Jovana Milovanovic | University of Belgrade, Faculty of Philology (original) (raw)


Papers by Jovana Milovanovic


Srpski jezik, 2024

The present article discusses orthographic errors in teaching Serbian as an L2 and constitutes pa... more The present article discusses orthographic errors in teaching Serbian as an L2 and constitutes part of a wider ongoing longitudinal study being carried out by the authors with students from the World in Serbia project in recent years. It is of great importance for students to master the orthographic system of the Serbian language; therefore, they are presented with both alphabets of our language, characterized by synchronic digraphia, from the early stages of language learning. According to the descriptors of the Center for Serbian as a Foreign Language (Krajišnik et al. 2022), at A2 level foreign students are expected to learn enough about the written language so that they can use both Cyrillic and Latin alphabets, distinguish articulatory differences between phonemes, and write an appropriate grapheme for each phoneme. Our research aims to list, classify, and categorize the most common errors of 201 foreign students with different linguistic backgrounds. In conducting the present research, we used the descriptive method, as well as the methods of theoretical analysis and contrastive analysis. The participants were divided into eight categories, according to the official languages of their respective countries. The errors were extracted based on a task given to the students as part of the final exam for the A2 language course. The authors offer an overview of common errors, compare them to a previous study (Milovanović and Stojičić 2023) and consider pedagogical implications aimed at improving this segment of teaching Serbian as a second language.

Research paper thumbnail of Research is Back: Handbook on Academic Writing for Students of Humanities

Research is Back Handbook on Academic Writing for Students of Humanities, 2023

Learning process at all educational levels, and even more so in the master's and PhD programs, im... more Learning process at all educational levels, and even more so in the master's and PhD programs, implies high levels of not only expertise in the academic knowledge of both educators and their students, but also interpersonal communicative competence and capacity for team work. Moreover, it is always a chance for personal growth and academic maturation of all members of the advanced learning communities. The way which leads to the final outcome of graduate programs is always paved with challenges. It exposes our vulnerabilities and shortcomings (both as educators and as students) on emotional, psychological, social and cognitive levels. However, if understood and carried out properly it makes us not only better scientists but also better human beings. The fact that teaching and learning processes are always connected to our personal and academic experiences is not a recent development: "we learn from books or the sayings of others only as they are related to experiences" (Dewey, 1907: 31). Therefore, academic maturation is also "integral to the capacity for reflection on the world, on the human position in the world, and on the human power to transform the world" (

Research paper thumbnail of Uloga udžbeničkih rečnika u nastavi francuskog i italijanskog kao stranog jezika

Primenjena lingvistika, 2022

Dictionaries can be a valuable tool in the process of acquiring a foreign language, as well as an... more Dictionaries can be a valuable tool in the process of acquiring a foreign language, as well as an important element of mediation. Based on an analysis of 7 French L2 textbooks and 5 Italian L2 textbooks approved by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Advancement of the Republic of Serbia for B1 level, it is clear that textbook dictionaries are often integrated in course material. Textbook dictionaries can be presented as an integral part of a textbook, workbook or as an additional online resource. Some textbooks do not have a dictionary in any of these forms. Furthermore, textbook dictionaries can be monolingual or bilingual, often depending on the publisher, as international publishers tend to offer monolingual dictionaries that can be used in different countries. This aspect also depends on the size of the market and the number of students learning a language, as more wide-spread languages have more developed textbook dictionaries when compared to languages with a more modest number of learners, as is the case with Italian. Most textbook dictionaries include some grammatical information as well as labels for non-standard words. Pronunciation is rarely included. Based on a survey among 34 French and Italian teachers, it is possible to conclude that textbook dictionaries are not used in the classroom, but they can be a valuable tool facilitating learning. When used, it is important to exploit them throughout different activities in order to help students develop a habit of leaning on dictionaries as learning aids. Moreover, our study shows that activities including dictionaries are rarely evaluated. It is of great value to include them in the evaluation process as to provide students with sufficient feedback. Lastly, it is necessary to state that dictionaries should no longer be considered as a prohibited learning material, nor should it be the primary material for learning new vocabulary. In line with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, classroom activities should be oriented towards learning in context and developing various language skills. Certain skills, such as mediation, can be the perfect opportunity for using dictionaries in an interesting and purposeful manner.

