Period pieces (original) (raw)

I'm back home. For now. Where next? Kenya? Maybe.

Now that I've some time to myself, I'm putting it to good use by filing. Filing is an oddity of nature. I've got boxes filled with papers that need filing. I sit down in front of the filing cabinet and put the papers in their place. The files fill up. I generate bucket-loads of waste envelopes and credit card offers. But the boxes filled with papers that need filing are still filled with more papers needing a place. They never go down. They never get smaller. It never ends!

Paperwork, it seems, is created ex nihilo by the Universe.

So, in an attempt to occupy myself with something more worthy of my time, I've started a new Periodic Table of the Elements project. Music of the Elements.

There's so much more out there than Tom's The Elements and Nirvana's Lithium. iTunes and SeeqPod have gobs of it. It seems, however, that I'll probably have to write my own songs for a few of them, viz.: * Europium, Europium * Oh, Columbium, the Gem of the Table * The Rap of Lutetium

As odd as it sounds, several artists have released albums or EPs based on the Periodic Table. Really. Go ahead. Look 'em up.

Does that make me "normal", or simply in good company?

Look for compilations coming soon.

Current Location: Ann Arbor, MI

Current Mood: crazycrazy

Current Music: Mr. Kona Java & Mono Mitte: Scandium