Hrvoje Stancic | University of Zagreb, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences [Filozofski fakultet] (original) (raw)

Papers by Hrvoje Stancic

Research paper thumbnail of Les noves tecnologies aplicables a la gestió de documents: la cadena de blocs

La cadena de blocs és una tecnologia relativament nova amb un gran potencial. Tot i que és més co... more La cadena de blocs és una tecnologia relativament nova amb un gran potencial. Tot i que és més coneguda per ser la tecnologia subjacent a les monedes virtuals, pot tenir una gran influència sobre la gestió de documents. Els processos relacionats amb l’empresa i els organismes governamentals, com ara la signatura de contractes, els canvis en el cadastre o les votacions, poden millorar en l’entorn electrònic gràcies a l’ús de la tecnologia de la cadena de blocs. Podria augmentar la fiabilitat de l’intercanvi de documents, d’un nivell relativament insegur i poc fiable a un nivell nou, més segur i fiable. Una altra qüestió que cal tractar és la preservació a llarg termini de documents signats o segellats digitalment. Els certificats d’aquests documents solen vèncer al cap d’un període d’entre dos i cinc anys. Signar-los de nou o tornar a afegir-los un segell de temps pot resultar força complicat, però la cadena de blocs podria resoldre fàcilment aquest problema. Així doncs, l’autor investiga les qüestions identificades, informa de la recerca que s’ha dut a terme en aquestes línies en el marc del projecte internacional InterPARES Trust, explica els mecanismes que hi ha darrere els resultats que la recerca ha obtingut fins ara i suggereix accions que es poden emprendre per aplicar la tecnologia de la cadena de blocs a la gestió de documents.

Research paper thumbnail of A Model for Long-term Preservation of Digital Signature Validity: TrustChain

When archiving a digitally signed document an issue arises once the certificate used in the signa... more When archiving a digitally signed document an issue arises once the certificate used in the signature expires (or possibly the certificate authority stops functioning). Once this happens, the signature can no longer be confirmed and tampering with the document is possible. This paper presents a model for long-term preservation of digitally signed documents using blockchain technology. The authors propose a semi-open system in which only certain institutions can create new entries but any interested party can view the records and confirm their authenticity.

Research paper thumbnail of Reaching Computational Trust: Requirements for Implementing Trusted e-Government

Implementation of e-government requires certain level of transparency and development in order to... more Implementation of e-government requires certain level of transparency and development in order to be successful and trusted. With the improvement of national strategies, regulations and legal framework as a starting point, the competent institutions should take into account security improvements as the most important aspect of achieving trusted e- government. The main goal of achieving the interconnection between different national governmental bodies and services at the transnational level is achieved by exchange of identification and authentication credentials. In this paper the authors introduce the main difficulties the EU countries have in implementing national e-government and achieving the interoperability between e-services.

Research paper thumbnail of Archival Cloud Services: Portability, Continuity, and Sustainability Aspects of Long-term Preservation of Electronically Signed Records / Les services d’archivage dans un nuage informatique : Portabilité, continuité et durabilité: Aspects de la conservation à long terme des documents signés élect...

Canadian Journal of Information and Library Science, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Long-term Preservation Solution for Complex Digital Objects Preserved as Archival Information Packages in the Domain of Pharmaceutical Records

The authors base their research on several standards: Reference Model for an Open Archival Inform... more The authors base their research on several standards: Reference Model for an Open Archival Information System (OAIS) ISO 14721 and Information and documentation – Records management processes – Metadata for records standard ISO 2381. They build a model for the long-term preservation of pharmaceutical records in the eCTD file format (electronic Common Technical Document – standard format for pharmaceutical documentation) stored in a digital archive. The model shows formation of archival information packages (AIPs) as structured, complex objects – based on eCTD's XML elements, packaged together with the appropriate metadata in a single object and protected for the preservation reasons by an integrated checksum creating MDx algorithm. An appli-cation based upon the developed model, upon initial mapping of eCTD's structure categories and metadata to the AIP's structure, is shown to be able to automate this process as much as possible. This procedure should enable users to us...

