Waldemar Bonventi, Jr. | Faculdade de Tecnologia de Sorocaba (original) (raw)

Videos by Waldemar Bonventi, Jr.

Development of Automotive Pressure Sensors with Thick Film in order to reduce costs, compared wit... more Development of Automotive Pressure Sensors with Thick Film in order to reduce costs, compared with Thin Film Sensors.

Papers by Waldemar Bonventi, Jr.

Research paper thumbnail of Metodologia PBL Em Projeto De Monitoramento Industrial Da Água

Collection: Applied production engineering, 2022

Direitos para esta edição cedidos à Atena Editora pelos autores. Open access publication by Atena... more Direitos para esta edição cedidos à Atena Editora pelos autores. Open access publication by Atena Editora Todo o conteúdo deste livro está licenciado sob uma Licença de Atribuição Creative Commons. Atribuição-Não-Comercial-NãoDerivativos 4.0 Internacional (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0). O conteúdo dos artigos e seus dados em sua forma, correção e confiabilidade são de responsabilidade exclusiva dos autores, inclusive não representam necessariamente a posição oficial da Atena Editora. Permitido o download da obra e o compartilhamento desde que sejam atribuídos créditos aos autores, mas sem a possibilidade de alterá-la de nenhuma forma ou utilizá-la para fins comerciais. Todos os manuscritos foram previamente submetidos à avaliação cega pelos pares, membros do Conselho Editorial desta Editora, tendo sido aprovados para a publicação com base em critérios de neutralidade e imparcialidade acadêmica. A Atena Editora é comprometida em garantir a integridade editorial em todas as etapas do processo de publicação, evitando plágio, dados ou resultados fraudulentos e impedindo que interesses financeiros comprometam os padrões éticos da publicação. Situações suspeitas de má conduta científica serão investigadas sob o mais alto padrão de rigor acadêmico e ético.

Research paper thumbnail of Fuzzy logic for renewable energy recommendation and regional consumption forecast using SARIMA and LSTM

Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy

The use of renewable energy, notably solar and wind energy, has grown exponentially in Brazil. Co... more The use of renewable energy, notably solar and wind energy, has grown exponentially in Brazil. Consumers can generate their energy using renewable sources, whether interconnected to the distribution system (on-grid) or not (off-grid). In this paper, a fuzzy method is developed for the recommendation of solar and wind sources, for any location in the Brazilian territory. In many aspects, it can be viewed as a representation of human decision-making using sets and inference rules and also can be with vagueness and uncertainty, being very useful to idealize recommendation systems. Georeferenced and historical data were obtained from 2003 to 2019 on solar irradiation and wind speed, and electricity consumption until 2021. With the energy generation data from photovoltaic panels and wind turbines, this method allows us to propose installed areas by each technology and obtain the membership of fuzzy recommendation between solar, wind, both solar and wind, unfeasible or hybrid. In addition...

Research paper thumbnail of Bacteriophage-Based Biosensing of Pseudomonas aeruginosa: An Integrated Approach for the Putative Real-Time Detection of Multi-Drug-Resistant Strains


During the last decennium, it has become widely accepted that ubiquitous bacterial viruses, or ba... more During the last decennium, it has become widely accepted that ubiquitous bacterial viruses, or bacteriophages, exert enormous influences on our planet’s biosphere, killing between 4–50% of the daily produced bacteria and constituting the largest genetic diversity pool on our planet. Currently, bacterial infections linked to healthcare services are widespread, which, when associated with the increasing surge of antibiotic-resistant microorganisms, play a major role in patient morbidity and mortality. In this scenario, Pseudomonas aeruginosa alone is responsible for ca. 13–15% of all hospital-acquired infections. The pathogen P. aeruginosa is an opportunistic one, being endowed with metabolic versatility and high (both intrinsic and acquired) resistance to antibiotics. Bacteriophages (or phages) have been recognized as a tool with high potential for the detection of bacterial infections since these metabolically inert entities specifically attach to, and lyse, bacterial host cells, th...

Research paper thumbnail of Prospective study of a <i>Bothrops jararacussu</i> venom batch (Bj2015) – phospholipase A<sub>2</sub> activity, immunogenicity, neurotoxicity, and myotoxicity parameters

Bothrops jararacussu venom's (Bj2015) batch was biomonitored quarterly for one year to assess pho... more Bothrops jararacussu venom's (Bj2015) batch was biomonitored quarterly for one year to assess phospholipase A 2 (PLA 2) activity, immunogenicity, neurotoxicity, and myotoxicity. In silico models were applied to evaluate losses using decay model and recoveries by predictive trend analysis. Mice were immunized with Bj2015. Antibodies were detected by doubleimmunodiffusion and total protein and albumin were measured. Neuromuscular blockade-induced by 40 µg mL-1 venom solution was carried out using mouse nerve phrenic-diaphragm preparation. Resulting muscles were submitted to light microscopy to evaluate the myotoxicity. PLA 2 activity of 0.1 mg mL-1 Bj2015

