Andrea Vranic | University of Zagreb, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences [Filozofski fakultet] (original) (raw)

Papers by Andrea Vranic

Research paper thumbnail of Prilog validaciji dva hrvatska instrumenta za mjerenje emocionalne inteligencije

Suvremena Psihologija, Dec 15, 2004

ABSTRACT Cilj rada bio je istražiti neke aspekte dijagnostičke i prediktivne valjanosti dva hrvat... more ABSTRACT Cilj rada bio je istražiti neke aspekte dijagnostičke i prediktivne valjanosti dva hrvatska instrumenta za mjerenje emocionalne inteligencije: Testa analize emocija (Kulenović, 2000) i Upitnika emocionalne kompetentnosti (Takšić, 2000). U istraživanju je sudjelovalo ukupno 197 studenata četiri fakulteta zagrebačkog sveučilišta: Fakulteta strojarstva i brodogradnje, Agronomskog fakulteta, Studijskog centra za socijalni rad Pravnog fakulteta i Filozofskog fakulteta (studija psihologije). Rezultati u Testu analize emocija značajno su pozitivno povezani s dva testa rezoniranja. Ukupni rezultati u Upitniku emocionalne kompetentnosti nisu značajno povezani s klasičnim testovima inteligencije, a nije utvrđena niti značajna povezanost s rezultatima u Testu analize emocija. Rezultati nadalje pokazuju značajnu povezanost Testa analize emocija i akademskog uspjeha, čak i kada se parcijalizira utjecaj testova rezoniranja. Sukladno očekivanjima utvrđene su značajne razlike u Testu analize emocija ovisno o fakultetu, pri čemu studenti psihologije i socijalnog rada postižu više rezultate.

Research paper thumbnail of The efficacy of a multifactorial memory training in older adults living in residential care settings

International Psychogeriatrics, Jul 30, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of Trust in Science, Perceived Vulnerability to Disease, and Adherence to Pharmacological and Non-pharmacological COVID-19 Recommendations

Frontiers in Psychology, Apr 30, 2021

Protection motivation theory (PMT) is a theoretical framework informative for understanding behav... more Protection motivation theory (PMT) is a theoretical framework informative for understanding behavioral intentions and choices during exceptional and uncommon circumstances, such as a pandemic of respiratory infectious disease. PMT postulates both the threat appraisal and the coping appraisal as predictors of health behaviors. Recent advances in the field of behavioral immune system (BIS) research suggest that humans are equipped with a set of psychological adaptations enabling them to detect the disease-threat and activate behavioral avoidance of pathogens. The present study, set within PMT framework and informed by the BIS research, aimed to explain and predict voluntary adherence to COVID-19 guidelines by perceived personal risk and vulnerability to disease as threat appraisal variables, and trust in science as the response efficacy element of coping appraisal. Gender, age, belief in the second wave, perceived personal risk, germ aversion, and trust in science were all found to be significant positive predictors of the intent to adhere to non-pharmacological COVID-19 recommendations, with the belief in the second wave, germ aversion, and trust in science being the most important ones. On the other hand, only the belief in the second wave and trust in science were significant positive predictors of the intent to adhere to pharmacological COVID-19 recommendations (i.e., to vaccinate). Interventions aimed at enhancing preventative measures adherence should take into account that the psychological mechanisms underlying adherence to these two types of recommendations are not identical.

Research paper thumbnail of Knowledge on cognitive ageing, ageism and affective well-being in professionals working with older people

Medica Jadertina, Aug 20, 2018

knowledge, while stereotypes and discrimination are correlated with job-related affective well-be... more knowledge, while stereotypes and discrimination are correlated with job-related affective well-being. The results are discussed in terms of contact hypothesis and terror management theory.

