Tomislav Bunjevac | University of Zagreb, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences [Filozofski fakultet] (original) (raw)

Papers by Tomislav Bunjevac

Research paper thumbnail of Ratni stres i agresivnost

Suvremena Psihologija, Jun 30, 2003

Research paper thumbnail of Psihosocijalne intervencije kao oblik pomoći traumatiziranim osobama

Suvremena Psihologija, Jun 15, 2009

U ovome istraživanju razmatra se organizirana pomoć stanovništvu u poslijeratnim zajednicama, u o... more U ovome istraživanju razmatra se organizirana pomoć stanovništvu u poslijeratnim zajednicama, u obliku psihosocijalnih intervencija. Razmatrane su intervencije u okviru biopsihosocijalnog modela shvaćanja mentalnog zdravlja traumatiziranih osoba. Cilj ispitivanja je provjeriti postoje li razlike u vrsti i količni korištenih psihosocijalnih intervencija između sudionika različitih sociodemografskih karakteristika. Za registriranje broja i vrste primljenih psihosocijalnih intervencija korišten je Upitnik MACSI (Matrix for Recording Health Care and Social Interventions), konstruiran za potrebe istraživanja u međunarodnom projektu (Connect projekt, Priebe i sur., 2004). Dobiveni rezultati pokazali su da postoje razlike u vrsti i količini korištenih psihosocijalnih intervencija između sudionika različitih sociodemografskih karakteristika. Ključne riječi: traumatizacija, modeli psihosocijalnih intervencija, psihološka pomoć, oporavak MODELI SHVAĆANJA MENTALNOG ZDRAVLJA TRAUMATIZIRANIH OSOBA U literaturi se nalazi nekoliko osnovnih modela shvaćanja mentalnog zdravlja i bolesti koji se koriste i u radu s traumatiziranim osobama; najčešće je riječ o medicinskom i biopsihosocijalnom modelu. Medicinski model U okviru medicinskog modela koji je definiran temeljem Međunarodne klasifikacije bolesti (International Clasification of Diseases, WHO, 1992) i Dijagno

Research paper thumbnail of Development of a new chewing function questionnaire for assessment of a self-perceived chewing function

Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology, Apr 1, 2013

Celebi c A. Development of a new chewing function questionnaire for assessment of a self-perceive... more Celebi c A. Development of a new chewing function questionnaire for assessment of a self-perceived chewing function. Community

Research paper thumbnail of Sport experience of undergraduate students

... Authors: Gošnik, Jelka; Bunjevac, Tomislav; Sedar, Mladen; Prot, Franjo; Bosnar, Ksenija. Tit... more ... Authors: Gošnik, Jelka; Bunjevac, Tomislav; Sedar, Mladen; Prot, Franjo; Bosnar, Ksenija. Title: Sport experience of undergraduate students. Source: Kinesiology - New Perspectives / Milanović, Dragan ; Prot, Franjo (ed). - Zagreb : Kineziološki fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu ...

Research paper thumbnail of Studija Psihometrijska analiza i stručna recenzija ispitnih testova iz nastavnog predmeta Prometni propisi i sigurnosna pravila za kandidate za vozače B kategorije na računalu

Research paper thumbnail of Psychopathological differences among three groups of school children affected by the war in Croatia

PubMed, 1997

The consequences of extreme violence such as war torture affect children in different ways and ma... more The consequences of extreme violence such as war torture affect children in different ways and may immediately manifest at the physical and/or psychologic level, or may remain hidden and unrecognized for years. The victims are usually very reluctant to speak about their traumatic experiences, and try to deny the existence of psychological disturbances. They often seek help for somatic problems. Taking these physical complaints seriously helps to progressively reach the psychological effects of violence. Therefore, identification of such children should be directed to more complete evaluation of their symptomatology and functioning. This can be done by: a) individual evaluation to get enough information on the historical events, functioning and symptoms of these children; and b) standardized instruments which may allow the children to disclose more about their psychological experiences during the war. In this study rating scales and assessment instruments for children aged < 15, such as CPRS with General Scoring Sheet (Fish, 1985), were used to assess the broad spectrum of psychopathology in this age group. These questionnaires were used in a large group of school children (N = 1888), 989 girls and 899 boys aged 7-16 years. The sample was divided into 3 groups: 843 non-displaced, 377 displaced and 669 refugee children. Results of statistical analysis (arithmetical mean and standard deviation of discriminative variables transformed in Z-values with F-ratio) showed the three groups of children (non-displaced, displaced and refugees) to significantly differ in 13 out of 15 psychopathologic clusters. Discriminative cannonic analysis of the 3 groups of children (non displaced, displaced and refugees) also showed significant differences. The first discriminative function (80.24% of total variance) indicated depression, violence and antisocial behavior to be rare in non-displaced children, more pronounced in displaced, and most pronounced in refugee children. The second discriminative function (19.76% of total variance) showed hyperactivity, anxiety and psychosomatic disturbances to be rare in non-displaced children; more frequent in refugee, and most expressed in displaced children. According to the results, the authors concluded that war is very painful for a large group of children, among whom the displaced and refugee children are most affected by psychopathologic disturbances.

