Michfest Needs Trans Womyn's Journal (original) (raw)

Michfest Needs Trans Womyn's Journal [Most Recent Entries][Calendar View] [Friends]

Below are the 10 most recent journal entries recorded inMichfest Needs Trans Womyn's LiveJournal:

Friday, August 17th, 2007
_8:46 pm_[mswhamula] Are You Experienced? My experience at Michigan Womyn's Music Festival; http://mswhamula.livejournal.com/15484.htmlCurrent Mood: accomplished (2 Comments |Comment on this)
Wednesday, August 15th, 2007
_11:27 am_[madame_liscious] thank you i have not had the time to sit and write out my thoughts about this past week yet. i know that when i do, i will have a million things to say. until then, i just want to say thank you to everyone. this year had an energy that i have never felt before at fest. and that energy felt like change. i was a small peice of many discussions both publicly and privately that, for some reason, felt very different than in past years. the festival goers seemed to be coming at these conversations this year with their hearts more open to discussion. it was also amazing to see a vast majority of the people in these discussions being older womyn. not that younger womyn are not a huge part of this...but it was nice to see older womyn more interested in hearing all sides and speaking their own truths & fears.so. until i have more time to think my thoughts out more...i say thank you to you all for doing the amazing work that needs so desperately to be done. (3 Comments |Comment on this)
Friday, August 3rd, 2007
_11:42 pm_[lorrraine] On the Road Again (Public) Hi All,I leave in the morning. I look forward to seeing some of you at Fest and others of you at CT. Some of you I won't get to see this year.Wherever each of us goes next week, we all have one thing in common. We came to this LiveJournal because we believe in space for Womyn that includes all kinds of Womyn. That means a lot to me. Thank you all.Thanks,Lorrraine Current Mood: optimistic (Comment on this)
Tuesday, July 31st, 2007
_3:30 pm_[madame_liscious] btw i'm a vocal one today, eh? sorry. blaim it on the coffee. i posted some of my thoughts about Fest for Womyn on my LJ, if your interested. i also posted it on my personal MySpace. feel ree to re-post if you see fit. also, these are my words and by no means the words of FfAW. love. (Comment on this)
_12:58 pm_[madame_liscious] what else... i'm printing signs this week. i made a banner for people to carry at any given time. i made a sign out of a sheet. my friends are making mini buttton with Fest for All Womyn on them. what else? what are we missing? is the fabric taken care of? (2 Comments |Comment on this)
Wednesday, July 25th, 2007
_7:41 pm_[madame_liscious] am i getting too far ahead of myself??? i have zero time between now and festival. but post festival - i shall have some time this fall. lord knows i like to overbook myself anyhow. we had started talk on a website last year. is this something that is currently in the works or does someone already have their hands in on it? i am by no means a web genius, but i can build some basic pages together. i think it would be yet another large stride for us as an organizational unit. as long as people are willing/able to help with content and wording and ideas for what it should look like - i am game for giving it a build. actually, i think that i shall check right now to see if www.festforallwomyn.org has been taken - if not, i'll snatch it up for us.yessssss?!?! (3 Comments |Comment on this)
Monday, July 23rd, 2007
_12:16 pm_[lorrraine] On Boycotts (public) Hi All,I wanted to share some of my personal thoughts about boycotts.I'm speaking only for myself and I would love to hear what other folks think. ( Read more...Collapse )Thanks,Lorrraine Current Mood: contemplative (3 Comments |Comment on this)
Tuesday, July 10th, 2007
_12:20 pm_[madame_liscious] ACTION ( cut for lengthCollapse ) (9 Comments |Comment on this)
Monday, July 9th, 2007
_8:32 am_[lorrraine] SIREN: A Celebration of Womyn's Power press release (public) For Immediate ReleaseJuly 6, 2007Contact: Chris Cozad, Co-Chair (see bottom right of page for contact email) Christie Whisman, Co-ChairThe Ohio Lesbian Festival and JetGirl Productions Presents SIREN: A Celebration of Womyn’s PowerJuly 6, 2007 Columbus , OH – The Ohio Lesbian Festival and JetGirl Productions presents SIREN: A Celebration of Womyn’s Power, Saturday, September 8, 2007 in Kirkersville , OH , at the Frontier Ranch. This all day event features a range of performances, workshops and a craft market area. The Festival is a nonprofit, volunteer driven event designed to promote womyn’s economy, community and art. The Festival was founded on the premise that Lesbians and queer womyn need opportunities to recognize and support each other, to define our culture, and to build our own support systems.SIREN: A Celebration of Womyn’s Power, promises to be an exciting new collaboration guaranteed to “Rock Kirkersville” on September 8th!Our performers are lining up. Lucie Blue Tremblay and The Breast Exam Project are confirmed for the Night Stage. Lucie Blue Tremblay is a French Canadian singer/songwriter who has been writing and performing her music since 1986 and is well known on the womyn’s music circuit. The Project is a hands-on, grass roots breast cancer awareness project that everyone can get involved in. Since its inception in August of 2005, Lucie Blue and the project have driven 57,000 miles to meet breast cancer survivors and their families and have performed at benefit concerts across the US and Canada. The project features a pink chopper custom built by Wicked Women Choppers.This year’s festival will include a second stage, an after hours JetGirl Party and much, much more. Please visit the festival website at www.ohiolba.org for upcoming details as we finalize the plans for SIREN, our 18th Festival!### Current Mood: excited (1 Comment |Comment on this)
Friday, June 22nd, 2007
_10:16 pm_[lorrraine] Public Post Hi all,I'm posting this because all of our post thus far have been friends only posts dealing mostly with internal issues such as discussion of our User info and answering questions about the group. The point of making some posts friends only isn't about secrecy in my opinion since the group is fairly easy to join. Friends only posts however shouldn't, I hope, show up to casual internet searches, which gives people about as much privacy as you can reasonably expect on the internet, ie some but not much.So if you're reading this and you haven't joined the group yet. Go to the user info page and click on the join button and we'll approve you so you can take a look around.Thanks,Lorrraine Current Mood: curious (Comment on this)