Maulita S Hani | Universitas Hasanuddin Makassar (original) (raw)

Papers by Maulita S Hani

Research paper thumbnail of Behavioural analysis of manta ray tourists in Eastern Indonesia

IOP conference series, Apr 9, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Strategic approaches in manta ray tourism management

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021

Manta ray tourism has both positive and negative impacts. Therefore, this type of tourism should ... more Manta ray tourism has both positive and negative impacts. Therefore, this type of tourism should be managed appropriately, especially in protected areas. There are a number of protected areas in Indonesia which have become popular as manta ray tourism destinations. These tourism destinations are visited by thousands of tourists every year. Excessive tourist numbers with uncontrolled behaviour can potentially impact the species. This study was conducted to examine effective management strategies to mitigate overtourism in manta ray tourism at three sites: Komodo, Nusa Penida, and Raja Ampat. The target respondents included 73 relevant stakeholders. This descriptive research conducted during 2017-2018 involved the collection of quantitative information and utilised questionnaires. The results identified seven existing approaches to effective management of manta ray tourism in order to mitigate overtourism in the study areas. Key recommendations to improve mitigation are highlighted.

Research paper thumbnail of Manta Ray Tourism

Tourism [Working Title], 2020

Manta rays are flagship species for marine conservation because of a number of threats including ... more Manta rays are flagship species for marine conservation because of a number of threats including anthropogenic, overfishing, plastics (microplastics), over tourism, commercial trade (gills for medicine), and chaotic shipping lines where they often injured or killed. Because of these reasons, manta ray face risk of extinction and listed on the Red List of IUCN. A number of studies present the value of this fish estimated millions of dollars per year from tourism which show much greater valuable alive than dead. Responsible manta ray tourism encourages stakeholders to protect the species by generating incentives from tourism while develop conservations initiatives to protect the species. Desk study on current literatures were reviewed to identify the role of stakeholders in supporting the sustainable management of manta ray tourism. This chapter explored the operations of manta ray tourism in Indonesia as the study areas. In summary, to reach the positive contributions from manta ray ...

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of two whale shark watching destinations in Indonesia: status and ecotourism potential

Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Id the Manta : Manta Sightings in Manta Sandy - Raja Ampat, West Papua-Indonesia

Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Kelautan Tropis, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Manta ray watching tourism in Eastern Indonesia: Is it sustainable?

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Manta Ray Tourism

IntechOpen, 2020

Manta rays are flagship species for marine conservation because of a number of threats including ... more Manta rays are flagship species for marine conservation because of a number of threats including anthropogenic, overfishing, plastics (microplastics), over tourism, commercial trade (gills for medicine), and chaotic shipping lines where they often injured or killed. Because of these reasons, manta ray face risk of extinction and listed on the Red List of IUCN. A number of studies present the value of this fish estimated millions of dollars per year from tourism which show much greater valuable alive than dead. Responsible manta ray tourism encourages stakeholders to protect the species by generating incentives from tourism while develop conservations initiatives to protect the species. Desk study on current literatures were reviewed to identify the role of stakeholders in supporting the sustainable management of manta ray tourism. This chapter explored the operations of manta ray tourism in Indonesia as the study areas. In summary, to reach the positive contributions from manta ray tourism, there is an important role of co-management between stakeholders to ensure the sustainable operations and conservation of the ecology, economy, and socio-culture.

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of two whale shark watching destinations in Indonesia: status and ecotourism potential