Research paper thumbnail of Motivated by future and challenges: A cross-cultural study on adolescents' investment in learning and career planning

Journal of Vocational Behavior, Feb 1, 2019

This three-wave cross-cultural study tested a cross-cultural model that related adolescents' Regu... more This three-wave cross-cultural study tested a cross-cultural model that related adolescents' Regulatory Focus (RF) and Future Time Perspective on School and Professional Career (FTP) to their educational and career behaviors, and explored whether these relationships are equivalent across countries. Specifically, it addressed the challenging question whether adolescents' motivational orientations differ across countries with vastly different cultural values, socioeconomic circumstances and history. A total of 1520 adolescents in the Netherlands, Serbia, and Croatia reported their parents' and their own RF (promotion and prevention), FTP on school and professional career, investment in learning and homework, and career planning, on three time points. Teachers assessed adolescents' investment in learning and provided adolescents' GPA. Based on the multi-group structural equation modeling results, we found good model fits for each country and confirmation of most hypotheses. Results supported that the hypothesized model was cross-culturally valid in the three countries, although FTP related differently to GPA and teacher ratings across the samples. Also, we revealed intriguing differences on adolescents' FTP and RF strategies across the three countries. The findings suggest that FTP and RF play an important role in the learning efforts and career planning of adolescents across different countries.

Research paper thumbnail of Contribution of Arnett's inventory of sensation seeking and Zuckerman's sensation seeking scale to the differentiation of athletes engaged in high and low risk sports

Personality and Individual Differences, Oct 1, 1998

AISS (Arnett, 1994) and Zuckerman's SSS scales were administered to 94 pairs of males between 17 ... more AISS (Arnett, 1994) and Zuckerman's SSS scales were administered to 94 pairs of males between 17 and 47 yr of age (M= 29.6 yr) from Zagreb, capital of Croatia. Pairs were equivalent in age and education. The independent variable is the risk level of the sports they are engaged in (high risk sports were parachuting, diving, gliding, speleology and alpinism, while low risk sports were athletics, rowing, bowling and table tennis). The aim was to find out which of these two scales is better at discriminating the two groups of athletes, since this is an important test of criterion validity for these two operationalizations of sensation seeking construct. Univariate F ratios show that all six predictors significantly differentiate the criterion groups onp co.05 level. In the discriminant analysis almost all of the valid discriminant variance is accounted for by three of Zuckerman's subscales-ES, TAS and BS. This finding is even clearer in stepwise regression analysis, where only ES and TAS remain as significant predictors.

Research paper thumbnail of Relation between scales and factors of Arnett's Inventory of Sensation Seeking (AISS) in the sample of Croatian athletes

Abstract: AISS (Arnett, 1994) was administered on a sample od 197 men, ranging in age from 17 to ... more Abstract: AISS (Arnett, 1994) was administered on a sample od 197 men, ranging in age from 17 to 47 years (M= 29, 6 years). The scale represents a new way of conceptualizing a sensation seeking construct. It consists of 20 items divided into two subscales, intensity ...

Research paper thumbnail of Metric and validity issues in assessing war-related traumatic exposure

Sažetak: Intensity and structure of exposure to traumatic events is always considered in models o... more Sažetak: Intensity and structure of exposure to traumatic events is always considered in models of posttraumatic stress. Indicators that best tap the nature of repeated and prolonged traumatic exposure, which is the often case in war, are still not clear. One of the most ...

Research paper thumbnail of Assessment of the Organizational Culture of Companies by Business-School Students in Croatia

Concept of organizational culture has not been investigated broadly in Croatia. This paper focuse... more Concept of organizational culture has not been investigated broadly in Croatia. This paper focuses on assessment of organizational culture by business-students in Croatia. The purpose of this research is to assess the organizational culture in Croatia by business-students in neutral surrounding and to assess different aspects of organizational cultures in Croatia. We approached the topic of organizational culture from theoretical and empirical perspective. The paper identifies some of the most relevant factors and dimensions of organizational culture. The main method used in our empirical research is Denison model of organizational culture. Through this model, authors assessed the organizational culture through twelve dimension indices and four cultural traits of organizations: involvement, consistency, adaptability and mission. It seeks to show that there will be no differences in perception of organizational culture according to management role and business areas and company sector. This paper demonstrates assessment during Economic crisis in Croatia and certainly gives an overview how employed business-school students perceive organizational culture according to world famous model of questioning organizational culture.

