EDI PRANOTO | Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Semarang (original) (raw)
Jurnal ilmiah hukum dan dinamika masyarakat, Apr 28, 2022
The purpose and objective of supervision is to prevent or correct errors, irregularities, non-com... more The purpose and objective of supervision is to prevent or correct errors, irregularities, non-compliance with the implementation plan and others that are not in accordance with the assigned duties and authorities. So that the results of the implementation of the work are obtained accurately, efficiently and successfully in accordance with the 1 predetermined plan. The supervision carried out by the DPRD on the follow-up to the audit report by the BPK is very important to realize good regional governance, a government free from corruption, collusion and nepotism, as well as evaluation material for the use of regional finance and regional financial reports. recommendations by BPK as a manifestation of the need for improvement in the presentation of reports by regional governments, so that there is an obligation to regional governments to implement recommendations from BPK
Lembaga Swadaya Masyarakat (LSM) is a local term that appeared in Indonesia to replace the term O... more Lembaga Swadaya Masyarakat (LSM) is a local term that appeared in Indonesia to replace the term Ornop as a translation of Non-Governmental Organization (NGO). NGO together with the government and the private sector have a role to play in realizing good governance. Because of the strategic role of the NGO, it also requires good governance for NGO so that in the process of manifesting their roles can be accounted for to the community.The approach used to solve problems in scientific articles in the form of conceptual thinking uses normative approach methods, with skunder data sources, which are primary, skunder and tertiary legal materials. Law No. 14 of 2008 on Public Information Disclosure, classifies that non-governmental organizations whose sources of financing come from all or as from the State Budget/APBD, community donations, and/or foreign aid are public bodies. As a public body, NGO have an obligation to provide public information that is periodic, immediately and at any time that is easily accessible to the public. The urgency of transparency in the management of NGO can be seen from philosophical, juridical and sociological aspects. With the transparency of NGO management, there will be no more suspicions about NGO in Indonesia.
Jurnal IUS Kajian Hukum dan Keadilan
The positive fictitious principle in the Law No. 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation (CK Law) exis... more The positive fictitious principle in the Law No. 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation (CK Law) exists to facilitate investment and simplify licensing. However, the provisions in the CK Law, which exclude the role of the Administrative Court in fictitious applications have the potential to cause injustice and legal uncertainty in society. That research focuses on examining the positive fictitious principle's existence after the CK Law's enactment in the paradigm of prophetic law. The paradigm of prophetic regulation was chosen in this study as an effort to explore the theological (divine) and human dimensions in positive fictitious formulations as in CK Law. This research is a normative legal type of research with a concept and statutory approach. The results of the study confirm that in terms of the three aspects of prophetic law, namely transcendence, liberation, and humanization, the provisions of the CK Law, which no longer involve the role of the Administrative Court and h...
Advances in social science, education and humanities research, 2023
Advances in social science, education and humanities research, 2023
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains
This article discusses the role of the Police Security Intelligence Unit in maintaining security ... more This article discusses the role of the Police Security Intelligence Unit in maintaining security and helping uncover criminal acts. The study focuses on the duties and functions of the Blora Police Security Intelligence Unit, as well as the obstacles it faces in carrying out its duties. The research concludes that the Blora Police Satintelkam faces several obstacles due to the insufficient number of personnel and lack of necessary facilities. The article suggests that the Blora Police should consider adding more personnel to the Satintelkam and improving its facilities to make it more effective in tackling crime in the Blora Regency area.
