Frane Mihanovic | University of Split, Croatia (original) (raw)

Papers by Frane Mihanovic

Research paper thumbnail of Anthropological individualization of relics from sarcophagus stored in Vodnjan monastery, Vodnjan, Croatia

St open, Jun 24, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of Hrvatski model sveučilišnog obrazovanja zdravstvenih radnika

Zbornik sažetaka, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Hrvatski model obrazovanja zdravstvenih radnika

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Research paper thumbnail of Application of Multi Slice Computed Tomography in archaeometry: discovering the artifacts beneath St. Paul’s clothes

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Research paper thumbnail of Radiološki uređaji i oprema u radiologiji, radioterapiji i nuklearnoj medicini

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Research paper thumbnail of Visoko obrazovanje radioloških tehnologa na sveučilišnom Odjelu za zdravstvene studije Sveučilišta u Splitu

Zbornik sažetaka, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of The effects of the conversion and enlargement of digital radiological image from DICOM to JPEG image format on distance measurement

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Research paper thumbnail of Influence of Spanish Broom Fibre Treatment, Fibre Length, and Amount and Harvest Year on Reinforced Cement Mortar Quality


The use of natural materials, such as natural fibres, in the construction industry is becoming mo... more The use of natural materials, such as natural fibres, in the construction industry is becoming more frequent. The source of natural fibres should be sought in local plants, such as Spanish Broom in the Mediterranean area. The fibre treatment process was carried out in 8 different ways with alkali 4%, 5%, 6%, 8%, 10% and 15% NaOH solution, and 5% NaOH and 2% Na2SO3 mixture solution and seawater. The fibres were tested for tensile strength. No relationship was established between the concentration of the solution and the tensile strength of the fibres. The influence of the reuse of treatment solution on fibre quality was monitored by X-ray diffraction (XRD), ATR-FTIR, and TG/DTG analysis. Fibres with lengths of 1, 2, and 3 cm were added to cement mortar specimens in amounts of 0.5 and 1 vol%. The flexural and compressive strengths were tested on mortar specimens after 28 days. For fibres 1 and 3 cm long, 0.5% natural fibre content gives higher strength results: about 9% for flexural s...

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Research paper thumbnail of Pervious Concrete Reinforced with Waste Cloth Strips

Sustainability, 2022

Pervious concrete is considered an environment-friendly paving material and its main feature is t... more Pervious concrete is considered an environment-friendly paving material and its main feature is that it allows water to penetrate within its structure. Because of open pores in pervious concrete structures, there is a high risk of corrosion, so this concrete is used without any reinforcement or with fiber reinforcement. The incorporation of fibers in concrete is known to substantially increase the tensile strength, toughness, and ductility of concrete. The fast-fashion trend encourages people to buy more clothes and dispose of them in a shorter period of time, resulting in 85% of clothes ending up in landfills or being burned. In this paper, old cotton T-shirts were cut into narrow strips about 5 ± 1 cm long for the purpose of reinforcing pervious concrete. A total of eight concrete mixtures were made: four without reinforcement and four with textile-strip reinforcement. The number of textile strips was 1% of the total volume. Tests carried out on the specimens were: slump, density,...

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Research paper thumbnail of Virtual autopsy in legal medicine: literature review and example of application on the mummified remains

Medicine, Law & Society, 2018

The virtual autopsy and post-mortem imaging methods are relatively novel methods used in medicine... more The virtual autopsy and post-mortem imaging methods are relatively novel methods used in medicine to determine cause and manner of death. They can also be exceptionally useful in the process of identification. Although they have numerous advantages, they are still not implemented in practice to a sufficient extent because the methodology has not yet been validated, and studies that deal with legal and practical implications of those methods are relatively scarce. In this article we describe basic principles and advantages of the methodology, explore related legal and practical issues, and present a case of virtual autopsy in practice on the mummified remains of St. Ivan Olini from Church of St. Blaise in Vodnjan (Croatia).Virtualna obdukcija in postmortalna metoda slikanja sta relativno novi metodi v medicini za ugotovljanje vzroka in načina smrti. Izjemno koristni sta lahko tudi v procesu identifikacije. Kljub številnim prednostim pa se v praksi še vedno ne izvajata v zadovoljivem ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Paleoradiological analysis of the body of St. Paul - archbishop of Constantinople

