Jelena Djermanov | Faculty of Philosophy Novi Sad (original) (raw)

Papers by Jelena Djermanov

Research paper thumbnail of Students' emotional literacy in the discourse of the contemporary school in Serbia

International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Primary school and preschool teacher motivation for horizontal learning: the challenge and perspective of the professional learning communities development

Research paper thumbnail of Stavovi Učenika Nižih Razreda O Osobinama Svojih Učitelja

Zbornik Odseka za pedagogiju, Nov 17, 2021

Učitelj je ključni faktor uspešnosti promena u vaspitno-obrazovnom radu. Da bi došlo do željene p... more Učitelj je ključni faktor uspešnosti promena u vaspitno-obrazovnom radu. Da bi došlo do željene promene, učitelju/nastavniku su potrebna mišljenja učenika o njegovim osobinama. Ovaj rad prikazuje rezultate empirijskog istraživanje na uzorku od 185 učenika drugog, trećeg, četvrtog i petog razreda, čiji je cilj ispitivanje razlika u stavovima učenika o osobinama svojih učitelja. Model osobina nastavnika koji smo koristili u istraživanju razvio je Nenad Suzić, a to su odnos prema učenicima i nastavi, stil i način rada u nastavi i nastavnik kao ličnost. Ključne reči: osobine, učenici, učitelj UVOD Nastavnik, odnosno učitelj jedan je od najznačajnijih činilaca uspešnosti nastave i obrazovanja. Interesovanje istraživača za osobine nastavnika bilo je prvobitno podstaknuto namerom da se prepoznaju razlike između uspešnih i manje uspešnih nastavnika (Đigić, 2017: 22), da bi se istraživanja sa identifikovanja osobina, ubrzo proširila na relacije, činioce i pokazatelje kvaliteta, efektivnosti i efikasnosti nastavnika i nastave.

Research paper thumbnail of The Gender Dimension in Teacher Education Programs in Serbia

Research paper thumbnail of Horizontal learning and management: Internal potential for developing school into learning community

Inovacije u nastavi

In this paper, teachers' horizontal learning is discussed from the perspective of creating a ... more In this paper, teachers' horizontal learning is discussed from the perspective of creating a stimulating environment for its implementation. The questions of the role and competence of the school principal in that process have been analyzed, as well as the questions of whether and how the school can develop into a learning community by means of teachers' joint collaborative learning. In the main part of the paper, we point out the importance of the systemic approach in understanding the interdependence of individual and organizational learning processes within the school, as well as the key influence of the principal in modeling these processes in the transformation of the school into a learning community. The conclusion is that the complexity of organizational processes aimed at improving quality, which in the school context are much easier to prevent than to start and manage them, implies the appropriate competencies of the principal as a leader and/or manager.


The paper presents initial results of the research on the project: "Inclusive Education: From Ped... more The paper presents initial results of the research on the project: "Inclusive Education: From Pedagogical Concepts to Practice", which is partially funded by the Secretariat for Science and Technological Development of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina. Today, in the global and planetary level, there is a quite obvious impact of the social inclusion, as a leading idea of a contemporary democratic society, on the pedagogical theory and practice in terms of starting orientation and key guidelines of both pedagogical reflection and educational activities. In the scientific-theoretical discourse, such an influence results in the pedagogy of diversities, which basic postulate is that every child can and should learn based on his/her individual capacities and needs, in his/her natural environment, together with other children in the respective inclusive context. In practice, every specific society identifies and tracks changes in education policy through the adoption of new legislation, as well as through the application of pedagogical innovations and creation and other presumptions in order to have as complete implementation of the educational inclusion as possible, i.e. to provide implementation of the right to education and access to education for all, without any discrimination. Over the last fifteen years, the Republic of Serbia has guaranteed the equal right to education and access to education for all and everyone, without discrimination and exclusion by the relevant laws and regulations, which is a necessary, but insufficient condition for the implementation of inclusive education. The success of educational inclusion implies other factors as well, such as changes in the people's awareness, and related practical steps of all relevant actors: governments and local authorities, local communities, teachers, parents, peers from the regular population. The key outstanding issues are the following: How to exercise the proclaimed right? How to make inclusive education a reality? How to reach the set objective, which implies that all the children get involved and participate in the school life, are educated together and treated equally? In an effort to contribute in searching for the answers to the mentioned questions, teachers and associates from the Department of Pedagogy, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Novi Sad, implemented the long-term research (2011-2015) within the project "Inclusive Education: From Pedagogical Concepts to Practice". The central part of the paper describes and analyzes preliminary results of the research on the teachers' attitudes towards the inclusion of children with developmental disabilities into regular educational groups or school classes. Besides indicating gradual positive changes in their attitudes, and strengthening motivation for professional development in the field of educational inclusion, still there is presence of particular prejudice, certain resistance, and lack of information on inclusion, despite increasing the number of professional developmental programs and various teaching subjects at all levels of studies at universities in Serbia, which prepare future teachers. Based on the obtained results, it has been concluded that there are grounds for cautious optimism, as follows: in the Republic of Serbia there have been achieved visible, significant initial results and identified challenges and obstacles in practice of inclusive education which has yet to be overcome.


