Ognjen Bonacci | University of Split, Croatia (original) (raw)

Papers by Ognjen Bonacci

Research paper thumbnail of Negative impacts of grouting on the underground karst environment

Ecohydrology, 2009

Grouting is a procedure in which grout is injected into different kinds of spaces. This procedure... more Grouting is a procedure in which grout is injected into different kinds of spaces. This procedure has had broad applications in modern civil engineering, especially in karst terrains, for nearly 200 years. Ingredients for the preparation of mortars and grouting suspensions include cement, clay and fillers, bentonite, asphalt, additives for stability and water. The building of dams in karst areas is always accompanied by the construction of large grout curtains. During their construction, thousands of tons of materials are injected into the karst underground. Some ingredients and chemicals used in the preparation of mortars and grouting suspensions may be toxic, neurotoxic or carcinogenic, and may be irritants or corrosives. Their use is dangerous to both humans and the environment. The toxic components can pollute karst aquifers and cause long-lasting hazardous consequences on karst underground species. Both physically and chemically, this material voraciously and quickly destroys underground habitats and kills an enormous number of rare, endangered and endemic species. This is an extremely expensive procedure although, in many cases, it is not very successful from the engineering perspective. When the construction of a grout curtain is completed, the hydrostatic pressure upgradients of the curtain are increased to higher levels than ever. These high hydraulic gradients accelerate the dissolutional expansion of fractures and bedding planes beneath the dam by several orders of magnitudes. As a result, intolerable leakage of karst reservoirs can occur over the lifetime of a dam site. This paper provides several examples of varying negative impacts of grouting on the hydrological and ecological regimes of the karst environment in the Dinaric karst. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Research paper thumbnail of Water level, precipitation and air temperature statistical trends-case study Lake Dojran

Lake Dojran is a transboundary lake in the south-eastern part of the Balkan Peninsula and is shar... more Lake Dojran is a transboundary lake in the south-eastern part of the Balkan Peninsula and is shared by Macedonia and Greece. The lake is small and shallow but very significant as a water resource and natural wealth. This paper deals with some answers related to the clarification of natural causes. Very often on scientific and institutional level may be heard that the present state of the lake is basically due to decreased precipitation and increased air temperature, or due to climate change effects. The analysis of the basic hydro meteorological parameters, such as precipitation and air temperature, is presented and their correlation with observed lake water level is established. Data that have been used are for the period 1951-2010 from the hydro meteorological station at Nov Dojran on Macedonian Lake side.

Research paper thumbnail of Climatic or Anthropogenic Impacts—Case Study Dojran Lake

Internationally shared water bodies and their ecosystems are vulnerable both to climate and anthr... more Internationally shared water bodies and their ecosystems are vulnerable both to climate and anthropogenic impacts. The case study of this paper is Dojran Lake situated in the southeastern part of the Balkans that is shared by Macedonia and Greece. Within the period 1988-2002, the water level of the Lake decreased seriously and the littoral zone became dry. This water decline together with the simultaneous water quality deterioration resulted in a biodiversity diminish and plankton reduction. The attack on the ecosystem had a harmful impact on the economy in the region. In the last decade, the water increasing trend of the Lake water level has been observed. How much the Lake is impacted by natural causes, hydrology and climate, and how much by human activities in the watershed, is a question that cannot be answered easily. The main aim of the conducted analyses is to simulate undisturbed and disturbed water levels in the Lake. Hydrological analysis and water balance modeling is obta...


Hrvatske Vode

Izrada injekcijskih zavjesa u kršu relativno je čest graditeljski zahvat vezan s izgradnjom brana... more Izrada injekcijskih zavjesa u kršu relativno je čest graditeljski zahvat vezan s izgradnjom brana i akumulacija u kršu. Njena osnovna uloga je smanjivanje gubitaka vode iz akumulacije kroz krški masiv koji se nalazi ispod brane, sprječavanje mehaničkog ispiranja sedimenata ispune pukotina i krških kanala te korozijskog proširivanja pukotina. U radu je analiziran slučaj injekcijske zavjese ispod brane Đale na rijeci Cetini. Dužina ove zavjese iznosi 3.966 m, a njena najveća dubina seže 120 m ispod dna brane. U članku je izvršena analiza satnih vrijednosti vodostaja i temperatura podzemnih voda mjerenih u šest dubokih piezometara (označenih brojevima 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 i 6) u razdoblju od 1. rujna 2008. u 02 sata do 31. prosinca 2009. u 23 sata (ukupno 11.687 sati). Za ostala tri piezometra (označenih velikim slovima A, B i C) raspolagalo se s diskontinuiranim mjerenjima razina i temperature podzemne vode. Ustanovljeno je da je izgradnja injekcijske zavjese uzrokovala nagle i potencijalno opasne lokalne promjene režima podzemnih voda. Detaljnije je izučeno ponašanje razina podzemne vode u bliskim parovima piezometara od kojih se jedan nalazi u području između akumulacije i injekcijske zavjese, a drugi izvan. Izgradnjom injekcijske zavjese potpuno je izmijenjen lokalni režim podzemnih voda. Posebno se upozorava na činjenicu da se hidrostatski pritisak na zavjesu brzo mijenja te da doseže do 40 m, što može biti opasno za njenu dugotrajnu stabilnost.

