Laris Gaiser | Fakulteta za državne in evropske študije (original) (raw)
Papers by Laris Gaiser
Limes, 2021
Analisi sul non documento sloveno riguardante la spartizione della Bosnia Erzegovina
Res Novae, 2019
In a post-Cold War environment, countries live in a state of permanent confrontation. Political ... more In a post-Cold War environment, countries live in
a state of permanent confrontation. Political alliances are
more and more fragile, and while countries have to compete
every day on the global market in order to survive, only
those with a structured system can prevail. Economic intelligence is the most advanced political and economic theory
of state management, which also offers the framework for
private-public cooperation. In defining economic intelligence and analyzing some examples of structured foreign
systems, this article aims to show that world countries in
a globalized context can be competitive and safe only by
adopting an economic intelligence strategy. Within such
a scenario Slovenia, despite contemplating the defense of
national economic interests through the Law on Slovenian
Intelligence and Security Agency, has no comprehensive
strategy to defend or promote its economic interests by
a structured economic intelligence system. Policy makers
could take into consideration the French example of good practice choosing the national security authority as the body
delegated to shape an appropriate strategy
Negli anni a venire la pandemia del Covid-19 avrà notevoli ripercussioni sull’economia e sull’ord... more Negli anni a venire la pandemia del Covid-19 avrà notevoli ripercussioni sull’economia e sull’ordine internazionale. In l’Italia essa ha fatto emergere le fragilità e le criticità del tessuto economico-produttivo nazionale ovvero la mancanza di una cultura geoeconomica che renda il Paese resiliente in un contesto globale permeato dai conflitti di quinta generazione. Per
difendere le aziende strategicamente importanti in una fase di debolezza sistemica, l’Italia ha dato una risposta emergenziale, di tipo passivo, con l’aggiornamento della cosiddetta normativa golden power. Qualora questo strumento venisse coordinato con un approccio maggiormente attivo, basato sull’istituzionalizzazione di un sistema di intelligence economica, l’Esecutivo fornirebbe il sistema-Paese gli strumenti adatti a facilitare la formazione di una nuova dinamica di sviluppo migliorandone le capacità di reazione e di competitività a livello globale.
Il cambio di postura internazionale dell’Italia è reso urgente a causa dal ventennale ritardo nella comprensione delle esternalità positive originate dai sistemi d’intelligence economica stranieri e per il moltiplicarsi della dinamicità geopolitica a livello globale.
Rivista Marittima, 2022
An overview about the historical importance of Central Europe in international relations and for ... more An overview about the historical importance of Central Europe in international relations and for future regional stability
La rassegna dell'Arma, 2021
The end of the Cold War has led the States, in the Nineties of the last century, to think from a ... more The end of the Cold War has led the States, in the Nineties of the last century, to think from a pure geopolitical vision towards a more geoeconomics one. Within this context, a new sector for managing
the global competition based more on economic intelligence has come to be defined. With the reform of the national secrete services in 2007, Italy placed the defence of national economic interest among the priorities
of new intelligence structure but failed to institutionalize economic intelligence as achieved by other countries.
Only a systematic vision of the collaboration between public and the private sectors could improve the competitiveness of the “country-system” on a global level. Therefore, in this article would like to give an outline to the constitutional foundations on which this type of upgrade could be based, with the aim to “verify” that economic intelligence would find full legitimacy within the framework on the Italian Constitution.
National security and the future
The geopolitical, military, and economic development of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) repr... more The geopolitical, military, and economic development of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) represents a challenge to the world order that international actors will have to manage in the coming years. The destructuring approach of the current international system, based on US pre-eminence, is attacked simultaneously in three fields. It is a method that does not respect the rules of strategic logic and is capable of leading to the collapse of the Chinese regime due to the strong international friction it will create. The strategic realignment of the United Kingdom, USA, Japan, and Australia that has been in place since 2021 to contain China's international activism is a signal of a highly protective containment strategy currently deployed by the western allies led by Washington, but it is especially proof that Chinese policies are creating counter-reactions.
