fairyandtales (original) (raw)
(no subject) | [Apr. 7th, 2012|01:48 pm]Appropriate is really not my thing |
Had dinner at my bf's place last night where i tripped over the stairs and badly sprained my ankles in front of his entire family. I was in so much pain (and humiliation), i held in my tears and forced a weak smile. His parents were such darlings and fussed over my ankles, ordering the bf to get ice cubes and stuff.I am such an embarrassment i wanna severe ties with myself :< | |
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(no subject) | [Jan. 14th, 2012|03:46 pm]Appropriate is really not my thing |
Dear ResolutionI skipped school today for no reason. This, as you can see, is a testament to my unwavering determination and devotion. I have nothing to say.xoxoflake. | |
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(no subject) | [Jan. 9th, 2012|01:44 pm]Appropriate is really not my thing |
Dear bus 156WHY OH WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!I'm truly grateful. I really am. I am even willing to go as far as saying youre THE motivation behind my staying in this shit job for the past year. Without you, there wont be my livelihood, hence, no income, no food: I'll likely starved to death before i get to go for Foster The People con this Sat and my life will nvr be complete! You're the cheese to my macaroni, the light to my ning.Therefore I would really appreciate it if you could MAKE UP YOUR MIND what time you wanna arrive at my bus stop. You see, my dear friend, yours truly am no Porsche nor do I practice advance teleportation or mastered the art of disapparation. You cannot expect a mere mortal like moi to run after you 3 times a week, of which 2/3 of the time you cruelly leave me behind! Havent you heard? Patience is virtue!My heart is not well, it cannot handle such distress. What if i break my ankle? Are you going to be responsible for me??! Can you? CAN YOU??! You're only a bus! You dont even have a heart. Or a face. You havent even heard of patience! It breaks my heart every time you leave JUST before i manage to get to you. It's not like you will lose a wheel or gain extra ton by waiting for a frail and helpless young little girl.I appeal to your metallic and, er, air conditioned cold insides, for the sake of my weak heart,WAITFORME.xoxo,your biggest fan! | |
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(no subject) | [Jan. 8th, 2012|03:10 pm]Appropriate is really not my thing |
Why i'll love to sleep in with a guy i picked up at the bookstore instead of heading off to office to work:1. It has been raining all day.2. It's Sunday!The above strongly suggests that Zeus/God/That Guy Up There want us mortals to have a fuckathon. Maybe He is in the mood for some mortal porn. Or mortal sex in some peculiar celestial way enhances the potency (pun intended) of the Almighty. Like having faith, going to the church and praying. However much I would love to simply follow The Plan, I have to deviate: There is no guy from the bookstore. *CUES DRAMATIC BG MUSIC + FLASH OF LIGHTNINGHis existence surely could've easily change my mind about working today but I didn't go to any bookstore and for the life of me would never have picked him up anywhere. [Insert Sad Emoji]. I'm pretty sure sleeping in alone today would incur the wrath of The Lord and his electric staff, hence I shall excuse myself to work.FML.EDIT: I met my friend from the red wine episode instead. FAILZ. | |
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(no subject) | [Jan. 8th, 2012|01:11 pm]Appropriate is really not my thing |
That regular day after school you had lunch at your usual spot with your old friend, and for the first time ordered, in retrospect, a shitty glass of red house wine, which you proceeded to pour into an empty water bottle under the table after declaring it undrinkable, for fear of judgement from the servers.You don't remember the texture or the after taste, just the words "a little like petroleum" when you and your friend tried to justify your evident lack of maturity or taste or whatever it was, moments after you hurriedly fled the crime scene. | |
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(no subject) | [Jan. 4th, 2012|02:23 pm]Appropriate is really not my thing |
Top 3 reasons why my stomach is aching.1. I'm caffeine intolerant.2. I could be having appendicitis.3. I ran after the bus today.Let's see. #1 happens all the time and is a likely reason if i drank any coffee this morning. As for #2, i wish i even knew which side it occurs at. My guess would be the the injury prone left since i sprained my left wrist and ankle before, hence, more vulnerable to serious stuff like appendicitis. However, the aching seems to be coming from the right, therefore I reckon it could be only something minor like #3 a small delayed stitch induced from running after the bus this morning. Gee thanks 156. | |