The remains of the body of St. Paul - archbishop of Constantinople are kept in a church of the St... more The remains of the body of St. Paul - archbishop of Constantinople are kept in a church of the St. Blasius in Vodnjan among other relics and numerous valuable artifacts. According to historical data, St. Paul was born in Thessalonica at the end of the 3rd century and died around 350 AD. The historical records also state that in the time around his death he was tortured with hunger and thirst in a dungeon, and when found alive after six days, strangled to death. To ensure a minimum revolt, his warders spread rumors that he had died of disease. In 2009, his body was examined in Clinical Hospital Center Split, Croatia using Multi Slice Computed Tomography (MSCT). The study was conducted to determine the state of preservation of the remains, to reveal if the body was mummified, and if so, if the mummification was natural or artificial. Afterwards, images were examined in order to obtain basic anthropological data, i.e. to construct osteobiography that could eventually be compared with h...

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Research paper thumbnail of Elaborat opravdanosti utemeljenja Fakulteta zdravstvenih studija Sveučilišta u Splitu

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Research paper thumbnail of Analiza nevoljnih pokreta dijafragme u treniranih ronioca na dah - MRI studija

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Research paper thumbnail of Forensic Facial Reconstruction of the mummified remains of St. Nicolosa Bursa

This study shows the forensic facial reconstruction of the mummy of St. Nicolosa Bursa whose body... more This study shows the forensic facial reconstruction of the mummy of St. Nicolosa Bursa whose body is kept in the parish church in Vodnjan. This Saint was imaged by Mult-Slice Computed Tomography (MSCT), on Somatom 16 device (Siemens, Erlangen, Germany), with 16 rows of detectors and the spatial resolution of 30 lp/mm. Parameters for scanning used in the study were 120 kVp, 162 mA, protocol - Body Angio Routine, Convolutional Kernel B30f. For the acquisition, the slice thickness was 16×0.75 mm, and 3 mm for image reconstruction. The 3D model of the skull was created by 3D Surface Rendering technique using software DICOM viewer, Osirix v.3.9.4 (Pixmeo, Geneva, Switzerland). The model was exported, post-processed in software Blender v2.79, and printed on the 3D printer FORCEBOOK UltraPrint 3D with a slice thickness of 0.15 mm. The facial reconstruction was performed using the Manchester method, developed at the University of Manchester in the UK. The face of St. Nicolosa was reconstruc...

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Research paper thumbnail of Phenomena of mummified Holly Bodies and the importance of scientific research on relic

28. studenog 2009 godine u KBC - u Split, u suradnji Klinickog zavoda za patologiju, sudsku medic... more 28. studenog 2009 godine u KBC - u Split, u suradnji Klinickog zavoda za patologiju, sudsku medicinu i citologiju i Klinickog zavoda za dijagnosticku i intervencijsku radiologiju, cetiri sveta tijela dopremljena su iz crkve sv. Blaža u Vodnjanu i snimljena MSCT (multislice computed tomography) uređajem. Tehnika snimanja ovim uređajem odabrana je zbog njene nedestruktivnosti i neinvazivnosti. Slikovni je materijal analiziran pomocu programa Osirix, koji omogucuje 3D pregled svih struktura unutar tijela. Tehnikama virtualne obdukcije analizirane su anatomske i patoloske promjene svih tjelesnih struktura. Tim s Klinickog zavoda za patologiju, sudsku medicinu i citologiju, zajedno s Centrom za forenzicna ispitivanja, istraživanja i vjestacenja „Ivan Vucetic“ antropoloski je analizirao i izradio foto - elaborat za 774 relikvije. Rad ce prezentirati najvažnije rezultate analize slikovnog materijala dobivenog MSCT uređajem, kao i antropoloskom analizom relikvija. Također ce se osvrnuti na ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Primjena MSCT-a u arheometriji: otkrivanje artefakata ispod odjeće Sv. Pavla

