Muhammet Öztabak | Fatih Sultan Mehmet Vakıf University (original) (raw)
Volume 14 Issue 2 by Muhammet Öztabak
The goal of this study is to analyze the relationship between thinking and decision-making styles... more The goal of this study is to analyze the relationship between thinking and decision-making styles of high school students. The research employs a relational scanning model. The participants of this study include students educated in different MEB schools, such as State, Vocational, and Anatolian schools in Bakırköy-Istanbul. This study’s sample was conducted using a simple random cluster sampling model in the schools in the Bakırköy district. A total of 800 students (500 females and 300 males) participated in the research. This study used the “Student Information Form” to collect student demographic data; the “Thinking Styles of Inventory” was used to document students’ thinking styles, and the “Melbourne Decision Making Questionnaire” was used to demonstrate students’ decision styles. The most frequently used student thinking styles were found to be Legislative (34,12), Hierarchic (32,20), Executive (31,30), Liberal (31,22), Judicial (30,23), Internal (30,21), External (29,60), Anarchic (28,90), Monarchic (28,65), Global (28,55), Local (28,46), Oligarchic (26,78), and Conservative (26,07). The most frequently used student decision-making styles were found to be Vigilance (9.18), Hypervigilance (4,73), Buckpassing (4,59), and Procrastination (4,17). It has been stated that the scales of students’ vigilance in their decision-making and thinking styles have positive relationships with these sub-dimensions: Legislative, Executive, Judicial, Hierarchic, Anarchic, Local, Internal, External, and Liberal, while they have negative relationships with the sub-dimension of Conservatism.
Papers by Muhammet Öztabak
Social Sciences Studies Journal
International journal of educational methodology, May 15, 2020
Humans have had to immigrate from one country to another throughout the history because of econom... more Humans have had to immigrate from one country to another throughout the history because of economic problems, warfare, safety, etc. Warfare and migration definitely bring about traumatic incidents for all humanity. However, they are much more destructive for children. The current study aims to review the warfare-and-migration-themed drawings of the Syrian and Palestinian children living in Turkey as refugees in comparison to the Turkish children's drawings. A case study design was employed as a qualitative methodology. 19 Syrian, 6 Palestinian and 25 Turkish children aged between 6-10 years studying in various primary schools in City of Istanbul made up the study sample. Children were asked to draw pictures of warfare and migration, observed and interviewed for data collection. Content analysis was used to determine the themes present in the qualitative data. The themes identified in the drawings were discussed referring to the literature and recommendations were made.
The Anthropologist, 2016
The pu rpose of this study is to investiga te immigrant, female, high school students' and their ... more The pu rpose of this study is to investiga te immigrant, female, high school students' and their mothers' stories of "balance" during their first year in the new culture. In line with this purpose, 15 narrative stories were collected from the female students and mothers. Therefore, this study focuses on female voices of balance in the transition phase to a new culture. The themes that emerged were "Maintaining balance in social life:
Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences, Mar 30, 2015
There is scarcity of empirical evidence focusing on teachers working in disadvantaged regions. Re... more There is scarcity of empirical evidence focusing on teachers working in disadvantaged regions. Research has shown that being a teacher in a disadvantaged region brings psychological and social problems along with the educational ones. This article is based on a project supported by Turkish Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) as a part of science and nature schools project. This project aims to build a bridge between two different cultures, which will ensure an environment of cooperation and experience sharing among students and teachers. This study reveals the reflections of 13 teachers from Hakkari, who participated in the project and took professional development training as well as attending the science and culture oriented activities provided for their students. Face-to-face interviews and focus group discussions were used to collect the experiences of teachers. Two main themes emerged as a result of the content analysis: “interdisciplinary practice experiences” and “reflections related to the process of professional development”. Keywords: professional development, teacher education, social responsibility, school administrators, communities of practice.
International Journal of Educational Methodology, 2020
Humans have had to immigrate from one country to another throughout the history because of econom... more Humans have had to immigrate from one country to another throughout the history because of economic problems, warfare, safety, etc. Warfare and migration definitely bring about traumatic incidents for all humanity. However, they are much more destructive for children. The current study aims to review the warfare-and-migration-themed drawings of the Syrian and Palestinian children living in Turkey as refugees in comparison to the Turkish children’s drawings. A case study design was employed as a qualitative methodology. 19 Syrian, 6 Palestinian and 25 Turkish children aged between 6-10 years studying in various primary schools in City of Istanbul made up the study sample. Children were asked to draw pictures of warfare and migration, observed and interviewed for data collection. Content analysis was used to determine the themes present in the qualitative data. The themes identified in the drawings were discussed referring to the literature and recommendations were made.