Research paper thumbnail of Ortografske greške u nastavi srpskog kao stranog jezika

Srpski kao strani u teoriji i praksi V, 2023

На самом почетку учења српског као страног језика инострани студенти се сусрећу са новим фонолошк... more На самом почетку учења српског као страног језика инострани студенти се сусрећу са новим фонолошким системом. Овладавање ортографским системом страног језика важан је чинилац приликом учења сваког језика. Српски језик се одликује синхроном диграфијом, што значи да страни студенти већ на почетку учења морају савладати и ћирилично и латинично писмо. Поред тога што је страним студентима ближа латиница, Брборић (2016: 122) наглашава да је потребно да се полазници курсева упознају са оба писма српског језика, истичући да се из функционалних разлога мора што раније овладати и ћириличним писмом. Када је реч о правилној артикулацији гласова, Крајишник и Маринковић (2009: 29) истичу да је веома важно да студенти праве дистинкцију међу гласовима на А2 нивоу, као и да буду способни да их напишу користећи одговарајуће словне карактере. С тим у вези, овај рад се бави анализом ортографских грешака 193 страна студента, који су током летњег семестра 2021/2022. године похађали наставу српског као страног језика у оквиру пројекта „Свет у Србији”. Будући да студенти долазе из 38 земаља, приметан је утицај њихових матерњих и школских језика на усвајање ортографских начела савременог српског језика. Након представљеног теоријско-методолошког оквира, аутори анализирају корпус тестова на А2 нивоу ЗЕОЈ-а, одн. вежбе диктата и транскрипције текста са латинице на ћирилицу. Циљ овога рада је да се утврди типологија најчешћих грешака, будући да такав приступ може допринети унапређењу наставе српског као страног језика.



This article reports on the findings of an empirical study of cross-linguistic lexical in- fluenc... more This article reports on the findings of an empirical study of cross-linguistic lexical in- fluence on the comprehension of cognates in Serbian and French, Italian or German language on one hand and non-cognates on the other hand. The lexical items chosen for the study are con- sidered to belong to academic vocabulary. The participants are third and forth-year undergrad- uate students of French, Italian and German language respectively. They are all native speakers of Serbian language and speak English and at least one more foreign language. The participants took a multiple-choice test consisting of four types of words based on their formal similarities between Serbian and the three analysed L2 languages. Based on the results obtained in the study, we discuss cross-linguistic influence of foreign lexis on comprehension of words in participants’ L1, with special attention to both positive and negative effects of such an influence. We argue that multilingualism can be an important factor in the comprehension of academic vocabulary and can facilitate manipulation with this specific type of lexis.

Research paper thumbnail of Online Assessment in the Light of Covid-19-Imposed Changes in Higher Education in Serbia

Живи језици : часопис за стране језике и књижевности, 2021

In this article, we present a qualitative analysis of online learning environments set up in resp... more In this article, we present a qualitative analysis of online learning environments set up in response to the pandemic-induced lock down in higher education institutions in Serbia. The focus is on competence-based assessment approaches and the possibility of their implementation in higher education in Serbia. Through interviews with six teachers, we aim to outline some characteristics of higher education online courses and platforms used. Furthermore, we discuss the means of extending these approaches as to include online assessment. We also analyze prerequisites and issues in online assessment in the examined context. We argue that assessment in higher education is in a need of a profound change and could greatly benefit from the implementation of peer and self-assessment.


Lipar, 2020

Предмет овог рада је истраживање академског вокабулара српског језика код изворних говорника. Как... more Предмет овог рада је истраживање академског вокабулара српског језика код изворних говорника. Како академски вокабулар представља један од кључних елемената академског језика, сиромашан фонд речи овог типа и неразвијене академске језичке компетенције могу бити кључан фактор у проблемима са разумевањем текста и језичком продукцијом. Рад се заснива на опису резултата испитивања познавања академског вокабулара код студената Филолошког факултета на основним студијама. У истраживању је коришћен упитник од 12 речи са отвореним одговорима. Циљ истраживања је да прикаже проблеме у познавању академског вокабулара и одговори на питање да ли студенти на вишим годинама студија боље владају овом лексиком, те да ли порекло речи има утицаја на успех у препознавању одабраних речи. Најзад, у раду се истиче неопходност увођења академског језика у курикулуме у школском и високошколском образовању.


Zivi jezici, 2021

In this article, we present a qualitative analysis of online learning environ-ments set up in res... more In this article, we present a qualitative analysis of online learning environ-ments set up in response to the pandemic-induced lock down in higher education institutions in Serbia. The focus is on competence-based assessment approaches and the possibility of their implementation in higher education in Serbia. Through interviews with six teachers, we aim to outline some characteristics of higher education online courses and platforms used. Furthermore, we discuss the means of extending these approaches as to include online assessment. We also analyze prerequisites and issues in online assessment in the examined context. We argue that assessment in higher education is in a need of a profound change and could greatly benefit from the implementation of peer and self-assessment.