Research paper thumbnail of Caracterização de um dispositivo portátil para irradiação de sangue por laser extravascular

Revista Principia - Divulgação Científica e Tecnológica do IFPB

A terapia por ILIB (Intravascular Laser Irradiation of Blood) estimula as células sanguíneas com ... more A terapia por ILIB (Intravascular Laser Irradiation of Blood) estimula as células sanguíneas com irradiação a laser, proporcionando benefícios ao sistema imunológico, microcirculação sanguínea e alívio da dor e inflamação. A interação da radiação laser com tecidos biológicos é utilizada para fins diagnósticos ou terapêuticos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi desenvolver um equipamento eletrônico portátil capaz de aplicar o ILIB de forma tópica (extravascular). Este trabalho não inclui resultados dos efeitos terapêuticos em pessoas ou animais, apenas trata das interações do laser com tecidos biológicos e caracterização do dispositivo. A partir disso, são mostradas todas as fases de elaboração do protótipo e sua caracterização, atendendo aos requisitos pré-estabelecidos para a laserterapia. Parâmetros como potência, temperatura e consumo foram medidos durante o funcionamento do protótipo. Este aparelho é menor, sem fio, com bateria de longa autonomia, sendo muito confortável durante as s...

Research paper thumbnail of An Evaluation of the Late Results of Aortic Valve Repair

The Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, 1965

A WIDE variety of techniques have been used in the direct vision repair of the diseased aortic va... more A WIDE variety of techniques have been used in the direct vision repair of the diseased aortic valve. Although the surgical techniques and the im mediate postoperative results have been extensively published, there are only a few reports of long-term follow-up examinations. It is the purpose of this article to describe the clinical, hemodynamic, and angiographic findings in 28 patients who were examined objectively at an average interval of 20 months following aortic valve repair. CLINICAL MATERIAL AND METHODS In the first 3 months of 1964, the cases of all patients whose aortic valves had been repaired by direct vision surgery between January, 1959, and July, 1963, by the four surgeons in the Cardiovascular Surgery Division of the Toronto General Hospital were reviewed. The findings in 16 patients with subvalvular stenosis and 8 patients with congenital aortic stenosis treated by simple commissural incision are not included in this report. As can be seen from Table I, 43 patients were discharged from the hospital following aortic valve surgery during the 4^ year study period. There were nine late deaths and 6 patients were unable to return for follow-up assessment, Twenty-eight patients returned for follow-up and all were examined by a cardiologist and had a chest x-ray study and an electrocardiogram performed. Twenty-three of the 28 patients were recatheterized using combined percu taneous retrograde aortic and transseptal left heart catheterization. The resting aortic systolic gradient and the left ventricular end-diastolic pressure (LVEDP) were measured. Aortic insufficiency was estimated by aortic root cineangiography and dye curves. The degree of aortic incompetence was expressed as Grade I (trivial), Grade II (mild), Grade III (moderate), and Grade IV (severe), as suggested by Colapinto and associates. 1

Research paper thumbnail of Estudo das oscila c~oes amortecidas de um p^endulo f sico

Recebido em 3/11/2014; Aceito em 4/2/2015; Publicado em 30/6/2015A tecnologia tem permitido a obt... more Recebido em 3/11/2014; Aceito em 4/2/2015; Publicado em 30/6/2015A tecnologia tem permitido a obten¸c˜ao de dados experimentais de forma mais r´apida e f´acil atrav´es da uti-liza¸c˜ao de dispositivos eletrˆonicos que fazem parte do nosso dia a dia, tornando os experimentos f´isicos maisdinˆamicos e at´e mais precisos se comparados com m´etodos tradicionais de medidas. Neste trabalho s˜ao apre-sentados os resultados e an´alise das medidas do momento de in´ercia de uma ripa. O experimento foi filmadocom um

Research paper thumbnail of Physical Pendulum Damped by Dry Friction

Neste trabalho explora-se o movimento pendular amortecido por atrito seco. O atrito seco (ou coul... more Neste trabalho explora-se o movimento pendular amortecido por atrito seco. O atrito seco (ou coulombiano) difere do atrito viscoso pelas seguintes características: a) a amplitude de oscilação decai linearmente, enquanto que o atrito viscoso resulta em decaimento exponencial; b) a frequência do movimento é igual ao pêndulo não amortecido, sendo que, no amortecimento viscoso, a frequência “natural” de oscilação diminui com o fator de amortecimento. Foram realizados experimentos com uma ripa de madeira suspensa oscilando em contato lateral com uma placa lisa e um DVD oscilando suspenso pela borda, onde o atrito estava no eixo que o suspendia. Os movimentos foram gravados e analisados com o software Tracker. Foi possível obter os parâmetros de decaimento e a força de atrito em cada caso. Foi também calculada a força de arrasto devida ao ar, mostrando que esta era desprezível em relação à força de atrito seco. Palavras-chave: Pêndulo físico, Atrito Seco, Software Tracker.