Research paper thumbnail of Lokalni potresi izazvani promjenama tlaka fluida u stijenskoj masi

Hrvatske Vode

Prije dvadesetak godina na hrvatskom je jeziku objavljena knjiga "Potresi izazvani akumuliranom v... more Prije dvadesetak godina na hrvatskom je jeziku objavljena knjiga "Potresi izazvani akumuliranom vodom" (Stojić i Lalić, 1994.). Knjiga je tiskana kao udžbenik Građevinskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Splitu te je prije svih namijenjena studentima, ali i inženjerima građevinarstva. U njoj se razmatra interdisciplinarna pojava koja ne spada prvenstveno, a još manje isključivo, u područje inženjerstva. Vjerujemo da nismo pogriješili ako ustvrdimo da je tada prvi put kod nas sustavnije, u pisanom obliku, razmatrana ova pojava prvenstveno sa stanovišta građevinskih inženjera. Materijali izneseni u njoj su ukazali na potrebu holističkog pristupa objašnjavanja i rješavanja ove složene i u cijelom svijetu, pa tako i kod nas, sve prisutnije problematike. Istine radi treba naglasiti da je još prije 35 godina objavljen rad pod naslovom: "Uticaj akumulacija na promjenu seizmičkih karakteristika okoline" . U tom je radu napomenuto da su prvi potresi uzrokovani akumulacijom bili utvrđeni nakon izgradnje 221 m visoke brane Hoover (SAD) i početka punjenja njom formirane akumulacije Lake Mead (Boulder). Autor je izlaganje završio slijedećom znakovitom izrekom Laplace-a: "Ono što znamo je tako malo, ono što ne znamo je beskrajno".

Research paper thumbnail of Interactions between waters in karstic areas and coastal zones

The process of karst formation involves what is referred to as "the carbon dioxide CO 2 cascade."... more The process of karst formation involves what is referred to as "the carbon dioxide CO 2 cascade." As rain falls through the atmosphere, it picks up CO 2 which dissolves in the droplets. Once the rain hits the ground, it percolates through the soil and picks up more CO 2 to form a weak solution of carbonic acid: H 2 O+CO 2 =H 2 CO 3 . The infiltrating water naturally exploits any cracks or crevices in the rock. Over long periods, with a continuous supply of CO 2enriched water, carbonate bedrock begins to dissolve. Openings in the bedrock increase in size and an underground drainage system begins to develop, allowing more water to pass, further accelerating the formation of karst. Eventually this leads to the development of subsurface caves.

Research paper thumbnail of Transboundary water management in karstic areas Legislation and monitoring, provisions for spatial/physical planning Importance of sustainable utilization of karstic water resources

To obtain a harmonious, reliable and sustainable development, it is necessary to take the complex... more To obtain a harmonious, reliable and sustainable development, it is necessary to take the complex, interactive, technical, social, economic, environmental and cultural aspects of water resources management into account in decision-making. In the case of the transboundary karst water resources management it is especially hard and dubious task.

Research paper thumbnail of Several methods for discharge measurements of floods

Flow discharge measurements during floods are of considerable importance. These data are very val... more Flow discharge measurements during floods are of considerable importance. These data are very valuable and particularly difficult to obtain. In addition, such measurements are very expensive and often the lives of the people carrying them out are endangered. The paper describes several methods of discharge measurements during floods. It also presents some practical experience with the following types of measurements


Since 1975, numerous hydrotechnical works have been carried out on the 60 km long section of the ... more Since 1975, numerous hydrotechnical works have been carried out on the 60 km long section of the River Drava from Slovenian-Croatian border to the River Mura mouth. Three hydrotechnical power plants with three reservoirs and three long inlet and outlet canals have been built. Massive construction on the Drava River basin and on the river itself during the last centuries,


Changes in the mean annual air temperature measured at 67 meteorological stations in Slovenia, Cr... more Changes in the mean annual air temperature measured at 67 meteorological stations in Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Macedonia during the last 48 (from 1961 to 2008) to 158 (from 1851 to 2008) years were investigated. Methods of rescaled adjusted partial sums (RAPS), regression and correlation analyses as well as F-and t-tests are used in order to describe changes in air temperature regimes. The analyses indicated that the most frequently statistically significant changes started in 1988 (at 34 gauging station or 50.7 %) and in 1992 (at 16 gauging station or 23.9 %). It was calculated that the increases of average mean annual air temperatures in period before and after warming is 0.807 ºC ranging from the minimum value of -0.11 ºC (decreasing) to the maximum value of 1.56 ºC (increasing).


