Marijan Bradanović | Faculty of Philosophy Rijeka (original) (raw)
Books by Marijan Bradanović
Dajla - Daila. Testamenta heri et hodie, 2023
Branko Fučić - Art Historian and Conservator, 2022
Branko Fučić - Art Historian and Conservator Branko Fučić (1920-1999), Croatian academician and d... more Branko Fučić - Art Historian and Conservator
Branko Fučić (1920-1999), Croatian academician and double Doctor of
Science (Faculty of Philosophy in Ljubljana, 1965 and Roman Catholic
Faculty of Theology in Zagreb, 1986, honorary doctorate) is one of the
most significant Croatian art historians of the second half of the 20th century. This paper initially analyses the roots of his commitment to the humanities, as well as the course of his studies at the Faculty of Philosophy in Zagreb. There, in 1945, he graduated in history of art and culture with classical archaeology. Being raised and educated in the spirit of Christian personalism, in his youth he developed a distance from any kind of collectivism. This, along with strongly developed national feelings, procured him a permanent mistrust by the structures of the communist authorities, but at the same time, he was tolerated and even respected due to the indisputable expertise of his work. In this study, the emphasis is on his short, but very turbulent, archival well-founded activity within the Croatian conservation service (Conservation Institute in Zagreb and Conservation Institute in Rijeka) in the period from the summer of 1945 until the autumn of 1947. Based on archival data, the movements of the young conservator Branko Fučić at that time are reconstructed, mostly during his fieldwork in Istria and on the Kvarner islands. Then, work methods and the plan for the establishment and development of the Conservation Institute in Rijeka, but also communication with his superior conservator Dr. Ljubo Karaman and others, especially the art historians Grgo Gamulin and Zdenka Munk, who held positions in the Ministry of Education of the then People’s Republic of Croatia. His conservation work in planning the restoration of war damage on the monuments of Istria and the Kvarner islands is analysed as well as his research and documentary work during field reconnaissance. In accordance with the doubts about the future demarcation between Italy and Yugoslavia, which were very pronounced before the Paris Peace Conference in the summer of 1946, the emphasis of his work at that time was on proving the Slavism of Istria. This was particularly sought to be achieved by the valorisation of Glagolitic monuments on the soil of Istria, by the 1946 exhibition of the Testimony on the Slavic character of Istria (Exposition des témoignages sur le caractère slave de l’Istrie), and by taking prints of Glagolitic monuments, in fear that in case of unfavourable demarcation they could be destroyed, as this sometimes happened during the previous Italian administration. Although Fučić’s career as conservator was abruptly interrupted, the precious experiences from months of intensive fieldwork in Istria had a decisive influence on his further art historical development. His fascination with the Istrian cultural heritage, which will follow him throughout his life, also dates from that era.
This study is equipped with previously unpublished photographs (19451947) by Branko Fučić himself. Made out of specialist conservation needs, they have a far wider value today, representing an extremely important document of that turbulent time marked by changes in borders and social orders. The photographs are analysed as a part of the corresponding archival material with which they form a whole, revealing to us the system and results of the work of B. Fučić as a young conservator.
After his experience as conservator, Fu~i} worked from the late forties of
the 20th century under the auspices of the then Yugoslav Academy of Sciences and Arts (today the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts), and his research interests ranged in two main directions, with many research
branches. His work was still characterized by a high degree of self-initiative. From the archival material, it is quite clear that he persistently tried to gain upon his superiors or simply those who were influential for the research priorities he set by himself. In the field of philology, the priority referred to the research of Glagolitic epigraphy, in which Josip Hamm and Vjekoslav Štefanić had the most direct influence on him. One of his research preoccupations was the archaeological search for other parts of the septum of the church of St. Lucia in Jurandvor, especially for the counterpart of the famous Baška Tablet. He also had very important scientific contributions in the field of Latin palaeography.
The initial conservation work directed him towards the systematic creation of artistic topographies of Istria and the Cres-Lošinj archipelago. Even
then, in the mid-forties of the 20th century, he devoted himself to researching the heritage of the interior of the Istrian peninsula, choosing his professional and scientific priorities completely autonomously. From small urban units to sacral heritage, his interests naturally led him to the valorisation of the phenomenon of Istrian wall painting. Due to his dedication, in a short period of conservation work he recorded extraordinary results of new finds of wall paintings. The Slovenian art historian and conservator Francè Stelè was his ideal mentor for his dissertation on the medieval wall painting of Istria. After a series of analytical articles on the subject, Fučić published the famous synthesis (Istrian frescoes, 1963). Then he created and defended an extensive doctoral dissertation (Medieval Wall Painting of Istria, Rijeka-Ljubljana 1964). Building on the extremely modest results of the research that preceded him, he formed a picture of the stylistic changes of Istrian wall painting in the Middle Ages. In doing so, he particularly focused on the late medieval workshops, their sources, the models according to which they were created, iconography, work technology, their main actors, but also the episodic masters that he established with a great demonstration of the Morellian historical artistic method at individual cycles.
Starting from Burckhardt’s comparative cultural history, on the one hand,
and the highly emphasized patriotic aspiration for the affirmation of
Slavism in Istria on the other, Fu~i} soon developed a specific, highly inter
disciplinary research system. Characteristically medieval, iconographic andhagiographical analyses were interwoven in it, with an extraordinary
thorough knowledge of the field, especially the Istrian, Cres and Lošinj
countryside, as well as an exceptional literary gift for transmitting scientific knowledge. Probing the walls of churches with a pocket knife, he
complemented them with archival data from visitations, brotherhoods’
matriculations and other written sources, with comparative historical and
artistic analysis, but also with data from narrators, with whom he skilfully socialized and questioned them, without language barriers, at a time
when the interior of Istria was still inhabited by a population raised on a
strong tradition of oral history. A population that knew local customs,
specifics of religious rituals, beliefs and historical toponymy. Systematically and unobtrusively, almost from nothing, he built typological analyses of the Istrian artistic heritage.
He paid special attention to Glagolitic graffiti, to some of their authors,
priests, passionately reconstructing the movement in the Middle ages or at
the beginning of the early modern period and completing their biographies. Since the early sixties, his published works have developed in a
very interdisciplinary manner, in the direction of a "total" art history. With
such an approach, affirming themes from everyday life and local history
of the Middle Ages and the early modern period, he interpreted a wider
context, extremely advanced standing alongside the members of the famous French School of Annals.
He particularly contributed to national culture with the monography
Glagolitic inscriptions (1982). By interpreting the general environment
and many micro-historical situations in which these stone monuments
were created, the architecture with which they were connected, the masters who carved them and the customers who financed them, it is much more than a corpus of Glagolitic epigraphic monuments.
Unbekanntes Omišalj, 2003
Putovima Frankopana, 2018
Kulturna povijest Kvarnera promatrana u kontekstu posjeda Krčkih knezova Frankopana. Projekt Pr... more Kulturna povijest Kvarnera promatrana u kontekstu posjeda Krčkih knezova Frankopana.
Projekt Primorsko-goranske županije "Kulturno-turistička ruta Putovima Frankopana" sufinancirala je Europska unija iz Europskog fonda za regionalni razvoj.