The social context of the contemporary education process has significantly changed in last years.... more The social context of the contemporary education process has significantly changed in last years. Technological development, orientation on educational outcomes, inclusiveness, flexibility, fairness and accessibility of education, led to changes in the educational goals, the way of teaching, which requires the enrichment of traditional professional roles and development of the teacher's competences. Teachers today are expected not only to create (plan, implement and evaluate) the academic, social and physical environment of teaching and learning, but also to adapt it to the diverse individual characteristics and needs of students. In contemporary pedagogical theory, the teacher is positioned as a main factor of an inclusive holistic concept of education, whose professional development is increasingly moving from the subject-content, to the interaction-communication dimension of the teaching process [1]. This change implies the development of competencies for supporting student development, then, communication competences, competencies for collaboration, teamwork, continuous learning and reflection of one's own practice, but it also raises the question of the teacher's ability to respond to these demands.


The current reform processes of modern school systems have been going on for decades with the aim... more The current reform processes of modern school systems have been going on for decades with the aim of implementing inclusive education. Accordingly, modern pedeutological research in recent decades has focused on the study and modeling of the system of professional development of teachers. A professional development teacher represents a longterm and consistent process of developing teacher awareness of what he does, why he does it, but also identifies mechanisms by which he can improve his work and himself personally (Hargreaves & Fullan, 1992; Day, 1999; Kostović, 2003). In this continuous process of development, from primary education and throughout the working life, professional development is a way through which teachers improve their work, progress and expand their roles in the modern school. Professional development in work is seen as a complex, continuous process of acquisition, enrichment and systematic adoption of new knowledge, skills and necessities necessary for the realization of increasingly complex teaching roles. The aim of this paper is to look at the dominant characteristics of professional development (teacher preferences, diversity and representation of certain forms of professional development) from the perspective of teachers themselves. The sample consists of 265 primary school teachers in the Republic of Serbia, Vojvodina province. A questionnaire was constructed for the needs of the research. The results of research on the parameter of participation and experience with numerous forms of professional development show that most teachers have experience with each of the forms of professional development defined by the Rulebook on Continuing Professional Development and Advancement as Teachers, Educators and Professional Associates in the Republic of Serbia (Sl. Glasnik RS, No. 48/2018). The ranking of the prevalence of forms of professional development of teachers in the sample shows that the most common forms are: participation in current school projects and seminars. In assessing the usefulness of certain forms of professional development, all forms are generally highly rated. Teachers, however, find it somewhat more useful to take forms of training with a dominant practical dimension: consultation, exchange of experience or solving current problems with colleagues; attendance at demonstration classes of colleagues and professional and study visits to schools. The final part of the paper emphasizes the importance of the obtained results in the context of contributing to a more purposeful and efficient system of professional development of teachers, its adaptation and revision according to the needs of teachers and achieving quality education for all children.