The remains of Saint Paul - archbishop of Constantinople which are kept in Vodnjan parish church ... more The remains of Saint Paul - archbishop of Constantinople which are kept in Vodnjan parish church were virtually analyzed. Beneath the bishop’s robe, besides the skeletal remains, various artifacts were found. The casket containing remains of the saint was imaged by Multi Slice Computed Tomography (MSCT) device, Somatom 16 (Siemens, Erlangen, Germany), with 16 rows of detectors and the spatial resolution of 30 lp/mm. Scanning parameters were: 120 kVp, 162 mA, protocol – Body Angio Routine, Convolutional Kernel B30f. The slice thickness for the acquisition was 16×0.75 mm and 3 mm for image reconstruction. 2D images were post-processed by Multiplanar Reconstruction (MPR), Volume Rendering Techniques (VRT), and Maximum Intensity Projection (MIP) using software DICOM viewer, Osirix v.3.9.4 (Pixmeo, Geneva, Switzerland). The examination of the nonskeletal material beneath the clothing revealed the unknown object. First, Hounsfield (HU) values of attenuation coefficients were examined to d...

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Research paper thumbnail of Fenomen neraspadnutosti Svetih Tijela i važnost znanstvene obrade relikvija

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Research paper thumbnail of The oldest evidence of calcific myonecrosis?

International Journal of Osteoarchaeology, 2018

On the archaeological site on the necropolis of the Ancient Salona, skeletal remains of 25–34 yea... more On the archaeological site on the necropolis of the Ancient Salona, skeletal remains of 25–34 years old male were found. On the left lower leg, there were extensive pathological changes that were manifested on tibia and fibula as thickening of the bone shafts and fusion of these bones by calcified fusiform mass. The bone borders were sharpened with a new lighter layer of bone, enthesophytes, and/or with calcified tissue that merged with bone. Also, laminar bony outgrowths/plaques were visible on the bone surfaces. Periosteal reaction was visible on the right ulna, femora, and tibiae.Upon differential diagnosis, on the basis of the affected compartment and the type of the ossification, we have concluded that it was very probably a case of a calcific myonecrosis. However, due to lack of clinical data that are almost never available in ancient skeletons, we could not determine what had caused the condition. As it was to our knowledge the oldest finding of the disease and also the first...

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Research paper thumbnail of The effects of the conversion and enlargement of digital radiological image from DICOM to JPEG image format on distance measurement

Introduction. Conversion of images from DICOM format to other image formats affects measuring dis... more Introduction. Conversion of images from DICOM format to other image formats affects measuring distances in images. Materials and methods. Distances in DICOM or JPEG images were measured with different zoom using 1.5T MRI scanning of human diaphragm during spontaneous breathing and during low and high lung volumes. Results. Correlation between distance measurements in mm and pixels at all zoom factors on DICOM and JPEG images ranged from r=0.9981-1.00 and 95% CI for r of 0.9972 - 0.9986 to 1.00 - 1.00 and the p-value in all correlations was <0.001. Results of comparing the difference in measured dimensions on DICOM and JPEG images in mm for F1.0 indicate that differences in measurements are small (0.1 mm average). Image zooming in JPEG for F1.8 compared to the idealized pixel size values with that zoom on average increases the number of pixels for 1 (range from 5 pixels increase to 4 pixels loss). Conclusions. The values of linear regression equation for all zoom factors (F1.0 - F...

