Fausto Cintra | CENTRO UNIVERSITARIO DE FRANCA (original) (raw)
Papers by Fausto Cintra
Revista Internacional Interdisciplinar INTERthesis, 2013
Affiliated to the research branch “Social development and public policy” of the Regional Developm... more Affiliated to the research branch “Social development and public policy” of the Regional Development Post-Graduate Program – Interdisciplinary Academic Master's Degree of Centro Universitário de Franca (Uni-FACEF), this research aims to investigate the policies promoted by government agents acting in the municipality of Franca/SP, targeted at providing universal access to the Internet through the use of free software in telecentres (venues offering free-of-charge Internet access to the public) and their contributions to development. In the context of the information society (WEBSTER, 2006; KARVALICS, 2008) and by means of a historical perspective (RIST, 2008), it considers that development is a multidimensional process (SEN, 1999; OLIVEIRA, 2011). It assumes that the Internet is a social right (BUCCI, 2006; PRADO, 2007), whose achievement reflects into the empowerment (SQUIRES, 2001; ROMANO, J., 2002) of network users. The municipality of Franca/SP follows the dynamics of the information society, such as the growth of the services economic sector, but without the corresponding increase in the residents' income (FUNDAÇÃO SEADE, 2010), which affects tax revenues. In situations like this, where financial resources for the implementation of public policies are limited (ANDERSON, 2006; SECCHI, 2010), telecentres (GOMEZ, 2012) based on free software (FREE SOFTWARE FOUNDATION, 2012) gain particular importance. At the methodological level, after a preparatory and exploratory stage (MARCONI; LAKATOS, 2003), followed by data collection through interviews and questionnaires with managers and users, the systemic methodology Critical System Heuristics – CSH (ULRICH; REYNOLDS, 2010) was applied for the final analysis, allowing the building of ideal and real scenarios regarding the telecenters for further comparison between them. As results, it was found that the 6 (six) running telecentres of Franca/SP classified as research objects were designed as venues to promote digital inclusion and to support local development. However, it was verified that users show reasonable familiarity with digital technologies and have Internet access by other means, frustrating the established main purposes to some extent. No longer being the only alternative to access, telecentres witness their educational use deprecated in favor of entertainment. The use of free software is due not so much to cost reasons, but mainly to ideological choice. The beneficiary community is not called to take part in the governance of the telecentres, which is all done by government agents. Together with the lack of communication between managers from different spheres, that unilateralism leads to inefficiencies of public policies, such as the installation of two telecentres in the same building or the use of a site with severe physical access barriers. Despite the previously mentioned vices, telecentres are considered successful, being this conception attributable mostly to positive reviews from users with low expectations. The managers, in turn, are satisfied with the quantification of served users. After the application of CSH, it was realized that the constructed scenarios present more diverging than converging points, entitling to conclude that the telecenters of Franca/SP render very small contributions to social, local and regional development.
A pesquisa investiga a correlação entre o instituto da eqüidade e o fenômeno da criação judicial ... more A pesquisa investiga a correlação entre o instituto da eqüidade e o fenômeno da criação judicial do direito, delimitando seu escopo sobre a esfera civil do ordenamento jurídico brasileiro. Partindo da premissa de que a normatividade judicial é inerente às sociedades organizadas, analisa como o paradigma da separação de poderes tentou restringir a atuação do juiz a pouco mais que a mera interpretação das leis. Demonstrando que o modelo de tripartição rigorosa de poderes é falacioso, porque imbuído desde o princípio da ideologia de uma classe politicamente dominante, aponta uma nova direção para o exercício da jurisdição, na qual a jurisprudência retoma importância e a criação judicial do direito se desfaz do estranhamento que causa, reconhecendo-se-lhe a naturalidade e o valor até então denegados. Nesse ínterim, uma reavaliação das fontes do direito tem o condão de reabilitar a eqüidade como principal instrumento à disposição do juiz que busca a justiça e o bem comum em suas decisões. O presente trabalho acusou os dispositivos básicos – axiológicos, legais e jurisprudenciais – que endossam tal proceder na seara do direito civil pátrio, tendo em mente que o direito é algo muito mais amplo do que o conjunto vigente de leis. Para tanto, foram consultados autores nacionais e estrangeiros, cujas obras se enquadram, em relevância e pertinência, ao tema proposto, não dispensada a consulta à jurisprudência, quando necessária a comprovação empírica dos postulados na práxis forense. Foram empregadas, subsidiariamente, várias das técnicas metodológicas afetas à Ciência do Direito, dentre as quais a comparação e o método histórico, sempre a serviço de um método dialético, assim entendido aquele proposto por Friedrich Engels e depois desenvolvido por vários outros pensadores, e que se faz perceber no conjunto da obra.