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains
Indonesia is a constitutional state with laws governing all aspects of social life, including the... more Indonesia is a constitutional state with laws governing all aspects of social life, including the Indonesian National Police (Polri), which is responsible for maintaining public order and security, law enforcement, protection, and service to the community. To enhance community policing, Polri adopted the concept of "Polmas" in 2005. A study was conducted in Sempu Village, Kunduran District, Blora Regency, to examine the obstacles and efforts in maintaining security and order by the Bhabinkamtibmas unit. Bhabinkamtibmas carries out duties and functions, such as Sambang and appeal activities, and visits to the community. The study found that the Bhabinkamtibmas unit faces obstacles such as low human resources and dual duties. To overcome these obstacles, structured approaches to the community were taken, including inviting the community to chat and attend counseling activities, leading to better communication and gathering of information from the community
PLEDOI (Jurnal Hukum dan Keadilan)
The use of electronic media to function as digital data in making agreements will have an impact ... more The use of electronic media to function as digital data in making agreements will have an impact on the performance of companies that carry out their activities using electronic media such as the internet, but agreements made via the internet do not mean they do not cause problems. This problem is with the development of crime that utilizes the internet network, namely the rise of fraud via the internet, especially in online transactions. The government's efforts to provide consumer protection have been reflected in the establishment of Law No. 6 of 19999 concerning Consumer Protection. Where it has been regulated regarding the rights and obligations of consumers. In addition, there are rights and obligations for the seller. Therefore the authors are interested in conducting research with the title "Legal Protection of Consumers who are disadvantaged in buying and selling transactions of goods at online shops". The formulation of this problem is How to Legal Protection...
IBLAM Law Review, Jan 30, 2023
The justice collaborator map itself is to dismantle and destroy these organized crime groups, nam... more The justice collaborator map itself is to dismantle and destroy these organized crime groups, namely to dig up information about who are the main actors in the crimes they commit, to find out the organizational structure of organized crime, and to find out activities and flows as well as records of funds in crimes committed. conducted. Problems (1) Basis for determining a person's law as a justice collaborator. (2) The judge's considerations in determining someone as a justice collaborator, the research objective to be achieved is to analyze apart from placing justice collaborators in disclosing criminal acts, as well as what legal judges consider in determining the status of justice collaborators. The legal basis for determining a person's status as a justice collaborator in Indonesia, for now, can be seen in many laws and regulations, including the Criminal Procedure Code as well as Law Number 31 of 2014 Concerning the Protection of Witnesses and Victims. The technical regulations for determining justice are SEMA Number 4 of 2011 concerning the Treatment of Whistleblowers and Witness Collaborators in Certain Crimes. Then in the Joint Regulation between Law Enforcement and LPSK concerning Protection for Whistleblowers, Reporting Witnesses and Cooperating Witnesses. The judge's considerations in determining someone as a collaborator of justice are that the perpetrator witness is not the main actor, the perpetrator must be able to reveal the crime effectively and also reveal other actors who also contributed, and the Public Prosecutor must write in his indictment the roles of the people presented by the perpetrator. .
COMSERVA Indonesian Jurnal of Community Services and Development
Complete Systematic Land Registration (PTSL) is a Land Registration activity for the first time w... more Complete Systematic Land Registration (PTSL) is a Land Registration activity for the first time which is carried out simultaneously for all Land Registration objects throughout the territory of the Republic of Indonesia in one village/kelurahan area. The purpose of this study was to determine the implementation of the Complete Systematic Land Registration (PTSL) program in Sukorejo, Tunjungan District and to find out the factors that became obstacles in the implementation of the Complete Systematic Land Registration (PTSL) program. The method in this research is a juridical method. The normative juridical method is based on the main legal materials to conduct research on relevant theories, concepts, legal principles and laws and regulations. The specification in this research is descriptive analysis. Sources of data used in this study are primary data and secondary data. The results of this study The implementation of the Complete Systematic Land Registration (PTSL) program has been...