Research paper thumbnail of Comparative Analysis of Interactive Web Services

The fact that interactive web services have entered all spheres of life motivated the authors to ... more The fact that interactive web services have entered all spheres of life motivated the authors to investigate how this new collaborative media influences modern information society. The paper discusses the results obtained by comparative analysis of different collaborative media. Interactivity was considered as one of the most important criteria for choosing between the many different inter-active web services. The authors analyzed the main characteristics of the cho-sen services, classified them into groups and compared them within those groups. The paper stresses the importance of today's most popular services, varying from search engines, all kinds of online communities, different types of leisure services to e-learning services, on the behavior and expectations of all participants in the global Internet-based communication. Search engines were analyzed according to ranking and credibility while Web community services were analyzed according to many of their interactive and co...

Research paper thumbnail of Clearing and Sanitization of Media Used for Digital Storage: Towards Recommendations for Secure Deleting of Digital Files

Simply deleting files with tools that are shipped with operating system isn't good option if ... more Simply deleting files with tools that are shipped with operating system isn't good option if security and privacy are primary goals. To achieve secure deletion of digital files specialized tools or software must be used. Methods that are used differ from one case to another depending on goals that need to be accomplished – whether media will be reused or disposed. At the moment there is no public recommendation in Croatia how should one treat these security challenges. Certain institutions and organizations have their own internal procedures and security policies that are available only on the "need to know" basis. Therefore, the authors provide pointers to the publicly available documents from other countries, which one could use for creation of its own polices and rules. This is an on-going process that should follow advancing trends in technology.

Research paper thumbnail of Konferencija The Future of Information Sciences -INFuture2007: Digital Information and Heritage, Zagreb, 7.-9. studenoga 2007

Research paper thumbnail of Audio-Video Conferences in the Business and Educational Environment

Research paper thumbnail of Creation of OAIS-Compliant Archival Packages for Long-Term Preservation of Regulatory Metadata, Records and Dossiers

The authors continue their previous research on the long-term preservation solution for complex d... more The authors continue their previous research on the long-term preservation solution for complex digital objects preserved as archival information packages in the domain of pharmaceutical records by evolving the proof of concept appli-cation "ArchiMed" to the level of the prototype. The research is put in the context of the responsibility of Marketing Authori-sation Holders for submitting medicinal products' dossiers to the National Competent Authorities, i.e., regulatory institu-tions, and the problems of long-term preservation of such rec-ords. The authors explain the problems those institutions are facing, the theory behind the long-term preservation concept and the requirements that digital preservation systems are fac-ing with. The authors also explain the regulatory business pro-cess for better understanding of the organisational differences and technical issues on the European level. The differences be-tween four formats of dossiers, NtA, CTD, NeeS and eCTD, are ...

Research paper thumbnail of Information Retrieval Techniques

Research paper thumbnail of Arhivsko gradivo u elektroničkom obliku: mogućnosti zaštite i očuvanja na dulji vremenski rok

Research paper thumbnail of Long-term Preservation of Digital Signatures

Digitally born documents are increasingly being signed by digital signatures. Once becoming recor... more Digitally born documents are increasingly being signed by digital signatures. Once becoming records, they need to be preserved – in some cases for several years while in other cases permanently. In essence, what should be preserved besides digital records themselves, is their trustworthiness. This may be a problem because digital records might be converted to new formats, migrated to new media, emulated or virtualised in new environments due to the technological obsolescence. Authenticity, in particular, relies on the possibility to check the validity of the digital signature. However, digital signatures expire after a certain period. The author investigates the possibilities of long-term preservation of digitally signed records in the ever-changing IT environment.