Today, Critical Infrastructures are regionally interconnected. Countries’ security and stability ... more Today, Critical Infrastructures are regionally interconnected. Countries’ security and stability rely more on international cooperation every day and this should be even truer within the European Union framework. Recently, the EU has provided a general definition of CI and proposed a European Programme for Critical Infrastructure Protection. It seeks to provide an all-hazard cross-sectoral approach and it is supported by regular exchanges of information between EU States in the framework of the CIP Contact Points meetings. EPCIP is fundamental for our common market security, but by analysing state-of-the-art technology, this paper will try to show that EPCIP lacks fully efficient CI protection and thus will propose an EU model of cooperation based on regional approaches and a cyber constant contact strategy. A single coordination of several regional CI frameworks could represent an effective solution, implemented on the EU principle of subsidiarity, by avoiding excessive bureaucracy.
This article analyzes the current state of collaboration between NATO and the EU, with particular... more This article analyzes the current state of collaboration between NATO and the EU, with particular reference to the hybrid conflict sector. There has always existed a close relationship of interdependence between the two organizations. In 2016, this interdependence experienced a collaborative surge with the signing of a joint declaration at the Warsaw Summit. Since then,NATO and the European Union have actively collaborated in various sectors, including hybrid warfare. In the future, both organizations will need to improve the exchange of information and intelligence collaboration. However, this analysis aims to point out that NATO and the EU, if they wish to limit the scope of their opponents’ manoeuvrability, since hybrid conflict tends to develop below the threshold of what is generally accepted as the definition of armed conflict, will have to work together to outline a new legal framework that redefines the definition of armed conflict.
In the academia, as among the specialized public it is quite impossible to find a single, commonl... more In the academia, as among the specialized public it is quite impossible to find a single, commonly accepted definition of economic intelligence. According to Jean and Savona, economic intelligence is the discipline that study information needed by companies and states to take the right development decisions with the aim of fine-tuning their cognitive and decisionmaking capacities in the complex context of global competition (2011). The gathering and strategic management of information is a complex art with economic relevance and therefore businesses are forced to establish
Povzetek Od padca berlinskega zidu se je mednarodno okolje močno spremenilo. Globaliziran trg, v ... more Povzetek Od padca berlinskega zidu se je mednarodno okolje močno spremenilo. Globaliziran trg, v katerem so politična zavezništva vedno bolj krhka, je države prisil v stalno gospodarsko vojno, v kateri pa prevladujejo le tiste, ki so v zadnjih letih oblikovale primeren sistem za izmenjavo informacij med javnim in zasebnim sektorjem. Gospodarska obveščevalna dejavnost je najbolj napredna teorija državnega upravljanja in predstavlja najprimernejši okvir za zasebno-javno sodelovanje v gospodarstvu. Namen članka je definirati pojem gospodarske obveščevalne dejavnosti ter z analizo nekaterih tujih primerov dokazati, da so lahko države konkurenčne in varne le, če sprejmejo primerno gospodarsko-obveščevalno strategijo. Znotraj takšnega scenarija - kljub temu da predvideva zaščito gospodarskih interesov v Zakonu o Slovenski Obveščevalno-Varnostni Agenciji - Slovenija nima celovite strategije za obrambo oz. razvoj lastnih gospodarski interesov preko strukturiranega sistema gospodarske obvešč...