Artikel ini membahas tentang ombudsman, yaitu organisasi negara yang memiliki kekuasaan untuk men... more Artikel ini membahas tentang ombudsman, yaitu organisasi negara yang memiliki kekuasaan untuk mengawasi kinerja pelayanan publik. Sebagai lembaga kontrol eksternal, ombudsman bertujuan untuk mencegah dan memantau kasus pelanggaran oleh penyedia layanan publik yang menyimpang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kedudukan Ombudsman dalam sistem ketatanegaraan di Indonesia dan kinerja fungsi pengawasan Ombudsman terhadap kinerja pelayanan publik berdasarkan undang-undang Nomor 37 Tahun 2008 tentang Ombudsman Republik Cina Republik Indonesia dan Undang-Undang Nomor 25 Tahun 2009 tentang Pelayanan Publik. Penelitian ini menggunakan metodologi hukum dengan metode pengumpulan data dari studi kepustakaan. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa ombudsman menjalankan fungsi pengawasan kinerja pelayanan publik melalui mekanisme mulai dari menerima laporan dari masyarakat, memantau laporan, melakukan investigasi dan terakhir merumuskan rekomendasi.
TikTok adalah sebuah aplikasi video pendek. Penggunaan lagu dalam aplikasi ini bisa menuai masala... more TikTok adalah sebuah aplikasi video pendek. Penggunaan lagu dalam aplikasi ini bisa menuai masalah ketika pengguna menggunakan karya cipta pencipta lagu tanpa izin. Pada hak cipta lagu, terdapat hak ekonomi dan hak moral yang diberikan kepada pencipta. Hak ini menjelaskan prinsip bahwa setiap individu memiliki kewajiban dalam menghargai karya ciptaan orang lain. Oleh karena itu penelitian ini ingin mengetahui bagaimana perlindungan hukum terhadap pencipta lagu yang karyanya dipakai di aplikasi TikTok dan upaya yang dilakukan untuk mengatasi pemakaian lagu tanpa izin. Penelitian yang digunakan adalah yuridis normatif, dengan spesifikasi penelitian ini adalah deskriptif analitis. Bahan hukum primer dalam penelitian ini adalah Undang-Undang Dasar 1945, Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Perdata, dan Undang-Undang Nomor 24 tahun 2014, sedangkan bahan hukum sekunder adalah hasil wawancara di Kementerian Hukum dan HAM. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah perlindungan hukum terhadap pencipta lagu dapa...
Faculty of Economics, May 14, 2011
Budgets are an integral part of the process can not progress the development of a region, a good ... more Budgets are an integral part of the process can not progress the development of a region, a good report and the budget calculation in accordance with the principles of public sector budget is needed by society to be able to assess local government performance and improve the welfare of the community. In this case the object is Kediri, which has been able to optimally utilize the potential of their regions, to encourage local governments to make appropriate policy targets. The purpose of this research is to know the Admission and outcome performance comparison between the Actual with Budget at Budget Kabupten Kediri Year 2006-2007, and to know the structure of Calculation Report Kediri Regency Year 2006-2007 budget. Based on the results of this research analysis, the performance of local government of Kediri District is not good enough. Unable to successfully meet the budget that has been budgeted. For that the local government should strive to reduce dependence on external funding sources, either through optimization of existing revenue sources, or by asking for broader authority to manage other revenue sources which, until now still controlled by central or provincial levels. Motor Vehicle Tax for example.
Essential principle within business world definitely would be maximizing profit and minimizing ca... more Essential principle within business world definitely would be maximizing profit and minimizing capital. Hence many companies would struggleand develop their own ways to avoid taxes as much as they could. Tax avoidance which is taken illegally would disrupt government's revenue indeed. This paper discusses normative juridical approach to examine problems as 1. How does transfer pricing documents could help to diagnose tax avoidance practice within companies? 2. How to prevent the occurrence of transfer pricing's shortcomings? This would highlight the transfer pricing's existence to eliminate illegal practice of tax avoidancewithin multinational companies and some methods to prevent the shortcomings of transfer pricing. The results shows that 1. transfer Pricing documents are useful for diagnosing tax avoidance practices in multinational companies through an analysis of fairness and business practice and 2. in order to prevent deficiencies in Transfer Pricing documents, th...