Research paper thumbnail of Usklađenost hrvatske arhivske prakse s ICA-inim Načelima pristupa arhivskome gradivu

U ovome radu autori kritički propituju suvremene arhivske prakse u odnosu na korisnike te na konv... more U ovome radu autori kritički propituju suvremene arhivske prakse u odnosu na korisnike te na konvencionalno i elektroničko gradivo koje je sve više zastupljeno. Utjecaj razvoja informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije vidljiv je u svakodnevnome radu arhivskih djelatnika koji arhivsko gradivo primaju, obrađuju, štite, čuvaju i čine dostupnim korisnicima. U toj praksi se pojavljuju neka ograničenja: format, veličina i kvaliteta zapisa, fizičko stanje gradiva, razina opisanosti i dostupnosti opisa gradiva, nemogućnost dohvata gradiva, zakonska ograničenja dostupnosti, radno vrijeme arhiva, prepreke pristupu pojedinih skupina korisnika, dugoročna dostupnost elektroničkoga gradiva itd. U radu se prvo analizira pojam dostupnosti arhivskoga gradiva, a zatim donose rezultati usporedne analize dostupnosti arhivskoga gradiva u državnim arhivima RH. Konačno, prikazuju se rezultati usporedne analize usklađenosti hrvatske arhivske prakse s Načelima pristupa arhivskome gradivu (engl. Principles of Access to Archives), dokumentom ICA-e koji je usvojen na Annual General Meetingu u kolovozu 2012. godine. Pritom autori uspoređuju i objašnjavaju zakonske odrednice koje se tiču dostupnosti arhivskoga gradiva u RH te javno dostupne informacije s mrežnih stranica državnih arhiva. Iz provedene analize autori izvode zaključke o razini dostupnosti arhivskoga gradiva s obzirom na navedena Načela i na postojeće informacije o stanju u RH.

Research paper thumbnail of Sigurnost pohrane arhivskih zapisa u računalnome oblaku

Arhivski zapisi u elektroničkom obliku sve više se pohranjuju u neki oblik računalnog oblaka (eng... more Arhivski zapisi u elektroničkom obliku sve više se pohranjuju u neki oblik računalnog oblaka (engl. cloud storage). S obzirom da je tada najčešće riječ o ugovaranju usluge s trećom stranom – pružateljem usluge pohrane u oblaku (engl. cloud service provider) – potrebno je razumjeti slojevitost pitanja sigurnosti u tome kontekstu. Ona su važna za sve arhiviste koji će biti nadležni za pohranu i dugoročno čuvanje takvih zapisa, jer će morati procijeniti kvalitetu usluge koju pojedini pružatelji nude kako bi mogli donijeti ispravnu preporuku kojeg odabrati, potom procijeniti potencijalne sigurnosne rizike i formulirati zahtjeve kako ih smanjiti ili otkloniti, zatim postaviti zahtjeve i provesti postupke dugoročnog očuvanja kad se za njih pojavi potreba i sl. Sve navedeno utječe na sigurnost pohranjenih zapisa, njihovu autentičnost, pouzdanost, iskoristivost te njihov integritet. Stoga autori u ovome radu analiziraju zahtjeve za sigurnošću pohrane arhivskih zapisa u računalnome oblaku, predlažu konkretne mjere za smanjenje potencijalnih rizika koji se pritom pojavljuju te zaključuje o tome kako sve to utječe na arhivsku praksu i obrazovanje arhivista.

Research paper thumbnail of Koncept automatske klasifikacije registraturnoga i arhivskoga gradiva