Otok Krk u srednjem vijeku, 2016
Damir Krizman i ć, Željko Stoja n ović (Cickino, plutej na Str. 14)
Grad Krk u srednjem vijeku, 2016
Gmd Krk, pogled ;z zmka s južne stmne. Grad II protopovijesti i antici Naselje karakteristično sm... more Gmd Krk, pogled ;z zmka s južne stmne. Grad II protopovijesti i antici Naselje karakteristično smješteno na padi ni koja se blago spuštala prema zaljevu. s pristaništem i izvorom pirke vode na samoj obali, bi lo je središte zajednice Kurikta (Curittae) koja je gospodarila najplodnijim, središnjim dijelom južnoga priobalja oroka. Luka otvorena prema Srednjim vrati ma i plovnom pum prema srodnoj Flanoni (podno Plomina) i Timatiti u dnu zaljeva, te Kvarneriću, kanalu izmedu vanjskog i unutarnjeg niza kvarnerskih oroka, koji je vodio prema zadarskom arhipelagu i srcu liburnskog područja, zarana je postala plovnom postajom
Rijeka i Trsat u srednjem vijeku, 2017
Urbana povijesna središta Urbana zgodovinska središča Predstavit ćemo vam tek grupu nezaobilaznih... more Urbana povijesna središta Urbana zgodovinska središča Predstavit ćemo vam tek grupu nezaobilaznih lokacija. da bi se pojedini grad shvatio u svom povijesnom kontekstu, treba mu prići onako kako se to činilo u prošlosti: s mora, uz rijeku, pješice uz brdo. Treba zastati da bi se uživalo u pogledima koje i danas pružaju moćne siluete sa zvonicima. Samo tako može se doživjeti bremenita povijest ovih prostora, presudno obilježenih urbanom kulturom tvrdih gradova, od Kopra i Milja nadomak Trsta na sjeverozapadu, do Lovrana i Kastva na istoku istarskoga poluotoka. 6 URBANA POVIJESNA SREDIŠTA 7 URBANA zgODOVINSkA SREDIŠčA Urbana zgodovinska središča ZGOdOVINSKA POT PO ISTrSKIH MeSTIH združenj -bratovščin, ki, kot predstavniki določene interesne skupine, najpogosteje ceha (ribičev, pomorcev, obrtnikov) gradijo manjše cerkve, jih opremljajo z umetninami: oltarnimi nastavki in podobami, palami, liturgično posodo in dragocenimi tekstilnimi ročnimi izdelki, ter zbirajo sredstva za večje podvige, kot so izgradnja novih župnijskih cerkva in zvonikov, katerih obrambna vloga je bila enako pomebna kot religiozna. Ne pozabimo vloge meniških redov: od benediktincev, ki prvi vstopajo v mesto s samostani, do pridigarjev (frančiškani, dominikanci), ki se pojavljajo od 13. st. dalje. Znotraj mest nastajajo veliki sklopi s samostanskimi stavbami, cerkvijo, redno tudi z vrtovi, in svojevrstno oblikujejo tkivo zgoščenega urbanega jedra.
Cijena: 25,00 kn Detalj iz Brevijara Vida Omišljanina, Austrijska nacionalna biblioteka u Beču. D... more Cijena: 25,00 kn Detalj iz Brevijara Vida Omišljanina, Austrijska nacionalna biblioteka u Beču. Dobrinj, relikvijar sv. Ursule, prva polovina 15. stoljeća. Košljun, crkva Navještenja Marijina, unutrašnjost. MARIJAN BRADANOVIĆ Baška, bazilika Mira, natpis na podnom mozaiku pastoforije. Poliptih sv. Lucije, oko 1350. godine, pripisan Paolu Venezianu.
pratiti razvoj jednog grada od pradavnih do današnjih vremena, uočavati sve njegove transformacij... more pratiti razvoj jednog grada od pradavnih do današnjih vremena, uočavati sve njegove transformacije, pronalaziti razloge mijena u širem kontekstu društvenih i gospodarskih prilika, poduhvat je što ga obično poduzima i potpisuje više autora, svaki u određenom segmentu, a ne jedan autor koji je u mogućnosti sagledati cjelinu. Međutim, sva problematika Vrbnika našla je u Marijanu Bradanoviću autora koji je dobar poznavalac izvora, pisanih i grafičkih, koji je upoznat sa starijom a prati i noviju relevantnu liter-aturu, domaću i stranu, ali koji je i izuzetno savjestan istraživač građe na samom terenu. Veliko iskustvo što ga je stekao kao konzervator, učinilo ga je sposobnim da otkrije i ono što bi drugima promaklo, stoga su njegovi zaključci argumentirani i vjerodostojni. Veliku i slojevitu građu pregledno je strukturirao i prikazao na zanimljiv i svima dostupan način. (dr. sc. Nada Grujić, iz recenzije) L'ouvrage monographique de Marijan Bradanović sur la ville de Vrbnik (île de Krk) présente un tableau très complet, construit avec méthode et discernement. (...) La méthode d'investigation scientifique mise en oeuvre par l'auteur est parfaitement adaptée au sujet traité et les résultats sont éloquents. La bibliographie est complète, adéquate et à jour y compris au niveau international ; les sources variées sont bien digérées et mettent en valeur Vrbnik de manière multiscalaire, de la zone urbaine étroite intra-muros au paysage maritime méditerranéen qui l'enserre. Accompagné d'illustrations pertinentes et variées, le texte se lit avec aisance, la terminologie scientifique est toujours précise sans être pédante: cette monographie sera utile tant aux chercheurs qu'aux étudiants, et ouvrira un public large aux différentes réalités historiques et artistiques d'une petite ville insulaire que l'auteur sait rendre passionnante. (...) (dr. sc. Pascale Chevalier, iz recenzije) (...) Tekst je po našem sudu važan znanstveni doprinos poznavanju spomeničke cjeline Vrbnika te svojim polazištima i metodama pristupa može poslužiti kao uzor za istraživanje i prezentaciju drugih srodnih, nevelikih i, premda zanemarenih, svakako važnih dijelova nacionalne baštine. Još jedna važna kvaliteta rukopisa proizlazi iz činjenice da su rezultati autorovih besprijekorno provedenih terenskih i studijskih istraživanja prezentirani, među inim, i s mišlju da posluže nastojanjima za iznalaženjem djelotvornijeg strategijskog pristupa zaštiti vrbničke baštine. (...) Prije svega, treba istaknuti visoku akademsku razinu i zrelost autorova pristupa, zasnovanog na detaljnom poznavanju svekolike relevantne znanstvene literature te objavljenih i neobjavljenih izvora. S obzirom na to da je riječ o temi o kojoj nije bilo cjeloviti-jih znanstvenih (povijesnoumjetničkih istraživanja), krajnji je rezultat uistinu uspješno usustavljivanje različitih skupina primarnih informacija. (...) U analizi prostora i spomenika inzistira se na njihovom sa-gledavanju u komparativnoj perspektivi (unutar užih i širih prostora otoka, arhipelaga, Jadrana, Mediter-ana)… (…) Posrijedi je prva povijesnoumjetnička monografija o nekom gradskom naselju na otoku Krku uopće. Stoga smatramo da je djelo relevantno kako za stručnjake i studente, tako i za širu zajednicu.
Dajla - Daila. Testamenta heri et hodie, 2023
Branko Fučić - Art Historian and Conservator, 2022
Branko Fučić - Art Historian and Conservator Branko Fučić (1920-1999), Croatian academician and d... more Branko Fučić - Art Historian and Conservator
Branko Fučić (1920-1999), Croatian academician and double Doctor of
Science (Faculty of Philosophy in Ljubljana, 1965 and Roman Catholic
Faculty of Theology in Zagreb, 1986, honorary doctorate) is one of the
most significant Croatian art historians of the second half of the 20th century. This paper initially analyses the roots of his commitment to the humanities, as well as the course of his studies at the Faculty of Philosophy in Zagreb. There, in 1945, he graduated in history of art and culture with classical archaeology. Being raised and educated in the spirit of Christian personalism, in his youth he developed a distance from any kind of collectivism. This, along with strongly developed national feelings, procured him a permanent mistrust by the structures of the communist authorities, but at the same time, he was tolerated and even respected due to the indisputable expertise of his work. In this study, the emphasis is on his short, but very turbulent, archival well-founded activity within the Croatian conservation service (Conservation Institute in Zagreb and Conservation Institute in Rijeka) in the period from the summer of 1945 until the autumn of 1947. Based on archival data, the movements of the young conservator Branko Fučić at that time are reconstructed, mostly during his fieldwork in Istria and on the Kvarner islands. Then, work methods and the plan for the establishment and development of the Conservation Institute in Rijeka, but also communication with his superior conservator Dr. Ljubo Karaman and others, especially the art historians Grgo Gamulin and Zdenka Munk, who held positions in the Ministry of Education of the then People’s Republic of Croatia. His conservation work in planning the restoration of war damage on the monuments of Istria and the Kvarner islands is analysed as well as his research and documentary work during field reconnaissance. In accordance with the doubts about the future demarcation between Italy and Yugoslavia, which were very pronounced before the Paris Peace Conference in the summer of 1946, the emphasis of his work at that time was on proving the Slavism of Istria. This was particularly sought to be achieved by the valorisation of Glagolitic monuments on the soil of Istria, by the 1946 exhibition of the Testimony on the Slavic character of Istria (Exposition des témoignages sur le caractère slave de l’Istrie), and by taking prints of Glagolitic monuments, in fear that in case of unfavourable demarcation they could be destroyed, as this sometimes happened during the previous Italian administration. Although Fučić’s career as conservator was abruptly interrupted, the precious experiences from months of intensive fieldwork in Istria had a decisive influence on his further art historical development. His fascination with the Istrian cultural heritage, which will follow him throughout his life, also dates from that era.