Maarif Global Education Series
In the twentieth century, developed countries in particular have increasingly begun using human c... more In the twentieth century, developed countries in particular have increasingly begun using human capital investments to make education, which had transformed into an economic tool, more accessible from the 1960s onwards through increased labor productivity and new information technologies (Alpaydın, 2015). This has led to the emergence of overeducation since the 1980s, which is a disease of the school-to-work transition (Teichler, 1999). From the human capital approach, education creates an economic context in terms of contributing to economic development as a means of increasing the value of labor. The development of human capital paves the way for new opportunities through the value of labor, competitiveness, and innovation (Gillies, 2016; Marimuthu et al., 2009).
Education Policies in the 21st Century, 2022
Scientific, technological, and economic developments in one part of the world also affect the oth... more Scientific, technological, and economic developments in one part of the world also affect the other parts. The factors increasing the speed, severity, and prevalence of this effect are as follows: increased power of the financial oligarchy as a result of the development of information technologies, the overreaching production and dissemination of information, the development of trade through the development and spread of transportation vehicles, quicker and cheaper access to the market, financial markets' ties through information and the concentration of capital in some multinational companies, the development of the culture manufacturing industry, the feeling of inferiority among intellectuals and people of underdeveloped countries, and the establishment of colonial consciousness (Çınar, 2006, p. 125). Globalization is a comprehensive concept that includes increased economic, technological, political, and cultural relations among groups, countries, and regions; more mutual interactions; and weakening of
Educational Research and Reviews
Books introduce children to social life and provide them with the opportunity to expand their ima... more Books introduce children to social life and provide them with the opportunity to expand their imaginary worlds. Preschool children are influenced by books more than adults. Children can identify themselves with the heroes in the books and choose to act like them. Therefore, the features of the heroes in children's picture books, what they go through, and the intended message of the story have significant importance in terms of children's development. This study aims to analyze children's picture books aimed at children who are 3-6 years old in terms of child rights violations. Phenomenological pattern, which is among qualitative research methods, was used in the study. The 30 books, which constitute the data set of the study, were chosen firstly by determining the publishers, and secondly through random sampling method. The data of the study were sorted out using descriptive analysis. In order to find the messages that are directly or indirectly conveyed in children's picture books, "the sentences in the books" were analyzed. The analysis of the data is based on the four sub-themes of child rights; namely, "Survival, Protection, Participation, Development" rights. This study found that development rights were violated the most. Then came survival and protection violations. No violation as to participation rights was observed. Finally, suggestions were made about the study.
Engellilik, bireyin yaşam aktivitelerini sınırlayıcı ve kısıtlayıcı zihinsel-fiziksel bozukluklar... more Engellilik, bireyin yaşam aktivitelerini sınırlayıcı ve kısıtlayıcı zihinsel-fiziksel bozukluklardır. Aynı zamanda bireyin yeteneklerindeki ve gücündeki sınırlılık ve eksiklik durumudur. Engellilik, sadece bir sağlık sorunu değildir. Bir kişinin vücut özellikleri ile yaşadığı toplumun özellikleri arasındaki etkileşimi yansıtan karmaşık bir olgudur. Engelli insanların birçok hizmete erişimde engellerle karşı karşıya olduğu bilinmektedir. Engelli insanların da engelli olmayan insanlarla aynı ihtiyaçlara sahip olabileceği göz ardı edilmekte veya yok sayılmaktadır. Bu insanların da duygularının, isteklerinin, hayallerinin olduğu, normal insanlar kadar onların da eşit haklara sahip oldukları unutulmamalıdır. Bu araştırma, engelli bireylerin yaşamdan beklentilerini, hayallerini, korkularını, hoşlandıkları faaliyetleri, gelecekle ilgili düşüncelerini belirlemek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Araştırma, İstanbul ilinde bir Fizik Tedavi ve Engelliler Rehabilitasyon Merkezi’nden hizmet alan engelli bi...
Özel/üstün yetenekli çocuğa sahip olmak aileler için heyecan verici olduğu kadar ailelerin... more Özel/üstün yetenekli çocuğa sahip olmak aileler için heyecan verici olduğu kadar ailelerin birtakım zorlanmalar (aile içi güç sorunu, özel/üstün yetenekli çocuğun eş zamanlı olmayan gelişimi, ebeveynlerin yetersizlik duygusu, çevresel desteğin azlığı vb.) yaşamalarına neden olmaktadır. Bu sorunlara ek olarak ailede özel/üstün yetenekli çocuğun dışında kardeşin bulunması da aile dinamiklerini etkilemektedir. Bu noktada, farklı özelliklere sahip bir bireyin böyle bir yapıyı zorlaması da kaçınılmazdır. Çeşitli zorluklarla karşı karşıya kalan ve çevresinden yeterli desteği sağlayamayan aileler anlaşılmak ve sorunlarını paylaşabilmek için rehberlik ve psikolojik danışmanlığa gereksinim duymaktadırlar. Bu çalışma; özel/üstün yetenekli çocuğa sahip ailelerin özellikleri ve yaşadıkları zorlukları incelemek, bu zorlukları aşmak için ne tür hizmetlere ihtiyaç duydukları ve bu hizmetlerin etkililiğini ortaya koymak amacıyla dokümantasyo...