Research paper thumbnail of Segmentação em cores de imagens aéreas por agrupamentos nebulosos

O metodo de agrupamentos difusos ou nebulosos foi aplicado em imagens coloridas, onde a cor no es... more O metodo de agrupamentos difusos ou nebulosos foi aplicado em imagens coloridas, onde a cor no espaco RGB e o atributo empregado na classificacao. O algoritmo utilizado foi o fuzzy c-means, com metrica de distância de Mahalanobis para detectar grupos alongados de pixels com cores similares. O numero ideal de classes foi encontrado por minimizacao do indice de Xie-Beni. A partir da imagem original, subimagens foramreconstruidas com pixels classificados no mesmo grupo. Como resultado, foi obtida uma boa separacao entre estruturas ambientais visualmente diferentes, tais como florestas, agua, solo exposto e outros. Como a cor e invariante em rotacao da imagem e de ampliacao, este metodo mostrou-se muito robusto para realizar a separacao entre diferentes regioes. Pode-se realizar o pos-processamento para fundir subimagens semanticamente semelhantes.

Research paper thumbnail of Project of Ceramic Pressure Transducer with Thick Film

The Aim of this work is to develop a pressure transducer using conductive silver-palladium paste ... more The Aim of this work is to develop a pressure transducer using conductive silver-palladium paste (AgPd), providing a cost reduction in the final product. It was developed a pressure sensor on alumina substrate with conductive tracks of silver-palladium (AgPd) and ruthenium oxide (RuO2) as sensor elements and piezo resistors, using thick film technology. TheAgPd paste sensor withstood over 10 million cycles at 1Hz without any damage. The developed transducer presented linear response in all working pressure range, even under different temperatures. The results obtained in this project using thick film are interesting for small industries due the low cost of the final product compare with thin films technic.

Research paper thumbnail of Assessment of chemical elements in cosmetics' eyeshadows by X-ray fluorescence and International Nomenclature of Cosmetic Ingredients characterization

Research paper thumbnail of Study of the elemental composition of plants and extracts of medicinal plants through X-ray fluorescence

Journal of Physics: Conference Series

Medicinal plant extracts are mostly used in different kinds of products in different areas, such ... more Medicinal plant extracts are mostly used in different kinds of products in different areas, such as pharmaceutical, cosmetic, food and veterinary, being employed in different dosages and applications. It is known that the metabolism of the human body is regulated by the presence or absence of certain chemical elements. Some elements enter vital functions, such as potassium and calcium. Potassium helps in muscle contractions, especially of the heart muscle, and calcium enters as an specific element in the bone composition. Some other elements like heavy metals (As, Hg, Cd, and Pb) are highly toxic to the human body, even at quite low concentrations. Therefore, there is the need to investigate the chemical composition of plants and medicinal extracts, because the presence of some elements in levels concentrations, as well as the deficiency of others, can lead to a series of metabolic disorders in the human body. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the chemical composition...

Research paper thumbnail of Pollutants harmful to health in herbal products detected by X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy

Semina: Ciências Exatas e Tecnológicas

The goal of this research was to evaluate the chemical composition of some herbal products consum... more The goal of this research was to evaluate the chemical composition of some herbal products consumed in Brazil through the Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence (EDXRF). The methodology used encompassed the selection of 14 plants’ dried extracts and six ground plants. The qualitative and quantitative analyses of samples indicating the presence of As, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ni, Zn, Si, P, S, Cl, K, Ca, Ti, V, Mn, Co, Rb, Zr, Cd, Sn, Ba, Hg, Pb, Bi, Mo, and Pt in different concentrations. It is feasible that part of the contamination found in the herbal products come from the adjuvants/excipients used in the production process. Also, it was found that the extract production process seems to have a low efficiency for the extraction of the main chemical elements present in the ground plants. In the other hand, it has the benefit of reducing the contamination by harmful elements to health, such as heavy metals. EDXRF can replace atomic absorption spectrometry as low-cost and high precision technique ...

Research paper thumbnail of Pêndulo físico amortecido por atrito seco

Revista Brasileira de Ensino de Física

Resumo Neste trabalho explora-se o movimento pendular amortecido por atrito seco. O atrito seco (... more Resumo Neste trabalho explora-se o movimento pendular amortecido por atrito seco. O atrito seco (ou coulombiano) difere do atrito viscoso pelas seguintes características: a) a amplitude de oscilação decai linearmente, enquanto que o atrito viscoso resulta em decaimento exponencial; b) a frequência do movimento é igual ao pêndulo não amortecido, sendo que, no amortecimento viscoso, a frequência “natural” de oscilação diminui com o fator de amortecimento. Foram realizados experimentos com uma ripa de madeira suspensa oscilando em contato lateral com uma placa lisa e um DVD oscilando suspenso pela borda, onde o atrito estava no eixo que o suspendia. Os movimentos foram gravados e analisados com o software Tracker. Foi possível obter os parâmetros de decaimento e a força de atrito em cada caso. Foi também calculada a força de arrasto devida ao ar, mostrando que esta era desprezível em relação à força de atrito seco.