Povzetek Od padca berlinskega zidu se je mednarodno okolje močno spremenilo. Globaliziran trg, v ... more Povzetek Od padca berlinskega zidu se je mednarodno okolje močno spremenilo. Globaliziran trg, v katerem so politična zavezništva vedno bolj krhka, je države prisil v stalno gospodarsko vojno, v kateri pa prevladujejo le tiste, ki so v zadnjih letih oblikovale primeren sistem za izmenjavo informacij med javnim in zasebnim sektorjem. Gospodarska obveščevalna dejavnost je najbolj napredna teorija državnega upravljanja in predstavlja najprimernejši okvir za zasebno-javno sodelovanje v gospodarstvu. Namen članka je definirati pojem gospodarske obveščevalne dejavnosti ter z analizo nekaterih tujih primerov dokazati, da so lahko države konkurenčne in varne le, če sprejmejo primerno gospodarsko-obveščevalno strategijo. Znotraj takšnega scenarija - kljub temu da predvideva zaščito gospodarskih interesov v Zakonu o Slovenski Obveščevalno-Varnostni Agenciji - Slovenija nima celovite strategije za obrambo oz. razvoj lastnih gospodarski interesov preko strukturiranega sistema gospodarske obvešč...
International Journal of Security Terrorism and Society, 2020
Today, the People’s Republic of China represents one of the most important geopolitical players i... more Today, the People’s Republic of China represents one of the most important geopolitical players in the world. It was able to rise to this position thanks to the co-optation, in an anti-Soviet
approach, carried out in the 1970s by the United States. At the end of the Cold War, Beijing
opted for a development policy that would lead it to excel in the economic, diplomatic, and
military sectors to assume its status as a world power. In this way, the Chinese Communist
regime has challenged the strategic logic that teaches that it is important to shy away from the
pursuit of a simultaneous advancement of power in these three sectors, on pain of creating
excessive friction with other states. The COVID-19 crisis has exacerbated this competition and is leading the antagonistic states to reduce Beijing’s capacity for economic influence, as well
as exploiting the evident repercussions to production capacity brought about by the outbreak
of the pandemic.
Limes - Rivista italiana di geopolitica, 2018
L'Italia ha tentato dopo la guerra fredda di giocare un ruolo nella Mitteleuropa, ma con bavaresi... more L'Italia ha tentato dopo la guerra fredda di giocare un ruolo nella Mitteleuropa, ma con bavaresi, austriaci, sloveni e croati non si è mai intesa. Il sogno sfiorito dell'Alpe Adria. Lo scalo giuliano come porto di Monaco, con o senza vie della seta.
Res Novae, 2019
In a post-Cold War environment, countries live in a state of permanent confrontation. Political a... more In a post-Cold War environment, countries live in
a state of permanent confrontation. Political alliances are
more and more fragile, and while countries have to compete
every day on the global market in order to survive, only
those with a structured system can prevail. Economic intelligence
is the most advanced political and economic theory
of state management, which also offers the framework for
private-public cooperation. In defining economic intelligence
and analyzing some examples of structured foreign
systems, this article aims to show that world countries in
a globalized context can be competitive and safe only by
adopting an economic intelligence strategy. Within such
a scenario Slovenia, despite contemplating the defense of
national economic interests through the Law on Slovenian
Intelligence and Security Agency, has no comprehensive
strategy to defend or promote its economic interests by
a structured economic intelligence system. Policy makers
could take into consideration the French example of good practice choosing the national security authority as the body
delegated to shape an appropriate strategy.
Res Novae, 2018
More than two decades after the collapse of the Soviet Union, in a period characterized by the re... more More than two decades after the collapse of the
Soviet Union, in a period characterized by the revamping
of confrontations between historical national interests in
Central Europe, a geopolitical buffer zone between Western
and Eastern European powers has made its way back again
into consideration as of primary strategic importance. The
Wilsonian concept of self-determination has considerably,
mainly in a negative way, influenced the capacity of Central
European nations to cope with international challenges.
Since the end of the First World War, world leaders have
been trying to mitigate and prevent dangerous regional
frictions. This article proposes to show that a politically fragmented
Central European environment has always been
seen by international players as a problem for global stability
and that its unification is still a critical issue today. This is
an issue that has heavily involved the Slovenian intellectual
world in the past and will be addressed using principles set
down by James Madison in Federalist no. 10.