Araştırma makalesiTükenmişlik; bir enerji, idealizm, perspektif ve amaç kaybıdır ve sürekli stres... more Araştırma makalesiTükenmişlik; bir enerji, idealizm, perspektif ve amaç kaybıdır ve sürekli stres, umutsuzluk ve çaresizlik duygularına neden olan fiziksel, duygusal ve zihinsel bir tükenme durumudur. Tükenmişlik kavramı insanlara yüz yüze hizmet veren ve insan merkezli meslek dallarında daha fazla görülmektedir. Bu mesleklerden birisi de rehber öğretmenlik/psikolojik danışmanlıktır. Rehber öğretmenler eğitim kurumlarında yöneticiler, öğretmenler, öğrenciler ve ailelerle en çok iletişim halinde olan bireylerdir. Yoğun insan ilişkileri içinde olan rehber öğretmenlerin tükenmişlik yaşama ihtimallerin diğer bireylere kıyasla daha fazla olduğu düşüncesine dayandırılan bu çalışmada devlet okullarında görev yapan rehber öğretmenlerin tükenmişlik düzeyleri ve buna etki eden faktörler farklı değişkenlere göre incelenecektir. Araştırmanın örneklemini, İstanbul ili Avrupa yakasında farklı okul kademelerinde çalışan 75 rehber öğretmen oluşturmaktadır. Araştırmanın verileri Maslach Tükenmişlik ...
Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi, 2021
The aim of this research is to investigate the evaluation of school counselors'/ psychological co... more The aim of this research is to investigate the evaluation of school counselors'/ psychological counselors' views about the guidance and psychological practices in preschool institutions. In this research, case study design which is one of the qualitative research methods was employed. The study group consisted of 20 participants including 10 school counselors working at private schools and 10 at public schools located in Istanbul. The data gathered through the interview questions prepared by the researchers was analyzed by descriptive analysis approach. In the research, four main themes were included: school guidance and counseling program knowledge, implementation of the school guidance and counseling program, collaboration with the preschool teacher, and the courses taken in undergraduate education. School counselors attached great importance to guidance and psychological counseling practices. Despite this, there are some who are not aware of the preschool guidance and counseling program. It was revealed that school counselors don't allocate special time to the guidance and psychological program at this grade and did some practices by preschool teacher's guidance. The research findings revealed that school counselors attach importance to work in collaboration with the preschool teacher. At the same time, school counselors were in the opinion that preschool teachers should participate in psychological counseling and guidance studies at preschool period as long as these guidance studies do not require professionalism. In addition to these results, psychological counselors stated that preschool education courses are not sufficiently included in undergraduate education. They stated that when they take more courses about preschool education, they will have a more command of the program.
Bu araştırmada, okul öncesi çocukları (5-6 yaş) ile okul dönemi çocuklarının (7-8 yaş) Allah taha... more Bu araştırmada, okul öncesi çocukları (5-6 yaş) ile okul dönemi çocuklarının (7-8 yaş) Allah tahayyülleri hakkındaki bilgi edinmek amaçlanmıştır. Araştırmada, nitel araştırma yöntemlerinden olgubilim deseni kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın çalışma grubu, 50'si 5-6 yaş okul öncesi öğrencisi, 50'si 7-8 yaş okul dönemi öğrencisi olmak üzere toplam 100 öğrenciden oluşmaktadır. Öğrencilerle birebir görüşme yapılarak veri toplanmıştır. Veriler içerik analizi yöntemiyle analiz edilmiştir. Elde edilen verilere göre çocukların büyük çoğunluğu (% 87) Allah'ı tanıdığını ifade ederken, yine çocukların büyük çoğunluğunun Allah'ı anne ve babalarından öğrendikleri sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. 5-8 yaş çocuklarının Allah'ın nasıl olduğuna ilişkin algılarına genel olarak bakıldığında, 5 yaş çocuklarında Allah insana benzetilmektedir yani Allah tahayyülü antropomorfisttir. 6 yaşta ise Allah'ın daha çok büyüklüğü ve iyiliği üzerinde durulduğu gözlenmektedir. 7 yaş çocuklarında ise Allah büyüklük özelliği ve gökyüzü ile eşleştirilmiştir. Bunun sebebi gökyüzünün sonsuza açılması, uçsuz bucaksızlığı ve Tanrı'nın yüceliğine işaret ettiği için metaforik olarak çocuklarda sıklıkla kullanıldığı görülmektedir. 8 yaşta ise insana benzetme tekrar ön plana çıkmaktadır. Anahtar Kelimeler Allah tahayyülü, Allah tasavvuru, din eğitimi, okul öncesi, çocuk.