This research investigates the correlation between equity (as understood in countries under the Civil Law system) and the phenomenon of judicial construction, drawing the boundaries of its aims into the civil sphere of the Brazilian legal system. Starting from the premise that judicial regulation is inherent to organized societies, it analyses how the paradigm of the separation of powers attempted to curtail the judge’s role to a little more than a bare interpretation of the laws. By proving that the model of rigorous tripartition of powers is deceitful, because impregnated from the beginning with the ideology of a politically dominant class, it points to a new direction for the performance of the jurisdiction, in which not only case-law regains its importance and judicial construction gets rid of the strangeness it causes, but also has its nature and value finally acknowledged. In the meanwhile, a new valuation of the law sources has the ability to restore equity as the main instrument at the disposal of the judge who seeks for justice and common good through his/her decisions. This work has stressed the basic regulation – axiological, legal and jurisprudential – that support this procedure in the field of Brazilian Civil Law, taking into account that law is way broader than the set of legal acts in force. To achieve these goals, Brazilian and foreign bibliographies have been reviewed, according to its appropriateness and relevance regarding the proposed subject, as well as the case-law history, whenever it has been necessary to prove empirically any postulates by means of forensic practices. Several techniques related to the science of law were secondarily used; some of which are comparison and historical method, always at the service of a dialectical method, as introduced by Friedrich Engels and developed afterwards by other intellectuals, and which is perceptible throughout the whole work.
Revista Internacional Interdisciplinar INTERthesis, 2013
Affiliated to the research branch “Social development and public policy” of the Regional Developm... more Affiliated to the research branch “Social development and public policy” of the Regional Development Post-Graduate Program – Interdisciplinary Academic Master's Degree of Centro Universitário de Franca (Uni-FACEF), this research aims to investigate the policies promoted by government agents acting in the municipality of Franca/SP, targeted at providing universal access to the Internet through the use of free software in telecentres (venues offering free-of-charge Internet access to the public) and their contributions to development. In the context of the information society (WEBSTER, 2006; KARVALICS, 2008) and by means of a historical perspective (RIST, 2008), it considers that development is a multidimensional process (SEN, 1999; OLIVEIRA, 2011). It assumes that the Internet is a social right (BUCCI, 2006; PRADO, 2007), whose achievement reflects into the empowerment (SQUIRES, 2001; ROMANO, J., 2002) of network users. The municipality of Franca/SP follows the dynamics of the information society, such as the growth of the services economic sector, but without the corresponding increase in the residents' income (FUNDAÇÃO SEADE, 2010), which affects tax revenues. In situations like this, where financial resources for the implementation of public policies are limited (ANDERSON, 2006; SECCHI, 2010), telecentres (GOMEZ, 2012) based on free software (FREE SOFTWARE FOUNDATION, 2012) gain particular importance. At the methodological level, after a preparatory and exploratory stage (MARCONI; LAKATOS, 2003), followed by data collection through interviews and questionnaires with managers and users, the systemic methodology Critical System Heuristics – CSH (ULRICH; REYNOLDS, 2010) was applied for the final analysis, allowing the building of ideal and real scenarios regarding the telecenters for further comparison between them. As results, it was found that the 6 (six) running telecentres of Franca/SP classified as research objects were designed as venues to promote digital inclusion and to support local development. However, it was verified that users show reasonable familiarity with digital technologies and have Internet access by other means, frustrating the established main purposes to some extent. No longer being the only alternative to access, telecentres witness their educational use deprecated in favor of entertainment. The use of free software is due not so much to cost reasons, but mainly to ideological choice. The beneficiary community is not called to take part in the governance of the telecentres, which is all done by government agents. Together with the lack of communication between managers from different spheres, that unilateralism leads to inefficiencies of public policies, such as the installation of two telecentres in the same building or the use of a site with severe physical access barriers. Despite the previously mentioned vices, telecentres are considered successful, being this conception attributable mostly to positive reviews from users with low expectations. The managers, in turn, are satisfied with the quantification of served users. After the application of CSH, it was realized that the constructed scenarios present more diverging than converging points, entitling to conclude that the telecenters of Franca/SP render very small contributions to social, local and regional development.