Research paper thumbnail of Nezlostavljajući Traumatski Događaji U Djetinjstvu I Psihosocijalno Funkcioniranje Mladih

Ljetopis Socijalnog Rada, 2016

Just like adults, children and youth are exposed to traumatic events. The existing classification... more Just like adults, children and youth are exposed to traumatic events. The existing classifications of traumatic events in childhood differentiate between events which do not include abuse and neglect in the narrow sense from those that do. The purpose of this research is to examine the relationship between exposure to non-abusive traumatic events in childhood and some aspects of psychosocial functioning in youth. Exposure to following traumatic events was examined: assault with an object/weapon, rape, murder, bomb explosion, serious illness of a parent. The research was conducted on 4177 teenage boys and girls. The psychosocial functioning of boys and girls is affected more by traumatic events that pose a personal threat, and less by events posing a threat to others (serious illness of a parent and witnessing murder). The effects of such events on multiple aspects of psychosocial functioning are more common in girls than in boys. The research has shown that boys who have not experienced a non-abusive traumatic event do not significantly differ from those who have experienced one event, but differ from those who experienced several traumatic events. The girls who experienced one non-abusive traumatic event differ from those that have not experienced any traumatic events. After one or more traumatic events, girls tend to be more insecurely attached, lonelier within the family, and have poorer academic performance. As far as boys are concerned, the connection with difficulties in psychosocial functioning appears after two or more events.

Research paper thumbnail of Self-assessment of well-being as an indicator of quality of life of former war prisoners - A Croatian study

PubMed, 2011

The impact of war on the population is vast, especially when it comes to those who were directly ... more The impact of war on the population is vast, especially when it comes to those who were directly affected by war, among other things as concentration camp detainees. Because of the specific war experience of this population it is important to better understand the possible contribution of key socio-demographic variables, war traumatization and acute disturbances in mental health to their subjective assessment of their own well-being, which represents a psychological category and is based on a subjective assessment. The starting point is a theoretical precept according to which individual characteristics, together with war experience, can have repercussions on mental health, and eventually on the general well-being of an individual and their quality of life. The study comprised 184participants who had given their informed consent for participation and filled out complete questionnaires. The participants were a convenience sample of male persons who had survived war captivity in the Homeland War in the period from 1991 to 1995. The study was conducted as part of the physical examinations at the University Hospital "Fran Mihaljević" in Zagreb. The data was collected using several self-evaluation measuring instruments one of which served to collect socio-demographic data, two to collect data on the participants' mental health, one for the data on the participants' combat and war experiences and one to assess the participants' well-being. The data obtained suggest that only avoidance and arousal symptoms and psychosomatic difficulties are predictors of the well-being of persons who have experienced war captivity.

Research paper thumbnail of Sport experience of undergraduate students

... Authors: Gošnik, Jelka; Bunjevac, Tomislav; Sedar, Mladen; Prot, Franjo; Bosnar, Ksenija. Tit... more ... Authors: Gošnik, Jelka; Bunjevac, Tomislav; Sedar, Mladen; Prot, Franjo; Bosnar, Ksenija. Title: Sport experience of undergraduate students. Source: Kinesiology - New Perspectives / Milanović, Dragan ; Prot, Franjo (ed). - Zagreb : Kineziološki fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu ...

Research paper thumbnail of Preferencies towards sport activities in students of Faculty of Phylosophy at the university of zagreb

Istraživanje je provedeno sa zadatkom da se studentima/cama Filozofskog fakulteta u nastavi tjele... more Istraživanje je provedeno sa zadatkom da se studentima/cama Filozofskog fakulteta u nastavi tjelesne i zdravstvene kulture ponudi lepeza sportskih sadržaja koji bi primarno zadovoljavali i uvažavali njihove potrebe, želje, sklonosti i interese. 62 sporta je rangirano te je napravljen rang prvih deset i rang zadnjih deset sportova kojima se studenti/ice 1. studijske godine Filozofskog fakulteta žele baviti. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da ne postoje vece razlike u preferencijama prema sportovima cetiri uzastopne godine – od akad. god. 2002./2003. do 2005./2006. unutar istog spola. Studentice i studenti predstavljaju u velikoj mjeri homogene grupe obzirom na izbor najvise i najmanje privlacnih i zanimljivih sportova. U velikoj mjeri postoji razlika jedino u sportovima po spolovima. Najinteresantniji sport za studente i studentice je plivanje kroz sve cetiri generacije. Slijede ga vikend izletnistvo, sto govori o preferenciji prema zdravlju studenata/ica Filozofskog fakulteta i ples kao dio osnovne kulture i nacina života. Svi agresivni, naporni, neestetski, koordinirano zahtjevni sportovi te sportovi koji iziskuju bliski kontakt s protivnikom nisko su rangirani i podjednako neprivlacni za studentice i studente. S obzirom da se interesi i potrebe studenata/ica Filozofskog fakulteta za tjelesnom aktivnoscu razlikuju i ovise o mogucnostima i uvjetima bavljenja razlicitim aktivnostima, potrebno je dalje istraživati i pratiti postojece stanje, kao i planirati te programirati buduce aktivnosti. Mogucnost individualnog izbora sportskih sadržaja na fakultetu i Sveucilistu najvjerojatnije bi motiviralo studente/ice da ne gledaju na tjelesno vježbanje kao na obavezu nego kao na svakodnevnu potrebu jer, kako pokazuju rezultati istraživanja na Filozofskom fakultetu akad. god. 2001./2002. na uzorku od 2681 studenta/ica, samo 8, 7 % studentica i 16 % studenata Filozofskog fakulteta redovito vježba bar dva puta tjedno sto su porazni rezultati (6).