Ozel/ustun yetenekli cocuga sahip olmak aileler icin heyecan verici oldugu kadar ailelerin birtak... more Ozel/ustun yetenekli cocuga sahip olmak aileler icin heyecan verici oldugu kadar ailelerin birtakim zorlanmalar (aile ici guc sorunu, ozel/ustun yetenekli cocugun es zamanli olmayan gelisimi, ebeveynlerin yetersizlik duygusu, cevresel destegin azligi vb.) yasamalarina neden olmaktadir. Bu sorunlara ek olarak ailede ozel/ustun yetenekli cocugun disinda kardesin bulunmasi da aile dinamiklerini etkilemektedir. Bu noktada, farkli ozelliklere sahip bir bireyin boyle bir yapiyi zorlamasi da kacinilmazdir. Cesitli zorluklarla karsi karsiya kalan ve cevresinden yeterli destegi saglayamayan aileler anlasilmak ve sorunlarini paylasabilmek icin rehberlik ve psikolojik danismanliga gereksinim duymaktadirlar. Bu calisma; ozel/ustun yetenekli cocuga sahip ailelerin ozellikleri ve yasadiklari zorluklari incelemek, bu zorluklari asmak icin ne tur hizmetlere ihtiyac duyduklari ve bu hizmetlerin etkililigini ortaya koymak amaciyla dokumantasyon yonteminden yararlanilarak gerceklestirilmistir. Calisma...
Bu arastirmanin amaci, lise ogrencilerinin dusunme stilleri ile karar verme stilleri arasindaki i... more Bu arastirmanin amaci, lise ogrencilerinin dusunme stilleri ile karar verme stilleri arasindaki iliskinin incelenmesidir. Arastirmada iliskisel tarama modeli kullanilmistir. Arastirmanin evreni, Istanbul ili Bakirkoy ilcesinde Milli Egitim Bakanligina bagli orgun egitim yapan Genel Lise, Meslek Lisesi ve Anadolu Lisesi ogrencileridir. Arastirmanin orneklemi, Bakirkoy ilcesindeki okullar arasindan Oransiz Tesadufi Kume Ornekleme modeliyle olusturulmustur. Arastirmaya 500’u kiz, 300’u erkek olmak uzere toplam 800 ogrenci katilmistir. Arastirmada ogrencilerle ilgili cesitli demografik bilgileri toplamak amaciyla Ogrenci Bilgi Formu, ogrencilerin dusunme stillerini belirlemek icin “Dusunme Stilleri Envanteri”, karar verme stilleri puanlarini belirlemek icin “Melbourne Karar Verme Olcegi” kullanilmistir. Ogrencilerin dusunme stili olarak en cok sirasiyla Yasayapici (34,12), Asamaci (32,20), Yurutmeci (31,30), Yenilikci (31,22), Yargilayici (30,23), Icedonuk (30,21), Disadonuk (29,60), An...
This research aims to reveal the perceptions of the first and fourth grade students, studying in ... more This research aims to reveal the perceptions of the first and fourth grade students, studying in a public primary school in Istanbul Bahcelievler district. The case study research design was used as a part of qualitative research method. The study group consists of total 140 students; of whom 70 students are first graders and 70 are fourth graders. Focus group interviews were conducted with the students and data was interpreted with a descriptive analysis approach. The main theme of study focused on the following question: "What does school mean for students?" and it was found that all the sub themes align with the notions of “teacher and course related topics”. Also, the other main question, "What are the emotional perceptions of students related to the school?" showed that sub themes are shaped with the notions of “teachers, lessons, physical elements and friends”
Insan Medeniyet Hareketi, Apr 12, 2021
The goal of this study is to analyze the relationship between thinking and decision-making styles... more The goal of this study is to analyze the relationship between thinking and decision-making styles of high school students. The research employs a relational scanning model. The participants of this study include students educated in different MEB schools, such as State, Vocational, and Anatolian schools in Bakırköy-Istanbul. This study’s sample was conducted using a simple random cluster sampling model in the schools in the Bakırköy district. A total of 800 students (500 females and 300 males) participated in the research. This study used the “Student Information Form” to collect student demographic data; the “Thinking Styles of Inventory” was used to document students’ thinking styles, and the “Melbourne Decision Making Questionnaire” was used to demonstrate students’ decision styles. The most frequently used student thinking styles were found to be Legislative (34,12), Hierarchic (32,20), Executive (31,30), Liberal (31,22), Judicial (30,23), Internal (30,21), External (29,60), Anarchic (28,90), Monarchic (28,65), Global (28,55), Local (28,46), Oligarchic (26,78), and Conservative (26,07). The most frequently used student decision-making styles were found to be Vigilance (9.18), Hypervigilance (4,73), Buckpassing (4,59), and Procrastination (4,17). It has been stated that the scales of students’ vigilance in their decision-making and thinking styles have positive relationships with these sub-dimensions: Legislative, Executive, Judicial, Hierarchic, Anarchic, Local, Internal, External, and Liberal, while they have negative relationships with the sub-dimension of Conservatism.