Hrvatske vode 20(2012) 79/80 23-28 O. Bonacci HIDROLOŠKA ANALIZA ODVOĐENJA VODE IZ KRŠKOG IZVORA ... more Hrvatske vode 20(2012) 79/80 23-28 O. Bonacci HIDROLOŠKA ANALIZA ODVOĐENJA VODE IZ KRŠKOG IZVORA RIJEKE JADRO Krški izvor Jadro ključni je snabdjevač visoko kvalitetnom vodom grada Splita i šire regije. U članku je detaljnoj analizi podvrgnut režim odvođenja vode iz izvora Jadra koje za svoje potrebe vrši Vodovod Split. Analizirani su hidrološki podatci sakupljeni u razdoblju od 1. siječnja 1995. do 31. prosinca 2009. Kritične se situacije javljaju tijekom ljetnih sušnih razdoblja, osobito u srpnju i kolovozu, kada su prirodni protoci izvora Jadra niski, temperature vode i zraka visoke, a potrebe za vodom sve veće. U tim mjesecima, a ponekad i u rujnu iz izvora se odvodi više od 50 % prirodnog protoka što je sa stanovišta održivog gospodarenja ovim vodnim resursom neodrživo. Posebno zabrinjava snažni trend porasta minimalnih godišnjih protoka koje se bespovratno odvode iz izvora Jadra. Cilj rada je bio ukazati na pretjerano odvođenje vode iz izvora Jadra kao i na zabrinjavajuće trendove porasta odvođenja vode u posljednjih 15 godina. Analiziran je odnos niskih protoka koje ostaju u koritu rijeke Jadro i visokih temperatura zraka te je ukazano da postoji realna opasnost njihove koincidencije na održivi razvoj ovog ionako vrlo ugroženog krškog okoliša.

Research paper thumbnail of Hrvatske Vode


Hrvatske Vode

U radu su analizirani nizovi karakterističnih (minimalnih, srednjih i maksimalnih) godišnjih vodo... more U radu su analizirani nizovi karakterističnih (minimalnih, srednjih i maksimalnih) godišnjih vodostaja izmjerenih na dvije vodomjerne postaje na Prošćanskom i Kozjak jezeru, dakle na dva najveća jezera u sustavu Plitvičkih jezera. Utvrđeno je izrazito različito ponašanje vodostaja do sredine devedesetih godina i poslije 1997. godine. U prvom podrazdoblju karakteristični su vodostaji bili u stalnom porastu, dok se u drugom nalaze u stalnom opadanju. Točno vrijeme kada je došlo do ovih naglih promjena nije bilo moguće utvrditi pošto su zbog Domovinskog rata bila prekinuta motrenja i uništena oprema od sredine 1991. do početka 1997. na Prošćanskom jezeru i 2001. na jezeru Kozjak. Analiza nizova karakterističnih (minimalnih, srednjih i maksimalnih) godišnjih protoka na vodomjernoj postaji Kozjak most ukazala je na postojanje dugogodišnjeg i zabrinjavajućeg trenda opadanja protoka iz jezera Kozjak. Trendovi opadanja karakterističnih protoka utvrđeni su i na profili Luketići na rijeci Kor...

Research paper thumbnail of Hidrološki aspekti pojave snijega u Hrvatskoj

Cilj rada je bio da se karakteristike snijega u Hrvatskoj povežu s hidrološkim procesima. Jedno j... more Cilj rada je bio da se karakteristike snijega u Hrvatskoj povežu s hidrološkim procesima. Jedno je poglavlje posvećeno ulozi snijega u hidrologiji. Detaljno su analizirane sljedeće karakteristike snijega: 1.) Broj dana godišnje sa snježnim pokrivačem višim ili jednakim od 1 cm; 2.) Maksimalna godišnja visina snježnog pokrivača; 3.) Datumi početka i kraja pojave snježnog pokrivača. Analizirani su podatci izmjereni na sljedeće tri stanice (u zagradama su navedena razdoblja obuhvaćena analizom): 1. Analiziran je odnos temperature zraka tijekom hladnog dijela godine i broja dana sa snježnim pokrivačem višim ili jednakim od 1 cm. Definiran je odnos prosječnog broja dana sa snježnim pokrivačem godišnje višim ili jednakim od 1 cm i nadmorske visine u Hrvatskoj. Na osnovi podataka o karakteristikama snijega izmjerenih na 21 stanici u ravničarskom djelu sjeverne Hrvatske u razdoblju 2000.-2009. utvrđeno je da je snježni režim sličan na cijelom ravničarskom području sjeverne Hrvatske. Analize...