This study is equipped with previously unpublished photographs (19451947) by Branko Fučić himself. Made out of specialist conservation needs, they have a far wider value today, representing an extremely important document of that turbulent time marked by changes in borders and social orders. The photographs are analysed as a part of the corresponding archival material with which they form a whole, revealing to us the system and results of the work of B. Fučić as a young conservator.
After his experience as conservator, Fu~i} worked from the late forties of
the 20th century under the auspices of the then Yugoslav Academy of Sciences and Arts (today the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts), and his research interests ranged in two main directions, with many research
branches. His work was still characterized by a high degree of self-initiative. From the archival material, it is quite clear that he persistently tried to gain upon his superiors or simply those who were influential for the research priorities he set by himself. In the field of philology, the priority referred to the research of Glagolitic epigraphy, in which Josip Hamm and Vjekoslav Štefanić had the most direct influence on him. One of his research preoccupations was the archaeological search for other parts of the septum of the church of St. Lucia in Jurandvor, especially for the counterpart of the famous Baška Tablet. He also had very important scientific contributions in the field of Latin palaeography.
The initial conservation work directed him towards the systematic creation of artistic topographies of Istria and the Cres-Lošinj archipelago. Even
then, in the mid-forties of the 20th century, he devoted himself to researching the heritage of the interior of the Istrian peninsula, choosing his professional and scientific priorities completely autonomously. From small urban units to sacral heritage, his interests naturally led him to the valorisation of the phenomenon of Istrian wall painting. Due to his dedication, in a short period of conservation work he recorded extraordinary results of new finds of wall paintings. The Slovenian art historian and conservator Francè Stelè was his ideal mentor for his dissertation on the medieval wall painting of Istria. After a series of analytical articles on the subject, Fučić published the famous synthesis (Istrian frescoes, 1963). Then he created and defended an extensive doctoral dissertation (Medieval Wall Painting of Istria, Rijeka-Ljubljana 1964). Building on the extremely modest results of the research that preceded him, he formed a picture of the stylistic changes of Istrian wall painting in the Middle Ages. In doing so, he particularly focused on the late medieval workshops, their sources, the models according to which they were created, iconography, work technology, their main actors, but also the episodic masters that he established with a great demonstration of the Morellian historical artistic method at individual cycles.
Starting from Burckhardt’s comparative cultural history, on the one hand,
and the highly emphasized patriotic aspiration for the affirmation of
Slavism in Istria on the other, Fu~i} soon developed a specific, highly inter
disciplinary research system. Characteristically medieval, iconographic andhagiographical analyses were interwoven in it, with an extraordinary
thorough knowledge of the field, especially the Istrian, Cres and Lošinj
countryside, as well as an exceptional literary gift for transmitting scientific knowledge. Probing the walls of churches with a pocket knife, he
complemented them with archival data from visitations, brotherhoods’
matriculations and other written sources, with comparative historical and
artistic analysis, but also with data from narrators, with whom he skilfully socialized and questioned them, without language barriers, at a time
when the interior of Istria was still inhabited by a population raised on a
strong tradition of oral history. A population that knew local customs,
specifics of religious rituals, beliefs and historical toponymy. Systematically and unobtrusively, almost from nothing, he built typological analyses of the Istrian artistic heritage.
He paid special attention to Glagolitic graffiti, to some of their authors,
priests, passionately reconstructing the movement in the Middle ages or at
the beginning of the early modern period and completing their biographies. Since the early sixties, his published works have developed in a
very interdisciplinary manner, in the direction of a "total" art history. With
such an approach, affirming themes from everyday life and local history
of the Middle Ages and the early modern period, he interpreted a wider
context, extremely advanced standing alongside the members of the famous French School of Annals.
He particularly contributed to national culture with the monography
Glagolitic inscriptions (1982). By interpreting the general environment
and many micro-historical situations in which these stone monuments
were created, the architecture with which they were connected, the masters who carved them and the customers who financed them, it is much more than a corpus of Glagolitic epigraphic monuments.
Unbekanntes Omišalj, 2003
Putovima Frankopana, 2018
Kulturna povijest Kvarnera promatrana u kontekstu posjeda Krčkih knezova Frankopana. Projekt Pr... more Kulturna povijest Kvarnera promatrana u kontekstu posjeda Krčkih knezova Frankopana.
Projekt Primorsko-goranske županije "Kulturno-turistička ruta Putovima Frankopana" sufinancirala je Europska unija iz Europskog fonda za regionalni razvoj.
Otok Krk u srednjem vijeku, 2016
Damir Krizman i ć, Željko Stoja n ović (Cickino, plutej na Str. 14)
Grad Krk u srednjem vijeku, 2016
Gmd Krk, pogled ;z zmka s južne stmne. Grad II protopovijesti i antici Naselje karakteristično sm... more Gmd Krk, pogled ;z zmka s južne stmne. Grad II protopovijesti i antici Naselje karakteristično smješteno na padi ni koja se blago spuštala prema zaljevu. s pristaništem i izvorom pirke vode na samoj obali, bi lo je središte zajednice Kurikta (Curittae) koja je gospodarila najplodnijim, središnjim dijelom južnoga priobalja oroka. Luka otvorena prema Srednjim vrati ma i plovnom pum prema srodnoj Flanoni (podno Plomina) i Timatiti u dnu zaljeva, te Kvarneriću, kanalu izmedu vanjskog i unutarnjeg niza kvarnerskih oroka, koji je vodio prema zadarskom arhipelagu i srcu liburnskog područja, zarana je postala plovnom postajom
Rijeka i Trsat u srednjem vijeku, 2017
Urbana povijesna središta Urbana zgodovinska središča Predstavit ćemo vam tek grupu nezaobilaznih... more Urbana povijesna središta Urbana zgodovinska središča Predstavit ćemo vam tek grupu nezaobilaznih lokacija. da bi se pojedini grad shvatio u svom povijesnom kontekstu, treba mu prići onako kako se to činilo u prošlosti: s mora, uz rijeku, pješice uz brdo. Treba zastati da bi se uživalo u pogledima koje i danas pružaju moćne siluete sa zvonicima. Samo tako može se doživjeti bremenita povijest ovih prostora, presudno obilježenih urbanom kulturom tvrdih gradova, od Kopra i Milja nadomak Trsta na sjeverozapadu, do Lovrana i Kastva na istoku istarskoga poluotoka. 6 URBANA POVIJESNA SREDIŠTA 7 URBANA zgODOVINSkA SREDIŠčA Urbana zgodovinska središča ZGOdOVINSKA POT PO ISTrSKIH MeSTIH združenj -bratovščin, ki, kot predstavniki določene interesne skupine, najpogosteje ceha (ribičev, pomorcev, obrtnikov) gradijo manjše cerkve, jih opremljajo z umetninami: oltarnimi nastavki in podobami, palami, liturgično posodo in dragocenimi tekstilnimi ročnimi izdelki, ter zbirajo sredstva za večje podvige, kot so izgradnja novih župnijskih cerkva in zvonikov, katerih obrambna vloga je bila enako pomebna kot religiozna. Ne pozabimo vloge meniških redov: od benediktincev, ki prvi vstopajo v mesto s samostani, do pridigarjev (frančiškani, dominikanci), ki se pojavljajo od 13. st. dalje. Znotraj mest nastajajo veliki sklopi s samostanskimi stavbami, cerkvijo, redno tudi z vrtovi, in svojevrstno oblikujejo tkivo zgoščenega urbanega jedra.