Research paper thumbnail of Controle de sistemas eletro-mecânicos por redes neurais artificiais recorrentes

Brazilian Applied Science Review

Research paper thumbnail of If it does not move me, it does not belong to me: challenges to teacher education in a global and sustainable perspective


In these first years of the millennium, schools in Brazil and around the world have faced great c... more In these first years of the millennium, schools in Brazil and around the world have faced great challenges. Including: complex social circumstances (large scale population migration), the arrival of the Internet providing fast access to every type of information and the exclusion of the population that is not connected, appreciation of knowledge as a factor of production, the appeal for consumerism and the need for principles and practices that give value to diversity and sustainability. Added to this, is the resistance of these institutions regarding change, and the powers of persuasion of the media as inductive of behaviors and desires. However, we think that the primary material for the necessary transformations is in the school itself. In it, and from it, will changes be generated and implemented. Based on data collected, in eight countries, carried out with university teachers and students of courses for the development of teachers, analysis and reflections will be presented wh...

Research paper thumbnail of Estudo Sobre a Viabilidade Técnica e Econômica Da Reciclagem De Entulho Para a Produção De Concreto Em Obras Civis


Os resíduos sólidos gerados pela construção civil e demolições (RCDs) vem aumentando e têm sido m... more Os resíduos sólidos gerados pela construção civil e demolições (RCDs) vem aumentando e têm sido motivo de preocupações com os impactos ambientais e urbanos. Consequentemente, tem havido esforços crescentes no reaproveitamento destes RCDs. Uma linha de estudos que vem sendo conduzida refere-se à reutilização do entulho, transformando-o em agregados para concreto, argamassas e pavimentação, por meio de britagem. Neste trabalho, foram produzidos traços de concreto originado de material usinado (usado como referência FCK = 25 Mpa) e comparando-os com traços nos quais foram seletivamente empregados materiais reciclados (areia, brita e pedrisco), mantendo-se a proporção de cimento e aditivo. Testes de slump e de compressão foram realizados nas amostras destes traços, como também avaliados os respectivos custos de produção. Concluiu-se que nem sempre o de menor custo atende aos requisitos de resistência.

Research paper thumbnail of Controle de Suspensão Ativa Automotiva por Lógica Difusa

Anais do 14º Simpósio Brasileiro de Automação Inteligente

It was developed a fuzzy controller for active automotive suspension, with parameters refined by ... more It was developed a fuzzy controller for active automotive suspension, with parameters refined by simulation. The suspension model used was 1/4 vehicle (bus). The tuning parameters of the PD fuzzy controller were obtained and the result compared to a conventional tuned PD model. As control goal, the settling time was stipulated in less than 5 seconds and less oscilations as possible. Resumo: Foi desenvolvido o projeto de um controlador fuzzy para suspensão ativa automotiva, com seus parâmetros refinados por simulação. O modelo de suspensão utilizado foi de 1/4 de veículo (ônibus). Foram obtidos os parâmetros de sintonia do controlador PD fuzzy e o resultado comparado com um modelo PD convencional sintonizado. Como meta de controle, foram estipulados acomodação em menos de 5 segundos com menor número de oscilações.

Research paper thumbnail of The Orientation of Academic Project in Engineering

The Educational Review, USA

Engineering has been getting closer and closer to people's lives in a very short time period, alt... more Engineering has been getting closer and closer to people's lives in a very short time period, although present in the technology of televisions, cars, clothes, among other equipment and services. Currently, in Brazil, the engineer's work brought people closer to their problems and, therefore, the importance of training professionals with the ability to identify, evaluate and solve them. The main objective of this article is to present the teaching methodology adopted in the Supervised Project Course for the creation of Engineering Degree Project and to demonstrate some work done close to people and their "interfaces" with the health area. At the University of Sorocaba (UNISO) the Computer Engineering course adopted the active methodology of learning based on the Problem-Based Learning (PBL). This caused the students to get in touch with the community, their problems and needs. Then, these situations were discussed during the lessons in order to solve the problems identified. It should be noted that the choice of subjects was free and most focused on problems related to health, disability and sustainability. The construction of knowledge was carried out through the discussion of the theory in practice in an applied, descriptive and qualitative research on this experience. The students attended the needs of the topics of the work developed, such as: 1) Pité (therapeutic robot that helps in the treatment of childhood diseases); 2) prototypes to help the mobility of people with tetraplegia using wheelchairs. The proposal of the work with the PBL and project-based learning was important for the development of skills of autonomy and social responsibility that helped in the formation of participatory and responsible citizens in their community.

Development of Automotive Pressure Sensors with Thick Film in order to reduce costs, compared wit... more Development of Automotive Pressure Sensors with Thick Film in order to reduce costs, compared with Thin Film Sensors.