Sustavi za upravljanje dokumentima i zapisima (EDRMS) koji su najčešće dijelovi sveobuhvatnijeg s... more Sustavi za upravljanje dokumentima i zapisima (EDRMS) koji su najčešće dijelovi sveobuhvatnijeg sustava za upravljanje korporacijskim sadržajima (ECMS) zahvaćaju dokumente i zapise koji izvorno nastaju u digitalnom obliku kao i one koji su digitalizirani. Dok je izvorno digitalne zapise relativno jednostavno opisati tijekom njihovoga nastanka te im pridodati sve potrebne metapodatke, do problema dolazi kod onih koji u sustav ulaze prolazeći postupak digitalizacije. Ukoliko je riječ o velikoj količini gradiva, pri čemu su dokumenti raznorodni i nemaju neka jedinstvena ili ponavljajuća obilježja, tada nije jednostavno odrediti o kojem je dokumentu riječ, ispravno ga klasificirati i pridodati mu metapodatke. Autori analiziraju i prikazuju mogućnosti rješenja koja pripadaju području statistički utemeljenih jezičnih tehnologija i istražuju njihovu moguću primjenu u području (polu)automatske klasifikacije registraturnoga i arhivskoga gradiva. U radu su objašnjena osnovna polazišta pojedinih metoda, mogućnosti automatske ekstrakcije teksta, metode statističke obrade te postavljanje osnove za (polu)automatsku klasifikaciju. Autori prikazuju rezultate testiranja primijenjenih metoda na konkretnome arhivskom gradivu i zaključuju o mogućim budućim pravcima istraživanja.

Research paper thumbnail of Long-term Preservation of Longitudinal Statistical Surveys in Psycholinguistic Research

Psycholinguistics deals with different types of evidence and obtained data, including confidentia... more Psycholinguistics deals with different types of evidence and obtained data, including confidential information which needs to be protected from disclosure and other security threats. When it comes to speech-language pathologies, researchers in psycholinguistics are especially interested in aphasia. Aphasia is a loss of language ability as a consequence of brain damage, which may result from head injury or stroke. Research data has to be adequately stored, processed, protected and if possible, preserved for secondary use. Authors are proposing possible application of models and tools used in official statistics and concepts from the archival science that could contribute to solving the so far unresolved issues in the research on aphasia and its records management requirements in the context of long-term preservation, trust, and reuse.

Research paper thumbnail of Development of Health Care e-Services in the European Union

Development and implementation of e-services has become a common practice of state and public adm... more Development and implementation of e-services has become a common practice of state and public administrations in the developed countries around the world since the usage of information and communication technologies has enabled a faster processing of user applications and more efficient functioning of the service. This paper analyses the level of development of e-services in health care systems of eight European countries, both in terms of safety and reliability from the perspective of end users, i.e. citizens. Furthermore, the concept of trust in e-services based on the availability of information on the Internet on applied technological solutions, storage and data protection and their availability is considered. Implementation of services like e-health records and e-prescriptions requires a well-developed strategy and a very transparent way of their functioning because of the sensitive nature of health data. For this study official websites of the services were searched through, as were other sources on the Internet. The research results indicate a lack of certain key information, especially those related to data storage, their protection and long-term preservation.

Research paper thumbnail of Digitally Signed Records – Friend or Foe?

Long-term preservation of digitally signed records may be a challenging task. Digital signatures ... more Long-term preservation of digitally signed records may be a challenging task. Digital signatures expire and digital certificates may be revoked, thus influencing the trustworthiness of archived digital records. The authors firstly ex¬plain the problems and then proceed to a description of the planned research. The research will be conducted on a sample of digitally signed and archived electronic forms stored in the PDF file format, originating from the period from 2006 to 2009.

Research paper thumbnail of "Archiving-as-a-Service": Influence of Cloud Computing on the Archival Theory and Practice

The Memory of the World in the Digital Age: Digitization and Preservation / Duranti, Luciana ; Shaffer, Elizabeth (Eds.). UNESCO, 2013

The research is positioned in the context of the responsibility of archives to preserve important... more The research is positioned in the context of the responsibility of archives to preserve important records in an increasingly changing technological environment, and focused on the impact of cloud solutions on archival theory and practice. Authors address several questions which they consider crucial for archival science and community. Results of the survey on the usage of private cloud are given. In view of that, the authors examine if the concept "Archiving-as-a-Service" will require redefinition of archival practice in the new technological and organizational context. Finally, they suggest the need for transition from postcustodial to "postcustodial 2.0" paradigm.