Research paper thumbnail of Water resources management in new conditions

2 Upravljanje vodnim resursima u novim uvjetima Autor: Prof. emer. dr. sc. Ognjen Bonacci Fakulte... more 2 Upravljanje vodnim resursima u novim uvjetima Autor: Prof. emer. dr. sc. Ognjen Bonacci Fakultet građevinarstva, arhitekture i geodezije Sveučilište u Splitu, Matice hrvatske 15, Split

Research paper thumbnail of Provided for 6.11 Poljes, Ponors and Their Catchments

non-commercial research and educational use only. Not for reproduction, distribution or commercia... more non-commercial research and educational use only. Not for reproduction, distribution or commercial use. This chapter was originally published in the Treatise on Geomorphology, the copy attached is provided by Elsevier for the author's benefit and for the benefit of the author's institution, for non-commercial research and educational use. This includes without limitation use in instruction at your institution, distribution to specific colleagues, and providing a copy to your institution's administrator. All other uses, reproduction and distribution, including without limitation commercial reprints, selling or licensing copies or access, or posting on open internet sites, your personal or institution's website or repository, are prohibited. For exceptions, permission may be sought for such use through Elsevier's permissions site at: Abstract

Research paper thumbnail of Review of Croatian coastal (karst) wetlands

Research paper thumbnail of Man’s Influence on the Water Regime in the Karst Terrains

Springer Series in Physical Environment, 1987

Research paper thumbnail of Neretva Delta River wetland (Croatia)

1. Name of wetland: Neretva delta Wetland general type: Wetland complex (A, H, J, ) 2. Municipali... more 1. Name of wetland: Neretva delta Wetland general type: Wetland complex (A, H, J, ) 2. Municipality, Country: Dubrovnik-Neretva County, Croatia Coordinates: 43° 01' 40" N; 17° 34' 25" E 3. Wetland surface (km 2 ): 127.42 Elevation (m): 0.5 Average depth/length/width (m): 0.5/20000/3000 4. Contributing surface area (km 2 ): 3000 (?) 5. Contributing aquifer area (km 2 ): 500 (?) Aquifer type: Water Table 6. Mean rainfall (mm/y): 1250 Mean T (ºC): 15.7 Mean ET (mm/y): 880 7. Underlying lithology : Carbonate rocks and carbonated sediments 8. Wetland genesis: Delta/estuary and floodplain 9. Wetland sediments: Sandy and organic-rich 10. Water source: Rainfall on the wetland, fluvial inundation and shallow groundwater 11. Groundwater flow type: Flow through and discharge area, closed, non saline Groundwater dependence: Shared 12. Hydroperiod: Seasonal and variable 13. Hydrochemistry: Electrical conductivity (mS/cm) (100-300); Dominant (>50 %) anion or two anions (Cl, SO4); Dominant (>50 %) cation or two cations (Na, Ca) 14. Dominant vegetation: Halophytic vegetation 15. Trophic state: Eutrophic vegetation 16. Functionality: Partly moderately altered (30%) and partly highly altered (70%) 17. State of knowledge: Water quality monitoring, biological information 18. Management status: Ramsar site; Management Authority Wetland general characteristics Mouth Mouth of the Neretva River Location Vidrice Right bank Wetland services status and trends (1/2) Wetland services status and trends (2/2)

Research paper thumbnail of Analiza nizova srednjih godišnjih temperatura zraka u Hrvatskoj

Ključne riječi srednja godišnja temperatura zraka, promjena klime, varijacija klime, Hrvatska, na... more Ključne riječi srednja godišnja temperatura zraka, promjena klime, varijacija klime, Hrvatska, nagli porast srednje godišnje temperature zraka O. Bonacci Izvorni znanstveni rad Analiza nizova srednjih godišnjih temperatura zraka u Hrvatskoj te 1992. na 34,6 % stanica. Srednje godišnje temperature zraka povećane su prosječno za 0,844 ºC. Key words mean annual air temperature, climate change, climate variation, Croatia, sudden increase in mean annual air temperature O. Bonacci Original scientific paper Analysis of mean annual air temperature series in Croatia The analysis of mean annual air temperature series, as measured on 26 weather stations in Croatia, is presented. In this paper, the objective was to study changes in the mean annual air temperature regimen during the available measurement time at individual stations in Croatia. Statistically significant changes, i.e. cases of sudden increase in temperature, first occurred in 1988 on 57.7 percent of stations, and in 1992 on 34.6 p...