Cijena: 25,00 kn Detalj iz Brevijara Vida Omišljanina, Austrijska nacionalna biblioteka u Beču. D... more Cijena: 25,00 kn Detalj iz Brevijara Vida Omišljanina, Austrijska nacionalna biblioteka u Beču. Dobrinj, relikvijar sv. Ursule, prva polovina 15. stoljeća. Košljun, crkva Navještenja Marijina, unutrašnjost. MARIJAN BRADANOVIĆ Baška, bazilika Mira, natpis na podnom mozaiku pastoforije. Poliptih sv. Lucije, oko 1350. godine, pripisan Paolu Venezianu.
pratiti razvoj jednog grada od pradavnih do današnjih vremena, uočavati sve njegove transformacij... more pratiti razvoj jednog grada od pradavnih do današnjih vremena, uočavati sve njegove transformacije, pronalaziti razloge mijena u širem kontekstu društvenih i gospodarskih prilika, poduhvat je što ga obično poduzima i potpisuje više autora, svaki u određenom segmentu, a ne jedan autor koji je u mogućnosti sagledati cjelinu. Međutim, sva problematika Vrbnika našla je u Marijanu Bradanoviću autora koji je dobar poznavalac izvora, pisanih i grafičkih, koji je upoznat sa starijom a prati i noviju relevantnu liter-aturu, domaću i stranu, ali koji je i izuzetno savjestan istraživač građe na samom terenu. Veliko iskustvo što ga je stekao kao konzervator, učinilo ga je sposobnim da otkrije i ono što bi drugima promaklo, stoga su njegovi zaključci argumentirani i vjerodostojni. Veliku i slojevitu građu pregledno je strukturirao i prikazao na zanimljiv i svima dostupan način. (dr. sc. Nada Grujić, iz recenzije) L'ouvrage monographique de Marijan Bradanović sur la ville de Vrbnik (île de Krk) présente un tableau très complet, construit avec méthode et discernement. (...) La méthode d'investigation scientifique mise en oeuvre par l'auteur est parfaitement adaptée au sujet traité et les résultats sont éloquents. La bibliographie est complète, adéquate et à jour y compris au niveau international ; les sources variées sont bien digérées et mettent en valeur Vrbnik de manière multiscalaire, de la zone urbaine étroite intra-muros au paysage maritime méditerranéen qui l'enserre. Accompagné d'illustrations pertinentes et variées, le texte se lit avec aisance, la terminologie scientifique est toujours précise sans être pédante: cette monographie sera utile tant aux chercheurs qu'aux étudiants, et ouvrira un public large aux différentes réalités historiques et artistiques d'une petite ville insulaire que l'auteur sait rendre passionnante. (...) (dr. sc. Pascale Chevalier, iz recenzije) (...) Tekst je po našem sudu važan znanstveni doprinos poznavanju spomeničke cjeline Vrbnika te svojim polazištima i metodama pristupa može poslužiti kao uzor za istraživanje i prezentaciju drugih srodnih, nevelikih i, premda zanemarenih, svakako važnih dijelova nacionalne baštine. Još jedna važna kvaliteta rukopisa proizlazi iz činjenice da su rezultati autorovih besprijekorno provedenih terenskih i studijskih istraživanja prezentirani, među inim, i s mišlju da posluže nastojanjima za iznalaženjem djelotvornijeg strategijskog pristupa zaštiti vrbničke baštine. (...) Prije svega, treba istaknuti visoku akademsku razinu i zrelost autorova pristupa, zasnovanog na detaljnom poznavanju svekolike relevantne znanstvene literature te objavljenih i neobjavljenih izvora. S obzirom na to da je riječ o temi o kojoj nije bilo cjeloviti-jih znanstvenih (povijesnoumjetničkih istraživanja), krajnji je rezultat uistinu uspješno usustavljivanje različitih skupina primarnih informacija. (...) U analizi prostora i spomenika inzistira se na njihovom sa-gledavanju u komparativnoj perspektivi (unutar užih i širih prostora otoka, arhipelaga, Jadrana, Mediter-ana)… (…) Posrijedi je prva povijesnoumjetnička monografija o nekom gradskom naselju na otoku Krku uopće. Stoga smatramo da je djelo relevantno kako za stručnjake i studente, tako i za širu zajednicu.
Fortunatus Ligo. Zbornik povodom sedamdesetog rođendana Ante Miloševića/Festschrift on the occasion of Ante Milošević 70th birthday, Dissertationes et monographiae 20, International Research Center for Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages, 2024
The paper discusses Renaissance sculpture in the town of Senj, Vinodol’s castles Bribir and Hrelj... more The paper discusses Renaissance sculpture in the town of Senj, Vinodol’s castles Bribir and Hreljin as well as Baška on the island of Krk. It analyses the reliefs which belong to the circle of the socalled Buda – Tuscan Renaissance, extremely prevalent in Senj and its surrounding area throughout the last decades of the 15th century. Emphasis is put on the case of the emergence of nobility’s heraldic reliefs associated with the town of Senj and preserved in Baška. The case is interpreted in context of generally pronounced presence of citizens of Senj in a settlement on the eastern part of the island of Krk whose territory spreads across the sea passage called the Gates of Senj. According to the material remains as well as the written sources, that presence grew even in the first decades of Venetian administration over the island of Krk. The causes of this lesser-known phenomenon are sought. Oeuvres of individual craftsmen, stone reliefs’ authors active in the area in the last decades of the 15th century, are enriched and distinguished.
Morepress Books, Nov 9, 2020
During Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages, empress Galla Placidia, king Theoderic and later... more During Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages, empress Galla Placidia, king Theoderic and later Queen Amalasuntha, imperial officers and rulers, such as Exarchs, bishops and the clergy used patronage of various monumental buildings to endorse their political ambitions, social positions, and prestige, also in Ravenna, when the city became the new Imperial Seat. In this paper I will try to define this phenomenon by showing the role played by private élites since the 4th century, which grew into a general and wide trend by the end of the 8th century, during the Carolingian Age.
Arheološka topografija Istre - Topografia archeologica dell'Istria, Liber amicorum Matej Župančič, 2023
Riassunto Marijan Bradanović: A proposito di Martino Moyses, del suo ruolo nella disputa tra gli ... more Riassunto
Marijan Bradanović: A proposito di Martino Moyses, del suo ruolo nella disputa tra gli abitanti di Bescanuova e Verbenico nel 1470 e di due mappe manoscritte come fonti per la topografia archeologica
Nella prima parte del contributo si analizza il rilievo scolpito della lapide - di modesta fattura - di Martino Moyses, signore di Cosliacco. Viene contestualizzato nel suo originario ambiente della chiesa paolina dell’ex lago di Cepich. Si parla quindi del patrimonio del ramo chersino della famiglia Mojsijević con al centro la plastica decorativa architettonica delle monofore rinascimentali di casa Petris-Moisè. Questa è comparata ad un più tardo - e meno pregiato - esempio di decorazione architettonica
di un edificio di Momorano, in Istria. Si discute dell’espansione della bottega chersina di lavorazione della pietra rinascimentale nell’area dell’Istria orientale. Viene quindi descritto il ruolo di Martin Mojsijević, come cortigiano di Giovanni VII. Frankopan, nella risoluzione della disputa sulla proprietà territoriale tra gli abitanti di Verbenico e quelli di Bescanuova nel 1470. Nel capitolo successivo viene descritto dettagliatamente il paesaggio culturale di Bescanuova e Verbenico sulla
base della carta geografica manoscritta di Francesco Juriceo del 1740. La ricerca comparativa dei dati di questa fonte grafica porta a conclusioni di più vasta portata sulla topografia archeologica
della parte nordorientale dell’isola di Veglia, in particolare sul suo legame con la medievale Segna, forse anche l’antica Senia. Nella parte finale dell’opera è attribuita al sacerdote, pittore, restauratore
e geometra Franjo Jurić la mappa di una parte di Vinodol e del Gorski kotar del 1752.