Research paper thumbnail of Never-ending story: Utjecaj formata odgovora na psihometrijske karakteristike upitnika

Suvremena Psihologija, Jun 30, 2003

Research paper thumbnail of Proactivity – Introduction and evaluation of the construct

Suvremena Psihologija, Dec 15, 2001

Research paper thumbnail of Bolje je gore? Utjecaj prostornih odnosa na brzinu evaluacije i dosjećanje afektivno obojanih informacija

Psychological topics, Apr 30, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of Editorial: Individual Differences in Cognition and Affects in the Era of Pandemic and Machine Learning

Frontiers in Psychology, Feb 25, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Why is retrieval "expensive"?: An analysis of component-processes

Research paper thumbnail of Što ispitujemo testovima pamćenja? Odnos metamemorije i objektivnih mjera pamćenja

Suvremena Psihologija, Dec 17, 2011

Research paper thumbnail of Slično je u blizini? Provjera postavki teorije konceptualnih metafora

Research paper thumbnail of Episodic autobiographic retrieval: Memories dissolving with time?

Cross-sectional studies show a linear decrease in memory performance as a function of age for epi... more Cross-sectional studies show a linear decrease in memory performance as a function of age for episodic (autobiographic) memory (ABM). The hallmark of episodic retrieval is the mental travel back in time to the original episode and „re-living“ of the remembered event. This subjective mental time travel is mediated by a special type of awareness called autonoetic consciousness. Typical content-based approach to assessment of ABM rarely takes this subjective mental experience into consideration, focusing solely on the „what-where-and-when“ of the event. In this study we addressed the issue of the decreasing ABM found in elderly. More specifically, we probed for changes in the behavioral indices of autonoetic consciousness and the details of autobiographical events recalled for memories with retention intervals ranging across the lifespan. A sample of N=50 elderly individuals (age range 60-70) were asked to recall 3 personal events during a semi-structured interview. These events were specified in terms of life-period (childhood, early, middle or late adulthood, and recent events) and the degree of social interaction and/or emotional tone (e.g. social occasion or medical appointment). The order of specified events was counterbalanced. Memory for each event was rated using the Memory Characteristic Questionnaire (MCQ). Following the MCQ, the description of each event was given and rated using the autonoetic subscale of the Episodic Autobiographical Memory Interview (EAMI). The results show a linear decrease in detail specificity and reliving judgments as a function of memory remoteness, mirroring the age-related decrease in ABM performance.

Research paper thumbnail of The effect of promised reward on the creativity of the product

Under the socio-cognitive research paradigm, negative effect of reward is usually interpreted thr... more Under the socio-cognitive research paradigm, negative effect of reward is usually interpreted through motivational processes, i.e. extrinsic motivation has negative effect in heuristic task (such as a creativity task). Opposing this viewpoint, behaviourist perspective pinpoints the very specific and uncommon experimental conditions when a negative effect of reward is found, emphasizing the difficulties subjects usually have to understand the relation of reward and product's creativity. The aim of this experiment was to study in detail the complex relation of the promise of reward and subjects' understanding of "reward-creativity of the product" relation. Female psychology students (N=95), divided in 6 groups, participated in the study. They all engaged in collage making activity. A two-factor (2x3), between-subjects design was used, varying 3 types of task (or levels of specificity of the criteria) - heuristic, algorithmic and metacognitive, with or without the promise of reward. Eleven judges assessed creativity and other dimensions of the products through consensual assessment technique. Factor analysis showed two orthogonal factors – creativity factor and technical validity factor. Contrary to the expectations, no statistically significant interaction between reward and type of task was found, but main effects of the task and reward were found on certain dimensions of the product. Assigning a specific creativity goal (algorithmic task) had positive effects on the creativity of the product. Results indicate that the promised reward has positive effects on judged creativity, which is probably the result of increasing the level of adequacy of the product, not its originality. The results of this research do not confirm the hypothesis that promised reward has negative effects on the creativity of the product.