Research paper thumbnail of Metodologia PBL Em Projeto De Monitoramento Industrial Da Água

Collection: Applied production engineering, 2022

Direitos para esta edição cedidos à Atena Editora pelos autores. Open access publication by Atena... more Direitos para esta edição cedidos à Atena Editora pelos autores. Open access publication by Atena Editora Todo o conteúdo deste livro está licenciado sob uma Licença de Atribuição Creative Commons. Atribuição-Não-Comercial-NãoDerivativos 4.0 Internacional (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0). O conteúdo dos artigos e seus dados em sua forma, correção e confiabilidade são de responsabilidade exclusiva dos autores, inclusive não representam necessariamente a posição oficial da Atena Editora. Permitido o download da obra e o compartilhamento desde que sejam atribuídos créditos aos autores, mas sem a possibilidade de alterá-la de nenhuma forma ou utilizá-la para fins comerciais. Todos os manuscritos foram previamente submetidos à avaliação cega pelos pares, membros do Conselho Editorial desta Editora, tendo sido aprovados para a publicação com base em critérios de neutralidade e imparcialidade acadêmica. A Atena Editora é comprometida em garantir a integridade editorial em todas as etapas do processo de publicação, evitando plágio, dados ou resultados fraudulentos e impedindo que interesses financeiros comprometam os padrões éticos da publicação. Situações suspeitas de má conduta científica serão investigadas sob o mais alto padrão de rigor acadêmico e ético.

Research paper thumbnail of Fuzzy logic for renewable energy recommendation and regional consumption forecast using SARIMA and LSTM

Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy

The use of renewable energy, notably solar and wind energy, has grown exponentially in Brazil. Co... more The use of renewable energy, notably solar and wind energy, has grown exponentially in Brazil. Consumers can generate their energy using renewable sources, whether interconnected to the distribution system (on-grid) or not (off-grid). In this paper, a fuzzy method is developed for the recommendation of solar and wind sources, for any location in the Brazilian territory. In many aspects, it can be viewed as a representation of human decision-making using sets and inference rules and also can be with vagueness and uncertainty, being very useful to idealize recommendation systems. Georeferenced and historical data were obtained from 2003 to 2019 on solar irradiation and wind speed, and electricity consumption until 2021. With the energy generation data from photovoltaic panels and wind turbines, this method allows us to propose installed areas by each technology and obtain the membership of fuzzy recommendation between solar, wind, both solar and wind, unfeasible or hybrid. In addition...

Research paper thumbnail of Bacteriophage-Based Biosensing of Pseudomonas aeruginosa: An Integrated Approach for the Putative Real-Time Detection of Multi-Drug-Resistant Strains


During the last decennium, it has become widely accepted that ubiquitous bacterial viruses, or ba... more During the last decennium, it has become widely accepted that ubiquitous bacterial viruses, or bacteriophages, exert enormous influences on our planet’s biosphere, killing between 4–50% of the daily produced bacteria and constituting the largest genetic diversity pool on our planet. Currently, bacterial infections linked to healthcare services are widespread, which, when associated with the increasing surge of antibiotic-resistant microorganisms, play a major role in patient morbidity and mortality. In this scenario, Pseudomonas aeruginosa alone is responsible for ca. 13–15% of all hospital-acquired infections. The pathogen P. aeruginosa is an opportunistic one, being endowed with metabolic versatility and high (both intrinsic and acquired) resistance to antibiotics. Bacteriophages (or phages) have been recognized as a tool with high potential for the detection of bacterial infections since these metabolically inert entities specifically attach to, and lyse, bacterial host cells, th...

Research paper thumbnail of Prospective study of a <i>Bothrops jararacussu</i> venom batch (Bj2015) – phospholipase A<sub>2</sub> activity, immunogenicity, neurotoxicity, and myotoxicity parameters

Bothrops jararacussu venom's (Bj2015) batch was biomonitored quarterly for one year to assess pho... more Bothrops jararacussu venom's (Bj2015) batch was biomonitored quarterly for one year to assess phospholipase A 2 (PLA 2) activity, immunogenicity, neurotoxicity, and myotoxicity. In silico models were applied to evaluate losses using decay model and recoveries by predictive trend analysis. Mice were immunized with Bj2015. Antibodies were detected by doubleimmunodiffusion and total protein and albumin were measured. Neuromuscular blockade-induced by 40 µg mL-1 venom solution was carried out using mouse nerve phrenic-diaphragm preparation. Resulting muscles were submitted to light microscopy to evaluate the myotoxicity. PLA 2 activity of 0.1 mg mL-1 Bj2015

Research paper thumbnail of Caracterização de um dispositivo portátil para irradiação de sangue por laser extravascular

Revista Principia - Divulgação Científica e Tecnológica do IFPB

A terapia por ILIB (Intravascular Laser Irradiation of Blood) estimula as células sanguíneas com ... more A terapia por ILIB (Intravascular Laser Irradiation of Blood) estimula as células sanguíneas com irradiação a laser, proporcionando benefícios ao sistema imunológico, microcirculação sanguínea e alívio da dor e inflamação. A interação da radiação laser com tecidos biológicos é utilizada para fins diagnósticos ou terapêuticos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi desenvolver um equipamento eletrônico portátil capaz de aplicar o ILIB de forma tópica (extravascular). Este trabalho não inclui resultados dos efeitos terapêuticos em pessoas ou animais, apenas trata das interações do laser com tecidos biológicos e caracterização do dispositivo. A partir disso, são mostradas todas as fases de elaboração do protótipo e sua caracterização, atendendo aos requisitos pré-estabelecidos para a laserterapia. Parâmetros como potência, temperatura e consumo foram medidos durante o funcionamento do protótipo. Este aparelho é menor, sem fio, com bateria de longa autonomia, sendo muito confortável durante as s...