Research paper thumbnail of Horizontalno učenje: izazovi za promene u profesionalnom razvoju nastavnika i vaspitača

Društvene i humanističke studije (DHS), 2023

Isidora Korać, Jelena Đermanov HORIZONTALNO UČENJE: IZAZOVI ZA PROMENE UPROFESIONALNOM RAZVOJU N... more Isidora Korać, Jelena Đermanov
Autorke u radu polaze od stava da horizontalno učenje podrazumeva refleksivni dijalog učesnikau procesu u čenja u okviru profesionalnog razvoja nastavnika i vaspita ča, kritičko ispitivanje,sagledavanje i razumevanje teorije i prakse iz različitih perspektiva, građenje zajedničkih znanja,umenja i vrednosti na osnovu kojih se mogu planirati i realizovati potrebne promene u samojpraksi. Nalazi niza istraživanja ukazuju da je horizontalno učenje, i pored prepoznate dobrobitiod strane u česnika procesa, i dalje slabo zastupljeno u praksi. Cilj istraživanja je usmeren nasagledavanje činilaca koji, po uverenju nastavnika i vaspita ča, negativno uti ču na njihovumotivisanost za u češće u horizontalnom u čenju i na analizu njihovih predloga o na činima nakoji bi se postojeći problemi i teškoće u aktuelnoj praksi u Republici Srbiji horizontalnog učenjamogli prevazići. Uzorak istraživanja obuhvatio je vaspita če, nastavnike predmetne i razrednenastave zaposlene u ustanovama iz više gradova u Republici Srbiji. U istraživanju je primenjenje kombinovani metod. Za potrebe kvantitativnog dela istraživanja konstruisan je upitnik(N=330), dok je kvalitativni deo istraživanja realizovan putem polustrukturisanog intervjua(N=30). Na osnovu dobijenih nalaza istraživanja možemo zaključiti da je nepovoljno socijalnookruženje za učenje dominantan faktor koji determiniše motivisanost nastavnika i vaspitača zaparticipaciju u aktivnostima horizontalnog učenja. U vezi sa tim, nalazi istraživanja ukazuju davišim nivoom podrške horizontalnom učenju u ustanovama u kojima su ispitanici zaposleni rastei njihova motivacija za u češće u aktivnostima horizontalnog u čenja. Nastavnici i vaspita čiprepoznaju direktora ustanove kao lidera promena i razvoja ustanove, ali i menadžera kojiobezbeđuje uslove za realizaciju horizontalnog u čenja. Nalazi istraživanja i zaklju čna raz-matranja daju doprinos mapiranju aktuelne prakse i potpunijem razumevanju procesa horizontalnog u čenja, te pružaju osnovu za kreiranje budu ćih politika profesionalnog razojazaposlenih u obrazovanju.
Ključne reči: horizontalno u čenje; profesionalne zajednice u čenja; profesionalni razvoj;nastavnici; vaspitači



New technologies, combining aspects of communication through mass media and direct " face to face... more New technologies, combining aspects of communication through mass media and direct " face to face " interaction, have brought new challenges to the theory of communication (and to human existence in general). The attempts to synthesize and classify visions of many theorists according to the dominant principles of their paradigms result in two respectable groups of claims, which could also be expressed by the two perspectives: utopian and dystopic. One of the most relevant issues in the discourse of these perspectives and different scientific disciplines is how the potential of new technologies is used for the development of abilities, knowledge and skills necessary for full participation in contemporary society. Following this question, the paper first analyzes the impact of developments in technology and communication on the transformation of social practices, which, in addition to undoubted high advantages, has its weaknesses. In the second part of the paper, the implications of new information and communication practices for the existing education concept are derived. As literacy is one of the key outcomes of the educational process and as it can be defined as generic communicative competence, the need to 710 expand the concept of literacy in a time of expansion of ICT is understandable. The authors conclude that, for a successful and quality life in today's global and digital society, we need a wide range of skills-the new forms of literacy that enable effective communication and participation in the new e-culture.

Research paper thumbnail of Towards a humane school in modern knowledge society: Antique guidelines

Zbornik Matice srpske za drustvene nauke, 2012

Ма р а Ђ у к и ћ и Је л е н а Ђ е рм а н о в КА ХУМАНОЈ ШКОЛИ У САВРЕМЕНОМ ДРУШТВУ ЗНАЊА: АНТИЧКИ... more Ма р а Ђ у к и ћ и Је л е н а Ђ е рм а н о в КА ХУМАНОЈ ШКОЛИ У САВРЕМЕНОМ ДРУШТВУ ЗНАЊА: АНТИЧКИ ПУТОКАЗИ САЖЕТАК: У чланку се, с педагошког становишта, разматра концепт хумане школе у контексту савремног друштва знања. Аутори посебно указују на то да своје право значење и одговарајући значај, као и пуни педагошки потенцијал, друштво знања добија тек кад се дефинише на којим вредностима је утемељено и какву врсту знања подразумева. Разматрају се основна обележја хумане школе, објашњава њихова међузависност и са гледавају крупни парадокси који се у вези с тим јављају.

