Fellowship of the Geeks (original) (raw)
03 September 2006 @ 09:16 pm
Well, the Fellowship isn't exactly at it's strongest right now, and this comm has been left unused for way too long. So, I'm going to bore you all by doing another writing task!
The fic/ficlet can be from any fandom.
It must have a minimum of 200 words, there is no maximum limit.
The fic is to be something inspired by the word "Ghost".
You have until September the 15th.
Hopefully I'll see your fics here soon!
Current Mood: blah
Pointless spam, I know.
Also, update! After hearing most of you (well, Allan and David mainly) rave on about final fantasy, I saw the movie for after the 7th one, Advent Children.
And I really liked it!
I'm stealing Tifa/Cloud icons :)
And I done a survey and I'm Aeris. (spelling?)
Current Mood: amused
Current Music: Phantom of the Opera soundtrack
I saw this icon on an icons community and it just screamed FOG at me =)
Found another :)
Current Mood: blah
Current Music: Watching Neighbours
What's that Batman? A geek is in trouble? We've gotta help him! Assemble the Geeks! Allan is bored!
Current Mood: bored
Okay folks. I'm posting our second challenge.
Challenge #2 - Easter
How do your characters celebrate Easter? What are they doing? What do they think about it? Do they give eggs? Go to church? Have they even *heard* of Easter before?
Prose, poetry, or script-form welcome. XD
We have twenty days to complete the challenge, although it would be quite nice to have them done by Easter Sunday, I think. ^_^ (Yes, I know I'm the one with too much time on her hands who'll probably actually have hers done by Sunday. Don't mock me because I'm the least cool).
Um... I'm a bit sleep-deprived so there are probably lots of things I ought to have put here that I haven't. I'll edit this properly
when I'm more lucid
Good luck, and happy writing!
Drama geeks...newsflash!
Ok so we've to be at the key for like 11/11.30am tomorrow, for the bus leaving at 12. (for the awards thing.)
And I've just been informed we get sweets!! Yay!
(Oh yeah, and a £10 WHSmith voucher)
Current Mood: apathetic
Current Music: Watching Friends
Yes, it's uber-late, but when am I ever on time for anything?
Title- Morning Daisies
Author- Alex.
Rating- None. Nothing suggestive at all in here.
Fandom- Harry Potter.
Challenge- #1 Blanket for fellowshipgeeks
Pairings/Characters- DM/HP
Genre- Slash/fluff.
Warnings: None.
Current Mood: accomplished
Current Music: Joni Mitchell - Both Sides Now
Geeks! I have acquired the Batsignal! Behold! Now anytime that you (akin to most FOGgers) are unable to sleep and are sitting on the soul-sucking computer, you needn't be alone! By posting the Batsignal on the FOG community (people should check regularly) other FOG members will be able to converse with you and take away your boredom! Behold the next step to ultimate Geekery!
Hey FOGgers. I'm writing to apologise, for I must withdraw from this challenge. I will perhaps post it at a later date. Unexpected circumstances have prevented me from completing it. I am really sorry.
Current Mood: disappointed
Ahh, it is time for another entry for the challenge! I'm only on at this ungodly time in themornign because woek is in approximately two hours and I need to shower/eat etc. Okay, onward, lj cut don't fail me now!
Fandom: Chobits (whoo)
Pairing: Hideki/Chi
Okay, here it is!
( Are You My SomeoneCollapse )
Current Mood: blah
Current Music: One More Time-Daft Punk