Srpski jezik, 2024

The present article discusses orthographic errors in teaching Serbian as an L2 and constitutes pa... more The present article discusses orthographic errors in teaching Serbian as an L2 and constitutes part of a wider ongoing longitudinal study being carried out by the authors with students from the World in Serbia project in recent years. It is of great importance for students to master the orthographic system of the Serbian language; therefore, they are presented with both alphabets of our language, characterized by synchronic digraphia, from the early stages of language learning. According to the descriptors of the Center for Serbian as a Foreign Language (Krajišnik et al. 2022), at A2 level foreign students are expected to learn enough about the written language so that they can use both Cyrillic and Latin alphabets, distinguish articulatory differences between phonemes, and write an appropriate grapheme for each phoneme. Our research aims to list, classify, and categorize the most common errors of 201 foreign students with different linguistic backgrounds. In conducting the present research, we used the descriptive method, as well as the methods of theoretical analysis and contrastive analysis. The participants were divided into eight categories, according to the official languages of their respective countries. The errors were extracted based on a task given to the students as part of the final exam for the A2 language course. The authors offer an overview of common errors, compare them to a previous study (Milovanović and Stojičić 2023) and consider pedagogical implications aimed at improving this segment of teaching Serbian as a second language.

Research paper thumbnail of Research is Back: Handbook on Academic Writing for Students of Humanities

Research is Back Handbook on Academic Writing for Students of Humanities, 2023

Learning process at all educational levels, and even more so in the master's and PhD programs, im... more Learning process at all educational levels, and even more so in the master's and PhD programs, implies high levels of not only expertise in the academic knowledge of both educators and their students, but also interpersonal communicative competence and capacity for team work. Moreover, it is always a chance for personal growth and academic maturation of all members of the advanced learning communities. The way which leads to the final outcome of graduate programs is always paved with challenges. It exposes our vulnerabilities and shortcomings (both as educators and as students) on emotional, psychological, social and cognitive levels. However, if understood and carried out properly it makes us not only better scientists but also better human beings. The fact that teaching and learning processes are always connected to our personal and academic experiences is not a recent development: "we learn from books or the sayings of others only as they are related to experiences" (Dewey, 1907: 31). Therefore, academic maturation is also "integral to the capacity for reflection on the world, on the human position in the world, and on the human power to transform the world" (

Research paper thumbnail of Uloga udžbeničkih rečnika u nastavi francuskog i italijanskog kao stranog jezika

Primenjena lingvistika, 2022

Dictionaries can be a valuable tool in the process of acquiring a foreign language, as well as an... more Dictionaries can be a valuable tool in the process of acquiring a foreign language, as well as an important element of mediation. Based on an analysis of 7 French L2 textbooks and 5 Italian L2 textbooks approved by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Advancement of the Republic of Serbia for B1 level, it is clear that textbook dictionaries are often integrated in course material. Textbook dictionaries can be presented as an integral part of a textbook, workbook or as an additional online resource. Some textbooks do not have a dictionary in any of these forms. Furthermore, textbook dictionaries can be monolingual or bilingual, often depending on the publisher, as international publishers tend to offer monolingual dictionaries that can be used in different countries. This aspect also depends on the size of the market and the number of students learning a language, as more wide-spread languages have more developed textbook dictionaries when compared to languages with a more modest number of learners, as is the case with Italian. Most textbook dictionaries include some grammatical information as well as labels for non-standard words. Pronunciation is rarely included. Based on a survey among 34 French and Italian teachers, it is possible to conclude that textbook dictionaries are not used in the classroom, but they can be a valuable tool facilitating learning. When used, it is important to exploit them throughout different activities in order to help students develop a habit of leaning on dictionaries as learning aids. Moreover, our study shows that activities including dictionaries are rarely evaluated. It is of great value to include them in the evaluation process as to provide students with sufficient feedback. Lastly, it is necessary to state that dictionaries should no longer be considered as a prohibited learning material, nor should it be the primary material for learning new vocabulary. In line with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, classroom activities should be oriented towards learning in context and developing various language skills. Certain skills, such as mediation, can be the perfect opportunity for using dictionaries in an interesting and purposeful manner.