Kedudukan penggugat (orang atau badan hukum perdata) dalam Hukum Acara Peradilan Tata Usaha Negar... more Kedudukan penggugat (orang atau badan hukum perdata) dalam Hukum Acara Peradilan Tata Usaha Negara di Indonesia selalu dalam posisi yang jauh lemah bila dibandingkan dengan Tergugat (Badan atau pejabat tata usaha negara), hal ini dikarenakan tergugat menguasai segala aspek hukum yang berkaitan dengan obyek gugatan, juga dikarenakan tergugat memiliki fasilitas, kemampuan keuangan dan kemampuan pengetahuan. Kondisi yang tidak seimbang inilah yang kemudian di dalam Hukum Acara Peradilan Tata Usaha di Indonesia dikenal dengan adanya azas litis domini atau azas keatifan hakim yang bertujuan untuk menyeimbangkan kedudukan antara Penggugat dan tergugat sehingga tercipta perlindungan hukum bagi Penggugat atau warga negara.
Keterlibatan aparatur sipil negara (ASN) dalam Pemilukada, dampaknya sangat mengkhawatirkan masya... more Keterlibatan aparatur sipil negara (ASN) dalam Pemilukada, dampaknya sangat mengkhawatirkan masyarakat luas. Hal ini terjadi karena adanya penggunaan sumber daya manusia (SDM) yang ada di dalam institusi birokrasi tersebut. SDM kaum birokrat tersebut dapat memainkan peran ganda dalam melakukan aksi kejahatan birokrasinya, bila dibandingkan dengan potensi pelanyalahgunaan sumber daya lainnya. Rumusan permasalahan dalam penelitian ini yaitu: 1) Apa saja bentuk keterlibatan Aparatur Sipil Negara (ASN) dalam pemilihan gubernur Jawa Tengah tahun 2018? 2) Bagaimana kebijakan Polda Jawa Tengah dalam penanganan kasus keterlibatan Aparatur Sipil Negara (ASN) dalam pemilihan gubernur Jawa Tengah tahun 2018? 3. Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi penanganan kasus keterlibatan Aparatur Sipil Negara (ASN) dalam pemilihan gubernur Jawa Tengah tahun 2018 oleh Polda Jawa Tengah?. Penulis menggunakan pendekatan yuridis normatif. Pendekatan yuridis normatif adalah pendekatan yang dilakukan berdasarkan ba...
Proceedings of the International Conference on Law, Economics and Health (ICLEH 2020), 2020
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Globalization of Law and Local Wisdom (ICGLOW 2019), 2019
Pasal 2 UU No. 32 Tahun 2002 tentang Penyiaran menyatakan bahwa penyiaran diselenggarakan berdasa... more Pasal 2 UU No. 32 Tahun 2002 tentang Penyiaran menyatakan bahwa penyiaran diselenggarakan berdasarkan Pancasila dan UUD 1945 dengan asas manfaat, adil dan merata, kepastian hukum, keamanan, keberagaman, kemitraan, etika, kemandirian, kebebasan, dan tanggung jawab. Untuk mewujudkan asas tersebut salahsatunya yang diatur dalam UU Nomor 32 Tahun 2002 adalah dibentuknya Komisi Penyiaran Indonesia ( KPI) yang terdiri dari Komisi Penyiaran Indonesia Pusat dan Komisi Penyiaran Indonesia Daerah. Menggunakan metode pendekatan yuridis normative, tulisan konseptual ini membahas peran KPI dalam merawat dan menjaga keberagaman Indonesia. KPI dengan kewenangan yang dimiliki yaitu menetapkan standar program siaran; menyusun peraturan dan menetapkan pedoman perilaku penyiaran; mengawasi pelaksanaan peraturan dan pedoman perilaku penyiaran serta standar program siaran; memberikan sanksi terhadap pelanggaran peraturan dan pedoman perilaku penyiaran serta standar program siaran, melakukan koordinasi d...