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Research paper thumbnail of Facial reconstruction of mummified remains of Christian Saint-Nicolosa Bursa

Journal of Cultural Heritage, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Anthropological individualization of relics from sarcophagus stored in Vodnjan monastery, Vodnjan, Croatia

St open, Jun 24, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of Hrvatski model sveučilišnog obrazovanja zdravstvenih radnika

Zbornik sažetaka, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Hrvatski model obrazovanja zdravstvenih radnika

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Research paper thumbnail of Application of Multi Slice Computed Tomography in archaeometry: discovering the artifacts beneath St. Paul’s clothes

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Research paper thumbnail of Radiološki uređaji i oprema u radiologiji, radioterapiji i nuklearnoj medicini

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Research paper thumbnail of Visoko obrazovanje radioloških tehnologa na sveučilišnom Odjelu za zdravstvene studije Sveučilišta u Splitu

Zbornik sažetaka, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of The effects of the conversion and enlargement of digital radiological image from DICOM to JPEG image format on distance measurement

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Research paper thumbnail of Influence of Spanish Broom Fibre Treatment, Fibre Length, and Amount and Harvest Year on Reinforced Cement Mortar Quality


The use of natural materials, such as natural fibres, in the construction industry is becoming mo... more The use of natural materials, such as natural fibres, in the construction industry is becoming more frequent. The source of natural fibres should be sought in local plants, such as Spanish Broom in the Mediterranean area. The fibre treatment process was carried out in 8 different ways with alkali 4%, 5%, 6%, 8%, 10% and 15% NaOH solution, and 5% NaOH and 2% Na2SO3 mixture solution and seawater. The fibres were tested for tensile strength. No relationship was established between the concentration of the solution and the tensile strength of the fibres. The influence of the reuse of treatment solution on fibre quality was monitored by X-ray diffraction (XRD), ATR-FTIR, and TG/DTG analysis. Fibres with lengths of 1, 2, and 3 cm were added to cement mortar specimens in amounts of 0.5 and 1 vol%. The flexural and compressive strengths were tested on mortar specimens after 28 days. For fibres 1 and 3 cm long, 0.5% natural fibre content gives higher strength results: about 9% for flexural s...

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Research paper thumbnail of Pervious Concrete Reinforced with Waste Cloth Strips

Sustainability, 2022

Pervious concrete is considered an environment-friendly paving material and its main feature is t... more Pervious concrete is considered an environment-friendly paving material and its main feature is that it allows water to penetrate within its structure. Because of open pores in pervious concrete structures, there is a high risk of corrosion, so this concrete is used without any reinforcement or with fiber reinforcement. The incorporation of fibers in concrete is known to substantially increase the tensile strength, toughness, and ductility of concrete. The fast-fashion trend encourages people to buy more clothes and dispose of them in a shorter period of time, resulting in 85% of clothes ending up in landfills or being burned. In this paper, old cotton T-shirts were cut into narrow strips about 5 ± 1 cm long for the purpose of reinforcing pervious concrete. A total of eight concrete mixtures were made: four without reinforcement and four with textile-strip reinforcement. The number of textile strips was 1% of the total volume. Tests carried out on the specimens were: slump, density,...

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Research paper thumbnail of Virtual autopsy in legal medicine: literature review and example of application on the mummified remains

Medicine, Law & Society, 2018

The virtual autopsy and post-mortem imaging methods are relatively novel methods used in medicine... more The virtual autopsy and post-mortem imaging methods are relatively novel methods used in medicine to determine cause and manner of death. They can also be exceptionally useful in the process of identification. Although they have numerous advantages, they are still not implemented in practice to a sufficient extent because the methodology has not yet been validated, and studies that deal with legal and practical implications of those methods are relatively scarce. In this article we describe basic principles and advantages of the methodology, explore related legal and practical issues, and present a case of virtual autopsy in practice on the mummified remains of St. Ivan Olini from Church of St. Blaise in Vodnjan (Croatia).Virtualna obdukcija in postmortalna metoda slikanja sta relativno novi metodi v medicini za ugotovljanje vzroka in načina smrti. Izjemno koristni sta lahko tudi v procesu identifikacije. Kljub številnim prednostim pa se v praksi še vedno ne izvajata v zadovoljivem ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Paleoradiological analysis of the body of St. Paul - archbishop of Constantinople