Research paper thumbnail of 2. Nove medijske tehnologije i društveno-obrazovne promene/New digital technologies and socio-educational educational changes

Book of Abstracts …

In this paper contemporary social context of “information society” is being observed as macro-ped... more In this paper contemporary social context of “information society” is being observed as macro-pedagogical framework for changes in education. Implications of the exponential development of information and communication technologies are being analyzed in ...

Research paper thumbnail of Komunikacija-aktuelni problemi proučavanja u društveno-humanističkim naukama

… Filozofskog fakulteta, Novi …, Jan 1, 1998

Polazeći od različitih naučnih disciplina za koje je fenomen komunikacije relevantno područje ist... more Polazeći od različitih naučnih disciplina za koje je fenomen komunikacije relevantno područje istraživanja, u radu se razmatra fenomen komunikacije njegovo poreklo, određenje i značaj za čoveka, posebno u uslovima razvoja savremene komunikacione tehnologije. ...

Research paper thumbnail of Obrazovanje kao predmet proučavanja društveno-humanističkih nauka

Research paper thumbnail of School as a factor in developing pupil's interests

Pedagoška stvarnost, Jan 1, 2003

Research paper thumbnail of Theoretically-methodological problems in the study of socialization of the gifted

Godišnjak Filozofskog fakulteta, Novi …, Jan 1, 1996

The broader referent framework of the theme represents the relationship of intellectual developme... more The broader referent framework of the theme represents the relationship of intellectual development, intellectual capacities an social behavior, and the narrower is socialization of the gifted. In the framework of the socialization of the gifted a special attention is paid to ...

Research paper thumbnail of Preopterećenost učenika osnovne škole

Conference Presentations by Jelena Djermanov


Gender identity, the degree to which an individual identifies with masculine and feminine persona... more Gender identity, the degree to which an individual identifies with masculine and feminine personality traits [1], is an inherent characteristic of each individual. Education, as a process that covers two entirely distinct, and equally necessary, processes-socialization and individualization [2], should consciously and deliberately plan, evaluate and continuously improve the way it observes this aspect. Education influences both personal and communal understanding of gender as it sends messages about the gender, implicitly or explicitly, deliberately or unintentionally. It is a context where gender discrimination can be recognized, analysed and discouraged by promoting and practicing gender equality, or it can be neglected and strengthened by reflecting the oppressive ideas of the society. Education process is fundamentally based on needs and traits of its participants, especially as individualization has become one of the principles of best practice for 21st Century Education [3], [4]. There is a noteworthy increase in gender equality research concerning: curriculum, administration, instruction and educational outcomes [5]. Contemporary educational policies in Europe, especially those created by the European Union, extensively include gender equality as one of their aims and develop indicators that can provide information about the level of its achievement in education. This paper analyses the recommended indicators through the prism of gender equality rights in education as they are described by Wilson [6]: the right to education [access and participation], rights within education [gender-aware educational environments, processes, and outcomes], and rights through education [meaningful education outcomes that link education equality with wider processes of gender justice] (as cited in [7]). The indicators are also compared with children's rights to education presented in United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child as classified by Verhellen [8]: rights not only to, but also rights in and through education, with aim to analyse if the sets of proposed indicators can cover all aspects. With awareness of the complexity and difficulties that follow the task of defining indicators that can cover all mentioned aspects, it is argued that most of the documents are focused on more quantitative aspects of evaluation and therefore cover mostly the first aspect – right to access and participation, and suggested that more attention should be devoted to other aspects-environments, processes and outcomes. In the final part of this paper, as a contribution to the affirmation of systematic and holistic approach to the evaluation of gender equality in education, a set of principles and a list of indicators that can be applied for exploring and understanding gender in education and for measuring the level of achieved gender equality are recommended. It is concluded that in order to get " the whole picture " it is necessary not only to operationalize existing and develop new indicators, but also to connect the advantages of quantitative and qualitative approach in this field in a complementary way. Reference: The paper is a result of a study within a project " The quality of educational system in Serbia from the European perspective " (KOSSEP) supported by Ministry of Science of the Republic of Serbia [OI/ 179010/ 2011-2014]