Research paper thumbnail of Les noves tecnologies aplicables a la gestió de documents: la cadena de blocs

La cadena de blocs és una tecnologia relativament nova amb un gran potencial. Tot i que és més co... more La cadena de blocs és una tecnologia relativament nova amb un gran potencial. Tot i que és més coneguda per ser la tecnologia subjacent a les monedes virtuals, pot tenir una gran influència sobre la gestió de documents. Els processos relacionats amb l’empresa i els organismes governamentals, com ara la signatura de contractes, els canvis en el cadastre o les votacions, poden millorar en l’entorn electrònic gràcies a l’ús de la tecnologia de la cadena de blocs. Podria augmentar la fiabilitat de l’intercanvi de documents, d’un nivell relativament insegur i poc fiable a un nivell nou, més segur i fiable. Una altra qüestió que cal tractar és la preservació a llarg termini de documents signats o segellats digitalment. Els certificats d’aquests documents solen vèncer al cap d’un període d’entre dos i cinc anys. Signar-los de nou o tornar a afegir-los un segell de temps pot resultar força complicat, però la cadena de blocs podria resoldre fàcilment aquest problema. Així doncs, l’autor investiga les qüestions identificades, informa de la recerca que s’ha dut a terme en aquestes línies en el marc del projecte internacional InterPARES Trust, explica els mecanismes que hi ha darrere els resultats que la recerca ha obtingut fins ara i suggereix accions que es poden emprendre per aplicar la tecnologia de la cadena de blocs a la gestió de documents.

Research paper thumbnail of A Model for Long-term Preservation of Digital Signature Validity: TrustChain

When archiving a digitally signed document an issue arises once the certificate used in the signa... more When archiving a digitally signed document an issue arises once the certificate used in the signature expires (or possibly the certificate authority stops functioning). Once this happens, the signature can no longer be confirmed and tampering with the document is possible. This paper presents a model for long-term preservation of digitally signed documents using blockchain technology. The authors propose a semi-open system in which only certain institutions can create new entries but any interested party can view the records and confirm their authenticity.

Research paper thumbnail of Reaching Computational Trust: Requirements for Implementing Trusted e-Government

Implementation of e-government requires certain level of transparency and development in order to... more Implementation of e-government requires certain level of transparency and development in order to be successful and trusted. With the improvement of national strategies, regulations and legal framework as a starting point, the competent institutions should take into account security improvements as the most important aspect of achieving trusted e- government. The main goal of achieving the interconnection between different national governmental bodies and services at the transnational level is achieved by exchange of identification and authentication credentials. In this paper the authors introduce the main difficulties the EU countries have in implementing national e-government and achieving the interoperability between e-services.

Research paper thumbnail of Archival Cloud Services: Portability, Continuity, and Sustainability Aspects of Long-term Preservation of Electronically Signed Records / Les services d’archivage dans un nuage informatique : Portabilité, continuité et durabilité: Aspects de la conservation à long terme des documents signés élect...

Canadian Journal of Information and Library Science, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Long-term Preservation Solution for Complex Digital Objects Preserved as Archival Information Packages in the Domain of Pharmaceutical Records

The authors base their research on several standards: Reference Model for an Open Archival Inform... more The authors base their research on several standards: Reference Model for an Open Archival Information System (OAIS) ISO 14721 and Information and documentation – Records management processes – Metadata for records standard ISO 2381. They build a model for the long-term preservation of pharmaceutical records in the eCTD file format (electronic Common Technical Document – standard format for pharmaceutical documentation) stored in a digital archive. The model shows formation of archival information packages (AIPs) as structured, complex objects – based on eCTD's XML elements, packaged together with the appropriate metadata in a single object and protected for the preservation reasons by an integrated checksum creating MDx algorithm. An appli-cation based upon the developed model, upon initial mapping of eCTD's structure categories and metadata to the AIP's structure, is shown to be able to automate this process as much as possible. This procedure should enable users to us...

