, Oct 23, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Interaction of quantitative and qualitative methodology in mixed methods research: integration and/or combination

International Journal of Social Research Methodology, Aug 11, 2021

The interaction of quantitative and qualitative methodology in the mixed methods research (MMR) i... more The interaction of quantitative and qualitative methodology in the mixed methods research (MMR) is analysed in a context of distinctions of the meanings between the terms typically used for descrip...

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Research paper thumbnail of Human Resource Development – the Intersection of Disciplines?

Društvene i humanističke studije (Online)

This paper considers how, as a relatively young academic discipline, human resource development (... more This paper considers how, as a relatively young academic discipline, human resource development (HRD) has undergone significant changes in terms of research approaches that constitute a relevant sum of scientific knowledge, the influence of related scientific disciplines, and the main research topics since the second decade of the twenty-first century. The results of the analysis of selected texts from five academic journals were presented and discussed in finding answers to three research questions: (1) How is the academic disciplinary framework of human resource development considered in the analyzed texts? (2) Which academic disciplines are considered necessary for building a human resources knowledge base? (3) What research topics are highlighted in the analyzed texts?

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Research paper thumbnail of Interplay Between the Human Resource Development Activities and Organizational Commitment

European Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, Jun 10, 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of Human Resource Development -- the Intersection of Disciplines?

Social Sciences and Humanities Studies, 2023

This paper considers how, as a relatively young academic discipline, human resource development (... more This paper considers how, as a relatively young academic discipline, human resource development (HRD) has undergone significant changes in terms of research approaches that constitute a relevant sum of scientific knowledge, the influence of related scientific disciplines, and the main research topics since the second decade of the twenty-first century. The results of the analysis of selected texts from five academic journals were presented and discussed on finding answers to three research questions: (1) How is the academic disciplinary framework of human resource development considered in the analyzed texts? (2) Which academic disciplines are considered necessary for building a human resources knowledge base? (3) What research topics are highlighted in the analyzed texts?

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Research paper thumbnail of How much are the teachers dedicated to their profession and the school in which they work

Nastava i Vaspitanje, 2014

The paper presents the results of a research of the dedication of teachers to their profession an... more The paper presents the results of a research of the dedication of teachers to their profession and the institution/school in which they are employed. Dedication is defined as connectedness of the teacher with their own profession and the institution in which they are employed and it shows through normative, affective and continuation forms. The research focused on a scientifically under-researched phenomenon of the teacher's dedication in order to help identifying the problem from the perspective of belonging to a certain institution and profession. The research included 1162 teachers in 92 elementary schools in Serbia. The quantitative, non-experimental research method was applied and two tasks were fulfilled: (1) identification of basic indicators and components of the teachers' dedication and (2) examination of the influence of professionally-educational and performance of the teachers regarding each component of dedication. Statistically significant relations with each e...

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Research paper thumbnail of The competence-based development of teachers in vocational education

Educational Challenges and Future Prospects: Conference Proceedings, 2022

Didactic education and/or in-service training of teachers in higher education institutions based ... more Didactic education and/or in-service training of teachers in higher education institutions based on the (self)assessment of their own competencies and educational needs are or should be the basis for their professional development. According to such assumption, founded on the current didactic approaches, and rooted in the constructive alignment and andragogical participatory planning, we researched the opinion of teachers and associates of higher vocational studies to find out how they assess their pedagogical-didactic ability, to address on that basis induced dilemmas, and if possible, to offer certain solutions for teachers’ professional development in the domains of pedagogy and didactic. The research was conducted on a proper sample of teachers and associates employed in vocational high schools in Novi Sad and Belgrade (N=124). Data were collected by an instrument that combined survey-type questions and three-level descriptive assessment scales. Significant differences in the assessment of individual competencies of teachers and associates according to the length of teacher’s service, working position and according to the owned pedagogical and didactic education were found, while most of the teachers and associates (88.7%) stated that they do not have special pedagogical and didactic education. Based on these results, we concluded that professional development of teachers and associates in vocational education should be participatory and competency-based planned, implemented, and evaluated, while plans and programs for their professional development should be based on specific educational needs and competencies assessment, gained differences, and grounded on constructive alignment with implementation and evaluation.

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Research paper thumbnail of Strategije profesionalnog usavršavanja nastavnika u periodu nesigurnosti i krize

Obrazovanje u vreme krize i kako dalje, 2022

U radu se raspravlja o primenjenosti strategija profesionalnog usavršavanja nastavnika osnovnih š... more U radu se raspravlja o primenjenosti strategija profesionalnog usavršavanja nastavnika osnovnih škola za suočavanje sa promenama nastalim u periodu nesigurnosti i krize izazvanih pandemijom COVID-19. Sprovedeno je kvalitativno istraživanje u kome je učestvovalo 36 nastavnika osnovnih škola sa teritorije Republike Srbije, čiji su narativi prikupljeni strukturisanim intervjuom fokusiranim na strategije profesionalnog usavršavanja nastavnika za suočavanje sa promenama nastalim u periodu pandemije COVID-19. Prikupljeni podaci posmatrani su kroz prizmu devet prethodno identifikovanih strategija usavršavanja zaposlenih za suočavanje sa promenama nastalim u periodu nesigurnosti i krize. Nalazi reflektuju zastupljenost četiri strategije: strategije umrežavanja znanja, strategije kojom se redukuje razvoj zaposlenih, strategije modularizacije i virtualizacije rada i strategije postizanja digitalne kompetencije, što ukazuje na neophodnost pravovremenog, brižljivijeg osmišljavanja i realizacije programa profesionalnog usavršavanja nastavnika za suočavanje sa promenama, kao i na potrebu kompleksnijeg izučavanja strategija profesionalnog usavršavanja nastavnika za suočavanje sa promenama.