Sicurezza Terrorismo Società, 2018
European Union Critical Infrastructure stability and security is based on a common, referential d... more European Union Critical Infrastructure stability and security is based on a common, referential definition of CI proposed by EU Commission’s Communication number 704 in 2004, on the European Programme for Critical Infrastructure Protection (EPCIP) launched in 2006 and on the Directive on Security of Network and Information Systems (NIS) approved in 2016. Those pillars of CI security policies shaped a fragmented environment characterized by numerous, heterogeneous, national authorities and institutions incapable to guarantee real
time monitoring, assessment and management of potential threats. Analyzing the state of the art the paper would try to show that cyber enabled structures need to adopt a cyber constant presence strategy whose efficiency cannot be guarantee by presents EPCIP and NIS
frameworks and that a EU model of cooperation based on regional CI ecosystems frameworks, implementing the principle of subsidiarity, shall be launched in order anticipate any possible disruption, continuously manipulating the cyber space in proper favour, of CI having regional
LIMES - Rivista Italiana di Geopolitica, 2019
Trieste e Capodistria rivaleggiano per diventare lo scalo della rediviva Mitteleuropa. I passi fa... more Trieste e Capodistria rivaleggiano per diventare lo scalo
della rediviva Mitteleuropa. I passi falsi della Slovenia.
L’Ungheria alla ricerca del porto perduto. Perché Italia
e Austria devono giocare assieme
Sicurezza Terrorismo Società, 2015
L’intelligence economica è la raccolta e la trasformazione d’informazioni inerenti il settore eco... more L’intelligence economica è la raccolta e la trasformazione d’informazioni inerenti il settore economico atta ad effettuare scelte operative, che si prefiggono sia scopi attivi, che passivi. Essa è rappresentata dalle attività volte ad ottenere dati dalla sorveglianza della concorrenza, dalla protezione delle informazioni strategiche, dalla capitalizzazione delle conoscenze al fine d’influenzare, delineare e controllare l’ambiente economico globale. Essa è uno degli strumenti di potere a disposizione dei sistemi-Paese. L’analisi dei rapporti di forza
economici all’interno di situazioni concorrenziali deve essere un settore di primaria importanza per ogni apparato statale. Tuttavia anche entità private hanno bisogno di una specializzazione in tale settore in modo da ponderare le proprie scelte sui mercati internazionali. La loro attività può essere di grande beneficio ovvero può influenzare scelte di interi sistemi-Paese, e viceversa. Le due sfere, quella privata e quella pubblica, sono quindi intersecanti e comunicanti. Il ritorno all’economia, come principale terreno di competizione tra nazioni, spinge lo Stato ad agire in modo da proteggere e promuovere i propri attori economici, siano essi imprese pubbliche o private, organismi territoriali, gruppi di interesse, associazioni od organizzazioni non governative.