Research paper thumbnail of Gender and Residential Differences in Implicit Theories of Intelligence in Elementary School 8-GRADERS

Odgojne znanosti, Jun 22, 2009

Sažetak-Kombinacijom kvalitativnih i kvantitativnih istraživačkih metoda ispitane su razlike u im... more Sažetak-Kombinacijom kvalitativnih i kvantitativnih istraživačkih metoda ispitane su razlike u implicitnim teorijama inteligencije učenika osmih razreda s obzirom na spol i veličinu mjesta stanovanja sudionika. Na uzorku od 330 učenika i učenica primijenjen je upitnik ITI-VIII (Kopić, Vranić i Zarevski, 2007.). Pokazao se trend da učenice u opisu inteligentne osobe veći značaj daju praktičnoj inteligenciji i motivaciji, a učenici kognitivnim sposobnostima, interpersonalnim osobinama, «akademskoj» inteligenciji i verbalnim sposobnostima te osobinama ličnosti i fi zičkim karakteristikama. Također postoji trend da s povećanjem mjesta stanovanja sudionici kognitivne sposobnosti smatraju važnijima u određenju inteligencije u odnosu na interpersonalne osobine, motivaciju, osobine ličnosti i fi zičke karakteristike. Taj je nalaz razmatran u terminima razlika vrijednosti u kolektivističkim i individualističkim kulturama. Učenice u odnosu na učenike u većoj mjeri smatraju da na inteligenciju podjednako utječu naslijeđe i okolina te da uspjeh u školi ovisi o inteligenciji. Najveći dio sudionika smatra kako nema spolnih razlika u ranoj adolescentnoj (48%) i odrasloj dobi (45%) u inteligenciji. Učenici sa sela i iz manjeg grada, u odnosu na učenike iz većeg grada, u većoj mjeri smatraju da školovanje povećava inteligenciju, a vezu inteligencije i uspjeha u školovanju i poslu percipiraju jačom.

Research paper thumbnail of Incidencija zlostavljanosti u djetinjstvu na uzorku studenata zagrebačkih fakulteta

Suvremena Psihologija, Jun 30, 2002

Research paper thumbnail of Personal Space in Physically Abused Children

Environment and Behavior, Jul 1, 2003

Research paper thumbnail of Levels of criteria specificity and the promise of a reward: effects on the judged creativity of the product

The study examined how the promise of a reward effects creativity of the product depending on the... more The study examined how the promise of a reward effects creativity of the product depending on the level of specificity of the criteria by which products are assessed. Female students (N=95), devided in 6 groups, engaged in collage making activity. A two-factor (2x3) between-subject design was used, varying 3 types of task (levels of specificity of the criteria - heuristic, algorithmic and metacognitive), with or without the promise of reward. Creativity and other dimensions of the products were assessed by 11 judges through consensual assessment technique. Opposing the expectations, statistically significant interaction between the promise of a reward and the type of the task was not found, but main effects of the task and of the reward were shown on certain dimensions of the product. Assigning a specific creativity goal (algorithmic task) has positive effects on judged creativity of the product. Results indicate that the promise of a reward has positive effects on judged creativity, which is probably the result of increased level of adequacy of the product, and not its originality. Results of this research do not confirm the hypothesis that the promise of reward has negative effects on the creativity of the product.

Research paper thumbnail of Knowledge on cognitive aging and job-related well-being: Ageism as moderator?

Studies on cognitive ageing and professionals with older people highlight the role of ageism ster... more Studies on cognitive ageing and professionals with older people highlight the role of ageism stereotypes in explaining various findings. Much research shows that knowledge is an important factor which contributes to forming of stereotypes and prejudices but there are so many situational influences which affect behavior. Also, better acquaintance with one’s professional domain, usually results in less experienced job-related stress. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between knowledge on cognitive aging, ageist stereotypes and stress in professionals working with older people. The study sample consisted of professional working with elderly (doctors, nurses, social workers and physiotherapists) in retirement homes and geriatric ward in hospitals. Data were collected on-line, upon contacting the retirement homes and hospital. Participants completed the Knowledge of Memory Aging Questionnaire (KMAQ), Fraboni Scale of Ageism (FSA) which measure ageist stereotypes, Job-related Affective Well-being Scale (JAWS) to assess job-related emotional reactions and the General Psychopatological Difficulites Quesstionaire (CORE-OM). Relationships between these constructs were examined and we hypothesized a negative relationship between knowledge on cognitive aging, ageist attitudes and job-related well-being. We also predicted a moderating effect of ageist stereotypes on knowledge on cognitive aging and job-related well-being. Results confirmed these expectations and they are discussed according to recent findings on ageism with regard to various aspects of stress and pscyhopatological problems.

