The FHS Band Geek Page (original) (raw)

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Below are the 14 most recent journal entries recorded inFHS Band Geeks Unite's LiveJournal:

Tuesday, May 23rd, 2006
_6:27 pm_[devitosax] I MADE IT! I am the first Male Drum Major since Mr. Jeremy Leff!I am absolutely ecstatic!Looking forward to a great season!Patrick Wisely (4 Comments |Comment on this)
Friday, May 19th, 2006
_3:16 pm_[isteillia] well i am surprised i didnt find this sooner. my name is hope Glass, formerly Hope EvansSome may know me some may not.I am a grad from FHS band, an ex flute player. Gradutated '04.I miss band it's no even funny. I had to buy a flute from ebay because my own got lost somewhere between boot camp and "a" school fo meteorology...*sniffles* it was a silver b foot model open hole...wah... oh well.I am now a member of the US navy, a 'weather guesser'lol. And I am still a band geek....trying to find out where to try out for the navy corps that's it. bleh.oh...has anyone killed dr beat yet??? Current Mood: complacent (8 Comments |Comment on this)
Tuesday, October 4th, 2005
_11:46 am_[antibubble717] Finally got around to joining the ranks o' this here conglomeration of band geeks.*Gasp* Hey, maybe I do have a life after all!Wait...*thinking* No I don't. *Sigh*Hey kids, it's Elizabeth, the Greatest Pit Playa of them all.Love the muppets. (Comment on this)
Monday, September 12th, 2005
_9:33 pm_[mnwugn86] Oboe for Sale I want to get rid of my old oboe. Here's the details:Yamaha YOB 411 Intermediate All Wooden Oboe1 minute crack; has been repairedLeft F key, B flat resonanceVery good condition$1100Pass this along to anyone who might want to buy an oboe. This is a good oboe for a middle schooler or beginner. My e-mail can be found on my User info page. (Comment on this)
Thursday, August 18th, 2005
_8:28 pm_[ellen_mirai] Fairhope Band Director Look-a-likes Pt 3 Mr.Duncan is....the next Han Solo?Image hosted by hosted by Photobucket.comsorry, no muppets this time. Current Mood: drunk (8 Comments |Comment on this)
Wednesday, August 17th, 2005
_8:54 pm_[ellen_mirai] Fairhope Director Look-a-likes Pt.2 Mr. Allen, the new assistant director looks may be?Image hosted by hosted by hosted by Photobucket.coma new muppet?Dr.HoneyDew!!! (1 Comment |Comment on this)
Sunday, August 14th, 2005
_9:28 pm_[ellen_mirai] Fairhope Band Director Look-a-likes number 1 The reason they called Dedeaux "muppet".Image hosted by hosted by Photobucket.comDo you see the resemblance?!!!AAHHHH! MUPPET MUPPET!!! (4 Comments |Comment on this)
Friday, August 5th, 2005
_9:21 pm_[mnwugn86] At last, band camp is over. No more mud, no more mosquitoes, no more heat, no more block formations, and no more freshmen. At least, not until Tuesday. (4 Comments |Comment on this)
Friday, July 22nd, 2005
_7:32 pm_[devitosax] Hi, my name is PatrickI am currenty a junior in the band, and i enjoy it very much. I played Alto Sax my freshmen, sophomore, and now, my junior year. My sophomore year, i recieved the honor of being "student conductor" for the concert band. At the end of my sophomore year, i tried out for Drum major, and, out of the 6 that tried, I got 2nd place...AKA..."backfield director".I am still not sure what that exactly means, seeing as fairhope has never had an "official" backfield director. I am hoping in finally making Drum major this next year. as i think you may already know, we have a new main director this year (mr. Duncan) which means that i really need to try hard in order to have a chance for it!speaking of which, what does everyone think of our new director? just birthday is in 9 days!Kyle Tobias Current Mood: artistic (1 Comment |Comment on this)
_6:04 pm_[faen_aglar] I have arrived! Hello, all! My name is Amy, and I am the section leader of the pit section in the FHS band! Yeah, I'm cool and I know it! I play percussion all year round, and I have been in symphonic band since my freshman year! Ellen, you are the bomb for creating this community! I am excited to announce that percussion camp is over! All we have to do now is get through band camp! Well, I must be off, so I say farewell. Current Mood: exhausted (Comment on this)
_5:18 pm_[tersichore] hey ya'll! this is carly (flutist turned pit player) and i'm gonna make this brief, cause i just got out of percussion camp and am the definition of tired. now, some of you might wonder why on earth i chose to switch to pit for my junior year.simple.flutes aren't allowed to beat the crap out of stuff with sticks.end of story. Current Mood: hot (2 Comments |Comment on this)
_8:01 am_[mnwugn86] Hello. Hello. I'm Arthur, a junior at FHS and also in the midst of percussion camp this week. I am in the pit during marching season and I play oboe and English horn in Symphonic band. I hope that more band members hear about the site and come join. (1 Comment |Comment on this)
Thursday, July 21st, 2005
_11:59 pm_[jeremyleff] What's up guys. My name is Jeremy. I was in FHS Band from 1994-1998. My freshman year I marched alto sax, sophmore year bari sax, and I was drum major my junior and senior years. I also played bari in symphonic and jazz bands. My first two years Stan Chapman was director and Steve Sims came back for my last two. Steve McKinney was assitant dir. all four years I was there.When I was in high school my life revolved around band and church. The Fairhope band program definitely played a big part in the person I would become. The skills I developed and the friends I made are things that will be with me forever. I'll never forget the trips to Disney World, contests, hanging out on Friday nights after football games, and the long, hot days at band camp. Hopefully I'm still in some of the pics on the wall in the band room, and the trophies we worked so hard to earn are still up on that shelf.After graduating I attended Auburn University where I was in marching and symphonic bands. I still live in Auburn and play with a jazz big band called the Auburn Knights Orchestra. I also work as a sound engineer both live and in the studio and recenly produced an album for the Knights.I'm really glad to see this communiy on LiveJournal, and am looking forward to sharing lots of stories from the past as well as keeping up with the current. (8 Comments |Comment on this)
_11:30 pm_[ellen_mirai] Welcome one and all! Welcome to FHS Band Geeks. I am in the midst of percussion camp right now. I'm in pit and this is my final year. I also play oboe.Peace,Ellen Mirai (2 Comments |Comment on this)