Biodiversitas, 2021

Botubarani in Gorontalo, on the northern coast of Tomini Bay and Labuhan Jambu in Teluk Saleh, Su... more Botubarani in Gorontalo, on the northern coast of Tomini Bay and Labuhan Jambu in Teluk Saleh, Sumbawa recently became whale shark tourism destinations in Indonesia. Both sites offer visitors opportunities to interact with whale sharks, either watching from canoes or snorkelling and diving. In this study, we investigated the status and ecotourism potential of whale shark watching as a form of marine wildlife tourism development in eastern Indonesia by examining the existing operations in both sites. Data were collected using questionnaires administered to local community members and visitors to understand their perceptions, and how this opportunity was valued. Secondary data were collected to explore and understand influencing factors. Findings revealed that whale sharks commonly emerge near bagan lift-nets and other interactive areas as a response to the presence of their favorite prey, anchovies, and rebon shrimp. In general, whale sharks most commonly visit bagan lift nets and can be found in the interaction areas in the morning and stay for couple of hours before swimming away to deeper waters. Out of 119 community respondents in Labuhan Jambu village (Teluk Saleh) and Botubarani, Gorontalo, 80.7% knew about the occurrence of whale sharks in their locality. Of the 111 visitor respondents, 67.6% knew about the whale shark watching sites from word of mouth. The study results also suggest a correlation between chlorophyll-a concentration, anchovies, rebon shrimp and whale sharks. Regarding management approaches to this type of tourism, a local community-based management model is strongly recommended, with 87.4% of respondents showing interest in this approach. The roles and responsibility of local government in developing such tourism is very significant, especially with respect to facilitating appropriate competency within the local community throughout training and education, as suggested by nearly 26% of respondents.


ISBN: 978-623-91903-1-6, 2020

Pariwisata berbasis masyarakat (CBT) merupakan bentuk pemberdayaan yang memberikan peluang masyar... more Pariwisata berbasis masyarakat (CBT) merupakan bentuk pemberdayaan yang memberikan peluang masyarakat setempat untuk terlibat dalam pengembangan pariwisata. Tujuan CBT adalah untuk mendukung alternatif matapencaharian berkelanjutan di samping melestarikan tradisi dan perlindungan alam. Berdasarkan temuan pemantauan hiu paus dari Conservation International Indonesia di Teluk Saleh, sejak 2018 masyarakat Desa Labuhan Jambu memanfaatkan konservasi spesies hiu paus untuk pariwisata berbasis masayarakat. Masyarakat setempat terlibat dalam setiap tahapan kegiatan pengelolaan perlindungan, pelestarian, dan pemanfaatan hiu paus. Masyarakat Desa Labuhan Jambu menyediakan barang dan jasa kepada wisatawan hiu paus di bawah pengelolaan Badan Usaha Milik Desa (BUMDES), antara lain persewaan mobil, persewaan perahu, persewaan perlengkapan snorkeling, homestay, jasa operator tur, jasa pemandu wisata, makan minum, dan produk suvenir. Studi yang dilakukan di Desa Labuhan Jambu ini melibatkan 62 masyarakat lokal yang berpartisipasi dalam wisata hiu paus berbasis masyarakat yang dilakukan pada tahun 2019. Data kuantitatif dianalisis dengan menggunakan statistik deskriptif. Hasil penelitian ini mengidentifikasi sejumlah peluang meliputi tambahan pemasukan dari usaha jasa yang disediakan dan lapangan kerja baru, peningkatan kapasitas, mendorong usaha kecil, pemberdayaan perempuan, masyarakat sebagai citizen scientist melakukan monitoring dan pelepasan hiu paus dalam jaring, dan membangun pemahaman lintas budaya antara tuan rumah dan wisatawan melalui tradisi serta nilai lokal untuk bertukar pengalaman. Tantangan utama CBT yang teridentifikasi dari model pengembangan wisata ini antara lain nepotisme, adanya wisataan hiu paus yang datang secara illegal (tanpa melalui pengelola), pembayaran yang tidak sesuai kesepakatan, penyewaan yang melebihi waktu, dan sulitnya mengatur operator wisata. Dalam studi ini kami berkesimpulan bahwa ada sepuluh faktor kunci keberhasilan CBT di Desa Labuhan Jambu yaitu: partisipasi semua pihak pemangku kepentingan, kepemimpinan dan champion lokal yang kuat, pembangunan kapasitas masyarakat, pengelolaan bersama, kemitraan, transparansi, memegang teguh nilai sosial budaya lokal, pemberdayaan perempuan, komunikasi yang efektif, dan kebijakan.

