Submit a Report - Watchdog (original) (raw)

TRUSTe works with companies who are participating in a TRUSTe Privacy Certification program to ensure those participating companies are transparent about what information they collect and how they use the information; that they provide you with control over what information they collect and how they use that information; and that they are accountable to the practices they outline in their privacy notice. If you have a concern about a company that is participating in our TRUSTe Dispute Resolution program, you can submit a request below, at no cost to you. TRUSTe will review your concern and we'll try to help with resolution. We'll work with you and the participating company to facilitate resolution of any concerns that fall within our authority under our program.

Please note for privacy concerns or feedback for companies that display the EDAA Trust Seal, contact your local self-regulatory organization within the country you reside. More information about how to contact your local self-regulatory organization can be found here: .

For information about the Data Privacy Framework (DPF) Program administered by the U.S. Department of Commerce's International Trade Administration (ITA), please click here

Information provided in the form below is sent to the United States and Australia for TRUSTe to review and facilitate resolution of eligible concerns.

Why TRUSTe Collects These Reports:

If you proceed with filing a report, here's what you can expect as next steps:

File a Report with TRUSTe

Organization you wish to report *

Please enter the URL without the http://. Example: - select your choice from the matches presented in the drop-down menu or hit the Tab key to continue with your report.

Please enter the company name - select your choice from the matches presented in the drop-down menu or hit the Tab key to continue with your report.

Your country *

Complaint type *

Description of your issue *

Please enter the details of your complaint. This should include a clear description of the issue and the steps of how to duplicate the problem, if possible. If you wish to include an attachment, please mention that below. Do not include sensitive information such as credit card, social security number or password.

When did you contact the site you are reporting directly about this concern? *

Before you submit a complaint to TRUSTe, you should attempt to contact the site you are reporting directly to allow them to resolve your concern. Please select when you contacted the site:

What was the site's response? *

When and how did you contact the site? Please include as much detail as possible about their response.

What resolution are you seeking? *

Please describe the resolution you requested of the site which remains unresolved after you allowed them at least a week to research and respond.

Your email address *

If you wish to receive a response or be reachable for questions/updates, you must provide a working e-mail address where you can receive e-mail. Please note that certain requests (such as those requiring account-specific research or changes) cannot be resolved without being able to provide identifying information to the company you reported.

Your name *

You are welcome to use your real name or use NoName if you do not wish to provide your name. Providing your name generally helps expedite resolution if the company you are reporting has to look up your specific account.The named organization may share information about you back to TRUSTe in order for TRUSTe to facilitate resolution of your issue.

There are one or more errors. Please fix the error prior to submit.


Company Name



Site response


Complaint type


is required

Please select one option

Please enter a specific URL

Please answer the question

must be at least 20 characters long

format is not valid

Please enter the correct CAPTCHA

You did not consent to the transfer of your personal information. TRUSTe will not be able to provide dispute resolution services. Please work with the company you indicated directly.

TRUSTe is not able to collect information from you and process your complaint. Legal requirements in China restricts the transfer of your information outside of mainland China.

Last connected


I tried to unsubscribe by (pick one or more):

And (pick one or more):

Please indicate the specific URL where the unauthorized profile is located:

I contacted the site via:

Clicking the unsubscribe link

Replying to the unwanted e-mail message

I got an error message

Nothing happened

I got an acknowledgement that made it seem like it worked

I am still getting e-mail more than 10 business days later





Postal mail

Other (please describe in problem description)



Multiple incorrect captcha challenge, wait until $timer till you submit the next request.