Research paper thumbnail of Influences of Political Changes on University Sport in Major Universities of Former Yugoslavia

Great political changes in the late 1980s led to the fall of Yugoslavia. Each republic consequent... more Great political changes in the late 1980s led to the fall of Yugoslavia. Each republic consequentially became an independent state. Slovenia was the firs republic to separate from the socialist Yugoslavia, followed by Croatia. Slovenia was the only one to avoid serious military conflicts. Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia suffered greatly during the years of war. The war marked the younger generations on all levels including education and sport. Since then each republic has had its own history. For example, Slovenia is now considered economically stable and is also a member of several important international organizations such as NATO and European Union. Croatia has already applied for EU membership, while Serbia is still marked by the war and has yet to finish the transition process. The research deals with the place of sport in Universities curriculum and how it is perceived by the students of Ljubljana, Zagreb and Belgrade University. The research comprises a questionnai...

Research paper thumbnail of Preferencies towards sport activities in students of Faculty of Phylosophy at the university of zagreb

Istraživanje je provedeno sa zadatkom da se studentima/cama Filozofskog fakulteta u nastavi tjele... more Istraživanje je provedeno sa zadatkom da se studentima/cama Filozofskog fakulteta u nastavi tjelesne i zdravstvene kulture ponudi lepeza sportskih sadržaja koji bi primarno zadovoljavali i uvažavali njihove potrebe, želje, sklonosti i interese. 62 sporta je rangirano te je napravljen rang prvih deset i rang zadnjih deset sportova kojima se studenti/ice 1. studijske godine Filozofskog fakulteta žele baviti. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da ne postoje vece razlike u preferencijama prema sportovima cetiri uzastopne godine – od akad. god. 2002./2003. do 2005./2006. unutar istog spola. Studentice i studenti predstavljaju u velikoj mjeri homogene grupe obzirom na izbor najvise i najmanje privlacnih i zanimljivih sportova. U velikoj mjeri postoji razlika jedino u sportovima po spolovima. Najinteresantniji sport za studente i studentice je plivanje kroz sve cetiri generacije. Slijede ga vikend izletnistvo, sto govori o preferenciji prema zdravlju studenata/ica Filozofskog fakulteta i p...

Research paper thumbnail of Nezlostavljajući Traumatski Događaji U Djetinjstvu I Psihosocijalno Funkcioniranje Mladih

Annual of Social Work, 2016

Djeca i mladi su, kao i odrasli, izloženi traumatskim događajima. Prema postojećim klasifikacijam... more Djeca i mladi su, kao i odrasli, izloženi traumatskim događajima. Prema postojećim klasifikacijama traumatskih događaja u djetinjstvu, razlikuju se događaji koji ne uključuju zlostavljanje i zanemarivanje u užem smislu od onih koji to jesu. Cilj je ovog istraživanja ustanoviti povezanost izlaganja nezlostavljajućim traumatskim događajima u djetinjstvu s nekim aspektima psihosocijalnog funkcioniranja mladih. Ispitivana je izloženost sljedećim traumatskim događajima: napad predmetom/oružjem, silovanje, ubojstvo, eksplozija bombe, teška bolest roditelja. Istraživanje je provedeno na 4 177 mladića i djevojaka. Veći doprinos psihosocijalnom funkcioniranju mladića i djevojaka imaju traumatski događaji koji se odno-brought to you by CORE View metadata, citation and similar papers at

Research paper thumbnail of Metric and validity issues in assessing war-related traumatic exposure

… Conference on Traumatic Stress (10; 2007), 2007

Sažetak: Intensity and structure of exposure to traumatic events is always considered in models o... more Sažetak: Intensity and structure of exposure to traumatic events is always considered in models of posttraumatic stress. Indicators that best tap the nature of repeated and prolonged traumatic exposure, which is the often case in war, are still not clear. One of the most ...