Jurnal ilmiah hukum dan dinamika masyarakat, Apr 28, 2022
The purpose and objective of supervision is to prevent or correct errors, irregularities, non-com... more The purpose and objective of supervision is to prevent or correct errors, irregularities, non-compliance with the implementation plan and others that are not in accordance with the assigned duties and authorities. So that the results of the implementation of the work are obtained accurately, efficiently and successfully in accordance with the 1 predetermined plan. The supervision carried out by the DPRD on the follow-up to the audit report by the BPK is very important to realize good regional governance, a government free from corruption, collusion and nepotism, as well as evaluation material for the use of regional finance and regional financial reports. recommendations by BPK as a manifestation of the need for improvement in the presentation of reports by regional governments, so that there is an obligation to regional governments to implement recommendations from BPK
Lembaga Swadaya Masyarakat (LSM) is a local term that appeared in Indonesia to replace the term O... more Lembaga Swadaya Masyarakat (LSM) is a local term that appeared in Indonesia to replace the term Ornop as a translation of Non-Governmental Organization (NGO). NGO together with the government and the private sector have a role to play in realizing good governance. Because of the strategic role of the NGO, it also requires good governance for NGO so that in the process of manifesting their roles can be accounted for to the community.The approach used to solve problems in scientific articles in the form of conceptual thinking uses normative approach methods, with skunder data sources, which are primary, skunder and tertiary legal materials. Law No. 14 of 2008 on Public Information Disclosure, classifies that non-governmental organizations whose sources of financing come from all or as from the State Budget/APBD, community donations, and/or foreign aid are public bodies. As a public body, NGO have an obligation to provide public information that is periodic, immediately and at any time that is easily accessible to the public. The urgency of transparency in the management of NGO can be seen from philosophical, juridical and sociological aspects. With the transparency of NGO management, there will be no more suspicions about NGO in Indonesia.
Jurnal IUS Kajian Hukum dan Keadilan
The positive fictitious principle in the Law No. 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation (CK Law) exis... more The positive fictitious principle in the Law No. 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation (CK Law) exists to facilitate investment and simplify licensing. However, the provisions in the CK Law, which exclude the role of the Administrative Court in fictitious applications have the potential to cause injustice and legal uncertainty in society. That research focuses on examining the positive fictitious principle's existence after the CK Law's enactment in the paradigm of prophetic law. The paradigm of prophetic regulation was chosen in this study as an effort to explore the theological (divine) and human dimensions in positive fictitious formulations as in CK Law. This research is a normative legal type of research with a concept and statutory approach. The results of the study confirm that in terms of the three aspects of prophetic law, namely transcendence, liberation, and humanization, the provisions of the CK Law, which no longer involve the role of the Administrative Court and h...
Advances in social science, education and humanities research, 2023
Advances in social science, education and humanities research, 2023
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains
This article discusses the role of the Police Security Intelligence Unit in maintaining security ... more This article discusses the role of the Police Security Intelligence Unit in maintaining security and helping uncover criminal acts. The study focuses on the duties and functions of the Blora Police Security Intelligence Unit, as well as the obstacles it faces in carrying out its duties. The research concludes that the Blora Police Satintelkam faces several obstacles due to the insufficient number of personnel and lack of necessary facilities. The article suggests that the Blora Police should consider adding more personnel to the Satintelkam and improving its facilities to make it more effective in tackling crime in the Blora Regency area.