Limes, 2021
Analisi sul non documento sloveno riguardante la spartizione della Bosnia Erzegovina
Res Novae, 2019
In a post-Cold War environment, countries live in a state of permanent confrontation. Political ... more In a post-Cold War environment, countries live in
a state of permanent confrontation. Political alliances are
more and more fragile, and while countries have to compete
every day on the global market in order to survive, only
those with a structured system can prevail. Economic intelligence is the most advanced political and economic theory
of state management, which also offers the framework for
private-public cooperation. In defining economic intelligence and analyzing some examples of structured foreign
systems, this article aims to show that world countries in
a globalized context can be competitive and safe only by
adopting an economic intelligence strategy. Within such
a scenario Slovenia, despite contemplating the defense of
national economic interests through the Law on Slovenian
Intelligence and Security Agency, has no comprehensive
strategy to defend or promote its economic interests by
a structured economic intelligence system. Policy makers
could take into consideration the French example of good practice choosing the national security authority as the body
delegated to shape an appropriate strategy
Negli anni a venire la pandemia del Covid-19 avrà notevoli ripercussioni sull’economia e sull’ord... more Negli anni a venire la pandemia del Covid-19 avrà notevoli ripercussioni sull’economia e sull’ordine internazionale. In l’Italia essa ha fatto emergere le fragilità e le criticità del tessuto economico-produttivo nazionale ovvero la mancanza di una cultura geoeconomica che renda il Paese resiliente in un contesto globale permeato dai conflitti di quinta generazione. Per
difendere le aziende strategicamente importanti in una fase di debolezza sistemica, l’Italia ha dato una risposta emergenziale, di tipo passivo, con l’aggiornamento della cosiddetta normativa golden power. Qualora questo strumento venisse coordinato con un approccio maggiormente attivo, basato sull’istituzionalizzazione di un sistema di intelligence economica, l’Esecutivo fornirebbe il sistema-Paese gli strumenti adatti a facilitare la formazione di una nuova dinamica di sviluppo migliorandone le capacità di reazione e di competitività a livello globale.
Il cambio di postura internazionale dell’Italia è reso urgente a causa dal ventennale ritardo nella comprensione delle esternalità positive originate dai sistemi d’intelligence economica stranieri e per il moltiplicarsi della dinamicità geopolitica a livello globale.
Rivista Marittima, 2022
An overview about the historical importance of Central Europe in international relations and for ... more An overview about the historical importance of Central Europe in international relations and for future regional stability
La rassegna dell'Arma, 2021
The end of the Cold War has led the States, in the Nineties of the last century, to think from a ... more The end of the Cold War has led the States, in the Nineties of the last century, to think from a pure geopolitical vision towards a more geoeconomics one. Within this context, a new sector for managing
the global competition based more on economic intelligence has come to be defined. With the reform of the national secrete services in 2007, Italy placed the defence of national economic interest among the priorities
of new intelligence structure but failed to institutionalize economic intelligence as achieved by other countries.
Only a systematic vision of the collaboration between public and the private sectors could improve the competitiveness of the “country-system” on a global level. Therefore, in this article would like to give an outline to the constitutional foundations on which this type of upgrade could be based, with the aim to “verify” that economic intelligence would find full legitimacy within the framework on the Italian Constitution.
National security and the future
The geopolitical, military, and economic development of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) repr... more The geopolitical, military, and economic development of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) represents a challenge to the world order that international actors will have to manage in the coming years. The destructuring approach of the current international system, based on US pre-eminence, is attacked simultaneously in three fields. It is a method that does not respect the rules of strategic logic and is capable of leading to the collapse of the Chinese regime due to the strong international friction it will create. The strategic realignment of the United Kingdom, USA, Japan, and Australia that has been in place since 2021 to contain China's international activism is a signal of a highly protective containment strategy currently deployed by the western allies led by Washington, but it is especially proof that Chinese policies are creating counter-reactions.
Today, Critical Infrastructures are regionally interconnected. Countries’ security and stability ... more Today, Critical Infrastructures are regionally interconnected. Countries’ security and stability rely more on international cooperation every day and this should be even truer within the European Union framework. Recently, the EU has provided a general definition of CI and proposed a European Programme for Critical Infrastructure Protection. It seeks to provide an all-hazard cross-sectoral approach and it is supported by regular exchanges of information between EU States in the framework of the CIP Contact Points meetings. EPCIP is fundamental for our common market security, but by analysing state-of-the-art technology, this paper will try to show that EPCIP lacks fully efficient CI protection and thus will propose an EU model of cooperation based on regional approaches and a cyber constant contact strategy. A single coordination of several regional CI frameworks could represent an effective solution, implemented on the EU principle of subsidiarity, by avoiding excessive bureaucracy.