Research paper thumbnail of Ratni stres i agresivnost

Suvremena Psihologija, Jun 30, 2003

Research paper thumbnail of Psihosocijalne intervencije kao oblik pomoći traumatiziranim osobama

Suvremena Psihologija, Jun 15, 2009

U ovome istraživanju razmatra se organizirana pomoć stanovništvu u poslijeratnim zajednicama, u o... more U ovome istraživanju razmatra se organizirana pomoć stanovništvu u poslijeratnim zajednicama, u obliku psihosocijalnih intervencija. Razmatrane su intervencije u okviru biopsihosocijalnog modela shvaćanja mentalnog zdravlja traumatiziranih osoba. Cilj ispitivanja je provjeriti postoje li razlike u vrsti i količni korištenih psihosocijalnih intervencija između sudionika različitih sociodemografskih karakteristika. Za registriranje broja i vrste primljenih psihosocijalnih intervencija korišten je Upitnik MACSI (Matrix for Recording Health Care and Social Interventions), konstruiran za potrebe istraživanja u međunarodnom projektu (Connect projekt, Priebe i sur., 2004). Dobiveni rezultati pokazali su da postoje razlike u vrsti i količini korištenih psihosocijalnih intervencija između sudionika različitih sociodemografskih karakteristika. Ključne riječi: traumatizacija, modeli psihosocijalnih intervencija, psihološka pomoć, oporavak MODELI SHVAĆANJA MENTALNOG ZDRAVLJA TRAUMATIZIRANIH OSOBA U literaturi se nalazi nekoliko osnovnih modela shvaćanja mentalnog zdravlja i bolesti koji se koriste i u radu s traumatiziranim osobama; najčešće je riječ o medicinskom i biopsihosocijalnom modelu. Medicinski model U okviru medicinskog modela koji je definiran temeljem Međunarodne klasifikacije bolesti (International Clasification of Diseases, WHO, 1992) i Dijagno

Research paper thumbnail of Development of a new chewing function questionnaire for assessment of a self-perceived chewing function

Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology, Apr 1, 2013

Celebi c A. Development of a new chewing function questionnaire for assessment of a self-perceive... more Celebi c A. Development of a new chewing function questionnaire for assessment of a self-perceived chewing function. Community

Research paper thumbnail of Sport experience of undergraduate students

... Authors: Gošnik, Jelka; Bunjevac, Tomislav; Sedar, Mladen; Prot, Franjo; Bosnar, Ksenija. Tit... more ... Authors: Gošnik, Jelka; Bunjevac, Tomislav; Sedar, Mladen; Prot, Franjo; Bosnar, Ksenija. Title: Sport experience of undergraduate students. Source: Kinesiology - New Perspectives / Milanović, Dragan ; Prot, Franjo (ed). - Zagreb : Kineziološki fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu ...

Research paper thumbnail of Studija Psihometrijska analiza i stručna recenzija ispitnih testova iz nastavnog predmeta Prometni propisi i sigurnosna pravila za kandidate za vozače B kategorije na računalu

Research paper thumbnail of Psychopathological differences among three groups of school children affected by the war in Croatia

PubMed, 1997

The consequences of extreme violence such as war torture affect children in different ways and ma... more The consequences of extreme violence such as war torture affect children in different ways and may immediately manifest at the physical and/or psychologic level, or may remain hidden and unrecognized for years. The victims are usually very reluctant to speak about their traumatic experiences, and try to deny the existence of psychological disturbances. They often seek help for somatic problems. Taking these physical complaints seriously helps to progressively reach the psychological effects of violence. Therefore, identification of such children should be directed to more complete evaluation of their symptomatology and functioning. This can be done by: a) individual evaluation to get enough information on the historical events, functioning and symptoms of these children; and b) standardized instruments which may allow the children to disclose more about their psychological experiences during the war. In this study rating scales and assessment instruments for children aged < 15, such as CPRS with General Scoring Sheet (Fish, 1985), were used to assess the broad spectrum of psychopathology in this age group. These questionnaires were used in a large group of school children (N = 1888), 989 girls and 899 boys aged 7-16 years. The sample was divided into 3 groups: 843 non-displaced, 377 displaced and 669 refugee children. Results of statistical analysis (arithmetical mean and standard deviation of discriminative variables transformed in Z-values with F-ratio) showed the three groups of children (non-displaced, displaced and refugees) to significantly differ in 13 out of 15 psychopathologic clusters. Discriminative cannonic analysis of the 3 groups of children (non displaced, displaced and refugees) also showed significant differences. The first discriminative function (80.24% of total variance) indicated depression, violence and antisocial behavior to be rare in non-displaced children, more pronounced in displaced, and most pronounced in refugee children. The second discriminative function (19.76% of total variance) showed hyperactivity, anxiety and psychosomatic disturbances to be rare in non-displaced children; more frequent in refugee, and most expressed in displaced children. According to the results, the authors concluded that war is very painful for a large group of children, among whom the displaced and refugee children are most affected by psychopathologic disturbances.