The remains of the body of St. Paul - archbishop of Constantinople are kept in a church of the St... more The remains of the body of St. Paul - archbishop of Constantinople are kept in a church of the St. Blasius in Vodnjan among other relics and numerous valuable artifacts. According to historical data, St. Paul was born in Thessalonica at the end of the 3rd century and died around 350 AD. The historical records also state that in the time around his death he was tortured with hunger and thirst in a dungeon, and when found alive after six days, strangled to death. To ensure a minimum revolt, his warders spread rumors that he had died of disease. In 2009, his body was examined in Clinical Hospital Center Split, Croatia using Multi Slice Computed Tomography (MSCT). The study was conducted to determine the state of preservation of the remains, to reveal if the body was mummified, and if so, if the mummification was natural or artificial. Afterwards, images were examined in order to obtain basic anthropological data, i.e. to construct osteobiography that could eventually be compared with h...

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Research paper thumbnail of Elaborat opravdanosti utemeljenja Fakulteta zdravstvenih studija Sveučilišta u Splitu

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Research paper thumbnail of Analiza nevoljnih pokreta dijafragme u treniranih ronioca na dah - MRI studija

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Research paper thumbnail of Forensic Facial Reconstruction of the mummified remains of St. Nicolosa Bursa

This study shows the forensic facial reconstruction of the mummy of St. Nicolosa Bursa whose body... more This study shows the forensic facial reconstruction of the mummy of St. Nicolosa Bursa whose body is kept in the parish church in Vodnjan. This Saint was imaged by Mult-Slice Computed Tomography (MSCT), on Somatom 16 device (Siemens, Erlangen, Germany), with 16 rows of detectors and the spatial resolution of 30 lp/mm. Parameters for scanning used in the study were 120 kVp, 162 mA, protocol - Body Angio Routine, Convolutional Kernel B30f. For the acquisition, the slice thickness was 16×0.75 mm, and 3 mm for image reconstruction. The 3D model of the skull was created by 3D Surface Rendering technique using software DICOM viewer, Osirix v.3.9.4 (Pixmeo, Geneva, Switzerland). The model was exported, post-processed in software Blender v2.79, and printed on the 3D printer FORCEBOOK UltraPrint 3D with a slice thickness of 0.15 mm. The facial reconstruction was performed using the Manchester method, developed at the University of Manchester in the UK. The face of St. Nicolosa was reconstruc...

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Research paper thumbnail of Phenomena of mummified Holly Bodies and the importance of scientific research on relic

28. studenog 2009 godine u KBC - u Split, u suradnji Klinickog zavoda za patologiju, sudsku medic... more 28. studenog 2009 godine u KBC - u Split, u suradnji Klinickog zavoda za patologiju, sudsku medicinu i citologiju i Klinickog zavoda za dijagnosticku i intervencijsku radiologiju, cetiri sveta tijela dopremljena su iz crkve sv. Blaža u Vodnjanu i snimljena MSCT (multislice computed tomography) uređajem. Tehnika snimanja ovim uređajem odabrana je zbog njene nedestruktivnosti i neinvazivnosti. Slikovni je materijal analiziran pomocu programa Osirix, koji omogucuje 3D pregled svih struktura unutar tijela. Tehnikama virtualne obdukcije analizirane su anatomske i patoloske promjene svih tjelesnih struktura. Tim s Klinickog zavoda za patologiju, sudsku medicinu i citologiju, zajedno s Centrom za forenzicna ispitivanja, istraživanja i vjestacenja „Ivan Vucetic“ antropoloski je analizirao i izradio foto - elaborat za 774 relikvije. Rad ce prezentirati najvažnije rezultate analize slikovnog materijala dobivenog MSCT uređajem, kao i antropoloskom analizom relikvija. Također ce se osvrnuti na ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Primjena MSCT-a u arheometriji: otkrivanje artefakata ispod odjeće Sv. Pavla