Research paper thumbnail of Comparative Analysis of Interactive Web Services

The fact that interactive web services have entered all spheres of life motivated the authors to ... more The fact that interactive web services have entered all spheres of life motivated the authors to investigate how this new collaborative media influences modern information society. The paper discusses the results obtained by comparative analysis of different collaborative media. Interactivity was considered as one of the most important criteria for choosing between the many different inter-active web services. The authors analyzed the main characteristics of the cho-sen services, classified them into groups and compared them within those groups. The paper stresses the importance of today's most popular services, varying from search engines, all kinds of online communities, different types of leisure services to e-learning services, on the behavior and expectations of all participants in the global Internet-based communication. Search engines were analyzed according to ranking and credibility while Web community services were analyzed according to many of their interactive and co...

Research paper thumbnail of Clearing and Sanitization of Media Used for Digital Storage: Towards Recommendations for Secure Deleting of Digital Files

Simply deleting files with tools that are shipped with operating system isn't good option if ... more Simply deleting files with tools that are shipped with operating system isn't good option if security and privacy are primary goals. To achieve secure deletion of digital files specialized tools or software must be used. Methods that are used differ from one case to another depending on goals that need to be accomplished – whether media will be reused or disposed. At the moment there is no public recommendation in Croatia how should one treat these security challenges. Certain institutions and organizations have their own internal procedures and security policies that are available only on the "need to know" basis. Therefore, the authors provide pointers to the publicly available documents from other countries, which one could use for creation of its own polices and rules. This is an on-going process that should follow advancing trends in technology.

Research paper thumbnail of Konferencija The Future of Information Sciences -INFuture2007: Digital Information and Heritage, Zagreb, 7.-9. studenoga 2007

Research paper thumbnail of Audio-Video Conferences in the Business and Educational Environment

Research paper thumbnail of Creation of OAIS-Compliant Archival Packages for Long-Term Preservation of Regulatory Metadata, Records and Dossiers

The authors continue their previous research on the long-term preservation solution for complex d... more The authors continue their previous research on the long-term preservation solution for complex digital objects preserved as archival information packages in the domain of pharmaceutical records by evolving the proof of concept appli-cation "ArchiMed" to the level of the prototype. The research is put in the context of the responsibility of Marketing Authori-sation Holders for submitting medicinal products' dossiers to the National Competent Authorities, i.e., regulatory institu-tions, and the problems of long-term preservation of such rec-ords. The authors explain the problems those institutions are facing, the theory behind the long-term preservation concept and the requirements that digital preservation systems are fac-ing with. The authors also explain the regulatory business pro-cess for better understanding of the organisational differences and technical issues on the European level. The differences be-tween four formats of dossiers, NtA, CTD, NeeS and eCTD, are ...

Research paper thumbnail of Information Retrieval Techniques

Research paper thumbnail of Arhivsko gradivo u elektroničkom obliku: mogućnosti zaštite i očuvanja na dulji vremenski rok

Research paper thumbnail of Long-term Preservation of Digital Signatures

Digitally born documents are increasingly being signed by digital signatures. Once becoming recor... more Digitally born documents are increasingly being signed by digital signatures. Once becoming records, they need to be preserved – in some cases for several years while in other cases permanently. In essence, what should be preserved besides digital records themselves, is their trustworthiness. This may be a problem because digital records might be converted to new formats, migrated to new media, emulated or virtualised in new environments due to the technological obsolescence. Authenticity, in particular, relies on the possibility to check the validity of the digital signature. However, digital signatures expire after a certain period. The author investigates the possibilities of long-term preservation of digitally signed records in the ever-changing IT environment.