Research paper thumbnail of The Role of Small-Scale Manta Ray Tourism in Eastern Indonesia's Marine Protected Areas

IJICC, 2020

Manta ray watching tourism worldwide has been reported to bring a significant economic impact tha... more Manta ray watching tourism worldwide has been reported to bring a
significant economic impact that contributes to the effective
management of sustainable wildlife tourism. This study was conducted
to analyse the role of small-scale tourism businesses in Marine Protected
Areas (MPAs) of Nusa Penida, Komodo, and Raja Ampat, both in
Indonesia, that offers manta ray tours and determines their significant
contribution to the park management. We conducted surveys with 101
respondents from manta ray tourism services and phone interviews with
three park managers. The results of this study indicate that more than
90% of respondents engage in conservation activities. The small-scale
businesses include boat rentals, gear rentals, dive shops, tour operators,
homestays and souvenir shops that promote manta ray conservation
through their products and services; educating tourists and staff,
collecting plastics when diving and snorkelling, regular beach cleanups, waste management, recycling programs, manta ray monitoring and
photo ID activities. Furthermore, the Marine Protected Area (MPA)
management confirmed by establishing a partnership with the smallscale manta ray’s tourism businesses to ensure the authentic manta ray
experience for tourists and achieving sustainable businesses for the
locals. In summary, there are three significant roles of small-scale manta
ray tourism business including species protection, sustainable tourism
compliance, and effective MPA management that still needs to be
strengthened to provide maximum benefits to conservation and tourism.


Journal IPB, 2019

Manta ray (Mobula alfredi and Mobula birostris) is an endangered species that protected by intern... more Manta ray (Mobula alfredi and Mobula birostris) is an endangered species that protected by international and national law. This species is vulnerable because of commercial fisheries and anthropogenic threats. These threats have impacted the species population worldwide. Raja Ampat is home for both species of the manta ray, and the area is protected with conservation status. Manta Sandy is located in Dampier Strait, is a popular dive site in Raja Ampat visited by thousands of tourist per year. It is vital to ensure the manta sightings in this area to maintain the tourist volume for local economic benefits. Utilization of photo ID and mark-recapture technique conducted to document the spots on the belly of manta ray that identify a unique pattern of each fish. This study conducted in low season from July to August 2018 for 15 days from 08.00-16.00 used two cameras of go pro hero 4 with extra battery power. The result documented time of manta sightings and species characteristic (size, sex, species, behavior, and color morphology). The camera trap recorded four manta rays where the two of them were new identified individuals. ABSTRAK Pari manta (Mobula alfredi dan Mobula birostris) adalah spesies langka yang dilindungi oleh hukum internasional dan nasional. Spesies ini vulnerable karena perdagangan perikanan dan ancaman aktivitas manusia. Ancaman ini telah berdampak pada populasi pari manta di seluruh dunia, Raja Ampat adalah rumah bagi kedua spesies pari manta, dan daerah tersebut dilindungi dengan status konservasi. Manta Sandy terletak di Selat Dampier, adalah situs penyelaman populer di Raja Ampat yang dikunjungi oleh ribuan turis per tahun. Sangat penting untuk memastikan kemunculan manta di daerah ini untuk mempertahankan jumlah wisata untuk keuntungan ekonomi lokal. Pemanfaatan ID foto dan teknik mark-recapture dilakukan untuk mendokumentasikan bintik-bintik pada perut pari manta yang mengidentifikasi pola unik dari setiap individu. Penelitian ini di lakukan di musim timur dan musim barat di tahun 2018 selama 45 hari dari pukul 08:00-16:00 menggunakan dua kamera go pro hero 4 dengan daya baterai ekstra. Hasilnya mendokumentasikan waktu kemunculan manta dan karakteristik spesies (ukuran, jenis kelamin, aktivitas dan morfologi warna). Kamera jebak merekam 68 individu pari manta di mana 17 adalah individu yang baru diidentifikasi.