Research paper thumbnail of Motivated by future and challenges: A cross-cultural study on adolescents' investment in learning and career planning

Journal of Vocational Behavior, Feb 1, 2019

This three-wave cross-cultural study tested a cross-cultural model that related adolescents' Regu... more This three-wave cross-cultural study tested a cross-cultural model that related adolescents' Regulatory Focus (RF) and Future Time Perspective on School and Professional Career (FTP) to their educational and career behaviors, and explored whether these relationships are equivalent across countries. Specifically, it addressed the challenging question whether adolescents' motivational orientations differ across countries with vastly different cultural values, socioeconomic circumstances and history. A total of 1520 adolescents in the Netherlands, Serbia, and Croatia reported their parents' and their own RF (promotion and prevention), FTP on school and professional career, investment in learning and homework, and career planning, on three time points. Teachers assessed adolescents' investment in learning and provided adolescents' GPA. Based on the multi-group structural equation modeling results, we found good model fits for each country and confirmation of most hypotheses. Results supported that the hypothesized model was cross-culturally valid in the three countries, although FTP related differently to GPA and teacher ratings across the samples. Also, we revealed intriguing differences on adolescents' FTP and RF strategies across the three countries. The findings suggest that FTP and RF play an important role in the learning efforts and career planning of adolescents across different countries.

Research paper thumbnail of Contribution of Arnett's inventory of sensation seeking and Zuckerman's sensation seeking scale to the differentiation of athletes engaged in high and low risk sports

Personality and Individual Differences, Oct 1, 1998

AISS (Arnett, 1994) and Zuckerman's SSS scales were administered to 94 pairs of males between 17 ... more AISS (Arnett, 1994) and Zuckerman's SSS scales were administered to 94 pairs of males between 17 and 47 yr of age (M= 29.6 yr) from Zagreb, capital of Croatia. Pairs were equivalent in age and education. The independent variable is the risk level of the sports they are engaged in (high risk sports were parachuting, diving, gliding, speleology and alpinism, while low risk sports were athletics, rowing, bowling and table tennis). The aim was to find out which of these two scales is better at discriminating the two groups of athletes, since this is an important test of criterion validity for these two operationalizations of sensation seeking construct. Univariate F ratios show that all six predictors significantly differentiate the criterion groups onp co.05 level. In the discriminant analysis almost all of the valid discriminant variance is accounted for by three of Zuckerman's subscales-ES, TAS and BS. This finding is even clearer in stepwise regression analysis, where only ES and TAS remain as significant predictors.

Research paper thumbnail of Relation between scales and factors of Arnett's Inventory of Sensation Seeking (AISS) in the sample of Croatian athletes

Abstract: AISS (Arnett, 1994) was administered on a sample od 197 men, ranging in age from 17 to ... more Abstract: AISS (Arnett, 1994) was administered on a sample od 197 men, ranging in age from 17 to 47 years (M= 29, 6 years). The scale represents a new way of conceptualizing a sensation seeking construct. It consists of 20 items divided into two subscales, intensity ...

Research paper thumbnail of Metric and validity issues in assessing war-related traumatic exposure

Sažetak: Intensity and structure of exposure to traumatic events is always considered in models o... more Sažetak: Intensity and structure of exposure to traumatic events is always considered in models of posttraumatic stress. Indicators that best tap the nature of repeated and prolonged traumatic exposure, which is the often case in war, are still not clear. One of the most ...

Research paper thumbnail of Assessment of the Organizational Culture of Companies by Business-School Students in Croatia

Concept of organizational culture has not been investigated broadly in Croatia. This paper focuse... more Concept of organizational culture has not been investigated broadly in Croatia. This paper focuses on assessment of organizational culture by business-students in Croatia. The purpose of this research is to assess the organizational culture in Croatia by business-students in neutral surrounding and to assess different aspects of organizational cultures in Croatia. We approached the topic of organizational culture from theoretical and empirical perspective. The paper identifies some of the most relevant factors and dimensions of organizational culture. The main method used in our empirical research is Denison model of organizational culture. Through this model, authors assessed the organizational culture through twelve dimension indices and four cultural traits of organizations: involvement, consistency, adaptability and mission. It seeks to show that there will be no differences in perception of organizational culture according to management role and business areas and company sector. This paper demonstrates assessment during Economic crisis in Croatia and certainly gives an overview how employed business-school students perceive organizational culture according to world famous model of questioning organizational culture.