Research paper thumbnail of Students' emotional literacy in the discourse of the contemporary school in Serbia

International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Primary school and preschool teacher motivation for horizontal learning: the challenge and perspective of the professional learning communities development

Research paper thumbnail of Stavovi Učenika Nižih Razreda O Osobinama Svojih Učitelja

Zbornik Odseka za pedagogiju, Nov 17, 2021

Učitelj je ključni faktor uspešnosti promena u vaspitno-obrazovnom radu. Da bi došlo do željene p... more Učitelj je ključni faktor uspešnosti promena u vaspitno-obrazovnom radu. Da bi došlo do željene promene, učitelju/nastavniku su potrebna mišljenja učenika o njegovim osobinama. Ovaj rad prikazuje rezultate empirijskog istraživanje na uzorku od 185 učenika drugog, trećeg, četvrtog i petog razreda, čiji je cilj ispitivanje razlika u stavovima učenika o osobinama svojih učitelja. Model osobina nastavnika koji smo koristili u istraživanju razvio je Nenad Suzić, a to su odnos prema učenicima i nastavi, stil i način rada u nastavi i nastavnik kao ličnost. Ključne reči: osobine, učenici, učitelj UVOD Nastavnik, odnosno učitelj jedan je od najznačajnijih činilaca uspešnosti nastave i obrazovanja. Interesovanje istraživača za osobine nastavnika bilo je prvobitno podstaknuto namerom da se prepoznaju razlike između uspešnih i manje uspešnih nastavnika (Đigić, 2017: 22), da bi se istraživanja sa identifikovanja osobina, ubrzo proširila na relacije, činioce i pokazatelje kvaliteta, efektivnosti i efikasnosti nastavnika i nastave.

Research paper thumbnail of The Gender Dimension in Teacher Education Programs in Serbia

Research paper thumbnail of Horizontal learning and management: Internal potential for developing school into learning community

Inovacije u nastavi

In this paper, teachers' horizontal learning is discussed from the perspective of creating a ... more In this paper, teachers' horizontal learning is discussed from the perspective of creating a stimulating environment for its implementation. The questions of the role and competence of the school principal in that process have been analyzed, as well as the questions of whether and how the school can develop into a learning community by means of teachers' joint collaborative learning. In the main part of the paper, we point out the importance of the systemic approach in understanding the interdependence of individual and organizational learning processes within the school, as well as the key influence of the principal in modeling these processes in the transformation of the school into a learning community. The conclusion is that the complexity of organizational processes aimed at improving quality, which in the school context are much easier to prevent than to start and manage them, implies the appropriate competencies of the principal as a leader and/or manager.


The paper presents initial results of the research on the project: "Inclusive Education: From Ped... more The paper presents initial results of the research on the project: "Inclusive Education: From Pedagogical Concepts to Practice", which is partially funded by the Secretariat for Science and Technological Development of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina. Today, in the global and planetary level, there is a quite obvious impact of the social inclusion, as a leading idea of a contemporary democratic society, on the pedagogical theory and practice in terms of starting orientation and key guidelines of both pedagogical reflection and educational activities. In the scientific-theoretical discourse, such an influence results in the pedagogy of diversities, which basic postulate is that every child can and should learn based on his/her individual capacities and needs, in his/her natural environment, together with other children in the respective inclusive context. In practice, every specific society identifies and tracks changes in education policy through the adoption of new legislation, as well as through the application of pedagogical innovations and creation and other presumptions in order to have as complete implementation of the educational inclusion as possible, i.e. to provide implementation of the right to education and access to education for all, without any discrimination. Over the last fifteen years, the Republic of Serbia has guaranteed the equal right to education and access to education for all and everyone, without discrimination and exclusion by the relevant laws and regulations, which is a necessary, but insufficient condition for the implementation of inclusive education. The success of educational inclusion implies other factors as well, such as changes in the people's awareness, and related practical steps of all relevant actors: governments and local authorities, local communities, teachers, parents, peers from the regular population. The key outstanding issues are the following: How to exercise the proclaimed right? How to make inclusive education a reality? How to reach the set objective, which implies that all the children get involved and participate in the school life, are educated together and treated equally? In an effort to contribute in searching for the answers to the mentioned questions, teachers and associates from the Department of Pedagogy, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Novi Sad, implemented the long-term research (2011-2015) within the project "Inclusive Education: From Pedagogical Concepts to Practice". The central part of the paper describes and analyzes preliminary results of the research on the teachers' attitudes towards the inclusion of children with developmental disabilities into regular educational groups or school classes. Besides indicating gradual positive changes in their attitudes, and strengthening motivation for professional development in the field of educational inclusion, still there is presence of particular prejudice, certain resistance, and lack of information on inclusion, despite increasing the number of professional developmental programs and various teaching subjects at all levels of studies at universities in Serbia, which prepare future teachers. Based on the obtained results, it has been concluded that there are grounds for cautious optimism, as follows: in the Republic of Serbia there have been achieved visible, significant initial results and identified challenges and obstacles in practice of inclusive education which has yet to be overcome.