Research paper thumbnail of Usklađenost hrvatske arhivske prakse s ICA-inim Načelima pristupa arhivskome gradivu

U ovome radu autori kritički propituju suvremene arhivske prakse u odnosu na korisnike te na konv... more U ovome radu autori kritički propituju suvremene arhivske prakse u odnosu na korisnike te na konvencionalno i elektroničko gradivo koje je sve više zastupljeno. Utjecaj razvoja informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije vidljiv je u svakodnevnome radu arhivskih djelatnika koji arhivsko gradivo primaju, obrađuju, štite, čuvaju i čine dostupnim korisnicima. U toj praksi se pojavljuju neka ograničenja: format, veličina i kvaliteta zapisa, fizičko stanje gradiva, razina opisanosti i dostupnosti opisa gradiva, nemogućnost dohvata gradiva, zakonska ograničenja dostupnosti, radno vrijeme arhiva, prepreke pristupu pojedinih skupina korisnika, dugoročna dostupnost elektroničkoga gradiva itd. U radu se prvo analizira pojam dostupnosti arhivskoga gradiva, a zatim donose rezultati usporedne analize dostupnosti arhivskoga gradiva u državnim arhivima RH. Konačno, prikazuju se rezultati usporedne analize usklađenosti hrvatske arhivske prakse s Načelima pristupa arhivskome gradivu (engl. Principles of Access to Archives), dokumentom ICA-e koji je usvojen na Annual General Meetingu u kolovozu 2012. godine. Pritom autori uspoređuju i objašnjavaju zakonske odrednice koje se tiču dostupnosti arhivskoga gradiva u RH te javno dostupne informacije s mrežnih stranica državnih arhiva. Iz provedene analize autori izvode zaključke o razini dostupnosti arhivskoga gradiva s obzirom na navedena Načela i na postojeće informacije o stanju u RH.

Research paper thumbnail of Sigurnost pohrane arhivskih zapisa u računalnome oblaku

Arhivski zapisi u elektroničkom obliku sve više se pohranjuju u neki oblik računalnog oblaka (eng... more Arhivski zapisi u elektroničkom obliku sve više se pohranjuju u neki oblik računalnog oblaka (engl. cloud storage). S obzirom da je tada najčešće riječ o ugovaranju usluge s trećom stranom – pružateljem usluge pohrane u oblaku (engl. cloud service provider) – potrebno je razumjeti slojevitost pitanja sigurnosti u tome kontekstu. Ona su važna za sve arhiviste koji će biti nadležni za pohranu i dugoročno čuvanje takvih zapisa, jer će morati procijeniti kvalitetu usluge koju pojedini pružatelji nude kako bi mogli donijeti ispravnu preporuku kojeg odabrati, potom procijeniti potencijalne sigurnosne rizike i formulirati zahtjeve kako ih smanjiti ili otkloniti, zatim postaviti zahtjeve i provesti postupke dugoročnog očuvanja kad se za njih pojavi potreba i sl. Sve navedeno utječe na sigurnost pohranjenih zapisa, njihovu autentičnost, pouzdanost, iskoristivost te njihov integritet. Stoga autori u ovome radu analiziraju zahtjeve za sigurnošću pohrane arhivskih zapisa u računalnome oblaku, predlažu konkretne mjere za smanjenje potencijalnih rizika koji se pritom pojavljuju te zaključuje o tome kako sve to utječe na arhivsku praksu i obrazovanje arhivista.

Research paper thumbnail of Koncept automatske klasifikacije registraturnoga i arhivskoga gradiva