This article analyzes the current state of collaboration between NATO and the EU, with particular... more This article analyzes the current state of collaboration between NATO and the EU, with particular reference to the hybrid conflict sector. There has always existed a close relationship of interdependence between the two organizations. In 2016, this interdependence experienced a collaborative surge with the signing of a joint declaration at the Warsaw Summit. Since then,NATO and the European Union have actively collaborated in various sectors, including hybrid warfare. In the future, both organizations will need to improve the exchange of information and intelligence collaboration. However, this analysis aims to point out that NATO and the EU, if they wish to limit the scope of their opponents’ manoeuvrability, since hybrid conflict tends to develop below the threshold of what is generally accepted as the definition of armed conflict, will have to work together to outline a new legal framework that redefines the definition of armed conflict.
In the academia, as among the specialized public it is quite impossible to find a single, commonl... more In the academia, as among the specialized public it is quite impossible to find a single, commonly accepted definition of economic intelligence. According to Jean and Savona, economic intelligence is the discipline that study information needed by companies and states to take the right development decisions with the aim of fine-tuning their cognitive and decisionmaking capacities in the complex context of global competition (2011). The gathering and strategic management of information is a complex art with economic relevance and therefore businesses are forced to establish
Povzetek Od padca berlinskega zidu se je mednarodno okolje močno spremenilo. Globaliziran trg, v ... more Povzetek Od padca berlinskega zidu se je mednarodno okolje močno spremenilo. Globaliziran trg, v katerem so politična zavezništva vedno bolj krhka, je države prisil v stalno gospodarsko vojno, v kateri pa prevladujejo le tiste, ki so v zadnjih letih oblikovale primeren sistem za izmenjavo informacij med javnim in zasebnim sektorjem. Gospodarska obveščevalna dejavnost je najbolj napredna teorija državnega upravljanja in predstavlja najprimernejši okvir za zasebno-javno sodelovanje v gospodarstvu. Namen članka je definirati pojem gospodarske obveščevalne dejavnosti ter z analizo nekaterih tujih primerov dokazati, da so lahko države konkurenčne in varne le, če sprejmejo primerno gospodarsko-obveščevalno strategijo. Znotraj takšnega scenarija - kljub temu da predvideva zaščito gospodarskih interesov v Zakonu o Slovenski Obveščevalno-Varnostni Agenciji - Slovenija nima celovite strategije za obrambo oz. razvoj lastnih gospodarski interesov preko strukturiranega sistema gospodarske obvešč...
Povzetek Od padca berlinskega zidu se je mednarodno okolje močno spremenilo. Globaliziran trg, v ... more Povzetek Od padca berlinskega zidu se je mednarodno okolje močno spremenilo. Globaliziran trg, v katerem so politična zavezništva vedno bolj krhka, je države prisil v stalno gospodarsko vojno, v kateri pa prevladujejo le tiste, ki so v zadnjih letih oblikovale primeren sistem za izmenjavo informacij med javnim in zasebnim sektorjem. Gospodarska obveščevalna dejavnost je najbolj napredna teorija državnega upravljanja in predstavlja najprimernejši okvir za zasebno-javno sodelovanje v gospodarstvu. Namen članka je definirati pojem gospodarske obveščevalne dejavnosti ter z analizo nekaterih tujih primerov dokazati, da so lahko države konkurenčne in varne le, če sprejmejo primerno gospodarsko-obveščevalno strategijo. Znotraj takšnega scenarija - kljub temu da predvideva zaščito gospodarskih interesov v Zakonu o Slovenski Obveščevalno-Varnostni Agenciji - Slovenija nima celovite strategije za obrambo oz. razvoj lastnih gospodarski interesov preko strukturiranega sistema gospodarske obvešč...