Research paper thumbnail of Ortografske greške u nastavi srpskog kao stranog jezika

Srpski kao strani u teoriji i praksi V, 2023

На самом почетку учења српског као страног језика инострани студенти се сусрећу са новим фонолошк... more На самом почетку учења српског као страног језика инострани студенти се сусрећу са новим фонолошким системом. Овладавање ортографским системом страног језика важан је чинилац приликом учења сваког језика. Српски језик се одликује синхроном диграфијом, што значи да страни студенти већ на почетку учења морају савладати и ћирилично и латинично писмо. Поред тога што је страним студентима ближа латиница, Брборић (2016: 122) наглашава да је потребно да се полазници курсева упознају са оба писма српског језика, истичући да се из функционалних разлога мора што раније овладати и ћириличним писмом. Када је реч о правилној артикулацији гласова, Крајишник и Маринковић (2009: 29) истичу да је веома важно да студенти праве дистинкцију међу гласовима на А2 нивоу, као и да буду способни да их напишу користећи одговарајуће словне карактере. С тим у вези, овај рад се бави анализом ортографских грешака 193 страна студента, који су током летњег семестра 2021/2022. године похађали наставу српског као страног језика у оквиру пројекта „Свет у Србији”. Будући да студенти долазе из 38 земаља, приметан је утицај њихових матерњих и школских језика на усвајање ортографских начела савременог српског језика. Након представљеног теоријско-методолошког оквира, аутори анализирају корпус тестова на А2 нивоу ЗЕОЈ-а, одн. вежбе диктата и транскрипције текста са латинице на ћирилицу. Циљ овога рада је да се утврди типологија најчешћих грешака, будући да такав приступ може допринети унапређењу наставе српског као страног језика.



This article reports on the findings of an empirical study of cross-linguistic lexical in- fluenc... more This article reports on the findings of an empirical study of cross-linguistic lexical in- fluence on the comprehension of cognates in Serbian and French, Italian or German language on one hand and non-cognates on the other hand. The lexical items chosen for the study are con- sidered to belong to academic vocabulary. The participants are third and forth-year undergrad- uate students of French, Italian and German language respectively. They are all native speakers of Serbian language and speak English and at least one more foreign language. The participants took a multiple-choice test consisting of four types of words based on their formal similarities between Serbian and the three analysed L2 languages. Based on the results obtained in the study, we discuss cross-linguistic influence of foreign lexis on comprehension of words in participants’ L1, with special attention to both positive and negative effects of such an influence. We argue that multilingualism can be an important factor in the comprehension of academic vocabulary and can facilitate manipulation with this specific type of lexis.

Research paper thumbnail of Online Assessment in the Light of Covid-19-Imposed Changes in Higher Education in Serbia

Живи језици : часопис за стране језике и књижевности, 2021

In this article, we present a qualitative analysis of online learning environments set up in resp... more In this article, we present a qualitative analysis of online learning environments set up in response to the pandemic-induced lock down in higher education institutions in Serbia. The focus is on competence-based assessment approaches and the possibility of their implementation in higher education in Serbia. Through interviews with six teachers, we aim to outline some characteristics of higher education online courses and platforms used. Furthermore, we discuss the means of extending these approaches as to include online assessment. We also analyze prerequisites and issues in online assessment in the examined context. We argue that assessment in higher education is in a need of a profound change and could greatly benefit from the implementation of peer and self-assessment.


Lipar, 2020

Предмет овог рада је истраживање академског вокабулара српског језика код изворних говорника. Как... more Предмет овог рада је истраживање академског вокабулара српског језика код изворних говорника. Како академски вокабулар представља један од кључних елемената академског језика, сиромашан фонд речи овог типа и неразвијене академске језичке компетенције могу бити кључан фактор у проблемима са разумевањем текста и језичком продукцијом. Рад се заснива на опису резултата испитивања познавања академског вокабулара код студената Филолошког факултета на основним студијама. У истраживању је коришћен упитник од 12 речи са отвореним одговорима. Циљ истраживања је да прикаже проблеме у познавању академског вокабулара и одговори на питање да ли студенти на вишим годинама студија боље владају овом лексиком, те да ли порекло речи има утицаја на успех у препознавању одабраних речи. Најзад, у раду се истиче неопходност увођења академског језика у курикулуме у школском и високошколском образовању.


Zivi jezici, 2021

In this article, we present a qualitative analysis of online learning environ-ments set up in res... more In this article, we present a qualitative analysis of online learning environ-ments set up in response to the pandemic-induced lock down in higher education institutions in Serbia. The focus is on competence-based assessment approaches and the possibility of their implementation in higher education in Serbia. Through interviews with six teachers, we aim to outline some characteristics of higher education online courses and platforms used. Furthermore, we discuss the means of extending these approaches as to include online assessment. We also analyze prerequisites and issues in online assessment in the examined context. We argue that assessment in higher education is in a need of a profound change and could greatly benefit from the implementation of peer and self-assessment.