Research paper thumbnail of Behavioral analysis of manta ray tourists in Eastern Indonesia

MarSave International Symposium , 2018

Indonesia has several manta ray aggregation sites, including Nusa Penida, Komodo, and Raja Ampat.... more Indonesia has several manta ray aggregation sites, including Nusa Penida, Komodo, and Raja Ampat. The popularity of manta ray watching tourism has attracted tourists to Indonesia from around the world. Understanding tourist behaviour is vital in order to develop operational approaches and strategies for species protection and tourist satisfaction. The objectives of this study were to analyse tourist motivation, attitudes, preferences, and perceptions before, during, and after manta ray watching. Questionnaires were distributed during May-June 2018, involving 20 local operators and 43 respondents. The traveling patterns of manta tourists indicate that they rarely travel alone, most prefer 1-3 companions; they generally spent several days in the destination area, used a variety of lodging options, and selected nature as the primary reason for their visit. In Nusa Penida and Komodo, most tourists decided to go manta ray watching after arriving at their destination, in contrast to Raja Ampat. They spent a minimum of 500anduptomorethan500 and up to more than 500anduptomorethan1000 (excluding airfares). The Likert scale analysis shows three main factors affecting tourists' decision to go manta ray watching: to see manta rays in their habitat; to view an endangered species; and to interact with the fish. Specific attitudes and behaviours of manta ray tourists included: viewing manta rays from a distance; diving, and snorkelling encounters; visiting several manta locations; willingness to pay extra for species conservation; revisiting specific locations; following procedures/code of conduct. Favourite aspects enjoyed by tourists were manta ray morphology and swimming behaviour.

Research paper thumbnail of Manta ray watching tourism in Eastern Indonesia: Is it sustainable?

MarSave International Symposium , 2018

Manta ray watching tourism has become a popular tourist attraction over the past two decades, wit... more Manta ray watching tourism has become a popular tourist attraction over the past two decades, with a number of destinations offering different encounter experiences for tourists. This type of attraction has drawn worldwide attention because it can offer significant contributions to the local economy through snorkelling and diving services. Since its early development, a number of scientists have conducted research on the impacts of manta ray watching tourism, and have reported different findings regarding its sustainability. Based on published scientific articles, this study provides a literature review of manta ray watching tourism and examines the sustainability of its operation. This paper also highlights manta ray tourism hotspots in Indonesia including Nusa Penida, Komodo, and Raja Ampat as the study locations. Interviews with ten key persons including government officials, tourism operators, community, and non-governmental organization were conducted to collect and identify their perceptions. This study demonstrates different impacts of economy, ecology, and social-cultural aspects. Furthermore, different study areas apply different management approach in managing their tourist in terms of manta ray watching tourism operation. In conclusion, good governance, regulations/law enforcement, and collaborative management are significant factors to achieve sustainable manta ray watching tourism.

Conference Presentations by Maulita S Hani

Research paper thumbnail of Community Participation in Planning Whale Shark Tourism in Sumbawa, West Nusa Tenggara-Indonesia

International Conference on Coastal and Marine Tourism, 2018

Whale shark tourism offer potential benefits to support economic alternative livelihood. Since 20... more Whale shark tourism offer potential benefits to support economic alternative livelihood. Since 2017, Conservation International Indonesia worked in Sumbawa to monitor whale shark distribution and identified species aggregation in Teluk Saleh. We conducted a survey on May 23th-27th, 2018 and involved 86 local community from five hamlets in Labuan Jambu village. Furthermore, forum group discussion (FGD) held with 20 village representative on July 30th, 2018. The result of frequency distribution demonstrated 95% of respondents show positive perceptions towards sustainable development of whale shark tourism with 40% willing to participate in boat rental services. The community also proposes to participate in providing other tourism services including the local guide (12%), food and beverage or F&B (8%), local transport (8%), and homestay (6%). 34% of respondents agreed to establish a new institution (under village officials) to coordinate tourism services provided by the local community. We also conducted participatory mapping with 15 key informants where the result confirmed 13 areas of whale shark aggregation with all-year-round sightings. The FGD results in 20 participants ready to start the pilot project of community-based whale shark tourism in August 2018, including 4 boat rental (3 speedboats and 1 floating cage boat), 6 homestays, 4 car rentals, 1 F&B, 1 gear rental, 2 guides, and 2 local products. In addition, we facilitate village official in establishing policy and regulations for whale shark conservation and sustainable community-based tourism through village regulation, code of conduct, best practices, and capacity building program.