International Journal of Security Terrorism and Society, 2020
Today, the People’s Republic of China represents one of the most important geopolitical players i... more Today, the People’s Republic of China represents one of the most important geopolitical players in the world. It was able to rise to this position thanks to the co-optation, in an anti-Soviet
approach, carried out in the 1970s by the United States. At the end of the Cold War, Beijing
opted for a development policy that would lead it to excel in the economic, diplomatic, and
military sectors to assume its status as a world power. In this way, the Chinese Communist
regime has challenged the strategic logic that teaches that it is important to shy away from the
pursuit of a simultaneous advancement of power in these three sectors, on pain of creating
excessive friction with other states. The COVID-19 crisis has exacerbated this competition and is leading the antagonistic states to reduce Beijing’s capacity for economic influence, as well
as exploiting the evident repercussions to production capacity brought about by the outbreak
of the pandemic.
Limes - Rivista italiana di geopolitica, 2018
L'Italia ha tentato dopo la guerra fredda di giocare un ruolo nella Mitteleuropa, ma con bavaresi... more L'Italia ha tentato dopo la guerra fredda di giocare un ruolo nella Mitteleuropa, ma con bavaresi, austriaci, sloveni e croati non si è mai intesa. Il sogno sfiorito dell'Alpe Adria. Lo scalo giuliano come porto di Monaco, con o senza vie della seta.
Res Novae, 2019
In a post-Cold War environment, countries live in a state of permanent confrontation. Political a... more In a post-Cold War environment, countries live in
a state of permanent confrontation. Political alliances are
more and more fragile, and while countries have to compete
every day on the global market in order to survive, only
those with a structured system can prevail. Economic intelligence
is the most advanced political and economic theory
of state management, which also offers the framework for
private-public cooperation. In defining economic intelligence
and analyzing some examples of structured foreign
systems, this article aims to show that world countries in
a globalized context can be competitive and safe only by
adopting an economic intelligence strategy. Within such
a scenario Slovenia, despite contemplating the defense of
national economic interests through the Law on Slovenian
Intelligence and Security Agency, has no comprehensive
strategy to defend or promote its economic interests by
a structured economic intelligence system. Policy makers
could take into consideration the French example of good practice choosing the national security authority as the body
delegated to shape an appropriate strategy.
Res Novae, 2018
More than two decades after the collapse of the Soviet Union, in a period characterized by the re... more More than two decades after the collapse of the
Soviet Union, in a period characterized by the revamping
of confrontations between historical national interests in
Central Europe, a geopolitical buffer zone between Western
and Eastern European powers has made its way back again
into consideration as of primary strategic importance. The
Wilsonian concept of self-determination has considerably,
mainly in a negative way, influenced the capacity of Central
European nations to cope with international challenges.
Since the end of the First World War, world leaders have
been trying to mitigate and prevent dangerous regional
frictions. This article proposes to show that a politically fragmented
Central European environment has always been
seen by international players as a problem for global stability
and that its unification is still a critical issue today. This is
an issue that has heavily involved the Slovenian intellectual
world in the past and will be addressed using principles set
down by James Madison in Federalist no. 10.
Sicurezza Terrorismo Società, 2018
European Union Critical Infrastructure stability and security is based on a common, referential d... more European Union Critical Infrastructure stability and security is based on a common, referential definition of CI proposed by EU Commission’s Communication number 704 in 2004, on the European Programme for Critical Infrastructure Protection (EPCIP) launched in 2006 and on the Directive on Security of Network and Information Systems (NIS) approved in 2016. Those pillars of CI security policies shaped a fragmented environment characterized by numerous, heterogeneous, national authorities and institutions incapable to guarantee real
time monitoring, assessment and management of potential threats. Analyzing the state of the art the paper would try to show that cyber enabled structures need to adopt a cyber constant presence strategy whose efficiency cannot be guarantee by presents EPCIP and NIS
frameworks and that a EU model of cooperation based on regional CI ecosystems frameworks, implementing the principle of subsidiarity, shall be launched in order anticipate any possible disruption, continuously manipulating the cyber space in proper favour, of CI having regional
LIMES - Rivista Italiana di Geopolitica, 2019
Trieste e Capodistria rivaleggiano per diventare lo scalo della rediviva Mitteleuropa. I passi fa... more Trieste e Capodistria rivaleggiano per diventare lo scalo
della rediviva Mitteleuropa. I passi falsi della Slovenia.