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Research paper thumbnail of The problems of teacher’s professional development in ict context: an andragogical view

The theoretical rationale for the paper entitled The problems of teacher’s professional developme... more The theoretical rationale for the paper entitled The problems of teacher’s professional development in ICT context: an andragogical view, by Kristinka Ovesni and Vera Radović, found in reflections of conceptions that view teachers’ professional development (TPD) in information communication technology context as an alternative to the traditional process of TPD. A shift from traditional to ICT contexts opens many issues in design, organization, performance, and evaluation of the process of TPD. Accordingly, the aim of this research is to explore some features and to identify potential issues in teacher’s usage of and participation in different professional development activities in ICT context. For this purpose, the authors adopted quantitative descriptive methodology. The research was performed online, from August to October 2020, on the population of teachers employed in primary schools in Republic of Serbia. From data collected from purposeful sample (N=354), using canonical corre...

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Research paper thumbnail of Interaction of quantitative and qualitative methodology in mixed methods research: integration and/or combination

International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 2021

The interaction of quantitative and qualitative methodology in the mixed methods research (MMR) i... more The interaction of quantitative and qualitative methodology in the mixed methods research (MMR) is analysed in a context of distinctions of the meanings between the terms typically used for descrip...

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Research paper thumbnail of Interplay Between the Human Resource Development Activities and Organizational Commitment

European Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies

This mixed methods research was aimed to explore relationship between the human resource developm... more This mixed methods research was aimed to explore relationship between the human resource development activities and the commitment of employees. In the research, we applied explanatory sequential design using nested samples for the quantitative and qualitative components of the study to foster deeper understandings of these relationships. In the quantitative component, data were obtained with scales, and analyzed from 609 employees in different companies in Serbia, while for qualitative component semi-structured interviews were conducted with 29 respondents from the same sample. The collected data were subjected (in the first component) to a few common (frequencies, std. deviation, means, etc.) and more complex statistical proceedings (canonical correlation analysis), and in the second component were subjected to the qualitative content analysis. The quantitative results indicate complex interaction of affective, continuance, and normative components of organizational commitment wit...

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Research paper thumbnail of Andragoški značaj identifikacije zaposlenih sa organizacijom

Obrazovanje odraslih/Adult Education

In this paper we presented analysis of available relevant, conceptual and empirical literature re... more In this paper we presented analysis of available relevant, conceptual and empirical literature related to the problem of identification of employees with the organization. The rationale for our decision to present results of the theoretical analysis was our attempt to create acceptable theoretical base for the further researches of the problem of the andragogic importance of identification of employees with the organization. Detailed overview, analysis, and comparison of researches relevant for the problem were given with the purpose to underline similarities in different approaches, and to outline differences between the traditional and the innovative, ”extended” research model with focus on the andragogic dimensions and on the andragogic relevance of the identification of employees with the organization. Synthesis of the acquired results revealed the potential for their application in the domains of development of the strategic approach to the organizational practice, and open per...

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Research paper thumbnail of Organisational Climate and the Work-related Learning of Employees

Andragoška spoznanja

The aim of this mixed methods research was to distinguish and to examine models of organisational... more The aim of this mixed methods research was to distinguish and to examine models of organisational climate regarding the work-related learning of employees. The theoretical rationale is found in the reflections of the learning supportive organisational climate as the main prerequisite of the process of participatory planning in adult education and learning, and as one of the core pillars in the process of building a learning organisation. For the purposes of triangulation and of complementarity, we adopted quantitative and qualitative methodology. The research was performed online from May to December 2018 and included employees from different companies in the Republic of Serbia. By using an explanatory sequential mixed methods research design with nested samples for the quantitative (Nqn=687) and the qualitative components (Nql=85), three models of organisational climate regarding the work-related learning of employees have been distinguished: the organisational climate of the fear ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Information and communication technologies in the professional development of vocational school teachers

Inovacije u nastavi, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Adult Education: Key Factors and New Challenges in the Process of Professionalization

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Research paper thumbnail of Professionalisation in the Field of Adult Education and Learning in the Territory of Former Yugoslavia 1

In this paper we discuss the professionalisation of adult education and learning in the territory... more In this paper we discuss the professionalisation of adult education and learning in the territory of former Yugoslavia. The rationale behind the paper is based on the presumption that the process of professionalisation represents a reflection of social conditions, tradition, culture, development of higher education institutions, the scientific/knowledge base for a certain field on the main elements of the profession. Our aim is to critically discuss professionalisation in the field of adult education and learning with a threefold focus (on the profession, representing the sociological dimension, on professionalism, representing the philosophical/ethical dimension, and on professionalisation, representing the andragogical dimension). The findings indicate that in the territory of former Yugoslavia significant but insufficient progress has been made when it comes to shaping the field of professional practice and in the professional preparation of andragogues/adult educators at univers...

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Research paper thumbnail of The problems of teacher’s professional development in ICT context: An andragogical view

N Gutvajn, J Stanišić, V Radović (Eds.) Problems and Perspectives of Contemporary Education, 2021

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