Social Sciences Studies Journal
International journal of educational methodology, May 15, 2020
Humans have had to immigrate from one country to another throughout the history because of econom... more Humans have had to immigrate from one country to another throughout the history because of economic problems, warfare, safety, etc. Warfare and migration definitely bring about traumatic incidents for all humanity. However, they are much more destructive for children. The current study aims to review the warfare-and-migration-themed drawings of the Syrian and Palestinian children living in Turkey as refugees in comparison to the Turkish children's drawings. A case study design was employed as a qualitative methodology. 19 Syrian, 6 Palestinian and 25 Turkish children aged between 6-10 years studying in various primary schools in City of Istanbul made up the study sample. Children were asked to draw pictures of warfare and migration, observed and interviewed for data collection. Content analysis was used to determine the themes present in the qualitative data. The themes identified in the drawings were discussed referring to the literature and recommendations were made.
The Anthropologist, 2016
The pu rpose of this study is to investiga te immigrant, female, high school students' and their ... more The pu rpose of this study is to investiga te immigrant, female, high school students' and their mothers' stories of "balance" during their first year in the new culture. In line with this purpose, 15 narrative stories were collected from the female students and mothers. Therefore, this study focuses on female voices of balance in the transition phase to a new culture. The themes that emerged were "Maintaining balance in social life:
Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences, Mar 30, 2015
There is scarcity of empirical evidence focusing on teachers working in disadvantaged regions. Re... more There is scarcity of empirical evidence focusing on teachers working in disadvantaged regions. Research has shown that being a teacher in a disadvantaged region brings psychological and social problems along with the educational ones. This article is based on a project supported by Turkish Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) as a part of science and nature schools project. This project aims to build a bridge between two different cultures, which will ensure an environment of cooperation and experience sharing among students and teachers. This study reveals the reflections of 13 teachers from Hakkari, who participated in the project and took professional development training as well as attending the science and culture oriented activities provided for their students. Face-to-face interviews and focus group discussions were used to collect the experiences of teachers. Two main themes emerged as a result of the content analysis: “interdisciplinary practice experiences” and “reflections related to the process of professional development”. Keywords: professional development, teacher education, social responsibility, school administrators, communities of practice.
International Journal of Educational Methodology, 2020
Humans have had to immigrate from one country to another throughout the history because of econom... more Humans have had to immigrate from one country to another throughout the history because of economic problems, warfare, safety, etc. Warfare and migration definitely bring about traumatic incidents for all humanity. However, they are much more destructive for children. The current study aims to review the warfare-and-migration-themed drawings of the Syrian and Palestinian children living in Turkey as refugees in comparison to the Turkish children’s drawings. A case study design was employed as a qualitative methodology. 19 Syrian, 6 Palestinian and 25 Turkish children aged between 6-10 years studying in various primary schools in City of Istanbul made up the study sample. Children were asked to draw pictures of warfare and migration, observed and interviewed for data collection. Content analysis was used to determine the themes present in the qualitative data. The themes identified in the drawings were discussed referring to the literature and recommendations were made.
Maarif Global Education Series
In the twentieth century, developed countries in particular have increasingly begun using human c... more In the twentieth century, developed countries in particular have increasingly begun using human capital investments to make education, which had transformed into an economic tool, more accessible from the 1960s onwards through increased labor productivity and new information technologies (Alpaydın, 2015). This has led to the emergence of overeducation since the 1980s, which is a disease of the school-to-work transition (Teichler, 1999). From the human capital approach, education creates an economic context in terms of contributing to economic development as a means of increasing the value of labor. The development of human capital paves the way for new opportunities through the value of labor, competitiveness, and innovation (Gillies, 2016; Marimuthu et al., 2009).