Prvi dio rada posvećen je analizi nevješto klesanog reljefa nadgrobne ploče Martina Mojsijevića,gospodara Kožljaka. Ona se kontekstualizira u svojem izvornom ambijentu pavlinske crkve na nekadašnjem
Čepićkom jezeru. Zatim se rad bavi baštinom creskoga odvjetka obitelji Mojsijević. U fokusu je dekorativna arhitektonska plastika renesansnih monofora kuće Petris-Moisè. Ona se uspoređuje s kasnijim i slabijim primjerom arhitektonske dekoracije kuće u istarskom Mutvoranu.
Raspravlja se o širenju djelatnosti creske renesansne klesarske radionice na prostor istočne Istre. Zatim se opisuje uloga Martina Mojsijevića kao dvorjanina Ivana VII. Frankopana, u rješavanju teritorijalno-imovinskog spora između Vrbničana i Bašćana 1470. godine. U idućem poglavlju, na
temelju rukopisne zemljopisne karte Franje Jurića (Francesco Juriceo) iz 1740. godine, detaljno se opisuju kulturni krajolik Baške i Vrbnika. Komparativnim istraživanjem podataka ovog grafičkog
izvora donose se dalekosežniji zaključci o arheološkoj topografiji sjeveroistočnog dijela otoka Krka, osobito njegovoj povezanosti sa srednjovjekovnim Senjem, moguće i antičkom Senijom.
U završnom dijelu rada svećeniku, slikaru, restauratoru i mjerniku Franji Juriću pripisuje se karta dijela Vinodola i Gorskog kotara iz 1752. godine.
Ars Adriatica, 2023
Bernardinov grb u grobničkoj župnoj crkvi i nadgrobna ploča biskupa Kristofora Stojkovića / Berna... more Bernardinov grb u grobničkoj župnoj crkvi i nadgrobna ploča biskupa Kristofora Stojkovića / Bernardin's Coat of Arms in the Parish Church of Grobnik and the Tombstone of Bishop Kristofor Stojković
This paper explored the heraldic and architectural decorative sculpture in the parish church of St Philip and Jacob in
Grobnik. Against the backdrop of the church’s dynamic 16th-century reconstructions and additions, a particular layer is
associated with Bernardin Frankopan and the expansion of the sanctuary in the parish church with the same titular in
Novi Vinodolski. The discussion further extends to the tombstone of Kristofor Stojković, Bishop of Modruš. The author examines the migrations of craftsmen, cultural and other connections within Vinodol, as well as ties to the island of Krk, the Frankopan Modruš, and the broader hinterland. This heritage is interpreted within the cultural landscape of those areas and its functioning during the transitional period from the 1510s to the 1520s, with a particular emphasis on the activities of the Croatian social elites of that era.
Keywords: Bernardin Frankopan, Feliks Petančić, Vinodol, stone sculpture, around 1520
Zbornik Antona Bozanića. Papers in honour of Anton Bozanić, 2023
This paper contains a discussion of the cultural landscape of the territory over which the author... more This paper contains a discussion of the cultural landscape of the territory over which the authority of the Krk counts extended in the High and Late Middle Ages. The emphasis is placed on the island of Krk itself, but for the sake of comparison, the mainland territories of Modruš, Vinodol and, of course, the town of Senj itself are introduced to the analysis. The historical differences and geomorphological specific features of the individual areas under consideration, which necessitated different solutions during urbanization processes, are highlighted.
Key words: island of Krk, Vinodol, Senj, Modruš, cultural landscape, urbanization, Middle Ages, Early Modern era, Krk counts.
Hortus artium medievalium, 2022
Potisnute teme u umjetnosti i humanistici Neglected Topics in Arts and Humanities Zbornik radova posvećen profesoru emeritusu Vladimiru P. Gossu / Book of Essays in Honour of Professor Emeritus Vladimir P. Goss, 2022
The Lost Urban Landscapes of the Town of Rijeka – the Augustinian Monastery and the Church of St... more The Lost Urban Landscapes of the Town of Rijeka – the Augustinian Monastery
and the Church of St. Jerome in the Early Modern Period
The paper provides information on the architectural changes of the Augustinian monastery in Rijeka in the early modern period. The consequences of the Venetian conquest of the
city of Rijeka in 1509 and 1511 are highlighted. Then the data of the great renovation of the
monastery, which took place around the middle of the 16th century, during the time of Prior
Ivan Primožić, is disclosed and systematized. A comparative analysis contextualizes the architecture and architectural decorative plastic of the then radically reconstructed cloister and the
bell tower, as well as the extension of the monastery towards the west. This layer is associated
with architecture in the region, especially examples from the island of Krk, which were related
with the Augustinians in Rijeka. The next emphasis is on the Baroque period from the second
half of the 17th century, when the Gothic votive chapel was given a pseudo-basilica design by adding side naves. The third large architectural layer refers to the constructions of the 18th
century until the abolition of the monastery in 1788. The layer of construction from the 1720s
is particularly emphasized, which is partially destroyed and partially preserved and is almost
unknown in the art history of Rijeka so far. It is stylistically connected with the civil architecture
of Rijeka, such as the lazaret of St. Charles Borromeo. Special attention is paid to the period
of Baroque classicism from the end of the 18th century when the plans for adaptation and reconstruction of the monastery were drawn after its abolition. They reveal a lot about both the
missing and the preserved parts of the architectural complex of the Augustinian monastery
in Rijeka. All these findings complete the picture of the urban landscape of the city of Rijeka
during the early modern period.
Potisnute teme u umjetnosti i humanistici / Neglected Topics in Arts and Humanities. Zbornik radova posvećen profesoru emeritusu Vladimiru P. Gossu / Book of Essays in Honour of Professor Emeritus Vladimir P. Goss , 2022
Cultural Heritage and the Wars of the 20th Century
MENS ACRIS IN CORPORE COMMODO, Festschrift in Honour of the 70th Birthday of Ivan Matejčić , 2021
Kročeći i izvirući za Ivana Matejčića U radu se raspravlja o heraldičkoj skulpturi kao velikoj gr... more Kročeći i izvirući za Ivana Matejčića
U radu se raspravlja o heraldičkoj skulpturi kao velikoj grupi spomenika poprilično zapostavljenoj
u povijesnoumjetničkim studijama, osobito onima koje se bave atribucionizmom. Donose se primjeri
iz Istre i iz grada Krka, dakle s otoka koji je pripadao povijesnom području Dalmacije, iz 15. i ranog
16. stoljeća. U fokusu su radovi nekoliko klesara simbola Mletačke Republike. Za prvi primjer u prilog
iznesenih teza odabran je rad radionice Majstora Stefana iz Kranja, iz 1529. godine. Majstor nevičan
34 M. BRADANOVIĆ, Graditeljstvo Dubašnice u razdoblju renesanse, in: Tomislav Galović (a cura di), “Az grišni
diak Branko pridivkom Fučić”, Radovi međunarodnoga znanstvenog skupa o životu i djelu akademika Branka Fučića (1920.-
1999.), Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti, Institut za povijest umjetnosti, Katolički bogoslovni fakultet
Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Staroslavenski institut, Sveučilišna knjižnica Rijeka, Općina Malinska-Dubašnica, Malinska-Rijeka-Zagreb, 2011, 231-258.
zadatku lavlju je glavu krilatog lava sv. Marka, s reljefa klesanog za pročelje oprtaljske vijećnice, izveo
tako da mu je lice izrazito nalikovalo onome divljeg ili šumskog čovjeka, s konzole iz sjevernog bočnog
broda oprtaljske župne crkve. Preciznije, obje je skulpture klesao isti majstor. Drugim primjerom su
preciznije datirani i radionički povezani kasnogotički krilati lavovi iz Livada podno Oprtlja, tj. iz
Motovunske šume i iz Labina, kao standardni primjeri kasnogotičke skulpture s tla mletačke Istre.