Research paper thumbnail of Behavioural analysis of manta ray tourists in Eastern Indonesia

IOP conference series, Apr 9, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Strategic approaches in manta ray tourism management

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021

Manta ray tourism has both positive and negative impacts. Therefore, this type of tourism should ... more Manta ray tourism has both positive and negative impacts. Therefore, this type of tourism should be managed appropriately, especially in protected areas. There are a number of protected areas in Indonesia which have become popular as manta ray tourism destinations. These tourism destinations are visited by thousands of tourists every year. Excessive tourist numbers with uncontrolled behaviour can potentially impact the species. This study was conducted to examine effective management strategies to mitigate overtourism in manta ray tourism at three sites: Komodo, Nusa Penida, and Raja Ampat. The target respondents included 73 relevant stakeholders. This descriptive research conducted during 2017-2018 involved the collection of quantitative information and utilised questionnaires. The results identified seven existing approaches to effective management of manta ray tourism in order to mitigate overtourism in the study areas. Key recommendations to improve mitigation are highlighted.

Research paper thumbnail of Manta Ray Tourism

Tourism [Working Title], 2020

Manta rays are flagship species for marine conservation because of a number of threats including ... more Manta rays are flagship species for marine conservation because of a number of threats including anthropogenic, overfishing, plastics (microplastics), over tourism, commercial trade (gills for medicine), and chaotic shipping lines where they often injured or killed. Because of these reasons, manta ray face risk of extinction and listed on the Red List of IUCN. A number of studies present the value of this fish estimated millions of dollars per year from tourism which show much greater valuable alive than dead. Responsible manta ray tourism encourages stakeholders to protect the species by generating incentives from tourism while develop conservations initiatives to protect the species. Desk study on current literatures were reviewed to identify the role of stakeholders in supporting the sustainable management of manta ray tourism. This chapter explored the operations of manta ray tourism in Indonesia as the study areas. In summary, to reach the positive contributions from manta ray ...

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of two whale shark watching destinations in Indonesia: status and ecotourism potential

Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Id the Manta : Manta Sightings in Manta Sandy - Raja Ampat, West Papua-Indonesia

Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Kelautan Tropis, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Manta ray watching tourism in Eastern Indonesia: Is it sustainable?

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Manta Ray Tourism

IntechOpen, 2020

Manta rays are flagship species for marine conservation because of a number of threats including ... more Manta rays are flagship species for marine conservation because of a number of threats including anthropogenic, overfishing, plastics (microplastics), over tourism, commercial trade (gills for medicine), and chaotic shipping lines where they often injured or killed. Because of these reasons, manta ray face risk of extinction and listed on the Red List of IUCN. A number of studies present the value of this fish estimated millions of dollars per year from tourism which show much greater valuable alive than dead. Responsible manta ray tourism encourages stakeholders to protect the species by generating incentives from tourism while develop conservations initiatives to protect the species. Desk study on current literatures were reviewed to identify the role of stakeholders in supporting the sustainable management of manta ray tourism. This chapter explored the operations of manta ray tourism in Indonesia as the study areas. In summary, to reach the positive contributions from manta ray tourism, there is an important role of co-management between stakeholders to ensure the sustainable operations and conservation of the ecology, economy, and socio-culture.

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of two whale shark watching destinations in Indonesia: status and ecotourism potential