Research paper thumbnail of Negative impacts of grouting on the underground karst environment

Ecohydrology, 2009

Grouting is a procedure in which grout is injected into different kinds of spaces. This procedure... more Grouting is a procedure in which grout is injected into different kinds of spaces. This procedure has had broad applications in modern civil engineering, especially in karst terrains, for nearly 200 years. Ingredients for the preparation of mortars and grouting suspensions include cement, clay and fillers, bentonite, asphalt, additives for stability and water. The building of dams in karst areas is always accompanied by the construction of large grout curtains. During their construction, thousands of tons of materials are injected into the karst underground. Some ingredients and chemicals used in the preparation of mortars and grouting suspensions may be toxic, neurotoxic or carcinogenic, and may be irritants or corrosives. Their use is dangerous to both humans and the environment. The toxic components can pollute karst aquifers and cause long-lasting hazardous consequences on karst underground species. Both physically and chemically, this material voraciously and quickly destroys underground habitats and kills an enormous number of rare, endangered and endemic species. This is an extremely expensive procedure although, in many cases, it is not very successful from the engineering perspective. When the construction of a grout curtain is completed, the hydrostatic pressure upgradients of the curtain are increased to higher levels than ever. These high hydraulic gradients accelerate the dissolutional expansion of fractures and bedding planes beneath the dam by several orders of magnitudes. As a result, intolerable leakage of karst reservoirs can occur over the lifetime of a dam site. This paper provides several examples of varying negative impacts of grouting on the hydrological and ecological regimes of the karst environment in the Dinaric karst. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Research paper thumbnail of Water level, precipitation and air temperature statistical trends-case study Lake Dojran

Lake Dojran is a transboundary lake in the south-eastern part of the Balkan Peninsula and is shar... more Lake Dojran is a transboundary lake in the south-eastern part of the Balkan Peninsula and is shared by Macedonia and Greece. The lake is small and shallow but very significant as a water resource and natural wealth. This paper deals with some answers related to the clarification of natural causes. Very often on scientific and institutional level may be heard that the present state of the lake is basically due to decreased precipitation and increased air temperature, or due to climate change effects. The analysis of the basic hydro meteorological parameters, such as precipitation and air temperature, is presented and their correlation with observed lake water level is established. Data that have been used are for the period 1951-2010 from the hydro meteorological station at Nov Dojran on Macedonian Lake side.

Research paper thumbnail of Climatic or Anthropogenic Impacts—Case Study Dojran Lake

Internationally shared water bodies and their ecosystems are vulnerable both to climate and anthr... more Internationally shared water bodies and their ecosystems are vulnerable both to climate and anthropogenic impacts. The case study of this paper is Dojran Lake situated in the southeastern part of the Balkans that is shared by Macedonia and Greece. Within the period 1988-2002, the water level of the Lake decreased seriously and the littoral zone became dry. This water decline together with the simultaneous water quality deterioration resulted in a biodiversity diminish and plankton reduction. The attack on the ecosystem had a harmful impact on the economy in the region. In the last decade, the water increasing trend of the Lake water level has been observed. How much the Lake is impacted by natural causes, hydrology and climate, and how much by human activities in the watershed, is a question that cannot be answered easily. The main aim of the conducted analyses is to simulate undisturbed and disturbed water levels in the Lake. Hydrological analysis and water balance modeling is obta...


Hrvatske Vode

Izrada injekcijskih zavjesa u kršu relativno je čest graditeljski zahvat vezan s izgradnjom brana... more Izrada injekcijskih zavjesa u kršu relativno je čest graditeljski zahvat vezan s izgradnjom brana i akumulacija u kršu. Njena osnovna uloga je smanjivanje gubitaka vode iz akumulacije kroz krški masiv koji se nalazi ispod brane, sprječavanje mehaničkog ispiranja sedimenata ispune pukotina i krških kanala te korozijskog proširivanja pukotina. U radu je analiziran slučaj injekcijske zavjese ispod brane Đale na rijeci Cetini. Dužina ove zavjese iznosi 3.966 m, a njena najveća dubina seže 120 m ispod dna brane. U članku je izvršena analiza satnih vrijednosti vodostaja i temperatura podzemnih voda mjerenih u šest dubokih piezometara (označenih brojevima 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 i 6) u razdoblju od 1. rujna 2008. u 02 sata do 31. prosinca 2009. u 23 sata (ukupno 11.687 sati). Za ostala tri piezometra (označenih velikim slovima A, B i C) raspolagalo se s diskontinuiranim mjerenjima razina i temperature podzemne vode. Ustanovljeno je da je izgradnja injekcijske zavjese uzrokovala nagle i potencijalno opasne lokalne promjene režima podzemnih voda. Detaljnije je izučeno ponašanje razina podzemne vode u bliskim parovima piezometara od kojih se jedan nalazi u području između akumulacije i injekcijske zavjese, a drugi izvan. Izgradnjom injekcijske zavjese potpuno je izmijenjen lokalni režim podzemnih voda. Posebno se upozorava na činjenicu da se hidrostatski pritisak na zavjesu brzo mijenja te da doseže do 40 m, što može biti opasno za njenu dugotrajnu stabilnost.