The social context of the contemporary education process has significantly changed in last years.... more The social context of the contemporary education process has significantly changed in last years. Technological development, orientation on educational outcomes, inclusiveness, flexibility, fairness and accessibility of education, led to changes in the educational goals, the way of teaching, which requires the enrichment of traditional professional roles and development of the teacher's competences. Teachers today are expected not only to create (plan, implement and evaluate) the academic, social and physical environment of teaching and learning, but also to adapt it to the diverse individual characteristics and needs of students. In contemporary pedagogical theory, the teacher is positioned as a main factor of an inclusive holistic concept of education, whose professional development is increasingly moving from the subject-content, to the interaction-communication dimension of the teaching process [1]. This change implies the development of competencies for supporting student development, then, communication competences, competencies for collaboration, teamwork, continuous learning and reflection of one's own practice, but it also raises the question of the teacher's ability to respond to these demands.


The current reform processes of modern school systems have been going on for decades with the aim... more The current reform processes of modern school systems have been going on for decades with the aim of implementing inclusive education. Accordingly, modern pedeutological research in recent decades has focused on the study and modeling of the system of professional development of teachers. A professional development teacher represents a longterm and consistent process of developing teacher awareness of what he does, why he does it, but also identifies mechanisms by which he can improve his work and himself personally (Hargreaves & Fullan, 1992; Day, 1999; Kostović, 2003). In this continuous process of development, from primary education and throughout the working life, professional development is a way through which teachers improve their work, progress and expand their roles in the modern school. Professional development in work is seen as a complex, continuous process of acquisition, enrichment and systematic adoption of new knowledge, skills and necessities necessary for the realization of increasingly complex teaching roles. The aim of this paper is to look at the dominant characteristics of professional development (teacher preferences, diversity and representation of certain forms of professional development) from the perspective of teachers themselves. The sample consists of 265 primary school teachers in the Republic of Serbia, Vojvodina province. A questionnaire was constructed for the needs of the research. The results of research on the parameter of participation and experience with numerous forms of professional development show that most teachers have experience with each of the forms of professional development defined by the Rulebook on Continuing Professional Development and Advancement as Teachers, Educators and Professional Associates in the Republic of Serbia (Sl. Glasnik RS, No. 48/2018). The ranking of the prevalence of forms of professional development of teachers in the sample shows that the most common forms are: participation in current school projects and seminars. In assessing the usefulness of certain forms of professional development, all forms are generally highly rated. Teachers, however, find it somewhat more useful to take forms of training with a dominant practical dimension: consultation, exchange of experience or solving current problems with colleagues; attendance at demonstration classes of colleagues and professional and study visits to schools. The final part of the paper emphasizes the importance of the obtained results in the context of contributing to a more purposeful and efficient system of professional development of teachers, its adaptation and revision according to the needs of teachers and achieving quality education for all children.