Education Policies in the 21st Century, 2022
Scientific, technological, and economic developments in one part of the world also affect the oth... more Scientific, technological, and economic developments in one part of the world also affect the other parts. The factors increasing the speed, severity, and prevalence of this effect are as follows: increased power of the financial oligarchy as a result of the development of information technologies, the overreaching production and dissemination of information, the development of trade through the development and spread of transportation vehicles, quicker and cheaper access to the market, financial markets' ties through information and the concentration of capital in some multinational companies, the development of the culture manufacturing industry, the feeling of inferiority among intellectuals and people of underdeveloped countries, and the establishment of colonial consciousness (Çınar, 2006, p. 125). Globalization is a comprehensive concept that includes increased economic, technological, political, and cultural relations among groups, countries, and regions; more mutual interactions; and weakening of
Educational Research and Reviews
Books introduce children to social life and provide them with the opportunity to expand their ima... more Books introduce children to social life and provide them with the opportunity to expand their imaginary worlds. Preschool children are influenced by books more than adults. Children can identify themselves with the heroes in the books and choose to act like them. Therefore, the features of the heroes in children's picture books, what they go through, and the intended message of the story have significant importance in terms of children's development. This study aims to analyze children's picture books aimed at children who are 3-6 years old in terms of child rights violations. Phenomenological pattern, which is among qualitative research methods, was used in the study. The 30 books, which constitute the data set of the study, were chosen firstly by determining the publishers, and secondly through random sampling method. The data of the study were sorted out using descriptive analysis. In order to find the messages that are directly or indirectly conveyed in children's picture books, "the sentences in the books" were analyzed. The analysis of the data is based on the four sub-themes of child rights; namely, "Survival, Protection, Participation, Development" rights. This study found that development rights were violated the most. Then came survival and protection violations. No violation as to participation rights was observed. Finally, suggestions were made about the study.
Engellilik, bireyin yaşam aktivitelerini sınırlayıcı ve kısıtlayıcı zihinsel-fiziksel bozukluklar... more Engellilik, bireyin yaşam aktivitelerini sınırlayıcı ve kısıtlayıcı zihinsel-fiziksel bozukluklardır. Aynı zamanda bireyin yeteneklerindeki ve gücündeki sınırlılık ve eksiklik durumudur. Engellilik, sadece bir sağlık sorunu değildir. Bir kişinin vücut özellikleri ile yaşadığı toplumun özellikleri arasındaki etkileşimi yansıtan karmaşık bir olgudur. Engelli insanların birçok hizmete erişimde engellerle karşı karşıya olduğu bilinmektedir. Engelli insanların da engelli olmayan insanlarla aynı ihtiyaçlara sahip olabileceği göz ardı edilmekte veya yok sayılmaktadır. Bu insanların da duygularının, isteklerinin, hayallerinin olduğu, normal insanlar kadar onların da eşit haklara sahip oldukları unutulmamalıdır. Bu araştırma, engelli bireylerin yaşamdan beklentilerini, hayallerini, korkularını, hoşlandıkları faaliyetleri, gelecekle ilgili düşüncelerini belirlemek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Araştırma, İstanbul ilinde bir Fizik Tedavi ve Engelliler Rehabilitasyon Merkezi’nden hizmet alan engelli bi...
Özel/üstün yetenekli çocuğa sahip olmak aileler için heyecan verici olduğu kadar ailelerin... more Özel/üstün yetenekli çocuğa sahip olmak aileler için heyecan verici olduğu kadar ailelerin birtakım zorlanmalar (aile içi güç sorunu, özel/üstün yetenekli çocuğun eş zamanlı olmayan gelişimi, ebeveynlerin yetersizlik duygusu, çevresel desteğin azlığı vb.) yaşamalarına neden olmaktadır. Bu sorunlara ek olarak ailede özel/üstün yetenekli çocuğun dışında kardeşin bulunması da aile dinamiklerini etkilemektedir. Bu noktada, farklı özelliklere sahip bir bireyin böyle bir yapıyı zorlaması da kaçınılmazdır. Çeşitli zorluklarla karşı karşıya kalan ve çevresinden yeterli desteği sağlayamayan aileler anlaşılmak ve sorunlarını paylaşabilmek için rehberlik ve psikolojik danışmanlığa gereksinim duymaktadırlar. Bu çalışma; özel/üstün yetenekli çocuğa sahip ailelerin özellikleri ve yaşadıkları zorlukları incelemek, bu zorlukları aşmak için ne tür hizmetlere ihtiyaç duydukları ve bu hizmetlerin etkililiğini ortaya koymak amacıyla dokümantasyo...