Biodiversitas, 2021

Botubarani in Gorontalo, on the northern coast of Tomini Bay and Labuhan Jambu in Teluk Saleh, Su... more Botubarani in Gorontalo, on the northern coast of Tomini Bay and Labuhan Jambu in Teluk Saleh, Sumbawa recently became whale shark tourism destinations in Indonesia. Both sites offer visitors opportunities to interact with whale sharks, either watching from canoes or snorkelling and diving. In this study, we investigated the status and ecotourism potential of whale shark watching as a form of marine wildlife tourism development in eastern Indonesia by examining the existing operations in both sites. Data were collected using questionnaires administered to local community members and visitors to understand their perceptions, and how this opportunity was valued. Secondary data were collected to explore and understand influencing factors. Findings revealed that whale sharks commonly emerge near bagan lift-nets and other interactive areas as a response to the presence of their favorite prey, anchovies, and rebon shrimp. In general, whale sharks most commonly visit bagan lift nets and can be found in the interaction areas in the morning and stay for couple of hours before swimming away to deeper waters. Out of 119 community respondents in Labuhan Jambu village (Teluk Saleh) and Botubarani, Gorontalo, 80.7% knew about the occurrence of whale sharks in their locality. Of the 111 visitor respondents, 67.6% knew about the whale shark watching sites from word of mouth. The study results also suggest a correlation between chlorophyll-a concentration, anchovies, rebon shrimp and whale sharks. Regarding management approaches to this type of tourism, a local community-based management model is strongly recommended, with 87.4% of respondents showing interest in this approach. The roles and responsibility of local government in developing such tourism is very significant, especially with respect to facilitating appropriate competency within the local community throughout training and education, as suggested by nearly 26% of respondents.


ISBN: 978-623-91903-1-6, 2020

Pariwisata berbasis masyarakat (CBT) merupakan bentuk pemberdayaan yang memberikan peluang masyar... more Pariwisata berbasis masyarakat (CBT) merupakan bentuk pemberdayaan yang memberikan peluang masyarakat setempat untuk terlibat dalam pengembangan pariwisata. Tujuan CBT adalah untuk mendukung alternatif matapencaharian berkelanjutan di samping melestarikan tradisi dan perlindungan alam. Berdasarkan temuan pemantauan hiu paus dari Conservation International Indonesia di Teluk Saleh, sejak 2018 masyarakat Desa Labuhan Jambu memanfaatkan konservasi spesies hiu paus untuk pariwisata berbasis masayarakat. Masyarakat setempat terlibat dalam setiap tahapan kegiatan pengelolaan perlindungan, pelestarian, dan pemanfaatan hiu paus. Masyarakat Desa Labuhan Jambu menyediakan barang dan jasa kepada wisatawan hiu paus di bawah pengelolaan Badan Usaha Milik Desa (BUMDES), antara lain persewaan mobil, persewaan perahu, persewaan perlengkapan snorkeling, homestay, jasa operator tur, jasa pemandu wisata, makan minum, dan produk suvenir. Studi yang dilakukan di Desa Labuhan Jambu ini melibatkan 62 masyarakat lokal yang berpartisipasi dalam wisata hiu paus berbasis masyarakat yang dilakukan pada tahun 2019. Data kuantitatif dianalisis dengan menggunakan statistik deskriptif. Hasil penelitian ini mengidentifikasi sejumlah peluang meliputi tambahan pemasukan dari usaha jasa yang disediakan dan lapangan kerja baru, peningkatan kapasitas, mendorong usaha kecil, pemberdayaan perempuan, masyarakat sebagai citizen scientist melakukan monitoring dan pelepasan hiu paus dalam jaring, dan membangun pemahaman lintas budaya antara tuan rumah dan wisatawan melalui tradisi serta nilai lokal untuk bertukar pengalaman. Tantangan utama CBT yang teridentifikasi dari model pengembangan wisata ini antara lain nepotisme, adanya wisataan hiu paus yang datang secara illegal (tanpa melalui pengelola), pembayaran yang tidak sesuai kesepakatan, penyewaan yang melebihi waktu, dan sulitnya mengatur operator wisata. Dalam studi ini kami berkesimpulan bahwa ada sepuluh faktor kunci keberhasilan CBT di Desa Labuhan Jambu yaitu: partisipasi semua pihak pemangku kepentingan, kepemimpinan dan champion lokal yang kuat, pembangunan kapasitas masyarakat, pengelolaan bersama, kemitraan, transparansi, memegang teguh nilai sosial budaya lokal, pemberdayaan perempuan, komunikasi yang efektif, dan kebijakan.