Research paper thumbnail of An Evaluation of the Late Results of Aortic Valve Repair

The Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, 1965

A WIDE variety of techniques have been used in the direct vision repair of the diseased aortic va... more A WIDE variety of techniques have been used in the direct vision repair of the diseased aortic valve. Although the surgical techniques and the im mediate postoperative results have been extensively published, there are only a few reports of long-term follow-up examinations. It is the purpose of this article to describe the clinical, hemodynamic, and angiographic findings in 28 patients who were examined objectively at an average interval of 20 months following aortic valve repair. CLINICAL MATERIAL AND METHODS In the first 3 months of 1964, the cases of all patients whose aortic valves had been repaired by direct vision surgery between January, 1959, and July, 1963, by the four surgeons in the Cardiovascular Surgery Division of the Toronto General Hospital were reviewed. The findings in 16 patients with subvalvular stenosis and 8 patients with congenital aortic stenosis treated by simple commissural incision are not included in this report. As can be seen from Table I, 43 patients were discharged from the hospital following aortic valve surgery during the 4^ year study period. There were nine late deaths and 6 patients were unable to return for follow-up assessment, Twenty-eight patients returned for follow-up and all were examined by a cardiologist and had a chest x-ray study and an electrocardiogram performed. Twenty-three of the 28 patients were recatheterized using combined percu taneous retrograde aortic and transseptal left heart catheterization. The resting aortic systolic gradient and the left ventricular end-diastolic pressure (LVEDP) were measured. Aortic insufficiency was estimated by aortic root cineangiography and dye curves. The degree of aortic incompetence was expressed as Grade I (trivial), Grade II (mild), Grade III (moderate), and Grade IV (severe), as suggested by Colapinto and associates. 1

Research paper thumbnail of Estudo das oscila c~oes amortecidas de um p^endulo f sico

Recebido em 3/11/2014; Aceito em 4/2/2015; Publicado em 30/6/2015A tecnologia tem permitido a obt... more Recebido em 3/11/2014; Aceito em 4/2/2015; Publicado em 30/6/2015A tecnologia tem permitido a obten¸c˜ao de dados experimentais de forma mais r´apida e f´acil atrav´es da uti-liza¸c˜ao de dispositivos eletrˆonicos que fazem parte do nosso dia a dia, tornando os experimentos f´isicos maisdinˆamicos e at´e mais precisos se comparados com m´etodos tradicionais de medidas. Neste trabalho s˜ao apre-sentados os resultados e an´alise das medidas do momento de in´ercia de uma ripa. O experimento foi filmadocom um

Research paper thumbnail of Physical Pendulum Damped by Dry Friction

Neste trabalho explora-se o movimento pendular amortecido por atrito seco. O atrito seco (ou coul... more Neste trabalho explora-se o movimento pendular amortecido por atrito seco. O atrito seco (ou coulombiano) difere do atrito viscoso pelas seguintes características: a) a amplitude de oscilação decai linearmente, enquanto que o atrito viscoso resulta em decaimento exponencial; b) a frequência do movimento é igual ao pêndulo não amortecido, sendo que, no amortecimento viscoso, a frequência “natural” de oscilação diminui com o fator de amortecimento. Foram realizados experimentos com uma ripa de madeira suspensa oscilando em contato lateral com uma placa lisa e um DVD oscilando suspenso pela borda, onde o atrito estava no eixo que o suspendia. Os movimentos foram gravados e analisados com o software Tracker. Foi possível obter os parâmetros de decaimento e a força de atrito em cada caso. Foi também calculada a força de arrasto devida ao ar, mostrando que esta era desprezível em relação à força de atrito seco. Palavras-chave: Pêndulo físico, Atrito Seco, Software Tracker.

Research paper thumbnail of Segmentação em cores de imagens aéreas por agrupamentos nebulosos

O metodo de agrupamentos difusos ou nebulosos foi aplicado em imagens coloridas, onde a cor no es... more O metodo de agrupamentos difusos ou nebulosos foi aplicado em imagens coloridas, onde a cor no espaco RGB e o atributo empregado na classificacao. O algoritmo utilizado foi o fuzzy c-means, com metrica de distância de Mahalanobis para detectar grupos alongados de pixels com cores similares. O numero ideal de classes foi encontrado por minimizacao do indice de Xie-Beni. A partir da imagem original, subimagens foramreconstruidas com pixels classificados no mesmo grupo. Como resultado, foi obtida uma boa separacao entre estruturas ambientais visualmente diferentes, tais como florestas, agua, solo exposto e outros. Como a cor e invariante em rotacao da imagem e de ampliacao, este metodo mostrou-se muito robusto para realizar a separacao entre diferentes regioes. Pode-se realizar o pos-processamento para fundir subimagens semanticamente semelhantes.