Sustavi za upravljanje dokumentima i zapisima (EDRMS) koji su najčešće dijelovi sveobuhvatnijeg s... more Sustavi za upravljanje dokumentima i zapisima (EDRMS) koji su najčešće dijelovi sveobuhvatnijeg sustava za upravljanje korporacijskim sadržajima (ECMS) zahvaćaju dokumente i zapise koji izvorno nastaju u digitalnom obliku kao i one koji su digitalizirani. Dok je izvorno digitalne zapise relativno jednostavno opisati tijekom njihovoga nastanka te im pridodati sve potrebne metapodatke, do problema dolazi kod onih koji u sustav ulaze prolazeći postupak digitalizacije. Ukoliko je riječ o velikoj količini gradiva, pri čemu su dokumenti raznorodni i nemaju neka jedinstvena ili ponavljajuća obilježja, tada nije jednostavno odrediti o kojem je dokumentu riječ, ispravno ga klasificirati i pridodati mu metapodatke. Autori analiziraju i prikazuju mogućnosti rješenja koja pripadaju području statistički utemeljenih jezičnih tehnologija i istražuju njihovu moguću primjenu u području (polu)automatske klasifikacije registraturnoga i arhivskoga gradiva. U radu su objašnjena osnovna polazišta pojedinih metoda, mogućnosti automatske ekstrakcije teksta, metode statističke obrade te postavljanje osnove za (polu)automatsku klasifikaciju. Autori prikazuju rezultate testiranja primijenjenih metoda na konkretnome arhivskom gradivu i zaključuju o mogućim budućim pravcima istraživanja.

Research paper thumbnail of Long-term Preservation of Longitudinal Statistical Surveys in Psycholinguistic Research

Psycholinguistics deals with different types of evidence and obtained data, including confidentia... more Psycholinguistics deals with different types of evidence and obtained data, including confidential information which needs to be protected from disclosure and other security threats. When it comes to speech-language pathologies, researchers in psycholinguistics are especially interested in aphasia. Aphasia is a loss of language ability as a consequence of brain damage, which may result from head injury or stroke. Research data has to be adequately stored, processed, protected and if possible, preserved for secondary use. Authors are proposing possible application of models and tools used in official statistics and concepts from the archival science that could contribute to solving the so far unresolved issues in the research on aphasia and its records management requirements in the context of long-term preservation, trust, and reuse.

Research paper thumbnail of Development of Health Care e-Services in the European Union

Development and implementation of e-services has become a common practice of state and public adm... more Development and implementation of e-services has become a common practice of state and public administrations in the developed countries around the world since the usage of information and communication technologies has enabled a faster processing of user applications and more efficient functioning of the service. This paper analyses the level of development of e-services in health care systems of eight European countries, both in terms of safety and reliability from the perspective of end users, i.e. citizens. Furthermore, the concept of trust in e-services based on the availability of information on the Internet on applied technological solutions, storage and data protection and their availability is considered. Implementation of services like e-health records and e-prescriptions requires a well-developed strategy and a very transparent way of their functioning because of the sensitive nature of health data. For this study official websites of the services were searched through, as were other sources on the Internet. The research results indicate a lack of certain key information, especially those related to data storage, their protection and long-term preservation.

Research paper thumbnail of Digitally Signed Records – Friend or Foe?

Long-term preservation of digitally signed records may be a challenging task. Digital signatures ... more Long-term preservation of digitally signed records may be a challenging task. Digital signatures expire and digital certificates may be revoked, thus influencing the trustworthiness of archived digital records. The authors firstly ex¬plain the problems and then proceed to a description of the planned research. The research will be conducted on a sample of digitally signed and archived electronic forms stored in the PDF file format, originating from the period from 2006 to 2009.

Research paper thumbnail of "Archiving-as-a-Service": Influence of Cloud Computing on the Archival Theory and Practice

The Memory of the World in the Digital Age: Digitization and Preservation / Duranti, Luciana ; Shaffer, Elizabeth (Eds.). UNESCO, 2013

The research is positioned in the context of the responsibility of archives to preserve important... more The research is positioned in the context of the responsibility of archives to preserve important records in an increasingly changing technological environment, and focused on the impact of cloud solutions on archival theory and practice. Authors address several questions which they consider crucial for archival science and community. Results of the survey on the usage of private cloud are given. In view of that, the authors examine if the concept "Archiving-as-a-Service" will require redefinition of archival practice in the new technological and organizational context. Finally, they suggest the need for transition from postcustodial to "postcustodial 2.0" paradigm.