Research paper thumbnail of Nezlostavljajući Traumatski Događaji U Djetinjstvu I Psihosocijalno Funkcioniranje Mladih

Ljetopis Socijalnog Rada, 2016

Just like adults, children and youth are exposed to traumatic events. The existing classification... more Just like adults, children and youth are exposed to traumatic events. The existing classifications of traumatic events in childhood differentiate between events which do not include abuse and neglect in the narrow sense from those that do. The purpose of this research is to examine the relationship between exposure to non-abusive traumatic events in childhood and some aspects of psychosocial functioning in youth. Exposure to following traumatic events was examined: assault with an object/weapon, rape, murder, bomb explosion, serious illness of a parent. The research was conducted on 4177 teenage boys and girls. The psychosocial functioning of boys and girls is affected more by traumatic events that pose a personal threat, and less by events posing a threat to others (serious illness of a parent and witnessing murder). The effects of such events on multiple aspects of psychosocial functioning are more common in girls than in boys. The research has shown that boys who have not experienced a non-abusive traumatic event do not significantly differ from those who have experienced one event, but differ from those who experienced several traumatic events. The girls who experienced one non-abusive traumatic event differ from those that have not experienced any traumatic events. After one or more traumatic events, girls tend to be more insecurely attached, lonelier within the family, and have poorer academic performance. As far as boys are concerned, the connection with difficulties in psychosocial functioning appears after two or more events.

Research paper thumbnail of Self-assessment of well-being as an indicator of quality of life of former war prisoners - A Croatian study

PubMed, 2011

The impact of war on the population is vast, especially when it comes to those who were directly ... more The impact of war on the population is vast, especially when it comes to those who were directly affected by war, among other things as concentration camp detainees. Because of the specific war experience of this population it is important to better understand the possible contribution of key socio-demographic variables, war traumatization and acute disturbances in mental health to their subjective assessment of their own well-being, which represents a psychological category and is based on a subjective assessment. The starting point is a theoretical precept according to which individual characteristics, together with war experience, can have repercussions on mental health, and eventually on the general well-being of an individual and their quality of life. The study comprised 184participants who had given their informed consent for participation and filled out complete questionnaires. The participants were a convenience sample of male persons who had survived war captivity in the Homeland War in the period from 1991 to 1995. The study was conducted as part of the physical examinations at the University Hospital "Fran Mihaljević" in Zagreb. The data was collected using several self-evaluation measuring instruments one of which served to collect socio-demographic data, two to collect data on the participants' mental health, one for the data on the participants' combat and war experiences and one to assess the participants' well-being. The data obtained suggest that only avoidance and arousal symptoms and psychosomatic difficulties are predictors of the well-being of persons who have experienced war captivity.

Research paper thumbnail of Sport experience of undergraduate students

... Authors: Gošnik, Jelka; Bunjevac, Tomislav; Sedar, Mladen; Prot, Franjo; Bosnar, Ksenija. Tit... more ... Authors: Gošnik, Jelka; Bunjevac, Tomislav; Sedar, Mladen; Prot, Franjo; Bosnar, Ksenija. Title: Sport experience of undergraduate students. Source: Kinesiology - New Perspectives / Milanović, Dragan ; Prot, Franjo (ed). - Zagreb : Kineziološki fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu ...

Research paper thumbnail of Preferencies towards sport activities in students of Faculty of Phylosophy at the university of zagreb

Istraživanje je provedeno sa zadatkom da se studentima/cama Filozofskog fakulteta u nastavi tjele... more Istraživanje je provedeno sa zadatkom da se studentima/cama Filozofskog fakulteta u nastavi tjelesne i zdravstvene kulture ponudi lepeza sportskih sadržaja koji bi primarno zadovoljavali i uvažavali njihove potrebe, želje, sklonosti i interese. 62 sporta je rangirano te je napravljen rang prvih deset i rang zadnjih deset sportova kojima se studenti/ice 1. studijske godine Filozofskog fakulteta žele baviti. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da ne postoje vece razlike u preferencijama prema sportovima cetiri uzastopne godine – od akad. god. 2002./2003. do 2005./2006. unutar istog spola. Studentice i studenti predstavljaju u velikoj mjeri homogene grupe obzirom na izbor najvise i najmanje privlacnih i zanimljivih sportova. U velikoj mjeri postoji razlika jedino u sportovima po spolovima. Najinteresantniji sport za studente i studentice je plivanje kroz sve cetiri generacije. Slijede ga vikend izletnistvo, sto govori o preferenciji prema zdravlju studenata/ica Filozofskog fakulteta i ples kao dio osnovne kulture i nacina života. Svi agresivni, naporni, neestetski, koordinirano zahtjevni sportovi te sportovi koji iziskuju bliski kontakt s protivnikom nisko su rangirani i podjednako neprivlacni za studentice i studente. S obzirom da se interesi i potrebe studenata/ica Filozofskog fakulteta za tjelesnom aktivnoscu razlikuju i ovise o mogucnostima i uvjetima bavljenja razlicitim aktivnostima, potrebno je dalje istraživati i pratiti postojece stanje, kao i planirati te programirati buduce aktivnosti. Mogucnost individualnog izbora sportskih sadržaja na fakultetu i Sveucilistu najvjerojatnije bi motiviralo studente/ice da ne gledaju na tjelesno vježbanje kao na obavezu nego kao na svakodnevnu potrebu jer, kako pokazuju rezultati istraživanja na Filozofskom fakultetu akad. god. 2001./2002. na uzorku od 2681 studenta/ica, samo 8, 7 % studentica i 16 % studenata Filozofskog fakulteta redovito vježba bar dva puta tjedno sto su porazni rezultati (6).