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(no subject) | [Jun. 1st, 2011|08:58 pm]Appropriate is really not my thing |
Whatever possessed me to buy a electric purple tie dye tube dress at f21 must be a pretty strong 10,000 year old ancient gay blob of monstrous disaster coz i would nvr even in my batshit state of mind wear anything like that. YES I'd rather be butt naked. For the record, its not the tie dye bit (which i quite fancy since it practically screams electic), the cutting (very flattering) or the color (nothing against purple but this shade reminds me of brinjal), its actually the sum of it all that just makes me wanna gorge my eyes out and offer them to the devil. Like the apples that were given to Snow White. Poison, my friend. That dress is so evil it poisons the eyes. And you would think such a nauseating piece comes with a wallet friendly price tag which unfortunately did not. Instead of staking it to a cross to burn, the way Lady Gaga would have certainly approve of, the store it must go. For another dress zzzz. | |
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(no subject) | [Mar. 20th, 2011|08:25 pm]Appropriate is really not my thing |
It's all sorted im cool :) | |
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(no subject) | [Mar. 6th, 2011|10:20 pm]Appropriate is really not my thing |
Whatever happened to Hair Democracy?i seem to have no say in what color to dye my hair. maybe the hairdresser thinks i have bad taste in hair color - i wanted either orange red almost ginger or electric blue. i understand, it is outrageous. but what makes her think purple pink with deep red undertones is any better?! to each his own i would say but it is MY HAIR we're dealing with. she completely ignored my requests and started with no warning at all. if my hair was the starwars it wouldve been launching massive space attack at her alrdy. making possibly life changing decisions without the permission of my hair?! what if i meet the man of my dreams & this purple thing on my head scares him away? does my hair look like barney to you?!and now i have to find excuses for my hair for looking like a huge purple grape "oh no darling im trying the rocker look now apparently its tres sexy!" god save my hair O.O | |
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(no subject) | [Feb. 22nd, 2011|07:46 pm]Appropriate is really not my thing |
Mad Cow: Why did you let him buy that thing?Why does my mom always assume that I know whatever specific thing she;s going on about.I put on my best Do I Look Like I Know Face and asked, "Do I look like i know?"Mad Cow: What do you mean by you donno! You are his sister!Ah. Of course. That explains. He Who Is What Is Going On. Also more commonly known as He Who Is In Deep Shit. Less affectionately known as Lil Bro.To answer the qns that i was about to pose, I alrdy knew what he bought. Wait, i even used it for a few hours. But during such sensitive cirumstances, one must feign innocence. Afterall ignorance is bliss.Anyway, me: What did he buy?Mad Cow: PlayStation 3! How is he going to study at all if he has that cursed damn thing in his room?Which brings me to the next qns that I could nvr ask out loud lest i get into trouble with the Mad Cow: What has he got to study?Yes, my brother has promised or rather verbally agreed to retake his O Levels some time in the near future and obviously he is not going to start any time soon since his definition of near future is actually not so near, if you know the kid. Plus he's going into the army in the nearer future im guessing say 3 months or so, studying would be the last thing on his mind.Mad Cow: Why did you let him buy that?If we were to play the game of How Well Do I Know My Brother, I would probably score an A since, dude, I've known that kid for the last 19 years of his life, partly due to being forced to live under the same roof for the said number of years. I know which anime he could be watching right now down to the number of underwear he owns if I could be bothered to count. But dear lord, Im no Jean Grey. Or that girl with the boho skirt and crystal ball. How on earth would I know what he does with his money. I dont even know what i did with mine. Sometimes.It annoys me to no end that my mom assumes strongly that i allow things to happen to my brother and that i should be fully responsible of his actions despite the fact that He Who Is 19 Alrdy is old enough to be responsible for his own. Do I look like his mother?! | |
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