Research paper thumbnail of The Role of Small-Scale Manta Ray Tourism in Eastern Indonesia's Marine Protected Areas

IJICC, 2020

Manta ray watching tourism worldwide has been reported to bring a significant economic impact tha... more Manta ray watching tourism worldwide has been reported to bring a
significant economic impact that contributes to the effective
management of sustainable wildlife tourism. This study was conducted
to analyse the role of small-scale tourism businesses in Marine Protected
Areas (MPAs) of Nusa Penida, Komodo, and Raja Ampat, both in
Indonesia, that offers manta ray tours and determines their significant
contribution to the park management. We conducted surveys with 101
respondents from manta ray tourism services and phone interviews with
three park managers. The results of this study indicate that more than
90% of respondents engage in conservation activities. The small-scale
businesses include boat rentals, gear rentals, dive shops, tour operators,
homestays and souvenir shops that promote manta ray conservation
through their products and services; educating tourists and staff,
collecting plastics when diving and snorkelling, regular beach cleanups, waste management, recycling programs, manta ray monitoring and
photo ID activities. Furthermore, the Marine Protected Area (MPA)
management confirmed by establishing a partnership with the smallscale manta ray’s tourism businesses to ensure the authentic manta ray
experience for tourists and achieving sustainable businesses for the
locals. In summary, there are three significant roles of small-scale manta
ray tourism business including species protection, sustainable tourism
compliance, and effective MPA management that still needs to be
strengthened to provide maximum benefits to conservation and tourism.


Journal IPB, 2019

Manta ray (Mobula alfredi and Mobula birostris) is an endangered species that protected by intern... more Manta ray (Mobula alfredi and Mobula birostris) is an endangered species that protected by international and national law. This species is vulnerable because of commercial fisheries and anthropogenic threats. These threats have impacted the species population worldwide. Raja Ampat is home for both species of the manta ray, and the area is protected with conservation status. Manta Sandy is located in Dampier Strait, is a popular dive site in Raja Ampat visited by thousands of tourist per year. It is vital to ensure the manta sightings in this area to maintain the tourist volume for local economic benefits. Utilization of photo ID and mark-recapture technique conducted to document the spots on the belly of manta ray that identify a unique pattern of each fish. This study conducted in low season from July to August 2018 for 15 days from 08.00-16.00 used two cameras of go pro hero 4 with extra battery power. The result documented time of manta sightings and species characteristic (size, sex, species, behavior, and color morphology). The camera trap recorded four manta rays where the two of them were new identified individuals. ABSTRAK Pari manta (Mobula alfredi dan Mobula birostris) adalah spesies langka yang dilindungi oleh hukum internasional dan nasional. Spesies ini vulnerable karena perdagangan perikanan dan ancaman aktivitas manusia. Ancaman ini telah berdampak pada populasi pari manta di seluruh dunia, Raja Ampat adalah rumah bagi kedua spesies pari manta, dan daerah tersebut dilindungi dengan status konservasi. Manta Sandy terletak di Selat Dampier, adalah situs penyelaman populer di Raja Ampat yang dikunjungi oleh ribuan turis per tahun. Sangat penting untuk memastikan kemunculan manta di daerah ini untuk mempertahankan jumlah wisata untuk keuntungan ekonomi lokal. Pemanfaatan ID foto dan teknik mark-recapture dilakukan untuk mendokumentasikan bintik-bintik pada perut pari manta yang mengidentifikasi pola unik dari setiap individu. Penelitian ini di lakukan di musim timur dan musim barat di tahun 2018 selama 45 hari dari pukul 08:00-16:00 menggunakan dua kamera go pro hero 4 dengan daya baterai ekstra. Hasilnya mendokumentasikan waktu kemunculan manta dan karakteristik spesies (ukuran, jenis kelamin, aktivitas dan morfologi warna). Kamera jebak merekam 68 individu pari manta di mana 17 adalah individu yang baru diidentifikasi.

