Final Fantasy High's Journal (original) (raw)
Final Fantasy High's Journal [Most Recent Entries][Calendar View] [Friends]
Below are the 10 most recent journal entries recorded inFinal Fantasy High's LiveJournal:
Tuesday, May 31st, 2005 | |
_8:57 pm_[dragoncolors] |
This sucks As much as I want to play it seems I can't. No matter what I do I just can't seem to connect. Well, unless I want to use straight telnet. Current Mood: ![]() |
Friday, May 13th, 2005 | |
_8:05 pm_[dragoncolors] |
For some reason I can't connect to anything on heimdall. I don't know if it is SimpleMu or something with my connection. Any other suggestion for a telnet client? I'm having no luck this...month.. Current Mood: ![]() |
Saturday, April 30th, 2005 | |
_11:17 pm_[fallofrain] |
Reminder. We are opening the game tomorrow.Everyone who has apped thus far has a PC created. Contact me at to find out what your password is.Remember, this is a parody game. So please don't take /anything/ seriously. Really. We mean it. Or else. (Comment on this) |
Wednesday, April 13th, 2005 | |
_5:05 pm_[fallofrain] |
We need... Mary Sues and Marty Stus!PCs have been created, grid and code are both being worked on steadily. Staff is working hard on getting things ready for opening. As of now, the tentative opening date is set for May 1st. (We may open earlier than that, stay tuned.)What I'd like to know, is, what plot would you participate in for our grand opening?Examples are below:Soap Opera week. (Cloud has a brain tumor! Sephiroth realizes his mother is Spanish! Jecht and Squall break up... again! Yuna plots to marry Edgar and steal him away from Faris!)Random Gender Swap Week.Yaoi Week, and then Yuri Week.OOC Week. (Act completely OOC, you may not be anything resembling canon at all.)Mpreg Week. (Sephiroth is pregnant, again.)Mary Sue Week. (Your character must fall in love with a Mary Sue/Marty Stu temporarily.)Implausible Relations Day (Everyone is somehow related to everyone else.)AOL Speak Day (You must use the AOL translator. If you don't need the AOL translator... we don't want to know.)Purple Prose Day (only long poses squeezed full of the largest words are acceptable)One liner day (you may pose no more than one line of text)Half-Esper week (Everyone becomes a half-esper. EVERYONE.)Or give us some suggestions, we'd really like to make this your game as much as ours. (10 Comments |Comment on this) |
Monday, April 11th, 2005 | |
_1:55 am_[fallofrain] |
Before I go to bed... Your staff, thus far:PWP: Headwizard, in charge of ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Because she still screams and hides under the covers of her bed at the very thought of headwizarding anything again. You can coax her out with offerences of any smutfic out there that has no plot whatsoever.OTP: Site wizard and the person who gave us space for which to play the game. Careful, he's known for randomly glomping onto people and announcing them to be the only true pairing out there. Should you hear squeeing and fannish babbling, run.Mary Sue: She is unique and special and has six wings, half angel wings and half devil wings to show just how conflicted she is between good and evil. She is perfect in all ways. Oh, she's also our coder. Please to not be ignoring her and lavish her with praise and attention as she deserves.AU: Reality shifter. If everything suddenly changes, it's his fault. He tends to rip the fabric of reality rather abruptly and without warning. His job is-- *shakes magic 8-ball* Hazy, try again later... wtf? It's a mystery, folks. UST: Lusting after things he can't have, he is our builder and shall be bringing up the grid on which we shall all be playing. He's in charge of any additions to the game's grid as well.If there's anyone who would like to help staff and has not yet contacted me, please do so. <3 (3 Comments |Comment on this) |
Sunday, April 10th, 2005 | |
_10:43 pm_[fallofrain] |
Ehehehehe. We now have a site. We can be located at... 1337Right now, only staff characters are being created so we can get to coding and building. We'll let you guys know when things are ready for opening. <3 (2 Comments |Comment on this) |
Thursday, March 31st, 2005 | |
_5:50 pm_[fallofrain] |