Zatim je nizu lavova sv. Marka iz Motovuna, Vižinade i Kopra koje je Alberto Rizzi povezao i pripisao
tzv. Majstoru motovunskih lavova, pridružena grupa evidentno istovremeno nastalih reljefa motovunskih gradskih grbova. Time je, u funkciji teze ovog rada, opus jednog regionalno vrlo značajnog
majstora obogaćen novim prinosima. Sljedećim primjerom je grupi renesansne skulpture iz Buja i
Čepića pokraj Šterne na Gornjoj Bujštini koju je Ivan Matejčić povezao i identificirao kao djelo Mateja
iz Pule, pridružen reljef s gradskih vrata Grožnjana i monumentalni visoki reljef mletačkog lava koji
se nalazi na komunalnom kampanilu u Bujama. Na koncu se samom vrhu kvalitete opusa majstora
Francesca aktivnoga u Cresu, Krku i drugdje na Kvarneru, o kojem je pisao I. Matejčić a kojem je u
posljednja dva desetljeća M. Bradanović pripisao niz radova, pridružuje i nestali reljef mletačkog lava
koji se nalazio na glavnim gradskim vratima Krka. Skulpture mletačkih lavova pridružuju se širim
grupama kamene skulpture. Načelno se raspravlja i o stvarnoj ulozi autora reljefa. Dok neki doista
nisu bili više od izvršitelja – klesara, kod drugih slutimo njihovu daleko veću, protomajstorsku ulogu
u kreiranju urbanog krajolika istarskih i kvarnerskih gradova. Ulogu u ojačanju, popravku i izgradnji
gradskih zidina, kula i portala, vijećnica i javnih cisterni. Kod posljednjeg od analiziranih primjera
ovu tezu potvrđuju i arhivski izvori s kraja 15. stoljeća. Vrijeme odabranih slučajeva doba je prvog
velikog redizajna naših gradova nakon romaničkog doba. Također i vrijeme kada su manja srednjovjekovna naselja tek poprimala puni urbani karakter. Stoga je u unutar ponuđenog ključa potrebno
revalorizirati heraldičku skulpturu Istre i Dalmacije razdoblja kasne gotike i renesanse.
Nel presente saggio, tramite la descrizione della fortezza tardo medievale situata davanti all’ab... more Nel presente saggio, tramite la descrizione della fortezza tardo medievale situata davanti all’abitato, demolita agli inizi del XX secolo, e degli eventi bellici connessi a questa, s’illustra l’importanza strategica di Castelmuschio e del suo territorio per il possesso e il controllo dell’intera isola di Veglia. Vi sono pure descritti i sistemi di difesa predisposti sul territorio di Castelmuschio durante i conflitti tra gli Uscocchi ed i Veneziani, nonché la pianta inedita di un’altra rocca veneziana costruita sul territorio di Castelmuschio alla fine del Cinquecento.Uvodno se u kratkim crtama donose podaci o povijesnom razvoju Omišlja, osobito u svjetlu njegova strateškog značaja u obrani ili zaposjedanju otoka Krka. Ostaci srednjovjekovne utvrde ispred Omišlja na otoku Krku porušeni su početkom 20. stoljeća ali grafička dokumentacija i pisani izvori omogućuju temeljnu rekonstrukciju njezinoga izgleda. Jedina kula ove utvrde podignuta je 1476. godine, što svjedoči do danas sačuvan...
Ars Adriatica, 2016
The catalogue of Renaissance sculpture in the Kvarner Gulf is here enlarged with some hitherto un... more The catalogue of Renaissance sculpture in the Kvarner Gulf is here enlarged with some hitherto unevaluated contributions, while those already known are considered in a different context. The paper provides a description of the process of reception of Renaissance stone sculpture in this region, including the dispersion of individual workshops. The author also proposes a hypothesis concerning the workshop of Master Franjo as the dominant workshop of the region, primarily based on its prolonged activity and widespread presence in the Kvarner Islands and the nearby mainland.
Questo saggio ricostruisce le circostanze che presiedettero alla decisione di edificare il nuovo ... more Questo saggio ricostruisce le circostanze che presiedettero alla decisione di edificare il nuovo lazzaretto fiumano a S. Martino (Martinséica). Sulla scorta di documenti d\u27archivio viene rievocato il corso dei lavori, si riportano i nomi degli appaltatori, quelli dei funzionari provinciali responsabili della realizzazione dell\u27opera e le difftcoltà incontrate. Viene pubblicata l\u27attinente documentazione esecutiva finora inedita. Si riportano dati sull\u27 assetto e sul funzionamento della quarantena marittima. Ma si privilegia in primo luogo la descrizione della veste architettonica del complesso e delle sue varie funzioni, che vengono dedotte da un\u27analisi comparativa tra le fonti a disposizione e quanto rimane degli edifici del lazzaretto. Ci si sofferma sulla sorte di quello che in ambito locale fu un grandioso complesso architettonico, una volta che la sua funzione primaria venne a decadere. Si valorizza la congruenza stilistica del classicismo applicato nella formul...
U radu se raspravlja o planiranju uspostavi, izgradnji i djelovanju lazareta u funkciji rijecke l... more U radu se raspravlja o planiranju uspostavi, izgradnji i djelovanju lazareta u funkciji rijecke luke u 18. i 19. stoljecu. Rijec je o lazaretu planiranom tik pokraj tadanje rijecke luke u delti Rjecine, zatim onom uspostavljenim u predjelu Potoka, na tadanjem zapadnom prilazu grada Rijeci, nadalje onom koji je djelovao u Kraljevici, naposlijetku i onom tridesetih godina 19. stoljeca uspostavljenom u uvali Martinscica.
Il lavoro descrive le condizioni inerenti alla fondazione e all \u27atti vità del vecchio lazzare... more Il lavoro descrive le condizioni inerenti alla fondazione e all \u27atti vità del vecchio lazzaretto fiumano. La ricerca è incentrata sull \u27analisi architettonica, finora mai compiuta, di questo complesso, che ri sulta essere grandioso per la situazione fiumana di quei tempi. Confrontando i resti conservati si fin o ad oggi, con la documentazione archi vistica nota e quell a di recente elaborazione, si rip ropone la ricostru zione del suo aspetto originario, supportata dall a spiegazione delle funzioni dei singoli edifici. Il vecchio lazzaretto di S. Carlo viene raffrontato con quello omonimo di Trieste ed entrambi con il loro comune diretto punto di partenza, ossia con l\u27atti vità edificatoria lubi anese dei primi decenni del XVIII secolo.Rijecko se gradanstvo izgradnjom lazareta zeli rijesiti obveze ugoséivanja carskih trupa, koje su se u gradu zaddavale na proputovanju prema panonskom ratistu. Dakako, i svih zala koje je donosilo njihovo konacenje unutar gradskih zidina. Ca...
Problemi sjevernog Jadrana, 2020
Ars Adriatica, 2017
This paper focuses on the still insufficiently researched subject of architecture and decorative ... more This paper focuses on the still insufficiently researched subject of architecture and decorative architectural sculpture in late medieval Rijeka. Based on the extant fragments and the more completely preserved monuments, the author presents this heritage in the light of Kvarnerian (historically northern Dalmatian) localities, as an aspect complementing our knowledge of continental influences in the Kvarner Gulf, the inland Istria, and the Kras region.
Peristil, 2014
Basin, urban planning, residential architecture, 15th and 16th century Na prijelazu kasnoga sredn... more Basin, urban planning, residential architecture, 15th and 16th century Na prijelazu kasnoga srednjeg u rani novi vijek poslovično skromna sredina sjevernojadranskih, preciznije kvarnerskih otoka, na planu reprezentativnoga stambenog graditeljstva iznjedrila je niz za mjesne prilike vrlo ambiciozno koncipiranih, dobrim dijelom još uvijek slabo poznatih arhitektonskih ostvarenja. Novogradnje i radikalne adaptacije zatečenih građevina koje je poduzimao mjesni patricijat u svega nekoliko desetljeća značajno su preoblikovale izgled naselja urbanoga karaktera na kvarnerskim otocima čime su ona skladno upotpunila opću sliku graditeljske živosti duž istočne obale Jadrana. Neki od primjera koji se komparativno analiziraju, prvi se put uključuju u raspravu s gledišta povijesti umjetnosti.