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains
Indonesia is a constitutional state with laws governing all aspects of social life, including the... more Indonesia is a constitutional state with laws governing all aspects of social life, including the Indonesian National Police (Polri), which is responsible for maintaining public order and security, law enforcement, protection, and service to the community. To enhance community policing, Polri adopted the concept of "Polmas" in 2005. A study was conducted in Sempu Village, Kunduran District, Blora Regency, to examine the obstacles and efforts in maintaining security and order by the Bhabinkamtibmas unit. Bhabinkamtibmas carries out duties and functions, such as Sambang and appeal activities, and visits to the community. The study found that the Bhabinkamtibmas unit faces obstacles such as low human resources and dual duties. To overcome these obstacles, structured approaches to the community were taken, including inviting the community to chat and attend counseling activities, leading to better communication and gathering of information from the community
PLEDOI (Jurnal Hukum dan Keadilan)
The use of electronic media to function as digital data in making agreements will have an impact ... more The use of electronic media to function as digital data in making agreements will have an impact on the performance of companies that carry out their activities using electronic media such as the internet, but agreements made via the internet do not mean they do not cause problems. This problem is with the development of crime that utilizes the internet network, namely the rise of fraud via the internet, especially in online transactions. The government's efforts to provide consumer protection have been reflected in the establishment of Law No. 6 of 19999 concerning Consumer Protection. Where it has been regulated regarding the rights and obligations of consumers. In addition, there are rights and obligations for the seller. Therefore the authors are interested in conducting research with the title "Legal Protection of Consumers who are disadvantaged in buying and selling transactions of goods at online shops". The formulation of this problem is How to Legal Protection...
IBLAM Law Review, Jan 30, 2023
The justice collaborator map itself is to dismantle and destroy these organized crime groups, nam... more The justice collaborator map itself is to dismantle and destroy these organized crime groups, namely to dig up information about who are the main actors in the crimes they commit, to find out the organizational structure of organized crime, and to find out activities and flows as well as records of funds in crimes committed. conducted. Problems (1) Basis for determining a person's law as a justice collaborator. (2) The judge's considerations in determining someone as a justice collaborator, the research objective to be achieved is to analyze apart from placing justice collaborators in disclosing criminal acts, as well as what legal judges consider in determining the status of justice collaborators. The legal basis for determining a person's status as a justice collaborator in Indonesia, for now, can be seen in many laws and regulations, including the Criminal Procedure Code as well as Law Number 31 of 2014 Concerning the Protection of Witnesses and Victims. The technical regulations for determining justice are SEMA Number 4 of 2011 concerning the Treatment of Whistleblowers and Witness Collaborators in Certain Crimes. Then in the Joint Regulation between Law Enforcement and LPSK concerning Protection for Whistleblowers, Reporting Witnesses and Cooperating Witnesses. The judge's considerations in determining someone as a collaborator of justice are that the perpetrator witness is not the main actor, the perpetrator must be able to reveal the crime effectively and also reveal other actors who also contributed, and the Public Prosecutor must write in his indictment the roles of the people presented by the perpetrator. .
COMSERVA Indonesian Jurnal of Community Services and Development
Complete Systematic Land Registration (PTSL) is a Land Registration activity for the first time w... more Complete Systematic Land Registration (PTSL) is a Land Registration activity for the first time which is carried out simultaneously for all Land Registration objects throughout the territory of the Republic of Indonesia in one village/kelurahan area. The purpose of this study was to determine the implementation of the Complete Systematic Land Registration (PTSL) program in Sukorejo, Tunjungan District and to find out the factors that became obstacles in the implementation of the Complete Systematic Land Registration (PTSL) program. The method in this research is a juridical method. The normative juridical method is based on the main legal materials to conduct research on relevant theories, concepts, legal principles and laws and regulations. The specification in this research is descriptive analysis. Sources of data used in this study are primary data and secondary data. The results of this study The implementation of the Complete Systematic Land Registration (PTSL) program has been...