Research paper thumbnail of Horizontalno učenje: izazovi za promene u profesionalnom razvoju nastavnika i vaspitača

Društvene i humanističke studije (DHS), 2023

Isidora Korać, Jelena Đermanov HORIZONTALNO UČENJE: IZAZOVI ZA PROMENE UPROFESIONALNOM RAZVOJU N... more Isidora Korać, Jelena Đermanov
Autorke u radu polaze od stava da horizontalno učenje podrazumeva refleksivni dijalog učesnikau procesu u čenja u okviru profesionalnog razvoja nastavnika i vaspita ča, kritičko ispitivanje,sagledavanje i razumevanje teorije i prakse iz različitih perspektiva, građenje zajedničkih znanja,umenja i vrednosti na osnovu kojih se mogu planirati i realizovati potrebne promene u samojpraksi. Nalazi niza istraživanja ukazuju da je horizontalno učenje, i pored prepoznate dobrobitiod strane u česnika procesa, i dalje slabo zastupljeno u praksi. Cilj istraživanja je usmeren nasagledavanje činilaca koji, po uverenju nastavnika i vaspita ča, negativno uti ču na njihovumotivisanost za u češće u horizontalnom u čenju i na analizu njihovih predloga o na činima nakoji bi se postojeći problemi i teškoće u aktuelnoj praksi u Republici Srbiji horizontalnog učenjamogli prevazići. Uzorak istraživanja obuhvatio je vaspita če, nastavnike predmetne i razrednenastave zaposlene u ustanovama iz više gradova u Republici Srbiji. U istraživanju je primenjenje kombinovani metod. Za potrebe kvantitativnog dela istraživanja konstruisan je upitnik(N=330), dok je kvalitativni deo istraživanja realizovan putem polustrukturisanog intervjua(N=30). Na osnovu dobijenih nalaza istraživanja možemo zaključiti da je nepovoljno socijalnookruženje za učenje dominantan faktor koji determiniše motivisanost nastavnika i vaspitača zaparticipaciju u aktivnostima horizontalnog učenja. U vezi sa tim, nalazi istraživanja ukazuju davišim nivoom podrške horizontalnom učenju u ustanovama u kojima su ispitanici zaposleni rastei njihova motivacija za u češće u aktivnostima horizontalnog u čenja. Nastavnici i vaspita čiprepoznaju direktora ustanove kao lidera promena i razvoja ustanove, ali i menadžera kojiobezbeđuje uslove za realizaciju horizontalnog u čenja. Nalazi istraživanja i zaklju čna raz-matranja daju doprinos mapiranju aktuelne prakse i potpunijem razumevanju procesa horizontalnog u čenja, te pružaju osnovu za kreiranje budu ćih politika profesionalnog razojazaposlenih u obrazovanju.
Ključne reči: horizontalno u čenje; profesionalne zajednice u čenja; profesionalni razvoj;nastavnici; vaspitači



New technologies, combining aspects of communication through mass media and direct " face to face... more New technologies, combining aspects of communication through mass media and direct " face to face " interaction, have brought new challenges to the theory of communication (and to human existence in general). The attempts to synthesize and classify visions of many theorists according to the dominant principles of their paradigms result in two respectable groups of claims, which could also be expressed by the two perspectives: utopian and dystopic. One of the most relevant issues in the discourse of these perspectives and different scientific disciplines is how the potential of new technologies is used for the development of abilities, knowledge and skills necessary for full participation in contemporary society. Following this question, the paper first analyzes the impact of developments in technology and communication on the transformation of social practices, which, in addition to undoubted high advantages, has its weaknesses. In the second part of the paper, the implications of new information and communication practices for the existing education concept are derived. As literacy is one of the key outcomes of the educational process and as it can be defined as generic communicative competence, the need to 710 expand the concept of literacy in a time of expansion of ICT is understandable. The authors conclude that, for a successful and quality life in today's global and digital society, we need a wide range of skills-the new forms of literacy that enable effective communication and participation in the new e-culture.

Research paper thumbnail of Towards a humane school in modern knowledge society: Antique guidelines

Zbornik Matice srpske za drustvene nauke, 2012

Ма р а Ђ у к и ћ и Је л е н а Ђ е рм а н о в КА ХУМАНОЈ ШКОЛИ У САВРЕМЕНОМ ДРУШТВУ ЗНАЊА: АНТИЧКИ... more Ма р а Ђ у к и ћ и Је л е н а Ђ е рм а н о в КА ХУМАНОЈ ШКОЛИ У САВРЕМЕНОМ ДРУШТВУ ЗНАЊА: АНТИЧКИ ПУТОКАЗИ САЖЕТАК: У чланку се, с педагошког становишта, разматра концепт хумане школе у контексту савремног друштва знања. Аутори посебно указују на то да своје право значење и одговарајући значај, као и пуни педагошки потенцијал, друштво знања добија тек кад се дефинише на којим вредностима је утемељено и какву врсту знања подразумева. Разматрају се основна обележја хумане школе, објашњава њихова међузависност и са гледавају крупни парадокси који се у вези с тим јављају.