Research paper thumbnail of Lokalni potresi izazvani promjenama tlaka fluida u stijenskoj masi

Hrvatske Vode

Prije dvadesetak godina na hrvatskom je jeziku objavljena knjiga "Potresi izazvani akumuliranom v... more Prije dvadesetak godina na hrvatskom je jeziku objavljena knjiga "Potresi izazvani akumuliranom vodom" (Stojić i Lalić, 1994.). Knjiga je tiskana kao udžbenik Građevinskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Splitu te je prije svih namijenjena studentima, ali i inženjerima građevinarstva. U njoj se razmatra interdisciplinarna pojava koja ne spada prvenstveno, a još manje isključivo, u područje inženjerstva. Vjerujemo da nismo pogriješili ako ustvrdimo da je tada prvi put kod nas sustavnije, u pisanom obliku, razmatrana ova pojava prvenstveno sa stanovišta građevinskih inženjera. Materijali izneseni u njoj su ukazali na potrebu holističkog pristupa objašnjavanja i rješavanja ove složene i u cijelom svijetu, pa tako i kod nas, sve prisutnije problematike. Istine radi treba naglasiti da je još prije 35 godina objavljen rad pod naslovom: "Uticaj akumulacija na promjenu seizmičkih karakteristika okoline" . U tom je radu napomenuto da su prvi potresi uzrokovani akumulacijom bili utvrđeni nakon izgradnje 221 m visoke brane Hoover (SAD) i početka punjenja njom formirane akumulacije Lake Mead (Boulder). Autor je izlaganje završio slijedećom znakovitom izrekom Laplace-a: "Ono što znamo je tako malo, ono što ne znamo je beskrajno".

Research paper thumbnail of Interactions between waters in karstic areas and coastal zones

The process of karst formation involves what is referred to as "the carbon dioxide CO 2 cascade."... more The process of karst formation involves what is referred to as "the carbon dioxide CO 2 cascade." As rain falls through the atmosphere, it picks up CO 2 which dissolves in the droplets. Once the rain hits the ground, it percolates through the soil and picks up more CO 2 to form a weak solution of carbonic acid: H 2 O+CO 2 =H 2 CO 3 . The infiltrating water naturally exploits any cracks or crevices in the rock. Over long periods, with a continuous supply of CO 2enriched water, carbonate bedrock begins to dissolve. Openings in the bedrock increase in size and an underground drainage system begins to develop, allowing more water to pass, further accelerating the formation of karst. Eventually this leads to the development of subsurface caves.

Research paper thumbnail of Transboundary water management in karstic areas Legislation and monitoring, provisions for spatial/physical planning Importance of sustainable utilization of karstic water resources

To obtain a harmonious, reliable and sustainable development, it is necessary to take the complex... more To obtain a harmonious, reliable and sustainable development, it is necessary to take the complex, interactive, technical, social, economic, environmental and cultural aspects of water resources management into account in decision-making. In the case of the transboundary karst water resources management it is especially hard and dubious task.

Research paper thumbnail of Several methods for discharge measurements of floods

Flow discharge measurements during floods are of considerable importance. These data are very val... more Flow discharge measurements during floods are of considerable importance. These data are very valuable and particularly difficult to obtain. In addition, such measurements are very expensive and often the lives of the people carrying them out are endangered. The paper describes several methods of discharge measurements during floods. It also presents some practical experience with the following types of measurements


Since 1975, numerous hydrotechnical works have been carried out on the 60 km long section of the ... more Since 1975, numerous hydrotechnical works have been carried out on the 60 km long section of the River Drava from Slovenian-Croatian border to the River Mura mouth. Three hydrotechnical power plants with three reservoirs and three long inlet and outlet canals have been built. Massive construction on the Drava River basin and on the river itself during the last centuries,


Changes in the mean annual air temperature measured at 67 meteorological stations in Slovenia, Cr... more Changes in the mean annual air temperature measured at 67 meteorological stations in Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Macedonia during the last 48 (from 1961 to 2008) to 158 (from 1851 to 2008) years were investigated. Methods of rescaled adjusted partial sums (RAPS), regression and correlation analyses as well as F-and t-tests are used in order to describe changes in air temperature regimes. The analyses indicated that the most frequently statistically significant changes started in 1988 (at 34 gauging station or 50.7 %) and in 1992 (at 16 gauging station or 23.9 %). It was calculated that the increases of average mean annual air temperatures in period before and after warming is 0.807 ºC ranging from the minimum value of -0.11 ºC (decreasing) to the maximum value of 1.56 ºC (increasing).