Artikel ini membahas tentang ombudsman, yaitu organisasi negara yang memiliki kekuasaan untuk men... more Artikel ini membahas tentang ombudsman, yaitu organisasi negara yang memiliki kekuasaan untuk mengawasi kinerja pelayanan publik. Sebagai lembaga kontrol eksternal, ombudsman bertujuan untuk mencegah dan memantau kasus pelanggaran oleh penyedia layanan publik yang menyimpang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kedudukan Ombudsman dalam sistem ketatanegaraan di Indonesia dan kinerja fungsi pengawasan Ombudsman terhadap kinerja pelayanan publik berdasarkan undang-undang Nomor 37 Tahun 2008 tentang Ombudsman Republik Cina Republik Indonesia dan Undang-Undang Nomor 25 Tahun 2009 tentang Pelayanan Publik. Penelitian ini menggunakan metodologi hukum dengan metode pengumpulan data dari studi kepustakaan. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa ombudsman menjalankan fungsi pengawasan kinerja pelayanan publik melalui mekanisme mulai dari menerima laporan dari masyarakat, memantau laporan, melakukan investigasi dan terakhir merumuskan rekomendasi.
TikTok adalah sebuah aplikasi video pendek. Penggunaan lagu dalam aplikasi ini bisa menuai masala... more TikTok adalah sebuah aplikasi video pendek. Penggunaan lagu dalam aplikasi ini bisa menuai masalah ketika pengguna menggunakan karya cipta pencipta lagu tanpa izin. Pada hak cipta lagu, terdapat hak ekonomi dan hak moral yang diberikan kepada pencipta. Hak ini menjelaskan prinsip bahwa setiap individu memiliki kewajiban dalam menghargai karya ciptaan orang lain. Oleh karena itu penelitian ini ingin mengetahui bagaimana perlindungan hukum terhadap pencipta lagu yang karyanya dipakai di aplikasi TikTok dan upaya yang dilakukan untuk mengatasi pemakaian lagu tanpa izin. Penelitian yang digunakan adalah yuridis normatif, dengan spesifikasi penelitian ini adalah deskriptif analitis. Bahan hukum primer dalam penelitian ini adalah Undang-Undang Dasar 1945, Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Perdata, dan Undang-Undang Nomor 24 tahun 2014, sedangkan bahan hukum sekunder adalah hasil wawancara di Kementerian Hukum dan HAM. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah perlindungan hukum terhadap pencipta lagu dapa...
Faculty of Economics, May 14, 2011
Budgets are an integral part of the process can not progress the development of a region, a good ... more Budgets are an integral part of the process can not progress the development of a region, a good report and the budget calculation in accordance with the principles of public sector budget is needed by society to be able to assess local government performance and improve the welfare of the community. In this case the object is Kediri, which has been able to optimally utilize the potential of their regions, to encourage local governments to make appropriate policy targets. The purpose of this research is to know the Admission and outcome performance comparison between the Actual with Budget at Budget Kabupten Kediri Year 2006-2007, and to know the structure of Calculation Report Kediri Regency Year 2006-2007 budget. Based on the results of this research analysis, the performance of local government of Kediri District is not good enough. Unable to successfully meet the budget that has been budgeted. For that the local government should strive to reduce dependence on external funding sources, either through optimization of existing revenue sources, or by asking for broader authority to manage other revenue sources which, until now still controlled by central or provincial levels. Motor Vehicle Tax for example.
Essential principle within business world definitely would be maximizing profit and minimizing ca... more Essential principle within business world definitely would be maximizing profit and minimizing capital. Hence many companies would struggleand develop their own ways to avoid taxes as much as they could. Tax avoidance which is taken illegally would disrupt government's revenue indeed. This paper discusses normative juridical approach to examine problems as 1. How does transfer pricing documents could help to diagnose tax avoidance practice within companies? 2. How to prevent the occurrence of transfer pricing's shortcomings? This would highlight the transfer pricing's existence to eliminate illegal practice of tax avoidancewithin multinational companies and some methods to prevent the shortcomings of transfer pricing. The results shows that 1. transfer Pricing documents are useful for diagnosing tax avoidance practices in multinational companies through an analysis of fairness and business practice and 2. in order to prevent deficiencies in Transfer Pricing documents, th...