Research paper thumbnail of 2. Nove medijske tehnologije i društveno-obrazovne promene/New digital technologies and socio-educational educational changes

Book of Abstracts …

In this paper contemporary social context of “information society” is being observed as macro-ped... more In this paper contemporary social context of “information society” is being observed as macro-pedagogical framework for changes in education. Implications of the exponential development of information and communication technologies are being analyzed in ...

Research paper thumbnail of Komunikacija-aktuelni problemi proučavanja u društveno-humanističkim naukama

… Filozofskog fakulteta, Novi …, Jan 1, 1998

Polazeći od različitih naučnih disciplina za koje je fenomen komunikacije relevantno područje ist... more Polazeći od različitih naučnih disciplina za koje je fenomen komunikacije relevantno područje istraživanja, u radu se razmatra fenomen komunikacije njegovo poreklo, određenje i značaj za čoveka, posebno u uslovima razvoja savremene komunikacione tehnologije. ...

Research paper thumbnail of Obrazovanje kao predmet proučavanja društveno-humanističkih nauka

Research paper thumbnail of School as a factor in developing pupil's interests

Pedagoška stvarnost, Jan 1, 2003

Research paper thumbnail of Theoretically-methodological problems in the study of socialization of the gifted

Godišnjak Filozofskog fakulteta, Novi …, Jan 1, 1996

The broader referent framework of the theme represents the relationship of intellectual developme... more The broader referent framework of the theme represents the relationship of intellectual development, intellectual capacities an social behavior, and the narrower is socialization of the gifted. In the framework of the socialization of the gifted a special attention is paid to ...

Research paper thumbnail of Preopterećenost učenika osnovne škole


Gender identity, the degree to which an individual identifies with masculine and feminine persona... more Gender identity, the degree to which an individual identifies with masculine and feminine personality traits [1], is an inherent characteristic of each individual. Education, as a process that covers two entirely distinct, and equally necessary, processes-socialization and individualization [2], should consciously and deliberately plan, evaluate and continuously improve the way it observes this aspect. Education influences both personal and communal understanding of gender as it sends messages about the gender, implicitly or explicitly, deliberately or unintentionally. It is a context where gender discrimination can be recognized, analysed and discouraged by promoting and practicing gender equality, or it can be neglected and strengthened by reflecting the oppressive ideas of the society. Education process is fundamentally based on needs and traits of its participants, especially as individualization has become one of the principles of best practice for 21st Century Education [3], [4]. There is a noteworthy increase in gender equality research concerning: curriculum, administration, instruction and educational outcomes [5]. Contemporary educational policies in Europe, especially those created by the European Union, extensively include gender equality as one of their aims and develop indicators that can provide information about the level of its achievement in education. This paper analyses the recommended indicators through the prism of gender equality rights in education as they are described by Wilson [6]: the right to education [access and participation], rights within education [gender-aware educational environments, processes, and outcomes], and rights through education [meaningful education outcomes that link education equality with wider processes of gender justice] (as cited in [7]). The indicators are also compared with children's rights to education presented in United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child as classified by Verhellen [8]: rights not only to, but also rights in and through education, with aim to analyse if the sets of proposed indicators can cover all aspects. With awareness of the complexity and difficulties that follow the task of defining indicators that can cover all mentioned aspects, it is argued that most of the documents are focused on more quantitative aspects of evaluation and therefore cover mostly the first aspect – right to access and participation, and suggested that more attention should be devoted to other aspects-environments, processes and outcomes. In the final part of this paper, as a contribution to the affirmation of systematic and holistic approach to the evaluation of gender equality in education, a set of principles and a list of indicators that can be applied for exploring and understanding gender in education and for measuring the level of achieved gender equality are recommended. It is concluded that in order to get " the whole picture " it is necessary not only to operationalize existing and develop new indicators, but also to connect the advantages of quantitative and qualitative approach in this field in a complementary way. Reference: The paper is a result of a study within a project " The quality of educational system in Serbia from the European perspective " (KOSSEP) supported by Ministry of Science of the Republic of Serbia [OI/ 179010/ 2011-2014]