Araştırma makalesiTükenmişlik; bir enerji, idealizm, perspektif ve amaç kaybıdır ve sürekli stres... more Araştırma makalesiTükenmişlik; bir enerji, idealizm, perspektif ve amaç kaybıdır ve sürekli stres, umutsuzluk ve çaresizlik duygularına neden olan fiziksel, duygusal ve zihinsel bir tükenme durumudur. Tükenmişlik kavramı insanlara yüz yüze hizmet veren ve insan merkezli meslek dallarında daha fazla görülmektedir. Bu mesleklerden birisi de rehber öğretmenlik/psikolojik danışmanlıktır. Rehber öğretmenler eğitim kurumlarında yöneticiler, öğretmenler, öğrenciler ve ailelerle en çok iletişim halinde olan bireylerdir. Yoğun insan ilişkileri içinde olan rehber öğretmenlerin tükenmişlik yaşama ihtimallerin diğer bireylere kıyasla daha fazla olduğu düşüncesine dayandırılan bu çalışmada devlet okullarında görev yapan rehber öğretmenlerin tükenmişlik düzeyleri ve buna etki eden faktörler farklı değişkenlere göre incelenecektir. Araştırmanın örneklemini, İstanbul ili Avrupa yakasında farklı okul kademelerinde çalışan 75 rehber öğretmen oluşturmaktadır. Araştırmanın verileri Maslach Tükenmişlik ...
Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi, 2021
The aim of this research is to investigate the evaluation of school counselors'/ psychological co... more The aim of this research is to investigate the evaluation of school counselors'/ psychological counselors' views about the guidance and psychological practices in preschool institutions. In this research, case study design which is one of the qualitative research methods was employed. The study group consisted of 20 participants including 10 school counselors working at private schools and 10 at public schools located in Istanbul. The data gathered through the interview questions prepared by the researchers was analyzed by descriptive analysis approach. In the research, four main themes were included: school guidance and counseling program knowledge, implementation of the school guidance and counseling program, collaboration with the preschool teacher, and the courses taken in undergraduate education. School counselors attached great importance to guidance and psychological counseling practices. Despite this, there are some who are not aware of the preschool guidance and counseling program. It was revealed that school counselors don't allocate special time to the guidance and psychological program at this grade and did some practices by preschool teacher's guidance. The research findings revealed that school counselors attach importance to work in collaboration with the preschool teacher. At the same time, school counselors were in the opinion that preschool teachers should participate in psychological counseling and guidance studies at preschool period as long as these guidance studies do not require professionalism. In addition to these results, psychological counselors stated that preschool education courses are not sufficiently included in undergraduate education. They stated that when they take more courses about preschool education, they will have a more command of the program.
Bu araştırmada, okul öncesi çocukları (5-6 yaş) ile okul dönemi çocuklarının (7-8 yaş) Allah taha... more Bu araştırmada, okul öncesi çocukları (5-6 yaş) ile okul dönemi çocuklarının (7-8 yaş) Allah tahayyülleri hakkındaki bilgi edinmek amaçlanmıştır. Araştırmada, nitel araştırma yöntemlerinden olgubilim deseni kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın çalışma grubu, 50'si 5-6 yaş okul öncesi öğrencisi, 50'si 7-8 yaş okul dönemi öğrencisi olmak üzere toplam 100 öğrenciden oluşmaktadır. Öğrencilerle birebir görüşme yapılarak veri toplanmıştır. Veriler içerik analizi yöntemiyle analiz edilmiştir. Elde edilen verilere göre çocukların büyük çoğunluğu (% 87) Allah'ı tanıdığını ifade ederken, yine çocukların büyük çoğunluğunun Allah'ı anne ve babalarından öğrendikleri sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. 5-8 yaş çocuklarının Allah'ın nasıl olduğuna ilişkin algılarına genel olarak bakıldığında, 5 yaş çocuklarında Allah insana benzetilmektedir yani Allah tahayyülü antropomorfisttir. 6 yaşta ise Allah'ın daha çok büyüklüğü ve iyiliği üzerinde durulduğu gözlenmektedir. 7 yaş çocuklarında ise Allah büyüklük özelliği ve gökyüzü ile eşleştirilmiştir. Bunun sebebi gökyüzünün sonsuza açılması, uçsuz bucaksızlığı ve Tanrı'nın yüceliğine işaret ettiği için metaforik olarak çocuklarda sıklıkla kullanıldığı görülmektedir. 8 yaşta ise insana benzetme tekrar ön plana çıkmaktadır. Anahtar Kelimeler Allah tahayyülü, Allah tasavvuru, din eğitimi, okul öncesi, çocuk.