Dajla / Daila. Testamenta heri et hodie, 2023
The paper discusses the case of Dajla in the context of the architecture of Istria. Villas of th... more The paper discusses the case of Dajla in the context of the architecture of Istria.
Villas of the Istria
Francesco Grisoni
Gabriel Le Terrier de Manetot
Francesco Bracciadoro
Markov Lev z Armerije: od Kopra do Trsata Il Leone marciano dell’Armeria: da Capodistria a Tersatto Markov Lav s Armerije: od Kopra do Trsata , 2023
FRANCISCEJSKI KATASTER V ISTRI vzpostavitev raziskave dediščina IL CATASTO FRANCESCHINO IN ISTRIA impianto indagini patrimonio FRANCISKANSKI KATASTAR U ISTRI uspostava istraživanja baština, 2020
vzpostavitev raziskave dediščina
impianto indagini patrimonio
uspostava istraživanja baština
Koper. Urbana geneza / Capodistria. Genesi urbana, 2020
Uno storico dell’arte si sente a proprio agio quando, ad esempio, scrivendo di una scultura riesc... more Uno storico dell’arte si sente a proprio agio quando, ad
esempio, scrivendo di una scultura riesce a dimostrare che
l’opera è stata realizzata da un dato maestro - o da un suo
aiutante sia pure di minor caratura ma caratterizzato da
una produzione già definita nell’ambito dell’attività della
bottega di appartenenza - in base al modo in cui sono stati
intagliati i riccioli o le pieghe dei panneggi. Partendo dalla
metodologia tipica di questa disciplina, è invece molto più
difficile scrivere di una città, soprattutto di una città così
complessa dal punto di vista dell’evoluzione storica e di
origini ancora non del tutto chiarite qual è Capodistria.
Nella storia comparata delle città di lunga durata, qualsiasi tipo di generalizzazione può facilmente portare a imprecisioni e persino alla formulazione di tesi sbagliate. È
ancora più difficile scrivere ‘a grandi linee’ e ‘scorrendo i
secoli’, anche se nel caso di Capodistria occorre sottolineare l’esistenza di eccellenti fonti bibliografiche storiche,storico-artistiche e storico-culturali,1nonché storico-urbanistiche e architettoniche,2 che riportano in maniera dettagliata tutti i punti di riferimento rilevanti per la storia culturale di una città.
Visinada nel tempo, 2020
Con il presente contributo viene valorizzato l'aspetto culturale e storico del centro urbano di V... more Con il presente contributo viene valorizzato l'aspetto culturale e storico del centro urbano di Visinada. Viene messo in risalto il fatto che la sua specificita tipologica none e stata tuttora riconoscitua dalla storiografia urbanistica dell'Istria. L'origine medievale di Visinada viene interpretata nel contesto di processi coevi che si verificarono in altre aree dell)Europa occidentale e mediterrana, specie nelle arree rurali con un ricco retaggio dell'antichitta. Indubbiamente, cosi fu anche nel caso specifico di Visinada, ubicata sul territorio dell'agro parentino e prospiciente la valle del Quieto, Nel ripristino degli antichi latifondi fu cruciale il ruolo del vescovo di Parenzo in veste di detentore del potere terreno e tale circostanza fu largamente diffusa nel Medioevo europeo. Alla radice dello strato urbanistico lineae conservatosi sino ai nostri giorni, costituito da case a schiera she si estendono lungo due vie parallele, si denota l'organizzazione iniziale dell'insediamento urbano medievale che fu creato allo scopo assicurare il controllo della comunicazione stradale unitamente a quello di territorio. La fondazione dell'abitato sul sito attuale e' comparabile con le borgate italiane e le bastite francesi., pero bisogna ribadire il forte sostrato risalente all'antichita il quale costituisce un tratto dinstintivo dell'intero territorio. Nel nucelo urbano domina d'impinato urbanistico della piazza risalente al XVI secolo. Essa fu l'epicentro del riasetto urbanistico dell'intero abitato che va collegato alla famigila Grimani investe di titolare del feudo. IN nuovo stancio urbanistico ed architettonico avvene nel tardo Serttecento al quale segui il periodo del comletamento dell'assetto urbanistico nei primi decenni dell'amministrazione austriaca. Nel testo vengono descritte le origini stilistiche, avvero i centri culturali che hanno determinato ed influito direttamente sullo sviluppo architettonico di Visinada.
Vižinada u vremenu, 2020
Valorizira se kulturno-povijesni značaj povijesnog urbanog središta Vižinade. Ističe se da njegov... more Valorizira se kulturno-povijesni značaj povijesnog urbanog središta Vižinade. Ističe se da njegova svojevrsna tipološka specifičnost dosad na žalost nije bila prepoznata u urbanističkoj povijesti Istre. Srednjovjekovni postanak Vižinade tumači se u kontekstu istodobnih procesa koji su se odvijali i drugdje u zapadnoj i mediteranskoj Europi, osobito na ladanjskim područjima snažne antičke tradicije. Takvo je nesumnjivo bilo područje Vižinade na području porečkoga agera i u porječju Mirne. U obnovi nekadašnjih antičkih veleposjeda važna je bila uloga porečkoga biskupa kao svjetovnoga gospodara a i to je okolnost koja je općenito raširena u europskom srednjovjekovlju. U korijenu danas sačuvanog linearnog urbanističkog sloja kućnih nizova formiranih uz dvije paralelne ulice nazire se inicijalna organizacija srednjovjekovnog planiranog naselja uspostavljenog zbog kontrole prometnice i teritorija. Postanak naselja na današnjoj lokaciji usporediv je s talijanskim borgadama i francuskim bastidama, no treba istaknuti i snažnu antičku podlogu kao obilježje čitavog kraja. U užoj jezgri urbanistički dominira sloj trga XVI. stoljeća. On je bio glavni akcent „all'antica“ redizajna naselja koje se mora povezati s obitelji Grimani, kao tadašnjim vlasnicima veleposjeda. Novi urbanističko-arhitektonski uzlet zbivao se u kasnom 18. stoljeću na kojeg se nadovezalo razdoblje zaključnog urbanog definiranja naselja u vrijeme prvih desetljeća austrijske uprave. U radu se opisuju i stilska ishodišta toga sloja izgradnje, tj. tadašnja kulturna središta koja su presudno i direktno utjecala na razvoj arhitektonske slike Vižinade.
Moderna arhitektura Rijeke / L'architettura Moderna a Fiume, 1996
Arhitektura secesije u Rijeci / Secessional Architecture in Rijeka, 1997
Viaggio artistico attraverso l'Istria Istarski motivi početkom 19. stoljeća/Motivi istriani di inizio Ottocento/Istrski motivi z začetka 19. stoletja, 2016
Rad predstavlja kulturnopovijesni pregled materijalne i duhovne bastine franjevackog samostana na... more Rad predstavlja kulturnopovijesni pregled materijalne i duhovne bastine franjevackog samostana na Trsatu. Opisuje se njegov inventar, stilski se definiraju a dijelom i reinterpretiraju pojedine gradbene faze te arhitektonska dekorativna plastika franjevacke arhitektonske cjeline na Trsatu.
This is the catalogue of the exhibition held in Muzej Grada Crikvenice (Museum of the Town of Cri... more This is the catalogue of the exhibition held in Muzej Grada Crikvenice (Museum of the Town of Crikvenica) that celebrated the 600 hundredth anniversary of the first documented mention of the town’s name. The catalogue was awarded the annual prize by Hrvatsko muejsko društvo (Croatian Museum Association) for 2012.