Hrvatske vode 20(2012) 79/80 23-28 O. Bonacci HIDROLOŠKA ANALIZA ODVOĐENJA VODE IZ KRŠKOG IZVORA ... more Hrvatske vode 20(2012) 79/80 23-28 O. Bonacci HIDROLOŠKA ANALIZA ODVOĐENJA VODE IZ KRŠKOG IZVORA RIJEKE JADRO Krški izvor Jadro ključni je snabdjevač visoko kvalitetnom vodom grada Splita i šire regije. U članku je detaljnoj analizi podvrgnut režim odvođenja vode iz izvora Jadra koje za svoje potrebe vrši Vodovod Split. Analizirani su hidrološki podatci sakupljeni u razdoblju od 1. siječnja 1995. do 31. prosinca 2009. Kritične se situacije javljaju tijekom ljetnih sušnih razdoblja, osobito u srpnju i kolovozu, kada su prirodni protoci izvora Jadra niski, temperature vode i zraka visoke, a potrebe za vodom sve veće. U tim mjesecima, a ponekad i u rujnu iz izvora se odvodi više od 50 % prirodnog protoka što je sa stanovišta održivog gospodarenja ovim vodnim resursom neodrživo. Posebno zabrinjava snažni trend porasta minimalnih godišnjih protoka koje se bespovratno odvode iz izvora Jadra. Cilj rada je bio ukazati na pretjerano odvođenje vode iz izvora Jadra kao i na zabrinjavajuće trendove porasta odvođenja vode u posljednjih 15 godina. Analiziran je odnos niskih protoka koje ostaju u koritu rijeke Jadro i visokih temperatura zraka te je ukazano da postoji realna opasnost njihove koincidencije na održivi razvoj ovog ionako vrlo ugroženog krškog okoliša.

Research paper thumbnail of Hrvatske Vode


Hrvatske Vode

U radu su analizirani nizovi karakterističnih (minimalnih, srednjih i maksimalnih) godišnjih vodo... more U radu su analizirani nizovi karakterističnih (minimalnih, srednjih i maksimalnih) godišnjih vodostaja izmjerenih na dvije vodomjerne postaje na Prošćanskom i Kozjak jezeru, dakle na dva najveća jezera u sustavu Plitvičkih jezera. Utvrđeno je izrazito različito ponašanje vodostaja do sredine devedesetih godina i poslije 1997. godine. U prvom podrazdoblju karakteristični su vodostaji bili u stalnom porastu, dok se u drugom nalaze u stalnom opadanju. Točno vrijeme kada je došlo do ovih naglih promjena nije bilo moguće utvrditi pošto su zbog Domovinskog rata bila prekinuta motrenja i uništena oprema od sredine 1991. do početka 1997. na Prošćanskom jezeru i 2001. na jezeru Kozjak. Analiza nizova karakterističnih (minimalnih, srednjih i maksimalnih) godišnjih protoka na vodomjernoj postaji Kozjak most ukazala je na postojanje dugogodišnjeg i zabrinjavajućeg trenda opadanja protoka iz jezera Kozjak. Trendovi opadanja karakterističnih protoka utvrđeni su i na profili Luketići na rijeci Kor...

Research paper thumbnail of Hidrološki aspekti pojave snijega u Hrvatskoj

Cilj rada je bio da se karakteristike snijega u Hrvatskoj povežu s hidrološkim procesima. Jedno j... more Cilj rada je bio da se karakteristike snijega u Hrvatskoj povežu s hidrološkim procesima. Jedno je poglavlje posvećeno ulozi snijega u hidrologiji. Detaljno su analizirane sljedeće karakteristike snijega: 1.) Broj dana godišnje sa snježnim pokrivačem višim ili jednakim od 1 cm; 2.) Maksimalna godišnja visina snježnog pokrivača; 3.) Datumi početka i kraja pojave snježnog pokrivača. Analizirani su podatci izmjereni na sljedeće tri stanice (u zagradama su navedena razdoblja obuhvaćena analizom): 1. Analiziran je odnos temperature zraka tijekom hladnog dijela godine i broja dana sa snježnim pokrivačem višim ili jednakim od 1 cm. Definiran je odnos prosječnog broja dana sa snježnim pokrivačem godišnje višim ili jednakim od 1 cm i nadmorske visine u Hrvatskoj. Na osnovi podataka o karakteristikama snijega izmjerenih na 21 stanici u ravničarskom djelu sjeverne Hrvatske u razdoblju 2000.-2009. utvrđeno je da je snježni režim sličan na cijelom ravničarskom području sjeverne Hrvatske. Analize...