The remains of Saint Paul - archbishop of Constantinople which are kept in Vodnjan parish church ... more The remains of Saint Paul - archbishop of Constantinople which are kept in Vodnjan parish church were virtually analyzed. Beneath the bishop’s robe, besides the skeletal remains, various artifacts were found. The casket containing remains of the saint was imaged by Multi Slice Computed Tomography (MSCT) device, Somatom 16 (Siemens, Erlangen, Germany), with 16 rows of detectors and the spatial resolution of 30 lp/mm. Scanning parameters were: 120 kVp, 162 mA, protocol – Body Angio Routine, Convolutional Kernel B30f. The slice thickness for the acquisition was 16×0.75 mm and 3 mm for image reconstruction. 2D images were post-processed by Multiplanar Reconstruction (MPR), Volume Rendering Techniques (VRT), and Maximum Intensity Projection (MIP) using software DICOM viewer, Osirix v.3.9.4 (Pixmeo, Geneva, Switzerland). The examination of the nonskeletal material beneath the clothing revealed the unknown object. First, Hounsfield (HU) values of attenuation coefficients were examined to d...

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Research paper thumbnail of Fenomen neraspadnutosti Svetih Tijela i važnost znanstvene obrade relikvija

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Research paper thumbnail of The oldest evidence of calcific myonecrosis?

International Journal of Osteoarchaeology, 2018

On the archaeological site on the necropolis of the Ancient Salona, skeletal remains of 25–34 yea... more On the archaeological site on the necropolis of the Ancient Salona, skeletal remains of 25–34 years old male were found. On the left lower leg, there were extensive pathological changes that were manifested on tibia and fibula as thickening of the bone shafts and fusion of these bones by calcified fusiform mass. The bone borders were sharpened with a new lighter layer of bone, enthesophytes, and/or with calcified tissue that merged with bone. Also, laminar bony outgrowths/plaques were visible on the bone surfaces. Periosteal reaction was visible on the right ulna, femora, and tibiae.Upon differential diagnosis, on the basis of the affected compartment and the type of the ossification, we have concluded that it was very probably a case of a calcific myonecrosis. However, due to lack of clinical data that are almost never available in ancient skeletons, we could not determine what had caused the condition. As it was to our knowledge the oldest finding of the disease and also the first...

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Research paper thumbnail of The effects of the conversion and enlargement of digital radiological image from DICOM to JPEG image format on distance measurement

Introduction. Conversion of images from DICOM format to other image formats affects measuring dis... more Introduction. Conversion of images from DICOM format to other image formats affects measuring distances in images. Materials and methods. Distances in DICOM or JPEG images were measured with different zoom using 1.5T MRI scanning of human diaphragm during spontaneous breathing and during low and high lung volumes. Results. Correlation between distance measurements in mm and pixels at all zoom factors on DICOM and JPEG images ranged from r=0.9981-1.00 and 95% CI for r of 0.9972 - 0.9986 to 1.00 - 1.00 and the p-value in all correlations was <0.001. Results of comparing the difference in measured dimensions on DICOM and JPEG images in mm for F1.0 indicate that differences in measurements are small (0.1 mm average). Image zooming in JPEG for F1.8 compared to the idealized pixel size values with that zoom on average increases the number of pixels for 1 (range from 5 pixels increase to 4 pixels loss). Conclusions. The values of linear regression equation for all zoom factors (F1.0 - F...

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Research paper thumbnail of Facial reconstruction of mummified remains of Christian Saint-Nicolosa Bursa

Journal of Cultural Heritage, 2019

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