Ozel/ustun yetenekli cocuga sahip olmak aileler icin heyecan verici oldugu kadar ailelerin birtak... more Ozel/ustun yetenekli cocuga sahip olmak aileler icin heyecan verici oldugu kadar ailelerin birtakim zorlanmalar (aile ici guc sorunu, ozel/ustun yetenekli cocugun es zamanli olmayan gelisimi, ebeveynlerin yetersizlik duygusu, cevresel destegin azligi vb.) yasamalarina neden olmaktadir. Bu sorunlara ek olarak ailede ozel/ustun yetenekli cocugun disinda kardesin bulunmasi da aile dinamiklerini etkilemektedir. Bu noktada, farkli ozelliklere sahip bir bireyin boyle bir yapiyi zorlamasi da kacinilmazdir. Cesitli zorluklarla karsi karsiya kalan ve cevresinden yeterli destegi saglayamayan aileler anlasilmak ve sorunlarini paylasabilmek icin rehberlik ve psikolojik danismanliga gereksinim duymaktadirlar. Bu calisma; ozel/ustun yetenekli cocuga sahip ailelerin ozellikleri ve yasadiklari zorluklari incelemek, bu zorluklari asmak icin ne tur hizmetlere ihtiyac duyduklari ve bu hizmetlerin etkililigini ortaya koymak amaciyla dokumantasyon yonteminden yararlanilarak gerceklestirilmistir. Calisma...
Bu arastirmanin amaci, lise ogrencilerinin dusunme stilleri ile karar verme stilleri arasindaki i... more Bu arastirmanin amaci, lise ogrencilerinin dusunme stilleri ile karar verme stilleri arasindaki iliskinin incelenmesidir. Arastirmada iliskisel tarama modeli kullanilmistir. Arastirmanin evreni, Istanbul ili Bakirkoy ilcesinde Milli Egitim Bakanligina bagli orgun egitim yapan Genel Lise, Meslek Lisesi ve Anadolu Lisesi ogrencileridir. Arastirmanin orneklemi, Bakirkoy ilcesindeki okullar arasindan Oransiz Tesadufi Kume Ornekleme modeliyle olusturulmustur. Arastirmaya 500’u kiz, 300’u erkek olmak uzere toplam 800 ogrenci katilmistir. Arastirmada ogrencilerle ilgili cesitli demografik bilgileri toplamak amaciyla Ogrenci Bilgi Formu, ogrencilerin dusunme stillerini belirlemek icin “Dusunme Stilleri Envanteri”, karar verme stilleri puanlarini belirlemek icin “Melbourne Karar Verme Olcegi” kullanilmistir. Ogrencilerin dusunme stili olarak en cok sirasiyla Yasayapici (34,12), Asamaci (32,20), Yurutmeci (31,30), Yenilikci (31,22), Yargilayici (30,23), Icedonuk (30,21), Disadonuk (29,60), An...
This research aims to reveal the perceptions of the first and fourth grade students, studying in ... more This research aims to reveal the perceptions of the first and fourth grade students, studying in a public primary school in Istanbul Bahcelievler district. The case study research design was used as a part of qualitative research method. The study group consists of total 140 students; of whom 70 students are first graders and 70 are fourth graders. Focus group interviews were conducted with the students and data was interpreted with a descriptive analysis approach. The main theme of study focused on the following question: "What does school mean for students?" and it was found that all the sub themes align with the notions of “teacher and course related topics”. Also, the other main question, "What are the emotional perceptions of students related to the school?" showed that sub themes are shaped with the notions of “teachers, lessons, physical elements and friends”
Insan Medeniyet Hareketi, Apr 12, 2021
Ozel/ustun yetenekli cocuga sahip olmak aileler icin heyecan verici oldugu kadar ailelerin birtak... more Ozel/ustun yetenekli cocuga sahip olmak aileler icin heyecan verici oldugu kadar ailelerin birtakim zorlanmalar (aile ici guc sorunu, ozel/ustun yetenekli cocugun es zamanli olmayan gelisimi, ebeveynlerin yetersizlik duygusu, cevresel destegin azligi vb.) yasamalarina neden olmaktadir. Bu sorunlara ek olarak ailede ozel/ustun yetenekli cocugun disinda kardesin bulunmasi da aile dinamiklerini etkilemektedir. Bu noktada, farkli ozelliklere sahip bir bireyin boyle bir yapiyi zorlamasi da kacinilmazdir. Cesitli zorluklarla karsi karsiya kalan ve cevresinden yeterli destegi saglayamayan aileler anlasilmak ve sorunlarini paylasabilmek icin rehberlik ve psikolojik danismanliga gereksinim duymaktadirlar. Bu calisma; ozel/ustun yetenekli cocuga sahip ailelerin ozellikleri ve yasadiklari zorluklari incelemek, bu zorluklari asmak icin ne tur hizmetlere ihtiyac duyduklari ve bu hizmetlerin etkililigini ortaya koymak amaciyla dokumantasyon yonteminden yararlanilarak gerceklestirilmistir. Calisma...