Research paper thumbnail of Cognitive Training in the Elderly: The Effect of Cognitive Training on Dispositional Variables and Subjective Well-Being

Drustvena Istrazivanja, Sep 1, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of The effect of question suggestibility and type of material on false memories

Prema teoriji shema, prisjećajući se nekog događaja, ljudi koriste informacije koje imaju pohranj... more Prema teoriji shema, prisjećajući se nekog događaja, ljudi koriste informacije koje imaju pohranjene o tom događaju, kao i opće informacije/znanje koje imaju pohranjeno o generičkim primjerima tih događaja, što može rezultirati stvaranjem lažnih sjećanja. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je proučiti utjecaj sugestivnosti pitanja (sugestivna i nesugestivna) i vrste materijala (videoisječak i slijed slika stvarne pljačke) na broj lažnih sjećanja i procjenu sigurnosti u vlastito sjećanje. U složenom 2 × 2 eksperimentalnom nacrtu sudjelovali su studenti kulturne antropologije (N = 121) koji su po gledanju videoisječka ili slijeda slika, ispunjavali sugestivni ili nesugestivni protokol za provjeru pamćenja. Utvrđeno je kako su sudionici u situaciji promatranja slijeda slika imali veći broj lažnih sjećanja (F(1/119) = 4,948; p < 0,05) te da nesugestivna pitanja povećavaju broj lažnih sjećanja (F(1/119) = 5,409; p < 0,05). Rezultati post-hoc ispitivanja sugeriraju kako nesugestivna pitanja...

Research paper thumbnail of Prilog validaciji dva hrvatska instrumenta za mjerenje emocionalne inteligencije

Suvremena Psihologija, Dec 15, 2004

ABSTRACT Cilj rada bio je istražiti neke aspekte dijagnostičke i prediktivne valjanosti dva hrvat... more ABSTRACT Cilj rada bio je istražiti neke aspekte dijagnostičke i prediktivne valjanosti dva hrvatska instrumenta za mjerenje emocionalne inteligencije: Testa analize emocija (Kulenović, 2000) i Upitnika emocionalne kompetentnosti (Takšić, 2000). U istraživanju je sudjelovalo ukupno 197 studenata četiri fakulteta zagrebačkog sveučilišta: Fakulteta strojarstva i brodogradnje, Agronomskog fakulteta, Studijskog centra za socijalni rad Pravnog fakulteta i Filozofskog fakulteta (studija psihologije). Rezultati u Testu analize emocija značajno su pozitivno povezani s dva testa rezoniranja. Ukupni rezultati u Upitniku emocionalne kompetentnosti nisu značajno povezani s klasičnim testovima inteligencije, a nije utvrđena niti značajna povezanost s rezultatima u Testu analize emocija. Rezultati nadalje pokazuju značajnu povezanost Testa analize emocija i akademskog uspjeha, čak i kada se parcijalizira utjecaj testova rezoniranja. Sukladno očekivanjima utvrđene su značajne razlike u Testu analize emocija ovisno o fakultetu, pri čemu studenti psihologije i socijalnog rada postižu više rezultate.

