fanfics_express - Profile (original) (raw)

on 24 September 2006 (#11223400)

Fanfics Express:Where Everyone Comes Together

Select Members , Moderated


This community was created with fanfiction writers and readers in mind. Personally I always found it difficult to find intriguing fanfiction. So I created this community to give fanfiction readers a chance to request a fanfic from fanfiction writers. Currently it houses the fanfiction of fictitious_burn and royalty25.

Also, some of the stories featured here have adult themes and content.

We, the authors, have clearly marked the ratings on each story. We understand that we cannot stop underage readers from reading our stories, but we hope that readers will observe the age-limits in their respective countries before accessing our fanfiction.

If you'd like to make a fanfic request from either writer please go here and leave a comment. Enjoy your time here!


First Annual New Year's Ginny-centric Drabble Exchange

Any questions regarding this community can be directed to the following email address:[AT]

Disclaimer for Harry Potter Fanfics: The stories featured here on fanfics_express contain characters created and owned by J.K. Rowling, Bloomsbury Publishing, Scholastic, Inc. and Warner Bros. No profit is being made from the display of these works and no infringement is intended. The writings featured on this site are the creative works of their respective authors and must not be published anywhere else without the permission of their respective authors.Disclaimer for Blue Bloods Fanfics: The stories featured here on fanfics_express contain characters created and owned by Melissa De La Cruz, Hyperion Books and their associates. No profit is being made from the display of these works and no infringement is intended. The writings featured on this site are the creative works of their respective authors and must not be published anywhere else without the permission of their respective authors.

adrian pucey, allegra van alen, avery, bellatrix lestrange, blaise zabini, blaise/ginny, blaise/hermione, bliss llewelyn, blue bloods, bole, c. warrington, charles force, cordelia van alen, daphne greengrass, dark mark, death eaters, derrick, draco malfoy, draco/hermione, dylan ward, evan rosier, fanfiction, fanfiction requests, ginny weasley, graham pritchard, gregory goyle, gryffindors, harper, harry potter, harry/draco, hermione granger, hogwarts, hufflepuffs, interhouse unity, jack force, lord voldemort, lucius malfoy, malcolm baddock, marcus flint, masquerade, miles bletchley, millicent bulstrode, mimi force, montague, narcissa malfoy, obscure canon characters, oliver hazard-perry, order of the phoenix, pansy parkinson, peter pettigrew, post hogwarts, rabastan lestrange, rare pairs, ravenclaws, red bloods, regulus black, revelations, rodolphus lestrange, ron weasley, schuyler van alen, severus snape, slytherins, terence higgs, theodore nott, tracey davis, urquhart, vaisey, vampires, vincent crabbe, wilkes