Research paper thumbnail of Project of Ceramic Pressure Transducer with Thick Film

The Aim of this work is to develop a pressure transducer using conductive silver-palladium paste ... more The Aim of this work is to develop a pressure transducer using conductive silver-palladium paste (AgPd), providing a cost reduction in the final product. It was developed a pressure sensor on alumina substrate with conductive tracks of silver-palladium (AgPd) and ruthenium oxide (RuO2) as sensor elements and piezo resistors, using thick film technology. TheAgPd paste sensor withstood over 10 million cycles at 1Hz without any damage. The developed transducer presented linear response in all working pressure range, even under different temperatures. The results obtained in this project using thick film are interesting for small industries due the low cost of the final product compare with thin films technic.

Research paper thumbnail of Assessment of chemical elements in cosmetics' eyeshadows by X-ray fluorescence and International Nomenclature of Cosmetic Ingredients characterization

Research paper thumbnail of Study of the elemental composition of plants and extracts of medicinal plants through X-ray fluorescence

Journal of Physics: Conference Series

Medicinal plant extracts are mostly used in different kinds of products in different areas, such ... more Medicinal plant extracts are mostly used in different kinds of products in different areas, such as pharmaceutical, cosmetic, food and veterinary, being employed in different dosages and applications. It is known that the metabolism of the human body is regulated by the presence or absence of certain chemical elements. Some elements enter vital functions, such as potassium and calcium. Potassium helps in muscle contractions, especially of the heart muscle, and calcium enters as an specific element in the bone composition. Some other elements like heavy metals (As, Hg, Cd, and Pb) are highly toxic to the human body, even at quite low concentrations. Therefore, there is the need to investigate the chemical composition of plants and medicinal extracts, because the presence of some elements in levels concentrations, as well as the deficiency of others, can lead to a series of metabolic disorders in the human body. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the chemical composition...

Research paper thumbnail of Pollutants harmful to health in herbal products detected by X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy

Semina: Ciências Exatas e Tecnológicas

The goal of this research was to evaluate the chemical composition of some herbal products consum... more The goal of this research was to evaluate the chemical composition of some herbal products consumed in Brazil through the Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence (EDXRF). The methodology used encompassed the selection of 14 plants’ dried extracts and six ground plants. The qualitative and quantitative analyses of samples indicating the presence of As, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ni, Zn, Si, P, S, Cl, K, Ca, Ti, V, Mn, Co, Rb, Zr, Cd, Sn, Ba, Hg, Pb, Bi, Mo, and Pt in different concentrations. It is feasible that part of the contamination found in the herbal products come from the adjuvants/excipients used in the production process. Also, it was found that the extract production process seems to have a low efficiency for the extraction of the main chemical elements present in the ground plants. In the other hand, it has the benefit of reducing the contamination by harmful elements to health, such as heavy metals. EDXRF can replace atomic absorption spectrometry as low-cost and high precision technique ...

Research paper thumbnail of Pêndulo físico amortecido por atrito seco

Revista Brasileira de Ensino de Física

Resumo Neste trabalho explora-se o movimento pendular amortecido por atrito seco. O atrito seco (... more Resumo Neste trabalho explora-se o movimento pendular amortecido por atrito seco. O atrito seco (ou coulombiano) difere do atrito viscoso pelas seguintes características: a) a amplitude de oscilação decai linearmente, enquanto que o atrito viscoso resulta em decaimento exponencial; b) a frequência do movimento é igual ao pêndulo não amortecido, sendo que, no amortecimento viscoso, a frequência “natural” de oscilação diminui com o fator de amortecimento. Foram realizados experimentos com uma ripa de madeira suspensa oscilando em contato lateral com uma placa lisa e um DVD oscilando suspenso pela borda, onde o atrito estava no eixo que o suspendia. Os movimentos foram gravados e analisados com o software Tracker. Foi possível obter os parâmetros de decaimento e a força de atrito em cada caso. Foi também calculada a força de arrasto devida ao ar, mostrando que esta era desprezível em relação à força de atrito seco.

Research paper thumbnail of Controle de sistemas eletro-mecânicos por redes neurais artificiais recorrentes

Brazilian Applied Science Review

Research paper thumbnail of If it does not move me, it does not belong to me: challenges to teacher education in a global and sustainable perspective


In these first years of the millennium, schools in Brazil and around the world have faced great c... more In these first years of the millennium, schools in Brazil and around the world have faced great challenges. Including: complex social circumstances (large scale population migration), the arrival of the Internet providing fast access to every type of information and the exclusion of the population that is not connected, appreciation of knowledge as a factor of production, the appeal for consumerism and the need for principles and practices that give value to diversity and sustainability. Added to this, is the resistance of these institutions regarding change, and the powers of persuasion of the media as inductive of behaviors and desires. However, we think that the primary material for the necessary transformations is in the school itself. In it, and from it, will changes be generated and implemented. Based on data collected, in eight countries, carried out with university teachers and students of courses for the development of teachers, analysis and reflections will be presented wh...

