fan_mix_love (original) (raw)
5 Recent Entries (0 Skipped)
Title: Scirocco
Fandom: Naruto
Subject: the Sandsibs (Gaara, Kankurou, and Temari)
I don't know if anyone here is a Naruto fan, but I thought I would post it just in case. The covers aren't posted outside the cut because the images a little big. If you're interested, follow the fake cut to my LJ! ^_^
Title: Innocent
Fandom: BTVS
Subject: Buffy/Dawn
Title: Over My Head
Fandom: Pride and Prejudice
Subject: Lizzy/ Darcy
Title: Written in the Stars
Fandom: Gilmore Girls
Subject: Luke/Lorelai, JavaJunkie
Hi! Welcome to Fanmixes are Love! I made this community because I love fanmixes to death, and I wanted a place to post my fanmixes, that is a laid back place, and I could post fanmixes from all my fandom. So, here I am!!! If you have any questions, leave 'em here. There are some question that I thought people might ask, so I went ahead and answered them. They're under the cut!
5 Recent Entries (0 Skipped)