A pesquisa investiga a correlação entre o instituto da eqüidade e o fenômeno da criação judicial ... more A pesquisa investiga a correlação entre o instituto da eqüidade e o fenômeno da criação judicial do direito, delimitando seu escopo sobre a esfera civil do ordenamento jurídico brasileiro. Partindo da premissa de que a normatividade judicial é inerente às sociedades organizadas, analisa como o paradigma da separação de poderes tentou restringir a atuação do juiz a pouco mais que a mera interpretação das leis. Demonstrando que o modelo de tripartição rigorosa de poderes é falacioso, porque imbuído desde o princípio da ideologia de uma classe politicamente dominante, aponta uma nova direção para o exercício da jurisdição, na qual a jurisprudência retoma importância e a criação judicial do direito se desfaz do estranhamento que causa, reconhecendo-se-lhe a naturalidade e o valor até então denegados. Nesse ínterim, uma reavaliação das fontes do direito tem o condão de reabilitar a eqüidade como principal instrumento à disposição do juiz que busca a justiça e o bem comum em suas decisões. O presente trabalho acusou os dispositivos básicos – axiológicos, legais e jurisprudenciais – que endossam tal proceder na seara do direito civil pátrio, tendo em mente que o direito é algo muito mais amplo do que o conjunto vigente de leis. Para tanto, foram consultados autores nacionais e estrangeiros, cujas obras se enquadram, em relevância e pertinência, ao tema proposto, não dispensada a consulta à jurisprudência, quando necessária a comprovação empírica dos postulados na práxis forense. Foram empregadas, subsidiariamente, várias das técnicas metodológicas afetas à Ciência do Direito, dentre as quais a comparação e o método histórico, sempre a serviço de um método dialético, assim entendido aquele proposto por Friedrich Engels e depois desenvolvido por vários outros pensadores, e que se faz perceber no conjunto da obra.
This research investigates the correlation between equity (as understood in countries under the Civil Law system) and the phenomenon of judicial construction, drawing the boundaries of its aims into the civil sphere of the Brazilian legal system. Starting from the premise that judicial regulation is inherent to organized societies, it analyses how the paradigm of the separation of powers attempted to curtail the judge’s role to a little more than a bare interpretation of the laws. By proving that the model of rigorous tripartition of powers is deceitful, because impregnated from the beginning with the ideology of a politically dominant class, it points to a new direction for the performance of the jurisdiction, in which not only case-law regains its importance and judicial construction gets rid of the strangeness it causes, but also has its nature and value finally acknowledged. In the meanwhile, a new valuation of the law sources has the ability to restore equity as the main instrument at the disposal of the judge who seeks for justice and common good through his/her decisions. This work has stressed the basic regulation – axiological, legal and jurisprudential – that support this procedure in the field of Brazilian Civil Law, taking into account that law is way broader than the set of legal acts in force. To achieve these goals, Brazilian and foreign bibliographies have been reviewed, according to its appropriateness and relevance regarding the proposed subject, as well as the case-law history, whenever it has been necessary to prove empirically any postulates by means of forensic practices. Several techniques related to the science of law were secondarily used; some of which are comparison and historical method, always at the service of a dialectical method, as introduced by Friedrich Engels and developed afterwards by other intellectuals, and which is perceptible throughout the whole work.