Research paper thumbnail of Estudo Sobre a Viabilidade Técnica e Econômica Da Reciclagem De Entulho Para a Produção De Concreto Em Obras Civis


Os resíduos sólidos gerados pela construção civil e demolições (RCDs) vem aumentando e têm sido m... more Os resíduos sólidos gerados pela construção civil e demolições (RCDs) vem aumentando e têm sido motivo de preocupações com os impactos ambientais e urbanos. Consequentemente, tem havido esforços crescentes no reaproveitamento destes RCDs. Uma linha de estudos que vem sendo conduzida refere-se à reutilização do entulho, transformando-o em agregados para concreto, argamassas e pavimentação, por meio de britagem. Neste trabalho, foram produzidos traços de concreto originado de material usinado (usado como referência FCK = 25 Mpa) e comparando-os com traços nos quais foram seletivamente empregados materiais reciclados (areia, brita e pedrisco), mantendo-se a proporção de cimento e aditivo. Testes de slump e de compressão foram realizados nas amostras destes traços, como também avaliados os respectivos custos de produção. Concluiu-se que nem sempre o de menor custo atende aos requisitos de resistência.

Research paper thumbnail of Controle de Suspensão Ativa Automotiva por Lógica Difusa

Anais do 14º Simpósio Brasileiro de Automação Inteligente

It was developed a fuzzy controller for active automotive suspension, with parameters refined by ... more It was developed a fuzzy controller for active automotive suspension, with parameters refined by simulation. The suspension model used was 1/4 vehicle (bus). The tuning parameters of the PD fuzzy controller were obtained and the result compared to a conventional tuned PD model. As control goal, the settling time was stipulated in less than 5 seconds and less oscilations as possible. Resumo: Foi desenvolvido o projeto de um controlador fuzzy para suspensão ativa automotiva, com seus parâmetros refinados por simulação. O modelo de suspensão utilizado foi de 1/4 de veículo (ônibus). Foram obtidos os parâmetros de sintonia do controlador PD fuzzy e o resultado comparado com um modelo PD convencional sintonizado. Como meta de controle, foram estipulados acomodação em menos de 5 segundos com menor número de oscilações.

Research paper thumbnail of The Orientation of Academic Project in Engineering

The Educational Review, USA

Engineering has been getting closer and closer to people's lives in a very short time period, alt... more Engineering has been getting closer and closer to people's lives in a very short time period, although present in the technology of televisions, cars, clothes, among other equipment and services. Currently, in Brazil, the engineer's work brought people closer to their problems and, therefore, the importance of training professionals with the ability to identify, evaluate and solve them. The main objective of this article is to present the teaching methodology adopted in the Supervised Project Course for the creation of Engineering Degree Project and to demonstrate some work done close to people and their "interfaces" with the health area. At the University of Sorocaba (UNISO) the Computer Engineering course adopted the active methodology of learning based on the Problem-Based Learning (PBL). This caused the students to get in touch with the community, their problems and needs. Then, these situations were discussed during the lessons in order to solve the problems identified. It should be noted that the choice of subjects was free and most focused on problems related to health, disability and sustainability. The construction of knowledge was carried out through the discussion of the theory in practice in an applied, descriptive and qualitative research on this experience. The students attended the needs of the topics of the work developed, such as: 1) Pité (therapeutic robot that helps in the treatment of childhood diseases); 2) prototypes to help the mobility of people with tetraplegia using wheelchairs. The proposal of the work with the PBL and project-based learning was important for the development of skills of autonomy and social responsibility that helped in the formation of participatory and responsible citizens in their community.

Research paper thumbnail of Análise do arranjo empresarial de uma cooperativa de apicultores da região de Sorocaba-SP pelo método de clustering

Navus - Revista de Gestão e Tecnologia

As escolhas de localização são extremamente importantes para as organizações produtivas, por traz... more As escolhas de localização são extremamente importantes para as organizações produtivas, por trazerem impactos significativos sobre sua cadeia de valor e sobre os custos operacionais das empresas. A análise de agrupamentos ou clustering é uma ferramenta matemática com capacidade de oferecer informações estratégicas para este tipo de problema. Neste sentido, o presente estudo buscou aplicar a análise de agrupamentos para definir oportunidades de redução de custos na rede de distribuição de mel de uma Cooperativa de Apicultores de Sorocaba-SP, da qual participam 357 cooperados distribuídos em 75 municípios, em um raio de atuação de mais de 200 km. A área abrangida pelos municípios e suas localizações foi dividida em grupos, onde foram analisadas distâncias e custos de transportes, através de algoritmo de agrupamentos. Os resultados apontaram que a redução de custos poderá ser obtida mediante instalação de centros de distribuição em pontos estratégicos da área de abrangência da cooperativa.