Novi list, 2023
Najava promocije knjige
Živjeti s baštinom - konzervatorsko djelovanje u zaštićenim urbanističkim cjelinama u funkciji od... more Živjeti s baštinom - konzervatorsko djelovanje u zaštićenim urbanističkim cjelinama u funkciji održivog turističkog razvoja
Dolazak i smještaj / Participant arrival and accommodation 19.00-19.45 Uvodno predavanje / Introd... more Dolazak i smještaj / Participant arrival and accommodation 19.00-19.45 Uvodno predavanje / Introductory lecture (Post-Doc Jelena Behaim, PhD / RA Ivor Kranjec / RA Palmira Krleža / RA Filip Lovrić) 19.45-20.30 Večera / Dinner 20.30-22.00 Predavanje "Otok i grad Rab kao primjer kontinuiteta naseljavanja od prapovijesti do danas" / Lecture "Town and the island of Rab as an example of the continuous settlement from the prehistory to the present day" (Prof. Neven Budak, PhD)
One of the results of the project should be the analysis and understanding of medieval renaissanc... more One of the results of the project should be the analysis and understanding of medieval renaissances, of medieval humanisms.
Liturgical Installations and Their Sculpture (4-15 C.), 2020
We can identify two groups of different provenance among the sheer number of preserved stone scul... more We can identify two groups of different provenance among the sheer number of preserved
stone sculpture in Quarnero region, dated from the end of the 15th to the beginning of the
16th century that can be attributed to the two names of masters-leaders of workshops that are
confirmed in archives. The first is Francesco, whose work is most connected to Cres and Krk
and the second is Petar Radov, established on Rab. Both masters consistently promoted the
ornamental and figural repertoire all’antica on the Quarnero islands, Francesco of mostly
Venetian origins and Petar of Tuscan. In the wider Quarnero region, we have several examples
of exceptional quality from both provenances. The Venetian examples are from Osor and the
examples of the so-called Corvinus’ renaissance are from Senj. However, the works of Francesco
and Petar Radov are notable because they are established masters that have left behind a whole
array of architecturally and sculpturally integrated compositions or their remains, not only a
few isolated examples of sculpture or reliefs. Among their considerably wider production of
sculpture and decorative architectural plastic, we will focus on the liturgical installations. They
partly belong to the best works done by both workshops, with some exceptions. Templates used
by both masters are interesting from an art-historical point of view, because both masters were
trying to appease different demands of the peripheral area. While the sculptural production
of Petar Radov was tied to local quarries of the special type of sedimentary reddish breccia,
material for which Rab and northeastern Krk are well known for, Master Francesco relied on
the imported materials. Therefore, this phenomenon is much more complex from seemingly
similar situations in areas with more developed tradition of stonemasonry that were using
exclusively imported materials. As comparative examples, we can use the renaissance stone
altars from the island of Brač.
All of the examples used here belong to the Renaissance, from the stylistic point of view.
The applied ornamental solutions differ completely from the similar ones on the late Gothic
installations, as the ones made by Andrija Aleši (Andrea Alessi), known to us not only from
the remains, but also from the quite precisely defined notarial contracts. Moreover, a few more
examples can be attributed to Aleši’s stylistically extremely late Gothic production, related to the
furnishing of the churches on Rab Island. Some deviations that are typical for the conservative
taste of the periphery can be attested in the somewhat later production of Master Francesco
and Petar Radov, especially in their following of older templates. If we analyse the chosen works
in wider chronological span: of fragmentary preserved or archived heritage from Quarnero
region belonging to Gothic or Late Gothic style, or central Renaissance which followed, they
70 27. međunarodni kolokvij miC-a za kasnu antiku i srednji vijek
typologically belong to the pre-Trident manner of production of liturgical installations. We
can define it as the typological continuity that also reflects the taste of the local community,
in which Venetian influences intertwined with ones from the greater Dalmatian urban centres.
Naturally, the consistency of the realizations of the liturgical installations depended on the
different criteria of donors and investors, from the providurs (provveditore) and the feudal lords,
the bishops and other higher clergy to the local gentry and confraternities. It is important to
mention, concerning the topic of this discussion, the short-lived influx of the Tuscan renaissance,
brought via Senj by the workshops that were influenced by the court art of Matthias Corvinus.
Elaborat se bavi valorizacijom crkve u svijetlu novih nalaza u kapeli Gospe od Ružarija i svetist... more Elaborat se bavi valorizacijom crkve u svijetlu novih nalaza u kapeli Gospe od Ružarija i svetistu crkve. Također se daju smjernice i prijedlog novog uređenjacrkve koji bi prezentirao nove nalaze.
U uvodnom dijelu rada opisuju se okolnosti konzervatorskoga djelovanja na Bujstini u dinamicnom r... more U uvodnom dijelu rada opisuju se okolnosti konzervatorskoga djelovanja na Bujstini u dinamicnom razdoblju posljednjega desetljeca 20. stoljeca. Također se ukratko opisuje karakter tamosnje kulturne bastine, kao i specificni povijesni kontekst koji je izrazito na njega utjecao. Opisuju se, nadalje, okolnosti priprema i tijeka konzervatorskoga zahvata, koji je na dijelu novigradskih zidina autor proveo 1997. i 1998. godine. Naglasava se presudan znacaj podrske komunalnih vlasti i konzervatorove autonomnosti odlucivanja. Donosi se opis spomenika i mijena koje su ga zahvacale tijekom stoljeca. Uz specificnosti oblikovanja strijelnica i skosenja podnožja, upozorava se na karakteristicne duge, pravocrtne poteze novigradskih zidina, koji obuhvacaju prostor znatno siri od onoga dotad urbaniziranoga, sto je izrazito nalik dugom nizu slicnih fortifikacijskih poduhvata 15. i 16. stoljeca regiji. O zidinama se raspravlja u regionalnom kontekstu, uz navođenje komparativnoga materijala, ukljucivs...
Uvodno se ukratko oslikavaju slabo poznate graditeljske i klesarske prilike na otoku Krku u razdo... more Uvodno se ukratko oslikavaju slabo poznate graditeljske i klesarske prilike na otoku Krku u razdoblju XIV. i XV. stoljeca. Spominju se: krcka djelatnost putujucih jadranskih klesara kasnog XIV. st., zatim prigodno, humanisticke težnje i geste posljednjih Frankopana, te razumljiva prisutnost kontinentalne kasnogoticke graditeljske radionice, koje je na otok Krk pristigla preko frankopanskoga kontinentalnoga zaleđa. Težiste je rada koncentrirano na klesarsku djelatnost radionice majstora Franje, koja je na Krk pristigla sa gradilista tada cvatuceg grada Cresa. Donosi se pregled dosadasnjih zapažanja o majstoru Franji a spominju se i predlosci iz mletacke skulpture i slikarstva, koji su posredovanjem crteža utjecali na jezik radionice. Krckom se klesarskom opusu radionice pridružuju istovremena djela iz devedesetih godina XV. stoljeca, koje su isti klesari ostavili na creskom ladanju. Dokazuje se kako je upravo radionica majstora Franje prva u gradu Krku, pa tako i na istoimenom otoku,...
Ministarstvo kulture, Uprava za zaštitu kulturne baštine, Konzervatorski odjel u Puli, Jan 29, 2013
Kapelice u župama Mošćenice i Brseč/Le capelle nelle parrocchie di Moschiena e Bersezio, 2021
Predgovor knjzi Edvina Rutara
Beneški Koper - Izseki iz zgodovinske dediščine , 2019
Pogovor knjizi Beneški Koper - Izseki iz zgodovinske dediščine
Lica kulturnog identiteta, 2010
Dio kulturnopovijesnog vodiča Primorsko-goranskom županijom
Kameni blizanci, 2022
Pogovor knjizi arhitekta Vjekoslava Gašparovića
Eurocity : putna revija Hrvatskih željeznica 3, 2010
Das Sakralerbe des Gorski kotar... Kirchen, Kapellen...
Euroccity : putna revija Hrvatskih željeznica 68, 2010
Marijin Trsat, 2009
Marijin Trsat u slovenskom prijevodu
Dissertationes et Monographiae 17, 2021