Research paper thumbnail of The efficacy of a multifactorial memory training in older adults living in residential care settings

International Psychogeriatrics, Jul 30, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of Trust in Science, Perceived Vulnerability to Disease, and Adherence to Pharmacological and Non-pharmacological COVID-19 Recommendations

Frontiers in Psychology, Apr 30, 2021

Protection motivation theory (PMT) is a theoretical framework informative for understanding behav... more Protection motivation theory (PMT) is a theoretical framework informative for understanding behavioral intentions and choices during exceptional and uncommon circumstances, such as a pandemic of respiratory infectious disease. PMT postulates both the threat appraisal and the coping appraisal as predictors of health behaviors. Recent advances in the field of behavioral immune system (BIS) research suggest that humans are equipped with a set of psychological adaptations enabling them to detect the disease-threat and activate behavioral avoidance of pathogens. The present study, set within PMT framework and informed by the BIS research, aimed to explain and predict voluntary adherence to COVID-19 guidelines by perceived personal risk and vulnerability to disease as threat appraisal variables, and trust in science as the response efficacy element of coping appraisal. Gender, age, belief in the second wave, perceived personal risk, germ aversion, and trust in science were all found to be significant positive predictors of the intent to adhere to non-pharmacological COVID-19 recommendations, with the belief in the second wave, germ aversion, and trust in science being the most important ones. On the other hand, only the belief in the second wave and trust in science were significant positive predictors of the intent to adhere to pharmacological COVID-19 recommendations (i.e., to vaccinate). Interventions aimed at enhancing preventative measures adherence should take into account that the psychological mechanisms underlying adherence to these two types of recommendations are not identical.

Research paper thumbnail of Knowledge on cognitive ageing, ageism and affective well-being in professionals working with older people

Medica Jadertina, Aug 20, 2018

knowledge, while stereotypes and discrimination are correlated with job-related affective well-be... more knowledge, while stereotypes and discrimination are correlated with job-related affective well-being. The results are discussed in terms of contact hypothesis and terror management theory.

Research paper thumbnail of Never-ending story: Utjecaj formata odgovora na psihometrijske karakteristike upitnika

Suvremena Psihologija, Jun 30, 2003

Research paper thumbnail of Proactivity – Introduction and evaluation of the construct

Suvremena Psihologija, Dec 15, 2001

Research paper thumbnail of Bolje je gore? Utjecaj prostornih odnosa na brzinu evaluacije i dosjećanje afektivno obojanih informacija

Psychological topics, Apr 30, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of Editorial: Individual Differences in Cognition and Affects in the Era of Pandemic and Machine Learning

Frontiers in Psychology, Feb 25, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Why is retrieval "expensive"?: An analysis of component-processes

Research paper thumbnail of Što ispitujemo testovima pamćenja? Odnos metamemorije i objektivnih mjera pamćenja

Suvremena Psihologija, Dec 17, 2011

Research paper thumbnail of Slično je u blizini? Provjera postavki teorije konceptualnih metafora

Research paper thumbnail of Episodic autobiographic retrieval: Memories dissolving with time?

Cross-sectional studies show a linear decrease in memory performance as a function of age for epi... more Cross-sectional studies show a linear decrease in memory performance as a function of age for episodic (autobiographic) memory (ABM). The hallmark of episodic retrieval is the mental travel back in time to the original episode and „re-living“ of the remembered event. This subjective mental time travel is mediated by a special type of awareness called autonoetic consciousness. Typical content-based approach to assessment of ABM rarely takes this subjective mental experience into consideration, focusing solely on the „what-where-and-when“ of the event. In this study we addressed the issue of the decreasing ABM found in elderly. More specifically, we probed for changes in the behavioral indices of autonoetic consciousness and the details of autobiographical events recalled for memories with retention intervals ranging across the lifespan. A sample of N=50 elderly individuals (age range 60-70) were asked to recall 3 personal events during a semi-structured interview. These events were specified in terms of life-period (childhood, early, middle or late adulthood, and recent events) and the degree of social interaction and/or emotional tone (e.g. social occasion or medical appointment). The order of specified events was counterbalanced. Memory for each event was rated using the Memory Characteristic Questionnaire (MCQ). Following the MCQ, the description of each event was given and rated using the autonoetic subscale of the Episodic Autobiographical Memory Interview (EAMI). The results show a linear decrease in detail specificity and reliving judgments as a function of memory remoteness, mirroring the age-related decrease in ABM performance.