L’Ungheria alla ricerca del porto perduto. Perché Italia
e Austria devono giocare assieme
Sicurezza Terrorismo Società, 2015
L’intelligence economica è la raccolta e la trasformazione d’informazioni inerenti il settore eco... more L’intelligence economica è la raccolta e la trasformazione d’informazioni inerenti il settore economico atta ad effettuare scelte operative, che si prefiggono sia scopi attivi, che passivi. Essa è rappresentata dalle attività volte ad ottenere dati dalla sorveglianza della concorrenza, dalla protezione delle informazioni strategiche, dalla capitalizzazione delle conoscenze al fine d’influenzare, delineare e controllare l’ambiente economico globale. Essa è uno degli strumenti di potere a disposizione dei sistemi-Paese. L’analisi dei rapporti di forza
economici all’interno di situazioni concorrenziali deve essere un settore di primaria importanza per ogni apparato statale. Tuttavia anche entità private hanno bisogno di una specializzazione in tale settore in modo da ponderare le proprie scelte sui mercati internazionali. La loro attività può essere di grande beneficio ovvero può influenzare scelte di interi sistemi-Paese, e viceversa. Le due sfere, quella privata e quella pubblica, sono quindi intersecanti e comunicanti. Il ritorno all’economia, come principale terreno di competizione tra nazioni, spinge lo Stato ad agire in modo da proteggere e promuovere i propri attori economici, siano essi imprese pubbliche o private, organismi territoriali, gruppi di interesse, associazioni od organizzazioni non governative.
knjigi analizira najaktualnejše teme mednarodne politike: pomen demokracije terorizem okoljske sp... more knjigi analizira najaktualnejše teme mednarodne politike:
pomen demokracije
okoljske spremembe
vpliv verstev na politiko (islam in RKC)
odnose med največjimi akterji svetovne politike
Osrednje mesto v knjigi je namenjeno Sloveniji, njeni aktualni zunanji in notranji politiki. Brez dlake na jeziku komentira ekonomske in geopolitične poteze naše države, ki si išče svoj prostor v svetu.
L’esigenza di un’efficace attività di intelligence economica in grado di sostenere i processi dec... more L’esigenza di un’efficace attività di intelligence economica in grado di sostenere i processi decisionali pubblici e privati è stata avvertita da tutti i grandi Stati, che si sono dotati di un apparato di intelligence economica a sostegno delle politiche economiche, tecnologiche e monetarie che devono svolgere. Il ciclo dei rapporti Stato-Mercato, che aveva visto la parziale supremazia del secondo, si sta progressivamente rovesciando. Il paese che più di ogni altro si è interessato allo sviluppo della nuova disciplina è stato la Francia.
Il merito principale della ricerca che presentiamo consiste nel tentativo di adattare l’esperienza francese alle particolari condizioni istituzionali e anche culturali dell’Italia. Si tratta di un contributo importante.
È necessario che si sviluppi una riflessione sul come adeguare i nostri ordinamenti all’esigenza di una competizione globale, che non è più, o almeno non solo, fra le grandi imprese, ma fra gli Stati.
Intelligence economica e guerra dell'informazione quantità
Aggiungi al carrello
Aggiungi alla lista dei desideri
collana: Collana del Centro di Documentazione Scientifica sull’Intelligence, bic: KC, 2016, pp 156
Economia e Finanza, Politica, Università, Politiche della Sicurezza e dell'Intelligence, Geopolitica, guerra, difesa e sicurezza
intelligence, informazione, cybersecurity, interesse nazionale
isbn: 9788849848243
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