Research paper thumbnail of Behavioral analysis of manta ray tourists in Eastern Indonesia

MarSave International Symposium , 2018

Indonesia has several manta ray aggregation sites, including Nusa Penida, Komodo, and Raja Ampat.... more Indonesia has several manta ray aggregation sites, including Nusa Penida, Komodo, and Raja Ampat. The popularity of manta ray watching tourism has attracted tourists to Indonesia from around the world. Understanding tourist behaviour is vital in order to develop operational approaches and strategies for species protection and tourist satisfaction. The objectives of this study were to analyse tourist motivation, attitudes, preferences, and perceptions before, during, and after manta ray watching. Questionnaires were distributed during May-June 2018, involving 20 local operators and 43 respondents. The traveling patterns of manta tourists indicate that they rarely travel alone, most prefer 1-3 companions; they generally spent several days in the destination area, used a variety of lodging options, and selected nature as the primary reason for their visit. In Nusa Penida and Komodo, most tourists decided to go manta ray watching after arriving at their destination, in contrast to Raja Ampat. They spent a minimum of 500anduptomorethan500 and up to more than 500anduptomorethan1000 (excluding airfares). The Likert scale analysis shows three main factors affecting tourists' decision to go manta ray watching: to see manta rays in their habitat; to view an endangered species; and to interact with the fish. Specific attitudes and behaviours of manta ray tourists included: viewing manta rays from a distance; diving, and snorkelling encounters; visiting several manta locations; willingness to pay extra for species conservation; revisiting specific locations; following procedures/code of conduct. Favourite aspects enjoyed by tourists were manta ray morphology and swimming behaviour.

Research paper thumbnail of Manta ray watching tourism in Eastern Indonesia: Is it sustainable?

MarSave International Symposium , 2018

Manta ray watching tourism has become a popular tourist attraction over the past two decades, wit... more Manta ray watching tourism has become a popular tourist attraction over the past two decades, with a number of destinations offering different encounter experiences for tourists. This type of attraction has drawn worldwide attention because it can offer significant contributions to the local economy through snorkelling and diving services. Since its early development, a number of scientists have conducted research on the impacts of manta ray watching tourism, and have reported different findings regarding its sustainability. Based on published scientific articles, this study provides a literature review of manta ray watching tourism and examines the sustainability of its operation. This paper also highlights manta ray tourism hotspots in Indonesia including Nusa Penida, Komodo, and Raja Ampat as the study locations. Interviews with ten key persons including government officials, tourism operators, community, and non-governmental organization were conducted to collect and identify their perceptions. This study demonstrates different impacts of economy, ecology, and social-cultural aspects. Furthermore, different study areas apply different management approach in managing their tourist in terms of manta ray watching tourism operation. In conclusion, good governance, regulations/law enforcement, and collaborative management are significant factors to achieve sustainable manta ray watching tourism.

Research paper thumbnail of Community Participation in Planning Whale Shark Tourism in Sumbawa, West Nusa Tenggara-Indonesia

International Conference on Coastal and Marine Tourism, 2018

Whale shark tourism offer potential benefits to support economic alternative livelihood. Since 20... more Whale shark tourism offer potential benefits to support economic alternative livelihood. Since 2017, Conservation International Indonesia worked in Sumbawa to monitor whale shark distribution and identified species aggregation in Teluk Saleh. We conducted a survey on May 23th-27th, 2018 and involved 86 local community from five hamlets in Labuan Jambu village. Furthermore, forum group discussion (FGD) held with 20 village representative on July 30th, 2018. The result of frequency distribution demonstrated 95% of respondents show positive perceptions towards sustainable development of whale shark tourism with 40% willing to participate in boat rental services. The community also proposes to participate in providing other tourism services including the local guide (12%), food and beverage or F&B (8%), local transport (8%), and homestay (6%). 34% of respondents agreed to establish a new institution (under village officials) to coordinate tourism services provided by the local community. We also conducted participatory mapping with 15 key informants where the result confirmed 13 areas of whale shark aggregation with all-year-round sightings. The FGD results in 20 participants ready to start the pilot project of community-based whale shark tourism in August 2018, including 4 boat rental (3 speedboats and 1 floating cage boat), 6 homestays, 4 car rentals, 1 F&B, 1 gear rental, 2 guides, and 2 local products. In addition, we facilitate village official in establishing policy and regulations for whale shark conservation and sustainable community-based tourism through village regulation, code of conduct, best practices, and capacity building program.