geeze.'s Journal (original) (raw)

nothing but success? [27 Jun 2010|02:48am]
Im so confused. Was all that talk for someone else? Was it just simply that, "talk?"I'm happy for you, and her. and him, and them and they. whomever needs someone to be happy for them, I'm it.sure.I'm not mean, I'm not spiteful. So don't be mean to me, it takes two to tango.
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[02 Oct 2009|05:18am]
i am me. this is all i have, ive only got one character, one persona. as much changing as ive done, i still havent changed.
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bitch session 09 [27 Mar 2009|10:20pm]
monday: found out my license was suspendedtuesday: dan broke up with mewednesday: (dad died a year ago today) bad daythursday: Office depot ruined my porfolio due sunday (so i get to redo the entire thing)friday: xander is feverish and really needs vet attention tonight but i cant do that for him till tuesdayi just cant study. i cant write my biography. im having a hard time focusing on finishing my 2nd portfolio. i cant memorize my speech. i cant stop thinking about how foolish i look to everyone in this town. i cant stop wondering what dan was really thinking. i wish he would have just said no from the beggining. i cant stop missing my dad. i just cannot stop thinking. i need this week to come to a close. i need this month and april to be over.yet thru all of this i wake up every morning and i brave can a person be so emotionally void. its like my feel-battery is dead. someone please take me away from this reality.
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[19 Feb 2009|02:05am]
he is compassionate, strong, independent, gracious, passionate, funny, & gorgeous.and this my friends is only the half of it.i didnt expect thisbut i did get the most beautiful bouquet. and i do have the most delightful feelings.i'm even turning pink in the cheeks now. somebody pinch me.
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[20 Jan 2009|02:45am]
im happy with the man that loves me. im unhappy with the way shawn turner and i handeled thingsim unhappy that david so easily cut me out of his lifeim unhappy with the fact that no none trys to see my side of thingsim okay being the bad guyi hate this fucking towni hate the immaturity brevard breedsi cant stand the lack of communication i cant stand the fact that everyone is so caught up in highschool esq dramai hate the way david and i's relationship turned outi love that im in love with a man that is a good good person through and throughi love that caution was thrown to the wind and happiness was brought to the forefront.
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[10 Dec 2008|03:26am]
nine months since his accident.its all i can seem to think about.well that and the fact that David wont talk to me.but i was in his place more than once, and i Always talked to him.which is probly the very reason im here alone starting a new program. if i am never stagnant i shall never be bored.and i stick to that.Im starting the Paul Mitchell Educators program.after that i want to move? finally?maybe something tragic WONT happen this time.i believe that the truth shall set me free.and i Still dont celebrate christmas.ill fuck it all up in the most spectacular way
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get love [16 Nov 2008|12:40pm]
[ **mood** | complacent ] this life is such a some, lose material things, pawn material slowed down, christmas will speed it up.can you believe its Christmas already?I've got some ideas for the next 2 gonna put it in motion, starting today.Dear friends, help me quit drinking i really need to.(occasionally is okay, everynight is not.)Robby and Ashli were here, now they are not.she is my best friendi wish she would move homeim happy that she is happyshes engagedhopefully they are smart about that.Im offically an Ass of my own kind.someone teach me how to care again?whats in this for me? selfish/selflessi like the way they both sound equallyIm a mess i guess... but i mean, havent i always been?
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[15 Mar 2008|07:44pm]
your flaming feet are burning up the streets.maybe not too little too late. maybe too much too soon.
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[04 Feb 2008|05:22pm]
i am who i am. I'm free, and i wouldnt have it any other way.One of my biggest pet peeves is when someone sends you a text message and then before you can right back they send you another one only the second one is them obviously mad that you havent responded yet. give me a fucking break. i work ALL THE DAMN TIME.another one of my biggest pet peeves is missing clothes. anyone seen my flat/soft/black/tall/7.5 books lately? or my "in love" necklace i got from savannah with lexy. or a pair of lola long skinny dark jeans? i dont know. i just want my things back so if you got my stuff girls hook me up!so im excited to move to NY but im going to miss christina
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[01 Feb 2008|10:11am]
just so all my friends know, we should hang out because im moving out of florida in the next couple months. SUCKA
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[15 Jan 2008|04:56pm]
LA was amazing. i met some amazing people. some beautiful girls, made new friends. Glenn Gordan (professional traveling makeup/hair artist) loves me and leah's haircut. When he comes to Florida to do photoshoots he wants me to do hair and makeup. he also wants me to fly out and assist him next fashion competition he does... AH. i love my life. Ashlea got approached to be on split ends...we'lll see how that goes!
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[06 Jan 2008|07:18pm]
yeahhhhhh....this is where im stayin in LA![Error: Irreparable invalid markup ('<img src\_2c80afaeda.jpg>') in entry. Owner must fix manually. Raw contents below.]yeahhhhhh....this is where im stayin in LA!<img src\_2c80afaeda.jpg>
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[12 Dec 2007|10:46am]
Ahhh. so this is what it feels like. getting to know thyself. surprising. Tonight on my The Dresden Dolls- Backstabber was the first song to shuffle on into my ear drums. Download it, brilliant. "Your fear has made you so creul; rotten to the core." anywhoi cant wait for january. a week in LA i can already feel it. ill travel with my cute matching luggage and my oldskool sunglasses. The director of Barbizon modeling has asked me if i would mind spending the night before i leave for LA at a nice hotel in tallahasse (sp?) and fly out from there instead of Orlando...fine with me! i am also in the process of designing 4 corresponding Harajuku style runway outfits. uhm im STOKED. my life seems to be evolving so quickly right before my eyes. so as it stands Michelle Morice round II is set for opening summer 08 in the new starbucks in palmbay shopping center. linds ash and i get to do the decorating. we're thinking industrial garage type atmosphere... eeep.
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[10 Nov 2007|10:48am]
thank you so much to all my friends who have been 110% helpful with how ive been feeling lately. i love all you guys so much. if you missed the memo... i have gallstones and im doing everything i can to pass them naturally (ouch) so i dont have to have surgery. fuckin hippysjordie i miss you
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[09 Oct 2007|01:31pm]
lately ive been wondering if conquering the world is what i really want. I'll have to act the entire time. the parties have been making me sick lately. i cant drink as much, i always end up regretting the night before. what if a condo on the beach, long wavy brown hair, a good tan and a brand new clothing line that i dedicate my life to is where its at. i need to go back to school its a waste that im not, ive got the brainpower to do anything. i just need to put it to good use instead of squanderin it on my friends regina and larry. overandout
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