Carlos Atanes - The Film-Makers' Cooperative (original) (raw)

Carlos Atanes

Carlos Atanes was born in Barcelona, Spain on 1971 and has been making underground movies since the last century. His work forms a cocktail of dream worlds, black comedy, black comedy, philosophical provocations, ...

The Marvellous World of the Cucu Bird

Carlos Atanes
Digital File, black and white, sound, 19.55 min
Rental format: Digital file

El Tenor Mental (The Mental Tenor)

Carlos Atanes
Digital File, color, sound, 12 min
Rental format: Digital file

The Metamorphosis Of Franz Kafka

Carlos Atanes
Digital, color, sound, 28 min
Rental format: Digital file


Carlos Atanes
Digital, color, sound, 8.25 min
Rental format: Digital file


Carlos Atanes
Digital, color, sound, 81 min
Rental format: Digital file

Scream Queen

Carlos Atanes
Digital File, color, sound, 16.15 min
Rental format: Digital file

Maximum Shame

Carlos Atanes
Digital File, color, sound, 80.18 min
Rental format: Digital file

Gallino, The Chicken System

Carlos Atanes
Digital File, color, sound, 81.43 min
Rental format: Digital file

Napes For An Exhibition

Carlos Atanes
Digital File, color, sound, 2.27 min
Rental format: Digital file

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Carlos Atanes was born in Barcelona, Spain on 1971 and has been making underground movies since the last century. His work forms a cocktail of dream worlds, black comedy, black comedy, philosophical provocations, parallel dimensions, dystopias, narrative transgressions and cultural influences (underground film, viennese actionism, comics, arte povera, esotericism, science fiction, new german cinema...). He has always conceived his work in different media, both narrative and non- fiction, as a tool to explore the interstices and fissures in the walls of consensual reality.