Research paper thumbnail of Water resources management in new conditions

2 Upravljanje vodnim resursima u novim uvjetima Autor: Prof. emer. dr. sc. Ognjen Bonacci Fakulte... more 2 Upravljanje vodnim resursima u novim uvjetima Autor: Prof. emer. dr. sc. Ognjen Bonacci Fakultet građevinarstva, arhitekture i geodezije Sveučilište u Splitu, Matice hrvatske 15, Split

Research paper thumbnail of Provided for 6.11 Poljes, Ponors and Their Catchments

non-commercial research and educational use only. Not for reproduction, distribution or commercia... more non-commercial research and educational use only. Not for reproduction, distribution or commercial use. This chapter was originally published in the Treatise on Geomorphology, the copy attached is provided by Elsevier for the author's benefit and for the benefit of the author's institution, for non-commercial research and educational use. This includes without limitation use in instruction at your institution, distribution to specific colleagues, and providing a copy to your institution's administrator. All other uses, reproduction and distribution, including without limitation commercial reprints, selling or licensing copies or access, or posting on open internet sites, your personal or institution's website or repository, are prohibited. For exceptions, permission may be sought for such use through Elsevier's permissions site at: Abstract

Research paper thumbnail of Review of Croatian coastal (karst) wetlands

Research paper thumbnail of Man’s Influence on the Water Regime in the Karst Terrains

Springer Series in Physical Environment, 1987

Research paper thumbnail of Neretva Delta River wetland (Croatia)

1. Name of wetland: Neretva delta Wetland general type: Wetland complex (A, H, J, ) 2. Municipali... more 1. Name of wetland: Neretva delta Wetland general type: Wetland complex (A, H, J, ) 2. Municipality, Country: Dubrovnik-Neretva County, Croatia Coordinates: 43° 01' 40" N; 17° 34' 25" E 3. Wetland surface (km 2 ): 127.42 Elevation (m): 0.5 Average depth/length/width (m): 0.5/20000/3000 4. Contributing surface area (km 2 ): 3000 (?) 5. Contributing aquifer area (km 2 ): 500 (?) Aquifer type: Water Table 6. Mean rainfall (mm/y): 1250 Mean T (ºC): 15.7 Mean ET (mm/y): 880 7. Underlying lithology : Carbonate rocks and carbonated sediments 8. Wetland genesis: Delta/estuary and floodplain 9. Wetland sediments: Sandy and organic-rich 10. Water source: Rainfall on the wetland, fluvial inundation and shallow groundwater 11. Groundwater flow type: Flow through and discharge area, closed, non saline Groundwater dependence: Shared 12. Hydroperiod: Seasonal and variable 13. Hydrochemistry: Electrical conductivity (mS/cm) (100-300); Dominant (>50 %) anion or two anions (Cl, SO4); Dominant (>50 %) cation or two cations (Na, Ca) 14. Dominant vegetation: Halophytic vegetation 15. Trophic state: Eutrophic vegetation 16. Functionality: Partly moderately altered (30%) and partly highly altered (70%) 17. State of knowledge: Water quality monitoring, biological information 18. Management status: Ramsar site; Management Authority Wetland general characteristics Mouth Mouth of the Neretva River Location Vidrice Right bank Wetland services status and trends (1/2) Wetland services status and trends (2/2)

Research paper thumbnail of Analiza nizova srednjih godišnjih temperatura zraka u Hrvatskoj

Ključne riječi srednja godišnja temperatura zraka, promjena klime, varijacija klime, Hrvatska, na... more Ključne riječi srednja godišnja temperatura zraka, promjena klime, varijacija klime, Hrvatska, nagli porast srednje godišnje temperature zraka O. Bonacci Izvorni znanstveni rad Analiza nizova srednjih godišnjih temperatura zraka u Hrvatskoj te 1992. na 34,6 % stanica. Srednje godišnje temperature zraka povećane su prosječno za 0,844 ºC. Key words mean annual air temperature, climate change, climate variation, Croatia, sudden increase in mean annual air temperature O. Bonacci Original scientific paper Analysis of mean annual air temperature series in Croatia The analysis of mean annual air temperature series, as measured on 26 weather stations in Croatia, is presented. In this paper, the objective was to study changes in the mean annual air temperature regimen during the available measurement time at individual stations in Croatia. Statistically significant changes, i.e. cases of sudden increase in temperature, first occurred in 1988 on 57.7 percent of stations, and in 1992 on 34.6 p...