THE RULES. The rules of this game are... THERE ARE NO RULES.Well, other than be nice to each other in an OOC context. Otherwise, anything goes. Seriously. Wanna burn down the school? Do it. (But tomorrow the school will be mysteriously rebuilt and open again.) The laws of reality and canon have been broken into pieces and tossed out the window. If you see it on FFN, you can do it on FF High.Naturally if you really are concerned that something just won't work for some reason, contact your friendly and ever so helpful staff.We're working on getting a site. Promise. (3 Comments |Comment on this) |
Sunday, March 27th, 2005 | |
_7:28 pm_[fallofrain] |
Suggested Plots. Straight out of the worst fanfics you've ever read.Soap Opera week. (Cloud has a brain tumor! Sephiroth realizes his mother is Spanish! Jecht and Squall break up... again! Yuna plots to marry Edgar and steal him away from Faris!)Random Gender Swap Week.Yaoi Week, and then Yuri Week.OOC Week. (Act completely OOC, you may not be anything resembling canon at all.)Mpreg Week. (Sephiroth is pregnant, again.)Mary Sue Week. (Your character must fall in love with a Mary Sue/Marty Stu temporarily.)Implausible Relations Day (Everyone is somehow related to everyone else.)AOL Speak Day (You must use the AOL translator. If you don't need the AOL translator... we don't want to know.)Purple Prose Day (only long poses squeezed full of the largest words are acceptable)One liner day (you may pose no more than one line of text)Half-Esper week (Everyone becomes a half-esper. EVERYONE.)And... I'll go surfing through later to get more ideas. (7 Comments |Comment on this) |
_7:00 pm_[fallofrain] |
Applying to play a character. Until a mailing list is set up, you may apply here in this post by commenting.The application process! We want parody. This game is silly and not to be taken seriously. Please keep in mind that we want teh funny. We want cliches. We want stupid. Serious, good apps will be rejected.Name: FF Game:Affliation:Occupation:Reputation:Perks:Flaws:For example!Name: JechtFF Game: FFXAffliation: Garden High Occupation: Swim CoachReputation: The drunken, abusive swim coach who demands all the girls wear skimpy bikinis and the guys have to take cold showers or risk his wrath. He regularly throws students into the pool and has no tolerance for cry babies and whiners. If his team loses... well, let's just say there's a lot of horror stories about the things Coach Jecht does if the team loses. Things like vasoline and excessive hair shaving.Perks: Jecht can swim under water for inordinate amounts of time without needing to come up for air. Some say this is because he has no brain anymore and can store extra air up there.Flaws: Jecht is an alcoholic and has to have a drink several times a day. This is an angst factor. It is also rumored that he's just a little TOO fond of Squall, nudge, nudge, wink, wink.Once applied for and approved, you will be able to set up your character on the MUX. Lj journals are also encouraged. There are no powers, for this is a high school setting and the game is totally screwed up anyway. Oh. Just a note, when you write out your @desc, it can't be over 100 words long. The shorter it is, the better. (50 Comments |Comment on this) |
_6:28 pm_[fallofrain] |
We have the two rival high schools now!Garden HighMascot: CactuarEmpire PrepMascot: Black ChocoboNaturally most villains will be sent to Empire Prep and most good guys will be sent to Garden High. It is, however, possible for there to be a mixup in the paperwork and for people to end up at the wrong High School.These schools are bitter rivals, naturally. Sporting events can get particularly bloody between them. Sabotage between schools is rather common, too.Otherwise, both schools need faculty and staff. Everything from security guards to sports team coaches to teachers to the principal and his/her assistants. We won't be recommending who takes what position, leaving that up to whoever is applying for a character. Though once accepted, the position will then be closed.Both schools are private, and uniforms are the standard. However, the main characters may choose not to wear their uniforms if they don't want to. It's the invisible masses of other students who will. Speaking of the invisible masses... Everyone who is not a named character from one of the FF games is a Mary Sue or Marty Stu. They are numbered and wear badges. 'Mary Sue #456' or 'Marty Stu #31' for example. They also have nicknames, but they're horrible and unspeakable names, usually stolen from other fandoms. (For example, Mary Sue #456 may be named Arwen Twinklestar Rainbowbright or something equally hideous.)Yes, you may play a Mary Sue or Marty Stu if you wish. (3 Comments |Comment on this) |