Research paper thumbnail of Influences of Political Changes on University Sport in Major Universities of Former Yugoslavia

Great political changes in the late 1980s led to the fall of Yugoslavia. Each republic consequent... more Great political changes in the late 1980s led to the fall of Yugoslavia. Each republic consequentially became an independent state. Slovenia was the firs republic to separate from the socialist Yugoslavia, followed by Croatia. Slovenia was the only one to avoid serious military conflicts. Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia suffered greatly during the years of war. The war marked the younger generations on all levels including education and sport. Since then each republic has had its own history. For example, Slovenia is now considered economically stable and is also a member of several important international organizations such as NATO and European Union. Croatia has already applied for EU membership, while Serbia is still marked by the war and has yet to finish the transition process. The research deals with the place of sport in Universities curriculum and how it is perceived by the students of Ljubljana, Zagreb and Belgrade University. The research comprises a questionnai...

Research paper thumbnail of Preferencies towards sport activities in students of Faculty of Phylosophy at the university of zagreb

Istraživanje je provedeno sa zadatkom da se studentima/cama Filozofskog fakulteta u nastavi tjele... more Istraživanje je provedeno sa zadatkom da se studentima/cama Filozofskog fakulteta u nastavi tjelesne i zdravstvene kulture ponudi lepeza sportskih sadržaja koji bi primarno zadovoljavali i uvažavali njihove potrebe, želje, sklonosti i interese. 62 sporta je rangirano te je napravljen rang prvih deset i rang zadnjih deset sportova kojima se studenti/ice 1. studijske godine Filozofskog fakulteta žele baviti. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da ne postoje vece razlike u preferencijama prema sportovima cetiri uzastopne godine – od akad. god. 2002./2003. do 2005./2006. unutar istog spola. Studentice i studenti predstavljaju u velikoj mjeri homogene grupe obzirom na izbor najvise i najmanje privlacnih i zanimljivih sportova. U velikoj mjeri postoji razlika jedino u sportovima po spolovima. Najinteresantniji sport za studente i studentice je plivanje kroz sve cetiri generacije. Slijede ga vikend izletnistvo, sto govori o preferenciji prema zdravlju studenata/ica Filozofskog fakulteta i p...

Research paper thumbnail of Nezlostavljajući Traumatski Događaji U Djetinjstvu I Psihosocijalno Funkcioniranje Mladih

Annual of Social Work, 2016

Djeca i mladi su, kao i odrasli, izloženi traumatskim događajima. Prema postojećim klasifikacijam... more Djeca i mladi su, kao i odrasli, izloženi traumatskim događajima. Prema postojećim klasifikacijama traumatskih događaja u djetinjstvu, razlikuju se događaji koji ne uključuju zlostavljanje i zanemarivanje u užem smislu od onih koji to jesu. Cilj je ovog istraživanja ustanoviti povezanost izlaganja nezlostavljajućim traumatskim događajima u djetinjstvu s nekim aspektima psihosocijalnog funkcioniranja mladih. Ispitivana je izloženost sljedećim traumatskim događajima: napad predmetom/oružjem, silovanje, ubojstvo, eksplozija bombe, teška bolest roditelja. Istraživanje je provedeno na 4 177 mladića i djevojaka. Veći doprinos psihosocijalnom funkcioniranju mladića i djevojaka imaju traumatski događaji koji se odno-brought to you by CORE View metadata, citation and similar papers at

Research paper thumbnail of Metric and validity issues in assessing war-related traumatic exposure

… Conference on Traumatic Stress (10; 2007), 2007

Sažetak: Intensity and structure of exposure to traumatic events is always considered in models o... more Sažetak: Intensity and structure of exposure to traumatic events is always considered in models of posttraumatic stress. Indicators that best tap the nature of repeated and prolonged traumatic exposure, which is the often case in war, are still not clear. One of the most ...