Kedudukan penggugat (orang atau badan hukum perdata) dalam Hukum Acara Peradilan Tata Usaha Negar... more Kedudukan penggugat (orang atau badan hukum perdata) dalam Hukum Acara Peradilan Tata Usaha Negara di Indonesia selalu dalam posisi yang jauh lemah bila dibandingkan dengan Tergugat (Badan atau pejabat tata usaha negara), hal ini dikarenakan tergugat menguasai segala aspek hukum yang berkaitan dengan obyek gugatan, juga dikarenakan tergugat memiliki fasilitas, kemampuan keuangan dan kemampuan pengetahuan. Kondisi yang tidak seimbang inilah yang kemudian di dalam Hukum Acara Peradilan Tata Usaha di Indonesia dikenal dengan adanya azas litis domini atau azas keatifan hakim yang bertujuan untuk menyeimbangkan kedudukan antara Penggugat dan tergugat sehingga tercipta perlindungan hukum bagi Penggugat atau warga negara.
Keterlibatan aparatur sipil negara (ASN) dalam Pemilukada, dampaknya sangat mengkhawatirkan masya... more Keterlibatan aparatur sipil negara (ASN) dalam Pemilukada, dampaknya sangat mengkhawatirkan masyarakat luas. Hal ini terjadi karena adanya penggunaan sumber daya manusia (SDM) yang ada di dalam institusi birokrasi tersebut. SDM kaum birokrat tersebut dapat memainkan peran ganda dalam melakukan aksi kejahatan birokrasinya, bila dibandingkan dengan potensi pelanyalahgunaan sumber daya lainnya. Rumusan permasalahan dalam penelitian ini yaitu: 1) Apa saja bentuk keterlibatan Aparatur Sipil Negara (ASN) dalam pemilihan gubernur Jawa Tengah tahun 2018? 2) Bagaimana kebijakan Polda Jawa Tengah dalam penanganan kasus keterlibatan Aparatur Sipil Negara (ASN) dalam pemilihan gubernur Jawa Tengah tahun 2018? 3. Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi penanganan kasus keterlibatan Aparatur Sipil Negara (ASN) dalam pemilihan gubernur Jawa Tengah tahun 2018 oleh Polda Jawa Tengah?. Penulis menggunakan pendekatan yuridis normatif. Pendekatan yuridis normatif adalah pendekatan yang dilakukan berdasarkan ba...
Proceedings of the International Conference on Law, Economics and Health (ICLEH 2020), 2020
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Globalization of Law and Local Wisdom (ICGLOW 2019), 2019
Pasal 2 UU No. 32 Tahun 2002 tentang Penyiaran menyatakan bahwa penyiaran diselenggarakan berdasa... more Pasal 2 UU No. 32 Tahun 2002 tentang Penyiaran menyatakan bahwa penyiaran diselenggarakan berdasarkan Pancasila dan UUD 1945 dengan asas manfaat, adil dan merata, kepastian hukum, keamanan, keberagaman, kemitraan, etika, kemandirian, kebebasan, dan tanggung jawab. Untuk mewujudkan asas tersebut salahsatunya yang diatur dalam UU Nomor 32 Tahun 2002 adalah dibentuknya Komisi Penyiaran Indonesia ( KPI) yang terdiri dari Komisi Penyiaran Indonesia Pusat dan Komisi Penyiaran Indonesia Daerah. Menggunakan metode pendekatan yuridis normative, tulisan konseptual ini membahas peran KPI dalam merawat dan menjaga keberagaman Indonesia. KPI dengan kewenangan yang dimiliki yaitu menetapkan standar program siaran; menyusun peraturan dan menetapkan pedoman perilaku penyiaran; mengawasi pelaksanaan peraturan dan pedoman perilaku penyiaran serta standar program siaran; memberikan sanksi terhadap pelanggaran peraturan dan pedoman perilaku penyiaran serta standar program siaran, melakukan koordinasi d...