ficreviewrants - Profile (original) (raw)
Note: Due to the annoying number of troll/spam/bot posts, the community membership is now moderated. If you're not a troll, spammer or bot, that is, if your LJ looks legit, you'll be approved, so no worries.
I figured, due to the vast number of review rants over on fanficrants that a community for ranting about stupid/pointless/not-related-to-fic-in-question/WTF-worthy reviews people have gotten on their fanfics. Thus, this comm was born.
Note: The review you rant about does not have to be one you receive on one of your own pieces. It can be any rude/impolite/WTF review that you catch online and get ranty over.
Here are the Rules:
We are a rant community, yes, but unnecessary wank/hatefulness is not appreciated.
Tearing the review apart is okay. Attacking the OP is not. Mentioning an error in said rant or stating that "This isn't all that rant-worthy" is NOT attacking the OP, so fire away with that. Comments regarding WTF-ery levels are allowed, as are bad puns, horrible one-liners, and pointing out glorious irony.
NSFW rants MUST be placed behind an LJ-cut AND need to include a NSFW warning in the cut title. For info on how to LJ-cut, head here
Do NOT delete your own posts and/or comments UNLESS you have explicit Moderator approval. We're all grown-ups here, we shouldn't need to delete anything because we're embarrassed or don't like the response we get. If you feel a post or comment has been made in error or isn't 'kosher' let one of us know and we'll consider the request for deletion.
Any questions/concerns? You can PM spartanwerewolf any time.