Research paper thumbnail of The effect of promised reward on the creativity of the product

Under the socio-cognitive research paradigm, negative effect of reward is usually interpreted thr... more Under the socio-cognitive research paradigm, negative effect of reward is usually interpreted through motivational processes, i.e. extrinsic motivation has negative effect in heuristic task (such as a creativity task). Opposing this viewpoint, behaviourist perspective pinpoints the very specific and uncommon experimental conditions when a negative effect of reward is found, emphasizing the difficulties subjects usually have to understand the relation of reward and product's creativity. The aim of this experiment was to study in detail the complex relation of the promise of reward and subjects' understanding of "reward-creativity of the product" relation. Female psychology students (N=95), divided in 6 groups, participated in the study. They all engaged in collage making activity. A two-factor (2x3), between-subjects design was used, varying 3 types of task (or levels of specificity of the criteria) - heuristic, algorithmic and metacognitive, with or without the promise of reward. Eleven judges assessed creativity and other dimensions of the products through consensual assessment technique. Factor analysis showed two orthogonal factors – creativity factor and technical validity factor. Contrary to the expectations, no statistically significant interaction between reward and type of task was found, but main effects of the task and reward were found on certain dimensions of the product. Assigning a specific creativity goal (algorithmic task) had positive effects on the creativity of the product. Results indicate that the promised reward has positive effects on judged creativity, which is probably the result of increasing the level of adequacy of the product, not its originality. The results of this research do not confirm the hypothesis that promised reward has negative effects on the creativity of the product.

Research paper thumbnail of Gender and Residential Differences in Implicit Theories of Intelligence in Elementary School 8-GRADERS

Odgojne znanosti, Jun 22, 2009

Sažetak-Kombinacijom kvalitativnih i kvantitativnih istraživačkih metoda ispitane su razlike u im... more Sažetak-Kombinacijom kvalitativnih i kvantitativnih istraživačkih metoda ispitane su razlike u implicitnim teorijama inteligencije učenika osmih razreda s obzirom na spol i veličinu mjesta stanovanja sudionika. Na uzorku od 330 učenika i učenica primijenjen je upitnik ITI-VIII (Kopić, Vranić i Zarevski, 2007.). Pokazao se trend da učenice u opisu inteligentne osobe veći značaj daju praktičnoj inteligenciji i motivaciji, a učenici kognitivnim sposobnostima, interpersonalnim osobinama, «akademskoj» inteligenciji i verbalnim sposobnostima te osobinama ličnosti i fi zičkim karakteristikama. Također postoji trend da s povećanjem mjesta stanovanja sudionici kognitivne sposobnosti smatraju važnijima u određenju inteligencije u odnosu na interpersonalne osobine, motivaciju, osobine ličnosti i fi zičke karakteristike. Taj je nalaz razmatran u terminima razlika vrijednosti u kolektivističkim i individualističkim kulturama. Učenice u odnosu na učenike u većoj mjeri smatraju da na inteligenciju podjednako utječu naslijeđe i okolina te da uspjeh u školi ovisi o inteligenciji. Najveći dio sudionika smatra kako nema spolnih razlika u ranoj adolescentnoj (48%) i odrasloj dobi (45%) u inteligenciji. Učenici sa sela i iz manjeg grada, u odnosu na učenike iz većeg grada, u većoj mjeri smatraju da školovanje povećava inteligenciju, a vezu inteligencije i uspjeha u školovanju i poslu percipiraju jačom.

Research paper thumbnail of Incidencija zlostavljanosti u djetinjstvu na uzorku studenata zagrebačkih fakulteta

Suvremena Psihologija, Jun 30, 2002

Research paper thumbnail of Personal Space in Physically Abused Children

Environment and Behavior, Jul 1, 2003

Research paper thumbnail of Levels of criteria specificity and the promise of a reward: effects on the judged creativity of the product

The study examined how the promise of a reward effects creativity of the product depending on the... more The study examined how the promise of a reward effects creativity of the product depending on the level of specificity of the criteria by which products are assessed. Female students (N=95), devided in 6 groups, engaged in collage making activity. A two-factor (2x3) between-subject design was used, varying 3 types of task (levels of specificity of the criteria - heuristic, algorithmic and metacognitive), with or without the promise of reward. Creativity and other dimensions of the products were assessed by 11 judges through consensual assessment technique. Opposing the expectations, statistically significant interaction between the promise of a reward and the type of the task was not found, but main effects of the task and of the reward were shown on certain dimensions of the product. Assigning a specific creativity goal (algorithmic task) has positive effects on judged creativity of the product. Results indicate that the promise of a reward has positive effects on judged creativity, which is probably the result of increased level of adequacy of the product, and not its originality. Results of this research do not confirm the hypothesis that the promise of reward has negative effects on the creativity of the product.

Research paper thumbnail of Knowledge on cognitive aging and job-related well-being: Ageism as moderator?

Studies on cognitive ageing and professionals with older people highlight the role of ageism ster... more Studies on cognitive ageing and professionals with older people highlight the role of ageism stereotypes in explaining various findings. Much research shows that knowledge is an important factor which contributes to forming of stereotypes and prejudices but there are so many situational influences which affect behavior. Also, better acquaintance with one’s professional domain, usually results in less experienced job-related stress. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between knowledge on cognitive aging, ageist stereotypes and stress in professionals working with older people. The study sample consisted of professional working with elderly (doctors, nurses, social workers and physiotherapists) in retirement homes and geriatric ward in hospitals. Data were collected on-line, upon contacting the retirement homes and hospital. Participants completed the Knowledge of Memory Aging Questionnaire (KMAQ), Fraboni Scale of Ageism (FSA) which measure ageist stereotypes, Job-related Affective Well-being Scale (JAWS) to assess job-related emotional reactions and the General Psychopatological Difficulites Quesstionaire (CORE-OM). Relationships between these constructs were examined and we hypothesized a negative relationship between knowledge on cognitive aging, ageist attitudes and job-related well-being. We also predicted a moderating effect of ageist stereotypes on knowledge on cognitive aging and job-related well-being. Results confirmed these expectations and they are discussed according to recent findings on ageism with regard to various aspects of stress and pscyhopatological problems.

Research paper thumbnail of Cognitive Training in the Elderly: The Effect of Cognitive Training on Dispositional Variables and Subjective Well-Being

Drustvena Istrazivanja, Sep 1, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of The effect of question suggestibility and type of material on false memories

Prema teoriji shema, prisjećajući se nekog događaja, ljudi koriste informacije koje imaju pohranj... more Prema teoriji shema, prisjećajući se nekog događaja, ljudi koriste informacije koje imaju pohranjene o tom događaju, kao i opće informacije/znanje koje imaju pohranjeno o generičkim primjerima tih događaja, što može rezultirati stvaranjem lažnih sjećanja. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je proučiti utjecaj sugestivnosti pitanja (sugestivna i nesugestivna) i vrste materijala (videoisječak i slijed slika stvarne pljačke) na broj lažnih sjećanja i procjenu sigurnosti u vlastito sjećanje. U složenom 2 × 2 eksperimentalnom nacrtu sudjelovali su studenti kulturne antropologije (N = 121) koji su po gledanju videoisječka ili slijeda slika, ispunjavali sugestivni ili nesugestivni protokol za provjeru pamćenja. Utvrđeno je kako su sudionici u situaciji promatranja slijeda slika imali veći broj lažnih sjećanja (F(1/119) = 4,948; p < 0,05) te da nesugestivna pitanja povećavaju broj lažnih sjećanja (F(1/119) = 5,409; p < 0,05). Rezultati post-hoc ispitivanja sugeriraju kako nesugestivna pitanja...